#little space tips
My #1 Tip for Regressors!
So, I highly recommend this for any age regressors/dreamers, ESPECIALLY those of us who struggle to stay in headspace.
Nesting is a process common in neurodivergents, but basically it’s when you gather all the things you might need for an extended period of time (eg, phone, snacks, drink, tv remote, etc [more examples below]) and put it all in one place. Yeah, you’ll probably have several activities there, and you won’t use them all at once. But the point is that you won’t have to get up and disrupt your regression.
Some more examples of things you might have in your nest are:
Stuffed animals and other toys
Coloring book/sketch book/journal
Crayons/markers/colored pencils
TV remote
Game controller/hand held console with your preferred game already inserted
Pacifer, teethers, etc
iPad, laptop, phone
Food and drinks
You can put whatever you want in your nest, whatever makes you happy and occupied! Feel free to add suggestions in the comments too!
I also recommend getting your PJs on, charging your devices, taking your medications, using the bathroom, and finding someplace comfortable to settle before nesting. That will ensure maximum comfort!
I hope this helps some of you, it”s one of the best ways for me to stay in my regression (especially since I don’t have a Cg.). Happy regressing!
-Marty 🧡
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Little Space Shows
• Bluey
• Winnie The Pooh
• Sofia The First
• Mickey Mouse Club House
• Doc McStuffins
• Bear in the Big Blue House
• Imagination Movers
• SpongeBob
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space-station-nursery · 7 months
𑁯ᰍChild-safe movies to watch this Halloween!ꕀꕀ
Pooh's heffalump movie Monsters inc Monsters university Coco It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown Muppets haunted mansion Pooh’s Heffalump Halloween Movie
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Casper Frankenweenie Mickey's house of villains Spooky buddies Any Scooby-doo Halloween episode Hotel Transylvania Where the wild things are
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Nightmare before Christmas Corpse Bride Hocus Pocus The witches Coraline Paranorman Spiderwick DreamWorks spooky stories
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The labyrinth The Dark Crystal Spirited away Monster house Beetlejuice Ghostbusters Gremlins
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warmmilku · 5 months
Discreet Regressor Gear 🍁
🍂 Comfortable onesies with discreet designs
🍁 Undergarments with cute designs
🍂 Clothing with subtle agere themes (bluey, spongebob, kirby, etc.)
🍁 Small-sized pacifiers easy to hide around the room
🍂 Portable and foldable snack containers
🍁 Cute smaller water bottles to take on the go (zak!, ello, contigo, etc.)
🍂 Quiet and inconspicuous fidget toys
🍁 Neutral-colored age-regression accessories (bracelets, kandi, hair clips,etc.)
🍂 Compact and travel-friendly stuffies like backpack clips
🍁 Subtle, non-childish patterns on blankets and soft toys
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kitkio · 11 months
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Caregiver Tips : BedTime ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁
Create a Schedule!!
Schedules can be very helpful for little ones to get into and say in the groove of bedtime. It can also be helpful if you find yourself not know what to do most night.
Creating an actual Bed-time for bedtime is something I consider important. It doesn’t have to be strict nor does it have to be required though setting a structured though flexible time for your little to head to bed is a good idea !
I don’t suggest any times past 11:00pm though that’s up for you and your little to decide.
A few ideas for Bedtime,
Bath Before Bed ! Not only do baths help to stay clean but it can also be a fun, calming time for little ones
Bed Time Snack. In my personal experience bedtime snacks can be very helpful. Nothing too big because you don’t want the little one to have an upset stomach ! ( You can also treat the snack like a little reward before bed )
StoryTime. You can pick up a nice child friendly book to read your little one to sleep. It’s a safe, calming, and enjoyable activity before bed.
Situational Advice !
Your little woke up from a nightmare ? That can be quite scary for them.
Don’t get upset with your little for being awake. This should be obvious but getting upset with a little for something like this isn’t okay and will only make the situation harder for both of you.
If they’re feeling up to it take a moment to talk about the nightmare with them, get some water, overall show them that they’re safe with you.
Pouty Little having a tantrum at bedtime
Check in to see if there’s any specific reason for it. Wether it’s about being hungry, hurt, or just not wanting to go to bed the reason can be very helpful.
Ease the little to bed. Maybe put on some calming music or a show you think your little could relax while watching.
Explain to them why sleep is important, that you care about them and why you want them to go to sleep in a way they’ll understand.
Different things work for different people and that works the same with littles. If this stuff doesn’t work or you feel they’re better ways to do it for your situation than go ahead !
DNI: NSFW, NonSfw Agere, DDLG, Ageplay, Anti-Agere, Anti-Petre.
