#listen I don't talk about DC much if at all but I woke up thinking about this today
tin-can-iron-man · 1 year
Has there ever been a time in comics where Bruce Wayne ended up protecting his secret identity by simply...pretending to be the biggest fan of Batman ever? Like I know that he tends to be pro-batman as Bruce and comics tend to push the "he's just so good at this stuff if he ever is caught he can typically talk his way out of an accusation even with evidence" but I think it would be really funny if like. Someone saw something and Bruce was straight up like. Oh yeah I'm a major fanboy. Of course I have a replica of the batmobile I joyride around Gotham in! I can afford to make an exact cosmetic replica! Do you wanna see my secret nerd basement where I've got all my collectibles including my tailor made Batman costume? And people are just like...no, Bruce, we do not want to see...that. Someone accuses him of being batman and he pretends to be THRILLED like "you think my stuff looks that legit? I'm glad, these costumes cost a fortune!" Meanwhile Dick or Tim or someone is watching this from afar and trying so damn hard not to laugh.
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Welcome to the 12 Days of Christmas countdown to Christmas Day. We've 9 days left!!
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Country Girl
Summary: Gabriella to the city and meets a lot of difficulties, but she also meets one of the best people she could've hoped for, Black.
Tags: Black, Chiron, Moonlight, Drug mention, Abuse mention
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Black lived and worked out of his luxury apartment in DC. He was two years out of jail and with his connections, his life picked up where it left off. On the clock, he did tech, but his side gig was drugs. Life was easy, but only because he made it that way. When the empty apartment beside him became occupied, he was a little upset. He hoped they'd stay to themself and not come knocking on his door.
Gabriella, on the other hand, was a transplant who didn't know a soul in DC. She'd taken a lump sum of money from her well-off husband Marcus and fled in the middle of the night in her car, driving from South Carolina to DC with anything she could grab, a swollen lip, and a black eye. She was done.
It was lucky that she found the luxury apartments and that the landlord was willing to look the other way about her not having a job so long as she paid him. She could continue to pay him for a few months, then she'd be out on her ass. She needed a job quick, but she was a simple country girl in foreign territory with no degrees. She'd rested in the safety of her marriage, but unfortunately it wasn't safe at all. This was Plan B.
Introspective and quiet, Gabriella climbed the flights of stairs to her empty luxury apartment. She'd just nabbed a job as a secretary despite being torn down in the interview. She didn't know how to feel.
"Good afternoon," she tried once more in her southern drawl to her handsome neighbor as he headed out, all wrapped up for the autumn wind. She could hardly see his movie star handsome face as he turned away, which was a shame. He ignored her as usual. In her hometown, it was only natural to smile and talk to strangers, but in DC, people clutched their bags tighter.
Sighing, she sat her bag on the kitchen bar in her apartment. There was no furniture, but she couldn't care less about that. One, it was a beautiful place. Two, Marcus was nowhere near. Three, she had the keys, and as long as she could afford them, she had access to the beautiful balcony view overlooking the city streets.
"Oh my good lord," she whispered, watching traffic over the banister, still not used to it. She showered and made herself a meal, wishing she had a friend or someone special in her life to make the empty apartment a little less cold.
Gabriella woke up early for her day job as a secretary every morning, though it didn't pay much considering the extravagant cost of rent and her bills. She took pride in herself and her work. It was something until she could do better. She didn't have any family or friends to call on. They were all on the side of Marcus. To them, he was still a good man.. So Gabriella was on her own.
"You're late again," Mr. Macklebee complained when she walked in 2 minutes after 8:45 AM with his coffee in hand. She only got paid for 9-5, but he required her to come early. "If you didn't spend so much time on your makeup every morning, you'd be on time."
As much as Gabriella liked to believe the comments didn't get to her, they did. The makeup was a habit from covering her bruises so often. Maybe she didn't need to spend so much time on it anymore.
Gabriella never snapped or talked back, she mostly remained silent, thinking about things.. but her supervisor could be viciously sexist and mean. There was constant remarks about her appearance and competence.
"You look sick," he commented flippantly one morning when she handed him his coffee. She'd gone without the makeup to save time, and that was when he spit the coffee out, some of it getting on her blouse.
"My five year old does a better job listening than you do. I said 3 pumps. I don't taste 3 pumps... This is what I get for hiring a ditz. Oh, and that email? I shouldn't have to tell you there's a fucking typo in the header. Are you trying to humiliate me?"
Being the sensitive young girl she was, there were some days Gabriella would go home and cry. Nothing she did was right. It all built up since there was no one to set her mind at ease. She spent a lot of days in her apartment, trying to write as a way to vent her loneliness and her frustration, but she came up dry every time.
She could only think over the events of the day and sit on the found furniture that she'd had lugged into her apartment over the weeks she'd been there. There was an old couch which she slept on, a table, and four chairs. It was sparse, and adjusting to the city on her own was a lonely process, but she was still very happy because for the first time in a long time.. she felt safe.
Gabriella heard giggling out in the hall and then through a portion of the wall that she shared with the neighbors to the left. Britney and Jason. They were a friendly young white couple in love. Always laughing, always having a good time.
Gabriella listened with her ear against the weak point of the wall as she usually did, pretending she was a Britney with her own Jason. It was almost as good as Tubi.
Every now and then, Gabriella would see her any one of the neighbors in the hall either coming or going. Some were nice, but mostly everyone minded their own business and preferred for her to do the same.
The handsome neighbor to the right was quiet as a mouse. He wasn't at all friendly in the scale of city folk. He didn't talk or make eye contact, yet Gabriella found herself fantasizing about him at home and at work. In her mind, he was her Jason, but he was also like Batman, shrouded in secrecy. She wondered where he went at night when she'd watch him through her peephole.. and the type of person he was.
"Gabriella, get in here. What did you do to my schedule?"
"I organized it.. Is that wrong?"
"You don't do anything that I don't tell you to do. Did I tell you to change the format?"
"Well, no Mr. Macklebee sir.."
"Then why.. Gabriella. Why?"
Nothing she did was right. There was no pleasing this man. Still, she wouldn't quit until someone else hired her.
She left work to get groceries for the week, sticking to a strict budget. All her money went to the rent and her car, she couldn't splurge like she would've back home. Marcus was an excellent provider, but his love came with bruises and hospital visits.
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"Hey pretty," a man stepped up beside her cart. He was tall and black and fairly good-looking. He looked sturdy and somehow responsible. Could've been the work boots. "You.. You don't want the big milk? Get the big milk," he gestured to the fridge. "And you've got.. what is this," he stared into her basket. It was the most involved anyone had been with her since she moved to DC. "Oh no, sweetheart. You don't want this.. Come on, come on. Get the name brand. What is Fruity O's? Really? Come on.. Get the Fruit Loops." He exchanged the milk in her cart for a big carton and started filling her cart with random food.
"I can't afford all this right now," she admitted sorely, watching him in confusion.
"Nah nah, let's rid of all this here.. I can't let a pretty female like you leave with what you had in this cart. I'll pay this time around and you can pay me back another way, on your time."
They got to talking and he seemed so nice talking about a furniture company he owned. His name was Johnathan.
"It's not a big company... yet.. it will be."
"Do you have room for any more employees?"
"Who did you have in mind? I hope they have a strong back."
"I'm very strong."
"Noooo.. I thought you meant a brother or boyfriend."
"Oh no, I don't have either.. it's for me, I can do the work," Gabriella promised. "I'm not from here. People haven't been all that nice."
She just needed the money and to escape her current job. He was hesitant, but he threw her a bone.
"In good conscience, I can't let you move furniture in the warehouse but I can have you handle the shipping and managing."
So things were looking up. She quit her job with Mr. Macklebee. She showed up to figure out how a day would look like at work for Johnathan. She had a decent salary, and he'd paid for her groceries.
She was so appreciative that she offered to make him dinner.
"I don't have a lot of furniture," she warned as she led the way up the stairwell. "I don't get a lot of company. You're the first person I've had over."
He came with flowers that she put aside because she had no vase. The food was nearly done. He put his arms around her waist and though he was a nice guy and smelt way better than he did on most days, she wasn't ready to dive into another situation so soon after her Marcus.
