Io, donna, NON ho mai autorizzato alcun politico, alcuna religione, a decidere che cosa si debba fare di ciò che accade e si formi all'interno del MIO utero. L'utero è mio, e decido io come gestirlo: non terzi, che non ho mai delegato in alcun modo a gestire il MIO corpo.
Ciò che si forma all'interno del corpo di una DONNA è parte integrante del corpo di quella donna, pertanto le appartiene: SOLO LEI, quella donna, ha diritto a decidere cosa farne. I terzi non hanno ALCUN Diritto di intromettersi sulla gestione del SUO CORPO.
QUALSIASI tentativo liberticida contro la gestione autonoma del proprio utero va considerato come REATO: è uno STUPRO.
I Diritti Civili NON obbligano alcuno ad aderirvi, solo a RISPETTARE le ALTRUI scelte: in questo si differenziano rispetto alla moralità repressiva imposta ai credenti di religioni moleste, che opprimono le Persone invece di favorirne la Felicità.
La religione, la religiosità sono fra le cause primarie di odio sociale: sono deleterie, in campo di Diritti Umani sia il cristianesimo quanto l'islam; per arginarli serve vietare l'indottrinamento religioso imposto fin da bambini. La 'spiritualità' deve essere una Scelta.
E' augurabile che, col tempo, tutte le tesi anti-abortiste muoiano; che le organizzazioni Pro Vita (che agiscono poiché finanziate anche da partiti conservatori), convertano la loro 'missione' oppressiva contro le donne e si concentrino sui bambini che ancor oggi vivono gravi difficoltà economiche e sociali.
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conatic · 1 year
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Non aux procédures liberticides des tribunaux de Justice de Paix en Belgique
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ia4ymsnnug · 1 year
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pes8qsvhfn7qh · 1 year
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letssiweulnetus · 2 years
Le Dr Babacar Diop et FDS Guelewaars dénoncent des dérives liberticides au Sénégal ce vendredi
Le Dr Babacar Diop et FDS Guelewaars dénoncent des dérives liberticides au Sénégal ce vendredi
Dans un communiqué parvenu à PressAfrik, FDS Les Guelewaars du Dr Babacar Diop, pare ailleurs maire de la ville de Thiès, dénonce “les graves dérives liberticides notées au Sénégal ce vendredi 17 juin 2022” et qui, selon eux, “sont indignes d’un Etat de droit”. “Des opposants injustement et arbitrairement arrêtés. Des concitoyens exerçant, de façon pacifique, leur droit de manifestation, gazés…
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spopsalt · 27 days
Do you know what's REALLY missing in the Alliance-Horde conflict? An ideological conflict!
You cannot manage a war without giving ideological or moral reasons. For the Alliance, it's simple since it's just about maintaining the status quo. But for the Horde? Just saying "Princesses are evil" is insufficient to motivate soldiers or have allies, you must explain to them how the Horde would be fairer or offer a better system.
So what type of ideological conflict could we highlight in SPOP? What I propose: According to my analysis of the functioning of Etheria, and which I will return to another day, it seems that the planet is in a supremacist system, where the "human race" dominates the others, where those who practice magic are practically nobles (see Mistakor), where technology is rather seen as a plebeian thing, and where eugenics is practiced given the few disabled characters coming from Etheria in a series intended to be inclusive. We could therefore imagine that the Horde would have as its ideology a more inclusive system, without distinction of races, where technology will be presented as more egalitarian and popular than magic reserved for the nobles, and the army as a more meritocratic system.
The moral of the story is "do not replace a liberticidal system with another equally liberticidal system. And read V for Vendetta, kids".
Exactly! It's just so boring! Not to mention the war is just a backdrop or they literally make JOKES about it! Like when Mermista's kingdom got overtaken by the horde, they just made a joke about her moping in the bathtub which is just...eugh....I do like your idea though!
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abr · 9 months
E basta pensare al PD come al vecchio PCI, è come trombarsi una vecchia pensando che da giovane era una gran figa.
Un appello, via https://twitter.com/italiansatoshi
Riformulando, basta dar credito al PD erede del vecchio PCI che "mantenne la coesione sociale senza istanze liberticide da comunismo reale": è come scoparsi la figlia di Fantozzi perché la su' mamma ci fa tanta tenerezza.
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fridagentileschi · 8 months
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Tra pochi giorni la Signora Sciarra Silvana lascerà la Presidenza della Corte costituzionale e finalmente andrà in pensione. Sicuramente nella mente della nota giurista fioriscono aspettative di nuovi e più alti destini. Per il bene della Nazione speriamo che non abbia altri incarichi.
