#like a 65 pound puppy
Large doggo not aware of her size or how sharp her claws are
Paw to the face
Clawed my nose
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darkwood-sleddog · 2 years
guys when i said i hoped the lab puppy would be terrible it isn't because i think labs have the capacity to be even remotely on the same level of unbridled chaos and unsoft mouth as malamute puppies (because they don't). it's for my own sanity.
9 week old labrador puppies are like. classic puppy. smells like puppy acts like puppy. Puppy fever is a SICKNESS i do not need right now. Yet i am running full speed into puppy sitting anyways. pray for me.
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gar-a-ash · 2 years
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Morning walkies
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cerealbath · 1 year
my dog never wakes me up, she would happily sleep until noon if i let her, but i always wake up around 5am-7am. i am sick and took nyquil last night and slept until 8:30, and this apparently freaked her out enough to jump on my chest to see if i was alive 🥴
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kellieblog · 10 months
All About Australian Shepherds & 7 Facts
 Getting started
Australian Shepherds, also called "Aussies," are a popular breed of dog known for being smart, flexible, and full of energy.
People like them because they are good workers, and they also make great pets for active people and families.
People like the way Australian Shepherds look, how loyal they are, and how easy they are to train.
They are such a popular breed because:
There are a number of reasons why Australian Shepherds are becoming more popular:
Intelligence: Australian Shepherds are very smart, which makes them easy to train. They want to learn and do well at many different things, like obedience, agility, and herding.
Versatility: Australian Shepherds are adaptable dogs that can fit into many different types of lifestyles and activities. They are often used for dog sports, search-and-rescue missions, therapy, and as service dogs. They are a good choice for people who want a dog that is good at a lot of things.
Australian Shepherds are full of energy and need to be active and have their minds challenged every day. They do well in activities that test both their physical and mental skills. Because of this, they are a good choice for people who are active or for families.
Loyal and protective: Australian Shepherds are known for being loyal to their families and watching out for them. They get close to their owners and usually want to do what their owners want.
The past
Where the breed came from:
Even though they are called "Australian Shepherds," they are not from Australia.
No one is sure where they came from, but it is thought that they were made in the United States in the 19th century.
Most of them were raised to help ranchers and farmers take care of their animals by herding them.
What makes Australian Shepherds different from other breeds:
Because their names are so similar, Australian Shepherds are often confused with other types of Shepherds.
But it's important to remember that German Shepherds and Belgian Malinois are not the same as Australian Shepherds.
Even though all of these breeds were originally used to herd, they look, act, and work in very different ways.
Things that make up
Outward appearance:
Australian Shepherds are athletic, well-balanced dogs that are about the size of a labrador retriever.
They have a double coat, with an outer coat that can be black, red, blue merle, or red merle, among other colors and patterns. The inner coat is short or medium-length.
Their eyes are often a striking color, like blue or amber, and their medium-sized ears are set high on their heads.
Traits of character:
People say that Australian Shepherds are smart, quick, and full of energy.
They learn quickly and are good at tasks that require them to think and solve problems.
They are also very active and try to live in places where they can get plenty of physical exercise and do things to keep their minds busy.
People know that they love their families and are good with kids. But they can be shy around strangers and may have instincts to protect.
It's important to introduce young dogs to other people and animals so that they grow up to be well-rounded and confident.
Some people say that Australian Shepherds are medium-sized dogs.
At the shoulder, men are between 18 and 23 inches (45 and 58 cm) tall.
Between 45 and 53 cm (between 18 and 21 inches) tall.
How much:
On average, men weigh between 23 and 29 kg (50 to 65 lb).
Between 40 and 55 pounds (18 to 25 kg), women weigh.
How big and strong an Australian Shepherd is can affect how much it weighs.
How long:
On average, between 12 and 15 years.
Some people may live even longer if they get the right care, eat well, and go to the vet often.
Training and getting to know people
Early training and socialization are very important:
Australian Shepherd puppies need to be trained and socialized so that they can grow up to be well-behaved, balanced dogs.
When the dog is young, training should start with basic obedience commands and how to act on a leash and around other people.
As they grow up, they should meet a lot of different people, animals, places, and things as part of learning how to get along with others. This will help them be sure of themselves and open to change.
Methods of training that are suggested:
The best ways to train an Australian Shepherd are ones that use positive reinforcement.
With these methods, good behavior is rewarded with treats, praise, and play, and harsh punishments or physical force are not used.
They can learn and remember commands if their training is consistent, patient, and well-planned.
Behavior problems that happen often and how to deal with them:
Some common behavior issues that Australian Shepherds may have are:
Separation anxiety: Because Australian Shepherds are very close to their owners, they can find it hard to be alone. Helping a child get used to being alone slowly, giving them mental stimulation and interactive toys, and making the environment calm can all help with separation anxiety.
When Australian Shepherds are bored, scared, or trying to get attention, they may bark too much. Dogs that bark too much can be helped by finding out why they do it, giving them mental and physical stimulation, and teaching them the "quiet" command.
Australian Shepherds have strong instincts to herd, which can show up as behaviors like biting or chasing. You can help them get rid of their energy in a good way by letting them do things like obedience training, agility, or herding trials.
Taking care of things
Symptoms and signs of common diseases:
Just like other dog breeds, Australian Shepherds can have health issues.
This breed is prone to hip dysplasia, elbow dysplasia, progressive retinal atrophy (PRA), cataracts, epilepsy, and some types of cancer.
By going to the vet regularly and getting the right health checks, any health problems can be found and treated early on.
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Needs for food:
Australian Shepherds need a well-balanced diet that gives them all the nutrients they need to keep up with their busy lives.
Dogs should eat high-quality food that is best made for medium-sized breeds and their specific life stage (puppy, adult, or senior).
A trip to the vet can help figure out what a dog should eat based on its age, how active it is, and whether or not it has any special dietary needs.
How to do the exercise:
Australian Shepherds are very active dogs that need to go for walks often to keep their bodies and minds active.
