#like he does the same for slider don't get me wrong
pollyna · 2 years
When it comes down to Maverick or anybody else, Tom bends his morality at his own will because some lines aren't meant to be crossed but he does cross them. Over and over again if necessary. He promised his fidelity to the Navy and the United States of America but he sweared it to Maverick too. And he gave the other man his heart in the process. So really, the first two never stood a chance against the pilot.
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yakumtsaki · 10 months
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We're back for the last update before Barflina fucks off to college! This is one giant update I have to split in 2 parts them thanks to the liferuining new 30 pics limit, I will post part 2 right after this one. I don't mean to be dramatic but the universe cannot contain my hatred for the new post editor. At least I have Wendi looking all cute and regal.
-I will NEVER have kittens with Shinok, I hate him and his stupid, not coordinated grey leg coloring!
-I care, look at my beautiful cohesive coat! His genes would ruin it and our kids would be freaks!
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-Jimbo, on the other hand, is a perfect specimen! Now that's a good addition to my gene pool!
Jimbo, the leopard print, custom slider freakshow DOG is a perfect specimen for you, Wendi the CAT. I'm starting to suspect you're a cross-species perv and Shinnok's legs aren't the problem here.
-Shut it! Leave that elderly deer bitch Veronica, Jim, and run away with me!
-Oh Wendi, I don't know, it seems wrong..
-I hear you, baby, but maybe it's so wrong.. it's right?
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10 seconds later:
-Ok I'm back, just in time for my birthday!
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Happy birthday, Shinnok, your present is your dad dying at the exact same time. WTF @ game timing.
-Daddy no!
-I'm off to join your mother in cat heaven, Shinnok!
-But Mom hated you!
-Oh right she did, well she's probably in Hell anyway. Guard those mismatched grey legs you got from me, they are my legacy!
-I will Dad! I will!!
RIP Klaus, you were a sweetheart, I'm sorry you had to mate with Kitana💔
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Xander and Sandy are each other's fav and Sandy is constantly late for work because she's fucking around playing with him. I'd like to remind you guys that I've been trying to get her to the top of the culinary career since SOPHITO AND SUGAR WERE CHILDREN
-B̷U̴T ̸I ̷L̷O̷V̴E̵ XA̴N̸D̵E̶R̵🧟‍♀️
Will you get your zombie ass to work, Xander will be here when you come back!
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RIP Xander, you were the best dog we've had so far, you were so good and loyal and kept running into fires with your dumbass owners. I'll miss you💔
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-I ̴D̶I̵D̶ ̶I̷T, I F̷I̸N̷A̴L̷L̶Y̵ ̵D̴I̸D̵ ̶I̸T̶! W̴H̵E̷R̷E̵'̸S̶ M̵Y ̸D̵O̷G̷ ̴BA̷B̷Y🧟‍♀️
Sandy I'm so happy for you, and also I'd like to talk to you about the law of equivalent exchange.
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Could it be that there are too many people in this house?? Could it??? I'm starting to feel it's possible.
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AWWWW they have Jimbo's spots, so cute! God this lot is gonna explode.
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Time for Liz's cucky birthday party with no guests because I'm already tempting fate with this lot.
-Thank you, balloons, for protecting the viewing public from Failina's face. -This face has been making out with Meadow Thayer while you're getting rejected by the Tricou Don clones. -SHUT UP I'LL KILL YOU -Can I blow my candles now? -Not yet, Mom, I'm not done bringing up Barf's humiliating dating failures.
Please go ahead, Liz, and also where the hell is your husband.
-Playing catch with Sugar.
Of course he is.
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-Happy birthday to me!
Do you feel any different, other than this awful outfit that I'm changing asap?
-Now that you mention it I do..
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-..I feel the inexplicable need to fight with my 100yo mother-in-law despite the fact we're friends!
Liz wtf WHY
-There can only be one cunty matriarch around here and it is I! And also I'm a way better lawyer than you ever were! Now let me just get my makeover-
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-So I can berate you some more!
WHY IS THIS HAPPENING. Liz wtf is your problem??? It's literally like a switch flipped as soon as she aged up, what on earth.
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She does, Liz, she really does. You come at the queen, you best not miss! But I still don't get why this feud erupted out of nowhere??
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-Dad, someone will date me, right?? -Of course they will, son! You'll be a hoe, like your dad was before you! -But no one wants to date me! You had 50 first dates, I clearly get my genes from you but not the success! -Well, you'll have to relax and play it cool. You come across a little neurotic and/or psychotic. You get that from your mom. -You're right, Dad, I won't call the matchmaker until I'm as relaxed as one of those pimples chilling on Failina's gross oily forehead!
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-Ah, nothing more relaxing than a nice, hot cup of tea..
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-..with the view of Uncle Sugar setting Sandy's spine back in place. -I̸T FE̵L̸L ̴O̸F̷F🧟‍♀️ -Ok, I'm ready for my date!
See you in part 2, coming right up!
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Help me
Summary:based off the 2012 episode were they seen their fears, you see yours but it makes you angry and you attack Donnie
Warning: there might be some triggering things like talking about the past of someone.
Donatello didn't know what happened to you but he knew that what ever happened wasn't good cause there you were in his lab sweating, looking around scared, and you were gripping your leg to the point it bleed. He didn't know what was happening but ever since you guys (you and the turtles) got back from your mission the boy he knows and loves isn't there. And it only got worse and no Donnie couldn't go near you because ever time he does you scream but not the kind of startle scream no like the kind were your actually scared terrified actually. So instead of having you scream bloody Mary he just sat back and watched hoping this wasn't to bad and it will all he over soon. Oh how wrong he was. He left to go get something not even 5 minutes he was gone. But when he came back you were on the ground sitting on your legs with your hands in front of you. He could see the sweat going along your arms and how tense you were. Just by seeing you like this caused him to panic. So he ran over there only for you to look up then scream the scream that shows actually fear. You tried to stand up but for some reason your legs couldn't so you tried to crawl as fast as you could trying to get away from Donnie. But it wasn't Donnie you were scared of, it was a person the gave you your greatest fear, this person was all you could see. Everyone around you was this person and even though they are doesn't mean there saying the same things. You could hear Donnie bit this person is drowning him out. All you can hear is the mocking laughs and this person screaming its all your fault. And everything else is pitch black. Donnie grabbed your belt and pulled you towards him to try and calm you down only for another terrified scream. He tried he really did but his heart broke everytime he heard that scream. And he figured you finally thought he was a monster. But he seen your eyes and knew it wasn't him your scared of. Your irises are turning white same with your pupils just a darker shade of white. He let you go knowing he's making it worse. He wants to ask for help but he knows that won't help so he locks down his lab just to keep you safe And hopefully your fear can decrease. By time went on it got worse to the point your fear was turning to angry. While Donnie was standing on the phone with April you watched him only seeing a person who taught you the meaning of fear the wrong way. Your eyes were almost completely white and it was getting darker for you. So you charged at Donnie quicker than ever before. It was like you weemre turning in something that's not human but no time to think of that. While you charged at Donnie April got confused since the phone randomly got cut off and she only thought the worse. You had tackled Donnie and was now straddling him. You and grapped his face basically trying to change it. Not wanting to see their face you had an iron grip on his face and kept saying your not real. Donnie didn't fight since he knows it won't work that amount of fear running through your body isn't good so him attacking will only make it worse. But he did try and talk to you.
"Y/n hey listen it's me okay it's Donnie"
You couldn't hear him but he wasn't giving up.
"Hey y/n I know your scared but you have to listen okay i don't know what your seeing but I promise you it's not real okay"
It was starting to work he just had to be louder than their voice.
"Y/n I understand your scared but pleae trust me okay it's me Donatello I'm not who or what you see okay it's your friendly red ear slider turtle"
Hearing the word turtle seemed to work but just enough for you to tell it's Donnie and not them.
"Yes its me Donnie I'm trying to help you but you have to let me"
You nodded but didn't move just removed your hands from his hand.
"How can I help you y/n. I can't see in your head so I can't just know how"
You didn't look at his face. You grapped his hands.
"Just please don't move your hands from were I put them"
Donnie nodded and watched as you put his hands over your ears and closed tour eyes. And he did just as you asked. He kept his hands over your wars and didn't move them until you feel asleep and fell on his plastron and since you were taller than him you almost head butted him. He putted you up with a tad bit of struggle and took You to his bed. He sat you down before climbing in with you. he didn't know what you seen or heard but he hopes it doesn't happen again he doesn't think he would be able to see you go through that pain again. But he's glad your okay. Before Donnie went to sleep sith you he kissed your forehead and watched you smile in your sleep. He smiled awell before finally going to bed.
A/n:Hi i hoped you enjoyed.
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haunted-homes · 9 months
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Intro Post !!
Hi, Sorry for the really long intro Post !
You can call us Haunt, we are a bodily 19 White Polyfragmented DID system, Physically Disabled, Trans, and Queer! Default Pronouns are He/They/Haunt!
This Tumblr is dedicated to the more problematic sides of our interests or coping mechanisms. We might proxy using emojis under some posts, to avoid using names. Im unsure if we will EVER let littles post here but Regressors or Sliders might. We intend to post Art, Writing, Rants and Vents, etc here. I will add a Disclaimer at the end of this post about my views and nuances about this kind of thing because it is genuinely not black and white to me. Sorry if that makes this intro too long but I wanna be thorough about what my beliefs are so no one gets the wrong idea about us as a person! But aside from that, here's more about us!
MCYT ! Mainly old DSMP, but also Hermitcraft, QSMP, etc etc
Interests Include -
Cookie Run !!!!!
Warrior Cats! Creepy Pasta! FNAF! Mythology! Writing, Art, Music, etc!
The Coffin of Andy and LeyLey
- You can reclaim slurs around us but only at us if we know each other. We extensively reclaim slurs, but we do not support the use of slurs you cannot reclaim.
- Always ask for consent to flirt, sexualize, etc before doing it because all Alters have different boundaries on this! (That being said, NEVER sexualize our Littles. ever.)
- DMs are open but please don't just send one word, it's hard to read tone or intentions through that and can make us anxious or block you!
- Try to use Tonetags, we are Autistic and really need them sometimes.
- Don't ask for Alters Sources if they don't wanna say. NEVER assume an Alter is like their source, or even enjoys their source. But on that same note, never assume an alter is fully source seperated or wants to Seperate from Source.
- Don't ever ask about our Trauma. We do not owe anyone that information. Whatever information we freely give at one time may be a touchy subject at another time, and we will never put your curiosity before our comfort.
- We prefer to say Source Memories over Psuedo Memories. Pseudo Memories feels demeaning and invalidating, but it is a fully recognized and studied symptom of DID. Source memories are a REAL symptom, it's just a different name than the clinical term. (We also do not like or use ANP/EP)
- We fully believe in System Accountability but all Alters are still seperate people. Some of us have different opinions, ideologies, Religions, etc. That's Normal. That does not mean we collectively support anything damaging to communities we are apart of or especially aren't. I can genuinely and proudly say ALL Alters are Anti-Racist and Anti-Conservative Fucktards.
