#like he hates ppl but kids are tolerable and he actually gets along great with them
simptasia · 5 years
Do you have any headcanons about the lost character's music tastes?
Ooh, thank for allowing me to come into my askbox and be pleasantly surprised (i tensed up thinking i was gonna see a hate message)And I didn’t even have to ask!
Most of this is what I’ve gleaned from canon (and expansions there upon), and also bear in mind I don’t exactly know the details of the genres of music, so specific bands may be lost of me. But thank you for asking
Jack: canon into classic rock. (i checked, Nirvana specifically) which is hilarious because Jack is, and I mean this in a loving way, a piece of stale white bread. other music is lost on him but he’ll move his head awkwardly to most songs out of politeness. it’s also very subtly implied that jack wanted to be a piano player instead of a doctor and we even see him playing rather nicely. so theres that
Kate: in a flashback we saw her wearing a Janis Joplin shirt (amazingly when they were writing Kate, they thought they were making a straight character. hah) so I figure she likes that kind of music, like… women with croaky voices singing about pain and love. throw Alanis Morissette in there too. plus, she was excited when she realised who Charlie is, so throw a little punk rock in there. or at the very least Kate heard You All Everybody on the radio and enjoyed it. i’ve pictured her getting into some bops too, e.g I Feel Like A Woman by Shania Twain. i like to imagine her getting into that whilst making breakfastCharlie: we know Charlie’s taste. and he declares himself an “expert on all things musical” so i gather he loves music in general. favours punk rock tho. the kind of Fuck The System rock that he thinks he’s making. you just know Charlie loved the Sex Pistols. he’s also canon a fan of The Kinks (snort) and Oasis. and he must be a Beatles fan (such a pom) because he has some lyrics of theirs tattoo’d on his shoulder (thanks to his actor)Daniel: canonically adores classical music and… Driveshaft (which just tickles me pink, i imagine he has all their albums, which would be at least three in the limbo world) so apparently loves punk rock too. i imagine Driveshaft is he favourite band and he recognises they have hit or misses and aren’t That Great but he just thinks they’re neat. he loves all classical music but his favourite composer is chopin. (referencing to how fantaisie-impromptu by chopin is His Song). he also creates music himself and apparently has experimental tastes for it. as made clear to me by his story, music is his ultimate special interest. specifically involving the piano. live your dreams, babyLocke: owns both of Driveshaft’s albums (expressed that the first was better) if Daniel didn’t do his concert thing I’d say locke is the biggest fan of driveshaft of all our characters. make of that what you will, it’s just funny picturing Locke listening to and enjoying Charlie’s music. i also see him liking Johnny CashShannon: doesn’t like Driveshaft. i imagine she enjoys pop music. the kind you can dance and bop ur head to in a club or something. she was also a ballet teacher so i figure she has at least a passing interest in classical music. we also cannot forget the time she sang La Mer for Sayid and it was beautifulHurley: also did not enjoy Driveshaft (i keep mentioning that because i’ve kept track of who doesn’t and does like Charlie’s music, it amuses me). i hadn’t thought about this before but i can genuinely see Hurley enjoying hip hop & rap music. imagine him attempting to sing along to a fast paced verse but fumbling but he’s enjoying himself anyways and even making up words. great. also i just remembered hurley had a walkman for like the first season until it broke and that provided a variety of background music. i cannot recall genres tho. but basically hurley has good taste and fuck this show uses music wellMichael: canon into bob marley so michael must be into reggae. easy going listening, something you can roll your shoulders toCharlotte: she seems to love Geronimo Jackson (a fictional band within the lost universe) and based on their era (the 70s) and their cover art, i presume this shit was hippie-ish and psychedelic. maybe funky too. since she’ll be dating daniel, she’ll have to tolerate driveshaft and she personally considers them OkayMiles: EMO. EMO ROCK. EMO PUNK. WAKE ME UP (WAKE ME UP INSIDE). i don;t have specific examples bcuz i dunno this genre but yeeeahhh. the 90s kind too because lost is set in 2004 and like, we saw how he dressed in the 90s. wowee. (i don’t think the emo examples i can think of were even a think in 2004). also i hc he thinks driveshaft are utter shit and thinks daniel has bad taste (but tolerates it. like, its garbage but it makes daniel happy). miles’ parents are canon into jazz and country, miles is not. and i think he regards country as off puttingDesmond: if he never has to listen to “make your own kinda music” ever again, it’ll still be too soon. so canon dislikes driveshift (basically regarded it as shit in the most tactful way possible). but i never thought about what would desmond like, just what he doesn’t like [shrug emoji] …for whatever reason, i got a burst of, MAYBE DESMOND LIKES QUEEN?? therefore it is decided. besides, who doesn’t love queen? AND i hc that des was a theatre kid when he was young so make of that headcanon what you re. music taste. (he’s not an expert or anything like that, but i think he’d know a good tune when he hears it)Juliet: when you’re alone and life is making you lonely you can always go
downtowni dunno what genre that song is but it’s good, i like that song too. i’ve associated it with juliet ever since this show. (same with wonderwall and charlie)Sawyer: bit stereotypical but i think it’s fair to say… country rock? i can see it. also i imagine he (and juliet) got in geronimo jackson during the dharma times. oh and sawyer is also canon into bob marley (it was a nice bonding moment)
