#like azur lane etc etc etc
astrxealis · 2 years
hi good evening i recently searched alchemy stars characters to see who i’d like
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pumpkin-paipai · 3 months
Some Azur Lane Headcanons
Here are some shipgirl headcanons I have! Note that these are just my personal headcanons (some inspired by my friends) and you don't need to agree with them.
I'll start with some for Wales because I love her so much, and I have so many headcanons for her compared to other shipgirls:
I can see Wales singing/humming a lullaby to help herself sleep when she can't. She may do the same for her partner if they can't sleep, if they so wish.
Lightweight, lol
She'd find being called "Princess" as a nickname endearing and adorable, especially if it's from someone she loves.
Probably wouldn't mind being pampered by whoever she loves, given her responsibilities as one of the Royal Knights(which is probably a lot on her shoulders), and... her unfortunate history...
Bilingual, at the very least (speaking English and Welsh)
Generally somewhere on the femme side.
While she usually buys her own jewelry, the earrings she wear the most (in her default outfit) can be a gift from Hood quite early on, not long after she's been launched.
Large and expensive wardrobe (including fancy dresses, lingerie, other nice clothes, etc.), probably applies to many of the other HMS ships too.
Wales and Howe would sometimes do each other's hair, and makeup in some cases. Usually the former.
And here are some for other ships!
Howe likes to have a bake-off with Dunkerque for fun, and enjoy the results together afterwards! (And they're definitely besties)
Duke of York is probably into Greek Mythology to some extent.
Formidable will occasionally to introduce Yorkie to some of her musical interests.
King George has a few clumsy moments here and there. Though, she's still pretty graceful overall.
Hood has the biggest jewelry collection in the Royal Navy (Wales maybe being close second?)
Bismarck is already shy, but I imagine her being even more shy and awkward around other women.
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lilyginnyblackv2 · 1 year
List of Anime Produced by NitroPlus:
This information is from MAL and is only looking at TV anime.
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Steins;Gate, Psycho-Pass, Fate/Zero, Madoka, Fate/Zero 2nd Season, Psycho-Pass 2, Aldnoah.Zero, Gakkougurashi!
Suisei no Gargantia, Aldnoah.Zero Part 2, Psycho-Pass 3, Robotics;Notes, DRAMAtical Murder, Azur Lane, Buddy Daddies, Katsugeki/Touken Ranbu
Togainu no Chi, SoniAni: Super Sonico the Animation, Blassreiter, Touken Ranbu: Hanamaru, Gunslinger Stratos The Animation, Tokyo 24-ku, Revenger, Hina Logi: From Luck & Logic
Zoku Touken Ranbu: Hanamaru and Warau Arsnotoria Sun! 
I haven’t watched all of these anime myself, but for the ones that I do know, a good chunk of them tend to have some queer aspect about them. 
Steins;Gate: has Ruka/Luka, a character that is gender-conforming (I know that there tends to be heavy debate on whether or not Ruka is a trans character or an otokonoko character, which is a bit different and more like a Femboy identity). Regardless, Ruka is shown to struggle with gender identity and also has a canon crush on Okabe, the MC and a man. 
(The image below is of Ruka stating “I want to be a girl!”).
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I’m not super well versed in Steins;Gate though (I watched it when it aired, but never got super invested in the series, games, and etc), so if anyone has anymore info on this character and series (in regards to queer aspects), feel free to share.
Psycho-Pass: I have only seen Season 1 (the other seasons are on my “To-Watch” list), but there is a canon lesbian couple in the series: Shion and Yayoi.
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They are shown post-coital and everything (like, in the bed, putting underwear back on, etc.). Shion, the one in the white lab coat in the image above is also stated as being bisexual over the LGBTQIA+ Wikia. They are more minor characters, but they aren’t just background characters either.
Madoka: I watched the show when it was airing back in the day. I haven’t seen any of the movies or spinoff stuff, but I do remember there being very heavy queer subtext (specifically yuri).
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Madoka and Homura are a huge yuri pairing in the anime community for a reason, lol.
DRAMAtical Murder & Togainu no Chi: Both of these anime were adaptations of Nitro+ video games. Those games were very GAY  and very sexually graphic and kinky. It’s been a while since I watched either anime, but I do know that they had to tone down these series down a bit.
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DRAMAtical Murder (I think the above image is from the game though).
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Togainu no Chi
Interestingly, MAL has Togainu no Chi labeled as a BL, but not DRAMAtical Murder.
Anyway, both of those shows are very gay.