"Look Johnathan... I appreciate you helping me through such a rough time in my life, me being new and not knowing much.. but I think we've gotten something mixed up. See, I'm not looking for anything romantic.."
"That's fine." He started kissing on her neck. "Ain't gotta be nothing outside of what we make it." He was trying to get under her blouse. She pushed his hands away, and he put them back, still attempting.
Gabriella got flashbacks of Marcus. He would do similar only they were married so it was deemed as his right.. according to her small town. She continued to push his hands away, trying to move from around the stove, but Johnathan was strong.
"Stop resisting me, this is why you invited me, right? To thank me?"
"Johnathan? I don't want anything sexual either."
She pushed him off of her and that's when the scrapping began. He called her ungrateful and though she was no match in physical strength, fought back as best as she could, screaming while he hit her as if she were a man. She was over the counter facing the wall and struggling against him when he released her suddenly. There was a scuffle behind her. Her next door neighbor was full-on fighting Johnathan and she winced as he slung the hot frying pan of butter chicken clocking Johnathan square in the back of the head.
Gabriella watched her neighbor that had never so much as made eye contact.. trap Johnathan in a firm headlock with no effort.
"I'll kill you if I see your face again. Ain't no reason I should know your name."
They were both big men, but Johnathan was easily subdued to his own embarrassment. He knew he had an awful headache as well.
He pushed Johnathan out the door and Johnathan left abruptly after dusting himself off.
"Tired of hearing y'all, I'm tryna sleep," the neighbor muttered on his way out as Gabriella watched with admiration for her personal Batman. She was still in shock from the close call, but she managed a loud thank you as he slammed the door of his own apartment.
Johnathan called the next day to apologize for his behavior. He still wanted her to work for him, but Gabriella didn't trust it. She told him no and to lose her number. Then when she left her apartment again, her neighbor was there.. passing by.
"Don't let him back in here," he warned, turning away to take the stairs.
From that point when Gabriella happened to spot her male neighbor in the halls, he'd give her a subtle nod of acknowledgement. DC was cold and distant, but now it was a little warmer.
Gabriella placed applications, made calls, and waited for someone to accept. It took a week, but she got a call back from a different office who would take her as a secretary. This place seemed way less angry.
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Black's hopes for silence had been granted. His new neighbor was quiet outside of the random greetings in the hall. He ignored her, but he wasn't rude. He was the silent type, watching and assessing until he could decide if a person was worth speaking to. Not just anyone could infiltrate his world.
The noise through the wall was unusual and triggered bad memories. Last he checked, she lived alone. He knocked on the weak spot in his wall, talking through it to see if his neighbor was okay, but as he listened, he could hear what was happening. Her door was unlocked. He acted and didn't think, only coming back to himself after he swung that frying pan. He didn't need to go back to jail.
A couple of weeks later, he opened his door to find a cheesecake on the ground with a note. "Hope you aren't allergic."
He wasn't a fan of sweets, but he took it, looking thoughtfully at her door. She seemed like a good enough person. She just had really bad judgment.. something he couldn't hold against her. He decided to write her a small note and leave it at her door. "Thanks for the cake. -Black"
The job was going well, and though it wasn't much money, she wasn't being berated. She was being respected for once and she no longer went home to cry.
Since she was in a better mood, she decided to make her fine neighbor a cheesecake and set it in front of his door as a real thank you for showing her that the spirit of kindness did in fact exist in the city. She hoped he wasn't lactose intolerant and that he did like cheesecake. She continued to daydream about him, and suddenly, she had a name to pair with the face.
"Black," she sighed as she typed for her new boss. Here, things were opposite. She did everything right and was hailed a super hard worker.
Now when she passed by Black, he would bless her with that pretty smile and even tell her "Good afternoon." She was completely taken by him, leaving him food every so often just so she could get another handwritten note.
Then the morning came when Gabriella heard unusual bumping from his side of the wall. It started to make her nervous. No one was yelling or arguing, but it felt to her like a serious scuffle. She gathered every ounce of bravery and her frying pan to head over, letting herself in to see Black gagged and his arms tied. He was still holding his own rushing and kicking his assailant. He refused to go down without a fight so Gabriella didn't think.
She gathered the details of the scene within a split second and double-teamed the assailant with her frying pan upside his head. Black grunted desperately, and Gabriella followed his eyes to a gun that was on the floor. The men had been scrambling to get to it. That was what she heard. Gabriella rushed to pick it up to beat the masked man, and when he tried to fight her for it, it went off. She got scared and touched the trigger, shooting him in a vital organ. He collapsed within her arms reach as she watched, her adrenaline high. Black's grunting pulled her out of her trance. She dropped the gun and ran to him to free his mouth of the gag and his arms of the binding. They were intentional knots that took time and skill. She was visually confused.
He held his hand over her mouth and pushed her out of the apartment.
Gabriella asked no further questions. She locked herself into her apartment, and surely enough, within hours, police were there looking for Black and knocking on doors. Gabriella was able to say she didn't know anything. She didn't see anything. She didn't hear anything. Unfortunately, she didn't see Black again. He never came back.
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Black got arrested about five miles away from his apartment. The entire thing was a setup that he didn't realize until it was too late. He thought he was having a one night stand with a guy he met when he was dealing in the club. They'd had a good night, and he'd felt okay enough to let the man tie his arms, just not his legs AND arms at the same time.
He didn't expect the cops to go that far just to catch him again, but they did, and he was sitting in jail again, but this time for possession, distribution, and murder.
He wasn't sure he cared to be what was considered a decent and hard-working man anymore. All jail did was harden him and teach him how to get better at crime and manipulation. What else was he supposed to do? He didn't have a degree or the patience for one or an interest in school. Selling drugs was fast money.
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It was during the Christmas season when Gabriella saw the news. The story seemed familiar, and she read it through following it to the end. She was able to look him up in the system and see that Black was indeed in custody. She also the charges. Drugs.. it didn't surprise her. In fact, it made perfect sense. Murder..
He was serving for a crime he hadn't committed. But did she have the guts to tell the police that it was her.. if it would lighten his sentence? She couldn't say that she did. She wouldn't last in jail.
But what about him? Did he deserve to serve extra time just because he was serving some? It wasn't fair to him.
She gathered her bravery once more and visited the jail to start the process of seeing him. When she was finally taken in for visitation, the look on his face was surprise. He didn't expect anyone to visit him, least of all her. She wasn't used to seeing him showing any sort of emotion, but here he was.
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Did he secretly hope she'd come clean? She wanted to ask him because from the bottom of her heart, she knew he was one of the only pure and kind men on the face of the earth.
"No," he whispered as if reading her mind. He shook his head. He was silent for a while before cracking a joke. "Guess we both have bad taste in men.."
Gabriella chuckled and nodded in silent communication. She was thanking him yet again. She shook his head.
"Merry Christmas... go.. get outta here," he smiled kindly with not an ounce of malice in his heart. He meant it.
It was a short visit. He left almost immediately after he composed himself going back to his seemingly emotionless state. Gabriella knew the truth behind that solemn look at it tore her up inside. He had to act tough.
When she returned home, she sat, and words began to flow from her mind nonstop. She wrote through day and night, only breaking to eat, pee, shower, and work.
She didn't know until the landlord told her that Black, who he knew as Chiron had made payments on his apartment through the next year and requested that she stay in it in his stead. She moved to his fully furnished and fully stocked unit, grateful but also sad about how it came about. He was truly a gem.
With so much inspiration and so much to get out, Gabriella kept writing. She wrote about everything from her life with her abusive husband to her move and all the things she experienced. A lot of what she wrote was about Black.. and his innocence on more than one level. She changed the names in her story and submitted it to a publisher, and to her surprise, her books sold like hot cakes. She put it on his books and in a fund that would be waiting on him whenever he got out and she she was keeping track.
Every other week, she visited Black, and each time, he came to meet her with a small smile.
He couldn't be her man because he was gayer than Winnie the Pooh, but she'd finally made a true friend.. and on top of that..
She was a best-selling author under her alias. She had everything she could want.
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Holii !! Ahora si jeje  >:Dc !! Uno reverse card !!