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puppys-tiny-space · 4 months
🩷stuff that makes me slip into littlespace 🩷
🧁When dd helps me get dressed, getting dressed is hard and when dd helps me it makes me feel so bitty bitty and happy🧁
🧃Being told I'm too little for something, especially when my carer does it when I'm trying to do a big boy task🧃
🍬Having rules in place, I like having rules for self care like a bed screen time, sugar limit and spending limits, it helps me take care of myself and be tiny🍬
🍼When mama holds my hand, this only makes me little when we are outside and Mama says it's so I don't run off or when we are at the street to keep me safe🍼
🧁When dada asks me to color something, I love making pictures for dada and if I know he's looking forward to it it's even better🧁
🧃Having to ask permission, when I want to buy something bigger for little me I have to ask daddy if I can cuz I tend to impulse buy, that helps me lots and makes me feel teeny tiny smol🧃
🍬Talking with my friends, when I talk with my kiddo friends I often feel little, they are all so cute and make me so happy happy happy🍬
🍼Teeny clothes, wearing clothes like onesies, Velcro shoes, bloomers, frilly socks and overalls makes me feel super little, especially if they are themed around one of my spins🍼
🧁Having baby tasks, when baba gives me tasks like work sheets, easy chores or similar it makes me all excited and little, I'm so happy when I get to be a productive baby🧁
🧃Eating baby food, baby food makes me feel super small especially fruit squeezes and baby cookies, they are so yummy and sensory friendly plus the squeezes are very discreet for outside time🧃
🍬Spending time with animals, spending time around animals makes me so tiny they are so cute and there is so much to learn, plus they are sooo cuddly🍬
🍼Being baby talked to, I love it when Daddy baby talks to me, calling me nicknames, telling me how little and baby I am and how pretty I look, it makes me so happy when Daddy reminds me that I'm just his little princess🍼
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Fun fact of the day: some dinosaurs had 4 wings
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baby-puppi · 24 days
Dollar tree agere finds!
Hiya!:3 this is some stuff I've gotten myself in past for my regression too! Hopefully these help someone<3!!
Dollar tree has lots of colouring things to choose from! :3 Such as..
● Colouring books
● Crayons (and lots too!)
● Markers
● Colouring pencils
● Pens
● Pencils
● Notebooks (from big to med & small!)
𖦹 𖦹 𖦹 𖦹 𖦹 𖦹 𖦹 𖦹
● Drawing Pads
Dollar tree has alot of stuff to craft/Activity w too!:3 likeee
● White/Black empty Canvases
● Googley Eyes
● Glue/Glitter Glue
● Super Glue
● Pompoms
● Pipecleaners
● Paint (& Paint brushes)
● Activity Books
● Puzzles
● Card games!
● Stuff to colour (blank blocks, wooden boxes, etc!)
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Sippys / Bottles
I'm not too sure on this 1 with bottles! But I am 100% sure they have sippies! They're usually just 1 colour w no design tho! Some have handles, Or flip tops, and more!!
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Dollar tree has lots of snacks! Here are my fav to get..
Chochlate bars
Cheesepuff balls
Microwave Mealz
Gummies & Crackers!
𖦹 𖦹 𖦹 𖦹 𖦹 𖦹 𖦹 𖦹
I'm not sure if other stores have it but mine also has some other goodies! Like plushies, dolls, toys (barbies, cars, baby dolls, and more!), etc! That's all for tonight!!<<33
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sl33pybug1 · 3 months
Tips for when your having trouble regressing!!
Make yourself a snack!! Before trying to regress and I’m still feeling big I try to make myself something small to eat, it’s nice to have something on hand. Also having a drink in a cute water bottle or sippy/bottle
Turn on your TV!! Watching a show like my little pony, SpongeBob, or a movie (care-bears is a favorite of mine as well) and if you don’t want to watch Tv YouTube kids is great.
Art!! Whether it’s coloring, painting, or just crafting in general it helps me decompress a lot. But make sure it’s something not to complicated or something that’ll frustrate you to do. Journaling is also a good thing that lots of littles do!
Playing with toys!! I have a small Lego set that I use a lot, and fidget toys. It’s hard to get access to things sometimes especially if your not open about your regression but there are lots of cheap alternatives :)
Bubble bath!! If you have a bathtub then this one is perfect, nothing helps me feel more little then playing in the bath. Some people like toys, or bathbombs but honestly it works about the same without the fancy stuff. But make sure your bathtub is CLEAN before taking a bubble bath.
Naps!! This one really takes the cake for me. Putting on lullabies and dimming the lights while snuggling with my stuffie and soft blankets help me a lot. Sometimes if I’m having a really hard time I’ll listen to ASMR and that helps me right away most times. (ComfortAudios is amazing and everything is SFW, check out there green stories!!)
Thank you everyone!! I hope this helps:)
Link to this on my TikTok
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littlestarsky · 3 months
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Find agere friends
Bracelet to help find age regressing friends irl.