They like to go for long walks, jog, hike, practice agility, and play with other dogs.
Aim for at least 60 to 90 minutes of exercise per day, but change the intensity and length based on the dog's age, health, and fitness level.
Personal care and hygiene:
A dog's coat needs to be brushed often to keep it from getting tangled and to get rid of any loose hair.
They shed a little bit all year long, and they shed more at certain times of the year. Animals that are shedding may need to be brushed more often.
Also, they should trim their nails, take care of their teeth, and clean their ears as part of their grooming routine.
Breeding and having children:
It is important to use responsible breeding methods to keep the breed healthy and happy.
Ethical breeders put the health and personality of their breeding stock first. They test for genetic diseases and follow the breed standards set by kennel clubs.
People who want to buy an Australian Shepherd puppy should look for breeders with a good name who put the health and happiness of their dogs first.
Where to shop or get a pet:
Consider these ways to find an Australian Shepherd:
Look for breeders who have a good reputation, breed their dogs in a responsible way, and put the dogs' health and happiness first. It's important to go to the breeder's place, meet the parents, and ask about health tests and how the puppies are socialized.
Rescue Groups: If you want to get an Australian Shepherd, you might want to adopt one from a rescue group or shelter. Through these groups, Australian Shepherds of all ages often look for good homes. Adopting a dog that needs a second chance is a great way to do that.
Look for rescue groups that focus on Australian Shepherds. These groups work to save Australian Shepherds who are in trouble, help them get better, and find them new homes.
In popular culture, there are Australian Shepherds.
Golden Retrievers are known for:
Even though there aren't as many famous Australian Shepherds as there are of some other breeds, some famous people have owned and loved them.
But it's important to remember that a breed's popularity shouldn't just depend on how often it shows up in pop culture. Instead, it should be based on how well it works as a pet and what traits it has.
How Golden Retrievers are used in movies and TV:
Australian Shepherds have been in a number of movies and TV shows, where they have shown how smart, adaptable, and interesting they are.
They have been in movies like "Babe: Pig in the City" and "Hotel for Dogs," as well as TV shows like "Little House on the Prairie" and "Walker, Texas Ranger."
How the breed is shown in the media:
People now know about Australian Shepherds and see them in magazines, on websites, and on social media.
People who like dogs often talk about them in articles, videos, and online groups.
In the end,
Australian Shepherds are a popular breed of dog that are known for being smart, active, and able to adapt to new situations. They make great pets for people and families who can give them the exercise, mental stimulation, and training they need.
Even though they have many good qualities, it's important to think about their needs, like how much exercise they need and any health problems they might have, before you bring one into your home.
If the owner is responsible, trains the dog early, and takes good care of it, having an Australian Shepherd as a pet will be fun and rewarding.
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hercrusadesheep · 1 year
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Summer days by her crusade sheep
 “hello! everybody today’s forecast in Ohio looks like it is 65°! It will be a hot summertime day, so you and you’re family can enjoy the weather by the pool”- * click *  I took a deep breath in  staring back at the blank tv screen as I fell backwards into my lukewarm bed  Summer has just begun, and I felt spaced out  my eyes were heavy from the lack of sleep I have indulged myself into and mine noisy neighborhood and others out cries of joy. I finally gather myself up and went out to the park  they were many children and families out and about grilling food, blowing bubbles, playing games and cranky old metal swinging back-and-forth, The trees were large with beautiful green leaves blowing up from the sky The peak of sunlight dominated them showing Little to no empathy for those in on this rock we call earth i sat upright against a tree trunk I pull my legs up to my chest  taking out a long, deep sigh I wish I had someone too pass by this wicked heat and summer I thought  while I was maintaining my deep thoughts a ball hit my head flying me over to the ground I rub my head feeling a dreadful pain coming in. I picked myself up grabbing the ball, harshly I yelled WHO THREW THIS BALL?! While I was looking for a suspect I feel a hand grabbing my shoulder  I flip my head over to become face to face with a boy I never seen before, he had long jet black hair, dark brown eyes with glasses he smiles and softly says oh god I’m so sorry it hit you, does it hurt love? His voice was like butter with a side of bread my heart pounded in my chest
I shook my head no as i started to draft my thoughts on him. he laughs and gave out his hand aren’t you gonna give me my ball? I jumped out of my la la land and immediately blushed red I quickly returned the ball and left later that night, I couldn’t stop thinking of him. His voice, his eyes,his smile was driving me  insane I needed to know him but the problem is, I don’t even know where he’s from or what school he goes to  maybe tomorrow he’ll be at the park again I thought , as I slowly drifted into a deep sleep  The next morning came by it was 1105 AM I Hurled myself out the door jogging back to the park, as I made it to the park there was no soul too be seen I looked everywhere for a dark haired boy but to no avail, he wasn’t there
Empty..it’s empty I said sadly i turned away from the parks with my head swinging down like a scarecrow without looking , I bump into a chest I almost fall until I feel strong yet soft hands catch me IT WAS HIM!! I blushed and quickly pulled myself out of his hold, he looks confused and continues to stare until a lightbulb clicks hey you’re that girl from yesterday aren’t you? He says. his head was Tilted over as if he was a puppy I let out a nervous laugh and nodded my head agreeing in response
He chuckles and asks, what are you doing in the park so early?  my heart jumped out of my mouth
I can’t tell him that I was looking for him. It be creepy i thought but with my dumb self, I accidentally said it out loud I slap my hands to my mouth glancing up at him. he laughs and asked I wanted to hung out I took the invitation and walked in with this mysterious boy hey, I forgot to tell you my name is Jason, what’s yours.? He asked happily I nervously lick my lips and quietly said mary he smiles and grabs my hands and says that’s a pretty name for a pretty girl i smiled and giggled he runs off to the swing set to ride as I follow closely too push him behind, as we both took turns it was getting dark we walked home chatting and viewing the sunset
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Authors note: something like this picture
We made it back to our neighborhood comes to find out, he lives in the same area! before I could open up my front door he grasps my back pulling me into his face glueing his lips into my own they were soft like clouds I melted into his arms and gently pulled away with redness covering my face he chuckled and said will I see you tomorrow morning miss mary?
