#like dude mostly i dream about not having a tummy ache
inkskinned · 9 months
it just sucks because nothing is ever fucking made for you, and if it is made for you like 75% of the time it gets chopped into little pieces by every person alive because this is the one thing you have, so it has to prove itself to you.
like, a thing can't just be for women. men need to assign it to women. women have to experience "must" or "should" before their hobbies and passions - women are allowed to do silly, passive things like tuck our ankles and titter behind a fan, or something. women are allowed to, they are welcomed to. like the world is a house and we are supposed to be in the kitchen and now we are being given the divine right to enter the living room if we bring chips
because when it becomes for you, or about you, that is when the thing is vile. you should/must wear makeup so you can appear beautiful to men. once you wear makeup for yourself, or because you yourself enjoy putting it on, then you are no longer doing the right thing. there is a reason men hate certain fashion trends. there is a reason men hate things like the pumpkin spice latte - because it's not about them. you are buying it because it is good for you. they degrade your passions and interests. there is a reason women-led fields are largely seen as being "not a real" profession. when you are a good cook, that is because you can provide for him. close your eyes. you're not going to be a chef, be honest. that is a man making food for himself.
bras are made so breasts will be appealing to men. they are rarely about comfort or support. you have given up entirely on the idea of pockets. young girls have to worry about a shorter inseam on their shorts. a girl on instagram gets her septum pierced, and men in the comments are rabid about it - i just want to rip it out of her face. she'd be beautiful without it.
and fucking everything is for them. even the media that is "for you" is for them, eventually. remember "my little pony"? remember how hard it is to convince any executive to believe that little girls are worth selling to? in the media that is for you, you see little ways that you still need to make it accessible for them - the man is always powerful, smart, masculine. he is a man's man. the media usually forgives him. it usually says okay, some men are awful, but hey! gotta love 'em. because if you don't hold their hands and say "this is literally just a story about my lived reality", they shit their pants about it. they demand you put them into the media that's for you.
these are people who are so used to glutting themselves on the world. they are used to having every corner and every dollar and every place of leadership. so you say can i please have one slice of cake, just for myself, please, holy shit. and they fucking weep about it. they say you're being unfair, because some of their one-thousand-slices aren't beautiful, and your singular cake slice doesn't have their name on it. and aren't you being rude by not offering to share?
and honestly. fucking - yeah, man. you were kind of surprised, because the cake is a little basic (you bake at home, you're way past this stuff). but holy shit, it was nice just to be offered cake in the first place. you're used to having to starve. you're used to getting nothing, but going to the party anyway, because you're expected (professionally) to show up. you liked that it is a simple cake, and that it is warm, and mostly: you like that there is, for once, a cake-for-you.
in the real world, outside of metaphor, it feels like fucking being slapped. barbie didn't even say anything particularly unusual; it literally just made factually evident points. there are less women in leadership than men. we can look at that fact objectively. that is a real thing that is happening. and the movie is aware that it has to defend itself! that it has to spend like half an hour just turning to the camera and saying: i know this is hard for you to understand, but this is a real thing that women experience.
it's just - this is that one kid on the playground who thinks its allowed to hog all the toys. he builds this hoard that nobody else is allowed to even look at, or he'll get aggressive. everyone's a little scared of him, so they let it slide, because his daddy gave him the golden touch. he hates when people cry and thinks bullying is cool. he writes boys only! on a big sign and makes all his friends take "alpha male" classes.
and then girls pick up barbies, because there was nothing left for them. and in the void they've been given, with their scraps: they make long, spiraling narratives about how barbie is actually descended from snakes and has given her righteous followers magical (if concerning) powers and can speak 32 languages (2 of which are animal related) and has big plans for infrastructure (beginning with the local interstate). and the boy comes over, and he has a huge fit about how the girls aren't "including" him. he wants to know why the girls aren't making the story about ken.
"we didn't like your story." the girls blink at him. they point to his war stories and the gi joes and the millions of male-led narratives and how still in the modern day men get two-thirds of the speaking roles in movies and they point to men making mediocre shows that don't get lambasted and they point to men encouraging toxic masculinity and they point to men everywhere, men and men and men. and they say: "how is this our fault? you had ken."
"no!" he is already back to screaming and stomping his feet and tearing at his hair and intentionally reminding them that men are holding back thinly concealed violence and he says: "if it's not for me, it's actually sexism."
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ruhrohimrorny · 4 years
What Subjects I Think LOK Characters Would Teach:
Lin: PE, obviously. Dating Kya and all the kids are happy cause there’s a noticeable shift in Lin’s mood once they start dating. She no longer forces kids to run a mile every day and instead does it once a week now, so the kids are hoping her and Kya stay together. She also coaches Golf and Lacrosse.
Kya: Waffled between MILF Math teacher, MILF Science teacher, and hippy/chill Music teacher, but decided on MILF Science Teacher. Getting strong Biology vibes. Very fun labs and not strict at all. Her and Zhu-Li are super passionate about leading the Science Bowl team. Seeing these young people be so passionate about STEM and helping their fellow teammates makes her hopeful for this young generation.