Finally, Revenger: this is a currently airing anime. I haven’t watched it myself (I got too caught up in Buddy Daddies, which also caused me to fall behind on watching The Fire Hunter too, my brain can only do one anime at a time, lol). But, I do check out the discussion posts on this series over on MAL and r/anime from time to time to get an idea of how they are handling characters and themes.
And apparently one episode contains a gay brothel. Okay. I was also aware of the character: Nio.
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I checked out the official site before it aired, and I wanted to wait and see/hear how they handled Nio’s character. The official website describes Nio as 両性具, which is a word that is generally translated into English as hermaphrodite or androgenous, but not as intersex. Japanese also seems to deferentiate these words: 両性具有 vs. インターセックス (intaasekkusu). So, I’ve been a little uncertain of how this particular representation would play out, but regardless if it is well handled or not, the fact of the matter is that Nio’s character exists outside of the gender binary as well and is a queer character in this way.
Basically, what I’m getting at here, is that NitroPlus is an anime producer that has series which explore queer themes and has queer characters in them. Not everything they produce has queer elements to them. From what I remember of Suisei no Gargantia, for example, was pretty heternormative and straight, and one of the script writers for Buddy Daddies, Vio Shimokura, wrote for one other series: Tokyo 24-ku, which seems to lean more into “close childhood friends” category of writing with its male characters. But, I haven’t actually watched the show, so I can’t really say (this is just going off of the synopsis).
The other Buddy Daddies script writer, Yuuko Kakihara, has worked on a bunch of different series, but nothing that really stands out as being specifically queer in the sense of having same-sex relationships and whatnot. But, the company of NitroPlus itself hasn’t shied away from queer characters or themes before, either. 
NitroPlus is producing Buddy Daddies along with PA Works, so I think it is important to think about what other series and kinds of content the production companies have made before too. It can add better context and layers when figuring out how to read the themes being presented in a series. 
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medakakurokami · 3 months
I don't get why people stuck with gacha games in general like I'm not trying to maliciously throw shade here but mobage always truly seemed to me to embody actually self-destructive game design making all their ideas worse by nature.
Like I may have always felt the odd man out that I never got hooked on them, but now I feel the odd man out that it's strange I think they're actively *bad* games compared to their full priced alternatives.
Maybe people are just settled in with their stories and characters in mobage they like and have long since stopped caring or maybe even acquired a taste for the infinite grind and generally heavily automated gameplay
Is it not the same problem as live service games? Like why do we give paid $60 live service singleplayer games shit, if that model can make genuinely good experiences then why is it an issue?
Like I know I come across as a contrarian sometimes but I just like what I like and I try to like all sorts of games even if I think I won't like them. I think the closest I've come to enjoying a mobage is Priconne and that was, like everyone else playing, just for the art and characters and storylines. I didn't play much more than a month though because the gameplay loop was a soul sucking tedium, and now it's been discontinued so even if I wanted to power through to go see more character stories, I can't!
Which is another huge problem with mobage! I can think of at least 3 mobage I got temporarily invested in and are now defunct. Maybe I'm wrong but I don't think there's any way to play those? Talk about delisted, there's no way to pirate or emulate those games. Even in paid titles that can happen with multiplayer titles, MMO's, and the very rare single player game, but that's almost a certainty with every mobage. We've seen some developers move their mobage off platform like Rockman X Dive and Grisaia Chronos Trigger. We also see them making full price console games like Little Noah and Azur Lane. I honestly sincerely hope this becomes the norm so that more people can experience the art that actually goes into the mobage but without the inherently anti-player designs put in place.
I know a lot of people still complain about mobage so maybe I'm beating a dead horse or preaching to the choir. But it just felt like recently we have just lost all pushback. This might be coming from a place of privelege cause I got the cash to buy paid releases consistently as I see ones that interest me. But I feel like if I went broke and had to choose between mobage and just emulating GBA games on my phone, I'd still be on the latter 100%
I guess my question to mobage fans is like. Do you just not care about the infinite grind, FOMO, inevitable closing of the game, limited game mechanics, gacha and paywalled content, etc etc etc
Or do you see it as an inevitability of mobage and a capitalistic genie that could never be put back into the bottle, and you enjoy the mobage for what good they do have despite these issues being unresolvable
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azuradipose · 9 months
Welcome to Azur Lane.
A multi-national ship base, run by the decorated Admiral Mariko Suzuki, for the purposes of taking on the Sirens and rostering cross-national relations.
Of course, Admiral Suzuki may spoil all her girls a bit, but she makes sure that they're combat-ready, and that they stay dedicated and devoted to their goals.
If you have any questions, concerns, or criticisms, please report them to the Admiral's secretary, IJN Kaga, after she finishes her daily weightlifting.
