#levi ackerman x yn hcs
m-jelly · 3 months
Hello there!! how's your day going??
I saw your last post and i wanted to ask you if you're okay to do some hc's about Levi x reader? i was thinking about if how would it be if levi has a crush on reader who cleans when she feels upset or angry?? what would be he's reaction when he's found out?
Levi HC: emotional cleaning reader
When Levi has a crush, he is a ball of emotions but he keeps a lot of it internal.
Levi enjoys cleaning and seeing you clean up because a build up of emotions makes him feel connected to you.
Both of you feel deep and strong emotions so seeing that you have something in common makes him happy.
He could let his crush slip by accident, it wouldn't be on purpose.
Levi and you would be talking while enjoying a cup of tea and he would let it slip. He would comment on your beauty or how cute you were. Both of you would blush and you would press him more for information.
Levi would confess everything about how he feels for you and once you get him talking it all comes spilling out. He will talk about your brains, your smile, your laughter, your charm, your heart and your beauty.
After confessing and laying his heart out before you and very vulnerable, he waits in anticipation of receiving your love back. For a small moment, you see Levi at his most vulnerable and you're probably the only person ever to see him that way.
Of course, you would confess right back because how could you not be in love with the wonderful Levi Ackerman?
Levi is excited and ecstatic that you feel the same way. This is when you become a couple.
Levi's PDA with you is holding hands, lightly touching you, cheek kisses and making sure a part of him is always touching you.
Levi treats you like an absolute Queen and you make sure he feels like a King because he deserves all the love in the world.
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sasageyolevi · 1 year
head cannons for pet names that levi and yn call each other??? i loved ur last levi post :)
thank you !!!! this is my first hc on here , so please let me know if you like it :)
content : levi x fem!reader , suggestive nsfw content at times !!
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love names with levi ackerman
my love : this nickname is usually said late at night, when the pair are cozied up in their sheets, cuddling each other. hearing “my love” leave y/n’s lips makes levi’s heart just burst with even more love for his girl. when he says it to her, it’s usually in situations when y/n has been crying or in a bad mood and she just needs to cling to levi. the other time this name is used is when y/n wants something, or needs help. however, when she says it this time, it’s more drawn out at the end, such as, “my loveeee, can you grab the baking powder for me? please?”
mon amour / chérie : something about levi is so ~french~ to me, so i always imagine him which some sort of french origin in his heritage , which is why i feel like he would use these pet names for y/n. just imagine coming home from a long day at work to see your love greet you with a “bonjour, mon chérie, ça va?”
love : this is probably the most common pet name the pair has for each other. used many times a day, there is really no set scenario when the name is used more often. however, it is tossed around very frequently during more intimate moments, such as when the pair makes love. levi’s gentle moans echo the name, usually with a remark of praise at the end, such as, “oh love, you feel so tight around me, making me feel so good.” y/n echoes back the sweet word between her lips as she also gasps for air while the two come undone together.
baby : this nickname is one of the less common names used, especially on levi’s end, yet it is still said frequently. it is often used as more of a comfort word, said when the other is feeling down or needs a little bit of love. levi also uses this name when he’s in the mood, but it’s said in a much deeper tone and with more lust in his eyes.
angel : this is one of levi’s favorite names for y/n. he says it when she needs comforting, when she’s accomplished something, or even in the bedroom. he truly believes that she has saved him from a life of depression and loneliness, so she really must be his angel. levi just wants to worship her all day long.
sweetheart : this name is used by the both of them, but more commonly used by levi. it’s said mainly when y/n is unhappy or upset, and she just needs to rest in the comfort of her sweetheart. it’s not a word used very often, but when it is used, y/n’s heart melts.
honey : y/n didn’t really like this one in theory, but as soon as levi started using it, it became one of her favorite nicknames. hearing his sweet voice call her from the bedroom saying, “honey, dinner’s ready! i *attempted* to make your favorite!” makes her go all giggly and feel an overwhelming sense of comfort. she also jokingly uses this name for levi when he’s doing something slightly domestic (like cleaning), and although he won’t admit it to her or anyone, he secretly loves it the way it rolls off her tongue and hits him right in the heart.