I like FANTASY tellings of Dead Dove Content. Basically, Proship, Zoo, Necro, shit like that. It should never be misconstrued that I would ever practice those outside of fantasy or fiction, the idea makes me sick.
Maybe one day I will outgrow this, or learn to cope better, but that is not today. I'm going to have my safe and consensual fun, and stick to my own moral code as I do infact have one, and just go from there.
I wanna also make it clear I don't really support MAPS/NOMAPS/AAMS at *all*. That's really weird and creepy as fuck and not the same as what we do/like in the SLIGHTEST, as again, this is all Fantasy/Fiction.
And I do acknowledge that Fiction can affect Reality, it can affect My reality, and I can control how I let it. If I'm gonna be plagued by Problematic shit, I'm gonna make it fun instead of agonizing, but I am not delusional enough to let it affect my judgement on following laws and doing no harm. I don't support or consent to any contact with minors on this account.
TW to things you may find on this Account.
Imagery of Raw Meat - I'm obsessed with aesthetics and Meat and stuff, so I'll probably use it a lot.
NSFW Animal Content (Petplay, Furry, etc)
NSFW Proship Content + SFW Proship Content
CNC / NC / DC Content
Necro Kink
Possibly SH or ED content (only in talk, Headcannons, or Fics, this specifically will ALWAYS be tagged and censored)
Again, just to reiterate. I only enjoy these concepts within the realms of Fiction and Fantasy.
- Minors - Anyone under 18.
- Endo's / Endo Supporters
- Fakeclaimers
- Anti LGBTQIA+ (This includes Terfs, Anti Neopronouns, Anti Xenogenders, Anti Mspec / 'Contradictory' Identities, etc)
- Racism / Anti Semitism
- Pro-Contact philia havers
- Transracial, Transabled, Transage. (I know there's nuance here but it's not the kind you weirdos think. Please research Mental Regression and BIIDS for the love of fucking christ.)
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A stands for Amensia
Imagine the possibility a hit to the head could take you?
Doesn't sound like something anyone should attempt, does it?
Yet Raph and Leo got a rude awakening in this sense due to a heated argument after a mission, the others knew this was coming and were dreading it on the way back.
Raph: Leonardo, what were ya thinking, ya could've got killed from the stunt ya pulled back there!?
Leo: I would have been perfectly fine if you just stayed focused on the task I gave you so none of those idiots would get near me while I was dealing with their leader but no, you just had to "save me" so they got away!
Raph: Ya rather I let ya get hurt?
Leo: Yes, we need to get these things under control before we have a repeat of what happened with the Krang!
Raph: Dad should have left me in charge, none of my missions involved anybody being put in danger!
Leo: Bullshit! You would always put yourself in harms way all the time so when I do it, it's wrong!?
Raph: I can handle getting hurt, I'm bigger and stronger than ya, it takes a lot to put me out!
Leo: Ya wanna call me weak?
Raph: Don't make me fight ya, Leo..
Leo: What, you afraid you'll lose?
Raph: Ya got me pissed, I can turn ya into pancake no problem right about now..
Leo: Oh yeah? Prove it.
Mikey: Come on guys, this is ridiculous.
Leo: Exactly why we should end it with a bang!
Raph: Bring it on, small fry!
Donnie: I'll get the medical kit..
Mikey: I can't watch.
The two happened to be arguing near the entrance where there was little to break as the two ran at one another full force, Raph waited until Leo came close to give him a hefty closed fist to his gut.
He took the punch like a champ as he spat out the blood from internal damage and came at him with a strong left hook to the face to which Raph gave him a right hook in return.
Each punch was harder than the last a couple of kicks served as a break for their raw knuckles, some claws entered the ring as well along with the occasional bite eventually they both were at the same level of exhaustion.
The slider knew they needed to call it quits so he decided he would finish him off with everything he had to which he did get blown back but the landing was brutal. There was a sharp ledge that you had to go over in order to get through the entrance of the lair, they would often scrap or stub their toes on it on the way in or even out, his bottom half landed onto the floor while skidding towards said ledge until the back of his head collided with one of the corners of the block.
He landed on his side, completely knocked out as Leo took a minute to catch his breath until he heard his brothers behind him but his ears were ringing until he got a good look on how his hit resulted. He saw a bloody splatter pattern on one of the corners while a pool of blood surrounded his head, he ran over the best to his ability it was obvious that he had broken his leg during the brawl.
Leo: Raphael, Raphael, come on, wake up, wake up!
Raph: Mmm *wince* my head...huh?
Leo: Thank Pizza Supreme, you're okay!
Raph: Uh..do I know you?
Leo: R-raph, this isn't funny, what's my name?
Raph: Can you maybe tell me my name?
Mikey: Lee, are you done being animals?
Raph: Can he tell me my name, sir?
Mikey: R-raphie, Leo, what did you do!?
Donnie: Raphael, that is your name, your age is 18 years, you are a humanoid alligator snapping turtle, some will call you a mutant, others will call you a yokai.
You were born as a normal species of an alligator snapping turtle, a yokai, a humanoid goat, name being and still is Baron Draxum bought you from a pet store along with who you see around you now.
He among us brought us to his laboratory in a yokai populated area known as the Hidden City, he had committed many crimes within this city so he was forced to live in hiding but continued to cause chaos among yokai and humans.
He had a plan in place to create the most powerful of warriors to start the process of wiping humans off the face of the earth.
Hamato Yoshi was one of the most greatest fighters the world had ever seen, he used his incredible skill for fame as the star Lou Jitsu.
Soon through all the excitement, he met a woman, Big Mama, she tricked him into believing that she was in love with him but instead she forced him to fight for yokai entrainment in a stadium known as the Battle Nexus.
He was eventually freed by Draxum and taken to his lab where he held him captive within a special cage where Lou Jitsu and all four us were put alongside one another.
With us in the same captivity his DNA and a chemical known as mutagen altered our own DNA and made it so we were no longer average turtles we were the warriors that Draxum wanted.
Yet our new father wouldn't allow us to become what Draxum wanted us to be, our father got exposed to the mutagen when trying to save us from our creator's plan to destroy the human race.
Now you know how you came to be and how we did as well.
You are the eldest,Hamato Raphael Sansito,
Your twin brothers, the first mutated by three seconds, Hamato Leonardo Vincent,
The second mutated by five seconds, Hamato Donatello Von Ryan,
And finally the youngest, Hamato Michaelangelo Colura.
Retrograde Amnesia, we will help you regain your memories, however, you and Leo decided to get into a fight and need medical attention.
Donnie grabbed the two of them by their shells while dragging them down the hall to the med bay while Mikey followed not too far behind.
Raph: I take it that your upset with us?
Donnie: Infuriated! *slaps both of them*
Raph+Leo: OW!!!
Donnie: Irritated sigh, Michael, please go retrieve me a medical cart.
Mikey: Sure.
The softshell stayed quiet while working on the two until the snapper had another query.
Raph: So, why did you hit me if you are now treating my wounds?
Donnie: It's called tough love, you use it on us frequently..
Raph: I do?
Donnie: Yes.
He had finished up with Raph and moved onto to Leo, the slider had silent tears streaming down his face, how could this have happened, he just had to pick fight with him, didn't he? The snapper rested his hand on Leo's shoulder to which he glanced his direction to see yet again another puzzled expression.
Raph: Why are you crying?
Leo: *sniff* You don't know who you are or who we are..and it's all my fault.
Raph averted his gaze until he saw some horizontal scars across his brother's ankles, a memory came to mind of him seeing their father knick his legs with his sword in the dojo. He looked down at his own hands and saw the illusion of there being fresh lash marks across his knuckles while his father's shouts made his ears ring. He looked the box turtle over and saw his right eye had a diagonal scar across it as well along with the eye itself being slightly discolored, again he saw their father with blood dripping from his tail with his brother holding his eye, trying to hold back the urge to scream out in pain. Donnie was in the middle of setting Leo's leg to which he winced while his breathing laboured, Donnie noticed that the snapper was showing signs of retrieving his memory and turned his twin's leg in the opposite direction of the fracture. Leo cried out in pain while trying to catch his breath while attempting to see through his tear blinded eyes as Raph's attention got drawn once again, his demeanor seemed protective but he didn't know why.
Until the memories of old came flooding in..
He was sixteen, the twins were fourteen, and Mikey was twelve and a half, they were still learning how to use their weapons and how to fight properly just probably not in the way they should have..
Raph had his tonfas as his primary weapon, his hits towards his sensai were pulled back to avoid hurting him but his kindness only granted him raw bleeding knuckles from his father continually using his tail to slash them repeatedly.
Leo had his odaci as his primary weapon, he would never take his training seriously leading to his childishness only granted him with dripping red stripes alongside his line ones on his legs from his sword continually being used to puppet his movements.
Donnie had his bo staff as his primary weapon, he tried using his tech to his advantage but his genius only granted his shell to be continually jabbed by the end of his staff until the once green morphed to black and blue.
Mikey had his kusari-fundo as his primary weapon, he would often make unpredictable sloppy movements when he fought but his carelessness only granted multiple blows from his sensai's tail to the face while often making sure his eyes were open to make sure the damage wasn't just external.
His surroundings melted into the design of the dojo as he was sparring with his father feeling his knuckles get sliced into while he demanded him to hit him harder but he didn't have the heart then or now..
He soon heard Leo's cries of pain along with the blade slicing into his bare flesh, demanding he stop acting like a child, no matter how hard he tried to show him he was maturing it was never enough..
Next came the noise of the end of a wooden bo staff being jabbed into Donnie's exposed shell to where all was heard was a set of garbled gasps as blood continued to spray out from his lips onto the floor, he would never use his tech but still found himself in tears on the floor while his back became bruised and swollen from each hit..
The last was the crack of the rat's tail as if it were a whip breaking open the fragile skin on his face while ensuring his brothers didn't get hurt but ended up with agonizing pain with tears irritating the wound further..
The wails of his brothers filled his ears all at once leaving him overwhelmed but his memories came to life, his purpose was and always will be to protect his brothers but he had forgotten the threat was only a test..
He lunged at the softshell with his teeth bore and his claws released out into the open, he heard someone shouting his name he didn't recognize the voice at first until the scent of blood entered his nostrils.
Raph: L-leo? D-donnie!?
Donnie: Hey Raphalla, mind getting off of me?
Raph: Y-yeah, of course, ya okay?
Donnie: Mm..need stitches, I think..
Raph: Don, I'm so sorry, I swear someone was hurtin, Leo.
Leo: He was just setting my leg, Raph..
Raph: How'd ya break it..?
Leo: We got into a fight and you kicked my leg in..
Raph: I told ya I would hurt ya real bad..
Mikey: What th-I leave for two minutes and y'all go crazy, wait, Raphie, do you remember us?
Raph: What ya talking about, Mike?
Mikey: You do! You hit your head and didn't know who we were, you didn't even have your normal voice!
Raph: Oh, well Lee, guess ya did beat me.
Leo: I'm really sorry, I should have kept my mouth shut, you know better than me when it comes to leader stuff..