Thank you.
So what's this blog?
Azur Lane. Shipgirls hot, most of them have huge milkers. Sheffield is flat as hell (and in denial), and Pamiat is a shorstack. I'm (Gabby) roleplaying as them. Because they're hot.
Are they all fat?
No. Kaga is muscular and Kursk is normal-weight. Though, as ever, things change.
How do you do interactions?
Asks, starters...anything goes, so long as you use good grammar. I'm very approachable most days.
PLEASE just be nice. I'm here to have fun, so are you, let's not be immature.
Respect my portrayal of the girls. It might not be perfect, and I'm always open to constructive criticism, but please don't needle at nitpicks unless you REALLY think it's going to affect the character greatly.
Don't suggest new muses for me; I have a lot of muses on my other blogs, and this list is relatively small. Let's keep it that way.
Enjoy yourselves! This is something I want everyone to enjoy, so if you want to do some Azur Lane stuff, don't hesitate to hit me up!
Thank you!~
Best, Gabby.
This will also be used as a promo post, I suppose, so like, retweet, follow, etc, if you want to do stuff together!~
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cursedalthoughts · 16 days
Priority Research 7 Predictions - Eagle Union
I remember a few years ago, when I tried to do predictions for PR3 back on Twitter, I realized the Eagle Union didn't have many choices. Kearsarge wasn't a thing back then, so Seattle, Georgia and Anchorage were pretty much the only real options they had at all.
That has changed a fair bit now, with PR7 right around the corner.
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USS Minnesota
Minnesota is not a good battleship.
When talking about big battleships I sometimes mention how they're "big, slow, and slumbering." In most cases, that's an exaggeration on my part. That's not the case with Minnesota.
With a top speed of 23 knots, Minnesota is one of the slowest ships of her tier, if not the slowest. That's not the only slow thing about her, as her main guns - twelve 406mm guns - have a reload of 40 seconds. You can genuinely go AFK and do things in real life while the guns reload.
Her guns, however, are a bit more accurate than average; although that is the only saving grace she has.
If she gets added to Azur Lane as a PR, she'd be of PR rarity.
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USS Vermont
Vermont is a T10 copycat of Minnesota. You might think "wow, she's also terrible, right?"
Yes. She's even worse. Same top speed of 23 knots, same 40s reload on her main guns, etc, same weak side armor, same glacial turret traverse of 45s, everything is the same, just bigger.
The only difference is that her main guns are 457mm. "Does that actually matter?"
Oh boy.
Those 457mm main guns are the only thing that moves Vermont from a pretty terrible battleship, to an excellent battleship. Her main offensive tool is patience. Vermont is a persistence hunter. A good Vermont player will choose a good flank to reside in and stalk the enemy. If you're on one end of the map and the enemy Vermont gets lit up by firing her main guns on the other side of the map; only island cover will save you. 15.7k damage per AP shell, 12 AP shells, incredible accuracy; a well placed shot will detonate any enemy with a citadel.
I do not have a Vermont myself, but I have seen the trail of destruction she can leave behind. Full health battleships 25km away exploding without warning, perfectly angled cruisers taking 50k or more damage in one hit, Vermont is one of the scariest battleships to face against if the right conditions are met.
Vermont would make for an excellent DR battleship, a diametric opposite to Kearsarge.
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USS Austin
A super-Atlanta, Austin has a potential sistership in the shape of Jinan - more about her here.
Austin is an excellent spammer. Being able to fire HE and SAP, there's very few targets she can't run down. However, her base reload is 7.5s, which is rather atrocious for a main gun spammer.
The saving grace of Austin is that she has access to a unique reload boost. Once activated, her reload drops down to less than 2s for a period of time; the uniqueness of this boost coming from the fact that it is unlimited. Once the reload boost has finished, it enters its cooldown, after which it can be used again without any maximum number of uses.
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Austin is also really small - here's a size comparison with other T10 light cruisers made by Ch0m1n.
Austin is a fascinating little ship. Oh, also, she's surprisingly tanky despite being a light cruiser. Definitely DR material.
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USS Puerto Rico
Puerto Rico is simply a bigger Alaska-class. When designing the first large cruisers of the USN, one of the preliminary designs was CA2-D:
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CA2-D had a total of 12 305mm main guns in triple turrets, as well as an overall larger displacement. Puerto Rico could be an interesting half-sister of the Alaska-class, of equal DR rarity.
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USS Congress
Congress, much like Puerto Rico, is a discarded Alaska-class design. In particular, she seems to be a variation of the 12-Inch Gun Cruiser Study, CA2F:
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(excuse the different formatting, i've been fighting with tumblr for 40 fucking minutes and i can't seem to replicate what i did above)
Congress, much like Puerto Rico, would be a PR variation of Alaska.
