#like just get him a meeting w a specialist!!!! have him learn skills
kimjiwoong · 2 years
no because I'm sure most of the times what makes teaching difficult is dealing with parents. I was supposed to have a meeting with one of my 5th graders' dad today and he never showed up. and like I don't even care about my own wasted time. the kid's severely dyslexic and is really struggling yet he gets no help. his dad is a businessman that likes playing waterpolo for fun so I know he has the money to get the kid help. like I literally know all of this because the kid told me in his oral project abt family! but he can't write to save his life and his rich dad gets him NO HELP. like?? he picks him up from school in a car so expensive I can't recognize the logo just ffs get your son the right helpppp. so many ppl lack the possibility of helping their children and this dumb guy leading this privileged life doesn't take advantage of that to make his son's academic life easier??? and just lets him struggle and feel stupid? it pisses me off
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rainofaugustsith · 3 years
SWTOR and Companion Death
So. Some thoughts about companion deaths in SWTOR in general.
I'm not a fan.
I do know the name of the franchise is Star WARS, and people die in wars. It would probably be extremely unrealistic if we had a scenario where our characters spent literally 17 years of their lives (and counting...well, 12 if we don't count carbonite) fighting and nobody around them died.
However, in SWTOR I think that most of the deaths could been avoided. I don't think they benefit the story. I think that all they really do, in the end, is deprive the audience of a lot of interesting characters. 
I do think there are occasions when a player's character may wish to reject or kill a companion, but I also feel that there are ways to write so that it is an exception, and not commonplace.
And we have not even gotten to the NPC deaths. It has been a bloodbath for years with SWTOR and the writers show no signs of stopping it. Nathema - the body count from Nathema has taken almost twenty NPCs out of the main story. Onslaught? Yeah. Many more. It's become more unusual for an NPC to actually survive for the duration than to have a kill option.
I feel there are better ways to write than to take a Game of Thrones approach and kill everyone. When you eliminate everyone's beloved characters, and you leave the player with nothing more than a rotating cast of strangers, it's quite difficult to get into the story after a while.
Going through the companion deaths from KOTFE to Iokath:
Tanno Vik: The voiceover artist who played Tanno Vik died several years ago, and apparently the devs decided not to make the character recruitable in KOTFE because of that. I can understand this one. It seems that Tanno may die regardless of your choices, too. If you spare him during your meeting, he may not have survived the attack on Asylum, especially if the PC chose to use Valkorion's power.
HK-55: Yes, we get it, you wanted to show everyone that Arcann is a big old monster. The "thrown into carbonite," "slaughtering the Scions" “subjugating both the Republic and Empire” and "ruling as a harsh dictator" plot points didn't get it across quite enough. Dramatic. Yes. And they do bring HK-55 back
My objection to this death is not that they did it - because it actually does fit, even if it's a little extreme - is that they didn't make HK-55's return available to all in the actual main story of the game. I can understand making Shroud of Memory a bonus, because it's cute and funny but doesn't tie super directly into the main plot. But Arma Rasa? I think that should have been for everyone. Yes, I know you can buy it now - and I did - but I still think it should have been main story. If it were, we could have enjoyed HK-55's commentary in the rest of KOTFE and KOTET.
Kaliyo Djannis, Aric Jorgan: Fan service. But it makes no fucking sense. What exactly are you killing them for? They didn't listen, after they tried to compensate and salvage a mission that had gone south? They were left in the lurch because your PC was mission critical and went on a hallucinogenic hiking trip and didn't show up? There's literally nothing you can do to make the mission go right. It always fails, no matter who is in charge or what you tell them to do.
In Kaliyo's case, I really question why the devs thought that she, of all people, would be the character that most players would just love to spend an entire chapter with in one-on-one quality time in KOTFE. I think her kill option was a response to that - "yes, we forced you to play a chapter with this character but look, you can let her go now." Or perhaps it was a response to the frustration some players had with not being able to kill or reject her in the class story.
I think the class story could have sustained a branch where Kaliyo was asked to leave after the Wheezer incident. I think it's reasonable that a player's Agent may not have wanted to continue associating with her at that point. There were four other characters who could have taken her dialogue in the class story missions. But to do it years later? Eh.
In Aric's case, I have no idea what they were thinking. I've never had the feeling he's a character that is widely disliked. They needed to give an option to kill someone along with Kaliyo. I don't know. But it's weird and doesn't make sense IMHO.
Senya: So she's saved her boy. We get it. But considering that Senya also spent several chapters insisting that her children needed to be brought to justice, and was fully willing to engage Vaylin in combat if not kill her - the change of heart was confusing. I think Senya's fate was attached to Arcann's simply to give Arcann greater odds of survival. It seems that people like Senya even if they don't like Arcann. If the two had been separated, I really think less people would have saved Arcann.
Koth: Fan service. Nothing but fucking fan service. I'm sure it had nothing to do with Koth being a LGBTQ+ Black man who actually protested the player's actions and didn't let them off the hook. No, nothing to worry about here with that. That;s sarcasm in case I need to clarify. If things get to the point where Koth has left, your character literally works with him to save the ship and then can kill him while Lana stands there and watches and not a single person protests. After Koth has hijacked the ship and planted a bomb on it. The ship he adores. I can’t even. They could have done so much with this character and they just...did this instead. And then chose to completely ignore him even if he remained in the player's story. I still am salty, years later, that he didn't even get a cameo in the Nathema story. It's not as though the Gravestone's fate would have bothered him at all, amirite?
SCORPIO: One of the few kill options that actually might be justifiable, but the larger question is why she was trusted so much to begin with. And why the game feels it's light side to let her merge with a planet that keeps a necropolis of billions of organics it has slaughtered as research subjects.
Arcann: I feel Arcann should be handled and considered separately because he was not established first as a companion. He was framed and written as an adversary for all of KOTFE. But here we are forced to choose between "let Arcann live and become your new BFF who takes over Lana and Theron's place of trust with no punishment for his crimes" or "kill him on live television! I'm sure I'll be an Instagram Influencer now! Follow me at AllianceCommanderOdesssen uwu!"
Vette; Torian: Completely unnecessary. You have an Alliance that is so large that fighters are literally on the cliffs and in the trees helping you as you progress through the chapter. The Gravestone's taken to the skies. And yet nobody is available to swing by Torian or Vette's position to help them. You and Lana/Theron or Senya/Arcann are literally THE ONLY PEOPLE EVER who can do that. Oh, and the super-smart Hutt scientist in charge of your Research and Development team has given Vette an assault cannon for this huge battle against strong, skilled forces, despite the fact she's only operated an assault cannon...once? For a few minutes? *thumbs up, Oggurobb!*
I feel this was simply done to try to evoke emotion and to erase any sympathy the player may have had for Vaylin, since it immediately follows the Nathema sanitarium visit.
If they really felt the need to go with this, I feel they could have tied it to player actions earlier in the game. Did you do a lot of Alliance Alerts? Did you raise the Specialists' influence above 10? Did you do some of those veteran Star Fortresses and pick up a few extra companions? Then maybe you have enough extra personnel to save both. Quinn: More fan service, served up for those who would have liked to kill or reject Quinn all those years ago in the class story.
Just like Kaliyo - and Skadge, and Tanno Vik - I think the class story could have gone on without him if the Sith Warrior had been allowed to reject him after the Quinncident. I would have rejected him at that point. The writing in the class story could have sustained it. They could have given the healer role to one of the others. And then you'd get a branch where if Quinn was present, he'd show up on Iokath. If not, it would be someone else from the Sith class story, like one of the many Moffs the Warrior meets. Maybe the dude from Ilum, since he doesn't die. Or Hesker.
Theron: Now, here's the issue. The story sets up a scenario where asking Theron to leave because you no longer trust him is understandable. But I plead the case that it never should have gotten to that point. The entire betrayal story was completely unnecessary. Theron NEEDED to go undercover like that? He had a secret language he and Lana developed and just never used it to tip everyone off? He thought frying the Commander on Iokath or throwing her out the train window would be fun? After working so hard for peace, he literally sparked the next galactic war by tipping off everyone about Iokath and manipulating them all into going there so they could learn lots of fun new ways to kill each other?
Come. On. It doesn't make sense. Even in a spy game, I don't think Theron would have really thought that prodding the Empire and Republic to war with each other and the Alliance would have been worth it.
I feel like they could have done so many other things with the Order of Zildrog, and even had the same flashpoints, without making Theron appear to betray the Alliance. 
DS Jaesa: *sigh* So she saw the Commander on the Holonet, never thought of coming to Odessen and instead went to Iokath to slaughter Alliance troops. Oh, and threaten to kill Lana, who may be the player’s partner. Again, it sets up a scenario where it makes sense that a player might kill her, but why was that even necessary? The scenario itself doesn't make sense. If you have Master Ranos, she says that Jaesa was spotted hunting for artifacts, I think? Maybe just maybe they could have worked with that?
Xalek: You're killing Xalek for...um...terrorizing miners...and...yeah. Okay. Dude was in the class story for about five minutes so I don't think anyone knows what is going on here.
Broonmark: Yes, he's basically a cold-blooded killer. But he's going after this Wookiee senator because he's allying with the Republic? Or getting some Talz to be allies? The Talz already seem to be aligned Republic. He's a bit late to that party. Why is it that I don't think Broonmark would be into politics or watching the news and would not care about this?
Rusk: Um, yeah, Bey'wan, about that guy you wanted me to recruit, he's, um, dead. Because I decided to sell him out to a Black Sun gang leader. Don't be mad?
Skadge: One of the few kill options I think most could agree is...not that bad. Your mission with Rusk is to kill him. He was an adversary in the game. My headcanon for my bounty hunters is that he never gets on the ship after Belsavis. There’s no way they would have ever brought him along. Another case of correcting something from the class story?
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hey Steph! I wanted to know if you knew of any fics that dealt with the topic of consent, and very explicit consent, and not even necessarily for sex, but just, explicit consent and conversations of boundaries in a relationship. "hay can I kiss you? it's ok if I hold your hand? can I hold your hand when we're outside?" people talking boundaries, that type of thing... you know anything like that?
Hey Nonny!!
You know, I ABSOLUTELY KNOW that I do, but I didn’t have the foresight to pre-tag all of them as I read them, so I can’t give you ALL of the ones I have in my bookmarks, but I can definitely give you the fics I do have tagged with “Consent” or “Negotiation”, so I hope that’s okay!!
If any of my Lovelies have any that they remember or have their own fics, PLEASE add them!!
Personal Space by probablyquantum (T, 1,814 w., 1 Ch. || Pre-Slash, Cuddles, Nightmares, Awkwardness) – John and Sherlock renegotiate the rules governing personal space. Pre-Slash.
Husband by jinglebell (E, 2,003 w., 1 Ch. || Est. Rel., PWP, Anal, Multiple Orgasms, Fluff, Toplock) – Sherlock orgasms when John refers to him as ‘husband’.
The Marriage Proposal Negotiation by Goddess_of_the_Night (G, 2,161 w., 1 Ch. || Dev. Rel., Possessive Sherlock, Insecure Sherlock, Fluff, First Kiss, Post Mary) – Sherlock hasn’t ever really done anything the traditional way, so of course it wouldn’t bother him to propose to John even though they’re not even dating. And the fact that John is already on a date with someone else when he decides to do it? Tedious.
Perfect Solo by Itsallfine (E, 2,384 w., 1 Ch., || PWP, Solo Kink, Fantasy, Pining, Dirty Talk, Sex Toys) – Sherlock couldn’t decide how he wanted to have John that night. (The one where Sherlock uses his box of sex toys to take himself apart in every way John might have him.)
Everything by patternofdefiance (E, 4,409 w., 1 Ch. || Snuggles and Cuddles, Bed Sharing, Frottage, Vulnerable Sherlock) – John wakes up with an armful of Sherlock. This – situation – is unusual, yes, and definitely unfamiliar, but in no way does it feel wrong. Rather, it feels the exact opposite. Part 13 of I Blame Tumblr
Uninhibited by 221b_hound (M, 4,293 w., 1 Ch. || Bathing/Washing, Naked Cuddling, Non-Sexual Intimacy, Big Brother Mycroft, Relationship Negotiation, Massage, Sherlock Has a Low Libido, Pet Names) – Sherlock and John have been apart for the first time since Sherlock returned from the dead. Neither of them has had a good day. John’s gets worse when Mycroft comes to Baker Street in Sherlock’s absence to warn John Watson against disappointing his brother by expecting things to change. Mycroft has misjudged things rather badly. But finally he sods off and leaves John and Sherlock to reconnect, to give and receive comfort, and show each other that they are, indeed, perfectly matched. Part 15 of Unkissed
Beg for Mercy (Twice) by Solitary_Endeavor (E, 7,060 w., 1 Ch. || Est. Rel., Bottomlock, Bearded John, Edging, Rough Sex, Idiots in Love, Canon Compliant) – Sherlock hasn’t left the flat in four days, the itch of impatience beneath his skin too great to allow him to suffer interaction with any human being who isn’t John. This is probably a mercy that goes both ways, as he’s driving even himself mad. Sherlock supposes there is a lesson to be learned here about having himself to blame, but of course he blames Mycroft.
The doctor is in by PlainJane (E, 7,581 w., 1 Ch. || Omegaverse || Sex Therapist, Anal, Hand Jobs, Frottage, Virgin Sherlock) – Sherlock is a young alpha with an aversion to his cycle. John is a gender medicine specialist. Nothing could possibly go wrong… Part 1 of Doctors and detectives
Caves in the Mountains Are Seldom Unoccupied by starrysummernights & TheMadKatter13 (E, 7,925 w., 1 Ch. || Were-Creatures, Werebear John, Pseudo Bestiality, Rimming, Dub Con, Rough Sex, Come Inflation / Eating, Size Kink, PWP, Bratty Sherlock, Rutting) – “This isn’t something to play at, Sherlock,” he snapped. “If it doesn’t work out- what you’re asking of me- we can’t shrug and say ‘oh well, at least we tried’. If we do this… I could seriously hurt you. Do you understand? I could lose control. I could… I could kill you.” (This one is… REALLY REALLY kinky, heavy dub-con warning)
Just Like That by sussexbound (E, 8,442 w., 1 Ch. || First Time/Kiss, Frottage, Virgin Sherlock, French Kissing, Anal, Emotional Lovemaking, Enthusiastic Consent, Tenderness, Crying John, Bathing/Washing, Insecure John, Toplock) – John doesn’t want to talk anymore. He wants. Oh dear god, how he wants. For the first time in what feels like years he WANTS.
Evening Ride by LapisLazuli (E, 8,632 w., 1 Ch. || Public Sex, Alternate First Meeting, Humiliation Kink, Groping, Frottage, Consent Issues, Come Play) – John has a series of unexpected meetings with a stranger on the Tube.
C. sapiens by patternofdefiance (E, 8,813 w., 1 Ch. || Tentacles Porn, Magical Realism, Bottomlock, Anal / Tentacle Sex, Pheremones) – “A few weeks ago I would have thought you were impossible,” Sherlock begins, walking into the kitchen in his blue robe, and John – not quite catching on – wants to scoff and argue, No, actually, you are impossible, but then Sherlock continues: “But now I’d say you are improbable.” John thinks this might be flattering, if he could wrap his head around it, but he can’t – Sherlock is standing near, steaming his sun-baked-clean-sand smell, like the beach after rain, an alive smell, an other smell. It’s intoxicating, and John has been studiously avoiding it, but he can’t shift away now it’s so near. Now Sherlock’s so near. And then Sherlock ruins the probable-loveliness of his words and the definite-beauty of his presence by saying: “And by ‘improbable’ I mean ‘not yet scientifically acknowledged.’” Part 1 of Gifts from the Sea
John Watson’s Moon by patternofdefiance (E, 11,314 w., 1 Ch. || Werewolf John, First Time, BAMF John, First Time, Anal, Fleeting Depictions of Violence) – Sherlock finds out John is a werewolf and wants to see the transformation. It, uh, gets really kinky.
Kintsugi by distantstarlight (E, 14,772 w., 1 Ch. || Post S4, Emotional Hurt / Comfort, Regret / Remorse, Loneliness, Separation, Drug Use, Healing, Protective John, Sad Sherlock, Dev. Rel., Complicated Relationships, Love, Angst With Happy Ending, Sherlock is Called Freak, John’s Penance, Voyeurism, Doctor/Caretaker John, Guilty John, Detox, Fingering, Love Confessions, Cuddling, Slight Non-Con Turns Enthusiastic Consent, Virgin Sherlock) – Sherlock Holmes becomes estranged from the man he had once considered his best friend after John lets him down horribly in public. It seems that the world’s only consulting detective will be on his own once again…or will he?
Lacuna by coloredink (E, 15,607 w., 1 Ch. || Angst, Consent Issues, Drama, Amnesia) – God, it must have been terrible, to think that he would never have this again.
The Midas Touch by flawedamythyst (E, 32,231 w., 1 Ch. || Magical Realism, John has a Magical Cock, Dub Con, Healer John) – John Watson has a medical condition that means everyone he sleeps with is instantly healed of all illness and injury. This causes complications when Sherlock breaks his arm, and even more complications when Sherlock falls in love with him. Yes, this is a story where John has a literal magic healing cock. It’s a lot less cracky than you’re probably imagining. Warning: Contains complex issues of sexual consent, although not between Sherlock and John.
In the Dark Hours by hubblegleeflower (E, 51,639 w., 12 Ch. || Friends to Lovers, Unreliable Narrator, Closeted Bi John, Angst, Miscommunications, Slow Burn, First Time, John’s Blog / Epistolary, Selective Mutism) – John, wounded and silent, drifts back to Baker Street for healing…and then goes home again. He visits, gets more upbeat, chattier, smiles, jokes… and still goes home again. Sherlock wants him to move back in - it just makes sense - but John shows no signs of doing so. This is the story of how John and Sherlock learn to say what needs to be said when they’re both so very, very rubbish at talking.