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levisgirll · 3 years
i had this idea in mind and i was wondering if i could request a little story hc for it pls! so basically, levi's s/o is a bit of a klutz and can break things sometimes so when levis out in a meeting and his s/o is cleaning his office, she accidentally breaks one of his tea cups and starts panicking if he sees what she's done. so she frantically tries to fix it in the time that she has but levi catches her and she just breaks down and feels really bad but levi comforts her in the way that he can? sorry if this is too specific but you can add in your own ideas as well! <3
𝐏𝐮𝐫𝐞-𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐝 (𝐋𝐞𝐯𝐢 𝐀𝐜𝐤𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐧 𝐱 𝐅𝐞𝐦!𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)
→ text: hello there anon! this is such a great idea and I made it loads of fluff so I hope you enjoy it <3 ty for sharing your ideas and making it specific!🥺
synopsis: just as Y/N thought today would be a normal day and wanting to spend the rest of the day with her boyfriend, Levi, she accidently breaks one of his favorite things, which is his teacup! Y/N feels extremely bad about it and tries her best to fix it, although something goes wrong and Levi notices it. How does her boyfriend Levi react? And what does he do and say to her? get ready cause y/n gets to see a side of Levi she never seen before!
real cute fluff, a lil mention of injury (?), aot world, headcanon fanfic ♡ —
“I’ll see you later Y/N, okay? I just have a quick meeting to attend.” Levi said as he ruffled his girlfriends hair, giving her a small smile. “If you need anything-” Just as Levi was about to reassure his girlfriend that he is always willing to help her out, she cut him off by hugging his chest suddenly. “Don’t worry! I will be fine! And I just only want you back as soon as possible, so I will wait for you here!” His girlfriend said with a cheerful tone and gave him the most purest smile.
Levi loved his girlfriend a lot, and he would always be ready and willing to offer his help, time and effort for Y/N, because to him, she meant the world. His girlfriend was a bit clumsy, and that did not matter to Levi a lot but when it comes to Y/N accidentally slipping, or dropping things. He would never get mad at her but instead worried if she ever got herself hurt. He would always be a step ahead, ready to treat her injuries quickly if the thing she broke caused her harm and he would always then check up on his girl and ask her if she was alright.
He would usually take on many tasks and do them just to help his s/o out. Levi then started to find her pure clumsiness lowkey cute sometimes, for instance when she spills the tea while giving it to Levi and half of it would be gone, he would slightly chuckle and then say, “You made this for me?” And she would get so happy and nodding her head with a bright smile, getting happy how Levi said that. He admired and appreciated her effort for him, but what he finds also cute is when they are cleaning together alone at the stable and she would randomly drop her broom and say “Oops!” and when she tries to pick it up, Levi would just give her his broom and then chuckle “Stop being cute already.” and after he said that he lightly flicked her forehead, making his girlfriend a blushing mess right now and being embarrassed.
Waking up to random bruises would usually happen to his girlfriend when they sleep together. Y/N never had no idea where, when and how that happened! And when Levi wakes up and notices that as the sun shines on her skin, and he sees a small bruise on her upper arm, he would say “How did you get that?”. Y/N would turn her head that was laying on Levi’s chest to look at her arm, and then she would say “I wanna know that too!”. Levi would slightly chuckle and then he would caress it gently, to see if it hurts you, and if he sees no reaction coming from you he feels relieved but still puts a bandage on it later on as you change to your uniform <3
Levi would never let you walk after it has rained, on a wet floor, he would turn around and suddenly pick his girlfriend up from her waist, carrying her in his arms (in a bridal style way) and he would say “I’m carrying you. I don't want you slipping.” This man is ready and prepared to take care of his girl, the woman he loves dearly.