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USS Illinois
Illinois is one of the most interesting battleships in the game. She's an Iowa hull, meaning that she shares a lot of similarities with the other 4 Iowa hulls in the game (Iowa, Missouri, Delaware and Wisconsin - Georgia and Rhode Island are a bit different). The thing that makes her unique is that she doesn't have battleship calliber guns. No, she also doesn't have 305mm guns either.
Illinois has 203mm guns. To be specific, she has 3 quadruple 203mm gun turrets that use the same guns and ammo as Des Moines.
Even if Des Moines has considerably better damage per minute and utility (Des Moines has radar and hydroacoustic search, Illinous has neither); Illinois is a battleship hull. She's the tankiest standard heavy cruiser in the game.
I can see her being a PR in Azur Lane, her gimmick being something like being the only battleship in the game that can be placed on the vanguard fleet. Also, she would only be able to equip heavy cruiser main guns. I can see Drake's or Hindenburg's guns being amazing on her already.
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USS Rhode Island
Rhode Island is a jack of all trades, master of none.
A small rundown of all the gimmicks Wargaming cramped into this ship:
Quadruple 365mm guns also found on the T7 battleship Florida, which is herself a downgraded version of North Carolina. These guns have amazing HE performance but underwhelming AP damage, due to the fact that she is Tier 10.
Radar. She has radar. That means she joins the already rare club of battleships with radar. To the best of my knowledge there are only 4: Missouri, Constellation, Borodino and lastly Rhode Island.
She has the same secondary gun performance that Georgia enjoys.
She has a speed boost. Just like Georgia.
Honestly, the only two real downsides of Rhode Island are her atrocious armor and her subpar AP performance. However, she has 22 seconds of reload, and her AP can stil wreack cruisers with ease up to certain distances.
If added to AL, she would be a DR due to the sheer amount of gimmicks she has.
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USS Ohio
If Vermont's horrendous 40s reload and 23kts speeds personally offend you, Ohio is an alternative worthy of consideration.
Ohio is based on the Montana hull. There is sufficient evidence to believe Montana could be a gacha UR in Azur Lane, however, Ohio is mostly made up by Wargaming.
When designing the Iowa-class, the USN briefly considered equipping them with six 457mm guns instead of nine 406mm guns. That consideration gave birth to Georgia in World of Warships, who has a slightly different hull design than the Iowa-class. Ohio takes Montana's guns and replaces them with Georgia's, giving her eight 457mm guns with Super-Heavy AP shells.
On top of that, Ohio enjoys a much improved secondary gun performance, better than Georgia's and Rhode Island's in many regards; and a full secondary gun build does not sacrifice much of her impresive main gun accuracy.
On top of that, Ohio has the same sort of heal party that Massachussetts has - it lasts for longer than average and has a shorter cooldown, meaning you can repair the ship more often for more health points.
I am tempted to say Ohio is a DR shipgirl, but considering Georgia is PR and New Jersey is UR; I think Ohio could end up being another PR shipgirl, while Montana becomes an UR. However, Montana is extremely far away, while Ohio could come at any moment.
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drakelascivachasity · 5 months
RPStarter Call: Pygmalion Cloning Experiment
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Like this for a random clone subject from Project Pygmalion. Reply with a suggestion and I’ll see if I can do something.
Rozabella and Lizzy would consider your interactions with these clones as renting. The name assigned will be given the title Galatea and a number.
•Azur Lane, Genshin, and Fate are mainstays clones.
•The Galatea clone will have no memory and little personality and would need development.
•Some rules/addends will be lifted to make interactions possible. Still, no loli/shota, netorare, filth, bad ends, etc.))
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snowboyclarkov · 1 year
My Ideal Verse
This is a picture including every single series - whether that be movie, anime, game, YouTube series, DeviantArt artist or other - into my ideal crossover universe. At this point I would make these additions:
Inazuma Eleven GO
Made In Abyss
Katawa Shoujo
Azur Lane
My Hero Academia
Kiss Him, Not Me!