I have made this system of finding one another. We all wear bracelets similar to the ones I’m selling (look at my other posts to see all examples) then when outside you can ask “may I see your bracelet”
It’s not something that’s odd to ask and bracelets can be easily spotted so that we can all signal each other
The number letter code is how we can confirm that the person is a little/age regressor that wants friends.
I’m opening a craft shop to sell the ones I’m making and other little crafts/kits
.The bracelets are intended to be cheap and will be 2-5$ total depending on the completed bracelet.
The ones here are testing and will be sold for 2$ a piece first come first serve.
(Dm Instagram for more details link in description)
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Some Side Effects of Age Regression!
I haven’t seen people talk about the side effects of regressing. And I don’t mean the feelings of being in Little Space, such as thinking in a childish manner or needing a Caregiver, etc. I mean things I’ve experienced outside of regressing, while I’m in my Big headspace, which started when I started regressing regularly. so here’s some from my own experiences!
Better recollection of childhood
Obscure, meaningless, and/or lost memories suddenly returning
Motivated to do more than scroll through my phone at the end of the day; I’d rather color, play video games, etc
The renewed desire for EVERYTHING to go in my mouth
I’ve mostly stopped stress eating
More in tune with my day to day feelings (why does that have to sound so much and cliche)
Gender dysphoria decreases while in Little Space (I’m genderfluid)
Feeling calmer in stressful situations—most likely because I know I have a secure coping mechanism to use later
On a side note, I’d like to point out that none of these side effects are inherently negative. People who are anti-agere are so wild to me for this exact reason; CLEARLY this is benefiting me in numerous ways (beyond the fact that it just makes me feel happy and it’s fun).
So keep on having fun and coping everyone! Happy regressing!
-Marty ☺️
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salems-small-space · 2 years
✨ to all my fellow plus size regressors:
you are not any less tiny because of your weight
you are not any less baby because of your weight
you are not any less puppy because of your weight
you are not less ANYTHING because of your weight!
you are still tiny, sweet, and deserve to be loved and cared for 💕
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Welcome! This is a blog for both pet and age regressors, the other blogs I've seen have been only for age regressors so I made one for all regressors :3
Start asks with some form of "regressor culture is"
Padded regressors are aloud here!
If you send in vents pls tw them :)
Baby talk is allowed but I will translate them in post so everyone can read them properly
Sfw only! Regression is sfw!
System littles/syskids are all aloud here, if you wanna send asks feel free to use "system little" or "syskid" instead of regressor
Anons:[🐊🎀] [🗡] [🐻‍❄️]
Nsfw/kink/ddlg/abdl/petplay/all that icky stuff, pro ed/sh blogs, trans/homophobic, anti agere/petre, (pro) endo/non-traumagenic systems
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◜ ☄️𓂃 Things to do on Saturdays ‧ 🚀 ◞
⁺  ◍   .   ⁺  ☆  ⁺   .   ◍  ⁺
⧼ ☀️ ⧽ Play cutesy games like animal crossing or stardew! Maybe play some slightly bigger kid games like Minecraft and Roblox
⧼ 🌎 ⧽ Go outside! Even if its only in your yard, have some fun playing in the grass! ⧼ 🌙 ⧽ Don't like playing outside but like nature? Go out for a picnic with your friends or Significant other! ⧼ 🚀 ⧽ Take a trip to the zoo! Don't forget your camera! ⧼ ⭐ ⧽ Go see a movie at the theater! Don't have anything you like? Create a "Fake theater" at home! ⧼ 🛰️ ⧽ Spend time with your friends or Significant other. Cuddle, read, game, whatever! ⧼ ☄️ ⧽ Take a nap with your favorite stuffy ⧼ 🪐 ⧽ Have a little treat like a popsicle! Make sure to have good food too! ⧼ 🌌 ⧽ Try your hand at baking! Just make sure you're supervised ⧼ 🌙 ⧽ Go out and stargaze. If you're not somewhere where its easy for you, try to walk somewhere darker and look for constellations! ⧼ 🚀 ⧽ Put on your little cap, and draw a picture for your CG! ⧼ ⭐ ⧽ In the same thought, Try out finger painting! Just make sure its washable paint, and you're in clothes you don't mind getting messy in!
18+ Blogs|| AB!DL|| DD!LG|| Do not interact
Fact ODT: This post was written as a bubby appreciation post!
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warmmilku · 1 month
Agere Snack Ideas!
Whether you don’t know what snack to pick for today, or just want some fun future ideas, here are some of my favorite snacks to have while regressed!