È stato un soggetto chiaramente non del tutto adatto a presiedere la Corte costituzionale, che richiede ben diversa saggezza e competenza, oltre che equilibrio nel dirigere l’udienza.
Il suo nome resterà legato ad uno dei periodi più tristi della Corte costituzionale. Sarà ricordata come colei che unitamente ad altri giudici costituzionali, ha dichiarato la costituzionalità di leggi illogiche, contraddittorie e palesemente negatrici di diritti fondamentali della persona garantiti dalla Costituzione. A cominciare dal noto art. 32 relativo alla materia sanitaria.
La Corte costituzionale da lei presieduta ha “ucciso” per la seconda volta il grande Presidente Aldo Moro che fu il Deputato costituente che volle il secondo comma dell’art. 32 Cost. in base al quale sono in ogni caso banditi trattamenti sanitari violativi della dignità umana.
In una intervista incautamente rilasciata dalla Sciarra Silvana al “Corriere della Sera” il 2 dicembre 2022 il soggetto in questione, a proposito della pretesa costituzionalità delle leggi liberticide in tema di Covid, ebbe a dichiarare (anticipando illegittimamente la motivazione delle sentenze), che la Corte aveva “seguito la scienza”.
A parte il fatto che la scienza medica non esiste in termini di definitive acquisizioni scientifiche, essendo essa attività di continua ricerca scientifica, è di pochi giorni la notizia che la European Medical Agency e la Commissione europea hanno finalmente riconosciuto quel che non si poteva e non si può più nascondere; e cioè il fatto che i sieri magici inoculati nel corpo dei cittadini in forza di una legge estorsiva e ricattatoria, hanno provocato e ancora provocano in misura crescente, migliaia e migliaia di morti.
Non so quale sia il peso di quanto è accaduto sulla coscienza della Sciarra Silvana e dei suoi Colleghi della Corte costituzionale. Non so se la sua sensibilità personale è tale da comprendere che con quelle infauste sentenze, si è resa corresponsabile morale del decesso di migliaia di persone.
Non m’interessa saperlo.
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Aujourd’hui, si tu préfères la courtoisie discrète qui sait détourner le regard pour respecter les goûts d’autrui à l’imposition d’une tolérance obligatoire envers le mauvais goût, tu es traité de "facho" ou "d’extrême-droite" par les séides de l’État totalitaire liberticide…
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arcobalengo · 8 months
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Tra pochi giorni la Signora Sciarra Silvana lascerà la Presidenza della Corte costituzionale e finalmente andrà in pensione. Sicuramente nella mente della nota giurista fioriscono aspettative di nuovi e più alti destini. Per il bene della Nazione speriamo che non abbia altri incarichi.
È stato un soggetto chiaramente non del tutto adatto a presiedere la Corte costituzionale, che richiede ben diversa saggezza e competenza, oltre che equilibrio nel dirigere l’udienza.
Il suo nome resterà legato ad uno dei periodi più tristi della Corte costituzionale. Sarà ricordata come colei che unitamente ad altri giudici costituzionali, ha dichiarato la costituzionalità di leggi illogiche, contraddittorie e palesemente negatrici di diritti fondamentali della persona garantiti dalla Costituzione. A cominciare dal noto art. 32 relativo alla materia sanitaria.
La Corte costituzionale da lei presieduta ha “ucciso” per la seconda volta il grande Presidente Aldo Moro che fu il Deputato costituente che volle il secondo comma dell’art. 32 Cost. in base al quale sono in ogni caso banditi trattamenti sanitari violativi della dignità umana.
In una intervista incautamente rilasciata dalla Sciarra Silvana al “Corriere della Sera” il 2 dicembre 2022 il soggetto in questione, a proposito della pretesa costituzionalità delle leggi liberticide in tema di Covid, ebbe a dichiarare (anticipando illegittimamente la motivazione delle sentenze), che la Corte aveva “seguito la scienza”.
A parte il fatto che la scienza medica non esiste in termini di acquisizioni definitive, essendo essa attività di continua ricerca scientifica, è di pochi giorni la notizia che la European Medical Agency e la Commissione europea hanno riconosciuto quel che non si poteva e non si può più nascondere; e cioè il fatto che i sieri magici inoculati nel corpo dei cittadini in forza di una legge estorsiva e ricattatoria, hanno provocato e ancora provocano in misura crescente, migliaia e migliaia di morti.
