#like. real life is shitty enough I don't need to be policed by some stranger on the internet
avenger-hawk · 9 months
Don’t tag my content as ____ (random problematic thing)
Dude, if you police how ppl tag your content when when they reblog it you kinda make them want to...uh...not reblog it. 
Personally, I tag ships not only when I reblog/post shipper stuff, but also when the characters are in the same artwork or stuff, you know, for being able to find the artwork quicker, cause I don’t remember all fanartists’ names (yup, sorry about that). In short, I tag ships because I want to, and if you have a problem with it because you don’t want to have your precious hands dirty with problematic stuff ok, but you put off a lot of ppl. 
Because others might not tag a ship but they might want to add weird rants on their reblog and they might be uncomfortable since you’re policing notes lol, and even tho I find certain thirsty fangirl comments on certain artworks kinda gross, or I get pissed off when someone reblogs the fanarts with permission I post, tagging some canon shit or papas*ke, I don’t start drama with it, I mean as long as they don’t bitch at me directly who cares...ofc I’m not the author. But being an fanfic author, even if it’s not the same exactly, I’m just happy if someone reblogs my stuff and I don’t look at their tags lol. What if...I mean...what if. you start not policing too. Just a thought.
Hawk out
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hxhhasmysoul · 26 days
As a writer, can you see the appeal of self-shipping? I don't mean to be negative, but I just don't understand that concept. Like, I just got block because I wrote fics about Endeavor/Hakws and Sukuna/Yuuji by my group of fics writers.
Before I was blocked some member criticize me by saying "how could you ship age gap like that, that is wrong in so many way". And I answered, "at least better like me than wrote self shipping like some of you guys. Gojo/reader and Sukuna/reader is just weird in so many ways". Then I was blocked.
Do you think I'm wrong?
Idk if this will answer your question, anon. I hope it's not too rambly and at least a bit helpful.
I have never considered self-shipping from the perspective of being a writer, but that makes sense to me, I only write things that I want to read and can't find, or not find enough of.
And self-shipping doesn't appeal to me as a reader. The second person makes me uncomfortable as a pov, possibly due to my history of abuse. My abuser very often assumed what I must've thought in a given situation and berated me for it and didn't accept me telling her what I actually thought. The second person pov feels too much to me like a stranger trying to tell me what I'm thinking.
This is also why I hate people policing ships in any way, because it’s always assuming what is in a stranger’s head based on confusing discomfort and lack of understanding with morality, and often based on some strange inability to separate fiction from reality. It's very far right fundie coded.
As much as a lot of stuff doesn't appeal to me, including self-shipping and several other things, some of them generally uncontroversial, it doesn't have to appeal to me because people enjoy whatever they enjoy and I can't care less about it. If it makes me uncomfortable like the second person pov or abo or real person shipping, I just avoid reading it. And I also don't have to understand why it appeals to people, it's their thing. 
Nowadays I try not to tell people that they are weird or wrong for doing stuff that is a personal preference. Shipping or most other fandom activity isn't activism or a reflection of someone's character but a personal preference. It only turns into a mark of character when people use fandom to express or try to hide their bigotry. Or use it as an excuse for actual harassment. 
Basically it's okay to find things weird, or react with discomfort. But I've learned to interrogate my repulsion or discomfort. And often it stems from internalised societal or cultural bull shit, that is about policing people and trying to fit everyone into some artificial norm. It doesn’t mean that understanding the roots of your reaction must lead you to liking the thing, but it might help you remove the value judgement. One of the best skills to have is: thinking “this is not for me” and moving on to things you actually like. I’m working really hard on honing this skill. 
For me it’s very freeing to just accept that everyone experiences the world differently and has different needs and as long as their need isn’t to harm others then it’s okay not to understand them and just say okay and move on. You can’t have all the experiences, a lot of stuff people will talk about will never be relatable because their life experience is so incomparable to yours. It’s best to accept that understanding everything and everyone is impossible but also unnecessary.  You don’t need to give everything your mental energy.
As to the person blocking you. Good riddance, they will thankfully not expose you to their shitty opinions anymore. They acted in a shitty way towards you and then couldn’t take a strong reply from you. I’m of the opinion that one should only start shit if they are ready to get the same kind of energy back. I feel no sympathy for them.
Also I’m a huge supporter of blocking people, I block at least one person every time I go into the JJK tags. Either for tag spamming or not tagging so my tag blocking doesn’t work, or just for shitty opinions so I don’t have to see them and sigh.
And their opinion is shit because shipping isn’t wrong or problematic, it’s just people imagining things. What's problematic in the JJK fandom is the racism, the misogyny, the transphobia, the harassment, the graphic vitriol towards the author and so on.
