#lglorien ramblings
lglorien · 4 years
I live next to Italy, a country under complete quarantine. That's how bad it is in Italy.
Meanwhile, my country:
The government says, "Don't travel to Italy under ANY circumstances. We mean it."
People in my country: *travel to Italy*
Those same people: *bring home the coronavirus and we reach 34 infected citizens in just under a week * (my country is small, so trust me, those rising numbers ain't no picnic)
Also those people, "Oh no, how did that happen?" 🤔🙄
Also those people, volume 2: *tell no one they've travelled to critically infected places, infect friends and their PATIENTS cause yep, a lot of those who just had to travel are DOCTORS who went to work the next day without isolating themselves from others cause they're selfish fucks*
Also those people, volume 3: *don't call a doctor when noticing symptoms, as instructed by the government, they just use public transport and fucking stride into a hospital/medical care center like they own the place cause fuck everyone, this is about me and only me*
Students I teach: *travel to Italy with parents, come to school and brag about it, and I swallow the urge to smack a bitch* (I did report their ass to the principle because we have to do that now, and they be fuuuuucked.) (Luckily, it's been over a week since and no one is sick... yet.)
Some other people I actually know: *intend to travel to Italy because it's nice this time of year or because they want a new car and you COULD buy it here, but hey, it's cheaper in Vicenza because some guy is selling it* 😮😲😖
I say, "Don't come near me for two weeks after you get your ass home."
Those brilliant minds: *dare to feel offended*
Italy says, "So, better stay home, everyone."
My fellow citizens, "lol, Italy, u funny"
Luckily, border control has been established... like a month too late, so bravo, government. But yeah, here we are at last.
The thrilling conclusion: it seems that a lot of people in my country are dumb egotistical fucks who don't care about the sick, the children and the elderly in their country because yolo, right? And hey, none of us want to get sick, but they don't. Give. A. Fuck.
An actual quote from an acquaintance (luckily, I almost never see them in person): "I wanna travel, so what. I'll just take some more vitamins and shit." 😑
Well done, y'all. I couldn't be more disappointed in you.
To be fair, the government has been taking a lot of new measures, but a little too late, and also, DUMB PEOPLE EXIST.
So, how is your country handling the plague, I mean, coronavirus?
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hithelleth · 7 years
I was tagged by @lglorien ages ago but I got stuck on things I’ve always wanted to do b/c all my dreams died (wow, am I being melodramatic! ;)) at some point (read: depression really fucked me up), so it took me a while to come up with something. Anyway, thank you (also for ‘forcing’ me remember to want things)! :D
5 things you can find in my blog 1. Marvel  2. cats 3. rare ships 4. various shows and movies 5. occasional random rambling thoughts and personal rants
5 things you can find in my room 1. books 2. notes, notes on post-its, notes on the back of ruined prints, notes on notes... ;) 3. some souvenirs and (birthday) gifts from when I was younger  4. a plant or two 5. hand lotion
5 things I always wanted to do 1. finish writing a book 2. learn French 3. go to a certain mountain near where I live 4. dye my hair some crazy colour just because 5. go to the opera? (IDK, I ran out of ideas; see, dreams dead especially when checked against the reality of my health and finances)
5 things that make me happy 1. talking to my BFF  2. cats 3. flowers 4. books 5. music
5 things on my to to-do list 1. finish that fic (and that other one, too) whenever 2. general apartment cleaning (when it cools the fuck down to below 25°) 3. go shopping for new autum shoes (b/c my only water-tight pair kicked the bucket in the spring; again, see above) 4. wash winter/autumn jackets/take them to dry cleaning 5. wash my winter bed cover (it has been too scorching hot even for this so far, ffs)
5 things you might not know about me 1. I would like to go to Lourdes some day  2. I have inherited my mother’s dislike of chrysanthemums (or, I guess, was taught it) 3. I don’t know how to swim or ski (I never learned due to health (and money) problems) 4. When I was in high school, I was really into formula one. 5. In primary school I once won an art contest (to my utter astonishment) only to later learn that my teacher mixed up my and my friend’s work when sending it out and it was really my friend who should’ve won and gone on the reward day-trip/award ceremony. Fortunately, when I told my friend about it, she saw the humour of it and we both had a good laugh about our ‘crazy’ teacher together. 
Tagging: @captainivyb, @wellwhataboutme, @ofwoodsandwaves, @jadedbirch and @bea2me. As always, feel free to ignore, no pressure!
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lglorien · 4 years
An update
Hello, everybody!
I have been quiet on Tumblr for a very long time. I've just liked posts every now and then, then set up queues, but I haven't really been around like I used to, updating my blog regularly, talking to some of you lovelies, making text posts and so on.