Non so quale sia il peso di quanto è accaduto sulla coscienza della Sciarra Silvana e dei suoi Colleghi della Corte costituzionale. Non so se la sua sensibilità personale è tale da comprendere che con quelle infauste sentenze, si è resa corresponsabile morale del decesso di migliaia di persone.
Non m’interessa saperlo.
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how did the thermidorians exactly start their plan and gather supporters to their cause and finish the plan successfully?
Bonus questions: I always wondered that during the period of robespierre's fall did the thermidorians tried something like winning friends of robespierre like le-bas couthon saint-just or the people who sided with robespierre etc. to their side?
Only If you want you can share the answer as a special post in 9 thermidor because it is close (after two weeks maybe) so yeah .. do whatever you please.
That is actually a bit more fuzzy than might first be expected. Important to remember is that, while a conspiracy to undermine Robespierre may have already existed beforehand, what actually played out on 9 thermidor was not the result of a longgoing plan as much as something cooked up at the last minute, in response to the unexpected speech Robespierre had held the day before. It is unlikely a coup would have taken place when it did had said speech not existed. Laurent Lecointre even admitted shortly after thermidor that:
Even though [Robespierre’s] death wasn’t the result of any combined plan, it nevertheless avanged the national representation, that has proven, through its courage, that it feared the tyrant less than it did the danger of striking him without success.
Lecointre wrote this in the pampleth Conjuration formée dès le 5 préréal [sic] par neuf représentants du peuple contre Maximilien Robespierre, pour le poignarder en plein senat (1794). From it, we learn what he (along with Fréron, Barras , Courtois , Garnier de l’Aube, Rovère, Thirion, Tallien and Guffroy, who co-signed the pampleth) had been doing to undermine Robespierre in the weeks predating thermidor. But, as the title already suggest, their plan had actually been to stab Max to death in public, as opposed to having him arrested, outlawed and executed like how things ended up going down:
Amar and Moyse-Bayle told me, at the liberty salon, on 24 prairial (June 12) in the presence of our collegue Mallarmé and the people who heard us, that the decree of 22 prairial was the work of [Robespierre] alone, that the committees had had nothing to do with it. After having told them that the committees had therefore not fulfilled their duty, I proposed to them that I myself denounce to the Convention such an extraordinary fact. They stopped me by reminding me of the political considerations which then governed the Convention, the fear of an early and unsuccessful split. I replied: ”You know me. I did not strike down a tyrant just to gain another.”Since that time, our hate was public. On 6 thermidor I asked Robert-Lindet on his opinion of a monster who had plunged the republic into such a deplorable state of debasement and servitude. On the 7th, I spoke to Vadier about the furies of a tyranny whose progress we would perhaps no longer be able to stop. To me, they all appeared convinced that we still had to wait, and that the favorable moment was perhaps not far off. At that time, the indictment that I was preparing against the traitor and his accomplices had been completed; Fréron who helped me with his insights, Barras, Rovère, Thirion, Courtois, Garnier de l'Aube, Guffroy and Tallien etc advised me to attack him in person, so that success would be more certain. The roles were divided to support my opinion, and to combat with force the sophisms of Robespierre, but they were of the opinion that the memoir should be printed and distributed an hour before being read at the National Convention: Guffroy was in charge and had promised, from the 6th, to have it printed; and it was solemnly sworn by us that if the truth succumbed, we would immolate the tyrant in the middle of the Convention. Happier events preceded the execution of a project whose success was inevitable, but whose consequences could have disturbed the public peace. The monster is dead, he has, by his imprudence and his delirium, revealed all the villainy of his plots and his liberticidal projects; but his fall would perhaps have compromised the freedom of the citizens less, if my advice had been followed.