Raph: I'm sorry too, I should know that ya have yer own way of leading but please don't make yerself the target to protect us, okay?
Leo: I'll keep that in mind, Miguel, can you get Donnie patched up while Raph finishes me up?
Mikey: Yeah, no problem!
Raph: It's not set yet, is it?
Leo: Nope.
Raph: Alright, deep breath, one, two, three.
Leo: Augh! Mmm..
Raph: Sorry bud, ya nauseous?
Leo: Mhm..
Raph: Okay *gives him an emesis bag* here, ya need a minute?
Leo: *nods and proceeds to throw up after*
Raph: *rubbing his shell* There ya go, just let it out, ya almost done?
Leo: *spits excess* There's more *throws up again*
Mikey: Raph, is everything okay in there?
Raph: Yeah, Leo just had to get sick, I've got em.
Leo: I'm done..
Raph: Ok, let's get ya wrapped up then.
Donnie and Leo collaborated together in order to make advancements in their medical arsenal so they were able to still fight after sustaining significant injuries so in this case fracture wraps were used to cast any broken bones. Most of his other wounds just needed some basic bandaging, Donnie did need stitches in both of his shoulders but the type used was known as absorption sutures which would mend the skin without scarring immediately after they were placed while contusion patches were applied to reduce possible swelling.
Leo took Raph's advice and no longer used himself as bait on missions instead he would use pairing tactics to bring down their enemy quicker while reducing the risk for injury. The pairs would include a defense and safety, the defense directly took care of the enemy while the safety got any bystanders out of immediate danger while tending to any injuries or illness that may have been present. Brothers and sisters or a combination of the two never are happy go lucky with one another, quarrels would and still will happen but hopefully the two learned their lesson on escalating conflicts to a degree that may cause one to get seriously hurt.
Or did they really learn their lesson?
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semi-sketchy · 8 months
Only made it to the second trial, but I am done for today and making soup. I seriously need it. No spoilers.
The writing so far is...okay? Like genuinely Amy feels so much more alive than base game. Knuckles is actually written quite well, Tails is there, I actually like the few lines Sage has gotten and Sonic even has a couple I like! I haven't done the side stories yet. For ease of recording, I'd like to have the island mapped so I can see where they all are and hit 'em in a row, but some of these challenges require other characters and I've only got Sonic right now.
The music is also pretty nice, Knuckles' music is especially good.
Now the bad...actually playing. All the characters control AWFUL. They're so slippery, it makes Heroes look tight. You legit let go of the control stick and it takes a full 2 seconds for them to slow to a stop. I've tried messing with sliders and nothing seems to affect this.
Amy has been the most tolerable because her hover can catch you. Tails is alright and Knuckles....Knuckles... I expected him to control similar to how he does in SA1/SA2, but this is wrong. To get his glide, it's 3 times you have to hit the A button and hold it on the last press, in the same way you'd drop dash. It feels so weird and his glide control shares the same slippiness as ground control. You wouldn't think gliding around a square pillar would be hard, but The End was easier than this.
Genuinely if there is SOMETHING that fixes this, let me know because it's ruining my experience. I started having fun again as soon as I got Sonic back and I don't want the game to take him from me again.
BUT Tails and Knuckles share a problem Amy doesn't have: their special moves have warmup animations. Meaning when you go to fly with Tails, he doesn't just go up like in SA1 or the classic games, he instead stays still for a moment THEN flies up. Knuckles has to do a twirl before he glides. It's so clunky and shocking after Amy just...floats. No warmup animation it just happens. Like y'all had SA1 and SA2 to build off and this is how you did it?
Also cyberspace has a few more interesting things going on? But being cyberspace I really can't bring myself to care about it.
I think the new stuff and the insane island challenges are fun, but only as Sonic. I just can't stand controlling the other characters.
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peachyysugaa · 3 years
playing animal crossing: nh with bf!enhypen! requested by no one, this is self-indulgent </3 wc: 2.7k
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– heeseung 。.。:+*
island name: 희면 hee-myeon (heeseung + ramyeon <3)
island fruit: oranges/apples, okay with any won't reset the island if he doesn't get those 1.0
possible passport titles: humming poet/sleepless chill soul/night owl gamer (one of these aesthetics or smth that would make you laugh your pants off but i'm not creative enough)
favorite villager personality: lazy/normal
favorite villagers: beau/fauna (yes i'm giving hee deer villagers what about it)
favorite island activity: loves collecting diy recipes and making tons of stuff or visits kk slider every time
co-op with him: asks you or jake for stuff to complete his diy recipes or for what kk slider music you have in your nook stop
blurb: "y/n~" heeseung whines from behind you. you take your headphones off from your ear and turn around in your chair to face him. he sits pouting on the edge of the bed with a familiar console in his hands, the red and blue joycons giving you a good idea of what he's about to ask you. "yes, hee?" "could i get some iron nuggets please? i need a ton for the ironwood series." you sigh with a small smile on your face while slightly shaking your head. just as you predicted, his latest obsession with the diy recipes of animal crossing is still going strong. you take your own switch from its charging station and hand it over to him. "knock yourself out." "..." he stares at you with doe-like eyes for a while, not taking your own console as you had expected and making you tilt your head at him. "what's wrong?" "you've done enough work today. take a break and play with me." looking back at the piles of work you have and haven't done then back at your boyfriend (who's still waiting for you with those hard-to-ignore eyes of his), you decide to go along with his wishes and put your stuff away. this action makes heeseung shout for joy, pulling you to the bed as soon as you finish and holding you at a good enough distance to where he can see you and the screen at the same time. "this isn't just because you want to see fauna on my island, right?" "no, but she's 5% of the reason." cue you bonking him lightly on the chin with your head at that comment.
rest of the members under the cut! <3
do not fail me read more glitch or it's on sight
– jay 。.。:+*
island name: blue jay nest (you and i, we can fly <3)
island fruit: apples/pears, will reset the island just for these fruits! miss him with that non-matching aesthetic (the color of his dal airport has to match the fruit too 💀)
possible passport titles: top-notch designer/trendy aficionado/occasional walking dictionary (last one picked by his members LOOL)
favorite villager personality: smug/snooty (he really likes their styles/designs)
favorite villagers: marshal‼️ or raymond/whitney or vivian
favorite island activity: shopping at the able sisters or decorating his house/island (he's trying real hard for a cool theme) or making custom designs
co-op with him: sends you mail with outfits he wants to match with you in-game and/or makes you match with your characters' fits irl (ngl it took a long time to convince him to play with you bc he was and still is scared of tom nook JGIOPAJOPFIJP)
blurb: you're not at all surprised when you see your character open the door to outside of your video game home to see and hear the blinking of the mailbox. opening your mailbox, there it is: a mail from jay with the present icon. you click it open and as always the note he typed brings a smile to your face. "hey babe, don't you think we've worn this outfit irl? <3," it reads. curious, you accept the present and press the x button to open it up. as you do so, the aforementioned boy opens the door to your room, lips upturned in a small smirk and his own switch in hand. "opening it?" you gently hum in response as you click some buttons to change your character into the top. it's a grey trench coat with a black hoodie underneath. indeed, this was similar to an outfit that you've borrowed from jay in real life, so you head back inside your house to compliment the new top with the appropriate bottoms and accessories as he sits behind you and rests his chin on your shoulder, his arms loose around your waist. "are you going to come over to show me your outfit?" "come over to the nest, gate's already open." "n-nest... pfftt..." you stifle your laughter while moving your character to the airport as he squeezes your sides playfully. the silence is comfortable as the airplane glides over jay's b&w city-themed island. finally, you land and upon walking out of the airport, you see his character dressed similarly to yours: a grey hoodie with a black coat on top instead, a white beanie, of course black jeans, and some glasses and a pair of lace-up boots to match. "gosh, this is so cute." "that's because it's us, love," jay says with a soft peck to your cheek.
– jake 。.。:+*
island name: 제이라면 jayla-myeon (found out heeseung added myeon for ramyeon and had to match 🥺)
island fruit: pears/oranges, okay with any won't reset the island if he doesn't get those 2.0
possible passport titles: casual lone wolf/hooked angler/worldwide defender
favorite villager personality: jock/normal, likes how the jocks are always working out
favorite villagers: kid cat/goldie (reminds him of layla <3)
favorite island activity: fishing!! never gets bored of it, will always do cj's tournament (hates diving though)
co-op with him: he always has resources and fish saved up so all the members go to him, definitely challenges you in the fishing tournament but also runs Everywhere on his island for some reason harvesting resources he doesn't even need
blurb: "jay, let's do the tourn-!" "no." "c'mon, man, you're no fun!" jake groans out with a plop onto the couch. "dude, this is like the 4th time you've asked me. why don't you ask y/n to come over and play with you?" jay suggests without looking up from his own switch in his hands. "jay, you're a genius," jake hurriedly says, pulling out his phone and pressing your contact in his favorites. "y/n? hi bub, come over?" "i just came over yesterday, yunie?" your voice says over the phone, but he hears the sounds of you preparing to leave and makes a toothy grin. "bring your switch!" he yells and quickly hangs up before you can say anything else. "jake, what?" you try to say but are met with the hang-up tone. sighing with a small shake of your head and a smile, you gather your things and your switch and head over to the boys' dorm where your boyfriend was waiting for you like a dog you had told to sit. when he sees you open the door, jake practically bolts towards you and pulls you to the couch. "wh-whaa!" you yelp as you unceremoniously get dragged and sit down. he was acting like he hadn't seen you in a year as he immediately wrapped his arms around you and plopped both your switch in your hands and his in his own. "care to explain what's going on, sim jaeyun?" he pouts like a scolded puppy. "...play the fishing tournament with me?" you roll your eyes and run a hand through his amber locks. of course, it was this. you had an inkling the moment he ended the call. you weren't mad, but you couldn't let this opportunity slide. "you're on, yunie." the grin on his face is infectious as he whoops giddily. too bad he would lose to you 3 to 1 in just a few moments.
– sunghoon 。.。:+*
island name: iceland (home of the ice prince 😎 does he realize greenland's the one with actual ice? no but don't tell him that)
island fruit: apples/cherries, would try a few times to reset but isn't mad at the end 1.0
possible passport titles: photogenic reviewer/refined king/organic protein (i had to with the last one)
favorite villager personality: smug/uchi, enjoys a lot of personalities he's kinda looking for penguins tbh
favorite villagers: fang or boomer/aurora
favorite island activity: isn't on that much but when he is, you always see him in a winter month, running in snow and making snowboys or collecting snowflakes
co-op with him: asks you to help him with his winter wonderland theme or just plays hide & seek when everyone's on (will ask jake for stuff too 💀)
blurb: "is your island snowing yet, y/n?" "it is.... why?" you ask sunghoon a question in return with an eyebrow raised. "how many large snowflakes do you have?" "i am not giving you my snowflakes, park sunghoon." the male laughs and groans at the same time at the fact that you found him out. "jake warned me you were going to ask me next. you just got 10 from him!" you accuse. "y/n pleaseee, it's for my iceland!" "sunghoon, the real iceland isn't even covered in ice. it's greenland." "i'm going to pretend you didn't just break my heart by saying that and am once again asking you for just 5 large snowflakes." you sigh and run a hand through your hair. "3!" you shout with the said number of fingers raised. "yes! thank you, thank you, thank you!" sunghoon joins you on the couch to hug you. "you're the best." "i know." "after me." "i'm only giving you 2 now." "i'm sorry! i'll help you make your snowboys from now on!"
