#lir tam-lin
luci-j · 3 months
Okay, since I had a ton of fun with the last ones, some more headcannons of characters from my fic series! <3 This time we're going to focus on Lir Tam-Lin, with some facts, headcannons, and background info.
* He started off as a little bit of a one-off joke I made with a friend who is a FREQUENT head cannon buddy of mine, and I love that for them. Literally just something along the lines of "wouldn't it be funny for Rocket to be walking down a hall at Nova Corps and seeing someone who looks like Meti??"
* His last name, "Tam-Lin," is from an old Scottish ballad that is strikingly close to "Beloved and the Bastard". His first name, "Lir," is that of an Irish sea god. It was kept because it is also the name of Elphaba's son in the "Wicked" series, and that was too much a coincidence to pass up since Meti has basis from this story (down to his mother's voice claim is Idina Menzel!). This is all a loving homage to my headcannoning friend too, since they've been so instrumental in how this series has turned out.
* Speaking of voice claims, his is Timothy Omundson, who played Lassiter on "Pysch". When I write a character, it helps me to have a voice to work with in real life, and Omundson hit a lot of the marks for me with how tense he could sound but also how warm he could be.
* Omundson is a stroke survivor, and while this initially wasn't part of Lir's character, it quickly became one. Anyone who's read at least a little bit of my stuff probably has a handle on the fact showing those with disabilities is a big thing to me. While I have some disability issues of my own (with learning, a few other things), I also have a disabled parent. Seeing things through her eyes made me want to write more characters who were disabled, yeah, but also bad ass.
* Lir is from the planet Hill Temar, is another Celtic reference, this for the Hill of Tara, which factors in a lot of Irish mythology.
* His ship is named the Bán Pangar, which is yet ANOTHER Celtic callout. This is a 9th century Irish poem about a cat.
* Lir is really into Gundam models and mecha anime. His favorite is Gundam Wing, since it was his introduction series, and he is also a fan of things like Big O and Neon Genesis Evangelion
* He also has a soft spot for magical girl anime but would die of embarrassment if anyone found this out
* He was a fan of mecha things from childhood. He grew up in a very pastoral home world, and moving to Xandar was a shock to him. He didn't have many friends, but he always loved going out to watch machines or see ships fly
* Some of his favorite activities when he was a child was bow hunting, fishing, and collecting pebbles by the stream
* He has crow brain, much like Meti does, and loves collecting things
* He may be a little terse with Richard Rider and Sam Alexander, but would also take a bullet for either of them
* His mother is an Eternal. Being part Celestial as well, he has the potential for a lot of power
* While it hasn't been stated in text yet, his mother's name is Morga
* He loves music from anime and JPop. He's stolen away to more than one concert on Earth and watched from a distance
* He credits his dexterity to building models. While he does have exosuits that allow him movement with both hands, he still prefers using one hand to work. It's mostly out of habit now.
* Loves his weapons. Being a sharpshooter is what initially got him noticed by Nova Corps. Being a natural tacticle genius is what got him thrown into the position of Nova Prime. He actually has a lot of respect for Rocket, even if they butt heads a lot.
* A bit lonely and has trouble expressing it! His wife is also the only woman he ever dated, and he was about 27. He has a hard time opening up to people, but really wants to make a connection
* Loves kids and babies and is a natural with them. This is something he gets from his mother
* Owns about ten different outfits. Wants to branch out in his style currently, but doesn't know where to begin. With being half Meti, there is hope for him.
* A hopeless romantic at heart and a bit shy about it. Poor guy. <3
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mediaeval-muse · 5 years
Hey, do you have any medieval reading recs feauturing human-to-animal transformation? I'm writing an essay on it. So far I've got the Mabinogion, Bisclavret, and Melion. I'm including a part on the influence of Ovid too. Werewolf stories are preferred but not necessary. Thanks!
Here are some ideas! @cedrwydden
Marie de France’s Yonec (though the person appears as a bird first, so it’s like a bird-to-human transformation)
Guillaume de Palerne
Gower’s Confessio Amantis
Arthur and Gorlagon (I can’t remember if there’s transformation in there, but there’s werewolves)
I think Gerald of Wales’ Topography of Ireland has a story about a werewolf couple in it
the tale of Tam Lin in Scottish mythology/ballads
Irish myth: Some versions of the Tain (the cowherds change into animals), Tuan mac Cairill (in Book of the Dun Cow), Wooing of Etain (I think she turns into a butterfly?), The Children of Lir, Finn MacCool’s wife gets changed into a deer (I think)
Poetic Edda and Prose Edda (if the gods count as humans/humanoid)
Volsunga Saga
I think Boccaccio’s Decameron has some things, but I haven’t read it in forever
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leftboob-enthusiast · 6 years
what are your favorite stories from mythology?
I'll always have a soft spot for Cu Chulainn and The Children of Lir, which were a couple of the first myths I learned at age 5ish(I went to a hippie Steiner school where we learned about that kind of thing in kindergarten). Tam Lin is one of my ultimate favourites, I'm not sure if it counts since it's more a legend, but still. I mostly obsessed over Greek and Egyptian mythology, as well as Arthurian, then moved on to whatever else I could consume. Hades and Persephone are great, I think Orpheus and Eurydice was the myth I studied the most...I also love creature myths, like kelpies and selkies.