🧃 Mini PB&J Sandwiches
🧃 Fruit Kabobs
🧃 Animal Crackers
🧃 Cheese and Crackers
🧃 Rainbow Goldfish
🧃 Teddy Grahams
🧃 Mini Muffins
🧃 String Cheese
🧃 Apple Slices with Caramel Dip
🧃 Pretzel Sticks
🧃 Baby Carrots with Ranch
🧃 Popcorn
🧃 Yogurt Parfaits
🧃 Rice Krispies Treats
🧃 Mini Quesadillas
🧃 Gummy Bears
🧃 Chocolate-covered Strawberries
🧃 Cucumber Slices with Cream Cheese
🧃 Mini Pizza Bagels
🧃 Trail Mix
🧃 Jello Cups
🧃 Fruit Leather
🧃 Pop Rocks
🧃 Cherry Tomatoes with Mozzarella Balls
🧃 Granola Bars
🧃 Fruit Cups
🧃 Mini Pancakes
🧃 Cereal with Milk
🧃 Cottage Cheese with Pineapple
🧃 Chocolate Milk
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kitkio · 7 months
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Are you an Agere who can’t be open or public about it?
For : Age Regressors !!
Here’s a few tips and resources for you!
First of all, remember you are valid and not being open about agere for whatever reason doesn’t make you any less of a good age regressor than others.
If you have any tips or tricks that you use feel free to share them! This community is always safe for ideas and communication.
Ways to secretly regress:
- wearing over sized or bigger clothing, it can make you feel smaller. Similar to a kid in adult clothing
- water bottles. Almost everyone uses them but it can be like a replacement for a sippy cup or bottle.
- cut your food small, it can make you feel like a kid having to make their food smaller to eat it.
- watch animated films. Many adults and teens watch animated films. So it’s something that can make you feel small without giving it away.
- fidgets. Like a mature replacement for toys, most people don’t find fidgets to just be a “kid thing”
Apps and Links :
Spotify, Apple Music, any music app —>
- You can create playlists to listen to outside of the house or around people with songs that make you feel safe or small. This is one way to regress or feel smaller without letting others know.
Video games —>
- Minecraft, Roblox, Stardew Valley, terraria
- Candy Crush, Undertale
Meet and talk to other Agere —>
- Tumblr, Discord, HeySpace (though this isn’t the safest)
- TikTok, Reddit, Pillowfort.
Always be safe!! If you believe that for any reason being open about your age regression could cause you harm I ask that you wait until you are in a safe space.
DNI: Nsfw, Nsfl, Ddlg, Kink, etc
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puppys-tiny-space · 4 months
🎃What I pack for vacation, little edition🎃
I like going on trips but it also stresses me out due to being autistic so I always take littlespace gear with me both to regress and because they are comfort items and help me regulate
🦝pacis, I always pack a few of the pacis I currently use most in a stable box so they don't break, I usually use a lunchbox for this as they don't take up much space and I have own that fits up to 3 pacis easily🦝
🦇sippy/bottle, I tend to pack one bottle or sippy as more would take up too much space but sometimes I also take two or a cool water bottle in addition to be a sneaky baby on the train🦇
🕷️coloring books, I always bring my tiny space journal with me and usually also another coloring book but usually s thin one as they aren't heavy and take up little space🕷️
🦝coloring supplies, obviously I also need pens and such if I take my coloring books and joirnal, I usually pack my general pencil case plus a set of colored pencils, sometimes I even take stickers🦝
🦇plushies, I cannot travel anywhere without at least one of my babies, depending on how long I am gone I take my comfort plush Benjamin or someone else because I am very scared of loosing Benji, often I also take more🦇
🕷️my switch, I like to take my switch along both to play games on the train ride and to entertain myself hen we are there because I can't pack my most of my toys🕷️
🦝toys, while there isn't space for many toys I like to bring along a few small things like a can of Play-Doh, a doll, a rattle or a puzzle, they don't take up a lot of space and are super fun to play when I'm little with🦝
🦇baby clothes, I like to pack atleast one of my onesies or other clothes I like when I'm little, especially if they are discreet because that way I can be itty bitty without stressing about it🦇
🕷️cute accessories, I love wearing bows, bracelets and other cute jewelry when I'm regressed so I always take some along when I go anywhere so if I'm feeling small I have a comforting thing super fast🕷️
🦝paci clips, I love paci clips so I always take at least one with me, that way I can color and play without having to worry about losing my paci in the bed🦝
🦇diapies/pull ups, I don't always take these but when I know I might be getting my period soon or I like wearing them more often at that time I do, just remember to bring trash bags if you plan on using for potty stuff them so it doesn't smell🦇
🕷️food, sometimes I like to take some snacks for little me because I can be very pick when I'm little and that way I know there will be stuff I like to eat, this is especially helpful for the train rides🕷️
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Fun fact of the day: babie rabbits are called kittens
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