Chainsaw Man
Komi Can't Communicate
Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid
Heaven's Lost Property
Saitama Chainsaw Girl
That one series with Blindy and Blondy by Popopoka (logo not available)
As of 18th June 2023, these additions were made:
The Lego Movie
Fireman Sam
Bottom Gear
As of 12th July 2023, these additions were made:
Library of Ruina
Street Fighter
S.C.P. Foundation
Pumpkin Night
As of 29th August 2023, these additions were made:
Puella Magi Madoka Magica
Henkei Shoujo
As of 31st October 2023, these additions were made:
Ohsama Sentai King-Ohger
Avataro Sentai DonBrothers
Ressha Sentai ToQger
Uchu Sentai Kyumager
Mashin Sentai Kiramager
As of 26th November 2023, these additions were made:
Doctor Who
All of my OCs would also feature in this verse. So would Shem-Ha from Symphogear, Dooku from Star Wars, Castoria from Darling Duality, Chantel DuBois from Madagascar and that series where someone teaches English to rural primary-school-level Japanese kids. Limbus Company would not be in the verse. DonBrothers and King-Ohger are the only two Super Sentai sub-verses in my ideal verse.
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There would also be the series where these pieces come from.
I call this one above and posts directly related to it the St. Marley's Asylum series.
My Own Universe by Clarkov on DeviantArt - The original post that the template at the top of the pictures was made for.
My main OC-verse is one where all of these series exist in the same universe. Even Monster Girl Encyclopedia. Slavaria Cossack is a friend/weird harem group and is utterly shameless about it, with the same sort of chemistry that Clarkson/Hammond/May have. The 9-13 became members at various points after Sahaidachny's 'you're allowed to be you' arc. All of them are 15 in present day. 9-13 are based on existing characters in the same sense in which JJBA Stands are based on existing songs.
Slavaria Cossack (birth place) - current MGE mamono species (original)*:
Clarkov Sahaidachny (Vynohradiv) - Soldier Beetle (human)
Natalya Horbach (Kharkiv) - Shirohebi (human)
Yevhen Slobodyan (Berezne) - Wonderworm (human)
Stanislava Artemenko (Lebedyn) - Myconid (human)
Valentyna Morozova (Mykolaiv) - Tritonia (human)
Myroslav Kozak (Yevpatoriya) - Black Harpy (human)
Reichiru Inazuma (Fukuoka) - Oomukade (human)
Lyubomyr Dobrovolskyj (Pereiaslav) - Akaname (human)
Esmeralda Petersburg (Moscow) - Dhampir
Tess Dileva (Hoddesdon) - Sahuagin (human)
Kirumi Silkenstar (Ashikaga) - Mantis (human)
Karaina Caulton (Harlow) - Lich (human)
Suki Ryushima (Fukuoka) - Yuki-Onna
*Can alternate between mamono and human forms just like in Rosario + Vampire.
Note: 5 of my OCs in chronological order of meeting C.J.S. after his 'being able to be himself' revelation over the course of a few months - the stoic bodyguard-in-training Esmeralda Petersburg, the disciplinarian Tess Dileva, the poetic Kirumi Silkenstar, the spunky wannabe witch Karaina Caulton & the highly introverted loner Suki Ryushima - are derived from and inspired by existing OCs found on (y/n) x yandere quizzes on Quotev that I took a liking to thanks to the story/characters/detail/etc., like how much of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure is inspired by Western songs. This includes their personalities. I took 5 such quizzes honestly answering the questions posed based on my personality and that of Clarkov J. Sahaidachny, my first and main OC, which are very similar in most ways but very different in some areas. These 5 were the results. As for the dere sides, they start out full on and become more mentally sound as time goes on. That part is inspired by the development of Mizore Shirayuki in Rosario + Vampire. It's how I have to do almost everything in life. Start out with a base, then slowly build it into my own thing. It's a bit annoying, but I make do with what I have. I'll leave a link to the quizzes below.
The quizzes:
https://www.quotev.com/quiz/9340557/Bloodstained-Roses-Girl-Yanderes-X-Male-Reader-Part-0 | https://www.quotev.com/quiz/9459484/Bloodstained-Roses-Girl-Yanderes-x-Male-Reader-Part-1 | https://www.quotev.com/quiz/9916834/Bloodstained-Roses-Female-Yanderes-x-Male-Reader-Part-2 | https://www.quotev.com/quiz/9941208/Bloodstained-Roses-Female-Yanderes-x-Male-Reader-Part-3 | https://www.quotev.com/quiz/9982278/Bloodstained-Roses-Female-Yanderes-x-Male-Reader-Part-4 | https://www.quotev.com/quiz/10307250/Bloodstained-Roses-Tess-x-Male-Reader-Part-5 | https://www.quotev.com/quiz/11771247/Bloodstained-Roses-Tess-x-Male-Reader-Part-6
https://www.quotev.com/quiz/11634020/Tendrils-Of-Enchantment-Supernatural-Girl-Yanderes-x-Reader-Part-1 | https://www.quotev.com/quiz/11809703/Tendrils-Of-Enchantment-Supernatural-Girl-Yanderes-x-Reader-Part-2 | https://www.quotev.com/quiz/11897977/Tendrils-Of-Enchantment-Supernatural-Girl-Yanderes-x-Reader-Part-3-FINAL
https://www.quotev.com/quiz/12939352/Which-Yandere-Is-For-You-Part-1 | https://www.quotev.com/quiz/12940932/Which-Yandere-Is-For-You-Part-2
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azurlaneicons · 2 years
Welcome Commanders!