– sunoo 。.。:+*
island name: sunnyoo ⛅
island fruit: peaches/cherries, will definitely reset to get those fruits but doesn't really care about airport color
possible passport titles: summer-born dreamer/lucky sprout/shining pop star
favorite villager personality: lazy/peppy, just a preference and definitely open to all
favorite villagers: sherb/ketchup
favorite island activity: stargazing, attending the events, and celebrating birthdays (he has all his residents' birthdays and game events saved on his calendar!)
co-op with him: event dates!! always asks you to join him on event and do them together or stargazing together 🥺🥺
blurb: "y/n! y/n!" sunoo shoots up from his resting place on your shoulder. "what's up, sunoo?" you ask, curiosity piqued by his excitement. "isabelle says there's going to be a meteor shower tonight, which means it's right now! come over, come over!" "oh my gosh, really?! okay, okay!" sunoo opens up the gate to his island quickly as you fix up to get going. the night sky on his island is crystal clear, perfect for spamming the a button as the streaks of stars blast by. "celeste is over here to the right on the beach," your bubbly boyfriend tells you as your character hobbles along to talk to her after he's done. he rests his head back on your shoulder as you start the dialogue with the star-loving red owl and collect your recipe. "where do you wanna go wish on stars?" you ask. "ooh, follow me—i made a spot for us!" "really?" excitement is evident in your voice as the two of you move your characters. upon seeing the picnic setup in the back corner of the beach with a design set up as a painting that said "for stargazing with my favorite star y/n." you coo at the peach-haired boy beside you. "oh my gosh, this is so cute. i love you." "i love you too, my star." you give a small smooch to his head and the top of you wait at your spot in the game as you wish on the stars when your one wish tonight is to stay right where you are.
– jungwon 。.。:+*
island name: injang land
island fruit: pears/cherries, would try a few times to reset but isn't mad at the end 2.0
possible passport titles: connected ringleader/pro gardener/legendary legend
favorite villager personality: lazy/normal, doesn't look for them but likes to interact with them if they're on his island
favorite villagers: butch/stella (butch's eyebrows and personality reminds him of jay LMAOO)
favorite island activity: planting flowers and crops, loves trying to get hybrid flowers and has a green/plant-themed house
co-op with him: asks to come over if leif is on your island/if you have the flowers he needs in nook's cranny/if your store has more potted plants 💀
blurb: "jungwonnnn..." you groan, dramatically rolling around the bed with your switch outstretched in the air. "how many more flowers do i need to move?" "until we're done." "and how many more is that?" no answer from your chocoball boyfriend makes you roll over to put your head on his lap. his gaze, upsidedown from your perspective, doesn't waver from the task at hand: moving all his flowers in the perfect gridding spaces for hybrid growing. "are you almost done?" "how about this? you finish the windflowers, and i'll finish the hyacinths and we'll go for ice cream after," jungwon offers. "deal!" you remain in your place and pick back up the switch to finish your job. it's silent for a few moments, both of you focusing on your respective jobs until jungwon breaks the silence. "by the way, you're coming over tomorrow again to help me plant the crops, right?" "you're kidding, right?" "... no..." "...you're not getting more stuff any time leif comes over to my island." "haha, that was a good one. because it was a joke, right?" silence. "right...? y/nie...?"
– riki 。.。:+*
island name: okayama city (belift let him go back home‼)
island fruit: oranges/peaches, doesn't care because he's going to make an orchard by stealing fruit from his hyungs
possible passport titles: solo stalkholder/untamed wild child/invested bellionaire
favorite villager personality: cranky/snooty (finds them entertaining)
favorite villagers: kabuki/shino, his japan-themed island must have the japanese-influenced villagers so zucker/genji/snake would also be nice touches
favorite island activity: TURNIP STALK MARKET 🧅🗣‼️🔊 (there isn't a turnip emoji so bear with me for the onion 🧎🏻‍♀️) dude's tryna get RICH so he stay researching the best days, looking for the best deals on trading/selling/buying, when he's not doing the market he's timetraveling and trying to make his island super complete by collecting Everything™
co-op with him: asks you and all the other members for what the turnip prices are at your islands LMAOO (okay but you know he has more bells than he's letting on bc his island is all decked out and he keeps sending you stuff that fits your own theme?!)
blurb: the familiar text tone interrupts your morning coffee/tea routine. knowing it's riki, you put down your cup and pick up your phone instead to read what it says. it's sunday morning, which means you have no idea why he's up early on the weekend when usually he sleeps until early afternoon. "turnip prices" is all his text reads. "aish.. this boy..." you mumble under your breath. just as you're moving to pick up your switch, your phone rings, the contact picture being none other than nishimura himself. "riki, wh-" "you're not on yet," his voice interrupts. "yah, i won't be on for another hour with your attitude," you jokingly scold. putting your phone on speaker, you power up the console and start to open the game. "seriously, no good morning for your s/o?" "good morning, y/n. what does the granddaughter piggy say about the prices of turnips on your island?" he sarcastically replies. "hang on, i'm finding the little snot..." you ignore his sass in search of the turnip-selling daisy mae. once you find her, you scout the tiny boar immediately and go through her dialogue to get the price. "74 bells." "wAIT yours are so much cheaper! let me in." "take me on an island tour, and i'll think about it." "please, please y/nie, i'll do that and get you food." "holding you to it, riki~"
a/n: hiiii i came back from the dead temporarily to post this! i got back into acnh for brewster and harv's island <3 school is k*lling me but i'm surviving! i hope you all like this i really liked the format of the café one so i tried it for this one as well~ (also the acnh picture is mine! :D)
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just-antithings · 2 years
Am I antiship or proship if I don't give a shit if people are writing things about noncon/incest/pedo but don't want that near me? Like I'm extremely uncomfortable *reading* those and would prefer people who post about that not to interact, but I get that fiction is the best way to explore dark topics. What does that make me??
That is 100% on the proship side of the slider. Like no one says you have to like or want to consume the media (and if they do they're a red flag) in order to defend the right for it to exist.
The system has various things they personally will not consume. Some of it is contradictory; Ares for example won't read anything that contains minors in sexual situations at all while the rest of us have a cutoff age of age of consent (16+) in media that places those older teens in life or death situations.
It's not that Ares doesn't like some minor characters in concept, it's just that he'll only read aged up fics of them because of what he enjoys. He also doesn't give a shit that the rest of us read what we read. There are several other examples of this, I'm just using the most sfw one.
If Ares was a singlet, he wouldn't have "read" any of those fics at all is what I'm getting at, putting him in the same situation as you, and with a topic a lot of proshippers don't have an issue with. And there's nothing wrong with that, just like there's nothing wrong with you wanting to avoid topics that make you uncomfortable.
Being truly proship is being anti-censorship. You are talking about being anti-censorship and just applying the fandom discourse labels to it. You can avoid them entirely and just call yourself anti-censorship instead. It's what we do.
You also do not have to be part of the proship community even if you fit the label. This is something I see people struggling with a lot; that falling under the label makes you part of the community - it doesn't. Being part of the community is an active choice. Just doing your thing quietly while fitting the criteria makes you "proship" in the sense that you check off the boxes, not that you're automatically us vs them. This shit is opt-in, not opt-out. The section of the pinned post has to do with fitting the label itself, not being part of everything.
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simtanico · 3 years
Hi! I don't know if this is an annoying/difficult question, sorry if it is, but do you have any advice at all for modelling sims based off real people? Your sims are SO crazy good. When I try to make them they end up looking... eh... Vaguely like the person? But there's a huge gap between that and some kind of 'spark' some simmers seem to manage to capture.
Hello! Definitely not annoying. Difficult, as in how difficult it is to answer? Maybe. I'm gonna go off on a couple of tangents. But I'm gonna try my best to explain the process. Which isn't really much of one sorry.
There's a handful of tutorials and tips out there regarding reference photos and like... proportions and all that so I won't cover that.
I use that as a general guide of course, but mostly I just save some photos of the person at various angles and focus on one feature or two at a time. Literally going back and forth between reference photo and my game. I think if you try to get everything at the same time, it really makes it easy to get frustrated with whatever your sim looks like at the moment. Making sims in general is a combination of a LOT of things depending on your style.
I can point out ALL the flaws with my sims based on real people. In my experience, it’s about getting the defining features of a person close enough to the real thing so that it resembles them. I don't think you need a complete copy to get the point across, however i do think some people and features are harder to emulate than others. I've been working on some sims for YEARS, and they still don't work out lol
and take a look at this progression on my sim based on Z4ne H0ltz starting back in 2015!
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that first screenshot:
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Personally, I get a little lost if I work on a sim too much all at once. I find some time away makes me less tired and frustrated. Just pace yourself :)
Also if you need any help, shoot me a message here or on discord. I promise I don't judge or anything.. it's sims who cares lol
I suggest starting with the head and its shape. Starting off with a game-generated sim, the first slider I get to is head width. It's usually too dang wide for my tastes. And then adjusting the general position of the the features. You can always change things later, so you don't have to know exactly what you're going to do, but as I've mentioned before, sculpting sims up in CAS is just practice with sliders! Also in the long run, you may want to use Pu+Chi House's Smooth Face Normals slider! I attempt to explain and show what it does here. I've uploaded the slider here: https://simfileshare.net/download/984204/
This is gonna be a doozy sorry in advance if the read more doesn't work
Big sliders like Pu+Chi House’s face shape sliders dramatically change the face shape, and it could save you a lot of time! I highly suggest using these to get rid of the weird large jaw sims can get.
Play with different sliders and how they interact with one another! Example: jaw width and Cheek Fullness affect the same area. if you need a wide jaw and don’t want cheek distortion, you can use cheek fullness, lower the jaw width slider and then edit the cheekbones from there
 Knowing what sliders move what and how it can work to your advantage is key! I cover this in my reply post about noses.
For visual reference:
I start out with my nose but I want the nostrils to sit further on the outside
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so i go in and use the nose width slider and raise it to widen the lower nose:
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Then lower the nostril scale slider
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as you can see, i kind of achieved what I wanted, but also widened the nose tip too! Welp, that takes another slider I have, Tip Width. And I'll adjust that accordingly! It's really just a matter of what you're going for and what you're going to have to compensate for as a result!
That said, our community has made some awesome sliders that open up so many possibilities and even eliminate the need to do that multi-slider tango. I wouldn't even know where to begin (wish I wanted to make videos because I could talk for an hour about sliders)
For example @pitheinfinite made sliders that can make sims look better and more realistic, I'm jealous at what they've achieved!
They have their Inner Corner to Nose slider that moves an area of the sim's face hat make eyebags and the shadows and lines appear farther out from the inner eye. It saves you from having to use cheek sliders to mimic the effect and thus ruining the face shape you have going
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It's truly an INDISPENSABLE slider. One of many!
