#like i can't actually write whump for the life of me. but babes that is a fresh whump prompt right there for ya HEJAHAJS
starheirxero · 2 months
They've finally given us a break from the angst! :D And have given us so much lore, golly gee-
First of all👆: HELL YEAH SUN, GO OFF!!! Seeing him talk back to Eclipse and the Creator has healed me!
After these episodes, the Creator has officially gained the first place for biggest god complex- WE HAVE A LITERAL GOD ECLIPSE, AND HE SOMEHOW OUT-COMPLEXES HIM, HOW THE HELL IS THAT EVEN POSSIBLE?? Mfer is taking it to a whole new level! At least God Eclipse stays in his own damn dimension!
As for Ruin…he is so interesting, HELP- How does he know all this??👀 Who is he??? I am very certain now, that he lied to Bloodmoon about his creation! He did say he "suffered one", which can have a lot of implications. Of course there's the obvious, which is what he did to their dimension, but there is also the possibility, that Ruin was never a daycare attendant at all. Maybe he was created for the virus, and was kept around by his creator?🤔 Maybe their relationship was a lot more personal??
There's also the dimensions in general! We know Stitchwraith's origin now, or at least the reason for it. There are only thirteen in all the dimensions combined👀 It really makes me hope for a deeper look into the multiverse in general!
But there's also Eclipse. And then there is Lunar. Both of them actively defy fate.
Most Eclipses die, be it still in Sun, or shortly after. Yet our Eclipse keeps on dragging himself out of his grave. He dies and keeps dying, yet he won't. stay. dead. He actively laughs in death's face. And that is so intriguing!
And there's of course everything surrounding Lunar. For one, the Creator wants to use them. It's so ironic, to be honest. They were created to be used, and now that they finally want to move on, want to leave this part of their life behind, there's this giant, looming threat, wanting to use them again. And unlike other villains, this one cannot be stopped! This one is on another level, and not even Moon knows what to do about him!
There are also their powers. This wasn't supposed to happen. And the way Ruin worded it, it seems that Lunar is the first of a kind! And it makes me wonder why. What makes our Lunar different? What makes them so special? Was it really just a cosmic storm? Or was there a higher power involved? I an literally shaking in my seat about it!
Also, on a side note: the amount of angst possibilities Ruin has opened up by talking about what the creator council would do to Lunar, Jesus christ-
RIGHT LMAO back to your regularly scheduled external horrors!! 😁
AND GHOD YEA THE CREATOR. THIS MAN HAS SOME GALL. Honestly tho the fact that he wants to use Lunar's star power is a sign to me that Ruin probably wasn't at all lying or exaggerating about the Creator Council's motives. Honestly, he was probably the one who gave them the idea in the first place 😭
AND RUIN,,, HONESTLY YEA I'VE BEEN WONDERING THE SAME THING. If all of this is so multiversal, it raises SO many questions as to how Ruin knows about things like their plans and motives. MAN if it turns out that Ruin was basically a living weapon made to stand next to the creator, I will go INSANE. (Smth smth Lunar n Eclipse parallels too.....)
ANS AUAAGAGGHHH YEA THE WORLDS OMG. The fact that most Eclipses die is smth both insanely tragic and insanely ironic to me. Like it's so sad to think that so many of them didn't make it past our Eclipse's point and just,, died alone and bitter in a body that wasn't their own. But also it's almost unfathomable bc like u said, that man does NOT STAY DOWN.
AND LUNAR,,,, GHOD YEA LUNAR. It makes sense if they're one of a kind because honestly, if there were others who had star power literally threaded into their being, the Creators could have easily gone for that person instead, yk?? But that fact is simultaneously horrifying and intriguing tbh HDJAHAJS BUT ITS LIKE U SAID, WHAT MAKES THEM SPECIAL HERE.
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star4daisy · 10 months
Wife on her duty as a perfect wife i'm!
For the asking game, babe. Give me what i need... 3, 4, 14, 17, 19, 30, 35, and 43 (even tho i already know the answer).
Lov u sfm🖤
omg it was a joke luv <3
3. Describe the creative process of writing a chapter/fic
I'm the worst person to answer this I have no process sometimes I plan everything out and then write based on that and actually do what I planned, most times the characters take life and change everything and I keep trying to go back to the original plan and sometimes can still fit some things, usually not lol when I have time I just go with the flow and then if I'm interrupted I have to write down what I want to happen next otherwise I will not remember when I open the docs again, on the good days I write without actually thinking about it so I don't remember it well just feels like my fingers can't type fast enough lol very automatic
4. Where do you find inspiration for new ideas?
(I think I've answered this before in a better way) everywhere, things come to me at the most random times, usually when I'm daydreaming before falling asleep, sometimes by other books, tv shows or music but mostly it just feels like I spent six years of my life repressing my creative side so I could do physics and calculus so now that I'm letting it loose it's running wild lol
14. how do you write emotional scenes? Do you ever feel what the characters feel? Do you draw from personal experiences?