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1 Minors with DNI are a fucking riot, because they're the ones who always go into blogs explicitly telling them to fuck off. And when you ban them from your page, they have a massive tantrum because they feel entitled to look at all that nasty adult shit, but they'll also throw a tantrum because they themselves went out to look for it. Minors have been the largest demographic to go into my DM's and complain about things, where I explicitly made it clear it's 18+. One time one of these oversized
2 tried to do a NSFW sexually explicit RPG with one of my OC's, and then flipped when I told them to take a hike. I'm not even an RPG blog. Only thing more annoying is when a minor joins an adult only Discord, lying about their age, and then throwing a public tantrum in #general about how the adults are being NSFW-nasty, and complaining that this explicitly 18+ server doesn't cater to 15 yo old snot nosed brats, calling everyone names, and then harassing people in the DM's after being kicked.
not to tone police, but calling 15 year-olds "snot-nosed brats" does not sit right with me - it feels like you're buying their narrative, but you're casting them in the villain role instead of the hero role, and in doing so missing the bigger picture. both they (the people who pull this crap, not 15 year-olds in general) and you paint 15 as uwu literal tiny babies who cannot even hear the word sex - I have worked as a volunteer for an lgbt+ youth group back when lgbt+ sex-ed and lgbt+ help for teens was basically non-existent in my country (or at least this area of it), and I have friends who are young, and I was a kid myself once, and I have read shit, and so on and so forth, and I think that framing is actively dangerous. teenagers are not babies, and a huge source of the problems they face in life are from being too controlled, too isolated, and not given access to resources and information. teen pregnancy is treated as some kind of epidemic of bad parenting leading to teens "acting out" and not being celibate, when in reality it's an epidemic of lacking sex-ed and forcing them into secretive behaviour, which leads to unsafe sex, which leads to more likelihood of pregnancy. when you buy into bad framings I think you miss the reasons they act the way they do, and the real rebuttal to their claims - instead of being like "you're not a baby, you're a teenager, act like it, take responsibility, and stop expecting strangers to parent you" a lot of people's response is "ew baby, get away from me! you're so icky! I hate you!" and that's unhelpful.
teenagers coming to your blog (as I mentioned in both of those two posts above) and hounding you, despite their own dni being very explicit in saying they allegedly don't want to talk to you, seems to me like them obviously trying to bait you and cause trouble - like if they come to my posts and then add those shitty tags, it's them thinking they're vagueing me and making me feel bad for what I like or support (when it's not somebody who somehow genuinely was totally oblivious), when in reality it's just frustrating and really childish to have somebody show up, be bitchy, then immediately block you. same with nsfw rp requests, then "throwing a hissy fit" about it, and coming into adult servers to complain - they're being, for lack of a better term, drama llama attention whores. that's it. when they lie about their age and try to do it in secret, and all that shit, it's also a problem, obviously - they're far above old enough to know better than to lie and manipulate people. but when they do all this bait so brazenly and openly, that's them trying to cause trouble and annoyance, trying to play the victim in a scenario that they engineered. I think people forget that 15 year-olds are wholeass people, they can manipulate, they can intentionally harm, they can abuse, they can even rape (despite some people I've seen claiming that it's impossible), and they have personalities and reasonings behind their behaviour, ultimately they're not uwu precious babies or "snot-nosed brats" having a mindless temper tantrum, there's more to them. what they're doing is intentional attention-seeking behaviour and attempting to engineer scenarios where they either annoy people or, worse, trick people into doing some dodgy shit.
I don't say minors can't interact with my blog - I claim absolutely no responsibility for my followers, who interacts with my posts, etc. I do not monitor that sort of thing. my blog is not a safe space, it's not ideally for minors, but I can't monitor that effectively or reliably, and claiming that I do will only leave me liable when, inevitably, I can't spot every single one and something slips through. minors can interact here, I can't stop them, just don't be an ass. but tbh I just don't think this behaviour is what most people think it is, I think it's them wanting internet drama to fucking entertain themselves. the alleged "moral" reasoning behind it, or them being "dumb kids", is really not a large part of the actual motive behind each scenario.
edit: I meant to link this thread of the above post, not the other one
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cuteandtwisted · 6 years
hi wiss! not a prompt but i just read your birthday fic for Even and I found it so touching how you treat his MI with so much care. i don't mean to intrude but do you have an MI? it sometimes sounds like you speak from experience. Do you or someone close to you have a mental illness? and what did Even teach YOU?
Hmm. That’s an interesting question. Interesting because I don’t really know., because I’m not sure I’m articulate enough to answer it. Also it’s 8am and I still haven’t slept/been stranded in airports after 3 flights. And I’m typing this on my phone. It’s funny how I always leak and ramble about myself when I’m exhausted.