Yes..you will I said softly he grins gently and pulls in for one more bite then left. I enter my room falling onto my bad, my face ached in pain how much I was smirking I was in complete blissful joy as I slowly faded away into dream world I had my last thought’s
I think. I’ve found my someone… he’s mysterious yes, but yet so incredibly beautiful..I need him, I’m in love with a mystery…
The end

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gunjanmunshi · 1 month
The Lovable Golden Retriever: A Comprehensive Guide {Updated}
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One of the most popular dog breeds globally, the golden retriever can be identified by its eye-catching golden coat and friendly, loving attitude. These intelligent faithful friends are popular with people looking for a loyal four-legged companion and make fantastic family dogs. We'll go over all you need to know about golden retrievers in this detailed guide, including their temperament, history, requirements for care, and where you can purchase golden retriever puppies.
History and Origins The second half of the nineteenth century saw the development of the golden retriever breed in Scotland. Golden Retrievers were highly valued for their ability to retrieve game from both land and water since they were first bred as hunting dogs. Their water-resistant coats, soft teeth, and amazing trainability made them the perfect hunting companions. Their popularity as pets for homes increased with time, and they are now usually kept as beloved companions.
Personality and Temperament The loving, affectionate, and sociable temperament of golden retrievers are well-known. They are great choices for obedience training and other dog activities since they are clever, social, and highly trainable. When it comes to younger family members, goldens frequently show a natural protective sense and are extremely accepting and affectionate with toddlers.
These dogs generally establish close relationships with their owners and thrive on human company. They like being a member of an active household and get along well with other pets in general. But if they are left alone for an extended period, their affectionate disposition and need for attention may cause separation anxiety.
Appearance and Personal Grooming Male golden retrievers usually weigh between 65 and 75 pounds, whereas females typically weigh between 55 and 65 pounds. The breed is classified as medium to giant. They have a thick, soft undercoat underneath their dense, wavy, or straight outer coat that is water-resistant. Their coats can have colors ranging from light cream to rich golden.
For golden retrievers to keep their gorgeous coats without excessive shedding, regular maintenance is essential. Their coats may be kept in excellent shape with regular bathing and at least one weekly brushing. Regular shedding periods may require professional grooming.
Workout and Instruction Golden retrievers are energetic, active canines who need regular exercise for their good health. They are excellent at a lot of things, such as swimming, hiking, games of recovery, and obedience or agility training. Keeping them intellectually and physically occupied can help keep kids from becoming bored and engaging in negative behaviors.
With golden retrievers, beginning socialization and training are essential. They are fairly easy to train due to their high intelligence and passion for achieving success, but consistency and encouraging methods are essential. The relationship between a dog and its owner can be improved and a solid foundation established with the aid of training classes.
Well-being and Attention While most golden retrievers are healthy dogs, they may experience specific diseases like any other breed. Potential issues include abnormalities of the hips and elbows, eye disorders, as well as particular forms of cancer. A balanced diet, regular veterinary exams, and sensible exercise may all contribute to general health and longevity.
As was already discussed, grooming is an essential component of taking care of a golden retriever. Their high energy levels and need for exercise should also be considered in regard since they might not be suitable for lazy lifestyles or apartment living.
Golden Retriever Price and Buying Locations A golden retriever puppy's price may differ based on several variables, including location, pedigree, and breeder status. Puppies of golden retrievers from trustworthy online stores for dog sales are frequently priced between ₹40,000 and ₹60,000 or more. Puppies of well-bred golden retrievers can cost anywhere in India between ₹36,000 and ₹50,000 or more.
Find trustworthy breeders who put their pets' health and well-being first while looking for a golden retriever puppy for sale. Precise breeders will check their offspring for abnormalities in genetics, give health clearances, and socialize them properly. In summary A popular breed with intelligence, loyalty, and a kind, loving disposition is the golden retriever. They are ideal pets for active families because of their ability to learn and friendly attitudes. Although their need for regular exercise, grooming, and care, their loving and loyal natures make them a valuable asset to any home. provided you're thinking about bringing a golden retriever into your home, know that you will have a lifelong, loyal buddy provided you are ready to give them the love, care, and attention they require.
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petinfosite · 4 months
Bernese Mountain Dogs vs Saint Bernard (St Bernard breed)
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Meta Description
The Saint Bernard breed and the Bernese Mountain Dog both make excellent choices for first-time owners and are significantly superior.
A Comparative Study of Saint Bernard vs Bernese Mountain Dogs Two Dog Breeds (Bernese mountain dog vs Saint Bernard dog)
Are you struggling to decide between a St. Bernard and a Bernese Mountains Dog as a prospective animal? Let's begin by looking at the differences between each of these elegant greats to help you make an informed decision.
The Swiss Alps are where the Bernese Mountains dog got its start. And was bred to help with animals for consumption.  When there was a lot of snowfall in the winter. They were renowned for herding sheep and cattle into buildings. The St. Bernard species continues to be used as a kind of rescue dog for many years. This variety of dogs can lift massive objects because of its enormous, massive muscles. To assist them survive in inclement weather like rain or snow. St. Bernards have thick coats that absorb rainwater.
Although both the St. Bernard and the Berners Mountain Dog are powerful canines. Renowned for their extraordinary working abilities. There are some notable differences between these two breeds. When choosing which of the two kinds of family dogs would be ideal for how you spend your time. It is crucial to understand their distinctions. Discover which among those well-known breeds might make the ideal puppy.  For your preferred way of life by reading on.