Coventry by standbygo (E, 52,020 w., 26 Ch. || Dollhouse AU || Case Fic, Slow Burn, Sci-Fi / Fantasy, First Kiss / Time, Attempted Rape, BAMF John, Falling in Love) – “Let me get this straight,” John said, wondering when his life had become a science fiction film. “Some guy orders up a personality, a person, to his specifications, and they program this into a real live person, who has consented to do this, and she goes to this person and acts as his wife, or lawyer, or Royal Marine, or Navy Seal or what have you, and she has all the skills, all the knowledge, everything? Then you say the magic words, and she follows you back to The House, and they erase it all until her next appointment?”
Just To Hold You Close by sussexbound (E, 70,841 w., 18 Ch. || Alternate First Meeting, Sherlock POV, ASD Sherlock, PTSD John, Demisexual Sherlock, Bisexual John, Cuddling/Snuggling, Platonic Cuddling, Enthusiastic Consent, Bed Sharing, Love Confessions, First Kiss/Time, Sexual Tension, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Cuddle Negotiations, For a Case Until It Isn’t, Hair Petting, Sexual Negotiation, Anxiety, Trust Issues, Slow Burn, Panic Attacks, Frottage, Hand/Blow Jobs, Referenced Self Harm / Abuse / Suicidal Ideation, First Kiss/Time, Anal, Autistic Sherlock) – When a woman is murdered and the last person to see her alive is recently invalided army vet turned reluctant (and prickly) professional cuddler, John Watson, Sherlock Holmes is pulled into a world of intimacy and intrigue he never could have imagined. John is a conundrum and mystery: frank yet reserved, tender yet angry, open yet afraid. Sherlock is instantly drawn into his orbit, and begins to feel and desire things he never has before.
A Cure For Boredom by emmagrant01 (E, 81,665 w., 8 Ch. || Dirty Talk, Threesomes, Light Dom/Sub, Sex Club, Experiments, Anal, Mildly Dubious Consent) – They’d never talked about sex in the year they’d known each other. Well, that wasn’t quite correct: Sherlock had never said a word about sex; John had bemoaned his personal dearth of it on many occasions.
Thermocline by J_Baillier (M, 83,557 w., 14 Ch. || Scuba Diving AU || Adventure, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Marine Archaeology, Asexual Sherlock, Horny John, Relationship Drama, Technical/Scuba/Wreck Diving, Slow Burn, Underwater /  Medical Peril, Doctor John, Hurt Sherlock, Anxious Sherlock, John POV, Protective John, Body Appreciation) – John “Five Oceans” Watson — technical dive instructor, dive accident analyst and weapon of mass seduction — meets recluse professor of maritime archaeology Holmes. As they head out to a remote archipelago off the coast of Guatemala to study and film its shipwrecks for a documentary, will sparks fly or fizzle out?
Not Broken, Just Bent by Schmiezi (E, 87,585 w., 43 Ch. || Pining, Love Confessions, Rape/Sexual Assault, Torture, Hurt/Comfort, Heavy Angst, Villain!Mary, Suicidal Ideations, Main Character Death, Sherlock First Person POV, Parentlock, Sherlock’s Mind Palace, Grief/Mourning, Emotional Love Making, Possessiveness, Depression, PTSD, Kidnapping, Virgin Sherlock, Eventual Happy Ending) – “For a second, I allow myself to remember teaching John how to waltz. There is a special room in my mind palace for it. A big one, with a proper parquet dance floor. For a second, I go there. I remember holding him, closer than the World Dance Council asks for, excusing it with the fact that we are training for a wedding, not for a competition. For a second, I feel his hand on mine again, smell his sweat, hear the song we used. For a second, I allow myself to love him deeply. For a second, only a second, that love reflects on my face.” Fix-it for S3, starting at the end of TSoT. Evil Mary.
31_Days_of_Porn_Challenge_2017 Series by distantstarlight (E, 96,540 w. across 31 stories || Prompt Ficlets, Assorted Kinks, PWP) – A collection in response to the 31 Days of Porn Challenge issued by AtlinMerrik! Thanks for doing that because this has been buttload of fun (that joke never gets old). All stories will be brief stand-alone one-shots.
Shatter the Darkness (Let the Light In) by MojoFlower (E, 109,683 w., 23 Ch. || PODFIC AVAILABLE || Genie/Djinn AU || Magical Realism, Kidnapping, Genie Sherlock, First Kiss / Time, Case Fic, H/C, Angst, Clubs, John Whump, Mild DubCon, Hand / Blow Jobs, Torture) – Fairy tales are for those who remember how to dream; not John Watson, broken and hiding from his bleak future in a beige bedsit. But then he discovers a lamp and finds himself in the dangerous riptide of an enigmatic man whose very existence is unbelievable, murder charges against his sister, and the growing pains of feeling alive once more.
The Gilded Cage by BeautifulFiction (E, 326,887 w., 31 Ch. || Omegaverse || Omega Sherlock / Alpha John, Friends to Lovers, Dub Con, Reproductive Rights) – In a world where Omegas are the property of the elite Alphas, locked away and treasured by those wealthy enough to buy them, John never questioned his flatmate’s secondary gender. Sherlock Holmes was an Alpha through-and through. Wasn’t he? A chance discovery turns the world on its head, and John is left grappling to come to terms with Sherlock’s past as events conspire to threaten their future.
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chvmberlain · 4 years
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whaddup it’s ur fave admin emily ( i’m legally required to be ur fave it’s part of being in the rp ) & here comes ur fave sinnamon roll... MONTY CHAMBERLAIN ! i’m shocked he’s still around on account of being the most annoying ever.
BACKGROUND ! tw for death & car accident.
little mr richie rich, first born son of triplets ( yes, triplets ) & was always regarded as the golden boy heir to his parents’ socialite ways & his dad’s many investments
carina & quincy, his fellow triplets, were his absolute bffs and the three of them did everything together
his parents were always a little distant, busy with, like, rich people parties and stuff. they only doted on the triplets when they were brought out to be shown off to their friends and then sent them right back w the nannies :/
monty was diagnosed with dyslexia pretty young, which is like... not a big deal at all, but his parents viewed him as Defective and Bad for it. instead of actually being there for their son, they just threw money at specialists to deal with The Problem & called it a day
here’s where carina & quincy come in ! the triplets were determined to be there for monty when their parents weren’t, and they did a pretty good job of it. eventually, they all went to monty’s specialist as a group, and learned exercises and activities to help him. 
when he ended up also being diagnosed w dyscalculia, the kids adapted like it was no big deal. meanwhile, monty’s dad didn’t even bother to show up to the meeting 
as they grew up, the triplets started making more of a splash at their parents’ parties, vibrant and beautiful whenever they made an appearance. they caught attention and held it, and when monty’s dad noticed this, he decided to take advantage of it
he asked monty to distract a fellow businessman for him, telling him to keep the man occupied as he talked to the chairman of his company’s board. monty, at that point still in the phase of his life where he wanted his father’s approval, eagerly agreed. he managed to hold the man’s attention long enough for his father to buy out his company from underneath him — and so began his career, long before bishop ever entered the picture
he only got better at it as his father pulled him into his schemes again and again, a charming young man capable of talking circles around anyone who’d listen ( and when monty smiled and opened his mouth, everyone would listen. he was magnetic )
the triplets remained joined at the hip over the years, all the way up until college, when they separated for the first time — carina went to harvard, quincy to princeton, and monty to yale. it was rough to adapt at first, but they called each other often to keep in touch
freshman year came & went, and the triplets were shipped off to their summer home in spain for their birthday at the end of july. each of them received a brand new car for their 19th, and monty won the game of rock paper scissors to determine that he was the first to take his new ride for a spin
on the drive, it started to rain, he took a turn too fast on the side of a hill — by the time he woke up from the crash, there was nothing monty and carina could do, pinned in place by the wreck. quincy died a couple hours later right in front of them, and it devastated monty & carina
though carina went back to school at the end of the summer, monty took a semester off, barely able to get out of bed, much less go to class. a semester turned into a year, and after a year... he stopped answering yale’s calls, letting his education fall by the wayside
he dove back into the game he’d always played on his father’s behalf, showing little remorse for what he was doing. he drifted farther away from carina, which is :/
until he got RECRUITED !
for the first time in a long time, monty feels like he has a purpose beyond fucking people over when his dad points and clicks. though he has yet to repair his relationship with carina, he feels like he’s found a sense of family again, and he’s really soft abt it okay
he’s Loud, talks a lot, thinks he’s hot shit, but also... is pretty charismatic ngl. a wiz with words, if u will. has a string of lovers and makes lots of friends who never seem to really get to know him bc he’s chasing that sense of #connection
angsty sad boy who doesn’t really know who he is :/ can’t have it all ig
it’s important to me that u know he currently owns an expensive pink house in new orleans. yes. pink. he regularly hosts pool parties there for the group, so do with that what u will. striker calls it the barbie dream house and that is absolutely 100% accurate
DECEPTION & MANIPULATION: can lie like his life depends on it. he’s spent, like, a decade crafting elaborate lies to manipulate people into doing what he / his dad wants, so he’s pretty damn good at it
can also craft elaborate false identities for himself, including speaking other languages w flawless accents if the situation calls for it ( he grew up speaking english / spanish / french bc of his parents but also has others in his repertoire )
DISTRACTION: extension of above tbh but he’s fantastic w/distracting guards, employees, random passersby, etc bc he can make so much shit up on the spot. he’s also generally just persuasive and charming so people tend to listen to him when he opens his mouth
could probably also make a molotov cocktail if the situation called for it. distraction at all costs am i right
SEDUCTION: i mean.................................... it happens
MEMORY: homie regularly memorized guest lists for his parents’ parties & basically never forgets a name or face. don’t ask him to memorize the capitals of the 50 states or anything, but if it’s regarding people... he’s got that shit on lockdown
that’s all for now love u all xoxo
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sontwine88 · 4 years
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I know this is a late posting, but in trying numerous high quality develops, one I'm currently making use of htat is rather intriguing is the NR/quality. The reality that this tool is offered rather early in the game, paired with the large damage it can handle every hit, makes it one of the very best tools in Dark Souls by a nation mile. In fact, the only tool that is probably far better than the Zweihander is another preferred greatsword. The Longsword is quickly among the most trustworthy weapons in Dark Soulsand a fantastic tool for any individual seeking a Quality develop.
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So what I need to be asking is whether or not making a high quality develop is viable or if locating a tool I such as, infusng it and alloting points as necessary is the method to go. The most effective means to raise your damages is to focus on one stat that scales one of the most with your weapon. If you are a Ninjyutu individual as well as want to level up successfully, Kusarigama is the perfect tool kind.
It is also the only stat that boosts your natural damages. The very first soft cap goes to 25, after which the returns lessen up until the 2nd soft cap at 50. Not all spears make good high quality tools as far as I'm worried.
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It has a frostbite quality, which slows endurance regrowth for foes, in addition to high damage scaling on each upgrade. The only issue with it is that it calls for Twinkling Titanite to upgrade, which is an unusual upgrade product. Even then, it'll scale to 200+ damage quicker than your Broadsword, and its frostbite feature is a cool perk.
All round outstanding expert solution, we are really completely satisfied clients; highly advised undoubtedly. Qualitybuild have just recently completed a spectacular, large downstairs bathroom consisting of shower, wc. Simon as well as his team have the highest possible standards, take pride in their job as well as pay very close attention to the tiniest information. He wants designing as well as drawing what the consumer wants, as well as has the experience to make sound recommendations to address any difficulties.
Can a sunroom be built on a deck?
Building a sunroom on an existing deck is often a great idea because if the deck's framing and foundation meet the current building code usually the homeowner can save up to 35% and the project can be completed in less time. The foundation can be piers, footers or similar.
Begin Your Project.
completely pleased with the work they did the ended up work looks fantastic. As the job was all completed to a high typical i have asked him to do some more job and also i would gladly suggest him. From the area of our advancements, to the layout of the residences to the materials selected, we guarantee that our remarkable attention to information goes to the center of our quality construct procedures. Quality Build Shrewsbury were acquired to make as well as build a Garden Room and also landscape our very high grass. The Yard Space was well intended and also implemented to a high quality.
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Because most tools can be instilled with tailored stat bonus offers, in most cases all that matters is including enough of a tertiary stat to be able to make use of a weapon, and after that pumping stats right into the primary incentive stat. also at 150 in bloodarena with all the tryhards, high quality develop still sensible if you make the most of tool button. Instilled and also buffed tools are normally stronger for the time of the buff. Infusing physical STR or DEX weapons generally kills the scaling, no matter what the scaling-letter states. I came across quite a few to warrant additional investigation, as well as have not truly discovered much that was existing, and even from SOTFS.
Tiny Orangery Conservatories And Also Glass Conservatories.
If adhering to a Stamina construct, remain to go for the complying with stats by heart degree 50. Presuming you're choosing a Stamina develop, you may intend to aim for the following statistics. Keep in mind that Toughness as well as Dexterity are highlighted in red to denote that it's your selection as to how many factors you place in these two stats relying on what weapon and also bonuses you're aiming for.
What's the average cost of a single story extension?
https://sexfather20.wordpress.com/2020/10/29/pulte-homes-agrees-to-acquire/ per m2 for an extension outside of London is between £1,200-£1,500. In London and the South East, the average cost per m2 is around £1,500-£2,000+. For two-storey extensions, add 50% to the cost of a single-storey extension. If you want to add a bathroom or kitchen, add £5,000-£10,000.
How you spend your statistics depends greatly on which weapons you wish to make use of. You might favor Strength weapons, like the Butcher's Knife, or perhaps Quality based tools that include both Stamina and Mastery into their base bonuses, like the Sellsword Twinblades.
How do you calculate glazing area?
The glazed area for each zone in your model is calculated. This is the total area of planes that are tagged as glazing in your 3D model and that are external glazing. In the example above: 1. Floor area = 20m2. 2. Total window free area = 2 windows @0.6m2 each = 1.2m2. 3. Free Area for room = 1.2m2 / 20m2 = 6%
The tool is quick sufficient to land 2 hits and afterwards roll away from any kind of threat, leaving the adversary without any hint as to what happened. It's one of one of the most cherished weapons in the whole game, and also it's simple to see why this holds true. When crafting a Quality build for Dark Hearts, it is essential to get ready with only the best weapons to suit a gamer's staminas and skills. Visceral damages ranges off your Skl stat, the gems slotted within your tool, and your level. Purchasing this stat will enable you to major fast, light tools.
When an issue came up, Nathan would certainly offer it with prospective remedies to select from. Fantastic versatility with our stop/start task as well as was extremely fitting of our random demands.
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It is recommended to maintain this stat over 50 as weapons are made use of invariantly in the video game. In-game your personality has a variety of statistics differing from Arcane to Stamina. And as you progress in the game, defeating all enemies and also finish the projects and also objective, you level up which permits you to level up the stats. Towards the end of your time in Undead Negotiation you will be given a Irithyll Straight Sword after killing an Outrider Knight. This weapon is extremely effective, resembles the Lengthy Sword, and also can last you the entire video game if you take pleasure in the fast attacks of straight swords.
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contrasted to various other statistics, so it's finest to level up Body and Heart to 10 overlooking your tool of selection. We used Nathan for a tiny renovation to an existing building. Initially we liked his very easy way and also wonderful communication.
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So I guess what I'm mainly asking is whether these situations are still the same? Maybe what I review was simply individuals trying to construct as optimally as feasible.
Let The Sunlight In! Whatever You Would Like To Know Concerning Sunrooms
Recently Developed Residences.
i mainly implied the tools that receive darksoulswiki under straight swords. You can go with 40 toughness 40 dex, itll offer you space for health and wellness and also endurance with alot of weapons to expirament with. i was very pleased with the job that was accomplished by top quality constructed they were very dependable very specialist and also spick-and-span.
Do sunrooms need foundations?
If you are building a sunroom from the ground up, you will want to start with a slab foundation. If the land that you want to build your sunroom on will not be able to be graded and leveled for construction, you will have to build a framed foundation using concrete or cement block walls.
When you strike around 35 to 40 Vigor, you may want to think about putting points right into Vigor to be able to bring heavier tools or armor. Having a large swimming pool of health and wellness is only completely efficient if your Estus Flask can recovery you up to complete promptly without numerous usages. So, exactly how you stabilize Vigor, Vitality, as well as Stamina from mid to late game depends partially on the amount of Estus Flask upgrades you have actually obtained. Note that heavy armors aren't as reliable as in previous games, yet do aid you mitigate damages.
0 notes
mypubliclands · 7 years
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Eagle Scout Project benefits Greater sage-grouse and partnerships
When it came time to choose his Eagle Scout Service Project last year, 16-year-old Kolton Dahl had a pretty good idea that he wanted to do something related to the Greater sage-grouse.
Now in his junior year at Burns High School, Dahl had worked closely with Andrew Shields - a wildlife biologist at the Roaring Springs Ranch and an Eagle Scout himself - on projects monitoring Greater sage-grouse that call the ranch and neighboring public lands home.
“With Andrew, I went out to the leks early in the morning and saw the habits of sage-grouse and was able to learn more about that, as well as the nesting habits after they leave the lek,” Dahl said, referring to the birds’ mating area.
“He actually got me started thinking about it when we went sage-grouse catching together,” Dahl explained. “That's where you go out at night and spotlight sage-grouse and then you go and catch them with a net, and place a radio collar on them.” Shields, who has a scientific collecting permit with the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife to conduct this work, “would then use the data he recorded to be able to study the habits of the sage-grouse and determine where their leks were, and learn more about how they affect the ecosystem,” Dahl said.
This hooked Dahl, he admits.
“On the ride out there and back in, we were talking about everything that the BLM was doing for the sage-grouse,” Dahl remembered, “and he knew I had an Eagle Scout project that I needed to do, coming up, and he suggested this one and I kind of just ran with it.”
With Shields’ guidance - and with the cooperation of Autumn Toelle, a rangeland management specialist with the BLM Burns District - Dahl focused his project on installing reflective markers on barbed-wire fences at the BLM’s South Steens Allotment, near the South Loop Road on the south end of Steens Mountain. As he learned, this work would improve wildlife habitat by helping Greater sage-grouse and other animals see and avoid the potentially deadly obstacles.
To low-flying birds like the greater sage-grouse, these fences present collision hazards - especially in the low light of dawn and dusk, and particularly near leks. Occasionally, a walk along a fenceline within a mile of a lek can turn up evidence of a recent sage-grouse strike, often a pile of feathers or even a dead bird.