Tenzin: He kinda gives math teacher vibes, but a large part of his character in the show is about him keeping his history alive, and teaching others abut learning and respecting history, so I feel like he’s a History teacher. His class is a lot of notetaking but he plays quiet music and does a five minute meditation in the middle of class to encourage kids to relax, so students really like him and actually listen to him. Also, he’s kind of gullible so they make up fake trends to tell him. He once spent a week addressing people as “brony” cause students told him thats what people say now instead of bro. Kids got a good laugh out of that one. Him and Pema are another favorite teacher couple.
Bumi II: Def gives off eccentric/unhinged English teacher vibes. Very interesting and informative conversations in his class, but things get off topic very quickly. Whenever kids ask about Bum-Ju, he gets distracted and will talk the entire rest of the period about what to dress Bum-Ju up as for Halloween. Probably plays a lot of videos. And students don’t worry about if they read the books Bumi II assigns cause they don’t think he’s even read the books he assigns. When having discussions about the books in class, sometimes kids will make up stuff and say it’s in the book and for the most part, Bumi II goes along with it cause he doesn’t know what actually happens in the books.
Varrick: Also gives off eccentric/unhinged English teacher vibes, but because he’s a businessman/war profiteer, I’m gonna have to say he teaches Econ and gives students lots of unsolicited financial advice. Also supervises the Engineering and Robotics Club.
Zhu-Li: Science teacher, probably Chemistry. She’s very good at explaining and getting kids to follow her instructions. Not only is she a co-supervisor for the Science Bowl team, she helps Varrick run Engineering and Robotics Club, cause if it were only Varrick running it, no kids would come. His intensity and eccentricity scares them.
Iroh II: He’s definitely the young Math teacher everyone has a crush on. Very chill and doesn’t give a lot of homework. Kids love when he shows pictures of his dog to the class and eventually he brings in the dog cause admin think the dog is too cute to say no to.
Tonraq: Resident DILF History teacher. Kind of a hardass but also a nice dude so most everyone passes his class. Probably that History teacher that is also a football coach, so during fall he doesn’t give a FUCK about whether anyone actually turns anything in. Him and Senna is the teacher couple that seems like opposites but actually are pretty similar and balance each other out.
Senna: That English teacher that every mentally ill student becomes emotionally attached to. You know what I’m talking about. She’s so sweet, funny, and chill so all the kids love her class. Tries to include memes in her presentations to seem “with it” but they’re like, doge memes from 2014. But the kids appreciate the effort.
Pema: Definitely the sweet English teacher that occasionally has a mental breakdown when the students test her patience. Otherwise very chill. Also teaches the Childhood Education and Development class. Her, Senna, and Bumi II run the school newspaper.
Bataar: Drafting. Pretty chill, very skilled, and def smokes on the weekend. Also, him and Suyin are that teacher couple that everyone likes.
Suyin: Dance. Super nice and always has like to of those smelly plug in things going so her room smells good and has a “good vibe that evokes emotion”. Always plays EDM or weird 80s rock to get the kids moving. She runs the school dance team. When Bataar has prep period, he sometimes drops in to see Su dance, cause she’s mesmerizing to watch. All the kids think that, coupled with the fact that they eat lunch together every day, makes them the cutest couple ever.
Amon: Drama. He loves directing kids on how to totally live a role. If you can imagine, he sometimes gets a little overdramatic about drama, forgetting that these are just highschool kids, not Oscar winners, but his passion makes the class more enjoyable. Runs Drama Club with Tarrlok.
Tarrlok: Probably Physics. A difficult class, but he’s pretty good at explaining so most kids don’t struggle too much. His main focus is running student government, which he takes pretty seriously. Sometimes too seriously.
Unalaq: Teaches Psychology. The most pretentious teacher on campus. It’s literally so bad, that even other teachers avoid him. Amon abandoned his coffee still being brewed in the machine in the staff room cause Unalaq walked in and he didn’t want to be in a room with Unalaq again after he said that Amon’s outfit “looked like something stolen from the lost and found of a funeral home”. Unalaq sees it as “telling it like it is”.
Zaheer: Government and Politics. Tries to teach the class very well but also injects his own opinion into teaching a lot. The students find him scary but some also kinda think he’s hot. Also does Yearbook. Him and Senna run Mock Trial. Replaced the old Government and Politics teacher Hou-Ting after she retired. She was that one old teacher that made it a hobby to harrass students and constantly reminisced about when you could smack students.
P’Li: Math teacher. Much scarier than Zaheer. Plays her trash ass music very loudly while the kids work. Def yells at kids. She’s kind of funny when she’s in a good mood tho, and when she roasts kids it’s really funny cause it’s usually dead on. Her and Zaheer are those teachers that flirt a lot and you know they’re sleeping together.
Ming-Hua: Art. Loves drawing and, you guessed it, watercolor painting. Very chill and plays soft music but lets you listen to your own music. Super sarcastic and all the students eat it up. Literally a universal favorite. She runs Art Club and Fashion Club.