I don't write emotional scenes, I can't do emotional or vulnerable therefore neither can my characters which is why I mostly write from Barty/Evan's pov lol it's a different type of emotional I guess I have a dificulty in making my characters say I love you, I just cringe so badly. I don't feel what they feel at all lol and the only personal experience would be from emotions like anger
17. What do you do when writing becomes difficult? (maybe a lack of inspiration or writers block)
inspiration never lacks the problem is the lack of time, but when things aren't flowing I stop and go watch something, read or go to the gym until my mojo comes back
19. What is the most-used tag on your ao3?
Morally Ambiguous Characters and Graphic Depictions of Violence
30. Do you share rough drafts or do you wait until it’s all polished?
sometimes I just post the draft lol I cannot re-read things before posting so the first few people reading are definetly getting screwed over sorry, but then I feel the pressure of having people seeing all my mistakes and it forces me to go polish it
35. What is one essential thing to remember when writing a villain?
question what are his motives and why did he chose that path and maybe not make him one-dimensional like his whole purpose isn't just to go against the hero, make him compelling, make us believe in why he chose that path make us understand him and feel sorry for his motivations, I always like that lol
43. Do you take a sadistic joy in whumping your characters, or are you more the "If you hurt them I would kill everyone and then myself" kind of person?
Definetely the first, I'm very disattached to death, I have cried in very few fics and it's not when people die lol sometimes living is more painful so I never expect people to say they cried and when they do I'm always in shock
thx <3 I thought this was gonna be harder lol but maybe I just didn't answer as I should lol
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jaskiersvalley · 4 years
Hi. I'm sorry to bother you. Can I request some domestic witchersexual Jaskier?? I just had to put my 6 year old doberman down because she had an autoimmune disease and wasn't getting better and I'm really sad and I have read most of the new fics on tumblr and AO3 but alot of it is whump or Angst and I can't deal with that right now.
I am so sorry to hear about your doberman! It’s never easy to lose a beloved pet. If there is anything beyond writing something to take your mind off things that I can do, please do drop me a line either via ask or DMs. This story turned a little less domestic with not all focus on Jaskier but...hopefully it still gives you the comfort you crave.
Rumours were rife. Witchers, already a dying breed, were disappearing without a trace. No body to recover, no contract to follow the trail of. One minute a witcher was travelling in his usual stomping grounds, the next, he was never seen again. It had Vesemir fretting. Just because he was responsible for Kaer Morhen didn’t mean he was blind and deaf to the stories that were rife. Strangely, despite the witchers disappearing, there wasn’t an abundance of creatures running rampant.
Of course Vesemir worried for his pups. He worried for all witchers but his own boys were special to him. When winter came and Lambert turned up, followed not long after by Eskel, Vesemir could almost relax. A crow from Geralt reassured him that his wolves were all okay and whatever was snatching witchers hadn’t been able to get to them. It didn’t take much to gently extract a promise of regular communication with them throughout the following year. Messages were regularly sent back, letting Vesemir know that the unseen enemy hadn’t snatched them. Yet.
Despite their best efforts, Eskel stopped writing. Even when Lambert and Geralt rushed to where he was last seen, there was no trace of him, nothing. That winter, Eskel didn’t return home and they mourned him.
If only Eskel had been enough for the monster that seemed to hunt witchers exclusively. However, Lambert made it down from Kaer Morhen in the spring and was never seen again. Vesemir tried to remind himself that this was a witcher’s life. Solitary, filled with loss, grief and there was no hope of a happy ending. At least he still had Geralt, the shining star of the Wolf School. Deep down, Vesemir found it fitting that Geralt would be the last one standing of his pups, even if Eskel had been his equal in all but fame.
Witchers didn’t travel together, there wasn’t enough work in any area to support one, let alone two witchers. But Vesemir didn’t want to be the last Wolf in existence and he didn’t want to lose Geralt. Not when they had both lost so much already. Kaer Morhen could lock its doors for one last time. It was already crumbling and Vesemir didn’t think he would be returning, not if he went out on the path, shadowing Geralt in a parallel path, occasionally meeting up.
If anything, contracts were more scarce than ever before despite there being fewer witchers. It made no sense and Vesemir couldn’t understand. There was no explanation for it but he trudged on, determined to do what he had been created for. If there were fewer witchers in the world, he would pick up the slack.
Camping was harsh, sleeping on the ground made Vesemir’s bones ache. It was a witcher’s lot in life to weather the discomforts, even in old age. In the morning, Vesemir packed up camp and trudged out onto the road. He and Geralt were heading towards Nilfgaard, an army always left necrophages in its wake so it was a guaranteed income. Somewhere in the distance, there was singing and the soft strum of lute drifting through the air. A fellow traveller, a happy one at that. Unintentionally, Vesemir slowed his steps and let the singer slowly catch up.
“Fine day,” the brightly coloured man called, bouncing along as he played. He definitely kept strange company, an elf who smiled indulgently.
“Made all the brighter by your cheer.” Even if Vesemir wasn’t a fan of the style of music, he could still be polite and appreciate the attitude if not the noise.