Fouché, who several contemporaries pointed to as the leader of/important for the conspiracy wrote the following about his role it in his memoirs:
I did not trifle in contending for my head, nor in long and secret deliberations with such of my colleagues as were threatened with my own fate. I merely said to them, among others to Legendre, Tallien, Dubois de Crancé, Daunou and Chénier: "You are on the list, you are on the list as well as myself, I am certain of it!” Tallien, Barras, Bourdon de l'Oise and Dubois de Crancé evinced some energy. Tallien contended for two lives, of which one was then dearer to him than his own: he therefore resolved upon assassinating the future dictator, even in the Convention itself. But what a hazardous chance was this! Robespierre's popularity would have survived him, and we should have been immolated to his manes. I therefore dissuaded Tallien from an isolated enterprise, which would have destroyed the man, but preserved his system. Convinced that other means must be resorted to, I went straight to those who shared with Robespierre the government of terror, and whom I knew to be envious or fearful of his immense popularity. I revealed to Collot d'Herbois, to Carnot, to Billaud-Varennes, the designs of the modern Appius; and I presented to each of them separately, so lively and so true a picture of the danger of their situation, I urged them with so much address and good fortune, that I insinuated into their breasts more than mistrust, but the courage of henceforth opposing the Tyrant in any further decimating of the Convention.  "Count the votes," said I to them, "in your committee, and you will see, that when you are determined, he will be reduced to the powerless minority of a Couthon and a Saint-Just. Refuse him your votes, and compel him to stand alone by your vis inertiæ." But what contrivances, what expedients were necessary to avoid exasperating the Jacobin club, the Seides, and the partisans of Robespierre. […] My eye was on him; and seeing him reduced to a single faction, I secretly urged such of his enemies who still clung to the committee, at least to remove the artillery from Paris, who were all devoted to Robespierre and the Commune, and to deprive Henriot of his command, or at least to suspend him. The first measure I obtained, thanks to the firmness of Carnot, who alleged the necessity of sending reinforcements of artillery to the army. As to depriving Henriot of his command, that appeared too hazardous; Henriot remained, and was near losing all, or rather, to speak the truth, it was he, who on the 9th Thermidor ruined the cause of Robespierre, the triumph of which was for a short time in his power. But what could be expected from a drunken and stupid former footman. 
That his enemies spread slander and fear in an attempt to undermine him was also something Robespierre himself seemed aware of:
Since a long time back, men who call themselves representatives of the people, and whom I do not regard as such, at least as a man, because I believe that one must have a soul to be a representative of the people; a certain species of men, I say, deploy all their strength, all their means, all the energy, to throw poison into the pure soul of a part of the members of the Convention. They seek to bring together, at suppers, at dinners unworthy of republicans, pure men, men whom we would embrace as brothers, and who know neither these meals nor the guests. There, the object of the conversation, heated by circumstances, is slander against you, against those who are regarded as true patriots, against the Committees of Public Safety and General Security. […] Learn then that there is a league of corrupt men who try to make believe that the Committee of Public Safety wishes to attack the members of the Convention in general, and the estimable members in particular. We have this confession from some of our colleagues themselves, who do not sleep at home, struck with the terrors which these scoundrels have inspired in them. […] Currently we are in the same position, without having even had the intention of prosecuting any culprit. No, the Committee of Public Safety has not drawn up a new indictment against anyone; but men who call themselves representatives of the people, and who are not, I swear by virtue, embitter against you estimable deputies, colleagues whom we regard as good citizens. Take care, they tell them, there is a new indictment drawn up against certain members, you will be included... Certainly you will be included. The infamous add adroit circumstances to these perfidious reports; and we believe them. We have, I repeat it again, the details of these criminal artifices of the deputies whom the Committee ranks among the best citizens, and who no longer dare to live in their houses. Robespierre on June 27 1794
Of course, these claims just revolve around the conspirators gaining the trust of other Convention deputies. When it comes to getting broader public on their side I had a harder time finding any sources. The only thing related to this that I know of is the theory that the multiplied amount of executions in the weeks before Robespierre’s fall was actually the result of a sabotage by his enemies who through it aimed to paint him like a bloodthirsty tyrant to make him lose the public’s approval, but, like I already wrote in this post, I haven’t yet got a hang on what sources that idea is actually based on (besides the fact that Robespierre himself claims that’s how it is in his 8 thermidor spech).
Once Robespierre, Saint-Just, Couthon, Lebas and Augustin had actually gotten arrested, the conspirators mainly seems to have focused on laying their hands on other robespierrists in power, the majority of which were those executed on thermidor 10, 11 and 12. Once word got around that the five deputies had escaped from their different prisons, the Convention also took the measure to outlaw them to easier get them condemned.