Ghazan: Guitar. Pretty cool teacher that definitely has some weird stories. All the students know he has a crush on Ming-Hua cause they flirt constantly, but he denies it. Runs E-Sports Club. Idk why I think that, it just feels right. Him and Ming-Hua are also the kinds of teachers kids become emotionally attached to.
Kuvira: Government and Politics also. Seems calm and reasonable, but is a total ass. Makes kids give up their phones, allows almost no talking, gives out more detentions a week than most teachers do in one year, and doesn’t allow for much discussion. Everyone wants her class cause she’s hot but most drop within the first week, to the point that counselors have to say no to some kids so they don’t have to get rid of the class altogether.
Bataar Jr.: Computer Lit teacher. None of the students respect him so they’ll play Minecraft the whole time or play inappropriate videos really loud. Doesn’t really put much effort into teaching, which for some kids is a dream, but for others is an annoyance. Him and Kuvira are the teacher couple that makes everyone say “wtf”. Literally no one knows why they’re together.
Izumi: Secretary/Attendance. Pretty much remembers everything and is super organized. She is the glue that holds the school together. Most students don’t know her name though cause she’s super quiet and works mostly behind the scenes. Whenever Zuko sends anyone her way though he reminds them of her name and to say thank you cause he recognizes how hard his daughter works to keep everything running smoothly. Izumi catches on to this and always manages to thank her dad with a nice tea and a hug.
Toph: Vice Principal. Scary as fuck. Doesn’t ever call kids’ parents cause she efficiently scares the shit out of every kid, so they never do whatever bad thing they were doing again. When she has to work dances, Katara always tries to get her to dance with her. She resists every time, but she always gives eventually. She’s happy to though, cause although she’ll never say it out loud, seeing Katara this happy at her old age warms her heart.
Katara: Health Clerk. Very sweet and everybody loves her. Sometimes kids pretend to feel sick just to talk to her. She doesn’t mind though cause a kid that has a tummy ache and a kid that needs to talk are both kids that need help, and she’s happy to offer whatever support she can. She also always offers to supervise dances when the school has them and always manages to bust a move.
Zuko: Counselor. Wants to be to students what his uncle was to him. Aang and Sokka were counselors too, some years ago. And while they could give some good nuggets of advice and offered the kids amazing support, they also would totally fuck up student’s schedules by accident cause those numbskulls were exactly that- numbskulls. So usually Zuko would have to fix that. He misses fixing their messes and, more importantly, he misses them (they aren’t dead, just retired). He hopes to retire soon too, cause he’s getting too old for this, but he secretly doesn’t want to retire just yet cause working at school allows him to see and spend time with Izumi. Since they’re both working, it’s not like they have too much time together, but even just her popping into his office to bring him tea or check in on how he’s doing that day brings a smile to his face that doesn’t leave for the rest of the day.
Raiko: Principal. After Toph stepped down cause she’s “too old for this shit” (her words), Raiko stepped in. The students aren’t a fan of him but he’s not terrible. And since Toph is still Vice Principal, she keeps him in check.
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aching-tummies · 3 years
I know it’s weird but reading about your “sadistic lover” scenario is so on point that I was amazed. I thought I’m the only one with that thought (in my fantasy tho I’m that “sadistic lover”). To be honest sometimes I have to fight between my morals and falling in love with people with stomach aches and want to comfort them with everything I have. It’s just...wrong to lowkey enjoy someone’s sickness tbh. But can’t help T.T Anyway I hope you are doing great today!
Ps: I’m an ace too *highfive*
It's not weird at all. ^^
It's cool to hear from a "sadistic lover" because it seems like I mostly find content where the blog runner/author of the post is the one that wants to be the sick-one. I don't mind being either but I think I'd lean more toward the one with the stomach issues--especially 'cuz my stomach's often in some form of distress.
I don't think we get to choose what gets us going--it just happens and it's like "welp, I guess this is my life now". It baffles me that there are people that don't pay it any mind when stomach are involved in some way. A guy walked into a fast food restaurant I was at yesterday and he just started rubbing his stomach, pushing his shirt up with his hand as he did so. And I basically stopped functioning. I'm sure outwardly I wasn't acting any different from the other people around...but in my head I was questioning everything from how many milliseconds longer I stared at his hand/stomach area than maybe would be considered normal etc. I was a mess, mentally...and it baffles me that there are people that don't have that--the little sliver of tummy and the fact that the dude was just rubbing his stomach in public registered about as much as the dry grass/debris blowing around in the parking lot to them while I felt like absolutely every script and process I had been trained in on how to function like a human being was simply wiped clean.
The whole warring with one's morals thing...I understand that. I was raised in a religious house and I actively chose to remain religious when I became an adult. As a kid I was often taught even just thinking the things was a sin so I lived in a constant state of, "welp, I'm going to hell. Any second now a pit to hell will open up beneath my feet and down I go." I prayed to be rid of these interests time and again and those prayers were never answered. Eventually, I came to my own rationalizations: as long as I am not hurting anyone or forcing them to do what I do or whatever then I can stop damning myself to hell every moment of every day for thoughts. I can't control my thoughts but I can keep a lid on it when it comes to action, so that's what I'll live with.