Since I make sliders, I usually just make some to specifically fix whatever issue I'm having. Granted they're made with general function in mind, which makes my cheater-y way of making things happen more useful in the future. I have about 50 experimental unfinished sliders in my game and can tell you that all my current sims use them for some reason or other. So I'm not working with nothing, I guess?
The best way to really get nice accurate looking sims is the eyes.
Pay attention to the slant of the eye, the shape and position of the upper and lower eyelids. you can use the game’s Eyelid Height slider, and AWT’s Eyelid width and height sliders (and many more)
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and especially where the iris (green) sits relative to the eyelid. getting that shape and eyeball positioned correctly really makes a HUGE difference
I do suggest Bloom’s Eye slider (left and right) that rotate the eyes left and right. That along with their Lazy eye sliders can give your sims a less symmetric face and position the eyes to be FAR more accurate and realistic than the default.
I also recommend their vertical sliders (Eye lift or drop) to help with eye positioning.
I can't stress the importance of the right contacts or eyes for your sims. Of course it all depends on how you make your sims's eyes and all that. Take the last sim i posted about. It took forever and a half to find the right contacts that didn't need severe or intense editing to capture the same vibe the person he's based on. The problem is pretty persistent for me, and I am just speaking for myself when I say this is necessary. Iris size, shading, recolorability, detail, catch lights, and pupil position are things to consider for your play style and preferences.
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In addition to seeing what eyes will do the trick, I do edit the catch lights in the screenshots to give the eyes a different emotion or look. (I use defaults that get rid of the game-generated catch lights, and supernatural eye glow.) It's nice when that's all it is and I don't have to go in and photoshop things in and out to make them look human lmao
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Perfect, schmerfect
And just know that as long as you have the same vibe or look going on it doesn't need to be perfect! Things will evolve over time, and you can change and perfect things as you go along, but close is better than trying to achieve an exact replica. We are working with the limitations of sliders and the optimized meshes they work on! So yeah there might be jagged bits or the profile might not exactly match and some things might not be accurate, but that's okay! Considering what sims look like at their default, you should be proud! I use the same mf eyebrows on all my sims basically and I tell myself they're just placeholders (yeah, right), but I manage to make them work with what I have!
Sliders, Makeup, and Skins, oh my!
a good base skin is critical, but not the end of the world if you pick the wrong one. They determine kind of definition and types of features highlighted on a sim 100000% and you might lose a feature you like or dislike when you change them! Feel free to switch up between skins you have to find the best fit.
Makeup can be a game-changer though!!! Any details you can add and help make your sim look the most like the person you're basing them off can go MILES.
In some cases, I've actually gotten really interesting results trying to get my sculpt as close as possible to real life references so the makeup makes a difference but don't define the features by themselves. Still, though, I utilize makeup up a LOT. [remember that if you use Nraas, you can layer makeup. Right-clicking makeup will also remove it if it's applied :)]
Here's the last sim i posted about when removing makeup:
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no nosemasks really replicates the face-claim's nose (too shiny at the lower part) but it'll do 🤷‍♀️
Freckles, eyebags, highlighters, face shadows, pores, nosemasks, etc are all great!!
The way you move your sliders WILL effect how these look, so don't rely on makeup that adds super-specific detail or goes over an area you know is a jumbled mess because of sliders!
I do have a mess of recommendations and wcifs for skins and makeup. replies tag | wcif tag
[also I love compiling wcif cc lists for my sims it's great]
Finally, I appreciate your comment about my sims, mainly because I know they're not ever really exact copies or as close as I want to be to their real life counterparts, so thanks!! I've seen fellow simmers get really good results without messing as much as I do and I love when people can make really good maxis match likenesses because it's just so damn cool! It's truly a talent. I'm not one of those lucky few, but I like to try my way at it anyway. After what feels like some good progress I'll post a pic here. Even after doing this forever I don't feel like I'm an expert or can get good results in a shorter amount of time, but it's just fun to see the progression (or regression) of how my sims look.
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throughthenotes · 3 years
Bowling w/ @AMindfulChaos @ALoverOfDreams & @InspiredAdams
Just one or do you want a pitcher? <Beer. Talking about your traditions, it was nothing for Rainey and I to put a large pizza, nachos and a few pitchers of beer away while bowling in our day. It was the one thing she had insisted on once we found ourselves aged out of the system. She called it our one day of the week that we could look forward to for years and the old pastime had quickly became a favorite to us both. The problem was ever since my run in with gallery guru as she had come to call him, I had been laying low when it came to my partaking in any substance. Drinking mostly. Apparently, my issues tended to turn into a variety of problems that only people with policing authority could handle and wasn't that just the bitch of it all. "Actually, how about a Pepsi."> Rainey.. <That earned her a look. "What? I just don't feel like drinking any tonight." Right. Shaking my head, I took a turn towards the concession and headed there while Rainey set up our game. The half hearted glare she had given me in return, earned herself a chuckle of recognition. I knew why she wasn't drinking. Not that my sister was a lush or anything but beer and bowling, normally went hand in hand. Shrugging it off though and having to grab a bowling ball on the way back, I finally made it up there to look over the menu, even though it didn't take me long to figure out what I would be ordering. It was almost always the same. However, my thoughts were suddenly stolen from me because of the lovely brunette directly in front of me in line. You would have to be blind not to notice her but even with that, it would still be a poor excuse. That's when it hit me. What was I thinking? She has be here with someone. Another friend maybe. Seeing not another soul around on half price Wednesday night, I finally spoke up when you seemed to be lost in menu land.> Do you normally bowl by yourself? <So it wasn't the greatest ice breaker but my first impression wasn't a total loss I hoped when I flashed her that crooked grin.>
{I had fully intended to lock myself in my room and binge trash TV with a boatload of munchies. But @InspiredAdams wasn’t having any of that. He was insistent that we do something “outside of the house.” I held out for a long time. But then he promised me one of those ooey gooey cheese pizzas they had down at the bowling alley. And that sounded way better than the stuff laying around the house. Especially since we were down to slim pickings as we approached grocery day. As soon as we were inside, I left him to figure out all the technicalities while I made a beeline for the snack bar. The question was just pizza? Or did I want some wings too? Nachos? Oh, they had sliders too… Suddenly I was pulled from my decision making from a voice behind me. I spun around, intending to lie and say I was here with my boyfriend. It wouldn’t be the first time I had forced Chris to play the boyfriend role to save me from some random. Then he offered me that crooked grin, and my heart did a little flip} Oh, I’m not alone. {the look on your face told me you were assuming, and my eyes flew open a little wider} Brother! {jerks my thumb over my shoulder in the direction that I had left him} I’m here with my brother. {smiles, glancing around now for anyone that looked like they were with you} What about you? Are you here alone? {cringes internally at how hopeful that sounded}
I'm not alone. I mean if you count us both, we're here together. [Chuckling low, I glanced in the direction you looked before turning my gaze back to yours. My grin only growing wider at the mention of a sibling because what were the chances of you believing me when I told you it was the same for me.> That was a joke. I'm here with my sister. <Not a joke. It couldn't be if it were true and we very much were not alone. Those kind eyes of mine, won you over then when you smiled my way, letting me off the hook only to have it falter when the clearing of throats could be heard. "You ordering, hun?" Arching a playful brow, I point up at the menu you had been looking at only moments ago.> They are waiting on you. The pizza is good and so are the nachos. My sister likes them.
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{I wasn’t ready to stop talking to you. And I had just opened my mouth to ask if it was an older sister or younger when I heard the cashier asking for my order. My cheeks instantly flushing as I let out a laugh at myself and turned to her} Oh, geez. I’m so sorry. {flashes her a bright smile before beginning} Um, a pepperoni pizza, please? And a pitcher of Pepsi? {glances over my shoulder at you, taking that nacho recommendation to heart} Oh, and some nachos too please? {I quickly paid her, and stepped out of your way, off to the side where she told me to wait for my order to be ready.}
<"Same for you?" I actually laughed, shaking my head out of my thoughts at the order you had already placed.> The Thomas special. <I knew you were watching on. The fact that we spent that much time here wasn't lost on me or you for that matter when asked for my own order. It was our usual and I paid accordingly once she rang me up. Receipt now in hand, I casually slipped it into my pocket and walked over to wait beside you when our pitchers of Pepsi were set down in front of us.] They will put the rest on a tray and bring it out.
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Can I walk you back to your lane? <I didn't want to part ways just yet. Besides, I still needed to get your number and when you offered me that smile again with a touch of a soft nod, I held my arm out for you to hook your arm around. Leading the way, carrying your soda for you, we reached our fork in the road so to speak, and I cleared my throat before addressing the situation we found ourselves in. Again.] I guess the question now is are you seeking out lust or looking for love? [Can't help but smirk when I look you way now.]
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{pops my brows at mention of the Thomas Special. Wondering if Thomas was the first or the last name. Then it dawned on me that it meant you came here a lot if you had them knowing your order so well. And I smirked to myself. Suddenly I was very interested in bowling more often. Chris was going to be either really pleased, or wishing he had never made me come out tonight. Then you were standing next to me again. I didn’t even have the ability to care how lost I seemed because all I could think about was how good you smelled. If Ed or Chris were here they would be rolling their eyes and accusing me of already mentally doodling our names in a notebook. That’s…if I knew your name at least. Thomas though! I knew Thomas! Then you asked to walk me to the lane and I probably agreed way too easily. But it was such a cute offer. And you were hot so…} Umm…? {Your question had caught me off guard. Both is a bad answer right? I laughed nervously because I had half a mind to be really honest and tell you that it was both. But I also knew that was going to only get me in trouble. So I said what I hoped wasn’t going to scare you off} Honestly? I would love to be in love. I write a lot of songs about it. But, yeah, actually experiencing it would be…cool. {cringe number two of the night. I needed a better vocabulary}
Love it is then. <With a soft tug of my arm and a wink, I began the short walk with you down to the LOVE side of the lanes, pointing it out on the wall with a kick of my chin in that direction.> Does this look familiar now? <I knew in asking that you could have taken it literal, and began looking for your brother, or you could have taken it all the way back to my original question itself. For whatever the reason, I chose to stay in that space and ask the question that had been dancing to get out since you said you had never experienced being in love before. My desire to know more about these songs was fueled by your same statement as well.> Never. Not even a guy in high school? <You have to at least be in college, right? There was no way around it and you really hadn't offered that up yet either. So I took the plunge and spoke up with a grin.> What name could I find these songs under if you don't mind me asking. You already know my last name is Thomas.
{I had to stop myself from facepalming when I saw the big letters written on the wall. But before I could turn too red with embarrassment at my awkwardness, you redirected my mind with your next question} No. Most of the boys in high school were too scared of my brother. {CRINGE! Why would I say that? Now you were really gonna run. But rather than make things better, I did what I always do and just kept talking. Making it worse, I’m sure.} He had a little bit of a temper and… {Trails off as I finally manage to stop myself from rambling, and clears my throat} Nothing has been released, released. I mean, I have a Youtube. Camryn Adams. {smiles} But you can call me Cammy.