At first glance, it is hard to imagine how fence markers - palm-sized rectangles of bright plastic, highlighted by a band of reflective tape - can help. They do make a difference, though. A recent study from the University of Idaho led by Bryan S. Stevens supports this, finding an approximate 83% reduction in collision rates at marked fences relative to unmarked fences in high-risk sage-grouse breeding habitats.
“Sage-grouse did not evolve with fences on the landscape, so they may not see the fence until it’s too late,” said Glenn Frederick, sage-grouse biologist for the BLM Oregon and Washington State Office. “Marking the fence is a relatively inexpensive, quick way to reduce sage-grouse mortality and grow the population. This is a great opportunity for public land users to help out,” he explained.
Dahl’s Eagle Scout project also served a broader, national partnership effort.
In 2015, following what the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service announced as “an unprecedented conservation partnership across the western United States that has significantly reduced threats to the greater sage-grouse across 90 percent of the species’ breeding habitat,” the agency determined that protection for the species under the Endangered Species Act was no longer warranted, and they withdrew it from the list of candidate species.
One key element of sustaining this partnership success - and keeping the bird off the list - is an ongoing network of Candidate Conservation Agreements. Simply put, on public lands administered by the BLM, a CCA is an agreement with ranchers that identifies voluntary conservation measures that go above and beyond the BLM requirements for a livestock grazing permit and benefit Greater sage-grouse on livestock grazing allotments.
“This project also fit in the conservation measures of the ranch’s Candidate Conservation Agreement for sage-grouse,” wrote Toelle. Therefore, it helped both the ranch and the BLM meet their agreed-upon steps for sage-grouse conservation, contributing at the local level to a vast national effort.
Dahl’s project also met the requirements of the Boy Scouts of America. According to the BSA, the purpose of the Eagle Scout Service Project is to “plan, develop, and give leadership to others in a service project helpful to any religious institution, any school, or your community.”
The BSA further defines community to include the “community of the world,” so public lands  - those lands owned by the American people and managed on their behalf by agencies such as the BLM - provide a model setting for Eagle Scout projects.
Dahl’s project was a perfect fit.
In conversation, Dahl can summarize his project as “hanging reflectors on barbed wire fences within two miles of sage-grouse leks on BLM land,” but he’s quick to note the significant preparation and behind-the-scenes work that was necessary to pull it off.
“It wasn’t just multiple sessions of one task,” Dahl explained. He invested dozens of hours in planning and coordination before he hung the first fence marker.
“Autumn Toelle at the Burns BLM office was my main point of contact,” Dahl said, and she helped him obtain the necessary maps and identify precisely where the fences should be marked.
She also provided the project’s key ingredient - more than 5,200 of the reflective fence markers.
“The BLM had reflectors on-hand that they donated to me so I could accomplish this project,” Dahl said, and a key task was preparing them for installation. To do so, he recruited a team of volunteers to organize and sort them. “We spent a lot of time counting the reflectors,” he remembered, “you know, dividing them out between which groups would go where.”
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Along with marshalling equipment and volunteers, Dahl devoted many hours to visiting the range and walking fence lines with Shields. “We spent time going up and making sure where the fences were, ... and marking what sections needed to be marked,” he said. “We did that, I think, twice before we actually hung the reflectors.”
This pre-marking was an important step. In order to be most effective, the fence markers need to be carefully spaced to ensure maximum coverage and visibility - both horizontally and vertically.
It also gave them an up-close view of the need for a project like Dahl’s.
For the day of fence marker installation, Dahl mobilized additional volunteers, including members of local Boy Scout Troops 441 and 440.
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“I had a lot more help than I anticipated,” Dahl said, “and so we were actually able to get the hanging part done in one day. We split off into three groups, because there were three different stretches of fences, and each group took their designated amount of reflectors and did their section of fence.”
Following Dahl’s earlier legwork, the groups installed 5,280 fence markers in a specific pattern over 3 miles of fence line. “We had 3 feet between each reflector, and they were in a W pattern on the top two wires of the barbed wire fence, so the sage-grouse could see them and fly over them, instead of running into the barbed wire fence,” Dahl said.
All together, Dahl estimates that he and his volunteers invested about 180 hours of time into the project. It was time well spent.
This summer, Dahl earned the rank of Eagle Scout at a special Eagle Scout Court of Honor ceremony. There, he recognized Shields with an Eagle Scout Mentor pin - a special token of recognition for Shields’ guidance and support with the project.
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“Kolton’s a great young man and I was excited that he chose to give me the Mentor Pin,” Shields said. “I am glad I was able to be involved and help him achieve his Eagle award.”
Dahl continues to stay in touch with Shields, and is interested in following any successes his project may facilitate.
“Its tough to measure effectiveness,” said Shields.  “I can say it has definitely made the fences more visible, which was the goal, and that the research out there has shown these markers to be effective in reducing collisions between sage-grouse and fences.”
Shields has also used Dahl’s project as an education and outreach tool. “I’ve had several people that have seen the markers on the fences ask what their purpose is,” he said, “and it has provided an opportunity to talk about sage-grouse conservation.”
In fact, Dahl’s work has resonated beyond Harney County - and even Oregon.
Stevens, the lead author of the seminal fence marker study at the University of Idaho, lauded Dahl’s get-up-and-go and emphasized the benefits of the hands-on nature of Dahl’s project.
“I think it’s fantastic, really,” Stevens said. “It shows this person’s initiative but it also allows him and the other people involved - the volunteers involved - to have a direct, tangible connection to the resource management, which a lot of people - just frankly, in today’s world - don’t have. So, I think it’s good on a whole number of levels,” Stevens added.
Although he may not have expected it, Dahl learned about more than the greater sage-grouse and resource management through this project. He also developed skills applicable to many life situations, he said, like “being able to delegate out certain tasks so  I … wasn’t overwhelmed with how much I needed to do. I could find people I trusted and then allow them to do that task their own way and not micromanage it.”
He also experienced, first-hand, the value of working in partnership toward a common goal.
“That was probably the biggest skill I learned,” he said. “Seeing the cooperation between two large groups of people and seeing how it can turn out for the good.”
Before the project, Kolton admits, he “didn’t really have an opinion of public lands.” This project changed his perspective. Now, he says, “I think that when used correctly, they can sure be a benefit to both the environment and to the population.”
“It’s really good to work with good people on both sides of the equation,” he said.
Spoken like a true Eagle Scout.
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Story by Greg Shine, BLM blogger. Photos courtesy of Kolton Dahl.
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tamboradventure · 4 years
Meet the Team: The Many Faces of Nomadic Matt
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Posted: 4/30/2020
It takes a village to keep this website going. From tech and coding to design to fixing bugs getting readers books when downloads fail to scheduling social media or running the forums, I have a lot of help. I simply couldn’t run the website, write, travel, eat, sleep, or anything in between if I didn’t have the support and help of an amazing group of people.
It’s not just me writing and posting about my travels. I have a big group of full-time staff helping juggle everything.
I realized a lot of you don’t realize that so, today, I wanted to introduce the team to you.
So, without further ado, here’s they are:  
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Erica has been working for me for almost six and a half years and is the events director of The Nomadic Network, our travel community. She keeps this community thriving. In her own words:
I grew up in Connecticut and went to school in Virginia. During a quarter-life crisis at age 21, I chose to finish my last year of college on an adventure in Qatar! From that moment on, my life revolved around traveling cheaply with the money I earned from waitressing. That budget got me to teach English in Isaan, Thailand, and South Korea; farm on St. Vincent and the Grenadines in the Caribbean and Costa Rica; and volunteer in rural Zambia. At age 26, I returned home to Connecticut, determined to get a job in travel. Soon after, I met Nomadic Matt at a travel meet-up in NYC, and the rest is history.
I whole-heartedly believe that traveling makes friends of strangers, and the more friends there are in the world, the more peace there is in the world.
13 Facts about Me
At 15, I helped build a schoolhouse in Nicaragua.
1. I cooked an American Thanksgiving feast for my Thai co-English teachers in Thailand where barely any of the mashed potatoes, carrots and peas were eaten so my host-grandmother fed in to the monks for the following week unbeknownst to me.
I’ve cut off my hair and donated it to Locks of Love, twice!
I once hunted for possums on the island of St. Vincent with a bunch of Rastafarians. We caught four and made soup. I was a vegetarian at the time.
In Costa Rica, I stayed at in a sustainable living community called Rancho Mastatal, where I learned how to farm yuca, make beer out of turmeric, and build a house out of cob.
I spent 11 days on a coconut water only fast at a yoga retreat in Cambodia, twice
I taught English in South Korea for 14 months and was able to easily save enough money for 21 months of non-stop travel. I also taught the students how to use “boo” colloquially.
This music video I made used to be one of the top hits when you searched for St. Vincent and the Grenadines.
In Zambia, my friend and I were given a live chicken as a present. We were vegetarians, so we traded it for a pair of second-hand jeans in the town’s market.
I got 19 people (the students and teachers on a FLYTE trip) into an airport lounge in Ecuador for free. I think that’s a travel hacking record!
My college education was entirely free. How? I got a ton of tiny scholarships (I applied for everyone I could get my hands on) that added up, being a Residential Assistant in the dorms, and studying in Qatar actually saved me money (in the most expensive country in the world).
In Korea, I dated a guy who spoke no English and we basically communicated through drawing pictures and reciting American rap lyrics.
Last summer, I took a trip to Tunisia with some friends. I wish I could have stayed longer – what a cool country!
  Chris O.
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Chris joined the team as the part-time manager of the forums back in 2015. Since then, he’s transitioned to full-time and has branched out into the Superstar Blogging program and helps me with all of our various admin tasks. In his own words:
I grew up in a small town in Ontario, Canada, and spent my formative years listening to punk rock, reading Star Wars novels, and generally getting up to no good. After ditching my lifelong plan to be a lawyer, I decided to give travel a try. I headed to Costa Rica on a whim and have never looked back! It wasn’t long after that trip that I took a break from university (where I was studying history and theatre) to move to a monastery in Japan in 2007. I’ve more or less been wandering around ever since. Some notable adventures include taking the Trans-Siberian Railway across Russia and Mongolia, walking the Camino de Santiago twice, and going on a 10-day road trip around Iceland with complete strangers.
When I’m not traveling, I live in Sweden and can be found reading, writing, or hanging out with my rescue dog, Grimo.
13 Facts about Me
I spent nine months living in Buddhist monasteries.
I lived in a tent for a year.
I was once stalked by a jaguar and chased by a crocodile — on the same trip.
I haven’t had alcohol in 16 years.
I’ve broken all my fingers and toes, and my nose three times, and I’ve fractured both my wrists.
I worked on an organic farm for 11 years.
I co-owned a restaurant in Canada.
I grew up next door to Avril Lavigne.
I wrote a book (and am working on another one)
I played inter-mural Quidditch in high school and was our team’s Seeker.
I have a Star Wars tattoo.
I’ve been vegan for 15 years.
I have a scar from a fight that broke out over which Norse god was “the best.”
  Chris R.
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Chris, aka The Aussie Nomad, is a (kinda) former blogger who does all the tech and development work for the website. He keeps it running, fixes any errors you find, and deals with my constantly changing design desires. In his own words:
I’m living the good life in Western Australia by the beach with my amazing family. I got into the world of blogging after quitting my job, backpacking around Europe and, as all Aussies do, undertaking a working holiday in the UK. Like all of us who travel and fall in love with it, nobody wants to go home afterwards.
That adventure got me into creating a travel blog many years ago, which is how I first came to know Matt. I have since repurposed my IT skills from my old life and formed my own business to help out other bloggers with their websites.
13 Facts about Me
I love Belgian beer (and I even married a Belgian).
I’ve worked with Matt the longest out of anyone here. (Take that team!)
I took off to backpack Europe when I was 29.
I’m an advocate for Vegemite and believe all visitors to Australia must try this national treasure.
One of my favorite activities is to take a long road trip, especially with family and friends.
I have no idea how four-way stop signals in the U.S.A. don’t all end up as accidents.
I do not drink Fosters. It’s a terrible beer. No one in Australia actually drinks it.
I like to think of myself as an amateur photographer.
I failed kindergarten as I wouldn’t say goodbye to the teacher.
My first job was working in a supermarket.
I can’t sleep on a plane – no matter how long the flight is.
I can name every Thomas the Tank Engine character thanks to my son.
I don’t drink coffee or get people’s love for it. Tea all the way!
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Raimee does all of our social media and content marketing. She schedules posts, tweaks my terrible photos so they look good on Instagram, builds out our content calendar, analyzes data, edits video, creates digital marketing campaigns, and designs our social media graphics! In her own words:
When I was just 14 years old, I took my first international trip to Honduras and Belize with my family. Ever since then, I’ve been hooked on experiencing new cultures, connecting with people from all walks of life, and learning about myself and the world through the power of travel! After graduating with a degree in advertising and marketing from Michigan State University and four years as a digital marketing specialist, I realized that corporate life was not for me. My insatiable need to experience the world beyond a desk led me to search for a job-related to travel. I’ve followed this blog for many years, and now I get to work for it remotely while I strategize, manage, and report on the social media accounts — and I love every second of it!
13 Facts about Me
I’m obsessed with Harry Potter. I’ve read each book at least 10 times. If I told you how many times I’ve watched the movies, you probably wouldn’t believe me.
I once hung out with Daniel Radcliffe (Harry Potter!) at a Red Wings game in Detroit, and actually kept my cool the whole time (side note: He’s a SUPER nice guy!)
Visiting the Harry Potter studio tour in London was one of the best days of my life.
My mom was obsessed with the 80’s horror movie Evil Dead directed by Sam Raimi, so she named me after him.
After having visited about 30 countries, Iceland is still my favorite.
My biggest travel dream is to take a road trip around New Zealand!
I try to read 1-2 book(s) EVERY week!
I used to play the saxophone (and I wish I still did!)
I conquered my fear of heights by jumping off a cliff in Croatia — twice!
I love languages and was close to being fluent in German during college.
I’ve acted in a few independent and short films and as an extra in some network TV shows (I even have an IMDB page!)
In another life, I would have been a film director/producer. Maybe some day!
My favorite number is 13.
Carmela is the Executive Director of our non-profit FLYTE that makes travel accessible to underserved youth from across the country. She handles anything and everything from fundraising, working with our partner schools to plan student trips abroad, connecting with our incredible donor community, and managing our volunteer team.
Born and raised in New Jersey, I had the privilege of taking my first international trip when I was 3 to visit my family in the Philippines where I refused to ride the local jeepneys because they didn’t have seatbelts! Since then, my love for travel has evolved. In 2012, my husband, Raymund, and I took a round the world honeymoon that was supposed to scratch the travel itch (lol). We came back home to NYC for a few years before taking the leap to become full-time remote workers, and have lived all over the world ever since.
When I’m not running FLYTE, I love planning trips (even if they’re not my own), practicing yoga, hiking, rock climbing, reading, eating, and eating cookies (which are their own food group, in my opinion).
I LOVE Math! I have a degree in it, taught statistics to college students, and few things make me happier than a well functioning Excel spreadsheet.
I come from a family of educators. My parents were both teachers before they immigrated to the US from the Philippines in the 70’s. Before I left to travel, I worked for the Chancellor of NYC Public Schools, the largest school district in the country, and now running FLYTE is pretty much my dream job because it combines my love for education with travel.
The Notorious BIG and I share the same birthday. Juicy is one of my favorite songs.
I still don’t fully understand how to use Twitter.
I like suspenseful movies & TV shows, but hate the feeling of being in suspense, so I often read what happens before watching so I can relax and enjoy my viewing experience.
My favorite cartoon is Alvin & the Chipmunks. I still have an Alvin doll that I was gifted on my 1st birthday. It bears no resemblance to the actual Alvin Seville anymore.
I attended an all girls high school and a women’s college – that environment there largely shaped who I am today.
My guilty pleasure is watching Terrace House – the Japanese equivalent to the Real World.
My dad has an identical twin brother and they used to play tricks on me and my cousin when we were younger. It’s equally funny and traumatizing.
I hate raisins, especially in cookies.
I’m an only child, but have over 30 first cousins. I love them as if they were my actual siblings.
Raymund and I met in Hawaii. For that, and many other reasons, it’s my most favorite place in the world.
I know every lyric to every song from the Sound of Music.
  Nomadic Matt
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And, finally, there’s me. You probably know a lot about me after twelve years of blogging (sometimes I forget how long it’s been), but here’s a quick refresh:
Growing up in Boston, I was never a big traveler. I didn’t take my first trip overseas until 2004. That trip changed my life and opened me up to the possibilities the world had to offer. One year later, I went to Thailand, where I met five backpackers who inspired me to quit my job and travel the world. In 2006, I left for a yearlong backpacking trip — and have been “nomadic” ever since.
13 Facts about Me
I love politics as much as I love travel and will debate for the joy for it.
I love to cook.
When I was in high school, I was my state’s champ in “Magic: the Gathering.” I know — super nerdy, right? It got me a free trip NYC with my friend (who came in number two!).
I always worry about the future and often use my time back home to develop skills needed for the Zombie Apocalypse. Shout-out to my prepper friend Vanessa for teaching me about seeds!
I once met Paul Giamatti on the streets of NYC and he was as grumpy as I imagined.
I am an unabashed Taylor Swift fan.
I don’t drink coffee.
I believe aliens exist. It’s mathematically impossible they don’t.
I’m terrified of flying.
I learned to swing dance so I could throw myself a Gatsby-themed birthday party.
Both sides of my family came through Ellis Island and you can see their names on the wall where they list all the immigrants.
I used to be the head of a program by the Massachusetts Sierra Club that promoted energy efficiency.
I went to college to be a high school history teacher.
So there you have it! The Nomadic Matt team! It’s weird to think this blog I started to simply be online résumé for freelance jobs now requires eleven people to run. I always thought the more systems, automation, products, and passive income I set up, the easier it would be. I could just sit on a beach. But it seems the more we do, the more we create, the more projects I tell the team we’re taking on, the more help we require. I guess that is the nature of the beast but I would have it no other way. I love what we do here. We help a lot of people realize their dreams.
And a guy couldn’t ask for better co-workers to help make that happen.