( material girl, i wanna dance with somebody, thriller and walk like egypcian )
Pero también  !! living on a prayer y sweet dreams :D !!!
Wenasssss (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)
material girl: are you sentimental?
Y E S literally sometimes I feel like emotions are hitting me way too hard and i need to tone them down a bit, im a sentimental ball
i wanna dance with somebody (who loves me): who was the last person u danced with?
I LOVE TO DANCE!! but i don't really like doing it in couple mode, because you have to coordinate with your partner and i move where I want lol, but if we talk about parallel dance, the last person i danced with is my sister, a few days ago it was a relative's birthday and that is practically synonymous with dancing
thriller: favourite film genre and why
Mmmh, I think i'll opt for Fantasy, i love everything that has to do with creating magical worlds, odysseys, missions and finding magical friends along the way (and also a large part of animated movies are of this genre hehe)
walk like an egyptian: favourite song currently in the charts
I had to go check the billboard and I think it's "Until I Found You" i like it because it reminds me of rin and haru (romantic song that i hear song that associated with my ships sksjfksn)
living on a prayer: which was the song of your childhood?
There are many songs that give me so much nostalgia, but I think that two of the songs that gives me that feeling of childhood the most, are "Trenchtown Rock" (it was the first song on the Bob Marley album that my dad always put on to put my sister and I to sleep) and "Quién Fuera" (I spent my entire childhood listening to Silvio Rodriguez, and this song reminds me of many things from when I was little)
sweet dreams (are made of this): whats the best dream you've had?
I dream a lot and I've had some very emotional dreams but recently I dreamed that the school project I'm working on was already finished and it looked exactly the way I wanted it to, it was kinda bittersweet when i woke up and it took me a solid 5 minutes to realize it wasn't true but the feeling of relief and happiness that dream gave me is undeniable, ah, cosas de estudihambres
Sorry if I ended up writing too long answers, I just had a lot of fun doing introspection with all this!! (⁠◡⁠ ⁠ω⁠ ⁠◡⁠)
Hope u have a great day!! (⁠*⁠´⁠ω⁠`⁠*⁠)
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curiousskelekitty · 1 year
Hey, I'm sleep deprived and blasted on weed, let's see the reasons why I think I'm autistic
I'm awakemd super from a super high nap. And it's by the smoke and smell of incenst and can't get back to sleep until incest was out and fan on
Eye contact? Either really focused on making it and not listening or focused on conversation and eyes Drifting away
Say exact same way of hello at job
And other things
Sensitive to wet and cold so much that made it part of her image
Staying awake to make this list
Even though I'm supe r high and running on 3 hors sleep, latte, and pizza and 4 hb eggs
Special interest in pokemon most of 26 year life
And loves child things like video game sand toys, special plush toys
And weird sex too
sorry tmi 
Holy ahky I discovered something abot me that I didn't know
Loves reading
And loud music during loud lunch during hs
Sensitive to loud noises like toilet as child
An dlole sonic
Oh shit
It late
Waited blanket for win! Special as adult
Fighting slep to write this once again
Super shy
Talked in labg with sister when 
Goes to speech therapy 
Because I don't talk
Or maybe lisp
Imaginary friends until second grade
First friend grade younger 
No friends in my grade until MIDLE SCHOOL
I think
Sorry no remember 
This list loooooong
Writing still very clean
Nose so dry
Oh shkt Don her 
He didn't say anything about me being up
I'm supposed to be asleep
Argue with my self 
Like all the time
I even fight with my ocs
Autism brain go
Special cartoon likeys 
Just explained idea for video for YouTube to boo and we might collaborate
My mouth so drunk 
Suuuuuper sensitive to socks on feet at night! Even in winter
But can't walk out iputaide without shoes 
Loves swimming
sinuses dry as hell  I can feel the air coming in my nose and down my throat
Also likes anime and furries
Has phases of certain likes or Dislikes
Like love reading but then don't love reading
Hating spicy for most of life
But finding a love from some as long as there's flavors 
Mexico is so pretty
Making list like this
All the time
Will hypet focus on certain things for maybe a week
And it goes in curses 
Ow though hurt for typing 
Do stretches kids
Never admitted to watching porn whe her life insists of romances 
Ever since litter
First lover
Cucumber Larry
When he gets suck on by giat alien ad hero
That turned me on
not even four years old
This might be really revealing about me and my life
This Is where I add more to the title of this video
To warn me of the dangers
Of whatever the fuck I'm on
Could probably make this list over 200 points 
Listn3s to music at night 
Might be slightly dyslexic 
Vocal Stimson
When found out about stimming
Showed more stimming
So mad
Just took like 1 min to fix stimmong to swimming 
Make little songs whole life
Wow hide in DC bathroom. And sing sad songs to my self
Don't really to that anymore
Ah shit it's late
I need to pee
Sleeps with toys still
Like stuffed animals
Once could not fall sleep until Carla into toybox
Only woke up because got hot
when I was little I was looking g in the mirror and ask if I was more otm boy or girly Gil and decided I was in the middle
If that not nonbinary as FUCK than what is
Thinking g about if the video went famous and FIL saw and reacted
Whole family know
Please be warned 
Really sensitive about certain flavores in certain tempt
Those might go on Tumblr though
Incous make a lookout of people laugh 
And no one would know
Damn thos list loomg
often godb what if whole world kno
I could go on and on
But I think I will conclude here 
Thank you everyone for reading
Good night
You wish
I'm very empathic
I forget words all the time
Especially with age
Always had bad memory
Selective hearing
Forms who they are around eho they with
But my baby let me be me❤️
Sinsirve tk sounds
I'm probably going to talk to my therapist about this list next week
Realized made horrible ablist joke in my head and realized it and was like tf why
Intrusive thoughts
Holly fuck
I can do this
And this
So easily 
I love animals 
Dep3ndent and independent at the same time
I'm still making the list dumbadd
My bad
Too much of a topical thing like lotion makes me feel icky 
Hated mosquitoe spray because of sticky residue and smell
Hayes perfume
Sensitive to some smells, like perfume
Body pray okay tho
And candles
Loves sweets
Can't focus on reading
Super aware of body
Hates being touched unexpected or by stranger
Said loved all colors and didn't have official favorite color until like first grade because didn't want to hurt other colors favorite
Still doesn't have least favorite color
But I'm not suppsoes to coll me that
Made day dreams befo3e bed every night
Had one going on for about a month
Googles everything 
Okay I'll go to 200
Then I'll go to sleep
Lover of computers when little
Still love them
Have several unwritten stories to tell, including like three books and three or more wannabe books
Wrote toriko slitty fanfiction church
Drew a the time
Sonic the hedged hog fan
Loves pun so much
Made up "Copper later" for funny goodbye
Lives all her sisters
And all bet peanut
Hates pumpkin guts and still hate the feeling of them
Picky eater
May13b first 2023
Special interest in music
Went into band for school ad a trumpet and played for most of life until high school graduates but was never good at it.
That sucks
I could've learned how to song better
Now that I realize my voice is good and can be better
Hates needles 
Loves crystals Spiritually
Believes in a carefree, unknowing god
Two more to go
Weird obsession with sex since really little
Oh shkt
Just remembered something
That I never told anyone! Fucm 
I won't tell you guys
Good night
I love you
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rabiscor · 2 years
diary of a fiction
Every day I wake up as if the world I live in is a dream. Sometimes I think that the rays of sunlight that pass through my window are just illusions, and that my life is an imaginary product of a writer's head.
Today when I woke up in the morning, it was raining, there were no rays of sunlight coming through the window, just raindrops and buckets full of water because of the leaks. When I got up I was so tired that I tripped over one of the buckets and didn't even realize it, so I fell asleep right there on the water floor. I opened my eyes again, the rain had stopped, my blankets were on the floor too, all wet, just like me. The sun's rays were in my eyes, blocking my view, it was irritating.
My sister came to wake me up, because I fell asleep again. I walked down the spiral stairs in my wet pajamas while my sister grabbed my blankets. When I got to the patio what I saw was my friends running, the green grass that was growing on the concrete sidewalk like a cancer invading an innocent body, a couple of kids talking about cheating on a certain test and an Old Man from Seventy-something years old lying in a hammock, watching life slowly pass by, as if he were saying to himself, "I've lived enough" while waiting for death.