I hope your day is awesome, whomever you are. Wow, ace and the "sadistic lover" counterpart I've dreamed of...I wouldn't mind hearing from you again.
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absolutely-legit · 5 years
Can you please please pleeeaaaase right anything about Yugyeom?? Whatever you feel like writing!!
Writing Yugyeom is a really new experience. Unlike2jae and Jinyoung whom I write normally, I don’t have built acharacter/personality for him yet.
You asked forliterally anything,so here’s my hybrid of DBSK’s First love Mini-Drama and CruelIntentions’ famous smooch.
Thank you for your request anon.
There’s nothingbad about being the maknae. In fact, it’s absolutely great.Everybody takes care of you, everybody fusses over you, everyone islenient with you. You can fuck up once in a while and you’ll beforgiven. You can be bratty or you can whine to get your way. Easy.
Now, Yugyeom isgrown up and all, but he still kind of has the Baby-Status. Thatdoesn’t bother him, really. It’s not so much a problem to be thebaby. It sucks to be ababy.
The thing, aboutbeing an idol, it is that you kind of get. How should he put it?Frozen in time? Yugyeom wasa baby when he debuted. Physically he’s grown out of it, sure. Butthere were things all his Hyungs were ahead of him back then… andthat never really changed. He never really had the time to berebellious to his parents or be a careless teenager. To experimentand slack off. He was full time employed since he was really, reallylittle. At least emotionally.
Now he’s atwenty-something, but barely anyone, including himself sees him as anactual… man. Because somehow he is still that baby.
It wouldn’t bebad, it really wouldn’t. He likes his life and he likes to bepampered and he likes to be the center of attention. There is just…just this one thing. This thing that all of his Hyungs had ahead ofhim back when they first debuted. That thing that never changed sincethen, because they were frozen. They were tied. And Yugyeom just…He’s just alonewith it.
It’s not likehe would ever dare to say it out loud. Not even to BamBam. BamBam whowas barely older than him, but who was somehow way ahead. In hisemotional maturity. Who looked awfully young, so small and tiny, butwho was way. Way. Way ahead of Yugyeom in many ways. BamBam, who isice cold, who can stare the company in the eyes, smug and confidentand can do whatever he pleases, because he does not rely on them,because he is a prince and he makes a shit ton of money.
Yugyeom admiresthat. He’s awfully jealous and there was a time, not too long agowhen the admiration he felt for his best friend was much lessinnocent. It was confusing and scary and Yugyeom felt all the moresmall next to him. He got over it, of course. It wasn’t the firsttime, he had to get over these kind of feelings many, many times.
The first time,he remembers quite blurry, was long before debut. The way Jackson wasfawning over him, even when they could barely communicate had givenhim a feeling that, after a while of pondering, he sorted into thecategory of “adult feelings” he was not yet old enough to have.By the time that he learnt that he was the only one of his group ofseven who had never in his life acted upon those feelings, they werealready gone and Yugyeom, embarrassed to death, lied.
The lie he toldwas carefully crafted and became more detailed over time. Addinglittle things here and there so his mates would never, ever find outthe truth.
The right age forYugyeom to have his first came and went and he was an idol. But itwas okay, for a while, because the others were tied, too. The topicvanished from their conversations, because there’s no point inrepeating the same stories over and over when nobody was in theposition to experience something new to tell about.
Yugyeom kept hisstrange feelings for himself. After Jackson it was Mark. Then it wasJaebum, at some point. Then finally, Jinyoung. It scared him, eachtime. He had thoughts, he had dreams. He imagined, this and that,though he never had any basis to work with. At some point in his lifehe had made up his mind on what it should feel like and that’s whathe stayed with. Through every single one of his crushes. And theywere a lot. He didn’t even stick to his own members. Anyone that hemet was basically in the line of one of his naughty fantasies. He’san idol after all, surrounded by hundreds and hundreds of gorgeous,handsome, beautiful boys and girls.
And then it gotworse. Everyone grew up. They got older, they became successful. Theylet their guards down and management became more lenient with them.One after the other snuck in a date or two. Secretive at first andthen, over time, a little more careless. They unfroze. Some were cuteand shy about it, like Mark and some, well, mostly BamBam wereextremely smug about it. He got a scolding and toned it down, butjust a notch. It made Yugyeom uneasy, but he tried to hide it.
BamBam is thesecond youngest and by now he’s most likely the most experienced ofthem all. He’s his best friend and Yugyeom thinks regularly aboutcoming clean to him, asking him for advice, but by now he’s keptthe lie up for so many years, he can’t bear the shame of tellingthe truth. One good thing that happened was, when Jaebum and Youngjaefinally crossed the line of their platonic love.
It told Yugyeomtwo things, while he tried not to stare too much when he firstwitnessed them doing it in their presence. 1: It’s okay to thinklike that about boys. 2: It’s okay to think like that aboutmembers.
The problemthere? Well, the two of them liked each other. Equally. And only eachother. Yugyeom feels like that about approximately 100 differentpeople. Not one. Not just members. Not just boys. He’s not surethat’s still normal.