As for if the thermidorians sought to save any of Robespierre’s allies or win them over to their side, I only know of the story that Barère wanted Saint-Just to be left alone, though for the moment I don’t remember from where it comes (not Barère’s memoirs as far as I saw…?) It should be remembered that Augustin and Lebas actually volunteered to share their friends’ fate right after they got arrested, so who knows if they would have been left alone had they refrained from doing so… Though given the fact how big the robespierrist purge actually ended up being, I’m not that sure anyone would actually have sought to spare them, unless they themselves had gladly been willing to switch sides…
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falcemartello · 2 years
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Gli stessi che negli ultimi anni hanno attuato le più violente politiche austeritarie, anti lavoriste e liberticide. Che hanno segregato la gente in casa, denunciato i loro vicini, privato migliaia di lavoratori del diritto al lavoro, impedito ai ragazzi di istruirsi e fare sport, ghettizzato e manganellato una minoranza di cittadini e invocato per loro la revoca del diritto di voto. Che volevano vaccinare i bambini pure contro la volontà dei genitori. Che hanno applaudito ad arresti dei sindacalisti pacifisti, censura sui giornali non allineati e commissioni d’inchiesta su reati d’opinione. Che hanno soffiato sul fuoco della russobia e delle conseguenti vergognose misure discriminatorie. Che tutt’oggi sostengono la guerra imperialista americana e il regime golpista e antidemocratico di Kiev che bombarda da 8 anni i suoi concittadini e mette fuori legge 12 partiti politici. E trasformano un branco di fetidi nazisti in patrioti ucraini oggi - centenario della Marcia su Roma - ci spiegano che il fascismo fu il male assoluto. Fate un piacere: andate al circo, buffoni.
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conatic · 1 year
The nightmare begins
Le cauchemar commence
Un hôpital psychiatrique On sait quand on rentre On ne sait pas quand On n'en sort
Je préfère Mon Vrai Papa au Faux PAPA Avocat
Avant de recevoir ce Document j'étais beaucoup beaucoup plus Libre
Ce sont des procédures liberticides
These procedures are liberticids
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helshades · 11 months
Helllo, est-ce que attirer l'attention de l'onu dans le cas du petit Nael peut servir à quelque chose ? à quoi ? ce n'est pas un jugement j'ai vu ça passer sur les réseaux mais je n'ai pas trop compris... merci
Ça ne servirait strictement à rien, bien sûr — le jeune Nahel qui roulait sans permis et s'est rendu coupable de refus d'obtempérer a subi une fin certes similairement tragique à celle de Zyed et Bouna, les célèbres saints martyrs de la gauche caviar depuis 2005, mais sorti des banalités d'usage sur la peine obligée des proches, on se demande pourquoi ce qui relève d'un triste fait divers se voit aussitôt monté en épingle chaque fois que le mort se trouve être un-jeune-des-quartiers. Y compris par une Gauche se répandant en flagellations extatiques sur le compte d'un macchabée ayant été, de son vivant, diversement fréquentable, alors que l'on ne peut pas dire qu'elle se remue beaucoup les miches pour les victimes de la violence ordinaire des banlieues métropolitaines...
Je tourne en boucle mais j'aimerais bien qu'on m'explique où se trouvaient ces bonnes gens au moment où la famille de Zineb Redouane tentait d'obtenir justice pour le meurtre de cette douce octogénaire marseillaise. Il était où, le lumpenproletariat des Quartiers Nord, pour mettre le feu à ses poubelles et piller les petits magasins habituellement achalandés par leurs familles ? Parce que « la banlieue » ne s'en prend jamais au Bourgeois en ses rues mais à son propre habitat, chose que je ne comprendrai sans doute de ma vie. Après, le contribuable paie les pots cassés, le vote R.N. monte chez tous les riverains non-portés sur la vente de mauvaises herbes devant des écoles, et de nouvelles mesures liberticides sont implémentées contre les vrais rebelles du système dans l'indifférence générale.
Je ne suis pas Nahel.