At a table in the corner of the wall, there were four young teenagers idle and calm talking, they are my friends; Billy and Rilly (twin brothers); Orazal and Enaydal. I sat at the table next to them with my pajamas still wet. For a moment silence spread across the courtyard, then Ozaral, my best friend, looked at me and asked the following question:
— How many elephants does it take to solve a math problem?
When we heard that question we all started laughing, I have never seen such synchronized laughter. I went to take a shower because my pajamas started to stink.
Whenever I shower, I spend more than an hour in the bathroom, not because I like cleanliness or because I'm a perfectionist, but because I admire the drops of water hitting and bouncing off the burnt floor. One thing I always do after a shower, like it's a macabre ritual or something, is bite my nails and scratch my left arm, because of that I have some sores on it.
Right now I'm under a big tree, specifically an oak, it's covered with the initials of the couples that always come here at night, the only initial I don't see is mine. Whenever I come here I bring an old electronic device to listen to 20th century music, a Walkman. With it in my pocket and the headphones in my ears, I listen to Queen, AC/DC, Ray Charles and The Animals all day long.
I hear a voice whispering my name, I pretend not to hear it and close my eyes as I listen to "Another One Bites the Dust". I feel a hand touching me, I open my eyes and see a "Shadow" that says:
"What would it be like if everything was burning?"
I open my eyes again and see that it was just a dream.
This "Shadow" that accompanies me and visits me whenever she gets the chance is a little psychopath, I would say. When she visits me, she addresses topics that are somewhat strange or bad for some people, but for me this shadow is just one of the beings that live on this planet, I believe that if it were someone else, I would treat it as a sign of madness or as an illusion, but I I treat her as if she were a true friend, she was always with me and never abandoned me or let me down. what I mean is that, as much as he talks about death or destruction, he never hurt me and he never changed me for someone else, for me this is a friend, someone who never leaves you regardless of the situation.
When I get up from my daily post, the tape I've been listening to for so long finally ends.
In my confused mind it's all just a dream and none of it is real, because if it was it wouldn't be being written and read by people in a notebook. I wanted to get out of those small words and take control of my own story, but since everything must fall into place, I will. I will stay in my place, even if my story comes to an end.
This is a text I made when I had free time
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0 notes
boldlyvoid · 3 years
Amoreena | Chapter fourteen
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Chapter fourteen
main summary: Heaven is a real place and it's located exactly 14.6 miles away from the FBI, Quantico Headquarters. Off behind a small park, under a fantastical willow tree surrounded by wildflowers, in every colour young minds can imagine.
Don't forget, heaven also comes with angels.
Chapter Warnings: talks of spencers major anxiety, parental death tw (not Diana or bob and Linda), trauma talks, computer hacking and new members joining the family...
word count: 4k
from the beginning <3
Taylors biggest surprise that weekend was what she had planned for Amoreena that night.
She set up a fort in the theatre room, they had every snack imaginable and any movie of her choice to watch. Karaoke in the corner, popcorn being popped in a theatre-style machine, and 3 different, matching child and adult, princess dresses for them to choose from.
It was all an elaborate plan to keep her preoccupied until bedtime, which Taylor offered to handle so that her parents could have a little wedding night date alone.
They’re all ready for a wonderful night when Spencer’s phone started ringing.
“Hello?” Spencer answers, sneaking away from the girls so he could hear better.
“Spencer, I am so sorry to interrupt you this late, but we have a situation… it’s not something that should be discussed over the phone. Do you have someone to watch Amoreena while you and Y/N come into the bureau? As soon as you can?”
His stomach drops, he feels instantly sick. “Not until you tell me who’s dead, who’s dying or who’s trying to kill us.”
“No one is, Spencer, it’s not a case or criminal related, it’s… personal, someone is here to see you,” she sounds serious and Spencer is still just as worried.
“I’ll tell the girls,” he responds before hanging up.
Y/N is standing right behind him, listening with wide eyes as she waits to soothe his panic. They worked like a well-oiled machine, she could physically feel his anxiety and in return, something about her just being there made him physically feel better.
“What’s wrong?” Taylor asks as she appears behind Y/N, Amoreena now off changing into one of the dresses she picked.
“They won't tell me on the phone but they need me and Y/N back at Quantico as soon as possible,” Spencer explained with a pale face, “we can go in the morning.”
“I’m fine watching Amoreena for the night, there’s a hanger down the road with a few of my dad’s planes, I can have someone take you to Virginia within the next hour? It's only 7 pm, I’m sure you can be back before bedtime?” Taylor offered her services for the 100th time that day, “It’s not a problem, really, and they wouldn’t call if it wasn’t serious, they’re the FBI after all.”
With that, they said goodbye to Amoreena and told her they’d be back before she woke up in the morning. If not, she had Y/N’s cellphone for the night to call them before she goes to sleep and when she wakes up, so she won't bother Taylor that early. (Even though Taylor said she wouldn’t mind early morning Amoreena cuddles.)
He was anxious on the drive to the small airport, the old man named Norman, chartering them that night was incredibly kind, they were granted lading access in Quantico and before he could prepare, they were up in the air. He chatted up a storm with Y/N on the headset radio as Spencer overthought the upcoming chat with JJ and stared out at the world below them.
On queue, he jumped from anxious to scared when they land, before getting in the shuttle from the airstrip to the front entrance, but he’s so incredibly terrified when it comes time to actually start the walk to the bullpen.
“Will you come in with me?” His small voice asks as she is pinning a visitors tag on her shirt.
“Of course,” she smiled, taking his hand as they walked into the elevator together.
He grips her hand tighter as the elevator stops, dipping and returning to the right height and making his stomach drop the same way a rollercoaster would. He hated that feeling more than anything, having it alongside the anxiety wasn’t helpful.
He can see JJ and another girl sitting together at his old desk. She’s smiling at whatever JJ says, she looks exactly like Amoreena just with box-dyed black hair that shines purple under the lighting. She’s in all black, she pushes her glasses up her nose with her sweater hiding her hands, Spencer knows she’s a foster kid from just her posture.
“JJ,” Spencer makes their presence clear and the little girl turns to him with a huge smile, running to him and wrapping her arms around his waist. “Hi?”
She’s sobbing ten and he doesn’t know why or even who she is, he lightly holds her with complete shock on his face. He stares at JJ with wide eyes and a gaping mouth as he communicates the confusion and terror with his eyes.
“This is Josephine Elliot, or Jo as she likes to be called, her parents passed away a few months ago and she recently found out her biological father was actually a sperm donor and not her moms husband,” JJ explains a little before sighing and sitting on the edge of the desk.
“She hacked into the sperm bank and found your name, and google led her to the FBI and they stopped her at the second gate, the first only let her in thinking she was your other daughter, Amoreena.”
“I’m so sorry,” the poor girl wipes her tears with her sweater sleeves, “I don’t know why I hugged you when you don’t even know me, ew sorry.”
Spencer pulls her back into a hug, “it’s okay, you don’t have to worry about wanting a hug ever again. You can have whatever you need from me.”
She cries more, holding on to his shirt as he holds her, shushing her softly and rubbing his hand over her back. It’s weird how safe she seems this early in their acquaintance with one another, but he understands it. She’s so desperate for someone related to her to love her again, to replace what she was missing from her parents, that she’s already accepted him as a father without thinking it through. Without even know what he would be like to her.
When she finally calmed down enough, Spencer led her towards the briefing room so they could have a moment alone to talk. He wanted to know her, and she needed to know him before she made another big decision. He let her know who he was, what he used to do and the rundown on his relationship with Y/N and Amoreena.
“So you met her at the park and got married a week later because you both have dead exes and somehow through fate, you made a kid together?” She summed it up in a way that made it sound ridiculous.
“Mutual trauma is a great bonding tool, I’m sure you probably listen to rock music or anything sad and angry because you know someone feels the exact same way you do? I was like that when I was a teenager. We've both lost someone we loved and then made Amoreena out of pure luck,” he combated her snarky summary with his own profile of her.