When Levi hears Y/N saying ‘ouch’, he quickly comes to you, as if he was summoned, and just randomly check on you then asks “Where are you hurt love?” Levi is ready, and your boyfriend does think of you 24/7 and cherishes you!
Although, one day her klutziness got the best of her today and it left Levi being really concerned and upset.
After Levi has gone to his meeting, Y/N decided to surprise him by cleaning his office as he always seems to smile whenever he sees something clean, and his girlfriend wants to see her boyfriend Levi smile as much as he can!
While she was cleaning his office in her free time, wiping the table surface with a cloth, she picked his teacup up and with her other hand was rubbing the table. But, she accidently slipped the teacup that was from her hand and it fell on the ground, causing it to break, shattering to pieces.
“Oh shit, shit, shit! I really fucked up this time!” Y/N said panicking and started to pace around, wondering what to do next. Her tears started to form in her eyes and she started to regret what she has done. Levi would so be upset and mad at her now.
Y/N then frantically tries her best to pick up the teacup pieces from the ground and was seeing if she would fix it or put them the pieces back together. She wanted to do this quick before Levi would come in and see what she has done.
But, that was too late as soon as Levi opened his office door, “Hey Y/N, I’m ba- What the hell.” Levi was caught off guard as he saw Y/N bent down, and when he came closer to her to see what she was doing, he then realized there were pieces of glass on the floor and that made him worry. “L-Levi, Don’t worry I’ll fix-” As soon as his girlfriend was about to finish what she was saying to him, she winced in pain as she accidentally cut herself with the small glass pieces since she got startled by Levi’s sudden presence. “Ow!” She uttered a yelp as she jolted from the pain and blood was now staring to form on her index finger.
Levi dropped everything he was carrying on the ground and immediately went to his girlfriend to help her. “Love are you okay?! Let me see.” He quickly took her hand, examining the cut on her index finger and went to his desk to get the first aid to patch Y/N up. Levi was calm and still as he was treating her injury, and he stayed silent while helping her out, focusing on putting the bandage on her accurately, and also to make sure she wouldn’t get even more pain while he was doing it.
Although, his girlfriend mistook that has Levi being mad and angry at her and she felt extremely bad, she looked down to her shoes, avoiding his eye contact and started to tear up. “I-I’m sorry Levi....I-I know you are mad right now, I feel really bad what I have done. I know how much you liked that teacup, I’m sorry I brok-”
Levi cut her off and brought his hand under her chin, to pull it up and made her now looking directly to his grey eyes. He had a calm expression but in his eyes he felt worried for her and his love for her was also shown. “I don’t care about that damn cup. What I care about is you idiot. Are you okay? Is it painful?” He questioned her in a concern tone, waiting for her response and she stood there sitting, her eyes would be wide open and surprised how Levi actually did not care a single bit about the teacup and was not even mad at her clumsiness. His love for her was stronger than that, and nothing mattered to him other than his girlfriend.
“No...” Y/N said in a soft tone and looked away, still feeling bad about what she did and Levi did notice that. He brought her closer and what he did really shocked Y/N. He gave her a tight and warm hug, and he was softly stroking her back gently and lovingly. She then realized that this was Levi’s own way of comfort, his way to let her know that it was all right and he only cared about was her.
This made Y/N a blushing mess and she grabbed on to Levi, and hugged him around his shoulders and softly sobbed on his neck. He was really gentle and soft towards her, and she loved him even more.
After that, Levi would take his girlfriends hand and pull her up, “Let’s go out.” Y/N just nodded and wondered where they would head to around this hour?
They then ended up in town, and Levi was holding her hand carefully and would time to time caress the back of her hand softly with his thumb to ease the pain away and that would give Y/N butterflies every single time he did that.
It turned out that, to make his girlfriend not feel bad about what she did. He ended up buying new teacups, and he would ask her to pick two teacups that she liked. She listened to him and picked the ones she found cute, and wondered why. It was then she realized that Levi finally said with a slight blush on his cheeks, “We can have, matching teacups. Hm, What do you think?”