Key Differences Physical Distinctions between Saint Bernards and Bernese Mountain Dogs
 Following is an in-depth assessment of the physical attributes of the St. Bernard. And the Bernese mountain dog:
The Bernese Mountains Dog
Dimensions: 58–71 cm, or 23–28 inches
Weight range: 32–52 kg (70–115 pounds)
Cover: Tricolored (black, white, and rusty), lengthy and smooth
Life expectancy: 6–8 years 
Dog St. Bernard
Dimensions: 68-90 cm, or 27-35 inches
Weight range: 54–82 kg (120–180 pounds)
Cover: White with orange or red brindle markings, affectionate. Either long or short, and smooth or rough in texture.
Durability: 8–10 years
Size Comparison: Bernese Mountain Dog vs Saint Bernard breed puppy
 Considering the physical attributes listed above. The St. Bernard is larger than the Bernese Mountain Dog. Although the two types of dogs can grow to comparable elevated positions. The St. Bernard can weigh up to 65 pounds more than the Bernese. This is because St. Bernard was once used as a rescue animal. Requiring them to be large and robust to carry large objects. And withstand extreme conditions to socialize.
Bernese Mountain Dogs versus St. Bernard Temperament
The Bernese Mountain Dog
Committed and loving
Fantastic with kids and other animals
Capable of being reserved with strangers, smart, and trainable
Bernard, St.
Kindly and loving
Outstanding with kids
Calm and relaxed
Obstinate and self-reliant at times
The Bernese Mountain Dog is recognized for being more quiet. And guarded with strangers, whereas St. Bernard is known for having easygoing behavior. And a desire to make friends with everyone they encounter. Despite this, the two types are known for their sweet natures and love of families.
Bernese Mountain Dogs versus St. Bernards Instruction and Fitness Breed Comparison
Bernese Mountain Dogs
Needs moderate physical activity.
Enjoys playing and going on hikes.
Reacts to instruction via constructive reinforcement 
St. Bernard
Minimal to moderate physical demands
Can develop laziness if not engaged in enough activities
Often obstinate and challenging to train
While frequent exercise is necessary for both breeds to maintain good health. St. Bernards tend to be less energetic and lively than Bernese Mountain Dogs. While the St. Bernard can be harder to train and requires more time and perseverance. And determination in training, the Bernese breed also responds. Well to training with positive reinforcement. 
Bernese Mountain Dogs versus St Bernards Look and Groom
These enormous dog breeds are alike, with the characteristic Swiss hues shared by all. The smaller Berner is between 23 and 27 ½ inches taller and weighs between 70 and 115 pounds. The Saint Bernard is larger, standing 26 to 30 inches tall. And weighing approximately 120 and 180 pounds. The dog gorgeous breeds people select are determined by this size discrepancy.
The Saint Bernard is said to have sad-looking features and droopier cheekbones. This is partially due to his enormous jowls, which strain on the skin furry surrounding his eyes. Both of them are attractive canines with large paws, strong bodies, and plump rectangular noses. We would describe it more as a "dad bod" than as carved muscle daily exercise.
Bernese Mountain Dogs versus St. Bernards Well-being 
Though they have shorter lives than other dog breeds, both breeds of working dogs are generally healthy. This is because of their enormous size. Their median lifespans are seven to ten and eight and eleven years, depending. They share many health problems, thus if they're supposed to be crossed over, they need to be checked for the circumstances that follow. Make careful to ask established breeders to show you their health clearances better choice.
Both of the Saint Bernard and the Berner breeds are at risk of hip and elbow dysplasia. They also have a higher risk of developing eye diseases, the condition, of entropion, and progressively retinal degeneration. Lastly, they are both susceptible to cardiac diseases, specifically the condition known as dilated cardiomyopathy. Furthermore, a disease of Von Willebrand's screening should be performed on the Bernese Mountain Dogs.
Nourishment of Bernese mountain dog vs St Bernard
The Berner will drink between three and four cups of food each day, whereas the Saint Bernard will drink about six pieces. This can occasionally double the cost of food, depending on how much is changed. If you decide to adopt the Saint Bernard, then money is a major factor to take into account. Their years of age, size, and level of energy all affect what they eat.
Both of them will thrive on premium feed. They will give your large giant dog breeds a nutritious diet and be appetizing enough to inspire them to eat. They need to be fed food intended for gentle giant breeds because they are giant dogs. Given that they contain the ideal amounts of both calcium and phosphorus during their maturation phases. this is vital. This will lessen the likelihood that they may experience skeletal illnesses such as joint dysplasia by regulating the fast formation of bones.
Grooming of Bernese mountain dog vs St Bernard
The type of coats a Saint Bernard wears determines the differences in their maintenance routine. He will only require brushing a couple of times a week over the year if he has a short haircut dogs love. It will require two or three weekly brushings if you acquire one with a thicker coat, akin to that of a Bernese Mountain Dog. Generally speaking, a Saint Bernard will shed roughly the same quantity of high-energy as a Berner grooming needs.
They both have two coats, and they both shed in the same way all year round. To properly control their dropping during shedding seasons, you must remember to brush them both most days. Both of these species drool a lot, so if you don't like that, neither of them is for your energy levels.
Every eight to twelve weeks, one bath is required for both breeds. Similar to this, because of how thick and glossy their coat is, they will gain from a powerful moisturizing shampoo. They both have different issues with their eyes, so be sure to watch them and notice any modifications or redness.
In conclusion, selecting between a St. Bernard and a Bernese Mountains Dogs are easy requires a thorough evaluation of several aspects, including the dogs' personality, physical characteristics, requirements for training, level of development, and general well-being.
In terms of size, the St. Bernard is often bigger than the Bernese Mountains Dog, weighing significantly more and having a more diverse coat. The St. Bernard has a white silky coat with either red or orange brindle markings that vary in length and appearance, but the Bernese Mountains Dog, which originated in the Swiss Alps, has a multicolored, long, and glossy coat.
The St. Bernard has low to modest demands on mobility but may be relatively difficult to train, whereas the Bernese Mountain Dog, or Bernese Mountain has minimum to moderate physical needs and responds effectively to constructive reinforcement socialization.
What are the main morphological distinctions between St. Bernards and Bernese Mountain Dogs?
