#like bitch... do the math
8pxl · 3 months
14 yrs ago i started playing magic the gathering as a kid, and i had the dream to do art for them
3 yrs ago i tweeted about those dreams:
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today i’ve released 11 official magic the gathering cards, and it’s honestly so surreal and insane to me! i did that!! i fulfilled a childhood dream, and i honestly couldn’t be more proud 🥹
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six-of-cringe · 1 year
I think that one of the reasons why people misinterpret Wylan's character and arc, among others, is because they misinterpret the relationship between him and Kaz. This post has kind of mitosised off from the BFWP (Big Fucking Wylan Post) I'm writing because it's a bit of a different focus and constitutes its own post.
A lot of people talk about Wylan's character and development as though it's meant to match Kaz's - starting out as a nice kid who the city forces to become amoral, indifferent to violence, and well-versed in crime. These qualities are usually talked about with a weird reverence as an irrefutable symbol of "badassery", as though it's always a positive development for any character regardless of the story's narrative, which annoys me but is not the topic of this post. That's part of the BFWP's job.
Following Kaz's exact development is not the point of Wylan's character. The point is that Kaz and Wylan narrative foils - very similar in many ways, but with a fundamental difference that creates the "broken mirror" effect/shows how they could have turned out if they'd chosen differently. I think that difference is how they respond when they climb out of the harbor after their respective betrayals. Narratively, Ketterdam represents a very harsh system that presents the people struggling there with very few options. You can either choose to ditch decency, play by the Barrel's rules, and live, or you can hold on to decency and die.
When Kaz returns to the streets after Jordie's death, he chooses the first option. He copes with what happened through ideas of revenge, and to survive long enough to see it he quickly turns to thievery and violence. He thinks to himself after he robs a kid for money and food that it was much easier to survive when you've left decency behind. He survived through violence, creating the Dirtyhands persona around himself for protection.
When Wylan has to fend for himself, he choses the second option. He finds "honest work" at the tannery, where they exploit workers and expose them to toxins. He wonders if he'll live long enough to use his savings to leave the city, or if the chemicals would kill him first. He was smart enough to steal and survive, but he chose decency, and with it, he chose death. There are a number of reasons why he chose differently than Kaz despite their similarities - his older age and thus more developed moral code, having no one to avenge but himself when he believed himself worthless, his more privileged upbringing, and his relatively low drive to live. Alone, he would have died.
Then Kaz steps in. Kaz's role in all the crow's lives is that, intentionally or not, his ruthless rule of the Barrel creates a sort of haven that allows them to survive where they would have died had they stayed alone. Wylan is a really clear example of this, and though Kaz's intentions were at least partly self-serving, his involvement both kept Wylan from dying of exposure or street violence as well as prevented him from needing to do the more terrible things that it takes to survive in the Barrel. Throughout the books, we see Kaz kind of taking the brunt of enacting violence in Wylan's place - traumatizing Smeet's daughter, killing the clerk on the lighthouse. Wylan could get by making explosives in the workshop rather than having to shoot or stab or beat the life out of people. And at the end of the series, Kaz sees to it that he never will have to. Of course Wylan did bad stuff to survive when working with the Dregs, it's the Barrel. But the extent is greatly lessened because of Kaz's involvement.
Wylan's arc was never about becoming comfortable with violence, or becoming just like Kaz - the way people characterize him as some sort of ruthless murder mastermind is inaccurate and redundant with Kaz's character. He isn't nonchalant or celebratory about crime or death or violence by the end of the book. He doesn't HAVE to become like Kaz, because Kaz himself gave him the space to continue being decent, intentionally or otherwise. Understanding that dynamic is important to understanding what Wylan is like as a character and as a person. If you assume Wylan's trajectory is to become "Kaz 2.0", then you're going to mischaracterize him. I've seen posts about how Kaz was the Jordie that he didn't have to Wylan, and I think that makes a lot more sense. Because Kaz is willing to do the horrible things in his stead, Wylan has the third option otherwise impossible in the Barrel - maintaining his decency and surviving.