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ilpianistasultetto · 1 year
La cosa che piu' impressiona della Meloni, da quando e' stata eletta, e' la frase che ripete tutti i giorni come un mantra: "l'Italia, senza l'Europa, non ce la fa. Da sola non ce la puo' fare!". Vale per la guerra in Ucraina, vale per future pandemie, vale per l'economia, vale per l'immigrazione clandestina. Manca solo la foto incorniciata della Von Der Leyen & co, sulla sua scrivania e su quella di tutti i suoi ministri, Salvini compreso.. Eppure la Meloni me la ricordo da anni, le sue idee e le sue proposte. Ricordo lei e tutti gli italiani che la osannavano dopo ogni parola, frase o discorso che faceva. " Fuori dall'euro, fuori dall'Unione Europea, ritorno alla lira, blocco navale contro i migranti irregolari. Basta troika, basta alta finanza, basta banche, basta leggi liberticide imposte, deve decidere il popolo del proprio avvenire. Il popolo e' sovrano e prima di ogni cosa c'e' l'Italia e gli italiani. Padroni a casa nostra." Stiamo parlando di cose dette fino a pochi mesi fa, non anni e anni fa! Oggi e' cambiato tutto, tutto quell'armamentario di sovranismo nazionalista e' sparito dai radar, come sono spariti tutti quegli italiani clap-clap pronti al tripudio ogni volta che Donna Giorgia s'inerpicava sullo scranno a difesa della fiera e orgogliosa razza tricolore. Anzi, non sono spariti, hanno cambiato pelle anche loro, come i serpenti. Come sono stati serpenti tantissimi italiani dopo il 25-Aprile del '45 o nel 1994 quando finì la prima Repubblica con la politica travolta dagli scandali. @ilpianistasultetto
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claudehenrion · 9 months
Quand tout ne va plus ''comme il faudrait''
Chers Amis-lecteurs,
Je vous dois des excuses : je me suis lourdement trompé dans ma capacité à ''comprendre demain''. Confiant dans mon amour de ce Blog, dans mon désir-besoin de communiquer avec vous tous et avec chacun d'entre vous séparément, et dans l'optimisme qui est certainement une marque de ''qui je suis'', je m'étais promis de tenir mon habituel rythme hebdomadaire pendant tout l'été et de reprendre le 6 septembre notre dialogue par ''éditos'' interposés...
Je n'avais pas anticipé –il s'en faut de beaucoup-- le bouleversement que peut représenter la disparition d'une épouse après quelque 68 ans de complicité... et, plus encore, la charge tellement insupportablement chronophage qui accompagne ces quelques mots apparemment indifférents à ceux qui n'y ont pas été confrontés : ''une succession'' !
Je dois vous avouer que je suis complètement noyé dans les tâches, obligations, complexités, délais et dates impératives qui font escorte à ce mot sinistre. Entre les heures de recherche de documents –bien sûr égarés depuis des lustres--, les rendez-vous fixés par des tiers à l'autre bout de la France, à la ville, à la campagne, à la mer et à la montagne pour revisiter les résidences dont nous nous réservions l'utilisation (on appelle ''inventaires mobiliers'' cette exigence barbare d'une administration fiscale qui l'est tout autant –dans ses règlements, pas dans tous ses intervenants). En gros, cela consiste à racheter à l'Etat tout ce qui est à toi, mais qu'il accepte te revendre, fort cher, si tu veux en conserver la jouissance... au seul motif totalement non-pertinent que tu as perdu une partie de toi-même, ''ta moitié''!
En effet, dans notre pays qui ose se dire démocratique et civilisé (alors qu'il n'est que ''administré'', nous en parlions récemment), pour avoir le droit d'utiliser ce qui est a vous et qui a déjà payé (et très largement) impôts, taxes, ISF/IFI, contributions, et autres substantifs confiscatoires, il vous faut payer et repayer encore et encore... Car au fond des choses, ce n'est pas vous qui êtes propriétaire de vos biens, mais l'Etat, le Léviathan, l'ogre avide de tout ce qui ne lui appartient pas, mais sur quoi il s'est attribué un droit abusif de dévolution successorale obligatoire, en faisant voter tout un arsenal de lois punitives, liberticides et conFISCatoires. par des ''représentants du peuple'' indignes de leur mandat.
Bref, je m'avoue vaincu par ''la force brutale de l'Etat'' (le mot est de Mitterrand. C'est le seul qui vaille qu'on s'en souvienne), et je dois déclarer ''forfait'', pour quelques semaines : il m'est absolument impossible d'écrire la moindre chose qui ait la qualité et le style que je me donne bien du mal pour tenir (le sujet n'est pas ''que j'y arrive ou non'' : ceci est à votre jugement individuel ! Moi, j'essaye, c'est tout ce que je puis faire).
J'interromps donc avec douleur notre dialogue et mes ''parutions''. Pour combien de temps ? Je n'en ai pas la moindre idée, mais ce sera sans doute un mois ou deux (mon agenda est déjà rempli jusque vers la deuxième partie de novembre ! Je vous promets de revenir vers vous aussitôt que le nœud coulant se relâchera... Croyez bien que j'en suis désolé, profondément, mais je n'ai pas pu trouver d'autre solution que je puisse être capable de tenir jusqu'à Noël prochain...
A bientôt le plaisir de vous retrouver, et d'ici-là, comme le disait Giscard devant un petit bouquet d'anémones, ''Au revoir''...
Claude Henrion, ici habituellement dit ''H-Cl''.
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