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Ca­hi­liy­yə top­lu­mu­nun əsas hə­yat fəl­sə­fə­si in­sa­nın yal­nız özü qar­şı­sın­da mə­su­liy­yət da­şı­ma­sı dü­şün­cə­si­nə əsas­la­nır. Hə­min dü­şün­cə­yə gö­rə, in­san­la­rın əsas və­zi­fə­si ən yax­şı şə­ra­it­­də ya­şa­maq­dan, ən yax­şı şə­rai­ti ya­rat­maq­dan iba­rət­dir, la­kin on­lar di­gər in­san­la­rın mad­di və mə­nə­vi hə­yat­la­rı ilə bağ­lı heç bir mə­su­liy­yət da­şı­mır­lar. Bu­na gö­rə də bir çox in­san­lar və­zi­fə­lə­ri­nin din­lə­ri­nə yal­nız öz­ba­şı­na əməl et­mək­dən iba­rət ol­du­ğu­nu düşünür və baş­qa in­san­la­ra di­ni təb­liğ et­mək və­zi­fə­si da­şı­ma­dıq­la­rı­nı gü­man edir­lər. Hal­bu­ki Qurana ba­xan­da, bu­nun tam ək­si olan bir an­la­yış­la qar­şı­la­şı­rıq. Mü­səl­ma­nın ən bö­yük və­zi­fə­lə­rin­dən bi­ri İs­lam əx­la­qı­nı ət­ra­fın­da olan in­san­la­ra izah və təb­liğ et­mək və on­la­rı da Al­la­ha iman gə­tir­mə­yə təş­viq et­mək­dir. «Ey ör­tü­nüb bü­rün­müş! Qalx qor­xut!» («Müd­dəs­sir» su­rə­si, 1-2) Quran­da mü­səl­man­la­rın bü­tün hə­yat­la­rı­nı təb­liğ­lə, yə­ni din­lə­ri­ni yay­maq­la ke­çir­mə­lə­ri­nin la­zım ol­du­ğu bil­di­ri­lir. Mü­səl­man üçün Al­la­hın var­lı­ğı­nın bü­tün in­san­lar tə­rə­fin­dən bi­lin­mə­si, dərk edil­mə­si, bü­tün in­san­la­rın cə­hən­nə­min ne­cə yer ol­ma­sın­dan və he­sa­ba çə­kil­mə­lə­rin­dən xə­bər­dar ol­ma­sı on­la­rın ti­ca­rə­tin­dən, əy­lən­cə­sin­dən və ya ra­hat­lıq­la­rın­dan da­ha əhə­miy­yət­li­dir. Cə­hən­nəm­də­ki əza­bın şid­də­ti­ni və Al­la­hın qüd­rə­ti­ni yax­şı bi­lən mü­səl­man­lar in­san­la­rın di­ni əx­la­qa əməl et­mə­dik­lə­ri təq­dir­də, on­la­rı göz­lə­yən aqi­bə­tin ne­cə ola­ca­ğı­nı öy­rən­mə­lə­ri üçün əl­lə­rin­dən gə­lə­ni edir­lər. La­zım olar­sa, iş­lə­rin­dən, ev­lə­rin­dən və ya mülk­lə­rin­dən im­ti­na edə­rək in­san­la­rı xə­bər­dar edirvə Al­la­hın bu əmr­lə­ri­ni ye­ri­nə ye­tir­məyəda­vam edir­lər. Al­la­hın mö­min­lə­rə olan bu əm­ri baş­qa bir ayə­də be­lə bil­di­ri­lir: «Qəf­lət­də olan­la­rı və iman gə­tir­mə­yən­lə­ri işin bit­miş ola­ca­ğı peş­man­çı­lıq gü­nü ilə qor­xut!» («Mər­yəm» su­rə­si, 39) #quran #ayə #surə #ixlas #islam #iman #əxlaq #tövbə #təqva #dinipaylasimlar #hədis #Allah #evdəqal #namaz #malcolmx https://www.instagram.com/p/CNDD2aqByEH/?igshid=nw92q656k71e
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luci-j · 6 months
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Shape-shifting future Nova corps head Lir Tam-Lin. He shouldn't be a problem..... Right? Right?....
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luci-j · 6 months
Hello I just wanted to know who is sergeant Lir Tam-Lin ?
Hi there!
Thank you for the question. <3 Lir is a Nova Corps officer who looks like he might be next in line for the role of Nova Prime. One of his parents was a shape-shifter from a planet called Hill Temar. His other parent, well... Was there to do research there.
There's a quick mention from Meti in an earlier chapter about how he did something in order to study moss by a river. While it hasn't been revealed what exactly, it's safe to say Lir was the result of this.
Neither Lir nor Meti are aware they're so close to one another. Will that change? We shall see. >:) This probably won't be the last we see of Sgt. Tam-Lin.
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