This is a sideblog that will post cropped Azur Lane official art that can be used as icons for your own personal use!
No credit is necessary!
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Submission info below
Submission rules:
you can request any shipgirl in my askbox
you may request specifics (dimensions, icon shape, filter, etc)
submissions make take a while to do as i am busy sometimes, but i will get around to it!
i made this blog for azur lane enjoyers like myself so i hope you like it!
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kanjioftheday05 · 2 years
Twitter / ツイッター:@reiukina URL: https://twitter.com/reiukina 掲載許可済み(Posted with permission)
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今回はコスプレイヤーの月島レイさんを紹介したいと思います。レイさんは主に関東でコスプレの活動しています。原神、アズールレーン、着せ恋、ウマ娘、リゼロ、キズナアイ、プロセカ、ラブライブ、バンドリ、創作等々、たくさんのコスプレができます。毎月数回スタジオやコスプレイベントで撮影のために登場します。参加したことあるイベントはacosta!、コミケ、ラグコス、 日本ダーツ祭り、痛車天国、ニコニコ超会議等々です。コスプレ写真は自分で加工して、ツイッターで投稿してます。 他の趣味は絵を描くこと、ダーツ、ゲーム、サバゲー、アニメ等々です。コスプレイヤーだけじゃなくて、モデル、カメラマン、メイド、ライバーの活動もしてます。 2022年9月12日(日本時間)から、コスプレイヤー・オブ・ザ・イヤー2023のコンテストに参加するつもりです。トップコスプレイヤーに目指してます。詳細はこちらです:https://coty.tokyo/ よかったら、月島レイさんのツイッターをフォローして、写真のツイートでいいね、リツイートしてください。レイさんの応援のために助かります。 そして、このブログもリブログしていだだければありがたいです。よろしくお願いします。 Today I would like to introduce the cosplayer Rei Tsukishima. She mainly cosplays in the Kanto region and can do Genshin, Azur Lane, My Dress-Up Darling, Uma Musume, Re:Zero, Kizuna AI, Project SEKAI, Love Live!, BanG Dream!, original characters, among many others.  Every month she appears at studios or cosplay events a few times for photo shoots. Events she has participated in include acosta!, Comic Market, Laguna Cosplay Festival, Nippon Darts Festival, Itasha Heaven, Niconico Chokaigi, etc. She edits her cosplay photos herself and posts them on Twitter.
Rei-san's other hobbies include drawing, playing darts, video games, airsoft, watching cartoons, etc. Other than cosplaying, she is also a model, photographer, maid, and an online streamer.
Starting from September 12, 2022 (Japan time), Rei-san plans to participate in the Cosplayer of the Year 2023 competition and is aiming to be a top cosplayer. All details are here: https://coty.tokyo/
If you would like to, please help out by following Rei Tsukishima's twitter, then liking and retweeting her photos. It would be much appreciated.
Reblogging this would be helpful too :)
追記: レイさんのコスプレイ番組も見てください! PS: Also check out Rei-san's cosplay talk shows!
【コスプレ】コスプレ大好き月島レイだお〜 !【秋葉原】https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=muL9hwKdEZ4
【コスプレ】コスプレ大好き月島レイだお〜 !2回目【秋葉原】https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=stbkENF9JU4
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alexlesuagz · 2 years
Intro Post bc Why the Hell Not
Hi! My name is Cody, but you can call me by my online handle name Alex! I am a panromantic asexual genderfluid person and my pronouns are in my bio!
On this blog, I’ll be posting stuff related to the fandoms I’m in and my OCs (also, maybe some vent art if I’m miserable enough). Here are the fandoms I’m a part of:
Criminal Case (that Facebook game with the really small fandom)
South Park
Resident Evil
Cookie Run
Genshin Impact
Azur Lane
Ace Attorney
Boku no Hero Academia
Bendy and the Ink Machine
Bendy and the Dark Revival
Five Nights at Freddy’s
Doki Doki Literature Club
Ride the Cyclone
Bojack Horseman
Stranger Things
Spirit Hunter: Death Mark
Spirit Hunter: NG
Fear and Hunger
Mortal Kombat
That’s Not My Neighbor
Here are some other things about me:
I’m Chinese, but I can’t speak the language very well.