Richard: i just wanna mention richard to be in awe over the fact that he’s heard music evolution over like 180 years and that’s so cool. also i imagine he loved 60s & 70s music (and has the era appropriate dance moves)Ben: a long time ago i headcanon’d that his favourite song is “you are my sunshine” and i’m not going back on that. he used to sing to alex when she was a baby. also plays and likes classical piano because of course he doesClaire: her favourite song is Catch A Falling Star for emotional reasons. besides that? into enya-type music and ballads. sarah mclachlan and sarah brightman type singers also. would be indifferent to or even not like driveshaft music if, you know, it didn’t involve her dead soulmate. so she gets the albums and merch (for free from liam, of course) and cries about it. as ya do. oh, oh and she loves abba! because pretty much every australian loves abba! (especially queer australians, even if claire doesn’t know she’s queer yet)Sun: canon knows how to play piano classical music and i think to myself, maybe due to that, she doesn’t actually like the genre. like i imagine she was forced to learn piano (ya know rich ppl) so she has negative feelings about itBoone: i’m hearing something when picturing him, which i may have to classify as prog rock / college rock. early 2000s style, you get me?and for anybody else interested in the music used in the show and listened to by the characters within here’s this: https://lostpedia.fandom.com/wiki/Songs
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masterserris · 7 years
UF (the non edgy version. the true moral grey zone)
Gaster: uses red save points. Ringed, alien-like blasters. More rings more power. Not evil at all. Actually ace, like his kiddo came straight from his soul. Many monsters have kids like that. Strong bond w kiddos. Can go into different levels of existence. At the end of the genocide run, he’d out of nowhere spear you with a red save star. this is the end of the game. it just goes black and quits on you. it acts like a true reset and all data is wiped. no one remembers. gaster is willing to knock everything back to square one at that point. there is nothing beyond it. no alternates. just you getting killed for good and having to completely restart. in neutral runs, he’d tell you to just get. out. after omega flowey’s fight. even if you killed both his kids, but didnt do the full genocide. he just wants you GONE and outta his sight. In genocide, he’d activate more dangerous traps to kill you and elaborate lazers to fry you. There are 2 parts to the core. Upper and Lower, the latter of which is far more dangerous. You fight the Gaster Followers here. 
“It smells like ozone” (ozone is toxic to humans) 
Papyrus the Great: works well w/ sans. All monsters just hate humans. Not gullible. Not manic. Stronk. Smart. Also familiar with science, but is more interested in being a soldier/sentry/guard and protecting his people. One of the easier monsters to befriend, he will sorta help you, but is honestly wary of you. The more you kill, them more he refuses to talk to you.
Sans: works in the lab often and w pap. Also strong. More than 1 hp. Just wants to protect his fam. All monsters just want that and to escape. he is much more serious and doesn’t joke around much. he would have fought you along with papyrus but he was at the lab/core at the time. he straight up says: 
“ya know. to be honest here, I don’t trust ya, kid... I don’t know whether to give you a chance or not. We monsters.. haven’t been on the best terms with humans and I would hesitate to say it was our fault/we didn’t try hard enough to have peace with humanity...” 
he will fight and kill you if you kill papyrus in the judgement hall or in a usual genocide run (which means you have to kill papyrus anyways so)
Alphys: Royal technician. Smart and with a cold streak. Amalgamates exist. Not too different minus the lies and guilt; every one knows the Amalgamates exist and are kept at the lab. They were hoping to make unkillable monsters or ones that could go the the barrier or weapons/soldiers. well that failed. Actually wants you dead, but in pacifist, much like all the other monsters, will help and sorta befriend ya. In genocide, she asks gaster to switch the core into kill mode basically. In neutral, she just sorta makes you go through a lot of shit and pretends to help you when really she leads you into traps. not a weeb.
Asgore: not bad, just full of concern and is wary. Protect his ppl. he is a bunch tougher and does not hold back on you like he does in UT.
Toriel: will kill you. her family has been hurt enough by humans. she can’t stand to stay with asgore, but nor will she let you pass and hurt the rest of the kingdom. All of the previous humans to fall down were... violent. Now there is zero tolerance. The more you kill in the ruins, the longer you fight her/the tougher she is.
Flowey: hurt. Not evil just wary from past pain. He didn’t like chara’s plan at all and kinda blames them for dragging him to his demise. They killed themselves and made him perform the plan anyways so that their death would not be in vain. but he was unwilling to do it. To be fair, chara would have hated him either way and he would just be alive and hurt instead of a flower and hurt.
Chara: human angry at the world and wants to see it burn. they like monsters at first and sympathized with their hatred of humans. wanted them to kill off humanity and killed themselves to MAKE Asriel do it when he was reluctant and unwilling to do such a dangerous and painful plan. After death, they just want everything to die. Monsters were cowards. Can’t trust them. Asriel was a failure and made it all go to waste. Just as shitty as humans, deep down. 
Mtt: not too different but not as arrogant. sees you as a threat and will actually try to blow you up/chainsaw you instead of performing and messing around.
Muffet: basically the same 
Undyne: basically the same. wants you SOOO dead. more intimidating. more ferocious and serious. does not think anime is real. almost like undying the undying right out the gate and her undying form is even tougher. You actually have to fight undyne the undying TWICE. One to escape her, the second a fight to the death in lower waterfall. Very hard.
All monsters have way more def and most bosses have red attacks that do double the damage they normally would. especially the skeletons. and undyne the undying.
the underground is like purgatory. not bad. but not kind at all. grey as hell.
The underground is industrial core is huge and so is the lab. War machines and just prepping for the worst. Got down there the same way and now hates humans. Less naive and trusting overall. There is a bit of pollution. The made the underground bigger via construction and mining. That is why there is a Lower waterfall, Lower Core and bigger lab & capitol. 
( i will likely add more to this later.)
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