P.S. – We’ve launched a new Patreon where you can get stories and tips I don’t share on this blog, a private Facebook group, phone calls with me and the team, live Q&As, postcards from the road, signed copies of my books, and much more! Click here to get access!
Book Your Trip: Logistical Tips and Tricks
Book Your Flight Find a cheap flight by using Skyscanner or Momondo. They are my two favorite search engines, because they search websites and airlines around the globe so you always know no stone is being left unturned.
Book Your Accommodation You can book your hostel with Hostelworld as they have the largest inventory. If you want to stay somewhere other than a hostel, use Booking.com, as they consistently return the cheapest rates for guesthouses and hotels. I use them all the time.
Don’t Forget Travel Insurance Travel insurance will protect you against illness, injury, theft, and cancellations. It’s comprehensive protection in case anything goes wrong. I never go on a trip without it, as I’ve had to use it many times in the past. I’ve been using World Nomads for ten years. My favorite companies that offer the best service and value are:
World Nomads (for everyone below 70)
Insure My Trip (for those 70 and over)
Looking for the best companies to save money with? Check out my resource page for the best companies to use when you travel! I list all those I use — and they’ll save you time and money too!
The post Meet the Team: The Many Faces of Nomadic Matt appeared first on Nomadic Matt's Travel Site.
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mageliberation · 7 years
29 Days: What is your Ryder’s name? Why did you pick this name - is there a meaning or origin story behind it? Do they go by any nicknames? What would you name their sibling, father and mother if you were able to choose?  
I’ve decided to go with Imani for my default Ryder. Imani is Swahili for Faith/Trust/Confidence. I chose this because I thought it was appropriate for someone who’s had the kind of life Pop!Ryder has had, along with what we know of the kind of future the Twin!Ryders will be pursuing, to have it be something that relayed a faith in humanity and the good we can achieve/strive for. Her middle name is Brei and her family [and exes], call her Brei or Brei Brei. I like the idea of Mama!Ryder being just as tough but way more playful than Pop!Ryder so I’d name Bro!Ryder Amani and her Khadija probably.
28 Days: Are you going to use the default appearance or create a custom Ryder? If custom, describe your Ryder’s physical appearance (hair color, eye color, skin color, height, weight, facial features, any scars or tattoos, racial origin, etc). If you have art and/or a face-claim, feel free to add them here.
If I have a choice I never play as a White person so I’ll def be changing the appearance of literally all of my Ryders. Imani is 6′2, has very dark Black skin, Brown Eyes, a runner's kind of lean muscle build, prominent cheekbones, deep dimples, stretch marks around her major joints from being an underweight child who grew into a hardy youth, straight white teeth, and keeps her hair in short finger coils with buzzed sides. She has some geometric blackwork tattoos reminiscent of Kente Cloth to harken back to her roots [African-American/Black]. Basically she looks like a darker version of Teyonah Parris, with Angela Bassett’s cheekbones, and dimples.
27 Days: Are you going to use the default appearance for Ryder’s sibling or customize them? Describe your ideas for their sibling’s and father’s physical appearance.
Um, no. Lmao, I would never. The Bro!Ryder for my default Ryder, I’d call him Amani] looks like a mix of Broderick Hunter and Adonis Bosso in my head. Dad!Ryder looks like a less fine Tyson Beckford. Mom Ryder prolly looks like a mix or Naomi Campbell and Tika Sumpter.
26 Days: Do you have a specific class profile or mix of class profiles in mind for Ryder?
I like playing as a Sniper Soldier. Idk how that’s fit with the new system but yeah that’s what I’m going with.
25 Days: Describe Ryder’s favorite combat style. Bioware call Peebee a “gunslinger” and describe Liam as a “close-range fighter” - how would you describe Ryder’s combat role/strengths? What are some of their favorite biotic/tech/other abilities?
I’d say Imani is a Long-Range specialist with Brawler capabilities. I’d say she likes the “One Man, One Bullet” Rule or if that’s not enough/effective she shoots from a distance to weaken shields enough to get in close for a melee finisher. The Omniblade, whether in melee or as a projectile is her favorite ability.  
24 Days: Which squadmates do you think will best compliment Ryder’s combat style? Alternatively, who do you plan to take out most in the field?
I’ll probably take Liam out the most since I want to romance him but really I won’t know until I play since I like to have a relatively balanced party. Maybe Jaal if he/they have biotics? Or Vetra and Cora since I love the idea of an all female squad and I kind of want to romance Cora w/ a Sis!Ryder even though I hate her haircut/color combo. I like muscular girls.
23 Days: Which weapons or category of weapons will Ryder prefer? Describe their favorite loadout.
Snipers and Assault rifles for sure are her preferred weapons of choice. Black Widow, Modded Assault Rifle, doesn’t matter for other two since she rarley ever uses them.
22 Days: Will Ryder craft? What are you most excited about crafting? Do you have any names in mind already for weapons?
She’ll def be crafting. I’m a little bit of an achievement hunter after I’ve beaten a game once. I’ll prob be focusing on ship and weapons upgrades my first go round since those are the ones I like the most.
21 Days: What are Ryder’s personality traits? Describe 5 strengths and 5 flaws.
1) Passionate - Imani feels deeply and expresses just as strongly.
2) Determined - She’s slow to get started but once decided it is very hard to sway her from whatever goal she’s set or decision she’s made.
3) Charming - She likes schmoozing and making people feel good about themselves and convincing others to see things her way.
4) Intelligent - Sharp all around she loves learning new things and listening to people talk about things they are knowledgeable about.
5) Compassionate - As a deeply empathetic person she feels deeply for others and will sacrifice for those around her.
1) Divisive - Imani has strong opinions on a lot of things and can be dismissive of opinions she finds to be uninformed or positions she finds reprehensible, along with the people holding them.
2) Neurotic - She procrastinates until she doesn’t, and then she obsesses and goes through mood shifts based on her perception of her choices and their results.  
3) Obnoxious - Some find her to be “too much” or “too big” of a personality and if they do she’s quick to let them know exactly which part of her they can kiss.
4) Self-Righteous - Imani can admit that she’s wrong, on the rare occasion that she is, anyway.
5) Needy - She has always sought out the approval of those she cares about and who she admires, many times to the extent that it was a detriment ot her own well being.
20 Days: What first impressions does Ryder tend to give people? Do they have any ‘odd’ or specific mannerisms, habits or other quirks? How do they present and carry themselves?
Imani’s the kind of person that has such a big personality, in her speaking cadence, tonation, and content of what she’s saying, that people end up liking her partially because they actively want to. Reciprocal liking has been a major player in all of her relationships outside her family.
19 Days: Where would Ryder fall in the classic Paragon/Renegade morality system? What would their D&D alignment be? If you know their personality type in any personality typing systems (such as MBTI and Enneagram - you can find various type descriptions and tests using Google), feel free to add and discuss them here.
In the classic system I’d say she’d be a Paragon. In D&D she’d be Chaotic Good for sure. Malcolm X is one of her history heros. She believes in doing whatever is necessary and is a staunch opponent of the idea that violence against one’s oppressor is “just as bad” or “stooping to their level”. Seriously, you might have to catch her on the corner if you said that shit in her presence, or at the very least expect a verbal drop kick. Space Socialist, tbh.
18 Days: What qualities does Ryder like and dislike in other people? Are there any things they particularly appreciate or can’t stand?
Imani likes people who are giving and humble. She especially appreciates people who complement her ostentatiousness with quiet contemplation or careful word choosing. Both of her exes were the the somewhat stoic at first meeting but gold hearted and secretly funny once they warmed to you type. She doesn’t like people who are mean for fun or who are judgmental about material things. She can’t stand people chewing with their mouth open or who leave their hair all over the place in the bathroom [her ex-girlfriend]. She loves people who don’t mind doing dishes and who have tongue rings [both her ex-bf and gf for the last bit].
17 Days: List some of Ryder’s favorite things - colors, food, music, etc. Is there anything of this nature that they hate? Do they have any hobbies or skills outside of combat?
She hates tomatoes on burgers or in an unaltered state. She loves ceviche, salsa, and onions in general. Her favorite music is “Classical” [90s Earth American R&B] and she loves eating and cooking food as a hobby. Her main hobby is future Dungeons & Dragons. Her favorite colors are Black, Navy Blue, Pastel Yellow, Pastel Blue, Pastel Purple, Mint and White. She likes solid gold statement jewelry despite not wearing it much.
16 Days: How would Ryder define their sexuality?
She’s Bisexual.
15 Days: Delve into the Ryder family background - how is/was their relationship with their father, sibling and mother? Do they get along, hero worship, close twin connection, sibling rivalry, was it strained, was it distant, etc.
Imani’s relationship with her father has always been strained, honestly. He’s never given her praise without using the next breath to cut her down. His expectations have always been just high enough that they are nearly out of her reach until she gets close and he moves the goalpost. She and her brother have always been best friends and he often complained that she was bossy as a child despite doing as she asked anyways, mostly to tease her. Their mother was definitely the preferred parent for both twins. She was often stern but warm and encouraging at the same time. Even if she had similar expectations she never made the twins feel like she didn’t believe they couldn’t achieve them or that even if they didn’t she’d think any less of them.    
14 Days: Describe some important or formative events in Ryder’s history. How did these impact and shape them?
The visit to their mother’s home on Earth was a formative experience for both twins but especially for Imani. The idea that her mother could come from such a harsh reality and still end up being such a giving and compassionate person amazed her in her youth and made her want to do her best to grow into the kind of person her mother would respect even if they weren’t related. The second big formative event in her life was the loss of her ex-boyfriend, med student and first love, who was killed while doing medical volunteer work on a backwater frontier planet by Batarian slavers. They’d been together through university and had talked of marriage and a future together and the sudden loss has left her with lingering issues with abandonment and co-dependency. Which made her most recent formative experience of her latest long term romance with her girlfriend, a linguistic conservationist, who refused her ticket into the Andromeda Initiative especially devastating for her.      
13 Days: Why did Ryder join the Alliance military? Later on, what were Ryder’s reasons for signing up to the Andromeda Initiative? Were they seeking adventure (or glory, or a challenge), wanting a new start, running from something, following their family, trying to secure a future for humanity, did they simply feel railroaded into it, etc.
Imani joined the Alliance first and foremost because they would pay for her education. The Andromeda Initiative seemed to her like the opportunity to become the kind of space fairing coalition of races she’d glimpsed in her adolescent marathoning of the Old Earth vids “Star Trek”. The idea of being parted from her brother for the rest of her life being a loss she couldn’t accept only added to her determination to join up.
12 Days: How will Ryder feel upon waking up from cryo? Relieved, excited, scared, impatient to get going, lost, etc.
I think Imani will be both relieved and terrified. She realizes what a big undertaking trying to start fresh is and how many peoples hopes, wishes, futures, and dreams are firmly settled on her shoulders to actuate.
11 Days: Once in Andromeda, what are Ryder’s goals? What drives them?
Ryder wants to do exactly as the Andromeda Initiative has stated, in that she wants to find a new home for humanity and the other citadel races. Not only that but she wants this new home to be that aspirational City on A Hill. A true beacon of civilization in its equity, fairness, and compassion for all it’s citizens. Her goals are to do whatever is necessary to make that real.
10 Days: Will Ryder ever miss the Milky Way? What things and places will they miss most?
Ryder may have grew up on ships and space station but she’s an Earther at heart. She will always miss her home planet, that little ancestral home that her mother’s mother worked herself to the bone for, in that place that their ancestors were brought to, and the sound of the wind in the trees surrounding it at night. The burial ground of what she’d thought would one day be her future. The soft yellow of the sheets of the one who made her believe she could have one again. Also, craving for genuine Belizean food at that place near 38th street will probably plague her for the rest of her days.  
9 Days: Did Ryder have any notable friends or connections in the Milky Way? How about past relationships? Which friendship or relationship was the most significant to them?
She had many friends whom her heart will always ache for the want of their presence but none she could've said no to her posting for. Her ex-girlfriend, Mya, was alive and well when she left her, if heartbroken and handling it better than Imani. Their relationship had not been new but had not been as old as the one before it. Still they’d talked of a future together, or marriage, or a life shared.
8 Days: How does Ryder feel about aliens? Are they uncomfortable, wary, intrigued, curious, intimidated, not bothered, etc? In the Milky Way, where did they stand on humanity’s place in galactic society - Earth first, Terra Firma, human superiority, peaceful cooperation, pro-galactic integration & unity, etc? How will they feel upon discovering that there are sentient alien races in Andromeda?
Ryder generally feels that aliens are “people” in that their varied cultures and customs cannot be generalized as all good or all bad just as she would hope they would feel about humanity. Batarians in general are a sore spot for her though as most of their cultures venerate practices that her own ancestors fought to be free from and are still to this day dealing with the repercussions of. Which doesn’t even touch on the whole “Batarians killed one of the loves of my life” bit. Imani is a Unitarian and believed, similar to the Asari, that co-operation and unification of space fairing races was the best solution for extended peace and prosperity for all parties. Of course she is also still a socialist and didn’t think that the continuation of Capitalism as a Socio-Economic system in the continually advancing and already hyper advanced society they lived in was wise or sustainable for said goals of extended peace or prosperity.  
7 Days: Ryder’s father gave the twins informal N7 training in the past. How did Ryder feel about this (pressured, resentful, grateful, motivated, overworked, excited, etc)? What are their feelings on “N7” as a symbol? How do they relate to it, if at all?
Imani felt pressured into the training and was thus resentful of it despite feeling at the end of it that she was better prepared for what may come in the future of her career/life in general. Shepard was a mixed bag of inspiration for Imani growing up as she has always had a mixed set emotions about herself and those who serve in military arms of governments whatever their species. She could do without the propaganda of The Alliance and it’s Elite N7 program even though she can appreciate the good the Alliance has done/is doing. She refuses to allow Nationalism/Specieism/etc to cloud her vision from the realities of the atrocities that said arms have also taken part in/co-signed or in her own place as a potential participant.  
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theeurekaproject · 4 years
Orestes et Electra
"She's kinda cute." Ace said. "The girl, I mean."
Lyra stood in the middle of the spaceport, gazing through the skylight. Her black clothes stood out like a sore thumb in the utilitarian gray of the place, and passing Ministratora castes gave her a wide berth, but she didn't seem to care much. She just looked up through the glass with a rapturous expression, like she was staring at heaven itself instead of the thick, polluted clouds that obscured the sun.
"I guess," T shrugged. "Not really my type.” He wasn’t lying—Lyra was not his type—but she seemed to have an intoxicating quality about her anyway, something T didn’t want to share with Ace.
"Her hair is pretty,” Ace said.
"You say that about every girl you meet.”
"Says the guy who like the green chick from the new Ultores movie," Ace countered.
"Because she's a badass," TB-2215 said. "Besides, she's not even from Ultores, she's from Custodes de Galaxia-"
"And the princess from Stella Bella-"
"She's a badass, too. And talk about pretty hair-"
"Talk about out of your league. And you tell me Acidalia is too classy for me."
"See," T said, "the main difference between crushing on fictional characters and crushing on the Imperatrix is that the fictional characters don't exist."
"'Fictional characters don't exist' isn't what you said when you were crying at Infinitum Bellum," Ace said.
"I did not cry." (Admittedly, he had cried. But everyone in the spaceport did not need to be made aware of this, and besides, it didn't really matter.)
"I was there. You can't hide from me," he replied. "I think you're the only person who could shoot down six people, and then start hysterically sobbing because they killed off-"
"Hey, what's Lyra doing?" he asked loudly, interrupting Ace. "Go talk to her if you think she's so cute. Go on, leave me alone."
"I would, but..." he said slowly, "I mean, they're already looking at her enough. Aren't we supposed to be being inconspicuous?"
"Just go." T lightly nudged him. "Don't be obnoxious. She's supposed to be your pregnant girlfriend, isn't she? Go."
"You're all business lately," he said. "What's up with you?"
T eyed him. "You know exactly what's up. I'm not talking about this further. Not here."
"Right, right," Ace sighed. In a quieter tone, he added, "She'll be okay, you know."
"No, I don't," T retorted. "It's not a guarantee."
"I've seen that woman with a blaster. She shot down twelve people in about five seconds while wearing a tiara of flowers. If there's one person on the planet who can stay alive, it's-"
"Keep your voice down. And not even the most skilled marksman could survive a twenty-person ambush with no backup."
"Andromeda will send backup," Ace said.
T sighed. "But how long will it take? Cassandra’s useless.”
"I don't know. I wouldn't stress about it," he replied. "Things like this have happened before. Remember last week?"
"Yeah," T said, "but Cassiopeia is different. She's an idiot. I think her IQ is the same as the kitten we snuck onto the ship when we were, what, 10? Her plans aren't so much 'incoherent' as 'nonexistent.' You saw what she did— just grabbed-"
He bit his tongue suddenly. Talking about this here was a bad idea. He didn't mention his sisters' names. Cassiopeia on its own was common enough that he could have been referring to any girl, but if he brought up the Imperials, they'd all know exactly who he was talking about—and it was never a good idea to clue in everyone else to private matters.
¨My point is,"he said softly, "my mother is a lot smarter, and a lot more powerful, than Cassiopeia ever was."
At that moment, he heard his sister's name, broadcast in a cool, feminine voice, and he jumped six inches.
"Relax," Ace said. "They're talking about Mars."
He was right: they were just announcing the 1815 flights to Acidalia, Utopia, and Arcadia Planitia—the place she was named after, not the Imperatrix. He checked their tickets—1830. They were scheduled to board in fifteen minutes.
"We better get going," he said. He wondered, briefly, what David Seren himself had thought when he left the planet sixteen years ago—except he actually had a baby with him. Had he expected that he wouldn't return to his home for the next decade and a half? Had he been nervous?
T decided not to think about it too much. He had been reluctant about this whole ridiculous thing in the first place, and anxious about what it would mean to leave Eleutheria unsure of when he was coming back. How long would it take for his squadron to notice he was missing? What if they went searching for him? What if they thought something bad had happened to them both?
He had grown up with these men. They were more brothers than anything else. They'd spent their whole childhood play-fighting, having movie nights, and talking about girls in between school and battle. They were the lucky ones—the sons of the elite, the TB strategists and the AX tech specialists, both immunes, neither concerned whatsoever about death. Maybe they should have been.