Suddenly, nowthere are new stories to tell. New grounds for conversations and atsome point, he knows, he’s going to be expected to join in. To addhis part. He’s gotten around it, so far, by pretending to be tooshy and it’s believable because he’s the baby. Because he duckshis head when the conversation goes in that direction, because hecan’t even look at two people kissing without going bright red inembarrassment.
They nudge him alittle. Not much, but just enough to make him uncomfortable. It’snot that he doesn’t want to. He does, but he somehow thinks he’smissed his chance. Isn’t he too old now? He doesn’t know how orwho or when or… just how? How does this work?
“I think she’sit.” BamBam says in the backseat of the car, staring down at hisphone. Jinyoung rolls his eyes. Jaebum tells him to “be careful”.BamBam doesn’t let himself be chastised, he sinks deeper into hisseat and types quickly with a half a grin on his face. Yugyeom’stummy aches. Some members are more, some are less serious about theirdates. But whenever they are, it gives him a strange feeling. It’sprobably jealousy he thinks, though he doesn’t know whom it is for.Maybe that doesn’t matter. Maybe Yugyeom is so desperate for it, hedoesn’t even care whether he wants to have BamBam or have hisgirlfriend.
“Good for you.”He says quietly and pats BamBam’s thigh, heart fluttering over thebeaming smile he receives in return. Supportive maknae, they call himsometimes. They all have their role in the dating department. Jaebumthe authoritative, Jinyoung the dismissive, BamBam the homophobe,Jackson the excited, Mark the disinterested, Youngjae thecomparative. (Nobody’s relationship is as perfect as his and it’sannoying). Yugyeom is the supportive one. Of each and everyone. It’sall he has. If he can’t do it himself, he can at least support theothers have it. Maybe, just maybe he’s living through them a littlebit. He listens attentively, tries to pick up on the how’s andwhy’s and tries to fit himself in there.
When the nudgesof his members get harder, eventually become serious prodding… He’snot proud of it, but he avoids them. He hangs with his other idolfriends a lot. Most of those who are his age and work under stricteragencies are not even close to the end of their dating ban. It’scomfortable for a while, until they begin to figure out that all ofYugyeom’s members are dating in one way or another and well… Theywant to hear about him as well.
It’sfrustrating on so many levels. Sometimes he wonders if romance is allthat people ever care about. All the movies, all the songs are aboutit. But he can’t really judge them, because he’s been thinkingabout it the past years. Like, nonstop. Singing all the songs aboutromance and girlfriends and being flirty with the fans. And havingindecent thoughts about every single one of his friends at one pointin time. It’s agonizing.
It all peaks, oneday. When he’s drunk. It’s just him and Mark and Youngjae,everyone else too busy with their individual schedule. They’ve hada feast of a dinner and a few too many drinks. Enough to last thewhole group in theory, all three of them drinking more than theyshould. Mark, with his lack of body mass, is wasted incredibly soon.It’s not a lie when Youngjae brags about being a heavy weight. He’stipsy, but coherent, while Yugyeom is already lightheaded beyondanything, words like ‘shame’ or ‘dignity’ foreign to him.
“You know it’snothing to be ashamed about, right?” Youngjae asks out of nowhere.Yugyeom, who’d been busy toying with passed out Mark’s feet inhis lap looks up with a frown. “What’ya mean?” He inquires. “Imean. You got me and Jaebum. And like, there’s no need to besecretive about it.” Yugyeom’s frown simply deepens. He wondersif he missed or forgot about the first part of this conversation.
“Liking guys isfine.” Youngjae urges. “I mean, Jaebum is so gay, he wouldn’ttouch a girl with a broomstick from 2 meters away, right?” Yugyeomcan’t help but giggle about that mental image. He doesn’t reallythink about the meaning of the words until his laughter fades. “I’mnot.” He says, quite the pathetic comeback and Youngjae snorts.“Yeah.” He says with a raised brow. “You’re totally not intodudes.” Yugyeom shakes his head. “That’s not what I mean.” Heattempts to explain, but he doesn’t really know what else to say sohe leaves it there.
“Is it…”Youngjae speaks thoughtfully now. “Because you’re into a member?Someone who’s taken?Or straight? Or both?” He glances over to where Yugyeom is stillpoking Mark’s socked toes. He vehemently shakes his head inresponse. “Then why’re you trying so hard to hide your sexualityfrom us?” It’s obvious that he doesn’t really believe him. “Amnot!” Yugyeom gives back again, aware that he slips intochildishness. “Just because I don’t mention it like, every twoseconds like you guys.” He’s pouting and sees Youngjae soften.
“Okay.” Henods. “Just know that you can. Like, tell us anything.” Yugyeomlooks away, focuses on Mark’s sleeping face, mouth hanging open andsnoring loudly. He’s drunk. His heart aches. He has theoverwhelming desire to come clean. There’s just Youngjae here.Youngjae is honest and caring and less prone than BamBam or Jinyoungor even Jackson to make fun of him. How bad could it be?