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Oh hi there transfem discussing her experience in the trans community i just had a quick question about your post
What does tme mean?
Oh okay i see i understand, thank you.
What does transmisogyny mean?
Ah I see, I get it.
What's a trans woman?
Oof scary. One last question.
What's a woman?
Thank you for being my own personal google (not like you had anything better to do right?) and derailing the point of your post for my own personal education. I will now add nothing of value to this post in return. Bye bye!
#channel 3#ignore me i'm bitching#it's just like. somehow the word tme/tma magnetizes people who refuse to do a second of thinking EVERY SINGLE TIME#like on one hand i almost feel bad for bitching#because generally if someone is unaware enough to ask theyre probably not aware of the precedent of multiple tme people asking on every post#what tme/tma means#BUT ALSO it happens so often it straight up feels like it's intentional#and like even if you don't want to look it up i feel like it's easy to guess by context clues#but like regardless of that#could you imagine going to literally any other discussion like that and asking them to define basic terms#'hi thank you for sharing your math thesis with us. just one question what does that t shaped symbol mean? this one: +'#'hi thank you for your in depth analysis of whether the cubs win this year. just one question. what's baseball'#'hi thank you for this in depth character analysis. just one question. what's a book?'#like in all of these cases we can agree that either a. they're a bad actor or b. they're not doing the bare minimum to engage with the post#why is it that people think it's still okay to do that on posts by transfeminists? (<- knows the answer)#(also i'm sure this also happens to cisfeminists but i think more people know better than that now)#like. if you do this i don't think you're evil or like transmisogyny incarnate or whatever but like. in the nicest way#i want you to think through what you expected to happen with. like sincerely and ask yourself was this productive to anyone#did this add anything of use to the post or to anyone else#explaining tme/tma doesn't add use to the post because transfems have explained it billions of times elsewhere#and knowing what it means is generally the bare minimum for interacting with a post discussing transmisogyny#so who does it help to ask? further who does it hurt to ask? in what context might my question be taken?#whagever who give a shit
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pcktknife · 10 months
why is trying to figure out what kind of pc u need for games the most difficult thing in the world 😐
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entropyvoid · 1 year
Headcanon that Alhaitham can’t do math for shit. Man may be smart, but his specialty’s linguistics for a reason. Kaveh, who can do complex architectural calculations in his head in a split second, figures this out and starts throwing random equations at Alhaitham to annoy him. They start out complicated, but eventually Kaveh starts to suspect that Alhaitham deflects his questions to avoid the embarassment of not being able yo do it quickly, and starts dumbing them down to gauge just how bad he is at it. But he’s never completely sure that Alhaitham isn’t just throwing things back at him to be a dick.
“Hey Alhaitham, what’s six times sixteen?”
“How much was the rent last month, Kaveh?”
“Hey Alhaitham, what’s nine plus three?”
“I don’t know Kaveh, how many drinks did you have last night? Because you sure didn’t pay for them.”