He remembered staying up late and listening to stories about distant worlds with the older boys who seemed like they knew the whole galaxy; they'd tell tales of planets with temperatures so low liquid tetraoxygen sloshed around in the seas and burned all the living things it touched, places so rich in carbon and so high in pressure it snowed solid diamonds, the gas giant that moved so fast it rained molten glass sideways. His favorite was the tidally locked planet, with one side trapped in eternal night, and the other so blisteringly hot it was an ocean of lava where the clouds were made of rubies and sapphires. He was always so jealous of the men who actually got to see these strange, alien worlds, and the creatures—or the people, even—who lived on them.
More than once, one of the lower ranking men, someone who actually got to experience the rest of the galaxy, would go missing. They might return a few days later, wide-eyed and skittish; other times they'd simply vanish. Those stories were more fables to be told around the faux-campfires of lights the blasters made when they were charging—tales of ancient alien ruins, of beautiful women with green skin, of life beyond the two known sentient species in the galaxy. Life beyond the Mira.
T didn't think he'd ever really laid eyes on the people who called themselves the Mira, but the tales told about them ranged from hideous monsters to almost fae-like creatures. They were sparkly purple people, and then they were hideous, psychotic animals with no humanity left in their strange, gelatinous minds.
It was probably a little of both.
The propaganda portrayed them as savages, but propaganda always did that. The older men recalled tales of nights with beautiful alien women, but TB-2115 couldn't help but doubt that, too (especially since every eyewitness had described them as "cold," "wet," and "icy to the touch" regardless of their perspective.) The Mira were an enigma.
He always thought they were interesting. The researchers—the xenolinguists, the biological weapons research squad, the historians—were always more appealing to him than the fighters he was supposed to idolize. His specialty—his purpose—was always strategy, military logic. If we put those soldiers there, how many people could die? If we launched the pox now, how many would it infect? He played games of war like they played games of chess—the TB units were the grandmasters, the rest of the army the pawns, Eleutheria the king they protected. But T always found chess boring.
One could only talk so often about endless death and destruction before it got to their head. He may have been a lucky one when it came to his chances of death and dismemberment—virtually nonexistent—but the subject matter of his education was depressing. Playing with people's lives, deciding whether it was worth it to save the people you loved, weighing probabilities, taking the other path because one less soldier might die, putting other people through hell for a benefit so small it was hardy noticed—it wasn't worth the reduced chance of a terrible fate. Especially not when the hypothetical king was an unstable, broken mess of a country who couldn't move one square because every shift required intense thought and argument and the tension was building so thick that the piece would shatter into shards of broken porcelain regardless of what the rest of the board did.
Even here, at the spaceport, people were whispering. It was Lyra—a Cantator in the middle of a nice spaceport?—but something else, too. It was odd, venturing out into regular, civilian life—this talk would not have been tolerated in the barracks. Yet here everyone was, muttering. This planet was as tense as it could get. They were on a dangerous precipice, hovering over the edge of the void, about to fall.
"Hey, T," someone said, breaking him out of his reverie. "Time to go."
"Right," he said thickly. "Yeah."
"This is amazing," Lyra sighed. "I mean, stars, look at this!" She pulled a piece of her bubblegum-pink hair out of the neat braid she'd been trying to wrestle it into, seemingly forgetting about tidiness entirely. "Eleutheria's so big. And it's pretty. I guess that sounds stupid—that sounds stupid, doesn't it?—but when you only ever see the very bottom of the heap you don't have the full picture. The only parts I've ever seen of this world are the little tiny alleys in downtown Appalachia, and I never thought once about leaving, but..." Her voice trailed off. She continued to excitedly fidget, ignoring the stares she was receiving.
"At least she's excited," T muttered.
"Maybe it'll be a learning experience?" Ace suggested tentatively.
T glared at him and handed him a ticket. Lyra took her own, holding it so tight it crinkled and cracked slightly. A voice announced the presence of the 1830 Acidalian flight and she practically jumped.
They boarded slowly, cramming into the cheap seats while the foreign dignitaries in creamy off-while stepped delicately to the windowed deck. T already hated this. It smelled like spent fuel and stale sweat, and the outside seemed infinitely better. Mars, the little red dot in the distant sky, was very far away.
His meta vibrated in his pocket. Annoyed, he picked it up and glared at the little glowing name: Diana. His codename for Artemis. He scrambled to answer it, dropping his own visor on the way; two Suffragium giggled at him. Momentarily, he thought, If you knew who I was....
"Hello?" he asked, his voice breaking awkwardly.
"T?" she asked. “What’s up with Acidalia?”
He choked on his own saliva. "What?"
“She’s not picking up her meta.”
A chill ran down T’s spine. Acidalia always answered her metadit.
"I'm in the KC Interplanetary spaceport," he said. "That's close to the palace."
"Have you taken off yet?"
"I think we're about to. I'm getting off."
Ace and Lyra looked at each other, confused. "What?" Lyra asked. "Are you okay? Spacesick already? I mean, I heard that could happen-"
He shook his head. "Ace, get her off-planet. I have to go."
"What's she saying?" Ace asked. Now everyone in the section was staring at them—as if two soldiers and a Cantator weren't suspicious enough already.
"Not here," T muttered. "Talk to you later." He stood abruptly, putting his visor back on and pushing past the people in front of him. A Scientia glared at him for a second before he whipped out his stunner pistol and waved it in front of his face.
"TB sector soldier here. I'm on military business. Get out of the way."
She jumped aside, and suddenly the aisle was clear. The girls who had been laughing at him before looked at each other and shrunk back, smoothing their hair and settling down where he couldn't see them. He jumped over someone's turned-over backpack and raced past the upper decks.
"I know you!" said a girl in silver-white. She was young, maybe twelve or thirteen.
"Really?" he asked, not listening much. He scouted around a corner, drawing his gun. If someone caught on to where he was going—someone with the Nova—it would be less than ideal.
"I saw you at the coronation," she said, like it was obvious. "You were the one who talked with the Imperatrix." Then, in a deep whisper, she added, "do you like her? Aleskynn says you like her."
"Aleskynn doesn't know what she's on about," he replied. "That's not true." He pulled his mask down. One person had already recognized him; there were sure to be more.
"I think it would have been romantic," she sighed. "Forbidden love, and all..."
T cringed, wanting more than anything to mention their genetic relationship. "No thanks. Hey, kid, where's your mother?"
"Don't call me kid," she demanded, standing up to a height of a full 140 centimetrons. "I'm the daughter of a Negotia. You're just a standard soldier."
"You're going to get yourself killed," he snapped. "Get back up on deck and hide, you hear me? Now."
"What?" Her bright pink eyes turned a deep, dark purple. It was the latest trend—color-changing eyes. It looked just as fake and stupid on this girl as it did on Aleskynn when she went through her rebellious phase; TB-2115 had a picture of her with bright orange hair and sea-foam green eyes in his wallet.
"You heard me."
She backed away slightly before scampering up the pretty marble steps—so far apart from the standard gray steel the rest of the planet had to use—and glanced back at him.
"Go," he called. "Get out."
She vanished behind a featureless pillar of stone.
He darted around the corner, sticking close to the wall before bursting out of the ship's doors. Three Raedae in identical uniforms jumped backwards at the sight of him.
"Which one of you is in charge?" he demanded. Two of them glanced at their comrade nervously.
"Me," she said softly. "Hi."
"Hi," he replied, far louder. "Get this ship off the ground immediately. Don't ask questions, just go." He flashed his visor at her, identifying himself as a high-ranking soldier. The Raeda didn't respond, signaling something to her comrades. All together, their steps strangely in line with one another, they surrounded the ship and signaled it for takeoff. He knew better than to stick around.
At least Ace and the Cantator would be safe for now. They couldn't exactly track them down once they were thousands of miles away on Mars, could they? Well, they probably could—it just wouldn't be worth the effort.
T sprinted off the runway and out of the spaceport, to the astonished looks of everyone around him. People fell out of his path once they realized who he was. They'd surely be talking about it later, but that didn't matter now.
The planet outside was a glowing array of dazzling blue-on-black lights. It was a pretty urban area, covered in countless art projects he could all recognize by name; the capitol city of Eleutheria was all beautiful neoclassicism mixed with neon. It seemed like it would never work, but it was stunning—everything from the ultraviolet lights to the bioluminescent flowers. Acidalia's touch was everywhere.
Pictures of his sister ran through his mind at the speed of sound, tripping over one another so quickly they came in flashes and vanished into thin air again. Braiding her dark hair on her balcony at night when they weren't supposed to be there, gossiping about the upper-class idiots she paraded around with, telling extravagant and exaggerated stories of places neither of them had any business being.
What would they do to her?
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This Podcast Is Episode Number 0297, And It Will Be About Contractor Loans: An Expert's Guide On How To Finance Your Business
Running a contractor operation takes a pretty special individual, especially since there are going to be so many different moving parts with each and every project your contracting outfit takes on.
Hammering out bids, winning jobs, managing a crew, knocking out material lists and – most importantly – making sure that you stay on top of your cash flow are all big pieces of the contracting business puzzle. Because of the size and scale of these projects (even the smallest of contracting jobs), things get pretty expensive, and the odds are pretty good you’re going to need to tap into business loans every now and again.
But contractors, particularly those just getting started in the business with their own outfit, usually find unsecured business loans to be a headache and hassle to get a hold of. These kinds of loans usually aren’t given out to folks without a track record under their belts. And on top of that these kinds of loans usually don’t come with the kind of financing contractors need to get projects from start to finish.
Here are a couple of options you want to consider when you’re looking to get financing for your business.
Consider traditional bank/credit union and SBA loans specifically for contractors
Traditional banks, credit unions, and the Small Business Administration all offer specific loan packages for the contracting industry that you may be able to take full advantage of. You’ll obviously have to meet with local bank representatives (or fill out the government paperwork with the SBA) to figure out the specifics of these offers, and it’s not a bad idea to go to a bank that you have a bit of a history with as a “retail” customer.
At the same time, these kinds of loans can take a long time to go through the approval process – particularly if you’re asking for hundreds of thousands of dollars that you might need to knock out a couple of construction projects you’re looking to undertake.
Most suppliers will offer some kind of leasing and financing package for local contractors
Thankfully, the overwhelming majority of suppliers in your local area are likely to offer some kind of leasing and financing package for contractors that do – or anticipate – a lot of business with them.
You’ll need to create an account with your local hardware stores, your local building supply stores, and your local home department stores to take advantage of these financing packages. On top of that, you want to make sure that you read the fine print of each agreement, as they are almost always going to have unique terms from one another, and you’ll want to understand every detail of each of these financial packages before you sign on the dotted line.
Major chains (like Home Depot and Lowe’s, for example) also offer their own financing package for professional contractors that are well worth looking into.
How to make working capital loans work for your contracting outfit?
At the end of the day, you might want to go the more nontraditional route of getting financing for your contracting outfit and start looking into working capital loans from these kinds of lenders.
Working capital loans essentially keep you flush with all the funding you need to keep your cash flow positive, helping you secure materials, payout your payroll, and cover any minor blips in the road along the way until the profits from your jobs start coming in.
Again, you’ll need to look into the specifics of each working capital offer before you decide to take the plunge. Some nontraditional lending packages will be more advantageous to leverage compared to others, and you want to make sure that you are always making a smart move with this kind of nontraditional financing rather than saddling yourself with a financial burden later down the line for a short-term fix.
All in all, you’ll find that there are plenty of opportunities out there for you to get your hands on the financing you need to not only run your contracting outfit but to also grow and expand your base of operations. It’s never a bad idea to shoot for being able to “self-fund” your business right from the profits of your job, but that’s only ever going to be possible after using years of taking advantage of the kinds of financing packages we highlighted above.
  About The Author:
Chad Otar  is the CEO at Excel Capital Management, a pioneer in the Fintech and alternative lending space. He has assisted thousands of business owners to receive funding over the last 5 years and is focused on helping one small business at a time achieve access to capital.
  In Conclusion:
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About The Author:
  Randal DeHart, PMP, QPA is the co-founder of Business Consulting And Accounting in Lynnwood Washington. He is the leading expert in outsourced construction bookkeeping and accounting services for small construction companies across the USA. He is experienced as a Contractor, Project Management Professional, Construction Accountant, Intuit ProAdvisor, QuickBooks For Contractors Expert and Xero Accounting Specialist. This combination of experience and skill sets provides a unique perspective which allows him to see the world through the eyes of a contractor, Project Manager, Accountant, and construction accountant. This quadruple understanding is what sets him apart from other Intuit ProAdvisors and Xero accountants to the benefit of all of the construction contractors he serves across the USA. Visit http://www.fasteasyaccounting.com/randal-dehart/ to learn more.
Our Co-Founder Randal DeHart - Is a Certified PMP (Project Management Professional) with several years of construction project management experience. His expertise is construction accounting systems engineering and process development. His exhaustive study of several leading experts including the work of Dr. W. Edward Deming, Michael Gerber, Walter A. Shewhart, James Lewis and dozens of others was the foundation upon which our Construction Bookkeeping System is based and continues to evolve and improve. Check out our Contractor Success Map Podcast on iTunes and Follow Randal on Google+ 
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benrossart · 6 years
10 Secrets Your Financial Advisor Won’t Tell You
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You have heard every one the clichés that fiscal advisors really like to spout:"Make your money work for you!" "Stop earning money, start earning wealth!" They are all fantastic thoughts, to be certain, and likely good advice. However, what about things happening behind the facade of the silk tie and well-pressed match, he or she is not telling you?
If you are interested, keep reading to discover all the things your financial planner is maintaining to him or herself. And before you reserve an appointment, you can always find out a bit more about tackling your hard-earned dough by studying up about the 52 Ways to Be Smarter With Money in 2018.
1. You should not always employ an expert
Before you start comparing distinct advisement solutions, it is important to understand when to utilize a skilled and when it is possible to do it all on your own. Notably around tax year. Postcard tax filing may not be yet, but your scenario remains probably far less complicated than you might imagine.
Asking about to be sure that you've taken advantage of every tax break available for you may not be a terrible idea. But in the event that you just have one W-2 (or possibly two) and no additional streams of income, then you are likely better off doing this independently. And for more about taxes, take a look at The One Last-Minute Tax Move You Need to Know.
2. All specialists are not the Exact Same
Know the gap in abbreviations. Certified Public Accountants (CPAs) undergo state certificates to take care of bookkeeping, auditing, taxes, and consulting. Enrolled Agents (EAs), Certified Financial Planners (CFPs), and Tax Attorneys each possess their own licenses and certificates also but narrows their experience to more specific locations.
3. And you can actually save money by visiting an EA rather
Unlike CPAs, EAs are not needed to go through rigorous testing and are not specially trained as accountants. Therefore, they might be unable to provide you with complete, well-rounded financial information since they concentrate in 1 area.
But here is what: EAs still has to pass IRS proficiency tests so as to be lawfully authorized to perform your taxes as a paid adviser. If tax aid is all you require, an EA may become your speed. In the conclusion of the afternoon, employing an EA will probably save you a whole lot of cash, and they're plenty capable for your requirements. And for more information on saving money, have a look at these 40 Ways to Save 40 Percent of Your Paycheck.
4. Their"certifications" may be counterfeit
Finance professionals move by several names--financial planner, insurance professional, lifestyle coach, wealth manager, and much more. So, what gives? Does the certification issue? Everything comes down to the kind of"advice" you will be receiving. The Motley Fool puts it this way: "Just because someone says they provide financial advice, it may not be that they actually provide financial advice. They might just be selling you something."
5. You should conduct a" check"
You display prospective new hires, and why not to your prospective financial adviser? Assess the non-profit source the Better Business Bureau for any problems or suits between the adviser or their finance company. Do a little homework together with the Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards, Inc. to see whether there are any troubles with the adviser's license. The conduct of a meeting. It is fine to learn as much as possible about this person before employing their aid. You would not give just anyone control on your financial equilibrium, do you? And for more amazing interviewing information, check out 20 Interview Questions Smart Bosses Never Ask Job Candidates.
6. The greatest discounts on charges come from Family and Friends referrals
Yes, many consultants provide discounts, even if they don't sell them. Quite often, all you want to do is ask. They need to make a living also, so don't expect them to slash their fees in half to get any customer. But asking your family and friends to refer you're among the greatest ways to discover a respectable adviser. Negotiations work well with connections that are established.
7. They do not need to be a neighborhood
Austin Galvez CPA out of Haynie & Company notes that lots of individuals searching for a fantastic adviser get hung up on finding someone nearby. As this has always been the standard, the financial service business is changing together with the majority of other businesses which are adopting remote small business solutions. Galvez indicates that lots of experts are extremely familiar with Skype texting, along with another remote way of communication. If you are partial to a specific adviser, do not let proximity become a deterrent.
8. They really don't understand the Industry any greater than you
Or at least, they should not (insider trading is illegal, after all). Sure they probably have a great deal more expertise in tracking the marketplace compared to you, but they do not understand where the industry is moving and neither do you. You shouldn't enter an investment without consulting a seasoned practitioner, but you do not need to take their word as gospel, either. In theory, you could be about precisely the exact same level as your adviser with good research. To be certain that you don't go in the game blind, then follow these 10 tips on retirement savings.
9. Stay from promises and promises
If your adviser promises a certain amount of expansion, this is a significant red flag. There are an infinite number of things that influence market development, and markets will probably remain subject to a specific quantity of volatility. Rule of thumb: if it seems too good to be true, it likely is. Promises and warranties are only smoke in regards to investments.
10. Beware of "friendly advice"
"I'm telling you, this product is going to be huge in 5 years." We all secretly expect a buddy will pull us on another Google or Apple before the value skyrockets. Jeff Rose, CFP and writer of Soldier of Finance stated,"You know that stock tip your friend, family member, or co-worker has for you that is a sure thing?' Newsflash: it's not! I've had countless people approach me looking for my approval on some random stock tip that someone (usually with no investing experience) has given them the inside scoop on. Next time this happens, the easiest way to make money is to not invest in it." Find out more details by clicking on Greensboro fee only financial advisor.
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madfootpsych-blog · 6 years
Portfolio Assignment: Chapter 9
Santrock, J. W. (2015). Lifespan development (15th ed.). Boston: McGraw-Hill.