I have to stres here, really really stress it, that none of it is personal, and I never meant to neglect or ignore anyone.
The thing is, 2019 was a tough year for me, mental-health wise. My life took a sharp turn practically over night, and it was actually upon my doctor's advice (but it was also a personal need) that I decided to stay away from technology as much as possible. I was struggling, anyway, so I didn't even have it in me to explain myself to anyone. I needed to learn how to make my head quiet, and I'm still working on that, actually. And I've been learning to allow myself not to have an occupation for every single moment of my every day. Who would've thought that's so hard? Huh. Doing nothing still makes me feel restless and 'less', but progress is never easy.
I'm getting better, step by step. I had to go on sick-leave for 3 months, even, but I fought hard to get back in the saddle asap, with a different attitude, too. Work is important, but so is life, and learning to say 'no' to a boss who overworked you because 'you've always been so capable' - and because the word no felt wrong before - has been one of the best things to come out of this mess.
Thanks for reading this if you decided to do so. Have a very good 2020! Pay attention to yourself, you have to be the protagonist of your life. If your mental health declines, seek help, IT'S IMPORTANT. There's always help for everyone, you just need to find the right professional for your needs. Love yourself and if you don't yet, make it a goal, seriously. Don't forget about self care, too. Bad days don't last forever, either.
I didn't mean to go all philosophical there haha. But seriously, you're awesome and I hope you have fun! I'm trying to get into the Tumblr saddle, too, not to mention writing again. I haven't updated any of my work in ages.
Happy New Year!!!
P. S. Anxiety and depression still suck ass. :=)
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lglorien · 4 years
3, 4, 11, 16 for bookish asks, if you want. :)
Thanks for the ask! :)
3. What were your top 5 books of the year?
That's never easy to choose, but, in no particular order:
- Mythos by Stephen Fry
- J. R. R. Tolkien by Humphrey Carpenter
- Circe by Madeline Miller
- The Bear and the Nightingale by Katherine Arden
- A Discovery of Witches by Deborah Harkness
A vast majority of the books I read in 2019 was really good. I chose two honourable mentions: Lincoln in the Bardo by George Saunders (because it was unlike anything I'd read before and really well written) and Call Down the Hawk by Maggie Stiefvater (I waited almost two years for this book to come out, and it didn't fully live up to my expectations, but it was still good).
4. Did you discover any new authors that you love?
Deborah Harkness, for sure, because I know the rest of the trilogy will be as good as the first part, and Stephen Fry. I'd never read anything by him before, but he turned out to be rather good at this writing business. :)
11. What was your favourite book that has been out for a while, but you just now read?
A Discovery of Witches by Deborah Harkness.
16. What is the most over-hyped book you read?
Well, there's been a lot of hype around Call Down the Hawk by M. Stiefvater, but I don't think it's over-hyped. Fans have just been really looking forward to reading more about the world of living dreams and the Lynch brothers, and let's be honest, everyone has been excited about witnessing some domestic 'pynch'. So maybe this part has been over-hyped a little? A lot of hype, but not THAT much to it, imo? Cause in this respect, I myself also wanted more of them together, and the author made us believe that would be the case, but on the other hand, it was necessary to focus on other things.
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lglorien · 5 years
I was tagged by @hithelleth a week or so ago, and I was abroad for five days, but I can finally do this. Thank you for tagging me! :D
Rules: Answer 21 questions and then tag 21 people who you want to get to know better.
For now, I’m not tagging anyone in particular - any of my followers are very welcome to do this, so scratch before, I’m tagging all my followers if they want to answer these 21 questions. :)
Nickname: Too embarassing to disclose to the public. :) My sister and I have the weirdest nicknames for each other, and only we get them. They’re all an inside joke, so yes, that’s our thing hehe. I’ve been called Nena, although I’m not a fan of this one, and I have this co-worker who calls me ‘sweetie’ sometimes; she’s like this cool aunt to everybody, super sweet.
Zodiac: Virgo, and 80% of the characteristics listed for this sign hold true for me. Oh man lol.
Height: 170.5 cm, which is 5′6. 
Last movie I saw: I think I re-watched Harry Potter: The Deathly Hallow II in its entirety a couple of weeks ago. I had a few very busy weeks (over now, thank God), so I didn’t have much time to watch movies, or TV shows. 
Last thing googled: The weather forecast, just before I started answering these questions lol. I feel like such a grandma. :)
Favorite musician: Oh, I LOVE music, and I love a lot of musicians. I divide my faves into two groups: pre-2005 and post-2005 haha. So, a few of the ‘new’ ones: Florence + The Machine, Bat for Lashes, Lewis del Mar, Twenty-One Pilots, Vast, Hozier, Years & Years (totally pop-y, but I love ‘em)  ... From my ‘oldies and forever awesome’ group comes music that’s mostly rock, alternative rock, Britpop, some metal and hip hop / rap. Bands like Queen, Oasis, The Verve, Gorillaz, Red Hot Chilli Peppers, U2, Nine Inch Nails, Nightwish, Within Temptation, The Prodigy, Nas ... And Enya, original movie scores and classical music fit neither group, but I freaking love them all! Also, I’m sure a forgot a good number of my fave musicians, but you can check my music tag for more.