“I actually like Taylor Swift, Paramore, Evanescence and Olivia Rodrigo when I need to scream about being sad, thank you very much,” she teased him, finding a very easy rhythm as they got to know one another.
“You’re going to lose your mind when you find out who’s with Amoreena right now,” Spencer smiles, somehow everything just fits together.
“What?” She looks so confused, scrunching her face the same way he did to push her glasses up without her hands.
“It’s a long story, but essentially we were at Taylor Swift’s house when JJ called, she’s watching Amoreena still,” Spencer explained, watching her jaw drop.
“Who the fuck are you, dude?” She whispered, and it took Spencer by surprise. “Sorry, I’m so used to swearing in front of adults lately to get my point across. But seriously, you’re so interesting…”
“Understandable,” Spencer laughs lightly at her strange compliment. “I have a lot of connections, and I’ll do anything to see the people I love, smile, that includes you now.”
“You barely know me and you’re just ready to accept that I’m your kid? Didn’t this just happen to you last week?” She laughs at the insanity of it all, “you’re going to have a million kids at this rate, dude.”
Again, she calls him dude and he knows she’s just trying to distance her emotions as they grow fonder and fonder. A coping mechanism so that she doesn’t get hurt anymore, she’s lost too much and she’s not going to love him just to lose him too.
“My dad ran out on me when I was a kid, I basically raised myself when my mom’s schizophrenia got bad, I know what it’s like to feel alone even when you’re with people who are supposed to love you,” he makes sure she knows who he is inside.
“I’m sorry,” she reaches a hand out for him, holding it softly. “I never really liked my dad growing up, he always felt off… I can’t explain it, but he was never the same guy twice he was either angry, miserable or scarily happy," she explains him and all Spencer can think is how he sounds like an unsub.
"I do miss my mom a lot, I didn’t know what else to do when I found out they couldn’t have babies together and she went to a Sperm bank without telling him. I know the names of your other kids too, besides Amoreena, I’m really surprised you found her mom without hacking the system too but, yeah, Dylan is 6 and Alice is 10, they’re both in DC with the same 2 mom’s, so if you didn’t want me, I was going to see if they would cause I’m technically their stepdaughter in a weird way and if I spent one more day in that foster home I would have ended it all,” it's a Reid rant, she's his for sure.
It takes him a minute to absorb it all, “wait, Amoreena is mine for sure?”
She nods like it’s a stupid question, “could you not tell my just looking at her? The 3 of us have the same face.”
“No, they wouldn’t tell us at the clinic,” Spencer is still in shock but more so that she got into the database so easily, “how did you do it?”
“It was easy, I had all the information about the sample my mom used so I just encrypted an email to the secretary of the sperm bank so as soon as she clicked the link to read more I’d have access to her computer, they didn’t even know I was in the system, they probably still don’t know I was there,” she explains it exactly how Penelope would.
“I don’t want you to think I’d ever not want you,” Spencer holds her hand a little tighter, “I’m not sure what the process will be like trying to get the foster agency to agree to me taking you home with us, but I’ll see what I can do. We have a big house and enough room for you in our hearts if this is where you’d like to be. I’m not saying it’ll be easy, you might hate the farm life and the isolation and all the cousins you now have, but you’re a piece of me and I’m not letting you go.”
She uses her free hand to wipe her tears on her sleeve again, “please, I know it’s not going to be the same but I miss having a family so much.”
He wraps her up in his arms, he knows the feeling all too well. One day his mom was there, the next day she was gone and no one prepared him for that. She never had to do this alone, Spencer wasn’t going to let that happen to her.
“Y/N is wonderful, you’ll love her and Amoreena. We live on a huge farm and there’s a lot to do during the day and people to spend time with, believe me, you’re going to feel so surrounded by the love you won’t know what to do with it all,” he shares from personal experience.
“Okay,” she hugged him tighter, pressing her face into his neck as he talked more, feeling the vibrations of his voice on her forehead to know that he was real. That his words were true and she was going to be taken care of.
“Is there anything about yourself that you’d like me to know? Or any questions you have? I’m sure this is going to be an interesting adjustment,” Spencer asked as he pulled away, looking down into her sweet eyes and seeing the hope she was still hanging on to.
“Is Y/N even okay with all of this? It’s her house isn’t it?”
“I’m sure she’ll be fine with it, she knew I had you and the other 2 out there somewhere, we just never expected to meet you so soon,” he’s as honest as possible, talking to her the same way he would with Henry, she seemed even more mature than him.
“Can she come in here too? I’d like to get to know her as well, see if she’s really as lovely as you say she is,” she smiled, coping with her trauma the same way he and Y/N did, with humour.
Almost like Y/N could feel him thinking about her, she knocked on the door before opening it a crack, “sorry, I have some updates,” she smiled.
Josephine smiled at her, “come in.”
Y/N sat down close to her and placed her hand on her shoulder, “my sister is a foster parent, she called her caseworker and they were able to rush the emergency next of kin paperwork, you can stay with us for as long as you would like to.”
“You’re serious? You barely know me?” She kept repeating that as if she convinced herself earlier in the day that they wouldn’t want to know her.
Y/N wrapped her up in a soft hug and Spencer saw all the tension leave Josephines body as she settled against her. It had been a long time since a mother held her, she didn’t realize how much she needed it until she was in her arms.
“You’re half Spencer, so by default you have a portion of my heart now too. I’m not going to love you as an obligation or because I feel like I have to, I love you because you’re part of him and our family,” she whispers into her hair, “I know what it’s like to be alone, you never have to be... unless we’re smothering you then I get it, but you know what I mean.”
She laughed in Y/N’s arms before pulling back. Y/N held her face in her hands and looked at her gently. She ran her fingers through her dyed hair, “you’re going to fit right in with the 4 of us.”
“Four?” She repeats, wondering who else they lived with.
“I’m pregnant,” Y/N smiles as Josephine lights up.
“I’ve always wanted to be a big sister,” she cried a little, “my mom named me after Jo from Little Women, she said she always planned to give me lots of sisters.”
“If this one is a girl she’ll be Eleonora like—“
“Like the poem, Edgar Allan Poe is one of my favourites,” Jo smiled again.
Somehow, without even being there, Amoreena’s mess of glitter glue was able to patch her older sister's broken heart right then and there too.
“I read really fast, my mom said she was going to go bankrupt buying books for me,” she opened up more and more, the hurt of the memories fading as she remembered them with happiness instead of mourning.
Her mom was gone, but the love of a mother filled her space once more. Y/N took her under her wing, keeping her warm and making sure he grew to be as happy healthy and wonderful as all her other babies.
They arrive at Taylor's door once again at 11:30. Amoreena is sound asleep in the spare room, not even able to change out of her princess costume or phone them to say goodnight. Taylor said she had a sugar crash and just asked to go to sleep, reminding Taylor that she had the best day ever before closing her tired little eyes.
Jo was very anxious to meet Taylor too, telling her a similar story to Y/N’s from just a few hours prior. Taylor made sure she was comfortable for the night in another spare room, making her a hot chocolate and some snacks from earlier that day at lunch. She was the best host, a wonderful friend and an even better honorary godparent to these girls of Spencer’s.
“Can I have a hug?” She sheepishly asks before she has to turn down the hall to her bedroom for the night.
Spencer answers by wrapping his arms around her and holding her close to his chest once more, he wasn’t sure how his heart could hold so much love for these girls, and still have room left to make more one day. It was a dream come true to have a family this big, no one was going to believe that he gained 3 kids and a wife in under a month.
He kissed her on the forehead gently, seeing her smile at the contact let him know it was fine. “Goodnight dad,” she whispers, pressing her lips together awkwardly the same way he did before turning down the hall and disappearing into her room.
She had only a backpack of things currently, not expecting everything to go as smoothly as it did. She had enough clothes to sleep in, and Taylor happily provided some old tour perch to her just in case she needed something new to wear. Something to help her ease to sleep that didn’t feel like she was going back to her old life in the morning.
Amoreena was going to have a field day tomorrow when she met her big sister, the beautiful girl who was busy covering her scars with bandaids provided by Spencer, but it would take a lot of time, effort and care to make her feel truly healed again. It was going to be interesting seeing Amoreena adjust to sharing him so early, especially since he knew Jo would need so much more attention to ease her anxiety moving forward.