Think about your own schooling how children with learning disabilities or ADHD either were or were not diagnosed. Were you aware of such individuals in your classes? Were they helped by specialists? You may know one or more individuals with a learning disability or ADHD. Ask them about their educational experiences and whether they think schools could have done a better job of helping them.
This is weighing heavily on my mind lately, as I am finally, this summer, getting assessed for ADHD. I had my first meeting with the psychiatrist, and she told me she suspects not only that I have ADHD, but that I have a learning disability called dyscalculia. I was like, “No, I can’t have a learning disability, I went to a fancy college and whatnot.” Then she asked me a bunch of surprising questions that I had to admit were exactly me (relating to my always being late, my hitting a wall at the same time every academic year, and not being good with directions, among other things). I was very surprised.
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Now, looking back, I see the signs very clearly, and several of the kids I knew in elementary school have told me, looking back and after parenting their own kids, that I looked very much like a kid with ADHD. I didn’t read social cues well, I reacted strangely, I was incredibly forgetful and sloppy, and on and on. I don’t think my teachers had the tools to recognize learning disabilities or attention-deficit disorder that didn’t present with hyperactivity, but dang, they could have noticed something.
The only “hyperactive” kids I knew in school were kids who were sequestered in “special ed” classes, and their deficits were pretty huge compared to mine. Yet I have reconnected with two of them on Facebook and they seem to be perfectly well-adjusted adults with careers and happy marriages. They certainly didn’t deserve to be referred to as “retards” by the stupid kids at my school. My friend’s little brother got a diagnosis when we were in high school and reacted very well to medication, and it was a huge relief to their family and to him. Today he’s an extremely successful software developer.
I do understand that the number of children currently diagnosed with ADHD is overwhelming, and that many may be misdiagnosed by professionals interested only in keeping a school running smoothly (Santrock, 2015). But even if I hadn’t required medication, I would have benefited from social-skills training from adults outside my family who might have been less judgmental, embarrassed, and alarmed by my weirdness.
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I have a couple more hurdles to jump before I can complete my assessment and understand where I might have learning deficits and attention challenges, but it is a relief to finally hear that I’m not just a lazy dummy. At the same time, it’s incredibly frustrating, and I can’t help wondering what might have been possible if any of my teachers had thought to dig a little deeper.
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camillekiana · 6 years
Locksmiths Securing You Towards Key Lost And Safety Breach
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Then you should make personal session with them, and see how good they’re. You can even ask them about their past projects and referrals to their earlier shoppers. You may even verify their efficiency and experience from online opinions. This may be a way more helpful way to search out the very best locksmiths Bromley. And most importantly, all what is acknowledged above won’t be doable and would seem quite a silly motion, in case you are entrapped in some emergency state of affairs. Really you won’t even have the time to so. So it is advised to carry out the analysis work prematurely.
Repairs to Broken Doorways and Frames
Trunk opening
24-Hour cellular locksmith
FREE Organizational Key System
Will you be doing autos ( auto locksmith )
Consider working PPC ads
Roadside assistance
Drive and park courteously
Do not be too embarrassed to get in contact with a few local lock execs and inquire about his expertise and residential rates. Not much is extra interesting for a local Drexel-Alvernon lock specialist than clinching an expensive industrial services job. A very good (article source) variety of small businesses won’t make use of an untrusted lock specialist that lacks the native repute or some type of high quality assure. Virtually all of the industrial safety companies a lock service professional receives include high security lock replacements or re-keying locks. Remember to get in touch with a number of lock firms and discover a couple of quotations before investing in something so as to obtain the easiest prices round. With regard to Arizona, private and commercial security is important for everybody. Quality service and customer satisfaction are definitely the 2 simplest methods for a neighborhood lock service skilled to build a great fame and continue to keep many people residually returning. Do not hesitate to handle any issues over the phone initially before any specific meeting is about for things including Tucson emergency locksmith providers. Never take personal safety frivolously and repeatedly make use of a trusted lock service skilled.
If your automotive key has been lost or stolen, then you definitely could be ready to assert to cowl the costs of replacing your keys. Relying in your policy, you might even be coated for the price of recovering the spare key. Some policies even embody automotive hire in the occasion that you are stranded and can’t drive your individual automobile due to the lack of keys. This is ideal should you want to wait a couple of days for the keys to be shipped. Be sure to verify the high quality print fastidiously. Some policies might state that keys have to be lost for a certain time frame earlier than the cowl kicks in. In case you have misplaced your keys, give your insurance coverage company a call.
A locksmith must try to make it a personal concern to stay up-to-date with new digital locks, automotive or home keys, and safety instruments to stay related in today’s world. There’s a hopeless future for lock techs that can’t accommodate their clients. Companies companies like lock re-keys and lockouts might come in at anytime, subsequently a locksmith in Crofton, MD should be prepared to be available spherical the clock. All of the most effective firms deliver this which is the reason dependable, trusted lock techs stand over the competitors. A big quantity of a lock tech’s time is committed to automotive locks Locksmith–how – Home – and keys. Several diverse key and lock methods are distributed between the automobiles in the marketplace, and a lock tech is responsible for knowing the strategy to operate on all of them. Replacing automotive keys or vehicle lock-outs make up nearly all of a lock tech’s motor vehicle providers.
New York: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
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Linus Yale, Jr. improved upon his father’s lock in 1861, using a smaller, flat key with serrated edges that’s the basis of modern pin-tumbler locks. Alfred Charles Hobbs demonstrated the inadequacy of a number of revered locks of the time in 1851 at The good Exhibition, and popularized the follow of full disclosure. Vries, N. Cross and D. P. Grant, M. J. (1992). Design Methodology and Relationships with Science: Introduction. Eindhoven: Kluwer Tutorial Publishers. Ceccarelli, Marco (2004). International Symposium on History of Machines and Mechanisms. New York: Kluwer Educational Publishers. Pulford, Graham W. (2007). Excessive-Safety Mechanical Locks : An Encyclopedic Reference. It doesnt get any higher! A good company will certainly enable you to save lots of cash on future repairing. Deal with all the things in advance; don’t wait until you get a warning sign. In case you have necessary papers, you must protect your belongings. In addition, you’ll be defending your family and your personal well being. So, how much does it Value to rent a Milton locksmith? If you want a duplicate, don’t fear, this is very cheap. But, in case you need advanced options, you must positively learn on. If you rent the appropriate firm, your doubt of How A lot does it Value to rent a Locksmith will lose significance. Prices range and this depends strictly on what sort of Oakville locksmith resolution you request. Ask for help and qualified employees will attend you.
How to Find a Good Chicago Locksmith http://homeblog.cosmobc.com/2017/06/20/find-good-chicago-locksmith/ …
— CosmoDez (@cosmodez) June 20, 2017
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Keep in thoughts the particular person you’re hiring knows how you can unlock locks. Don’t hire them if they make you are feeling uncomfortable. Select a tradesman who are lively participant of his skilled community. It helps to make sure that you’ve a locksmith who stays up to date on your locks. It also help you recognize he’s dedicated to what he’s doing. Search for locksmiths that have been doing what they are dong for a very long time. If they have just lately relocated to your city, inquire about references from their previous clients. Analysis their name in Google and search for current critiques. Locksmiths West London can make it doable for each lock in your own home to have one key. This one key will open all of the locks of your property, storage and gate. That is the commonest of all reasons of needing locksmiths West London. Every home needs locks after being constructed. You must call in the locksmiths for doing this. http://www.dyno-lock.ie/ Be certain that that you’ve got the newest locks installed which won’t be simply broken by robbers. You may additionally want to put in new locks for those who shift from one rented house to another. The earlier owner and the maintenance people will surely have the keys to the home. Hence, it is sensible to have a new set of locks put in so that there’s much less probability of your home being damaged into.
In the event you happen to use an uninsured locksmith and damage occurs to your property, it is going to be your accountability to pay for the repair. Locksmiths all the time pride themselves on the work they do, and most will do every part however out proper brag about it to let you understand what it is that they’re about. So, if you find one that feels unsure or unconfident, please keep away with him. Apart from the nuance, it is crucial to ensure that the locksmith you hire hasproper certificates of excellence, data of the job and domicile statements. Aside from these info, you additionally have to ask around how the locksmith has been doing in your group and whether or not he has a great education. One who has been round a number of years in the same location is more likely to be respected.
Though a locksmith should be registered with the state, they Should even be registered with every jurisdiction. Regardless of all these precautions, you should at all times bear in mind that this industry is subject to abuse and tips. Go along with trusted firms. Don’t use firms advertised on picked fences, promoting costs that appear to be too low-cost, or who refuse to let you know their identify or licensing standing on the telephone. What are a number of the tricks phony locksmiths use? Phony locksmiths will use a few of the next ways:Promote low-cost charges on picked fences. Put an ALOA or Higher Enterprise Bureau brand on their phone book advert or on the web however the links are dangerous and/or they’re not likely members.
Whenever you need assistance with the locks at your house or business, then you definately want the help of 1 the many locksmiths in your space. There are so many lock professionals to choose from. You could know the way to rent a great lock professional. The best way to ensure that you have employed a great lock skilled is to perform a little analysis up front. The research usually means asking every of the potential lock professionals an inventory of questions. You should be capable to make a decision on the right locksmith professional for you based on the answers they provide you during your analysis. Considered one of the first questions it’s worthwhile to ask is where they received their training. Name a family member or pal who has keys to your own home to unlock the door for you. Break a window to get in especially in case you have a child inside alone or you’ll want to get inside in a hurry. You possibly can at all times exchange the damaged window. Name the security company that has put in the alarm system for your property. They’ll know the perfect ways that can assist you get into your locked home. Bad Places To cover A Key – Beware of the burglar! Since having a spare key is the absolute best solution to prevent your self from being locked out of the house, what can be the best place to cover the spare key?
from WordPress https://premierpainting12.wordpress.com/2018/03/07/locksmiths-securing-you-towards-key-lost-and-safety-breach/ from https://premierpainting12.tumblr.com/post/171616408816
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premierpainting12 · 6 years
Locksmiths Securing You Towards Key Lost And Safety Breach
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Then you should make personal session with them, and see how good they’re. You can even ask them about their past projects and referrals to their earlier shoppers. You may even verify their efficiency and experience from online opinions. This may be a way more helpful way to search out the very best locksmiths Bromley. And most importantly, all what is acknowledged above won’t be doable and would seem quite a silly motion, in case you are entrapped in some emergency state of affairs. Really you won’t even have the time to so. So it is advised to carry out the analysis work prematurely.
Repairs to Broken Doorways and Frames
Trunk opening
24-Hour cellular locksmith
FREE Organizational Key System
Will you be doing autos ( auto locksmith )
Consider working PPC ads
Roadside assistance
Drive and park courteously
Do not be too embarrassed to get in contact with a few local lock execs and inquire about his expertise and residential rates. Not much is extra interesting for a local Drexel-Alvernon lock specialist than clinching an expensive industrial services job. A very good (article source) variety of small businesses won’t make use of an untrusted lock specialist that lacks the native repute or some type of high quality assure. Virtually all of the industrial safety companies a lock service professional receives include high security lock replacements or re-keying locks. Remember to get in touch with a number of lock firms and discover a couple of quotations before investing in something so as to obtain the easiest prices round. With regard to Arizona, private and commercial security is important for everybody. Quality service and customer satisfaction are definitely the 2 simplest methods for a neighborhood lock service skilled to build a great fame and continue to keep many people residually returning. Do not hesitate to handle any issues over the phone initially before any specific meeting is about for things including Tucson emergency locksmith providers. Never take personal safety frivolously and repeatedly make use of a trusted lock service skilled.
If your automotive key has been lost or stolen, then you definitely could be ready to assert to cowl the costs of replacing your keys. Relying in your policy, you might even be coated for the price of recovering the spare key. Some policies even embody automotive hire in the occasion that you are stranded and can’t drive your individual automobile due to the lack of keys. This is ideal should you want to wait a couple of days for the keys to be shipped. Be sure to verify the high quality print fastidiously. Some policies might state that keys have to be lost for a certain time frame earlier than the cowl kicks in. In case you have misplaced your keys, give your insurance coverage company a call.
A locksmith must try to make it a personal concern to stay up-to-date with new digital locks, automotive or home keys, and safety instruments to stay related in today’s world. There’s a hopeless future for lock techs that can’t accommodate their clients. Companies companies like lock re-keys and lockouts might come in at anytime, subsequently a locksmith in Crofton, MD should be prepared to be available spherical the clock. All of the most effective firms deliver this which is the reason dependable, trusted lock techs stand over the competitors. A big quantity of a lock tech’s time is committed to automotive locks Locksmith–how – Home – and keys. Several diverse key and lock methods are distributed between the automobiles in the marketplace, and a lock tech is responsible for knowing the strategy to operate on all of them. Replacing automotive keys or vehicle lock-outs make up nearly all of a lock tech’s motor vehicle providers.
New York: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
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Linus Yale, Jr. improved upon his father’s lock in 1861, using a smaller, flat key with serrated edges that’s the basis of modern pin-tumbler locks. Alfred Charles Hobbs demonstrated the inadequacy of a number of revered locks of the time in 1851 at The good Exhibition, and popularized the follow of full disclosure. Vries, N. Cross and D. P. Grant, M. J. (1992). Design Methodology and Relationships with Science: Introduction. Eindhoven: Kluwer Tutorial Publishers. Ceccarelli, Marco (2004). International Symposium on History of Machines and Mechanisms. New York: Kluwer Educational Publishers. Pulford, Graham W. (2007). Excessive-Safety Mechanical Locks : An Encyclopedic Reference. It doesnt get any higher! A good company will certainly enable you to save lots of cash on future repairing. Deal with all the things in advance; don’t wait until you get a warning sign. In case you have necessary papers, you must protect your belongings. In addition, you’ll be defending your family and your personal well being. So, how much does it Value to rent a Milton locksmith? If you want a duplicate, don’t fear, this is very cheap. But, in case you need advanced options, you must positively learn on. If you rent the appropriate firm, your doubt of How A lot does it Value to rent a Locksmith will lose significance. Prices range and this depends strictly on what sort of Oakville locksmith resolution you request. Ask for help and qualified employees will attend you.
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Keep in thoughts the particular person you’re hiring knows how you can unlock locks. Don’t hire them if they make you are feeling uncomfortable. Select a tradesman who are lively participant of his skilled community. It helps to make sure that you’ve a locksmith who stays up to date on your locks. It also help you recognize he’s dedicated to what he’s doing. Search for locksmiths that have been doing what they are dong for a very long time. If they have just lately relocated to your city, inquire about references from their previous clients. Analysis their name in Google and search for current critiques. Locksmiths West London can make it doable for each lock in your own home to have one key. This one key will open all of the locks of your property, storage and gate. That is the commonest of all reasons of needing locksmiths West London. Every home needs locks after being constructed. You must call in the locksmiths for doing this. http://www.dyno-lock.ie/ Be certain that that you’ve got the newest locks installed which won’t be simply broken by robbers. You may additionally want to put in new locks for those who shift from one rented house to another. The earlier owner and the maintenance people will surely have the keys to the home. Hence, it is sensible to have a new set of locks put in so that there’s much less probability of your home being damaged into.
In the event you happen to use an uninsured locksmith and damage occurs to your property, it is going to be your accountability to pay for the repair. Locksmiths all the time pride themselves on the work they do, and most will do every part however out proper brag about it to let you understand what it is that they’re about. So, if you find one that feels unsure or unconfident, please keep away with him. Apart from the nuance, it is crucial to ensure that the locksmith you hire hasproper certificates of excellence, data of the job and domicile statements. Aside from these info, you additionally have to ask around how the locksmith has been doing in your group and whether or not he has a great education. One who has been round a number of years in the same location is more likely to be respected.
Though a locksmith should be registered with the state, they Should even be registered with every jurisdiction. Regardless of all these precautions, you should at all times bear in mind that this industry is subject to abuse and tips. Go along with trusted firms. Don’t use firms advertised on picked fences, promoting costs that appear to be too low-cost, or who refuse to let you know their identify or licensing standing on the telephone. What are a number of the tricks phony locksmiths use? Phony locksmiths will use a few of the next ways:Promote low-cost charges on picked fences. Put an ALOA or Higher Enterprise Bureau brand on their phone book advert or on the web however the links are dangerous and/or they’re not likely members.
Whenever you need assistance with the locks at your house or business, then you definately want the help of 1 the many locksmiths in your space. There are so many lock professionals to choose from. You could know the way to rent a great lock professional. The best way to ensure that you have employed a great lock skilled is to perform a little analysis up front. The research usually means asking every of the potential lock professionals an inventory of questions. You should be capable to make a decision on the right locksmith professional for you based on the answers they provide you during your analysis. Considered one of the first questions it’s worthwhile to ask is where they received their training. Name a family member or pal who has keys to your own home to unlock the door for you. Break a window to get in especially in case you have a child inside alone or you’ll want to get inside in a hurry. You possibly can at all times exchange the damaged window. Name the security company that has put in the alarm system for your property. They’ll know the perfect ways that can assist you get into your locked home. Bad Places To cover A Key – Beware of the burglar! Since having a spare key is the absolute best solution to prevent your self from being locked out of the house, what can be the best place to cover the spare key?
from WordPress https://premierpainting12.wordpress.com/2018/03/07/locksmiths-securing-you-towards-key-lost-and-safety-breach/
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the-smolartist · 7 years
Riviera Beach Florida Alcoholism Program and Drug or Alcohol rehabilitation treatment centers near Riviera Beach Florida
Rehab, or rehabilitation, can be used to assist a person recuperate from addictions, injuries, as well as physical or mental disorders. Nevertheless, drug rehabilitation programs are typically the most common kinds of rehabilitation. People addicted to drugs typically need the additional care and support that drug rehab offers.
Drug rehab treatment facilities near Riviera Beach, Florida
Drug rehab facilities help addict prepare to re-enter society. Drug dependency often changes an individual’s behavior, which can impact all elements of his or her life, including work and relationships. In drug rehab, clients do their best to regain their normal lives in a safe and healthy way.
There are many various kinds of drug rehab centers. Some focus on helping patients with a particular drug addiction; others provide a wider variety of drug addiction services. Some rehabilitation facilities are even gender- or age-specific, as this frequently helps clients feel more comfy in the rehab setting. Inpatient and outpatient rehab centers are also readily available in or near Riviera Beach, Florida 33410.