Song stuck in my head: Freaking ‘Treat you Better’ by freaking Shawn Mendes, which is so not my scene, but two girls sang it at school today, and confirmed it was Shawn Mendes, and the song’s stuck in my head. I’ve caught myself humming it to myself a few times today haha.
Other blogs: @lightsofnorth For all the artsy stuff that doesn't fit this fandom-related blog. Fashion, photography, food (mostly desserts) and mythology. Go check it out. :)
Do I get asks: An occasional ask, though very rare, from an anon, but mostly messages. I do get messages, I’m just extremely bad at replying to them. It takes me ages, and I’m so sorry for it. I love you, guys, I really do, I’m just shit at replying normally.
Following: 88 blogs. That’s a lot haha. Maybe I should see if there are any inactive ones out there?
Amount of sleep: I need my 8 hours of sleep, or I don’t function properly and make plans for an afternoon nap at 7 am. 7 hours will get me through the day, but I won’t be happy about it, and 6 hours ... don’t look at me after only 6 hours of sleep, just let me push through the day and go take a proper one-hour nap.
Lucky number: I don’t believe in lucky numbers, but for some reason, I like the look and idea of the number 5. Hmm.
What I’m Wearing: A baggy long-sleeved shirt, sweats, and a thin cardigan. Very casual.
Dream Job: I happen to have it - I’m a teacher. I feel super blessed to have this job. Getting a good job is mostly a matter of luck, even though I personally worked very hard to get mine, but in the end, it was still down to sheer luck. I have three dream jobs - writer, teacher, translator of fiction. And teacher I became. :)
Dream Trip: I don’t travel often, but I have visited some of my dream destinations, like London, Vienna, Salzburg and Venice. I’d like to go to Scotland, Ireland, Scandinavia, the Netherlands, Versailles in France, Bavaria in Germany ... Travelling is a stressful thing for me, though, so one step at a time. I’ll get to those places when the time is right, I don’t feel rushed.
Favorite Food: Italian, all the way, especially spaghetti bolognese, and a good tiramisu for dessert.
Play Any Instruments: A little bit of the piano, and a few chords on the guitar, so I’m not sure the guitar counts. I mean, I do know enough chords to cover basic songs very poorly lol. I can play basic piano, mostly because that’s kind of a necessity when you take singing lessons. I took two years of piano in primary school, then quit until I started taking singing lessons in college, and you have to be able to accompany yourself a little bit on the piano when you practice, so I also had to improve my piano-playing abilities a bit. I’m not skilled at it, far from it, but I can play some simple pieces (using both hands, not just one). Like, for example, a poorly executed version of Victor’s piano solo at the start of The Corpse Bride. It’s all I can play now (awkwardly, let me stress that again), it’s the only thing I’ve practiced in a long time lol. The beginning is kinda smooth, and then the fun starts haha.
Languages: Slovene, English, German. I need to brush up on my German some more, but I’ve been in contact with the language for the last five years and have improved. I’m going to start reading novels in German again because I want to get to the level of German I was capable of 15 years ago. I understand Italian and Spanish, but can only speak basic Italian and even less Spanish. I read both languages fluently and I learned Italian for four years, but not practicing makes your tongue - and brain - forget how to form phrases that you recognise when hearing them. Such a shame, really. 
Random Fact: I sing in the car, but not in the shower, and I start my day with a piece of chocolate. :)
Describe yourself as aesthetic things: autumn, spring, books, (mint) chocolate, lace, blue sky, tea cups, rings, earrings, ballet flats, Oxford shoes.
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lglorien · 5 years
Wanna keep in touch?
So ... Tumblr’s gone bananas. This website has always been a crazy place, but since a few of my entirely sfw posts were marked as sensitive in the past (I guess a male ballet dancer doing his thing dressed or simply Loki’s face - although this one is kinda hilarious cause I guess Loki’s too hot to handle haha - are deemed inappropriate) by the Tumblr powers that be, I’m currently in the process of moving my blog to Wordpress, also as lglorien (we’ll see how that goes; if it takes too long, I’ll quit the importing process) and I’m definitely moving my ass to pillowfort once it’s available to everyone (as lglorien, so don’t steal my username haha). Yeah, I’ve reblogged stuff that’s highly inappropriate according to the staff, and oh snap, I’ve shamelessly bitched about politics and neo-Nazis in my tags (tagging all of it, might I add, as not to trigger anyone who doesn’t want to see that), so we’ll see how that turns out for me (cause I ain’t stopping, staff, just an fyi). 