Ah, an older brother. <With a temper no less. This was getting better by the second. Was it possible I was walking towards that sense of impending doom? Or would I be spared of your brother's wrath upon his first impression of me. Fuck... Glancing back over my shoulder, I look Jaiden Thomas. Trust me when I say, I'm still going to check out that Youtube. <Flashing that crooked grin again, I pulled you closer to me by that hook of my arm you had.> You want to head back the other way?
{my eyes had scanned all the lanes close to LOVE, and I hadn’t spotted Chris. I guess I should’ve waited long enough to figure out where he was going before I went to the snack bar. But then, if I had done that, I might have missed you. Giving one last scan, I nodded my head} Hmm…yeah, I don’t see Chris anywhere. Maybe I should’ve known he wouldn’t have gone this far. {laughs more to myself than anything, relief flooding my body that you hadn’t dropped my arm the second you heard about my brother} Oh! There he is! {lifting a finger, I pointed to him before pulling you to stop for a second} But if you contact me through my Youtube…I might mistake you for a weirdo that wants pictures of my feet and not answer…
Do you want me to contact you again, Cammy? <It was only a quick glance in the direction you pointed, your brother not that far from where @ALoverOfDreams was before I turned my attention back to you and that death grip you were suddenly imposing on my arm. Smirking at first, I welcomed how forward you appeared to be, going for gold as it were only to be cut short with the rest of that final thought. Yeah, the second you said feet, I knew I pulled a face. It would have been smart of me to pause when you held me back by that arm of mine but I couldn't stop the chuckle if I wanted to. You laughed at the expression on my face, and nervous or not, I leaned in to whisper against your ear, unbeknownst to me that @InspiredAdams was about to make his presence known just in time to see you cozying up to yours truly.> How about you give me your number and I'll text you. That way you have my cell too.
{Flushes instantly at your first question. I was making a ton of assumptions, and I knew it. But I really liked you already and it just happened. Then you leaned in and whispered and my stomach filled with butterflies, causing me to completely forget about the proximity of @InspiredAdams, already reaching for my phone in my back pocket to hold it out to you} Here, text yourself with my phone.
Sure thing, beautiful. <And just like in the movies, it really was that simple. You had been getting your phone out when I heard a shuffling of feet and yours of course, came to a full stop when I heard the clearing of a throat next. "Cammy, this guy bothering you?"> Who, me? <It was your brother. There was no way it was anyone else and from the way you had spoken, I believed this wasn't a normal thing for you. Bowling that was.> She's fine. Just giving her my number. You mind holding this? <I didn't give @InspiredAdams a chance to really reply. Instead I simply handed the pitcher of Pepsi over so I could take your phone from you. All the while your other arm was still hooked around mine as I plugged my number in, quick to snap a pic of us together while your brother watched on and waited for you to introduce us.>
What the hell is taking her so long? [I glanced toward the snack bar and didn’t see @ThroughTheNotes over there anymore. Then I finally saw her coming toward me. But she wasn’t alone. Immediately I was on my feet and making my way over to her. She was way too fucking nice for her own good. And I was fully prepared to pull out whatever card I needed to make him get lost] Cammy, this guy bothering you? [He barely looked at me when he answered with that, “Who, me?” And my brow shot up as I was handed a pitcher of soda, looking between @ThroughTheNotes and @AMindfulChaos.] Camryn, who is this? Do you know him?
(I must have entered @AMindfulChaos's name three times before the electric scorecard saved it. The final time, I changed the spelling to L O S E R and would you look at that, it set up the sheet no problem. Laughing quietly to myself, I hadn't heard the gentleman walk up until he asked me if I needed assistance. Politely declining his invitation to join him when I explained I wasn't alone, he didn't seem to take the hint until I held up my hand, sporting a gold band. The fact that it was found inside the bowling bag of one "Fred from Kentucky" and after many, many failed attempts to locate its previous owner, Fred from Kentucky had been born. Thinking back to the day that I found it, I remembered the crap Jaiden had given me over the name. "Fred the blue ball. Do you hear yourself, Rainey?" We had a good laugh about it but it worked seeing how Fred always came through for me from that day forward. Smiling now too, I waited to look up until the guy had made his exit to return to his own lane, taking a gander around the bowling alley in search of my brother. It wasn't like Jaiden to take a stroll, always one to come right back anytime we were here, I furrowed my brows when the snack bar attendant showed up with our food. It was only after further inspection though I realized it wasn't ours and I got up to go in search of you, heading back up to the bar to let them know our order was wrong in the process when I spot you with a girl. And a guy... Feeling that pit in my stomach already, I started to head towards you all instead. Our food long forgotten as worry started to set in.)
{squints my eyes at @InspiredAdams in warning. He was NOT going to scare this one away. And I hoped he was picking up on my unspoken message as we stared at each other. Until you held up the phone and I smiled for the picture before finally speaking} I do now. Chris, this is Jaiden. Jaiden, this is my totally going to not be a jerk brother, Chris.
<Chuckling, I waited until I handed the cell back to you before I extended my hand.> Nice to meet you ... <Not a jerk Chris almost flew out of my mouth when I happen to see Rainey heading our way on a mission. Her purpose plain as day the closer she got and I mumbled "Shit.." under my breath. The last thing I needed was this guy on my ass about you but to do it in front of Rainey, well I wouldn't live it down if I got us kicked out of our favorite home away from home. Not to mention, it was your brother.> ... Chris. She was alone so I offered to escort her back to her lane. I plan on asking her out soon too. <What the hell was I saying? This was suppose to make it better, right? Laying out my intentions. Rainey always said it was the best policy to be honest so why stop now.> I was just on my way back. <Looking to @ALoverOfDreams as I spoke, that last part was meant for her when I finally cleared my throat, only taking the moment to introduce my sister to @ThroughTheNotes, purposely.> Cammy, this is Rainey.
[I kept my eyes on Cammy as she gave me her damn looks. And continued to stare at her when she introduced me as her “not gonna be a jerk brother, Chris.” Then @AMindfulChaos said that bit about asking her out that had my eyes finally flicking over to him, really assessing him now as I firmly shook his hand. He looked like he could be another clown in the business Cammy played around in} Are you an artist too? {I smirked because I was out of slapping range of Cammy. But then we were joined by another person which left my question unanswered. But one look at her and I wasn’t too bothered to hear the answer anymore. If this was his sister, maybe I could keep an eye on him if it meant she stuck around…]
It's nice to meet you, Cammy. (My gaze darted between @ThroughTheNotes and Jaiden, seeing her arm still wrapped around my brother's like her life depended on it until I saw him shaking hands with the other guy privy to our little gathering here. The gesture between the two was older than dirt and more so added to complement the giving of your word on something. I could read body language pretty well though. The guy didn't seem to thrilled about Jaiden escorting her back but all that changed the second he looked back over his shoulder at me.) He boxes. I mean, boxing. Like bowling. I mean it's not like bowling per say but it'ssss a sport. (Damn it. Not now... My smile was small as I gave Jaiden a look of my own. If he wasn't going to tell him, I was.) That is if you consider kicking ass an art form.. (Maybe I wasn't so good at ice breakers either. Being met with utter silence was clue number one. Not even crickets as the four of us stood there as if we were in a stalemate. Only I wasn't going to allow that.) Would you guys like to join us for a game? Or maybe you two would like to play your own? Oh I know, teams!
{smiles brightly at Rainey when she addresses me. Then squeezes Jaiden’s arm at the mention of his being a boxer. Should I point out the obvious to Chris that they had something in common? That could be good? Or maybe very bad… Before I made up my mind, the silence was broken again, and I jumped on it} Yes! Chris! We would love to. {nods}
<Fantastic. Can't wait. Those were just a couple of options for answers to that ever popular question my sister asked and as I felt you give my arm a second squeeze, your brother's gaze sizing me up once again caught my attention after Rainey had let the cat out of the bag.> I do good for being fairly new to the sport. I get by. <Giving another nod of my head, I wink and start to walk with you as Rainey leads the way, speaking loud enough for Chris to hear me.> So you want to play against me, Cammy or with me? I could show you a few things too.
[Boxing. So, he wasn’t a clown in her business. He was one that dabbled in mine. Now I was assessing him in a whole new light. Cammy was in for an earful on the way home. I’d seen how fucking cocky some of those guys could be… “I do good for being fairly new to the sport.” Cue my brows shooting up again. Maybe not too cocky… “I could show you a few things too.” Nope. There it was. I opened my mouth to bite back on that bullshit only to have Cammy fucking kick me. I let out a grunt and glared at her as she shook her head at me. It was clear I wasn’t getting her away from him tonight. So now, I needed to make the best of it. With a smirk, I spoke up again, bruised shin be damned] Cammy doesn’t need to learn anything new. And the Adams are better as a team.
Family first always. You guys like pepperoni pizza? We have plenty! (Yep. Making lemonade shouldn't be too hard with the lemons this bunch was carrying. Trying to make light of the tension that seemed to shift into second gear and right on into third when I reached our lane, I didn't even look in the direction of the guy from earlier as we passed him. Opting to stop at our scorecard to enter in your names instead as I see Jaiden assist Cammy with finding her ball.) Chris (Lifting my gaze to yours, I smile, before continuing on.) With a "C" or "K"?
[Clearly I was speaking French. And this guy wasn’t the least bit deterred by me. As I watched the two of them picking out balls, I was redirected by my name being called. My gaze catching with @ALoverOfDreams’ and grinning crookedly at that smile. disappointment, but did my best to hide it]
That's right. Like the rain but with an EY at the end. (Don't ramble. Don't you do it! Telling myself that should have worked but I wasn't so sure it was going to. Not when I saw that crooked grin of yours.) It's okay, they seem distracted. (Taking your hand when you offered it right away, I gave it a light squeeze, my smile growing kinder by the second. That was until I followed your slight change in direction with your eyes down to our clasped hands. Oh no! How was I going to explain this? And even better, the follow up question to that, was were you going to believe me?) Fred from Kentucky.. (That questioning brow lift you gave had me laughing nervously as I started to explain it, still holding your hand until I realized it and I let your hand slip free suddenly. The game hot potato had nothing on me.) My fake husband. I use the ring to keep creepers away. Like the guy we walked by? (Fighting the internal groan won out over hiding the heat that seemed to rise on my cheeks at how close you were and I broke my gaze away from yours so I could finish putting your names in.) Do you guys bowl a lot? I don't think I've seen you here before.
[Fred. From Kentucky. At first, I thought you were trying to tell me you were in a long distance marriage. But then the pieces of the puzzle started to fall together. And oddly enough, when you mentioned a creeper, I felt that same protective instinct I had a few minutes ago bubbling up again. But this time it was about you and not her. Apparently he had felt the weight of my stare. Because he looked over just in time to lock eyes with me in a stare down I wasn’t going to lose. And I smirked when he were out of my mouth] I wonder if I could convince Cammy to get a Fred from Kentucky… [just as quickly as I said it, I realized that was probably offensive to you seeing as how the current dude was your brother. And I mumbled out.] Sorry… [looks up at the screen where our names finally popped up, welcoming the chance to ignore my little outburst] We used to bowl a lot with our pops. He was on a league. But after ma passed, he became a bit of a hermit. [jerks my thumb over my shoulder in Cammy’s direction] She’s been in a funk lately. So I thought I’d pull her away from the Netflix and out into society again that doesn’t involve the shitheads that she dances with.