Spencer sat on the guest bed beside Y/N, noticing all the rose petals and candles on the dresser and night tables, “oh she really had a lot planned for us.”
“She’s the fairy godmother of our dreams,” Y/N agreed with a laugh. “I don’t mind staying up late tonight if you don’t mind leaving on Monday instead?”
“I was going on suggest the same thing,” he smiled at her, leaning in to press their lips together gently for the first time since the wedding that afternoon.
“let's get into our comfy’s and go for a walk on the beach, Taylor left me the keys to lock up when we come back,” she whispered the words against his lips before smiling.
“Can I call Derek before we go? I really need to talk to him,” he’s honest with her as he pulls away, feeling really anxious and shook up at the events of the day. He needed his best friend.
“Yeah, I’ll go check out the rest of the guest house, come find me when you’re done?” She says softly, getting off the bed with a smile and stepping out of the room with a small wave.
He takes his phone out and dials the number, waiting with the phone pressed against his ear as it rings. Again and again, every new hum in his ear making his heart beat faster, “hello?” He’s finally rescued.
“Have you talked to anyone on the team lately?”
“Who died?” It was everyone’s go-to question when they got a phone call like this one.
“No one, quite the opposite actually—“
“She’s pregnant!” Derek shouts, cutting him off and Spencer can hear Savannah asking who from the background.
“Well, yeah, but that’s not why I'm calling,” Spencer replies only to be met with Derek's laughter.
“Penny and I had a bet on how long it would take.”
“She cheated because she knew we were trying,” Spencer takes the fun from him, Penelope always won. “I have another kid.”
“I know man, birth is so cool— well I’m telling him anyway,” Derek is clearly talking to Savannah and him at the same time, “we’re pregnant again too.”
“No, Derek, I’m pregnant and sick as hell while you’re perfectly fine,” she snaps back at him as she takes the phone. “You better be so kind to her Doctor Spencer Reid; rub her feet, make her breakfast, thank every god on earth and the ground she walks on for being willing to make another version of you, do you hear me?”
“Yes ma’am,” Spencer hold back a laugh, wondering when Y/N would have a hormonal switch like that, “but I didn’t mean the one in her stomach, another fully formed human of my creation walked into the BAU looking for me today.”
There’s a rustling through the phone as Derek takes it back from her, “what the fuck did you just say?”
“Her name is Jo, she’s exactly a month younger than Henry and her parents died 7 months ago,” he continues without even repeating the last part, “Derek I have 3 kids now and I don’t know what I’m doing.”
“Where are you right now?”
“In Taylor Swift's guest house.”
“Spencer, be serious with me, are you doing drugs again?"
“Ask Penelope, she contacted Portia, Rossi’s stepdaughter, who contacted Taylor so I could help Y/N and Amoreena meet her, then JJ called and made us fly all the way to Quantico and now I have 2 children living with me and one on the way. Not to mention, child 1 is extremely jealous about sharing me with people and hasn’t even gotten accustomed to being a big sister, and child 2 is so traumatized she hacked the fucking sperm bank and explained it to me like it was as easy as making a sandwich. I am in over my head here, Derek.”
“Okay, that sounded more like Spencer Reid,” Derek’s calm and happy voice calms him slightly and prompts him to take a deep breath. “If she’s able to hack she’s most likely like Penelope, we can introduce them. She’ll need someone who understands the loss of a parent. Amoreena, on the other hand, you need to spend a day with just her. Take her to the movies, or to see a play or something. Let her know she’s always going to be your little girl no matter how many siblings she gets.”
“Thank you, I needed someone who wasn’t my overly optimistic wife to tell me if I could do it,” he’s overly honest, Derek is his person and will always be his person.
“I get it, thanks for calling me, I’m really glad you’re okay,” he can hear Derek's smile and all he wants is a hug from him. “How was the wedding?”
“Good, we all cried a lot,” he laughs then, “we were supposed to have a big dinner on the beach before we got called into Quantico, so I’m going to go spend time with her now, I love you, Derek,” he rushes the words out so he doesn’t get overly emotional.
“I love you too, Spencer, have a good night,” Derek hands up before they both get too emotional. They always had a knack for making the other cry in times like this.
He lets out a deep sigh before tossing his phone on the bedside table. 3 of his 5 kids were here with him and Y/N now, safe and sound. If anyone else needed him, they could wait.
tag list: @shemarmooresfedora @spencers-dria @spookyspence @reidsfish @manuosorioh @mochionly @samuel-de-champagne-problems @jswessie187
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mickmarstookmyheart · 4 years
Bad Memories
Pairing: Mick Mars X Reader
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Synopsis: While you are trying to enjoy your peaceful morning with Mick, your sister calls you with az unexpected demand. Your past comes up again which you don't like.
(I will correct the mistakes tomorrow)
Being the girlfriend of a musician meant constant tours and music all the time at everywhere. Seeing the guys almost every night on stage playing their chosen instruments made you jelaous. Then you remembered that you wouldn't stand on stage and play. Never.
It was a rainy and overcast October day. You and Mick chose to stay in bed a bit more since you had nothing to do that day. Your head was laying on his chest which was rising slowly. You loved listening to his steady heartbeat. His fingertips were caressing you bareback while his other hand were behind his head.
"Miiiiick. Please!" You asked nicely.
"Yeah?" He sighed.
"Would you be so kind and make some coffee?" You looked up with puppy eyes. He rolled his.
"I made it yesterday, too." He stated. He knew that these kind of peaceful mornings are rare and tried to enjoy every second of it.
"Good point. Then give me 5 minutes." You murmured into his chest. After a while you heard Mick's quiet snoring making you drift back to sleep, too. A loud ringing noise woke you up from your peaceful dreams.
"I will kill whoever this is." Mick groaned reaching for the telephone. "It's your killer, what do you want?"
"Hey, Mick. It's me, Isabelle. Sorry if I woke you up." Your sister apologized on the other end of the phone.
"Oh, hey. What's up? Haven't heard from you like in ages!" Mick's face brightened up while you frowned thinking who this lucky person could be.
"Nothing special, just the usual. Is (Y/N) there? I really need to talk to her." She asked.
"Yeah, sure. Is there a problem?"
"Well, nothing serious." Mick handed you the phone.
"It's (Y/N)." You said with a quite sleepy tone. You sat up while pulling some blanket from Mick who answered with a pillow behind your head. "Hey!" You snapped making him smirk.
"It's me. Your sister." Isabelle started to get annoyed. "(Y/N)! Are you here?"
"Yeah. What is it?"
"You know there is gonna be a party. Here at university. A Halloween party."
"That's good, I guess?" Making a phone call this tired didn't help.
"Sure. Also, me and some guys formed a band you know."
"Really? You haven't told me." It was good to finally speak to her. It was quite a long ago since you have a nice sister to sister conversation. You glanced around in the room and spotted an oversized tee on the ground. You got out of bed which was hard cause Mick didn't let you at first. You couldn't help it cause you felt the urge to walk when you were speaking on the telephone. "And... what's the name of the band?"
"That's what I call creative." You giggled.
"Wasn't me who came up with the idea, you know." Isabelle huffed.
"Maybe you should've asked Mick. He has some ideas." You glanced at the guitarist who tilted his head not having any clue why he was mentioned. "So what's the deal, sis?"
"There is this party and the head of the uni asked us to perform."
"Congrats. That's a big thing!" You cheered.
"Let me finish. So yesterday our guitarist, Mike, had an accident and broke his arm. He sure won't be able to perform."
"Oh, that suck. I'm so sorry. Also, sorry for not performing." You played with the wire of the phone.
"Well, don't be. Cause I have a wonderful idea!" She had a devilish smile on her face, unfortunately you couldn't see. If you could, you would've known what she was up to. "There is a girl I know who could play instead of Mike."
"Good to hear. Is she at the uni, too?" You asked still not suspecting a thing.
"Not exactly although one of my best friends." She said sighing. "I'm talking about you, (Y/N)."
"What?" The blood froze in your veins. "You aren't serious, right?"
"Don't tell me you are still not over what happened years ago!"
"I am...just.. it's pretty hard." You were rubbing your arm with the other.