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deityofhearts · 2 months
cheerleaders 🤝 equestrians (but specifically horse girls): your sport not being taken seriously by other people and being treated like a joke
#deity dialogue#when I was in middle school my computer teacher was also a football coach and would have ‘banter’ with the cheer coach (who was also an#assistant teacher for my math class btw she was so sweet she helped me a lot in class and also made me a bow which was stolen from me :( )#about how ‘football was a real sport and cheerleading wasn’t’ LIKE ARE YOU KIDDING ME#jsut because cheerleaders look cute and are peppy and more often than not girls and women you don’t take anything they do seriously#do you understand the strength and agility and flexibility needed to be a cheerleader do you see the shit they’re doing and you have the#gall not to respect what they do as a sport??? i wasn’t a cheerleader but a few of my friends were and I respect them so much that shit must#have taken so much of everything#obvs I’m not covering the full scale of what it takes to be a cheerleader cause again I wasn’t one but like I’m so pissed whenever people#have the audacity to act like it’s not a serious sport and I’m mad at the same for equestrians as well.#Also generally I hate people who think cheerleaders are inherently awful and bitches like y’all shouldn’t generalize just because some#people in a group are mean or popularly portrayed as mean doesn’t mean it’s true my friends from school were sweet to literally everyone so#can it. this isn’t me like dismissing anyone who’s been bullied by anyone but don’t like assume everyone is terrible thanks bye#it’s the misogyny and we all know it :/ it affects men in the sports as well because if you’re a male cheerleader you’re treated badly and#it’s the misogyny and we all know it
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made myself emotional thinking about how smart sora actually is and how little credit he gets for it just because he struggles with stuff like math
#ITS RELATABLE OK#you can't math and everyone immidietly goes 'lol ur dumb'#'haha he counts on his fingers' yeah so do i. you gonna call me dumb too?#because i've heard it before and you're wrong. i'm unlearning that shit and i'm not dumb. i'm smart as hell actually#thirty years of thinking i was stupid i think i've earned the right to say 'nah yknow what. they were wrong. i'm not.'#the prioritizing of mathematical smarts over every other kind drives me nuts tbh#artistic intelligence? emotional intelligence? kinetic learners? there's so much more than just math#sora is SO GOOD at a lot of things!!#he's incredibly intuitive and emotionally intelligent#and he is probably a legit genius in terms of like... learning things on the fly#never gonna get over him learning lingering wills moves after fighting him (presumably) once#he learns to fly the gummiship- and probably would have done fine that first time if donald hadn't taken offence#(it also should be noted that i don't think sora's ever *wrong* in his numbers*. it just takes him a while to get there)#(* except six hearts but uh. there's probably more going on there. like memory loss. again)#stop talking to yourself flight#kingdom hearts#'he can't keep up with the plot' bitch WE as the audience can barely keep up with the plot and we have the benifit of seeing all of it#do remember that sora is running on about a third of the information we have at any given time#anyway sora isn't dumb he just has adhd and that's the hill i'm gonna die on
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crithaus · 1 year
man I am thinking about it but Zephrah is but one of the Ashari homelands, thus Keyleth is the heiress apparent of the air ashari people, the princess, and she was chosen which is cool according to the wiki even if Vilya was her mother she still had to be chosen to go on the aramente, which I wonder if she failed would her nobility pass on to the next person? Does her princesshood come from her mother or her position as tempest-incumbent? I would imagine the second one And I wonder how this stacks up legitimacy wise to the rest of Tal'dorei and Exandria proper cuz Syldor only seems super impressed by Percy even tho Syldor sucks and is a shit metric so nvm but inside her domain, her small but significant section of people, she is a la Germany during the 1700-1800s, a princess amongst the 3 other leaders of the Ashari, now it seems the Ashari governmental system is at least a little less centralized than say Tal'dorei but it still technically has Kiki as their princess now I'm making a point with this so bear with me,
And Percy, in much the same position, is, or was the second he stepped back into Whitestone, and especially showcased in TLOVM, the Big Man on Campus, the top authority, in fact he says in EP 64 to Syldor that he is of the Royal House of Whitestone, before his lil responsibility shirking ass defected to Cassandra he was the boss here, and if Whitestone is a Royal House and yet outside of Uriel's jurisdiction and his line of succession too, and Whitestone has had a Duke and a Count within it's borders as well and Percy being able to title people higher than he is, or being lower ranked than the people of those houses when they are not the main and royal House of Whitestone, is just silly and commensensically incorrect so he's higher here than duke, count, and baron, that's like principality status, one rung below Uriel's deal, a little Monaco in the Europe that is Tal'dorei. so he's a Prince, was probably the Grand Prince in the wee moments before he gave it to Cass, he's a Prince which is so cool, prince of a similarly insular people to Shepard, just like Keyleth