“Thank you, kind sir.” The bard took a bow. “I’m Jaskier, this is my friend Chireadan. Mind if we accompany you along this path for a while?”
A bit of company was always welcome, even if Vesemir used it to gather information rather than make friends. The two made for curious travellers, seemingly defenceless, not a sword or dagger between them. It had Vesemir wondering just how they had survived for so long.
Chatter turned from pleasant chitchat to current events to probing questions. It was such a subtle shift, Vesemir didn’t notice until he was being asked quite pointed questions about being a witcher.
“So in all your 300 and something years, you’d never been able to rest?”
Vesemir blinked. “Well, maintaining Kaer Morhen was as much of a break as any witcher could have.”
It only drew a hum from Jaskier. “So single-handedly being responsible for a large keep, repairing it, ensuring crops grow around it to keep four, five, maybe even six witcher bellied full over winter, thinning out the forktails so when your pups and stragglers return home they won’t have to fight as hard, that counts as a break, yes?”
When put like that...Vesemir shrugged it off He did what the world demanded of him, no more, no less. It didn’t seem to deter Jaskier.
“What about a true rest? If I could offer you something, would you take it?”
“No.” Because Vesemir couldn’t abandon Geralt. Not when it was just Geralt left. Even if the others had still been around, Vesemir couldn’t in good conscience leave them behind to live a harsh life with nobody to greet them home each year.
“If it’s Geralt you’re worried about, I promise it’s okay. He’ll be there too.”
Perhaps Vesemir should have been more alert and distrusting. An elf and a bard, unarmed and yet seemingly so at ease in the world. There had to be something more to them. But his medallion didn’t sing, didn’t hum, there wasn’t even the slightest bit of vibration to it. Human and elf. Nothing more. And yet.
“You’ve served your time. You can relax now,” Jaskier murmured softly, swaying closer and putting a hand on Vesemir’s back to guide him.
“Are you Death?”
The sharp, bright laugh suggested that Vesemir was wrong.
“If he is Death, what does that make me? I’m a healer by trade,” Chireadan chipped in. He had been quiet for most of their shared journey, smiling fondly and staring off into the distance, aloof like most elves. “Let us show you what we offer.”
They stopped in the middle of the dusty road with nobody around for miles. Jaskier fished something out of his pocket and, with a lot of fidgeting and even more cursing, a portal suddenly opened up. It was portable, contained chaos and Vesemir took a step back.
“It’s okay.” That was Geralt’s voice and he stepped out of a portal from behind Vesemir. “I fucking hate portals but you can trust that one.”
Whatever trickery this was, Vesemir didn’t trust it one bit. However, Geralt urged Roach through before turning to him with a lopsided smile. “Come home.”
With that, Geralt stepped into the portal and Vesemir reached for him, wanting to pull him back.
“What’s it going to be, my Lone Wolf?” Jaskier asked. Chireadan had stepped through the portal too, waving with a quiet “see you in a minute” which was just a little presumptuous.
Steeling himself, Vesemir gave in. He’d had enough, all the fighting, the loss, the grief, it was enough. Even if this was a trick, he realised there was no point in resisting. His pups were gone, Kaer Morhen wasn’t a place to live alone, contracts were more and more scarce. It was time to put down his swords and accept whatever was on the other side of the portal. Vesemir didn’t look back as he stepped through, feeling the world lurch around him.
The other side was bright, breezy and noisy. Water lapped at the shores of a beach and there was life bustling around him, laughter and...people shouting his name. Geralt stepped closer first and squeezed his shoulder.
“Welcome to The Island.”
Behind Vesemir, Jaskier had stepped through and the portal closed. More people were approaching. Ciri was running towards him like she was still a child. Behind her was- Vesemir’s breath hitched. There was Eskel and Lambert on either side of Jaskier. And Coen. And Aiden. Letho. Wolf, Cat, Griffin, Viper, Bear, all the schools’ surviving witchers, smiling, laughing and happy. It was beyond anything Vesemir had ever seen or even dared hope for.
“What?” He choked out.
“The world didn’t need us any more. And we didn’t need them,” Geralt explained. It wasn’t all witchers, there were a couple of sorceresses, elves and humans too. They all looked comfortable and happy.
“It all started with Eskel,” Jaskier said, an arm around the witcher in question’s waist. “An enchanted bear trap caught him out.” It explained why he limped probably. “It was just me at the time and the idea of a retirement retreat was barely a babe in my mind. But Triss helped heal him and I started travelling with Chireadan. Needed to make sure I could get every hurting witcher home.”
“Actually, Jaskier wanted a sex island,” Lambert butted in. Vesemir noted that he looked at peace, smiling without any of the bitterness he’d been weighed down by over the years. “Eskel couldn’t run. I didn’t want to run. Eventually Geralt let himself get caught. Like a stray cat Aiden turned up. Then Ciri dragged her friends with her. A Jaskier’s got a lot of love to give if they want it.”
Geralt smiled at the stunned look on Vesemir’s face. He clapped him on the shoulder.
“I said welcome to The Island earlier but what I actually meant was welcome home.”
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