Oh, I don't know about that. Fred is a good man, he works hard for his family. A very upstanding and loyal guy too. I wouldn't have married him if he was a cheater. (Teasing a little, I gave your arm a soft nudge but only after spying your stare down that bounced between Jaiden and Mr. Creepy, himself. Waiting until your gaze finally met mine again and I nodded softly as I spoke.) You two have more in common than you think. Jaiden is just as protective of me as you are of her. (My voice took on a softer tone then but didn't lack in conviction as I spoke about my brother. He was the only family I had left. I loved him.) I know you just met me...us really but Jaiden is a good guy, he just has some issues sometimes controlling himself when people are assholes too. (Taking a moment, I looked behind you to see them standing there a ways back, bowling balls in hand and lost in their own conversation. My smile widening further when they start to make their way back over to us and I'm quick with my own curiosity taking center stage for a second as I added to the "story". Only this time, it included you..) So was your wife busy tonight too?
[I wanted to take you at your word about Jaiden. But it wasn’t that simple for me. I’d seen her go through too much shit with her overly trusting heart. What if he had a hidden shitty guy side that you weren’t privy to as his sister? Still, I didn’t hate the protective side you hinted at. As long as his aggressions didn’t ever turn toward Cammy. The thought alone causing me to tense up for a second before blowing out a calming breath. Your question causing my eyes to snap back to you in utter shock] Me? Wife? [shakes my head with a chuckle] No. There is no Francesca from Kentucky. Real or fabricated.
<There's a first time for everything right? As sayings went that one there was a great indication that I was pulling double duty, while trying to appear cool about it, and was failing miserably at that. It was the first time I not only had tried to keep my eyes on Rainey but then there was you, and that pull to let my gaze linger on your beautiful face was just too great.> I apologize. I don't normally leave her for this long. <And therein lies the dilemma. There was the asshole that was in here every time we were that constantly hit on my sister too that was a factor. So the protective streak kept hopping the rails like a train would, the direction it sought suddenly flipped like a switch and damn if that didn't make me feel exposed for all of 60 seconds too long. In fact, it put me downright on edge. I had a feeling you could sense it too because suddenly I was met with a pair of the kindest eyes I had ever seen and I braved that grin for you. Having found the right size ball, our trip back over to our lane was met with one last pitstop and that was to ask for a fresh pie and pitcher to be brought over, the clerk letting me know it would be on the house for the mix up anyway.> Be honest, are you any good? <Chuckling, I take the ball from you to carry as we head back that way. The sight of your brother sitting so close to Rainey causing me to pop my neck and grin over at you.> At the game. Any family secrets I should know about?
{I could sense the anxious energy rolling off of you. And after a few seconds of watching your eyes flick back over to your sister, I recognized that same brotherly protectiveness that Chris sported most of the time. Which honestly, made me like you even to her, but I knew if I were talking to Chris, that wouldn’t have comforted him either. So I stopped myself, instead just following your lead first to the snack bar and then back toward the lane} I used to be decent. {glances over at you with a smile} Our papa was on a league and he used to take us bowling a lot. But I haven’t been for a long time. So I might be a little rusty.
Rusty or not, it's cool that your family use to bring you. Rainey and I went once before when we were kids but it wasn't until we left the system that our love for it really took off.<Too much, too soon? I didn't think so. The way I looked at it if you weren't interested after that then I knew where you stood. Something told me though that wouldn't be the case as I gazed into your eyes.> Does your Dad not bowl anymore? You said was.. <Which led me to believe something happened or he would have been here today. Still holding your gaze, I stopped just a few feet away from the lane. Close enough to hear your brother start to clear his throat and I motioned for you to go on.> He can wait.
{my curiosity was piqued by your statement. But then you were asking me about papa. And I didn’t know which way to go. With a laugh, I decided to tell you just that} First, I want you to know I’m very curious about your past now. {smiles} I hope you’ll share with me whenever you feel comfortable? And papa is still around. He just… {makes a face} I don’t know how to explain it. He’s different. After mama passed, he stopped leaving the house. We go over there a lot to make sure he’s okay. But he doesn’t like to come out, he stopped working on cars with Chris… It’s almost like he died in a way too. {sighs} I’m sorry. That’s super depressing.
No, I'm sorry that happened with him. Sometimes things happen to people and they just don't come back the same. <My eyes flickered briefly over to Rainey as I said it, hearing her laugh at something your brother said and I offered you an apologetic look when I turned back, adding a crooked grin into the mix.> I am glad you told me for what it's worth. As for me, I'm an open book. You can ask me anything.
{laughs with a shake of my head} Oh, Jaiden. You shouldn’t have said that to me. Watch this… {pulls you over to where Chris and Rainey are sitting and taps Chris on the shoulder} Hey, Chris? What would you do if… {laughs hard and looks at you again when he groans instantly} See? I ask TOO many questions. And it annoys some people. {sticks my tongue out at Chris}
Yeah but I'm not some people. I'm Jaiden. <Taking a moment to watch the exchange between you two, I chuckle and shake my head. There was no question you were siblings and as I looked over to Rainey, I kicked my chin up next, our secret signal as if to ask if everything was okay. When she gave me that kind smile of hers in return, I felt the tension leave my shoulders a bit and took a glance up at the scorecard, ready to start our game. As I looked up to see who was going first I see the name LOSER in the spot where mine normally went and my eyes narrowed playfully in my sister's direction.> Cute, Rainey. I'm on your team, remember?
[“What would you do if…” Those words meant Cammy was about to unleash a million hypothetical questions on you. And I couldn’t help but groan the second I heard them. I didn’t even care that she was setting me up to prove something to Jaiden if it meant I didn’t actually have to go down that path. But it was my turn to laugh when I realized Rainey had put his name down as loser] I like the odds already. [shoots Rainey a wink]
(There was no Francesca. At least not from Kentucky and not real either. That meant no girlfriend and no wife. Suddenly, I found myself smiling wider at that little known fact now and started to say something moronic like, "That's really great!" when it hit me out of nowhere. Just because there was no Francesca didn't mean there wasn't the possibility of a Fred for you too. I felt silly then for my assumption at first, thinking I read your body language all wrong and was about to ask if there was a Fred instead when both of our teammates showed up. Our conversation cut short.) There you guys are! (It was then that I moved to sit on my knees and address them both, only to be reminded that it was moments ago that it had been just us planning to play, and not teams with new friends.) It was before I asked them. Give me a break. (My tone was teasing even when you give me that wink and I mouthed a quick "Sorry." to my brother. Our fresh pizza and Pepsi arriving then too.) I'm up first! (Gathering up my ball, I took to our lane after thanking the server for bringing our food, making sure Jaiden tipped before I moved to the middle diamond, marking my spot with the tip of my shoe, seeing my shot right as I take it and I come back after rolling a spare. Not bad! Now, it was game on.)
{rolls my eyes at my brother’s cheesy remark, grabbing a piece of pizza instantly. It was, after all, the thing that had convinced me to come in the first place, and taking a seat on one of the chairs off to the side of the lane as I watch Rainey take her for my overprotective brother}
<I probably sat there and watched the whole thing unfold before me for a good ten minutes. Long enough for your brother to damn near trip over his tongue with the way it rolled out like some damn cartoon with wolf eyes. Only my sister wasn't Jessica Fucking Rabbit. It was payback for the way I had handed the pitcher over and seeing the both of them interact as they were, Rainey all smiles more so than normal, I had to wonder just exactly what your brother's story was, and yours too.> Is it good? The pizza? Best in all the state as far as bowling alley food goes. Not to mention, they serve Pepsi. Speaking of which, do you want? <Chuckling, I got up while you took a bite of pizza to grab us both a cup. The soft nod you gave me as you brought your hand up to cover your mouth was adorable and I poured us some of the tasty beverage, handing you the cup as our siblings became lost in their own conversation, with your brother finally getting up to take his shot when I clear my throat loudly as if to say some time today..> So I'm curious about something. What are you going to tell your boyfriend about me taking you out? <Sitting down beside you now, I ran my arm along the back of your chair, the action causing you to scoot in closer to my side and I take a drink, grinning over at you.>
{Mama always told me to take my time when I’m eating. Especially around boys. It’s not lady like to stuff your face like you haven’t eaten for a week. I never listened to mama. And this pizza was exactly what I wanted. So when you asked me if I wanted some Pepsi, all I could do was nod. Luckily I had managed to swallow and hadn’t taken a sip of my soda yet when you asked that. My eyes automatically darting to my brother because of how he’s covered for me in the past before returning to yours} There is no boyfriend to speak of. {smiles} What about your girlfriend. Will she be mad at me for sitting this close?
No girlfriend. <I chuckled at your comeback. The assumption on both our parts turning up to be false and yeah, I was happy to hear that.> You know I had to ask with you being so beautiful and all. So what is it that you do? You working anywhere or go to school? <Taking another drink, I watched as you did the same, this unspoken conversation we were having with our eyes was just an added bonus when I bring my free hand up to tuck a loose strand of your hair behind your ear.> Your brother have a job? <I didn't see anything wrong with asking that. Doing a bit of recon work myself, I wanted to know what I had to look forward to in the likes of your brother suddenly hanging around too. I wasn't about to let anyone hurt Rainey.> He got a girl?