Long story short: I’ve never seen a therapist and my mental state is based on what I think I know/things I read. It’s all in my head pretty much, which I realize is the same as assessing yourself physically without going to an actual Doctor. Mental illness was always so taboo in my culture growing up. It was considered a curse, an impairment, a sign of weakness of character or of bad karma. And it didn’t only speak for you and your deeds. It also spoke for your entire family. Mental illness was something we only heard about but never got to live through. It was that thing that happened to others or to that one obscure/distant family member. It wasn’t exactly real and it wasn’t nuanced either. It was a death sentence so to speak. It was an ending in and of itself.
My first direct exposure to someone with a mental illness was to my uncle. He’s my father’s youngest brother and we’re barely 10 years apart. What’s most vivid about him in my childhood memories are his height, his silky hair, his talent for drawing, although he’s never had any training, and his tendency to smoke too many cigarettes and drink too many cups of black coffee. He also happened to be schizophrenic and delirious. His symptoms started around the time his parents got a divorce and his father (aka my grandpa) got married to one of his students (i know. Wtf). He got misdiagnosed and his meds fucked with his mind a lot. He never got to finish school or pursue his dream to be an artist. I’m always sad when I think of him because he is the perfect example of someone who could have been helped but who was cursed, not by his pained mind, but by society’s stigma. He always kisses my forehead when he sees me and it always breaks my heart when I remember how scared I used to be of him when I was younger. It wasn’t my fault, I later realized. Everyone around me kept telling me that i was to feel afraid. I often hear about him ending up at the police station and at the hospital, and I often heard my grandmother complain about how he ruined her life with his sickness. Terrifying, isn’t it? It doesn’t encourage anyone who might be feeling inadequate to ever speak up.
I personally started to feel /weird/ when I reached the age of 13/14. My parents said I read books I wasn’t supposed to have read when I was younger and that it messed with my thoughts and my mind. I loved philosophy, still do. Questioning my own existence became a thing I practiced religiously. At one point I was convinced I had superpowers and that I could escape reality whenever I wished to. Sometimes, it was pleasant but not really. Like being tickled. It makes you laugh but you don’t necessarily enjoy the loss of control. I thought I could control it, but then I realized that it was controlling me. Sometimes it was terrifying because I didn’t know what was wrong with me and Google wasn’t extremely helpful either. Later I realized that I was experiencing depersonalization/derealization and that I wasn’t that special. Recoiling into one’s mind to the point of no longer being able to perceive reality was something many others experienced. I was almost disappointed to learn that I wasn’t special.
I went through some terrible experiences around that time and my moods started fluctuating. I would go from elated to extremely down, never leaving my room. My parents were constantly traveling so they didn’t really notice. It didn’t help that I was an extremely proud, reserved, contrary, and cunning teenager. My mind was my best asset and I used to my advantage. Another thing that duped most was my ability to pretend that I was fine all the time. I could be crippled with sorrow and still have a smile plastered across my face. I could entertain groups of 10 for hours then go home and cry until sleep found me. I was proud, stubborn, ‘strong’. And strong people didn’t admit to feeling weak and needing to just sleep it off sometimes.
At one point, I convinced myself that I was bipolar. I even wrote it in my diary and my anonymous blogs back then. I didn’t know much about it. I just knew that my mood swings and my depersonalization episodes had to be attributed to something. Again, i never saw a therapist, so it was all BS. I also never splurged to the point of mania. (However, I do spend money recklessly sometimes. I do jump on flights at the last moment, buy the most stupid shit just for the heck of it, shove my tongue down strangers’ throats just to feel something, drink until I’m blind and throwing up against walls. I do feel larger than life sometimes, slightly invincible, convinced I’m special and have some insight into human nature, convinced i can see right through people and read their minds. I have my moments. But don’t we all?
I also do feel down sometimes to the point of not leaving my bed for days, ignoring everyone’s calls and messages, and just curling around myself in the dark. I do. I do. But don’t we all?
Control and pride are all I have, however. So you won’t find me whining about my feelings or my mood swings in real life.)
I kept entertaining my self-diagnosis and remained convinced I was bipolar until I first met a diagnosed bipolar person at the age of 17. I didn’t know he was bipolar back then, just that people called him ‘crazy’ and a ‘fucking liar’. I knew him as my boyfriend’s best friend/neighbor. I thought he hated me for the longest time. I even imagined that he was secretly gay and in love with my boyfriend. But he wasn’t. I asked him point blank why he hated me one day and he replied with “i don’t. I’m actually in love with you.” I still remember that day so vividly. My boyfriend and I thought he was joking. He wasn’t.
My bf and I eventually broke up, after which he got shipped to another city, but I maintained my weird friendship with his best friend/neighbor. He transferred to my school when we were juniors and I took it upon myself to introduce him to people and show him around. He walked me home on Friday afternoons and made me playlists which we listened to on his iPod. We shared his earphones as we walked to my house. He started writing me poems and posting them on facebook. He called me his 'colombe’ which translates to 'his dove’ and he became fixated on me to the point of following me in the streets when I was out with friends. I remember the night he stood outside of a McDonalds with a cigarette between his lips staring at me through the window. I started feeling scared. I rejected his advances and his poems were dark and accusatory now.