The Bernese Mountains Dog has a lengthy glossy coat that is tricolored, but the St. Bernard is noticeably larger and has white hair with brindle markings. Their differences in coat and size are a reflection of their adaptations to their surroundings and historical functions.
What differences do their personalities have?
Bernese Mountains Dogs are intelligent and trainable dogs that are renowned for being more reticent around strangers. On the other hand, St. Bernards have a laid-back and gregarious disposition that makes them get along with anybody they meet.
What about the necessity for exercise and instruction?
Bernese Mountains Dogs benefit from encouraging behavior during training and need a reasonable amount of physical exercise. Although St. Bernards have low moderate to high physical requirements, training them can be more difficult and require a greater amount of persistence and time.
What are the requirements for grooming?
The St. Bernard's grooming regimen may differ depending on the length and thickness of their coat, but both breeds require frequent brushing and infrequent washes. Both breeds are also prone to hunger, so it's important to keep a lookout for any possible problems with their eyes.
Are there any health concerns for either breed?
In addition to having shorter lifespans usually 7 to 10 years both Bernese Mountains Dogs and St. Bernards are prone to hip and elbow malformations, eye conditions, and cardiac problems like coronary artery disease. Potential owners ought to ask breeders about their health certifications.
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specialneedspets · 7 months
Dogs for Cold Weather: Canine Breeds That Enjoy the Cold
There are many dogs out there that are far more adapted to the cold than people are. Numerous dogs were bred specifically for jobs in cold climates, such as herding, dragging sleds across the tundra, and protecting livestock. Though they can suffer in warmer weather, their voluminous, fluffy coats not only entice most people to pet them but also enable them to withstand extremely low temperatures.
These cold-weather breeds are well-known for their energy and will gladly accompany you on any outdoor adventures, even in the coldest weather, if you’re thinking about adopting a puppy. Not only are they acclimated to lower temperatures, but they are also very loving and loyal family members.
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10 Best Dog Breeds for Cold Weather
1.Siberian Husky
It should come as no surprise that huskies top this list. This medium-sized northern breed, which can weigh up to 60 pounds and reach a shoulder height of 23.5 inches, is native to Siberia, a region of Russia renowned for its extremely cold temperatures. The reason you may know Huskies best is probably because of the well-known Balto, who was a member of a sled dog team that traveled across Alaska delivering much-needed medicine.
Huskies are adaptive and can live in warmer climates or small urban areas, despite their cold heritage. Huskies need several hours of exercise every day and should always be kept on a leash or in a fenced area because they love to run.
2. Alaskan Malamute
It should come as no surprise that Huskies top this list. This medium-sized northern breed, which can weigh up to 60 pounds and reach a shoulder height of 23.5 inches, is native to Siberia, a region of Russia renowned for its extremely cold temperatures. The reason you may know Huskies best is probably because of the well-known Balto, who was a member of a sled dog team that traveled across Alaska delivering much-needed medicine.
Huskies are adaptive and can live in warmer climates or small urban areas, despite their cold heritage. Huskies need several hours of exercise every day and should always be kept on a leash or in a fenced area because they love to run.
3. Samoyed
In the past, Samoyeds, also known as “Sammies,” were working dogs who could easily withstand days with low temperatures. Sammies appear to be grinning all the time, but their turned lips prevent them from drooling. This fluffy white dog breed loves to spend as much time as possible with their families and is very affectionate toward small children. They require daily brushing due to their thick, double-coated fur, which has a wiry top coat and a soft, wooly undercoat that tends to mat. They have two major shedding seasons in addition to a little shedding throughout the year. Samoyeds have a maximum weight of 65 pounds and a maximum height of 23.5 inches.
4.American Eskimo Dog
Similar in appearance to the younger sibling of the Samoyed is the American Eskimo Dog. Three sizes are available for American Eskimo dogs: toy, miniature, and standard. The Standard American Eskimo Dog has a maximum weight of 35 pounds and a maximum height of 19 inches at the shoulder. This little breed is happy when there are a few inches of snow on the ground because it thrives in the cold.
Due to their high intelligence and limitless energy, American Eskimo Dogs require lots of walks and family playtime. This dog is best left with people; if left alone for an extended period of time, they may become destructive.
5.St. Bernard
The St. Bernard used to travel through the snow-covered Swiss Alps in search of individuals who were hurt or lost. Because they originated in the mountains, St. Bernards, who can weigh up to 180 pounds, are excellent hiking companions. It goes without saying that this tough and strong dog is not bothered by the cold, but by the heat. St. Bernards should be kept indoors on hot, muggy days since they do not like temperatures higher than 75 degrees. This is partly because of their longer fur (although some St. Bernard varieties have shorter fur), which requires weekly brushing and more frequent brushing during shedding seasons. This breed doesn’t need as much exercise as some other breeds on this list, despite their previous occupation.
6. Tibetan Terrier
Originating in the snow-capped mountains of Tibet, Tibetan Terriers have long been trusted companions and watchdogs of Buddhist monks. This breed, which can weigh up to 30 pounds and stand 17 inches tall at the shoulder, is on the smaller end of the medium-sized dog spectrum. They have a furry foot that resembles a snowshoe, which helps them easily navigate slippery slopes. Tibetan Terriers have incredibly fashionable double-coated hair, but it does require frequent brushing and trips to the groomer. Tibetan Terriers are very loving, affectionate, and moderately active dogs that enjoy playing and hiking with their owners. Although they can still overheat due to their warm coats, they usually fare fairly well in warmer climates.
7. Icelandic Sheepdog
The only breed of dog native to Iceland is the Icelandic Sheepdog. This little herding pup has the dexterity and aptitude to manage farm animals; it bears a strong resemblance to a fox and is intelligent to match. They have a maximum weight of thirty pounds and a shoulder height of eighteen inches.
These pups are not hyperactive, despite their sheep association; however, they still require lengthy walks and mentally engaging play. Since they are cold-weather dogs, it is important to keep a close eye on them when they are outside having fun in the warmer months. Icelandic Sheepdogs leave a year-round trail of fur around their homes, but they are wonderful companions for families with young children and other pets.