“Can you keep asecret?” He asks, before he properly thought it through. When helooks back up he sees Youngjae’s eyes widen in anticipation. Hestares, intrigued, when he nods. Even draws a cross over his chest.“I…” Yugyeom begins, but has to take a deep breath before hecan get any words out. “I think.. I like guys. Maybe. Girls, too, Iguess. I’ve never really seen like… a difference?” A smallsmile quirks Youngjae’s lips, his eyes sparkling excitedly. “Thething is…” Yugyeom squirms on his seat uncomfortably. “… Ihaven’t really been able to find out. I mean I was really youngwhen we debuted and… since thendating has been taboo and how would I… hum…” Youngjae’s headtilts slightly in confusion, the story about Yugyeom’s high schoolgirlfriend with the long hair and cute button nose and short legs onboth their minds.
“I have neverdated anyone.” He concludes, biting his bottom lip. “I havenever… kissed someone.” “But…” Youngjae makes and cuts off,eyes growing even larger, then finishes with a long, breathless“Oohhhh…”
“You promisednot to tell anyone!” Yugyeom reminds him, panicking just mildlywith the alcohol coursing through his veins, but not entirely free ofemotions. Youngjae shakes his head wildly and promises “Won’t.”
“I’m 23.”Yugyeom complains his insecurity. “If I were to date someone.Anyone. They’d expect that I… know what I’m doing, but I don’t.I don’t know anything. And I told most people I have and then…what if I make a total fool of myself? I really, really want to, butI don’t know how and…” Youngjae slaps a hand over his mouth tostop his babbling. He didn’t even notice him scooting closer.“Chill bro.” He says, grabbing Mark’s feet and pushing them offhis lap. “It’s not rocket science.”
Yugyeom mumblesdisheartened “That’s easy to say when you do it all the time.”Youngjae shows him an encouraging smile. “I can teach you if youwant.” Yugyeom sputters, just now realizing how close he is, theirlegs touching, his hand on his upper arm. “Wha…” he makes andfeels his face heat up. “B..but Jaebum Hyung…?” Youngjaeshrugs. “He won’t mind.” Yugyeom isn’t so sure about that.But it doesn’t change the fact that his heart flutters and his skintingles, his mouth going dry.
He’s neverreally had the opportunity to nurse a crush on Youngjae. By the timehe was all grown up and sexy, he’s already been in this half-therething with Jaebum and Yugyeom refrained from getting involved.Doesn’t change the fact that the sole thought of kissing Youngjaemakes him feel excited and nervous all over, the pure idea of hisfirst kiss closing up his throat. Youngjae leans in impossibly close,so close that he can feel his hot breath hit his face. Dumbfounded,hazed, clouded, he nods.
His eyes shutclose. Because that’s what you do when kissing, right? You closeyour eyes. There’s a moment of pure tension, his head spinning witheither drunken-ness or fear, then Youngjae’s lips softly placeagainst his own. It’s not a firework. It’s not how it’sdescribed in books or movies or anything. But it is very nice. Hedidn’t know that other people’s lips were so smooth and soft,doesn’t know if his own are even.
It’s like thatfor a bit. Just their lips set against each other and Yugyeom’slabored breath and then Youngjae moves his. Yugyeom lowkey panics. Hedoesn’t know what he should do. Just let him? Move back? He feels ahand, warm and gentle creep up his shoulder and slip into his hair onthe back of his neck, holding his head in place, so he can’t justpull away in fright. He feels Youngjae’s head tilt, just slightlyand put more pressure onto his mouth. Carefully he attempts to mimicthe motions, moving his own lips open and close and as he does that,Youngjae’s bottom lip gets caught between his own, before he pullsaway with a huff.
Yugyeom’s eyesfly open in terror. Did he do something wrong? Youngjae smilesthough. “That was fine.” He says cheerfully. “You don’t needto be that careful though.” Yugyeom nods shyly. He’s painfullyreminded of his burning cheeks. He does want to kiss again. “Okay,so. Now we’re going to get a little naughtier.” Youngjae explainscasually. “We kiss and you open your mouth okay?” Yugyeomshudders and nods hastily again and leans in eagerly, before he getstoo nervous. Youngjae giggles quietly. “Alright, not so much forthe theory there?” He cheers, but allows to bring their lipstogether again.
It’s just asnice as before and Yugyeom tilts his head a little like Youngjae did,so their noses don’t collide, but he thinks it’s kind of strangeto just randomly open his mouth. That is until Youngjae does andsuddenly the really wet, slippery tip of his tongue prods against hislips. It slips between them immediately and clashes with his teeth.Yugyeom shivers excessively, parting them with a little gasp,half-voluntary and half not and then Youngjae’s tongue is againsthis own.
The spark, theflash, the thing that didn’t happen when he expected it, happensnow that he doesn’t. The sensation of Youngjae’s tongue, thoughit’s wet and sticky and rough is absolutely amazing. He can feelthe details of its surface and he can taste it. The booze and thepizza cheese and something else. Something so foreign and unique ithas him think ‘This is it’. This is the taste of another person.Youngjae’s tongue invades his mouth quite unapologetic, enough thathe would have backed away his whole head ifit wasn’t held in place still. So hepushes back carefully, rubbing his tongue against Youngjae’s. Itsends a pleasant tingle down his back and has him regret deeply thathe missed out on kissing for so many years.
