#llayan wolf
tsyllaes · 3 months
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Canines don't technically exist in this world, because I~ am not a dog person. The Llayan wolf is a Tasmanian tiger with the big ears, floofy tail and gorgeous markings of an African wild dog. It's still a marsupial, so has the pouch and the weird back legs and HUGE jaw of a Tassie tiger, and not technically a dog. Aside from the appearance and the pouch, though, the Llayan wolf functions like African wild dogs, living in big packs with strong social bonds.
They have been domesticated, but they still need to keep their big packs so it's really only in castles with room to keep enough to keep them happy. They're kept as hunting dogs rather than as pets.
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tsyllaes · 3 months
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I know I've been doing oils for the other religious art, but I just wanted to draw the Llayan horoscopes in medieval style because it amuses me =3 The basis for the signs came from three sets of opposite character traits: extrovert/introvert, relaxed/alert and cautious/impulsive, then mixing and matching those to create the eight unique signs and matching a creature to them. Extra flavour then just comes from how the creature itself behaves in the wild.
Llayans also believe in reincarnation, and the sign you are in this life indicates what animal you'll be reborn as in your next. This conveniently explains away why your personality may not perfectly match your sign, cos it just means you were a different animal in your past life.
MEERKAT | Early Summer Extrovert, alert, cautious Meerkats are extremely family-oriented, often having large families and many children, because they love children. They can tend towards anxiety, when the alert and cautious interact a bit too strongly, but they're always willing to help and always putting others before themselves.
SNAKE | Late Summer Introvert, alert, cautious Snakes tend to be quiet and patient people, but will strike with enough provocation. They like their alone time and, in bigger groups of people, tend to sit and listen rather than participate in conversation. Mithé is a snek.
GRIFFIN | Early Autumn Extrovert, relaxed, impulsive Griffins are extremely loyal to their friends often to the point of being blind to their faults. They can be a little naïve but mostly they're just awesome friends to have. Lynnlita is a griffin.
WOLF | Late Autumn Extrovert, relaxed, cautious Very strong family bonds, strong loyalty to friends, optimistic and probably a bit too naïve and trusting, possibly to the point of being outright stupid but they're loveable idiots.
BAT | Early Winter Introvert, alert, impulsive Bats live the night life, sleeping in late and staying up into the night. They can feel a little distant on first meeting and it can take a while for them to open up, but once they do you'll feel special to be in their inner circle. Bats are homebodies and often have lovely homes.
LEOPARD | Late Winter Introvert, relaxed, cautious Leopards don't waste their words, they're quiet but when they speak they're worth listening to. They have phenomenal patience, but once it wears thin you'll want to get out of their way. Also brilliant hunters, whatever context that means in people. The twins are leopards.
HUMMINGBIRD | Early Spring Extrovert, alert, impulsive Hummingbirds are always on the go and find it hard to sit still or relax. They love being in nature, often having jobs in the garden or floristry or something. They like shiny things =3 Assili is a hummingbird.
RIGAFFE | Late Spring Introvert, relaxed, impulsive Rigaffes tend to be friends with everyone wherever they go, but very rarely on a deep level as they don't like sharing. They're social butterflies. They will always try their hardest to be the absolute best and can be perfectionists and, if they get it right, they will absolutely lord it over you. Nol is a rigaffe.
DRAGON | Equinox and Solstice Personality a combination of the signs on either side of the solstice Dragons are seen as the particularly auspicious sign. Those born on a full moon are silver dragons, and a golden dragon is born on a golden full moon, an extremely rare event. Lynnlita's eldest sister, Evelandel, was born under a golden dragon. She was adopted into the royal family because of this and, as the eldest, is next in line to the throne.
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