Keyleth is a little more involved in, to borrow from kerrick's letter, the 'gardening' of Zephrah post campaign but still she and Percy are on a very level field here which thrills the Me because it's two stressed out, very lonely and burdened babies, too young for this shit, with surprisingly good leadership skills and without either of the parents that knew how to do all this ruling stuff trying their very best to get through it all intact, Percy might took a hard left into evil demon territory for a second, but no wonder honestly that those two latched onto each other so hard, they had one other person who knew intimately the pressure the other was under, and I mean it goes even deeper truly,
They would have only began preparing Keyleth for her aramente when it became clear Vilya failed hers, years after she left, and Percy might not have been Julius or Vesper but after the massacre in the back of his mind he had to have known that when he went back he'd be in Charge for however long it took him to kill himself revenging his family, so by the time the two of them met they really were side by side with the wide gulf of Responsibility they Weren't Ready For in front of them, which makes it cuter to me that this was how Percy attempted to bond with Kiki at first prestream but like
Man, my little Royal Duo, kicking ass and taking names, Percy mighta broken the mold a little with this council but y'know I think if it were really a big deal despite Keyleth taking BH to him directly they would have had to talk to Cass and the rest of the Council first upon meeting them all so 😌 council served it's narrative purpose now my lord and lady can rule as they please, or at least Vex can which I will take to the Bank, I mean Lady De Rolo Coinmistress of Tal'dorei and her trophy husband? Absolutely (also this makes vex a princess by marriage and also it'll make Vax a PRINCE by marriage when they get him back (cuz they're gonna I choose to believe, it's what Vex deserves damnit, I refuse to be pulled from this fantasy) and he'll hate that it'll be so cute and funny)
But man this friendship, forged under the stoop of backs bowed by such responsibility set on them both far far far too young but bearing it flawlessly anyway, really is so... Percy's going to freak the fuck out when he finds out what Otohan did to her, it's gonna be so good
Their friendship man, it is so important to me. They see each other, they understand, through thick and thin and they are both broken and and a little fucked up but they still stick by each other, Keyleth rails at Percy whenever his bloodlust during the Briarwood arc gets outta control, and Percy's always there to shore Keyleth up when her charisma falls a little flat, it's a friendship built on being seen so deeply and understood in a way that only they can, even if it still isn't quite enough to mend their worse habits, even if it isn't enough to convince Percy to forgive himself then and it isn't enough for Keyleth to acknowledge that the past did happen and was horrible but the bright future is still being written. And they mirror each other sometimes, look at Percy during the Briarwood Arc vs Keyleth and Raishan, look at Keyleth seeing how poorly revenge treats Percy and yet committing to it anyway, they are so similar in so many ways. But it is enough, to be seen by each other.
also please look at this sketchingsparrow knows what I'm putting down
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bottombaron · 8 months
fics where Nandor is all, "i wish Guillermo would stop calling me 'Master' and use my name" like ahdkgj have you met this man??
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halffizzbin · 9 months
Just had an argument with an EXTREMELY overconfident woman who insisted that the 2% charge on her $4500 bill should be $9, not $90 🫤
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conjectureand-gloom · 4 months
i feel so bad for complaining about struggling with maths when i’ve struggled with it my whole life and everyone else has it so much worse :D
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xxfabulashxx · 9 months
Y'know those people in cities who give you flowers and then ask you to pay?
Yeah Spamton does that
Goes on a date with someone, gives them flowers and then asks them to pay right after and won't take them back
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whspermy-name · 7 months
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Me trnying to hold back laughter
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theprestigegirly · 8 months
not me being scared of rishi sunak scrapping a levels when i’m literally doing my a levels 😭😭
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vazaez · 2 years
Literally the same ppl/j
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rotisseries · 7 months
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Okay so, according to bodmas:
You do brackets/parentheses first, so that's = 3
Next you multiply your bracket with 2 which is = 6
And 6 ÷ 6 = 1
(sometimes calculators don't properly account for brackets or the correct bodmas, because I can see how the calculator got to 9)
I have two things to say which is that bodmas literally puts division before multiplication so you SHOULD be dividing 6 by 2 before multiplying ANYTHING. BUT ALSO
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in the bodmas/pemdas/bidmas/your mom hierarchy, division and multiplication are equals, and so if you're dealing with both, you need to read left to right, it doesn't actually matter which letter technically comes first in your acronym, because the division part of the problem still comes before the multiplication if you read left to right, so you should do the division first
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