"Please, (Y/N)!" She begged. "It will be fucking cool, I promise."
"I don't know. I haven't played since then. I will mess up."
"Give the phone to Mick."
"Heard me. Give me the guitar lord." Isabelle ordered. You handed the device back to Mick who took it happily. He was really fond of your sister.
"Did you manage to solve the problem?" Mick asked while he was eyeing your worried facial expression.
"Almost. Would you refresh my sister's guitar skills in two weeks?" Mick's eyes widened while you shook your head.
"Why didn't you tell me?" Mick asked watching the red light from the car.
"Tell you what?" You were looking out the window to avoid eye contact. You knew what he was talking about and it wasn't your favourite topic.
"That you can play the guitar."
"I thought I can have secrets. And it's not a big thing."
"If you say so." He was watching you from the corner of his eye. He noticed that you were worried, well, rather freaked out. "Would you mind telling me why are you like this? Or is it a secret, too?"
"I fucking knew." You pulled your hoodie's strings stronger so nothing could be seen from your face. You crossed your arms and didn't say a word.
"You look like a kid who didn't get her Barbie." He chuckled.
"Haha. Very funny." You murmured.
"Aren't you happy that you can meet with Isabelle? Cause I sure am!" He smiled. Sometimes you were wondering why he liked your sister this much. Mick only tolerated people. "Hey. Mars to Earth. Are you here?" He asked while poking your belly making you giggle.
"Stop." You tried to catch your breath. Mick smiled, he loved hearing your laugh. "And I'm sorry for my behaviour. It's just a quite sensitive topic for me. Only Isabelle knows about this and she doesn't think it's important." You were playing with the strings of your hoodie. "I guess, you want to hear the story."
"Only, if you want to. But yeah, I would love to hear it." He smirked. You took a deep breath and started you monologue.
"Not a long story, don't worry. So years ago some friends of mine formed a band. It were the boys and me. We were a cover band but tried to create some original ones though I was the only one who wanted that."
"Sadly, I can relate." He sighed.
"I'm sorry." You took a look at Mick who placed your hand into his. "Unfortunately, this was the minor problem. After one of our concerts, I had an accident. I fell of my motorbike. I broke my arm and one of my legs. The doctor said I was lucky." You had a sad smile on your face. Later, deep down you wished you had died instead.
"We were on a so called mini tour, we were performing at universities and high schools. Since I was at the hospital I felt horrible because we couldn't perform. At least, that's what I thought."
"You were replaced, right?" Mick squeezed your hand feeling sorry for you.
"Yes. But that wasn't my problem. I thought they were my friends. They didn't even visit me. After, I recovered more or less, I went to our place where we usually practiced. There was a new guitarist, a guy, who told me to fuck off." You laughed. "I was on my way to punch the guy, but our singer stopped me. He asked why I was there and that he fired me. His reason was that they didn't want a girl in their band and that I wasn't playing well anyway." You let out a breath you didn't know you were holding. A tear ran down your face and your eyes were gloomy. You chest was heavy but you tried your best not to cry.
"Fuck them. Fuck them for embarrassing you. And where is that famous band now? Nowhere! Darling, I'm so sorry. But they don't deserve your tears." He wiped your tears with his thumb. "And I'm sure they still regret their decision. If you play as good as good pictures you take they are a dead band." He pecked your lips making you smile.
"Are you ready (Y/N)?" Your sister asked. You and Isabelle's band along with Mick were at drummer's garage and were about to practice. It was the 5th day and you were improving. That's what Mick said though you didn't believe him. You nodded and started to play "Live Wire." On the set list there were Mötley, AC/DC, Van Halen, Scorpions, Bon Jovi and many more. An old good feeling took over when you touched the strings. Your fingers remembered and it made you happy. During the solo, Mick was admiring you, he adored your concentrating face and he noticed that you were enjoying it. When the band finished the song you were still in shock how good it had turned out. Mick was clapping as well as the others.
"Wow, (Y/N)! It was hell of a solo." Robert, the singer congratulated. Isabelle was the bass player, Tim the drummer who owned the garage. You ran your fingers through your hair in embarrassment. You still didn't get used to compliments regarding your play.
"Thanks. And are you sure Mike isn't angry?"
"Nah. He said it's pretty cool that the girlfriend of Mick Mars will substitute him." Tim snickered. "Also, he is apologizing for not being here. His mother didn't let him."
"Poor little 22-year-old boy." Isabelle chuckled putting down her bass. She walked over to you and took Mick's precious guitar from your hand.
"Don't worry. I won't smash it on the floor." She yelled seeing the guitarist's facial expression.
Halloween. Costumes, candies, and spooky decoration everywhere. You wished you could dress up as a witch or something cause that fluff you called your hair was hidious. Vince lent his bandana as a mascot and Mick one of his guitars.
"I look horrible." You looked in the mirror dealing with your hair.
"Babe, this is how we normally look on stage. You look badass. Also, very sexy." He murmured to your neck hugging you from behind.
"He is right, sis." Isabelle came back to the dressing room with a bigger fluff. You held your hand over your mouth not to laugh loudly. You noticed that Mick's was in the same state.
"I think I will go. Find those idiots and keep an eye on them." Mick said while pressing one last kiss on your cheek and left the room.
"(Y/N)! Listen, you will be great. Just remeber to relax. Take a deep breath and the key is to enjoy. Concentrate on the music, feel the music. Watch Mick, pretend you two are the only ones in the room." She placed her hands on your shoulders looking in your eyes.
You were the last one who stepped on stage and the crowd were already insane.
"Alright, alright ladies and gentlemen. Before we start this hella concert, I would like to introduce our temporary guitar player, (Y/N). You will see a powerful sister duo on stage tonight. Prepare yourself. The show is beginning. Are you READY?" Robert screamed in the microphone as the crowd shouted as one person.
During the concert you felt an energy which you couldn't compare to anything. You felt powerful and you thought you could accomplish anything at that moment.
"I would be scared if I were you, Old Man." Vince stated as he was watching you from the side of the stage with Mick. "We might get you replaced with (Y/N). She is sexier." Mick kicked the singer in the ankle making him groan.
Taglist: @leatherandheels @safari-karrot @littlemisscare-all @crazyrockrlady
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elejahfanfic · 4 years
The Vampire Files/2
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Part 2
A TVD crossover AU story
Elena Gilbert & her partner Nick Amaro are FBI Agents,
investigating murders caused by paranormal activities.
ft. other tvd characters, too.
thanks for reading.xoxo🥰🌼
Elena walked in the Mystic Falls woods with the torch in her hand. This was not unknown territory for her. 
"Why are we  going to the woods, mommy?" the nine-year old Elena asked her mother.
"There are some really mean people, who want hurt us. And we have to hide in the woods. Don't be afraid. We won't be here long." Miranda said.
At a certain point in the woods, Miranda opened a trapdoor hidden underneath a big pile of leaves and taking the girl by the hand took her down the wooden ladders in the ground into an area that resembled hidden caves.
The Special agent now stood in front of the spot where the ground trapdoor was. She crouched down and removed the layers of the leaves looking for the hook to open it. As she grabbed it to open it she heard a swishing noise of the leaves moving and as she wanted to get up to turn to see in the dark what it was, something kicked her hand and the torch fell aside. She got her gun out ready to shoot as something knocked her over as it swished by her. She quickly rolled over in the position to shoot as she then did. It was a shot in the dark, she knew it. Frustrated, she now got up picking up her torch and looked to see if that someone would return. 
"Show yourself," she shouted, "I dare you."
But there was nothing. But she knew that somewhere from afar someone did still look at her. Angrily, Elena now decided to return to the Mystic Inn. 
In several hours she would have to be at the Morgue and she needed some sleep. And this place was doing everything possible to keep her from it. 
As she got to her room, she took her clothes off and went  for a really hot shower. The fall left her with a bruise on her arm. She examined it as she dried herself. It didn't look bad. 
"Ok, listen to me, Elena. Mommy has got to go now. You will be safe here. Ok, my darling? Don't be afraid. I will come back for you. I love you so much!" Miranda kissed her daughter, who nodded in agreement silently. 