8. Newfoundland
The province in northeastern Canada that gave rise to the Newfoundland has the same name as the region, which is generally rather chilly and wet. Fortunately, these dogs have thick, single coats that can be gray, black, brown, or black and white. These coats help keep the dogs warm in the winter but can also make them overheat in the summer.
These long-faced puppies are renowned for getting along well with kids; in fact, a Newfie plays the role of the kids’ “nanny” dog in Peter Pan. Great swimmers, Newfoundlands require a moderate level of exercise to maintain their health. It is recommended to brush these gentle giants once a week, and more frequently during shedding seasons. They can weigh as much as 180 pounds and reach as high as 28 inches.
9. Finnish Lapphund
The Finnish Lapphund was developed to herd reindeer, an animal that is a little more unusual. This medium-sized, intelligent breed, which can reach up to 21 inches at shoulder height and weigh up to 53 pounds, is used to follow their charges all the way around the Arctic Circle. These dogs are level-headed and more than capable of unwinding at home with family and small children, but they also know when it’s time to work and occasionally need to be persuaded to play.
During shedding seasons, this fox-like puppy with a double coat needs to be brushed once a week. They should never be shaved because shaving them will have the opposite effect because their coat helps them self-regulate in both warmer and colder temperatures.
10. Great Pyrenees
The Finnish Lapphund was developed to herd reindeer, an animal that is a little more unusual. This medium-sized, intelligent breed, which can reach up to 21 inches at shoulder height and weigh up to 53 pounds, is used to follow their charges all the way around the Arctic Circle. These dogs are level-headed and more than capable of unwinding at home with family and small children, but they also know when it’s time to work and occasionally need to be persuaded to play.
During shedding seasons, this fox-like puppy with a double coat needs to be brushed once a week. They should never be shaved because shaving them will have the opposite effect because their coat helps them self-regulate in both warmer and colder temperatures.
visit us: https://specialpets.org/
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shenvs3000f23 · 8 months
Blog 5
I am looking forward this week to being able to talk about anything! Although it has been great to learn about nature interpretation, this is a welcomed change. I was trying to think of a topic when I opened up my phone and saw that it was one year ago today that I got my dog, Benny. So, he is who I am going to make my post about.
I had a family dog growing up, however, Benny is my first dog that is mine. I got Benny from a family friend who had an accidental litter. I never planned on getting a dog as I am in school, but once I saw him I just could not resist. He is a big mix with parts fox hound, beagle, and rottweiler. He is a medium sized dog now and weighs about 65 pounds. He has been a lot of work, but so worth it.
When he was young, we began crate training him and doing all of the necessary obedience training. The hardest part was at night. We got him at a very young age since the people who had him were not equipped to handle the 10 puppy litter. He would wake up every hour every night until he was about 2 months old to go to the washroom, whether that be in his crate, or outside. After he was fully trained to go outside, it was much easier, but he did not sleep through the night until he was around 4 months.
Although he was and is a lot of work, and caused many sleepless nights, it was all worth it. One of the his favourite things to do is go for a walk in the woods. He loves other dogs and seeing people, but he never gets as excited as running through the forest and long grass. We have explored more of my home town than I ever have before because of this. One of my favourite adventures with him was recently. Thanksgiving weekend we went to a trail about half an hour from my house. We walked it for about 2 hours and saw deer, turkeys, and trout in the stream we walked along. Benny, although he does not usually like water, was walking in the shallow parts of the stream, picking up sticks and leaves out of it. That was also the first time he has seen a deer that close, he was very excited. He even tried crossing the stream on a narrow section over a fallen tree. He got so frustrated as he was nervous but eventually, was able to do it.
Getting him was one of the best decisions, despite the work. He has taught me so much and has encouraged me to go on adventures I never would have otherwise. He is still learning as he is just a year old, but so am I. He always makes me laugh and shows me the importance of living in the moment. That the simple things can bring you the greatest joy. I attached a picture here of him as well!
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So according to Mike chewby is half American bully half cane corso
Which he and my dad say makes her a first gen pitbull. Which is...not true from what I can tell
But thats a whole other post
But I was reading up about am. bully/cane corso crosses and
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Chewby barks SO much lmao.
Shes an alright guard dog in that she is big and has a deep scary voice and. Well. Is a pitbull. Which people tend to find intimidating. She is also a massive chicken. Like I dont doubt she'd protect me if need be but shes a fuckin scaredy cat deep down.
She absolutely has low grooming needs.
She does NOT have a high pain tolerance. She had to get shots the other day at the vet and she would yelp if you barely brushed your hand near the spots they stuck her with the needles the whole rest of the day. The stairs hurt her back so my dad carries her 65 pound ass upstairs to bed every night.
Shes more active than our last dog but thats not saying much. Layla was a couch potato. I definitely know dogs with way more energy than chewby has
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Shes alright with other pets. And is honestly uninterested in small mammals she encounters outside for the most part. Our yard has been pretty overrun with bunnies lately and she barely pays them any mind. She might watch them for a second but shows no desire to chase them. She only tries to chase harley cuz she was raised with a cat that liked to play with her and doesnt understand that her size and intense stare are very intimidating to most cats. She's also chill with dogs she knows well.
She only needs 2 walks a day really. And less if my dad has people over. The activity of watching other people is generally enough to tire her out
She 100% has separation anxiety. But I feel like thats more mikes fault than anything.
Shes only ever destroyed her own toys since coming to live with us but she gets very destructive if left alone for too long (im talking like multiple days). She ate mikes mattress once.
Shes alright in our townhouse but I think she would definitely prefer more space
Shes not as gassy as layla was. Shes definitely a lot more drool-y
She was absolutely not socialized enough as a puppy (she was a covid puppy so not too surprising) but again thats more on Mike and...circumstances than her specifically. She gets nervous around too much noise and movement and especially around strangers.