Drug rehabilitation treatment centers in Riviera Beach, Florida 33410 United States frequently carry the stigma that clients are forced to stay. However, this stereotype is untrue. Patients in rehabilitation centers are totally free to leave anytime they decide to. One reason for this is that drug rehab can just be genuinely efficient when the patient has a desire to be there and to change his/her addictive practices. That being stated, in instances where individuals are forced to go to rehab– such as by means of a court order– the rehab process can still work, even if they were initially hesitant to go.
Drug rehabilitation centers range from very standard facilities to luxury treatment centers. The type of center a client attends relies on his or her budget plan and level of insurance protection. While luxury centers provide more amenities than basic centers, they are not constantly the very best treatment centers. Patients ought to investigate a rehabilitation facility prior to making a decision.
Before entering a rehab center, clients may need to go through detox treatment. Detox is the procedure in which a client rids his or her body of the addicting compound. This procedure typically takes about a week and is monitored by medical professionals and nurses. As soon as a client completes detox, she or he is ready for rehabilitation.
Drug rehabilitation treatment centers assist patients alter their attitudes toward drugs. Lots of times drug abuser deny that they have a dependency and often even declare that the drug is not hazardous. The initial step in rehab is to assist patients surpass this denial so that they can make an effort to alter.
Committing to Recovery
Physicians and counselors in rehabilitation centers assist clients make goals for themselves. Clients commit to themselves and their loved ones that they will make every effort to make a favorable modification in their lives. They make long-term goals and then short-term objectives that help them along the method.
To assist patients conquer denial and make healthy choices and commitments, doctors educate them on the repercussions and effects of substance abuse and dependency. Clients learn more about the results that the drugs have on their bodies in the hopes that they will be more motivated to make a modification.
Drug rehabilitation treatment centers provide frequent individual therapy to patients. These counseling sessions sometimes even occur on an everyday basis. Counselors help patients find any psychological or mental aspects that may have contributed to their addictions. It is essential that these psychological elements are dealt with if a patient is to make a complete recovery.
In addition to specific counseling, clients in rehabilitation frequently get involved in group treatment. Patients with comparable addictions meet together under the direction of a counselor. This allows them to form relationships and to have fellowship with one another. These close individual bonds aid patients on their roadway to recovery.
Patients in drug rehabilitation learn how to acknowledge situations that might activate substance abuse. These triggers might be emotional, physical, part of relationships, or just part of their regular regimens. Counselors and doctors help patients learn ways to combat those triggers and get out of situations that may lead them to abuse drugs.
As soon as clients discover how to acknowledge drug abuse triggers, they discover the skills needed to handle them. Therapists and physicians in drug rehab treatment centers work with each patient to come up with an individualized set of coping abilities that the client can utilize to avoid him or her from relying on drugs.
Counselors also help rehabilitation clients alter their negative practices that belong to their addictions. This could consist of changing recreation or perhaps changing elements of the addict’s career or daily life. The goal is to lower the amount of stress and activates in the patient’s life to keep them from relapsing.
Program choices prior to and after treatment Modifications in Value of Treatment PreferencesIn 2016, Recovery Brands conducted a survey asking patients leaving a healing treatment program what clinic characteristics they viewed as high concern elements to analyze when taking a look at a program. The leading concern was the clinic’s financial practices, such as insurance coverage accepted, payment alternatives, and financial backing. They likewise valued facility offerings (facilities, comforts, quality of housing, etc.) much more after graduating from treatment. Individuals trying to find treatment will want to take a look at a facility’s financial policies as well as the program’s offerings to assist in their last program choice.
Medication in Rehab
Doctors in rehab centers may administer medications to clients to help them in their healing. A patient may take medication to manage mental or physical substance abuse sets off. This medical treatment can be short term or long term, depending upon the client’s scenarios and requirements.
Life Changes in Dependency Rehabilitation
Patients in drug rehabilitation treatment programs are encouraged to end harmful relationships. Harmful relationships are those that have the tendency to lead to substance abuse. Conversely, clients are encouraged to look for aid from other individuals who can support them on their journey. These helpful relationships might include pals, family members, as well as other rehabilitation patients.
Member of the family of rehab clients can look for drug rehab details by speaking to the therapists and doctors at the Riviera Beach, Florida 33410 center. Friends and relative can help and support patients by learning more about drug dependency. They may do this by participating in counseling sessions with the patient. Counselors in rehabilitation centers can also teach family members and friends of clients how they can assist. They can find out about the coping abilities that the patients are learning, the different substance abuse triggers, and the best ways to reveal love and assistance.
Often drug dependencies can adversely impact the loved ones of the addict. In this case, drug rehab treatment centers can offer therapy and healing services to family and friends of clients. Liked ones can help a client best as soon as they have actually looked for healing on their own.
Drug rehab usually lasts 28 days, however it can take a number of months. The length of time a client invests in the rehabilitation center depends upon his or her healing development. Doctors and counselors may recommend an early release for the client, or they may request that the client stay in rehabilitation longer than expected.
Many rehabilitation patients in Riviera Beach, Florida 33410 continue to get treatment for their dependencies after leaving rehab. They may have regular clinic gos to with a doctor to manage physical symptoms. Clients might likewise consult with a counselor on a regular, outpatient basis to refine coping skills. In addition to the love and support of family and good friends, clients may likewise participate in assistance group conferences after leaving a drug rehabilitation treatment center. All these aftercare services assist patients remain drug totally free and avoid regression.
The length of time Does Rehab Take For Someone Living In Riviera Beach, Florida 33410?
There isn’t really a set period of time that applies to everybody when it concerns rehabilitation. Lots of rehabilitation facilities offer 30-day programs. However, some individuals take advantage of longer treatment programs, such as 60-day, 90-day, or perhaps longer-term treatment at property or inpatient treatment centers to additional establish and keep a stable healing course. When determining the appropriate length of treatment, treatment specialists will take into account the history and intensity of the addiction, particular compounds utilized, any co-occurring medical, mental, or behavioral health conditions, and the physical, psychological, emotional, social, cultural, and spiritual requirements of the person.
Research studies discover that those who invest 3 months or longer in treatment programs have better rates of long-lasting sobriety. Longer programs manage the chance to focus on the source and behaviors behind the dependency, and more time to practice sober living behaviors.
Does Rehab Cure Dependency?
There is no treatment for addiction, but it can be managed successfully. No matter its period, alcohol and drug addiction recovery doesn’t conclude after the patient completes a rehab program. Healing from compound use is a continuous, long-lasting process. Managing an addiction includes discovering the best ways to navigate through daily life without using, and involves effort and dedication.
Dependency Rehab vs. Dependency Healing
Rehab helps people discover ways to cope with drug yearnings and survive those bumpy rides when the temptation to regression is strong. It can likewise teach people skills to prepare for the daily struggles of recuperating from dependency, and the best ways to deal with individuals or scenarios that may have contributed to or exacerbated the substance issue in the very first place.
Long-term healing, however, may include continuous treatment in specific and/or group kind, together with participation at 12-step or support group conferences. Some people discover additional activities to be key for supporting their ongoing healing. These activities may consist of meditation, yoga, workout, or art, to call a few.
Numerous good treatment programs use their own types of aftercare programs, or deal with you to establish a strong aftercare strategy prior to leaving treatment to assist support effective long-lasting recovery. In truth, studies have shown that continuous involvement in aftercare programs is related to fewer relapses.
What Happens If I Fall back Like So Many Have in Riviera Beach, Florida 33410 United States?
Relapse ought to not be seen as a failure but needs to instead be viewed as an obstacle to get rid of on one’s lifelong journey to sobriety. It supplies a chance to reassess one’s course and return into a program that uses the assistance and assist had to maintain sobriety.
Many people who are struggling with dependency total more than one stay in rehab before they have the ability to find their footing in their recovery journey. The only individual who can manage your dependency is you, and rehabilitation will help you construct the skills required to keep sobriety.
What does it cost? Does Rehab Expense?
Dependency rehab programs can vary significantly in rate. High-end luxury programs have the tendency to charge more for extra services and unique features and, in some cases, greater personnel to patient ratios.
Riviera Beach, Florida 33410 United States Inpatient facilities have the tendency to cost more than outpatient treatment programs as they supply patients with treatment, meals, lodging, and activities. Outpatient treatment programs vary in their offerings– including highly structured, extensive outpatient programs, weekly group and private therapy sessions, and free support system conferences.
Several aspects can impact the expense of rehabilitation, including:.
Amenities offered at the Riviera Beach, Florida 33410 center. These can consist of lots of elements that aid the recovery procedure, such as premium food, private spaces, animal-assisted therapy, acupuncture, massage, and yoga.
Length of program. 
The expense associated with a treatment program is mainly determined by the length of the stay. During your consumption session, a counselor will discuss the quantity of time recommended in treatment for your best contended long-term recovery.
Place. Facilities in glamorous surroundings can cost more than traditional treatment centers. Travel to the center can also be factored into the expense, especially if it is far from home.
Type of program. 
Inpatient programs will frequently cost more than outpatient programs because clients reside at the center, which is staffed with medical and treatment specialists at all times.
Inpatient treatment varies in expense in between $200 and $900 daily, with longer programs usually costing less per day. Outpatient treatment ranges between $100 and $500 per treatment session, with longer treatment plans having lower cost per session. Detox alone can cost in between $600 and $1,000 daily depending on the level of care required, severity of the dependency, and length of time it takes to detox from the specific substance. All of these costs may seem complicated, however they are absolutely nothing compared with the expense that a continuous addiction will incur.
Is Insurance Accepted?
Insurance is often accepted at drug rehab programs. However, acceptability of insurance will differ inning accordance with the center. Your insurance coverage plan might cover only a part of your rehab stay, so it’s crucial to examine your insurance plan prior to enrolling in a drug rehab program.
If your insurance plan does not cover the expense of rehab, you can go over other payment alternatives with the facility you pick. The program may provide moving scale payment choices or funding plans to make the cost more workable.
Should I Get Dependency Treatment In your area or Away?
Numerous individuals seeking rehabilitation travel to a rehab facility far from their house. This is beneficial in some cases because it eliminates users from their home environment where they abuse drugs or alcohol.
In such a definitely different location near Riviera Beach, Florida 33410, those going to rehabilitation are able to totally concentrate on their addiction issues, without outdoors distractions or temptations from work, household, and buddies.
If you choose outpatient treatment, you might wish to select a facility more detailed to home so you don’t need to travel far each day. If you have family responsibilities, a close-by rehabilitation facility can relieve stress as you balance home responsibilities with your recovery treatment.
Recovery Program Factors to consider.
Distinctions in Preferences before and after Treatment
A survey was carried out in 2016 by Healing Brands asking people leaving a healing program what center includes they thought to be as high priority things to consider when examining a treatment program. The highest-rated factor to consider was the facility’s financial policies, such as payment options, financial backing, and insurance accepted. They likewise valued the facility’s offerings (quality of real estate, conveniences, space quality, etc.) much more upon completing treatment. Individuals searching for treatment should take a look at a clinic’s financial policies as well as program offerings to notify their program choice.
Should I Select Inpatient or Outpatient Treatment?
Inpatient centers vary from outpatient facilities in a variety of ways– from expenses involved and intensity of treatment to the total environment and support structure throughout the recovery process.
Inpatient Addiction Rehab.
Inpatient facilities are rehab centers that use 24-hour care from staff personnel. Hospital based inpatient services have medical staff members present at all times, while many domestic rehabilitation will provide periodic services from healthcare experts, when needed. Both types of inpatient centers need patients to live at the facility.
Inpatient treatment is the most immersive kind of treatment, permitting clients to totally concentrate on their dependency and recovery with 24-hour care. Since patients are eliminated from the stress of their every day lives, they are frequently better able to work through their dependency issues.
Rehab programs can include group therapy, private therapy, medication-assisted treatment, and even complementary therapies such as meditation, animal therapy, or outside activities.
Those with long-standing or serious dependencies, addictions to numerous compounds, or with coexisting medical and psychological health conditions typically seek an inpatient rehabilitation facility for treatment. It may likewise be a great alternative for those who have actually made previous rehab efforts (either inpatient or outpatient) and have considering that fallen back.
Outpatient Addiction Rehab For Riviera Beach, Florida People.
Outpatient centers permit clients to come for treatment, therapy, and other services then return to their houses at the end of the treatment sessions. This structure lets a person continue a mainly unimpeded work, school, or house life while seeking treatment. These facilities have the tendency to be a great suitable for those with fairly less severe or shorter-term dependencies, minimal time, or obligations at work or home that can not be ignored.
Outpatient programs can vary. Some involve all-day sessions, whereas others may only deal with patients for an hour or 2 a day. Costs of outpatient care are usually lower than those of inpatient care due to the fact that there are less features and less personnel hours included in direct care. Due to the fact that patients can leave, clients do not have to spend for the ongoing care. Numerous insurance strategies might cover some or all of the expense.
To read more about the difference between these two dependency treatment structures, call us today at 1-888-751-5269 to discuss your choices. Let our rehabilitation placement agents respond to any concerns you might have in order to assist you choose what type of dependency rehab facility makes the finest sense for you and your needs.
Can I Lose My Task for Attending Dependency Rehab?
While you might experience some fear of losing your job if you go to rehab, you may, in reality, be more likely to lose your job if you do not get help. If you are dealing with a drug abuse problem, it is possible that your boss might currently believe it. By avoiding dependency help, your struggle might eventually end up being evident because the repercussions of your compound abuse may trigger your work efficiency to suffer.
Utilizing substances while on the task is legal grounds for termination, however there are numerous federal laws protecting your right to acquire treatment. Under these laws, it is unlawful to end employment as an effect of a worker looking for treatment.
How Do I Get Time Off of Work to Participate in Dependency Rehabilitation?
Lots of inpatient programs need taking a while off from work. However, there are several options that can assist relieve this procedure. These include:.
Employee Help Programs.
An Employee Help Program (EAP) is a voluntary program through your company, which offers private evaluations, limited therapy, and recommendations to treatment at no charge to the employee.
Household and Medical Leave Act.
Lots of employers provide up to 12 weeks of leave under the Household and Medical Leave Act, which allows you to take unpaid time off without impacting your medical insurance, in order to look for treatment for a medical condition that interferes with your capability to finish work-related tasks. Addiction falls under this classification, so it could be beneficial to comprehend what your business offers.
Paid Time Off.
Another alternative for requiring time away from work to obtain aid with drug abuse is to merely utilize accumulated vacation, ill, or personal time to obtain rehab assistance in your hometown of Riviera Beach, Florida 33410.
Executive Rehabilitation Centers.
On the occasion that you have heavy work demands and have to preserve an active involvement at your location of employment, executive rehab centers may help with preserving a presence or continuous involvement at work while undergoing property treatment in a luxurious, 24-hour care setting.
Outpatient Programs near Riviera Beach, Florida 33410.
Lastly, outpatient programs provide another treatment possibility for anybody who is not able take time away from home or work and who may need a more cost effective option than executive rehab. Those battling with extreme dependency or regression issues, nevertheless, would be well served in looking for domestic treatment choices that can offer more extensive 24-hour care.
In general, there are various ways to obtain help as a worker, and seeking treatment for addiction will always be much better for you, your job, your health, and your life in general in the long run.
Exactly what is High-end Treatment?
High-end rehabilitation uses far more amenities and swank environments than standard rehabilitation facilities. They are typically located in remote areas, so clients are managed maximum personal privacy throughout their stays. Luxury rehabilitation centers might use holistic programs, experience treatments, gourmet meals prepared by expert chefs, and innovative recovery therapies.
Top-level executives, celebs and other public figures frequently select luxury rehabilitation for the exclusive features, personal privacy and the likelihood that they will be amongst their peers, however anyone might participate in these types of programs if the expenses can be covered through insurance, out-of-pocket payments, or a combination thereof.
What Is Addiction Rehab?
Rehabilitation’s are structured treatment programs focused on helping those dealing with dependency. Rehab can help addicts pursue a healthy, delighted, and sober way of life.
What Occurs in Dependency Rehab?
Dependency rehabilitation treatment is tailored to the needs of each person. This generally involves some mix of detoxing (detox), group and private compound abuse therapy, relapse avoidance education, and aftercare planning prior to program completion in order to maintain long-term sobriety.
An important early part of numerous dependency rehabilitation efforts is detox. Throughout detox, the body rids itself of the toxic impacts of drugs or alcohol. While the detox experience will differ considerably based upon the specific type and frequency of substance utilized, many substance withdrawal syndromes can be undesirable, if not hazardous. Appropriate treatment in a clinically supervised detox program can minimize the pain and dangers connected with the detox procedure.
Drug abuse Therapy.
Rehabilitation continues with numerous behavioral restorative interventions after detox is complete. People in rehab take part in group and/or specific therapy sessions to recognize and attend to the underlying causes of their addiction. Treatment programs likewise educate people on how to recognize high-risk circumstances and activates, and develop relapse avoidance skills to keep sobriety.
As an individual progresses with healing, and nears the end of a rehabilitation treatment program, staff will work with the patient to establish a proper aftercare strategy. This might consist of some mix of support system, continuous therapy, and sober living plans, if required.
How Can I Find an Addiction Rehabilitation Program?
Finding the right addiction rehabilitation program can seem like a frustrating procedure, however assistance is available to answer any extra concerns you might have. If you aren’t sure what type of treatment program is right for you or a loved one and wish to go over rehabilitation and healing choices even more, call us to speak to a rehabilitation positioning representative in Riviera Beach, Florida 33410.
The Unconventional Guide to Inpatient Drug Rehab or call us to consult with a rehabilitation positioning representative in Riviera Beach, Florida 33410.
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fantaisie-pastorale · 7 years
Riviera Beach Florida Alcoholism Program and Drug or Alcohol rehabilitation treatment centers near Riviera Beach Florida
Rehab, or rehabilitation, can be used to assist a person recuperate from addictions, injuries, as well as physical or mental disorders. Nevertheless, drug rehabilitation programs are typically the most common kinds of rehabilitation. People addicted to drugs typically need the additional care and support that drug rehab offers.
