stephiewoodcock · 7 years
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#somethings #cantbetaught #textbooks #litclassrooms #butrather #darkness #lifeschaos #perserverance
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lifeschaos · 9 years
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w1ng-stock · 9 years
Hello there friend! List 5 things that you like about yourself then send this to 10 of your favorite followers!!! ♡
I like that:
I am hardworking
I am compassionate
I am idealistic, but also pragmatic
I am a very attentive listener/observer
My hair is super silky and soft
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starrinqs · 9 years
you're honestly so pretty!
you're honestly so sweet
br - 7.8
before 2014 ends, inbox me one thing you’ve always wanted to know or say to me and i have to reply to all of them ~~ off anon = br to 6.3k+
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chromgai-remade-blog · 10 years
Omg!!! You're so cute lol
*flips hair* ya i kno
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lusttide · 11 years
Followed :)
Thanks (:
Follow my BOTW for a screenshot!
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starrinqs · 10 years
demeter and eros
Demeter: favourite season and why
autumn b/c it isn't super cold yet but i can still wear comfy sweaters and warm things :) and i love the colors of autumn (reds, yellows, oranges)
Eros: describe your crush
already answered
BR: 8
send me questions from here - off-anon gets a blog rate :)
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w1ng-stock · 10 years
If anyone asks, we made the sand in our sciencey lab which is 98% sand and 2% love
watch my dad throw it away
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w1ng-stock · 10 years
Why you gotta be the bestest friend ever?(:
Right back at you!! ❤‿❤
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