Elena, now changed and went to bed. She curled up, closing her eyes hoping she would not have any dreams of any kind.
Demons are real, Elena. They are wrapped up in folk stories. It is true that only a handful can see them, get to their true nature and fight them with equal measure.
Nick was up at dawn. He got himself ready for the day and then took a walk around the town, familiarizing himself with the victim's last activities, before meeting Elena at the Grill.
Washington, DC
Caroline woke up rubbing her forehead. She looked at the clock. It was 6.10 a.m.
"Hmm- what time is it?", Stefan asked as he heard her move sitting up.
"Time to get up." Caroline said walking to the bathroom.
Stefan sat up checking his messages.
"meet me at office, at 9- Val"
He put the phone aside, and got quickly dressed. He knocked at the bathroom door telling Caroline he had to leave. She replied with 'later'
"Later", he said the same and walked out of the apartment.
"Val-"Stefan said as his partner picked up the phone.
"The murder weapon appeared" Valerie said.
"I will see you at the office", Stefan said hanging up.
At the Mystic Diner, somewhere around 8 a.m.
Elena waited for Nick for breakfast. Her life was either office-bound or field-bound, whichever, but one thing she never missed was breakfast. It was like the only time she would reconnect with the real world. There were these few things that kept giving her continuity and normality. At least half an hour every day. 
The waitress served Elena coffee and brought her a big breakfast. She thanked her and looked at her phone for private messages. One from Caroline and one from Rebekah. 
Caroline: Got drunk. and - slept with Stefan, again. Call me. Whenever.
Rebekah: Call me. We are all with you.
Elena closed the message icon as Nick sat down at the table and Elena greeted him.
"Morning." Nick said and then looked at the three different plates in front of Elena.
"Just coffee. Black." Nick said to the waitress and said that he had already had something.
"I'm gonna let in on a little secret" Elena said to her partner and Nick wondered what was coming.
"Everyday, once a day give yourself a present- like this good hot cup of black coffee. A little wisdom from Agent Cooper. My mentor. And maybe something extra- like blueberry pancakes."
"I see that you have a sweet tooth," Nick said.
"You don't mind me finishing this?"
"No." he replied. 
To get used to a new partner was never easy. Elena had three of them, and Nick a few. And all of them loved working with him. He had an easy personality.
"I can see that you have dug something new out?" Elena said as she took a sip of her coffee.
Nick was surprised she said it as he didn't disclose anything.
"I can see it in your eyes. Eight more minutes and then we're off to the morgue and you can tell me what you found out."
"You can see it in my eyes?" The Agent said slightly stunned that she was so forward.
"Not just your eyes. Your whole jittery demeanor tells me that it is huge- illogical!"
Nick narrowed his eyes at her, "You are loving this"
"Not really" Elena admitted, "because we probably won't be able to present it in any court. And these victims will not receive any kind of justice. Come on, let's see the body." she got up leaving the money for her breakfast on the table.
Washington, DC
Rebekah walked in the hospital greeted by a fellow surgeon.
"Hey, Joel- I thought you left to work for the Jeffersonian?" Rebekah said.
"Next week- I am leaving next week" Joel said.
They got into the lift,"Why did you refuse to work for them?"
"I want to help the living." Rebekah said. "I need hope. Everything else is like- ahm- curse-"
"I am sorry- I heard-" the surgeon referred to Marcel breaking their engagement.
"Yeah- well- if you know someone who can mend a broken heart-"
"Sorry, can't help " Joel said.
"Huh- shouldn't be dumping my lousy mood on you- see you-" Rebekah said as the stepped out of the lift and each went to their stations.
"Dr Goran?" a nurse came up to him and he now went with her being briefed about one of his patients.
Mystic Falls
Elena examined the body of Lexi Branson. Nick stood aside waiting for her to finish up and give her findings out to him and Bonnie Bennett, a forensic scientist from Withmore. 
"Here" Elena said showing both her partner and the scientist two markings on the ankle.
"That is different from the victim in Oregon." Nick said.
"Dakhanavar" Elena said.
"What?" Nick said looking at her with question marks in his eyes.
"Nothing." Elena said looking at Bonnie "There was no trace of blood on at the crime scene?"
"None." Bonnie confirmed. 
"And no trace of a car, footsteps, and the time from when she was last seen going out of the Grill and time of death in the woods? Incomprehensible, right?" Elena said.
"Yeah." Nick now confirmed. Bonnie nodded.
"I like your necklace" Elena said turning to Bonnie all of a sudden.
"Thanks. It's my grandmother's" Bonnie replied.
"Uhm- we are done here. Elena said looking at her partner. "We can tell the Sheriff that they can release the body"
Nick nodded in agreement.
As they said their goodbyes to Bonnie, Elena and Nick left.
"All right. Explain Dakhanavar!" Nick said as they got into the car.
"Ferociously territorial vampire, who would, unlike other regular vampires, suck the blood from the victim's feet." Elena explained.
"Seriously?" Nick said with a whiff of disbelief in his voice.
"Seriously." Elena then said snapping at him. "Ok. This is not going to work" She stopped the car and looked at him inhaling sharply, her face stern, "when we get back I will ask them to reassign you."
"On what grounds?" Nick asked calmly.
Elena exhaled trying to keep her composure. This was not her. She doesn't lose her focus. It must be this place. She wanted to scream. She felt her blood boiling to the point wanting to kick him for his nearly no emotional reaction. "I'll think of something," she said and continued to drive. 
Irrational. But there it was. She couldn't take it back. And strangely, she didn't care. 
Nick knew that her outburst had nothing to do with him, at least not directly, and yet he knew he was the trigger. He looked outside of the window- and then decided not keep quiet, "Stop the car."
Elena looked at him stunned at this sudden change in him. She could see that he was serious and so she stopped the car.
They got out in the middle of the woods. Elena waited to hear what this was about. 
"You are right. Yes. This doesn't work. Shall I tell you why?"
"Why?" Elena said miffed.
"Because I am not him." Nick said.
"Him?" Elena looked at the man gone out, "what are you talking about?"
"He probably knew all of the demonic-files by heart- you have finished each other's sentences and he understood how you mind works- and he is gone- and you got me now- and you hate it!"
What followed surprised them both- as he touched Elena's nerve and she punched him straight in the face. 
They stood quiet for a second. Nick wiped a bit of blood that appeared on the lips. 
"I am sorry- I just- ah- how did," she felt like all the suppressed anger and pain mixed up came lashing out and the tears now just came flooding out. 
"It is fine-" Nick said.
"Shut up" she shouted at him "don't you dare make this into an ok thing!"
"I am not."
"Good. Because- you don't know anything about me"
"I never said I did."
"Oh, really?! All you have been doing is taking the high-ground-" Elena spat back at him through her tears.
"I could say the same about you- we're supposed to work as a team- did you think that I didn't notice that you left your room at 1.20 p.m. and returned at 2.17p.m.?! And you kept it to yourself- what was that about? What were you doing in the woods?"
Elena glared at him drying her tears now with her palms and said,"It's personal."
"Personal?" Nick repeated not knowing what to think. His mind was racing. For a moment he wished he was in the car and they never had stopped and then - something unexplained wanted to know everything about her. 
Elena realized what she had said and now tried to take it back. She had never overstepped the mark going over to the personal. She never shared any of her past to her friends. Not even Jackson, who she had an excellent working relationship. Only the Bureau, her aunt Jenna and her knew what had happened to her and her parents the night she had to hide in the caves in the woods. 
"I lived here as a kid" Elena then said. 
And by the tone of her voice, Nick could notice that there was something disturbing behind it. He felt that all went way out of the line and he then took a step forward saying,"I apologize for - digging at you"
Elena looked at him slightly wide-eyed, "This is so not- this is not me"
"You have a mean right hook, I'll tell you that."
"Yeah- uhm- believe it or not I've never hit anybody. At least not human. Sorry -"
"Who says I am human?!"Nick joked rising an eyebrow at his partner. "Let's forget this ever happened and - start over?"
"Yeah- start over!" Elena inhaled softly.
"Coffee and pie?" Nick suggested.
"Coffee and pie!" Elena nodded a little.  
For a moment she was leaving darkness behind. Although its shadow never would. She knew that.
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