It doesn’t takelong for Youngjae to retreat, but Yugyeom is very unwilling to let goyet, so he chases after his tongue as it hidesback behind his teeth, follows it into the warm, wet cave of hismouth. It’s honestly even better there. Youngjae’s tastestronger, overwhelming nearly. He feelsYoungjae’s teeth graze along his tongue when he searches for itscompanion. It’s probably a little frantic, maybe sloppy even. Verywet indeed. But Youngjae allows him to play for a little longer,nudging his tongue playfully and cute until he apparently deems itenough.
He hold Yugyeomby the hair and draws out of his reach. They part with a slick sound,cool air washes over him and has him realize the wetness of his lipsand everything. He closes his mouth shut in nervous shock and noticeshow ridiculously fast his heart is beating. Adrenaline coursingthrough his veins has him fidget, he licks his lips, sucking thebottom one into his mouth. He tastes Youngjae there, lingering barelynoticeable and his ears burn.
But Youngjaegrins happily. “See?” He says joyfully, “No rocket science.You’re a neat kisser.” Yugyeom finally, eventually hides his facein his hands and Youngjae bursts into laughter, patting his backforcefully. “Now, how was your first kiss?”
Yugyeom nodsbehind his hands. Youngjae’s boominglaughter startles a barely conscious Mark awake and the task ofgetting him to drink a glass of water and lie down in a bed allow hisflushed face to calm down. Youngjae calls himself a taxi to “Behome when Jaebum crawls into bed later.” but Yugyeom stays anddecides to crawl in at Mark’s side, yearning to lie down and sleep.
Youngjae hugs himGoodbye and grinning sheepishly presses a wet, harsh smack on hislips. Mark kind of shuffles and wakes when Yugyeom slips under hisblanket. He mumbles something incoherent, but blinks at him. “Youokay?” Yugyeom can make out. “Yeah why?” He inquires and Markmumbles “You’re hot.” His fingers slip over his face and feelhis heated cheeks.
“Hyung?” Heasks, getting a hold of Mark’s wrist. He hums. “Do you wantpractice kissing with me?”
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fanbriction · 7 years
Day 1
Hey guys. Bonesaw here. You know me. You love me. I am the original, the chosen starter. I am undefeatable. Still, this guy here reckons he needs more pokemon, so oh well, he we go. A Surskit? Really? You want me to help you catch this? Fine. Yo little buggy bug, come on over here, wait, where are you going? You fancy a little explore? Right, fine. Just make sure you’re back here when this guy needs your help! As if he’d need your help you little bug.
Yo, dude, you know, there are some cool guys through that building there. Wanna check it out? I know the area after all. You know, just the other day- DID YOU SEE THAT TAIL? That’s a Wartortle, get over there! Come on mate, you gotta join the team, come on, just imagine it! You and me, working through the gyms, being the best! Yeah, little buggies with us, she- oh you’ll join? Awesome! Awesome! Yeah lets go! Woo! Come on trainer, Max and I are ready to take on the world, lets go lets go! You don’t need to stop for more balls, you’ve got the dream team right here! Come on, up to the first gym!
Wait, trainer, why have you stopped for a Corsola of all things? Oh fine, so long as its over quickly… Wait…. What’s she doing to Max? Max? Can you hear me? Max?
Hi friends! Brick here! I found this little diary on the floor… I think it belongs to Bonesaw, but he’s a bit upset right now, so I’m going to keep a record of our adventures and that way there won’t be a single thing missing when Bonesaw cheers up a bit! Fiona says he’s a bit of a grouch and didn’t have much time for her, but I’m sure he’ll warm up to me once he realises I didn’t mean to kill that Wartortle! Sometimes I just don’t know my own strength! My great-great-great grandma was one of the original Corsola of Pacifidlog town, so I was just born with this strength, what can I say! I’ll try to take it a bit easy; I’m so worried about hurting one of Fiona’s little legs!
What’s that trainer? We’re heading further North? Oh, okay, I’m coming, I’m just a little slow, I’ve only got little legs! I wish I could travel a bit faster sometimes, it’s just…. Hey! Hey! Mr Wingull! How long did it take you to grow wings? They seem really nice! You’re proud of them? Well of course you should be! Hey, look, could you give me a couple of good exercises for growing big and strong wings? Oh don’t worry about Mr Trainer Man calling you Losegull, he’s just upset that I injured his Wartortle. Come on, its training time, let’s get on with those exercises!
Wow, I ache all over, that was intense! You really want us to work hard don’t you Mr Trainer Guy? I feel a bit bad for hurting all those other trainers Pokemon after you got upset at me for hurting your Wartortle… Ooooh, don’t worry Mr Trainer Sir, I trust you, and if you want to be the very best I’ll help you with that, I love helping people!