{takes my time with my next sip, only popping my brows in response first. If you spent any time around me, you would quickly recognize the tells that I was about to tease you} Hmm…were you thinking about asking him out too? {smiles wide at you. I knew what you were doing. And I didn’t blame you. But I had to tease. Had to. Finally letting a laugh out, I answered you} I am a Laker Girl. {smiles proudly} I’ve worked for it all my life. And my ex ALMOST screwed it up for me. But I made it. I also do a lot of acting and singing. I’m a born entertainer. I’m also in school. It’s one of the requirements actually. {nods seriously} As for Chris, he’s a photographer and does web design to pay the bills. So he lives on his computer. {leans to the side, placing my hand beside my mouth as I whisper} And he’s single. So you’re safe to make your move. {nudges you before busting into a fit of laughter}
I don't know though.. What if I'm not his type? <Laughing this time, I had been busted before but not quite like that. You were smart, funny and hot. Did I really meet a Laker girl at the bowling alley? Could I be that lucky? You were definitely beautiful enough, that was a given but as I let my eyes wander down along your body, checking you out, even with you sitting I suddenly had visions of you in your uniform. Those routines at half time coming to mind then too and I quickly snap my gaze back up to yours before looking back at the scorecard, coming face to face with a shooting glare when I see that it was officially my turn.> Looks like I'm up. Hold that thought. I want to know more about this singing career of yours and your channel. <I hadn't forgotten about that part either. Grabbing up my ball, I killed what was left of my drink and set the cup down. Moving to take my position to serve you with a strike first thing. Setting the bar pretty high where my competitive nature was concerned.>
{I watched as a series of emotions seemed to play out across your face, relishing in the fact that you seemed to be just as animated as me without meaning too. Then follows your eyes to the scoreboard, nearly humphing that you had to leave, and watching maybe a little too closely as you took your turn. Jumping up and cheering for you when you roll that strike, causing Chris to remind me that you’re the opposition} What? It’s in my nature to cheer. Kind of. {offers him a shrug and laughs before turning back to you as you return to the sitting area}
<And that's how it went. Every few minutes we would take our turns, keeping up with our separate conversations for the most part outside of the occasional trash talk we seemed to throw one another's way. It was all in good fun even as I moved to help you with your next turn. Not really caring to win one way or the other anymore, the more we chatted, my curiosity piqued.> When are you off? Or maybe I should ask when a good time is to take you out on this date of ours? <grins and grabs up another piece of pizza, offering it to you first.>
{mama’s words were playing out in my head again. “Don’t overeat. That’s not lady like either.” Reaching for the piece, I smiled at you} We practice a couple times a week. And, of course, I dance at all the home games. Other than that it’s kind of up in the air with my other projects. {laughs} But if you give me a date, I’ll make it work. {winks at you as I take a bite of that piece of pizza now}
We will make it work. <I put emphasis on the "we" part and grinned, picking up another slice and digging into it. Thinking over the evening and what you said while I chewed, I waited until I finished my slice to ask my next question.> You think it would be okay if I came and checked out a home game? See you in action. <Grinning wider at the thought, I shrugged a shoulder as I got up to take my last turn, Rainey calling my attention to the scores. Yeah you didn't have the final say on who could attend but we both knew I would be going to see Then maybe I could escort you home. Unless you have other arrangements made? <Glancing your brother's way when I said that last part, I was waiting for my ball to come back to me on the return.> Does that sound like a plan?
{sits up straighter in my chair, the excitement clear on my face at your question as those butterflies filled my stomach. The idea of you watching me while I was out there would make my night. And I was ready to say yes before you jumped up and went to take your turn. You probably knew my answer anyway as I bobble headed along while you talked} I can get you really good seats too! One of the perks. {my smile dropping slightly} Sometimes I don’t get out of there until a little later though. Will that mess with your work? {tilts my head curiously} What do you do anyway?
I take a couple of courses then I drive the delivery van for Rainey. Wherever she has a catering gig, I normally will hang out but the last one didn't go so well. <It wasn't really my story to tell, it was Rainey's and while I was okay with sharing anything and everything about myself, there were some things still private for her. Offering a small grin, I nodded impressed, the excitement clear as day on your face and I have a seat next to you to start changing back into my shoes so we can turn our bowling ones in.> I think congratulations are in order. You guys won. <I wasn't even sore about it. Granted, I wasn't sure how well I liked your brother getting all cozy with Rainey but I didn't have much room to talk, did I?> She's going to have her own commercial kitchen one day. That's her dream.
{I could feel the weight of Chris’ stare as we made our plans. But I ignored him. He was NOT going to have any say in this. I did shoot him a smirk though when you came and sat back down next to me so he couldn’t fully eavesdrop on what it was you did} I’m smile} And that you help support her dream. Maybe I could put a good word in with the team next time we need an event catered.
You would do that for her? <My brows popped at the gesture, my grin widening further when you nod once again and I couldn't help but chuckle. The offer to put in a good word could do wonders for Rainey's business, really getting it off the ground more. The Lakers were nothing to snub your nose at either and the more I thought about it the more I realized just how life changing that could be for her. For us.> Only if you're sure but you know don't have to. I'm still taking you out regardless. <Winking, I gathered up my bowling shoes when you do, walking with you up to the front slowly on purpose to drag the night out, I didn't want it to end even though I knew it had to. It wasn't until we were all outside though, our siblings walking ahead that I slowed even more, turning to face you.> I'm going to call you tomorrow.
{If you were walking slowly on purpose I couldn’t tell. But I sure was. Thank goodness I let Chris talk me into coming tonight. This was way better than the promised pizza. My last thought causing me to let out a soft laugh at myself that probably confused you} Please do. {steps a little closer, leveling my gaze with yours} And like actually call tomorrow, yeah? None of that macho guy stuff where they make you wait a day to not seem too eager. Trust me, I’ve dated those guys and I’m not interested in more of that.
<Keeping my gaze locked with yours, I let you finish, thinking there was no possible way I was waiting two days to call. Not after the night we had and as I reached out to stroke your reddened cheek, seeing that smile, I shook my head and leaned in, whispering against your ear when we reached your car, your brother having walked Rainey to ours across the parking lot.> You’ll be lucky if I’m not texting you before then. I’m not like other guys, Cammy. <Leaning up against your car with you now, I can’t help but grin then too, seeing that blush deepen across your face..> You’ll see first hand that I’m not. That’s a promise.
{I know I had just met you. But I already trusted you. I’m sure Chris wouldn’t be happy to hear that. But it was the truth. And I found myself chanting in my head, please don’t be too good to be true. Please don’t be too good to be true} I believe you. {playfully glares at you, the effect being lost as my blush betrays me} Don’t make me regret it. {That crooked grin had those butterflies kicking up again as I let out a shy laugh} And you can text me any time you want. I might even assign you your own special tone.
No regrets. Not even a single letter. <Laughing, I cracked that joke, hoping like hell you've seen that movie when I stopped short, brows furrowing at first before I gave you that crooked grin again. That shy laugh I was sure was going to be my downfall but I was finding I didn't mind the more we spoke. I thoroughly enjoyed the night out bowling with you and went as far to tell you so before opening your car door and waiting for you to step inside. At that last minute however, I took hold of your hand and brought it to my lips, kissing across each knuckle as words left my lips, that grin still firmly in place.> I really had a great time. Text when you get home? <Even that was a date in itself if we thought about, a date I was looking forward to once I were settled for the night.>
{With that kiss to my hand, I was a goner. However this turned out, good or bad, I was in for the ride. Giving your hand a light squeeze as I finally settled into the seat, I smiled up at you} I will. I’ll pick out your special tone on the ride home. {offers you an exaggerated wink and a laugh}
I’m thinking beginner’s luck maybe? (How is it this easy to joke with you? I had been asking myself that all night and almost let the words slip out once or twice when the ice breaker effectively did its job. We had found ourselves in a rather comfortable position. Some mild jabs when it came to our turns during the game but the night had actually turned pleasant which I was grateful for with the addition of yourself and your sister to our little bowling league mix we had going on.) So no Francesca, huh. How is that possible? (A very bold or forward question coming from me. It was so unlike me to even... Oh. Realization hit like a ton of bricks then. Was it considered flirting? If it was, it was so apparent that I was bad at it and BOOM, hi there anxiety.) I'm glad I... mmmet you tonight. (Oh yeah. Yep. Still horrible at it. In fact, my nerves got the best of me and I had to pause so not to stumble over my words. And only when we reached my van, did I take a chance glance your sister’s way with Jaiden, making sure they were okay before I continued on around to the passenger side of my van with you, feeling completely safe in your presence while out of sight of Jaiden’s. Which was another first for me too.)
[I didn’t know where the hell you came from. But I was thanking all the stars and gods that I had the idea to bring Cammy here today. Had I not, I wouldn’t have met you. Which is funny because before tonight, I was completely closed off to the idea of a relationship again after the dumpster fire that was my last. A few minutes with you and I was rethinking the whole thing. You were a total package from what I could tell. Funny, beautiful, a good sport. Hell, you even caused me to lay off of Cammy for the time being while she was clearly getting close to your brother. I couldn’t help the goofy grin that graced my face when you stumbled over your words for a second. Damn if that didn’t just make me like you even more} Honestly? {stops so that I’m standing directly in front of you as you lean back against that van door} I almost had a Francesca. And that was a mess. {rubs the back of my neck before giving a shrug} Kind of turned me off to relationships for a while. {smirks, the fact that I was being so quick to say certain things the exact way I always tell Cammy not to not lost on me as I reach to tuck a piece of hair behind your ear} I’m feeling a little more open to them again now though…
Now? As in right now... (I had zoned in on those eyes of yours first but then that goofy grin was next which only made me smile wider, effectively leaving my gaze to linger on your mouth. You were right there.. That strand of hair you tucked behind my ear fueled my desire to reach out but I stayed right there pressed up against the van. Reminding myself that this wasn't some steamy romance novel. At least not yet.) That's good.. I mean wait no, it's not good. I didn't mean it was good that Francesca hurt you. I would never. (Cue my blush again then, silly me making this more awkward for us both and oh hi anxiety thanks for rearing your ugly head again. Sighing softly, almost embarrassingly so, I give you a kind smile, trying to rein it all in when it felt like you stepped closer. And suddenly it felt really hot..)
[Somehow you managed to get more desirable with every minute. And when you made that slip saying you wouldn’t? I grinned probably the most embarrassingly dumb grin I’ve ever grinned in my life. Figuring I might as well go for broke, I stepped a little closer, carefully assessing your face and body language for any resistance as I brought my hand up one more time, this time cupping your cheek as I shook my head} I wouldn’t either. {lets the words hang between us for a few seconds, carefully gauging your reaction for a couple more seconds before whispering] Please don’t slap me. [With that, I took the plunge, leaning in and placing a light kiss to your lips]
Make it a good one. <That crooked grin wasn't leaving my lips anytime soon. Not when I kept seeing that excited smile grace yours and I reluctantly let your hand slip from my fingers when you finally had a seat in your car. Shutting your door for you, I waited until you rolled your window, giving you a wink first before I dipped my head inside and brushed my lips against your cheek.> Be safe, beautiful. <Righting myself and the world for that matter, I started walking backwards towards the direction of our van, keeping you in my sights for as long I groaned and waited for my sister to get inside. Knowing the drive home was going to met with an awkward as hell conversation.>
(Oh my God.. He was going to do it. One second, I was convincing myself I was never hearing from you again and the next, I was throwing all caution to the wind when your words grand slammed into my brain, finally registering. "Please don't slap me." I melted into a puddle right then and there, legs wobbling, the whole shebang! For that split second in time, I was the heroine of all my books. All those worlds I got lost in and even if it was the smallest of kisses, it meant everything in that moment. Only it wasn't a book I was reading, it was my life. It was ME you were kissing. Very lightly, I returned that kiss, lips slow dancing against yours and I brought my hand up to coax you closer by that soft grasp of your jaw. Completely lost in you until I heard the van door slam and I was catapulted back to my very real reality.) Call me.. (It was a simple request and when you nodded against my lips, ignoring my brother completely, I gave you one last kiss to remember me by.) Night.. (I tried opening my door from behind me, fumbling for the door handle before I finally got it open and I turned to hop inside, coming face to face with my own brother. Mouthing "Not a word!" as he started the van and put it in gear, his groan of disapproval, was laughable and I did just that quietly as we made our way home.) #Kismet #WFW #ForKeeps
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