As my bio says, I support OC x Canon, and I also have a couple OC x Canon ships of my own.
I use dark humor as a coping mechanism, however I don’t condone the usage of slurs you can’t reclaim, and I don’t condone just downright insulting people and calling it “comedy”.
I like drawing and writing.
I like pieces of media with a coherent plot and lore.
I’m a big fan of rarepairs and crackships!
And now here is my DNI list:
Homophobes, Transphobes, Racists, Ableists, etc. (No surprise there)
Proshippers/Comshippers (You just make me uncomfy, sorry)
Toxic Dream SMP Antis (I’m aware that members of the DSMP have said distasteful things, and I don’t condone that, but harassing fans of the DSMP is NOT THE ANSWER)
Pro-Harassment/Death Threats (Again, no surprise)
Conservatives (Do I even have to explain?)
Incels/Trolls (You get what I mean)
OC x Canon/Rarepair Antis (*laughs in OC x Canon and rarepair shipper*)
NFT bros (Go touch grass fr)
WLW and MLM fetishizers (Stay far away from me)
Gacha heat mofos (As a person who does Gacha, we do not claim you)
NSFW blogs (I AM A MINOR.)
P0rn bots (No. Just no.)
AI “artists”/Art thieves (Take your art stealin’ asses and go STRAIGHT INTO THE SUN-)
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Sunny's Random My Hero Academia Fic Ideas
Sunny's Random My Hero Academia Fic Ideas by Sunny2Ashes
Basically what it says in the title. I'm just throwing random ideas that I have laying around because hoo boy do I have a lot of them. Tell me what you like, what you don't, etc. Not much to see here otherwise. I might make a fic if the idea seems good enough.
Words: 950, Chapters: 7/?, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Characters: Midoriya Izuku, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Bendy (Bendy and the Ink Machine), Alice Angel (Bendy and the Ink Machine), Neon White (Neon White), Neon Red (Neon White), Neon Yellow (Neon White), Reze (Chainsaw Man), Melissa Shield, Helena (Azur Lane), Brooklyn (Azur Lane), Maria (Bloodborne), Alice Liddell (American McGee's Alice), Toga Himiko
Additional Tags: Female Midoriya Izuku, Trans Female Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Izuku Has a Quirk, I'm just throwing stuff against the wall and seeing what sticks here, Most of this stuff is genderbend/trans because why not, Vigilante Midoriya Izuku, Villain Midoriya Izuku, Villain Midoriya Hisashi, Forced Villain Midoriya Izuku
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/43334976
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and 42 for the weird asks, if yer still doing them
42. an app you frequently use besides this godforsaken site?
Hm... Apps... Mobile phone apps... Apps that work on mobile phones... Hm... I have... Like... Loyalty programs of various chain stores (Lidl, Carrefour etc.) that I use when doing groceries? Because of the discounts? I guess?
Oh and Firefox for browsing the internet.
And Cool Reader to read books, when I don't have an actual book made of dead trees with me.
Oh and the mobile version of Library Thing! Because you can use the phone camera to scan the barcodes of actual books, instead of typing the ISBN numbers in the site's search engine! I still prefer to organise them later on my computer.
But honestly I don't use that many apps.
Unless you also count mobile games, then I also have Azur Lane installed. Mostly because of foxes.
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cursedalthoughts · 1 year
Here goes nothing I guess.
Do not treat any of the following choics as guaranteed. I would not bet money on any of these specific ones getting added as part of PR6 this year, it's just the ships I see as Very LikelyTM.
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HMS Duncan
No, I don't think she's likely to be added to PR6 simply because I have an OC based on her, but it would be very cool.
Duncan is a battlecruiser. She's not terribly fast, but has access to an engine boost. She has 9 419mm guns in 3 triple turrets, as well as 2 front-facing torpedo tubes mounted on her hull.
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HMS Minotaur
Because it would be funny.
She's a light, and I mean light cruiser - staring at her with bad intentions can already sink her. However, she has access to hydroacoustic search and a smokescreen (or radar if you have the required balls), and is an AP spammer. Her 5 dual 152mm turrets reload every 4,7 seconds.
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HMS Malta
The chances of getting Malta are slim, now that we have Implacable (who, by all means, should be weaker); but I just love her. She's the scourge of any light cruiser or ship with a relatively weaker deck armor, as her AP carpet bombers are ludicrous. Her torpedoes are imho meh, but can still do a lot of damage and are likely to flood. And her attack aircraft are good, I just suck at using them - but that's on me.
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HMS Marlborough
The pipe dream.