He came to school with a bandaged wrist once and i was afraid of asking him what happened. My english teacher pulled me aside at the end of class that day and asked me if it was true that I had pushed him down the stairs and caused his wrist injury. I denied it because it wasn’t and i started feeling slightly terrified. The guy left a note in my bag that day and stopped me during recess to ask me to not open it until i got home.
I opened it as soon as I finished an exam early and went outside waiting for everyone else to come out. It was dark and chilly. It was November. The note he wrote me was another poem and it was written in ?blood? I was shocked and I questioned it as much as I could. It could have been red nail polish. It could have been anything. But why do this to me? Why? I didn’t understand. He came out of the school and i snapped and it was just the two of us in the dark. He had followed me outside but i was so angry and confused that i failed to see that it was just us two now. I asked him what the hell was going on and he said that he cut himself because of me and of how i treated him and that he wrote me a poem with his blood. I think i might have called him crazy. I don’t remember. I was experiencing shock in its purest form so I don’t remember everything I said.
And then he hit me. He shoved me hard against the wall and he hit me across the face, then he said that he loved me and that I didn’t understand. I still remember how the blow felt like nothing. The worst had already happened. I internalized that hit so much, and perhaps I still do. I was tiny compared to him. I can fight people, but I was shocked by how utterly powerless I was at that moment. My limbs had just stopped functioning. And to this day I still find it hard to let my guards down around men or anyone physically capable of overpowering me. Biology, and all. My best friend came out of nowhere and a fight broke because he had me pressed against a wall. Then we all went home. I never told anyone that he hit me that night. I was too proud. I still can’t believe that it’s something that happened to me.
I cut my bangs to the side that night to hide my bruise, and thankfully I have brown complexion so it wasn’t that bad. I avoided him like the plague after that, even when he crawled back to me begging for forgiveness. He later sent me long messages explaining his diagnosis and his bipolar and how he had developed an ‘obsession’ with me, how it wasn’t really him doing those things. But I couldn’t find it in me to forgive him. Being mentally ill doesn’t condone shitty behavior, it doesn’t condone physically assaulting someone. I don’t know. He traumatized me.
I developed some sort of stigma after that. I was kind of like S3 Isak (which is why i think the show changed me so fucking much) I 'chose’ to stay away from 'mentally ill people’ to 'protect myself’.
The guy in question did continue being a shitty person until everyone around town knew to avoid him. He played girls and called them sluts and lied about everything and everyone and he was just pretty horrible. And it took me some time to understand that it wasn’t because he was bipolar. It was simply because he was an asshole.
I did develop empathy for him later on when I stopped being so angry and blaming myself for everything all the time. I guess I realized that some have it harder than others? Maybe his shitty behavior was a byproduct of how he had been treated so far? Maybe it was his only outlet, his only way of lashing out against the world for 'inconveniencing’ him with an imbalanced brain? I don’t know. But i forgive him now. Because I’m sure he wasn’t always terrible. I’m sure he has lived through his fair share of horrible things. I’m sure those weeks he spent in bed were daunting. I’m sure people weren’t always gentle with him. I forgive him but i will never forget. Because some people go through hell and still choose to be kind. Because what he did, using his bipolar to justify his awful actions, is selfish and only perpetuates the stigma around bipolar.
I guess this is why SKAM changed my life so drastically? The only depiction of bipolar i had been exposed to was from this guy who traumatized me and all the crap on TV that either romanticized it or simply turned it into a trope and showed people who suffer from it as helpless and completely delirious with no chance of ever leading a normal life. I’m grateful for SKAM because not only did it erase my previous biased and erroneous views which were influenced by a rather unfortunate event, but it also made me do research and read about it and learn more. I fell in love with Even and his mind and his kindness and all the love he has in him. Life can throw crap at you, but you can still choose to be kind. And that’s what Even and his story taught me. Mental illness is not a death sentence and you can still be loved and happy
Back to your question, I guess, I still haven’t paid a visit to a therapist lol. I’m scared i might find out something about myself that i won’t like. I’m scared of being called out on my bullshit. I’m scared of leaking like a broken faucet. I get dizzy thinking about some of the crap I went through and I sometimes think it’s better left in pandora’s box, that it’s better to keep the lid on. I don’t know. Sometimes my life feels like some really badly written CW show. But I’m still happy with where I am today. Always. One day i’ll organize my thoughts and write something meaningful about the storms in my mind. But until then, i’ll borrow the voice of fictional characters to work through some of my personal experiences.
Sorry about the rambling. I’m SO angry at Delta airlines right now. I had to channel that anger into something else haha.
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