Hopefully, Tumblr gets its head out of its ass, or at the very least, you peeps and my humble self survive the ‘purge’, but just in case, my ass already exists on other social media, so here are some links:
- my other Tumblr blog (not a side blog): lightsofnorth (if you flag me for reblogging food pics and pretty dresses, shame on you, staff)
- my bookstagram (started like two months ago or something): thismissreads
- my AO3
- my Goodreads profile
*sigh* What a fucking mess, eh?
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lglorien · 6 years
when u get this u have to answer with 5 things u like about yourself, publicly. then, send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers (non-negotiable, positivity is cool) ✨💛✨
Aw, thank you so much for this! :)
The five things are:
1. I’m a huge optimist. Like, I will always see the light at the end of the tunnel, and sure, I have my bad days and I get grumpy and shit, but even during those moments, a part of me always believes the darkness will go away and I’ll pull through a bad situation.
2. I’m very open-minded. I don’t judge people for what they are, but for the bad things they do to others. Actions are important.
3. I’m good at explaining things, and in relation to this, I do believe I am good teacher. I have so much to learn, as I’m a young teacher, and there’s always room for improvement, but I’m glad that I’m good at explaining stuff to people.
4. I’m a writer. (An unpublished one, but whatever haha). I just like the fact that my imagination allows me to express myself in this way because I love books, I love stories and story-telling and words. This means an awful lot to me, and I’m thankful that I can do some story-telling myself, that being a writer is a part of who I am.
5. I have good self-esteem. I am so incredibly thankful for that. I know a lot of people don’t like themselves and would change so much and even hate themselves for what they are, how they look, etc. This makes me so sad and I wish they didn’t have to go through all of that. I feel blessed for being able to love myself, love who I am and what I stand for, and just ... my accomplishments are my own, and I’m proud of them, even if they may appear meaningless to others. Like, idgaf, this is my life and I like it, and I like myself - my body, my mind, the whole package. Am I perfect? Aw hell no! But the thing is, I don’t mind that, and it’s a good feeling.
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lglorien · 6 years
Do you ever read a book in which a character’s looks are described in great detail, and some features are really specific ... and you stubbornly imagine the exact opposite cause you have an actor stuck in your head? 
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lglorien · 6 years
I thought I was ready for the trauma watching Infinity War would bring, but after all the hell this amazing movie dragged me through, one moment takes the cake over all others.
‘‘I don’t wanna go, I don’t wanna go.”
Fuck you, Marvel. Fuck you.
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lglorien · 7 years
Friday at last! I worked such long days this week, and today is going to be another one. I'm actually planning an evening nap for today, nobody can stop me, and the plan for the weekend is to relax and do nothing!
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lglorien · 6 years
OMG I just completed the incredibly difficult ‘bring Sally up’ challenge ... by repeatedly lifting and lowering my index fingers since the rules are to bring ‘Sally’ up and then down, but nowhere does it state which part of your body Sally should be. 
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lglorien · 6 years
Hello, lovelies!
You may have noticed that I’ve been MIA a lot, and I’m sorry for the lack of posts. Also, I’m sorry that I haven’t responded to your messages - I will get to it, I sweat! To my bestie, I know no shame, but I haven’t forgotten about you, either haha.
The thing is, I’ve been working long days because a while ago, I was put in charge of a school project, and at first I was like, yay, they trust me enough to give me a projects! And now I’m like, fuck this shit, I wanna go home and wrap myself in a blanket and just sleep for a thousand years, and fuck that project, I will murder it and bury it in unconsecrated ground. Okay, a bit dramatic ... :)
Also, being homeroom teacher to a class that features a former teenage drug dealer on probation, a few bullies and that one kid that was diagnosed with a borderline personality disorder a few weeks ago, but refuses to be admitted to a psychiatric ward for treatment, as suggested by several psychologists and psychiatrists (because you can’t force ‘em, you know), and actually requested by his desperate parents, kinda drains you at the end of the day. 
I swear, I teach at a good school, but it just so happens that out of a handful of ‘special’ kids that go there, three of them were put into my fucking class. Was this someone’s idea of a joke? Cause hey, I ain’t laughing yet. So, I work overtime every day, bring my work home and then work some more till about 8 pm every day, and then people will still say that being a teacher is easy work, like we just go to work to drink coffee, have fun by acting like a bunch of know-it-all smartasses and abuse poor kids with homework. If you think that, kindly fuck off, thank you. 
Okay, this has been a rant. Feel free to ignore.
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