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meowk9 · 1 year
Belgian Laekenois: Dog Breed Characteristics & Care
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Belgian Laekenois is a dog breed that originated in Belgium. It is one of the four Belgian shepherd dog breeds, which also include Belgian Malinois, Belgian Tervuren, and Belgian Groenendael. Belgian Laekenois is known for its long, wiry coat and its protective and affectionate nature. In this article, Meowk9 will explore the characteristics and care of this unique breed. Breed Overview: - GROUP: Herding - HEIGHT: 24 to 26 inches (males); 22 to 24 inches (females) - WEIGHT: 55 to 65 pounds - COAT: Medium length double coat with wiry, curly texture - COAT COLOR: Red, fawn, or gray with traces of black on muzzle or tail - LIFE SPAN: 10 to 12 years - TEMPERAMENT: Alert, protective, intelligent, active, affectionate - HYPOALLERGENIC: No - ORIGIN: Belgium
History of Belgian Laekenois
Belgian Laekenois is the rarest of the four Belgian shepherd dog breeds. It was originally bred as a herding dog and a guard dog for farmers in the region of Laeken, which is near Brussels, Belgium. During World War I and World War II, Belgian Laekenois served as messenger dogs and watchdogs for the Belgian army.
Appearance of Belgian Laekenois
Belgian Laekenois has a long, wiry coat that requires regular grooming. The coat can be fawn, mahogany, or red with black hairs scattered throughout. Belgian Laekenois is a medium-sized dog, standing at 22-26 inches (56-66 cm) tall and weighing 55-65 pounds (25-30 kg). It has a muscular build and a square-shaped head with pointy ears that stand erect.
Temperament of Belgian Laekenois
Belgian Laekenois is an intelligent, protective, and loyal breed. It is known for its strong work ethic and its willingness to please its owners. Belgian Laekenois is also affectionate and playful with its family members, but it can be reserved and suspicious of strangers. Early socialization and training are crucial for this breed.
Training and Exercise for Belgian Laekenois
Belgian Laekenois is an active breed that requires regular exercise and mental stimulation. It enjoys playing fetch, hiking, and participating in dog sports such as agility and obedience. Belgian Laekenois is also highly trainable and excels in tasks such as search and rescue, police work, and therapy work.
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Grooming and Care for Belgian Laekenois
Belgian Laekenois has a long, wiry coat that requires regular grooming. It should be brushed weekly to prevent matting and tangles. Belgian Laekenois also requires regular trimming of the hair around its ears, paws, and anus. It is important to clean its ears regularly to prevent infections. Belgian Laekenois should also receive regular dental care and nail trims.
Health Issues of Belgian Laekenois
Belgian Laekenois is a generally healthy breed with a lifespan of 10-12 years. However, like all dog breeds, it is prone to certain health issues such as hip dysplasia, progressive retinal atrophy, and epilepsy. It is important to buy Belgian Laekenois puppies from reputable breeders who health test their breeding stock.
Feeding and Nutrition for Belgian Laekenois
Belgian Laekenois should be fed a high-quality dog food that is appropriate for its age, size, and activity level. It is important to measure the food and feed it in two meals a day to prevent overeating. Belgian Laekenois should also have access to fresh water at all times.
Belgian Laekenois as Family Pets
Belgian Laekenois can make excellent family pets for the right owners. It requires a committed and experienced owner who can provide it with plenty of exercise, training, and socialization. Belgian Laekenois also does well in households with older children and other pets. However, it may not be suitable for households with small children or small pets due to its herding instincts.
Choosing a Belgian Laekenois
If you are interested in adopting a Belgian Laekenois, it is important to find a reputable breeder who health tests their breeding stock and socializes their puppies. You can also consider adopting a Belgian Laekenois from a rescue organization or shelter.
Belgian Laekenois is a unique and rare breed that requires a committed and experienced owner who can provide it with plenty of exercise, training, and socialization. It has a loyal and protective nature, and it excels in tasks such as search and rescue and police work. If you are considering adopting a Belgian Laekenois, make sure to do your research and find a reputable breeder or rescue organization.
Is Belgian Laekenois a good family pet?Yes, Belgian Laekenois can make an excellent family pet for the right owners who can provide it with plenty of exercise, training, and socialization.Is Belgian Laekenois easy to train?Yes, Belgian Laekenois is a highly trainable breed that excels in tasks such as search and rescue, police work, and therapy work.How much exercise does a Belgian Laekenois need?Belgian Laekenois is an active breed that requires at least one hour of exercise per day, such as playing fetch, hiking, or participating in dog sports.How often should Belgian Laekenois be groomed?Belgian Laekenois should be brushed weekly and trimmed regularly around its ears, paws, and anus. It is also important to clean its ears regularly and provide regular dental care and nail trims.What are the common health issues of Belgian Laekenois?Belgian Laekenois is prone to certain health issues such as hip dysplasia, progressive retinal atrophy, and epilepsy. It is important to buy Belgian Laekenois puppies from reputable breeders who health test their breeding stock. Read the full article
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gar-a-ash · 2 years
Tassie’s finally gone into heat for the first time and thankfully Reese doesn’t seem to give two shits. He’s a little more cranky than usual, and sometimes gets a little too into licking, but otherwise he leaves her alone on command and otherwise ignores her. It's actually kind of funny because Reese will be trying to play with me, Tassie will throw herself in like she does, he gets mad, and then she just fucking spreads her legs to distract him before stealing his toy, to which he then huffs and storms off and lays down and refuses to play with her. Hoping this trend continues through her heat (if I’m not home they’re going to be separated anyways), but so far he’s more interested in the cats still than her. I’ll take it!
She is the very annoying ‘cuddle me NOW’ kind of bitch though so EH
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dogpakofficial · 1 year
10 best gifting gear for dogs 
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Dogs are unable to simply list the toys, gadgets, and gizmos they desire. This puts an even greater burden on us, their human friends, to pick out the best toys and goodies for our cherished canines. Whether you're looking for a plush puppy bed, a fun chew toy, or something more unusual for the dog who has everything, we've selected the finest Wirecutter-tested and staff-recommended gifts for dogs and dog lovers. 