Drug rehab treatment facilities near Riviera Beach, Florida
Drug rehab facilities help addict prepare to re-enter society. Drug dependency often changes an individual’s behavior, which can impact all elements of his or her life, including work and relationships. In drug rehab, clients do their best to regain their normal lives in a safe and healthy way.
There are many various kinds of drug rehab centers. Some focus on helping patients with a particular drug addiction; others provide a wider variety of drug addiction services. Some rehabilitation facilities are even gender- or age-specific, as this frequently helps clients feel more comfy in the rehab setting. Inpatient and outpatient rehab centers are also readily available in or near Riviera Beach, Florida 33410.
Drug rehabilitation treatment centers in Riviera Beach, Florida 33410 United States frequently carry the stigma that clients are forced to stay. However, this stereotype is untrue. Patients in rehabilitation centers are totally free to leave anytime they decide to. One reason for this is that drug rehab can just be genuinely efficient when the patient has a desire to be there and to change his/her addictive practices. That being stated, in instances where individuals are forced to go to rehab– such as by means of a court order– the rehab process can still work, even if they were initially hesitant to go.
Drug rehabilitation centers range from very standard facilities to luxury treatment centers. The type of center a client attends relies on his or her budget plan and level of insurance protection. While luxury centers provide more amenities than basic centers, they are not constantly the very best treatment centers. Patients ought to investigate a rehabilitation facility prior to making a decision.
Before entering a rehab center, clients may need to go through detox treatment. Detox is the procedure in which a client rids his or her body of the addicting compound. This procedure typically takes about a week and is monitored by medical professionals and nurses. As soon as a client completes detox, she or he is ready for rehabilitation.
Drug rehabilitation treatment centers assist patients alter their attitudes toward drugs. Lots of times drug abuser deny that they have a dependency and often even declare that the drug is not hazardous. The initial step in rehab is to assist patients surpass this denial so that they can make an effort to alter.
Committing to Recovery
Physicians and counselors in rehabilitation centers assist clients make goals for themselves. Clients commit to themselves and their loved ones that they will make every effort to make a favorable modification in their lives. They make long-term goals and then short-term objectives that help them along the method.
To assist patients conquer denial and make healthy choices and commitments, doctors educate them on the repercussions and effects of substance abuse and dependency. Clients learn more about the results that the drugs have on their bodies in the hopes that they will be more motivated to make a modification.
Drug rehabilitation treatment centers provide frequent individual therapy to patients. These counseling sessions sometimes even occur on an everyday basis. Counselors help patients find any psychological or mental aspects that may have contributed to their addictions. It is essential that these psychological elements are dealt with if a patient is to make a complete recovery.
In addition to specific counseling, clients in rehabilitation frequently get involved in group treatment. Patients with comparable addictions meet together under the direction of a counselor. This allows them to form relationships and to have fellowship with one another. These close individual bonds aid patients on their roadway to recovery.
Patients in drug rehabilitation learn how to acknowledge situations that might activate substance abuse. These triggers might be emotional, physical, part of relationships, or just part of their regular regimens. Counselors and doctors help patients learn ways to combat those triggers and get out of situations that may lead them to abuse drugs.
As soon as clients discover how to acknowledge drug abuse triggers, they discover the skills needed to handle them. Therapists and physicians in drug rehab treatment centers work with each patient to come up with an individualized set of coping abilities that the client can utilize to avoid him or her from relying on drugs.
Counselors also help rehabilitation clients alter their negative practices that belong to their addictions. This could consist of changing recreation or perhaps changing elements of the addict’s career or daily life. The goal is to lower the amount of stress and activates in the patient’s life to keep them from relapsing.
Program choices prior to and after treatment Modifications in Value of Treatment PreferencesIn 2016, Recovery Brands conducted a survey asking patients leaving a healing treatment program what clinic characteristics they viewed as high concern elements to analyze when taking a look at a program. The leading concern was the clinic’s financial practices, such as insurance coverage accepted, payment alternatives, and financial backing. They likewise valued facility offerings (facilities, comforts, quality of housing, etc.) much more after graduating from treatment. Individuals trying to find treatment will want to take a look at a facility’s financial policies as well as the program’s offerings to assist in their last program choice.
Medication in Rehab
Doctors in rehab centers may administer medications to clients to help them in their healing. A patient may take medication to manage mental or physical substance abuse sets off. This medical treatment can be short term or long term, depending upon the client’s scenarios and requirements.
Life Changes in Dependency Rehabilitation
Patients in drug rehabilitation treatment programs are encouraged to end harmful relationships. Harmful relationships are those that have the tendency to lead to substance abuse. Conversely, clients are encouraged to look for aid from other individuals who can support them on their journey. These helpful relationships might include pals, family members, as well as other rehabilitation patients.
Member of the family of rehab clients can look for drug rehab details by speaking to the therapists and doctors at the Riviera Beach, Florida 33410 center. Friends and relative can help and support patients by learning more about drug dependency. They may do this by participating in counseling sessions with the patient. Counselors in rehabilitation centers can also teach family members and friends of clients how they can assist. They can find out about the coping abilities that the patients are learning, the different substance abuse triggers, and the best ways to reveal love and assistance.
Often drug dependencies can adversely impact the loved ones of the addict. In this case, drug rehab treatment centers can offer therapy and healing services to family and friends of clients. Liked ones can help a client best as soon as they have actually looked for healing on their own.
Drug rehab usually lasts 28 days, however it can take a number of months. The length of time a client invests in the rehabilitation center depends upon his or her healing development. Doctors and counselors may recommend an early release for the client, or they may request that the client stay in rehabilitation longer than expected.
Many rehabilitation patients in Riviera Beach, Florida 33410 continue to get treatment for their dependencies after leaving rehab. They may have regular clinic gos to with a doctor to manage physical symptoms. Clients might likewise consult with a counselor on a regular, outpatient basis to refine coping skills. In addition to the love and support of family and good friends, clients may likewise participate in assistance group conferences after leaving a drug rehabilitation treatment center. All these aftercare services assist patients remain drug totally free and avoid regression.
The length of time Does Rehab Take For Someone Living In Riviera Beach, Florida 33410?
There isn’t really a set period of time that applies to everybody when it concerns rehabilitation. Lots of rehabilitation facilities offer 30-day programs. However, some individuals take advantage of longer treatment programs, such as 60-day, 90-day, or perhaps longer-term treatment at property or inpatient treatment centers to additional establish and keep a stable healing course. When determining the appropriate length of treatment, treatment specialists will take into account the history and intensity of the addiction, particular compounds utilized, any co-occurring medical, mental, or behavioral health conditions, and the physical, psychological, emotional, social, cultural, and spiritual requirements of the person.
Research studies discover that those who invest 3 months or longer in treatment programs have better rates of long-lasting sobriety. Longer programs manage the chance to focus on the source and behaviors behind the dependency, and more time to practice sober living behaviors.
Does Rehab Cure Dependency?
There is no treatment for addiction, but it can be managed successfully. No matter its period, alcohol and drug addiction recovery doesn’t conclude after the patient completes a rehab program. Healing from compound use is a continuous, long-lasting process. Managing an addiction includes discovering the best ways to navigate through daily life without using, and involves effort and dedication.
Dependency Rehab vs. Dependency Healing
Rehab helps people discover ways to cope with drug yearnings and survive those bumpy rides when the temptation to regression is strong. It can likewise teach people skills to prepare for the daily struggles of recuperating from dependency, and the best ways to deal with individuals or scenarios that may have contributed to or exacerbated the substance issue in the very first place.
Long-term healing, however, may include continuous treatment in specific and/or group kind, together with participation at 12-step or support group conferences. Some people discover additional activities to be key for supporting their ongoing healing. These activities may consist of meditation, yoga, workout, or art, to call a few.
Numerous good treatment programs use their own types of aftercare programs, or deal with you to establish a strong aftercare strategy prior to leaving treatment to assist support effective long-lasting recovery. In truth, studies have shown that continuous involvement in aftercare programs is related to fewer relapses.
What Happens If I Fall back Like So Many Have in Riviera Beach, Florida 33410 United States?
Relapse ought to not be seen as a failure but needs to instead be viewed as an obstacle to get rid of on one’s lifelong journey to sobriety. It supplies a chance to reassess one’s course and return into a program that uses the assistance and assist had to maintain sobriety.
Many people who are struggling with dependency total more than one stay in rehab before they have the ability to find their footing in their recovery journey. The only individual who can manage your dependency is you, and rehabilitation will help you construct the skills required to keep sobriety.
What does it cost? Does Rehab Expense?
Dependency rehab programs can vary significantly in rate. High-end luxury programs have the tendency to charge more for extra services and unique features and, in some cases, greater personnel to patient ratios.
Riviera Beach, Florida 33410 United States Inpatient facilities have the tendency to cost more than outpatient treatment programs as they supply patients with treatment, meals, lodging, and activities. Outpatient treatment programs vary in their offerings– including highly structured, extensive outpatient programs, weekly group and private therapy sessions, and free support system conferences.
Several aspects can impact the expense of rehabilitation, including:.
Amenities offered at the Riviera Beach, Florida 33410 center. These can consist of lots of elements that aid the recovery procedure, such as premium food, private spaces, animal-assisted therapy, acupuncture, massage, and yoga.
Length of program. 
The expense associated with a treatment program is mainly determined by the length of the stay. During your consumption session, a counselor will discuss the quantity of time recommended in treatment for your best contended long-term recovery.
Place. Facilities in glamorous surroundings can cost more than traditional treatment centers. Travel to the center can also be factored into the expense, especially if it is far from home.
Type of program. 
Inpatient programs will frequently cost more than outpatient programs because clients reside at the center, which is staffed with medical and treatment specialists at all times.
Inpatient treatment varies in expense in between $200 and $900 daily, with longer programs usually costing less per day. Outpatient treatment ranges between $100 and $500 per treatment session, with longer treatment plans having lower cost per session. Detox alone can cost in between $600 and $1,000 daily depending on the level of care required, severity of the dependency, and length of time it takes to detox from the specific substance. All of these costs may seem complicated, however they are absolutely nothing compared with the expense that a continuous addiction will incur.
Is Insurance Accepted?
Insurance is often accepted at drug rehab programs. However, acceptability of insurance will differ inning accordance with the center. Your insurance coverage plan might cover only a part of your rehab stay, so it’s crucial to examine your insurance plan prior to enrolling in a drug rehab program.
If your insurance plan does not cover the expense of rehab, you can go over other payment alternatives with the facility you pick. The program may provide moving scale payment choices or funding plans to make the cost more workable.
Should I Get Dependency Treatment In your area or Away?
Numerous individuals seeking rehabilitation travel to a rehab facility far from their house. This is beneficial in some cases because it eliminates users from their home environment where they abuse drugs or alcohol.
In such a definitely different location near Riviera Beach, Florida 33410, those going to rehabilitation are able to totally concentrate on their addiction issues, without outdoors distractions or temptations from work, household, and buddies.
If you choose outpatient treatment, you might wish to select a facility more detailed to home so you don’t need to travel far each day. If you have family responsibilities, a close-by rehabilitation facility can relieve stress as you balance home responsibilities with your recovery treatment.
Recovery Program Factors to consider.
Distinctions in Preferences before and after Treatment
A survey was carried out in 2016 by Healing Brands asking people leaving a healing program what center includes they thought to be as high priority things to consider when examining a treatment program. The highest-rated factor to consider was the facility’s financial policies, such as payment options, financial backing, and insurance accepted. They likewise valued the facility’s offerings (quality of real estate, conveniences, space quality, etc.) much more upon completing treatment. Individuals searching for treatment should take a look at a clinic’s financial policies as well as program offerings to notify their program choice.
Should I Select Inpatient or Outpatient Treatment?
Inpatient centers vary from outpatient facilities in a variety of ways– from expenses involved and intensity of treatment to the total environment and support structure throughout the recovery process.
Inpatient Addiction Rehab.
Inpatient facilities are rehab centers that use 24-hour care from staff personnel. Hospital based inpatient services have medical staff members present at all times, while many domestic rehabilitation will provide periodic services from healthcare experts, when needed. Both types of inpatient centers need patients to live at the facility.
Inpatient treatment is the most immersive kind of treatment, permitting clients to totally concentrate on their dependency and recovery with 24-hour care. Since patients are eliminated from the stress of their every day lives, they are frequently better able to work through their dependency issues.
Rehab programs can include group therapy, private therapy, medication-assisted treatment, and even complementary therapies such as meditation, animal therapy, or outside activities.
Those with long-standing or serious dependencies, addictions to numerous compounds, or with coexisting medical and psychological health conditions typically seek an inpatient rehabilitation facility for treatment. It may likewise be a great alternative for those who have actually made previous rehab efforts (either inpatient or outpatient) and have considering that fallen back.
Outpatient Addiction Rehab For Riviera Beach, Florida People.
Outpatient centers permit clients to come for treatment, therapy, and other services then return to their houses at the end of the treatment sessions. This structure lets a person continue a mainly unimpeded work, school, or house life while seeking treatment. These facilities have the tendency to be a great suitable for those with fairly less severe or shorter-term dependencies, minimal time, or obligations at work or home that can not be ignored.
Outpatient programs can vary. Some involve all-day sessions, whereas others may only deal with patients for an hour or 2 a day. Costs of outpatient care are usually lower than those of inpatient care due to the fact that there are less features and less personnel hours included in direct care. Due to the fact that patients can leave, clients do not have to spend for the ongoing care. Numerous insurance strategies might cover some or all of the expense.
To read more about the difference between these two dependency treatment structures, call us today at 1-888-751-5269 to discuss your choices. Let our rehabilitation placement agents respond to any concerns you might have in order to assist you choose what type of dependency rehab facility makes the finest sense for you and your needs.
Can I Lose My Task for Attending Dependency Rehab?
While you might experience some fear of losing your job if you go to rehab, you may, in reality, be more likely to lose your job if you do not get help. If you are dealing with a drug abuse problem, it is possible that your boss might currently believe it. By avoiding dependency help, your struggle might eventually end up being evident because the repercussions of your compound abuse may trigger your work efficiency to suffer.
Utilizing substances while on the task is legal grounds for termination, however there are numerous federal laws protecting your right to acquire treatment. Under these laws, it is unlawful to end employment as an effect of a worker looking for treatment.
How Do I Get Time Off of Work to Participate in Dependency Rehabilitation?
Lots of inpatient programs need taking a while off from work. However, there are several options that can assist relieve this procedure. These include:.
Employee Help Programs.
An Employee Help Program (EAP) is a voluntary program through your company, which offers private evaluations, limited therapy, and recommendations to treatment at no charge to the employee.
Household and Medical Leave Act.
Lots of employers provide up to 12 weeks of leave under the Household and Medical Leave Act, which allows you to take unpaid time off without impacting your medical insurance, in order to look for treatment for a medical condition that interferes with your capability to finish work-related tasks. Addiction falls under this classification, so it could be beneficial to comprehend what your business offers.
Paid Time Off.
Another alternative for requiring time away from work to obtain aid with drug abuse is to merely utilize accumulated vacation, ill, or personal time to obtain rehab assistance in your hometown of Riviera Beach, Florida 33410.
Executive Rehabilitation Centers.
On the occasion that you have heavy work demands and have to preserve an active involvement at your location of employment, executive rehab centers may help with preserving a presence or continuous involvement at work while undergoing property treatment in a luxurious, 24-hour care setting.
Outpatient Programs near Riviera Beach, Florida 33410.
Lastly, outpatient programs provide another treatment possibility for anybody who is not able take time away from home or work and who may need a more cost effective option than executive rehab. Those battling with extreme dependency or regression issues, nevertheless, would be well served in looking for domestic treatment choices that can offer more extensive 24-hour care.
In general, there are various ways to obtain help as a worker, and seeking treatment for addiction will always be much better for you, your job, your health, and your life in general in the long run.
Exactly what is High-end Treatment?
High-end rehabilitation uses far more amenities and swank environments than standard rehabilitation facilities. They are typically located in remote areas, so clients are managed maximum personal privacy throughout their stays. Luxury rehabilitation centers might use holistic programs, experience treatments, gourmet meals prepared by expert chefs, and innovative recovery therapies.
Top-level executives, celebs and other public figures frequently select luxury rehabilitation for the exclusive features, personal privacy and the likelihood that they will be amongst their peers, however anyone might participate in these types of programs if the expenses can be covered through insurance, out-of-pocket payments, or a combination thereof.
What Is Addiction Rehab?
Rehabilitation’s are structured treatment programs focused on helping those dealing with dependency. Rehab can help addicts pursue a healthy, delighted, and sober way of life.
What Occurs in Dependency Rehab?
Dependency rehabilitation treatment is tailored to the needs of each person. This generally involves some mix of detoxing (detox), group and private compound abuse therapy, relapse avoidance education, and aftercare planning prior to program completion in order to maintain long-term sobriety.
An important early part of numerous dependency rehabilitation efforts is detox. Throughout detox, the body rids itself of the toxic impacts of drugs or alcohol. While the detox experience will differ considerably based upon the specific type and frequency of substance utilized, many substance withdrawal syndromes can be undesirable, if not hazardous. Appropriate treatment in a clinically supervised detox program can minimize the pain and dangers connected with the detox procedure.
Drug abuse Therapy.
Rehabilitation continues with numerous behavioral restorative interventions after detox is complete. People in rehab take part in group and/or specific therapy sessions to recognize and attend to the underlying causes of their addiction. Treatment programs likewise educate people on how to recognize high-risk circumstances and activates, and develop relapse avoidance skills to keep sobriety.
As an individual progresses with healing, and nears the end of a rehabilitation treatment program, staff will work with the patient to establish a proper aftercare strategy. This might consist of some mix of support system, continuous therapy, and sober living plans, if required.
How Can I Find an Addiction Rehabilitation Program?
Finding the right addiction rehabilitation program can seem like a frustrating procedure, however assistance is available to answer any extra concerns you might have. If you aren’t sure what type of treatment program is right for you or a loved one and wish to go over rehabilitation and healing choices even more, call us to speak to a rehabilitation positioning representative in Riviera Beach, Florida 33410.
The Unconventional Guide to Inpatient Drug Rehab or call us to consult with a rehabilitation positioning representative in Riviera Beach, Florida 33410.
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