Oh hey, Miss Happiny! Miss Happiny! You dropped your rock! Here you go! Wait, this isn’t your rock? But don’t you need an oval stone? Um, um, Mr Trainer? Do you know where we can get one? Rock tunnel? Is that far? Can we take her there? I don’t want her doing a Sudoku! Hm, what’s that? Jade? You want a Jade instead of an oval stone? Oh, your –name- is Jade! Okay, well Jade, we’re going to quickly go into this dark cave, and you won’t be able to do your crossword in there! Wow, you really like your puzzles don’t you?
Okay, let’s go in this cave then… wow, it really is dark in here! Was… was that a bird? Aren’t birdies weak to rocks? In a place that’s full of rocks! Hey! Mr Birdie! Follow my voice! No, Losegull, don’t you’re weak to rocks as well! Losegull? Is that…? Oh, that’s you other Mr Birdie…Did you see my Wingull friend? He was going to teach me how to get big strong wings because it’s really hard walking along with such little legs especially to follow a big Mr Trainer Man with such Long Legs…. Hey, your wings are even bigger than Mr Wingulls! Is that why… why he didn’t come out of there? … Sorry, sorry, I’m just a bit… he’ll be okay, right? What did you say your name was? McQueen? You’re a Queen? But… but… oh okay… Look… could you… could you help us get to Violet City? Mr Trainer wants to get to the gym… but I’m feeling a bit… Not Good… You say you have no idea what happened? Okay…
Okay, I’ve had a little rest in the Pokemon center, and I’m feeling a little better now. Still no sign of Losegull, but McQueen says he heard about a ‘best wings’ competition, so maybe there was a shortcut through the cave. McQueen knows so much, he’s so smart!
Mr Trainer says we can go to Sprout Tower to quickly find some new friends. It’s really nice to be travelling around with someone who values friendship and nice things like that! McQueen says he’ll sort out some of the trainers and keep getting stronger like Mr Trainer wants while I search for some friends. I found a couple of cool friends; I nearly stood on Brian because I thought he was a pretty flower, but because of my little legs I got to stop myself in time! The other new friend I found was a really bright fish called Wendy! Not bright as in smart, bright as in she has lightbulbs on her head. Oh, I don’t mean she’s not smart as well! Oh no… I hope I haven’t offended her… I’d best make sure I hide this little book very well, just incase!
McQueen mostly sorted out the trainers in the tower. Wendy wanted a go against a Hoothoot, but McQueen had to step in. McQueen is so strong and so good at fighting! I’ve asked him to go and look for Losegull quickly while I help everyone get a little bit stronger because I love helping people! Had to fight a big water doggo and a space dinosaur, but apart from that everyone did really well, it’s so nice to have such powerful and kind friends! McQueen didn’t find Losegull, so I guess the competition must still be going on. McQueen tells me that the wing competition is really important for birdies, and that he doesn’t think Losegull would want to think of me being all sad while he’s trying to show off his wings as well as possible, so I’m not going to be sad, I’m going to keep on keeping on and I’ll just look forward to when we cross paths again!
We’re heading over to the gym now. For some reason they say you can only have 6 pokemon with you, so Fiona is resting in the box. She’s just so full of energy she doesn’t always have much left for battling, so she can run around in there all she wants and doesn’t need to worry about being too tired to fight with the rest of us.
The man in charge of the gym is a guy named Falkner. It’s a very scary gym; I know want to fly so that I can keep up with people a little bit better, but now I’m up high I don’t really like it much. I watch as McQueen slaps a Doduo across the face with his wing, and for a moment I can forget about the height. I jump infront of him when Falkner sends out a Murkrow, but I’m still feeing a little queasy with the height… I hit him a few times, then need to rest my tummy a little bit… A bit of saliva fills my mouth, a clear sign of something messy to come, which I spit at the Murkrow, which somehow takes it down! I shuffle over to the corner and nurse my tummy as McQueen takes down the rest of Falkner’s team. He’s so strong!
We can’t get down to ground level soon enough for my liking, and as soon as we get through the doors Mr Trainer gets a phonecall. I just want to crawl off until the queasy stops, is that too much to ask? We go to the shop next door and there’s a man in a white coat who give us… an egg? But my tummy doesn’t feel too good… Oh, wait, Jade? Did I say something wrong? Oh... its an egg with a Pokemon inside… Whoopsie… now I feel a little… oh no, Jade has locked herself in the box… Fiona says she’ll cheer her up, so that’s… something…
I follow Mr Trainer who says he wants to find some more friends for me to cheer me up. We managed to find a little Diglett who was nibbling some biscuit crumbs. He doesn’t talk much, so we’re calling him Biscuits for now. Then we found a really pretty Ninetails who has the fluffiest tails I’ve ever seen! Mr Trainer called him Noodles, which seems like a very strange name for a Ninetails to me, but Mr Trainer is a bit strange sometimes. Noodles is really nice though, he can tell I’m still a bit upset and offered for me to fall asleep on his tail for a bit. Bonesaw keeps glaring at me, so I’m happy to be able to hide a bit in the tail fluff. Night night little diary, I’ll chat some more in the morning!
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