Now, they have matching teacups <3 He was honestly the best boyfriend to Y/N and he tells her in his own way to comfort her that he is glad she broke that, cause if she didn't they wouldn't have matching teacups “That teacup was shit anyways. I wanted to buy a new set of teacups with you.” Levi would say he wouldn't even know how to even mention it and bring it up cause he was in fact thinking of having matching teacups! He is awkward and shy and would be a stuttering mess if he ever brought it up randomly one day to Y/N so he never mentioned it, but today was the day he would slip it in!
His girlfriend felt pleased and happy, happy about the fact that Levi was really understanding and he would do anything to make her feel happy again, he would never let Y/N go a day not feeling happy and making sure his girl was alright. She would then chuckle after and say, “Well, I’m glad to hear that.”
Levi would then smile at her, feeling relieved to see her smiling and happy again, cause in the end of the day, that was important to him other than a stupid teacup.
Now, Levi would roast ANYONE who touches his and Y/N's teacups. Levi would say to the other scouts that she is only allowed to touch them, use them, clean and even break it.
Then, starting from the next day Levi would sneak in kisses on her hand that got the cut every now and then when no one is looking. This left both of them blushing a lot.
Y/N would sometimes say with a sad sigh “Ugh, I’m so clumsily.” to Levi, but he would then go near her face and hold her side cheek which got her off guard and say “Yea, You are ‘my’ clumsily girl.” He won’t let you say anything negative about yourself slip by and you always feel loved whenever he did that.
Overall, Levi found her absolutely wonderful and her qualities far outshine some of the challenges she faces. Even while she is clumsy and stumbling, she is very skilled when it gets to use her 3D gear, she can just move around very good, flexible and easily avoids titans and Levi is kind of impressed by her skills then says “That's my girl” with a soft smile. Y/N had talent in her blood.
Okay I found this hc fanfic so cute! Levi would definitely never get mad at his girl when it comes to this since this man is very mature and understanding, and he is always willing to make sure she is doing alright and taking care of his girl <3 Levi now uses the new matching teacups every now and then and he would always gets your tea ready using them! (he would be such an excited kid whenever you both used it) so expect to have more tea time sessions with him. Anyways, I hope you and anyone else enjoyed it, and please leave a like, reblog or a message to let me know! Have a great rest of the day and ty for the support <3 
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m-jelly · 1 year
Levi's the type of man who would wake up in the middle of the night, gaze at you and then hug you as he covers you in kisses just because he loves you so much.
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m-jelly · 2 years
On the topic of training I HC that Levi isn’t a vain man. He’d have a style that likes to stick to but wouldn’t preen at himself or care too much about looks.
If he’s buff in modern I imagine it would be because he has a physical job, or he’d train as stress relief. Also I imagine he’d have hobbies like hiking and rock climbing. I can see him doing it with Mike and Erwin.
He also strikes me as someone who cares about his health, it would tie well with his cleanliness. I imagine that he went through a phase when he was really into fitness during college/university but got over it and dialled it back once he started working. 🤣
YAY! I love HCs, especially right now while I'm taking a mental day <3
Levi is not vain at all, far from it. He wouldn't stare at himself or take loads of pictures. The only reason he takes pictures is because of you! <3 He wants to send you pics
Oh totally, he'd be buff because of his job or he'd train to get rid of stress. I see him doing mainly weightlifting and some boxing as well. He'll do some cardio, but not too much. He'd probably love hiking and taking you with him. You'll go on nice walks together and they'd get a bit more challenging over time.
I can see him eating healthy-ish foods. He'd try and have a balanced diet. He would happily eat takeout with you. When you're a couple, he'd relax more, but he'd adore cooking with you the most. You want pizza? You're making it together. You want a burger? He'll put something together and make one better than some restaurant.
Uni days? Yes. He would have gone overboard with his fitness because of stress and it helped him get rid of it. However, he meets you and all that changed because you get rid of all his stress <3
You change Levi. You make him relax. You make him stronger. You make him smile. You make him happy.
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