Here is the list of camping gear for dogs 
Play or treat
To release a piece of kibble from the IQ Treat Ball, an adventurous dog must roll it or take it up in their mouth and drop it. Even though it appears simple, a former Wirecutter editor insisted that it was the best dog toy she had ever bought, saying that it withstood years of rough play and provided both her and her dog with hours of fun.
Soft toys 
A soft toy can keep an excitable dog completely busy, but it can also make neighbours uneasy. Hear Doggy's Ultrasonic Squeaker Toys have a frequency between 24 and 28 KHz, which is thrilling to dogs but nearly undetectable to human ears. And it's best forcamping gear for dogs.
Kong jumbler ball 
For canines that think that diversity makes life more fascinating, the Kong Jumbler Ball is perfect. A squeaky tennis ball is housed inside the transparent plastic shell, and the exterior handles make it easy for you to pick it up and toss it or for your dog to shake and toss it around as they like. Staff writer Dorie Chevlen's friend has a lively dog, and the Jumbler keeps her occupied for hours.
 Dog bed 
 Dogs always enjoy a comfortable bed and it's warm resting place is ideal for dogs who love to burrow. The bed has a flexible hood that stands up to create a cave and collapses down into a blanket to enclose your dog. It is lined with insulating sherpa fleece.
Pedigreed tea set 
Nothing could be more appropriate for the pup who is treated like royalty than Poppy Angeloff's porcelain Pups on Cups series. There are 21 different breeds represented by each set of teacups and saucers, including yorkies, golden retrievers, and Pomeranians. Each item comes in a sweet, glossy box and is hand-painted with 24-karat gold embellishments.
Float paddle paws 
Smaller dogs are the perfect fit for the Paddle Paws float, which can also sustain puppies up to 65 pounds. Now dogs can enjoy the pool with you in hot summers.
Dog socks 
Since you get to pick the image and post it straight to the business's website, these socks are sure to highlight your dog's best features. Each pair can have up to three distinct faces if you have more than one dog and don't want to be accused of picking favourites.
Collar belt 
The collar belt is the best camping gear for dogs because it won't fade or peel off, and it's simple to put on and take off thanks to the sturdy side-release buckle. The fact that it is comfortable for your pet to wear and is easy to modify means that you and your dog will use it.
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animal25 · 1 year
Blue German Shepherd: Heigh, Lifespan, Care Special Info
A blue German Shepherd is a beautiful canine with argentine fur and light-colored eyes, and it has a gene that dilutes its standard color.
Whereas the traditional German Cowgirl has a fleece pattern of faceless and brown, the blue variation possesses a dark blue or slate shade to their fleece.
Blue German goatherds ’ fleeces are dark slate or blue compared to the standard GSD colors of black and brown.
Blue Goatherds have the character, health enterprises, and physical features standard of the German Cowgirl strain despite their unique appearance.
● Height 22 – 26 elevation altitudinous ● Weight 57 – 90 lbs on average ● Appearance Medium-large strain, solid athletic figure ● Coat Thick double fleece that will exfoliate time-round
Breed Characteristics
blue Multicolored German Cowgirl doesn’t differ much from the tykes of other colors belonging to this strain. They’re medium- to-large doggies with a lifetime of 10- 13 times.
These creatures look beautiful and relatively aesthetic. They aren’t allowed for shows, however, in the USA because the American Kennel Club considers the adulterated color a big fault.
Piecemeal from such an unusual color, they have got a different saturation of tips, eye skirtings, and paw- pads. utmost blue Goatherds can boast blue eyes and argentine-blue pads like representatives of another lacing gene revision – an Isabella German Cowgirl whose color is an adulterated liver caused by a ‘ d’ gene.
The fleece of these blue Goatherds has the encounter shade on the main gray, so it’s just a shade of argentine or washed-out dark that reminds of blue. There are some minor variations of this shading, similar to bicolor, sable, defile, or solid blue. You can also come across dark-sword blue or light-greasepaint blue, and other variants
These colors look magnific, indeed. So, if you’re a German Cowgirl sucker, this canine is right for you. Not all blue Goatherds have blue eyes. Indeed if a puppy dog was born with this eye color, it may change to light brown or amber over time.
The fleece can be moreover long or medium. It’s doubled with a thick defensive upper subcaste and a soft hair that helps repel rainfall conditions. The blue GSD can exfoliate a lot, so it needs frequent brushing and fixing all the time.
The size doesn’t differ much from the standard German Shepherd’s size. Males grow to 24- 26 elevation or 60- 66 cm altitudinous, and their weight varies between 65- 90 pounds or 29- 40 kg. Ladies are lower and further gracious. They’re 22- 24 elevation or 55- 60 cm altitudinous and 50- 70 pounds or 22- 31 kg heavy. The color can not determine the size of the canine, moreover.
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There’s no certainty as to when the Blue German Cowgirl first appeared. Since they’re a color variation of the traditional German Cowgirl canine, it’s likely the Blue German Cowgirl was present during the early development of the strain, but their presence was simply not recorded. This would have been done to set black and tan as the strain standard.
German Goatherds were first bred in the 19th century in northern Germany as herding canines to cover flocks of lamb from bloodsuckers. This part of their history likely contributes to them having similar high energy and being veritably hardworking.
They’re veritably intelligent and take direction well, which is why numerous are employed as members of police forces, field security, and service tykes.
The creation and standardization of the German Cowgirl can be traced back to a German man named Captain Max von Stephanitz. Max was looking for a working canine who held both “ mileage and intelligence ”. He believed that tykes should be working but there was no current strain that had the abidance, power, wit, and trainability that he asked.
He ultimately set up these rates in a medium-sized, wolf- suchlike canine who he latterly named Horand von Grafrath. Every German Cowgirl, anyhow of color variation, can trace their lineage back to Horand. The same is true for the Blue German Cowgirl.
More details:https://animalatoz.com/blue-german-shepherd/
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