I wish Manjuu did to Marlborough what they did to Friedrich der Grosse. FdG is a mediocre-to-bad ship in WoWs (secondary guns are fun, yes, but bad. And Pommern is all around better), but in Azur Lane she's still one of the strongest battleships, if not outright the strongest (idk, don't crucify me for this).
Marlborough sucks in WoWs. She has terrible armor and puny tiny little 356mm guns. She can face against monsters like the Yamato (460mm), the Georgia/Ohio (457mm), Sovetsky Soyuz/Iowa (406mm), etc. Even Pommern, a battleship with weak caliber for her tier, has 380mm. However, she has standard British HE battleship shells, and can fire 16 of them at once, so she can burn things. And that's it.
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HMS Hampshire
She's certainly one of the cruisers of all time.
From what I've heard, Hampshire isn't very remarkable in WoWs. She's a weird heavy cruiser, with a turret layout that feels illegal who can only shoot AP.
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alwaysfirst · 2 years
A vacation with your buddy or gang of friends
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Try one of these carefully chosen locations for a fantastic holiday with friends, from enjoying delectable cuisine in Kozhikode to shopping in Lucknow. Booking.com, has compiled a list of locations ideal for every kind of buddy in recognition of this. Kozhikode, Kerala - With your foodie friend Life is truly fragmented without that one friend who is passionate about food. There is never a dull moment with a foodie pal who always talks about food, its preparation, the best places to dine, and who loves trying new cuisine. The culinary delights of lesser known Kozhikode, has been endorsed by travellers on the platform for food. Kozhikode's culinary lanes are every foodie's paradise. Also known as Calicut, the place is well-known for its exquisite settings, alluring beaches, picturesque landscape, animal sanctuaries, renowned museums, waterfalls, rivers, and hills. The perfect time to visit is between the months of October and March. Apart from Kozhikode, Kolhapur and Lucknow are also well-known destinations endorsed by Indian travellers for their cuisine and flavours. Cherrapunji, Meghalaya - With your friend that loves nature If you want to experience a vacation that offers the chance to immerse yourself in nature, Cherrapunji is perfect for you. The beautiful city , also known as the "Jewel Crest of Meghalaya," is located in the East Khasi Hills and is home to some of the world's most beautiful waterfalls, living bridges, and other natural wonders. You can visit Cherrapunji, one of the wettest places on earth, and explore Seven Sisters Falls or the Nohkalikai Falls, go trekking along David Scott's trail, or just laze around tasting the delicious Khasi cuisine. If you want to explore other destinations than Cherrapunji, Igatpuri, a charming hill station has also been endorsed by Indian travellers for nature lovers on Booking.com. Leh Ladakh - With your friend that is adventurous A brave companion is like a warrior, fearless and eager to learn about the world. In Leh Ladakh partake in activities like river rafting, trekking, mountain climbing, mountain biking, etc. Ladakh is well-known for its Tibetan culture, cuisine, and festivals in addition to its stunning natural vistas. One may discover several lakes, breathtaking scenery, high mountain passes, quaint villages, beautiful valleys, and meditative monasteries. The most ideal times to visit Ladakh and Leh's breathtaking terrain are often between mid-September to mid-October. Shillong, Meghalaya - With your friend who is social media savvy This Scotland of the East attracts tourists with its cascading waterfalls, azure lakes, breath-taking greenery, swaying pine trees, Roots Bridge, and old structures. Shillong, which means "abode of clouds," has a lot to offer, from the best choir and rock band in the world to a wide variety of oranges, strawberries, tamarillos or tree tomatoes, and squash vegetables. While you may have a good time here in the summer and winter, the spring season provides the best climatic conditions for exploring Shillong. Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh -With your friend who is a shopaholic Take your compulsive shopper pal to the City of Nawabs on this day of friendship. Old British and Mughal buildings, charming gardens, street bazaars, museums, temples, and, of course, restaurants offering delectable kebabs can be found all across Lucknow. The combined range of apparel, footwear, home decor accents, original lampshades, and other goods available here is to die for. The city is well known for its beautiful jewellery, ittar (perfume), and traditional chikan embroidered art, which draws tourists from all over the world. Any time of year is a beautiful time to travel there, however if you don't want to burn while shopping, go in the winter. Along with Indore and Guwahati, the city is recommended for shopaholics by Indian travellers on Booking.com. Read the full article
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zumidraws · 3 years
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Always liked the face from Nyotengu in Dead or Alive. Since she also recently joined Azur Lane I really wanted to draw her^^
High-res version, nsfw versions, video process, etc. on Patreon->https://www.patreon.com/zumi
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