bi-lesbian · 9 months
I'm a female exclusively and only attracted sexually and romantically to other females. What does that make me?
well its not like i can Assign you a label, bc identities dont work like that. you can use just lesbian, if you want, since it being an umbrella label doesnt mean it cant also apply to your identity. thats the great things about identities though, that you can choose your labeling or even go unlabeled and just live youre life, theyre not prescriptive.
though, if you mean "female" specifically to mean people assigned that at birth, then id just label you an asshole.
otherwise, enjoy the wonders of the vast lesbian experiences of your fellow lesbians if you so choose. bc isnt it great we can all share our joy in being attracted to/loving women no matter how different we may be?
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vaporgayve · 3 years
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it’s my virtual birthday party! i got you a hat! please enjoy the cake and feel free to grab a balloon and take a sticker book and bouncy ball from the basket next to the assorted party games!
Image description: a red cone birthday party hat with Elmo’s face from Sesame Street. It has orange and red paper streamers on top and around the bottom. End Image description.
WAH that's so cute ty for inviting me tab!! im sorry we can't celebrate in person, we can definitely do something in a couple months when we meet up though :D
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hi i need a little bit of advice ive been questioning my sexuality (again. like ive been for almost 4-5 yrs now but i definitely spent lots of time being sure that im a lesbian but through all this time i was very lonely and didnt get any experience so im still not sure) the thing is im not even mainly i think im solely attracted to gnc and butch women which sucks for the reason that i can't relate to most of what other lesbians say) plus i dont think ive ever experienced butterflies with a girl
(continued) ++like my crushes manifest in more like i want to be near her/touch her way not in a physical way?? this is making me doubt all of my attraction to women so much.. like i know i hate men and i dont want to date men but i feel like im forcing my attraction to women ? im scared abt it bc it's a really shitty thing to do but what if im just. lying and faking it
I don’t think you’re lying/faking it. If you were, you’d know for sure that you were lying. Sometimes it takes a little time to figure yourself out and sometimes you have doubts about who you are but it doesn't mean you’re lying. Personally I’ve also never felt the exact butterfly feelings and most of my signs that I like someone are similar to yours and changes in behavior when I’m around the person I like so don’t worry about all that, bc not everyone feels things the same way. If you think you like gnc or butch women, that’s fine lots of people have qualities that they are most attracted to. I don't think you’re faking it and i don’t think you’re forcing it💖
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milanadoraz · 7 years
I believe I'm bi (more often just "sapphic" since I preference girls), but the lesbian post hit the nail on the head. The ONLY guy I could ever imagine being with is a celebrity, married, and literally dead. So, hella unattainable. I'm honestly a bit repulsed by other men due to a previous relationship gone wrong, but my attraction to this celebrity is the only thing holding me back from labeling myself as lesbian. It is a daunting title of course but deep down.. it feels like it could fit?
hey bby!! and yes it def sounds to me like ur a lesbian dealing with coercive heterosexuality so u are def welcome to label urself as a lesbian if u feel like it fits :)
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les-bi-cons · 3 years
Are you still doing icons?
yes! i tend to fluctuate in activity due to my energy/motivation issues, but im always accepting new requests and will absolutely get to them at some point ! i go through my requests in the order i receive them!
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bi-lesbian · 2 months
can an alternate symbol for mspec-lesbian(/mspec-gays/etc. if that’s what the symbol applies too) be 🌙🌺/🌺🌙? I don’t want people thinking I’m a gross comshipper….
its specifically 🌙🌙🌸 for the bi double moons, and theres no violet flower emoji for lesbian so the sakura is in place to at least fit the upright, 5-petaled look from my bi lesbian symbol (so its not a bi gay symbol as well, ive been meaning to make one but havent gotten around to it yet). but you can do whatever you want, i guess
whatever this is people are coming to me about seems extremely new and niche though, never heard of it before and any results are only in the past couple years 🤷‍♀️ my 🌙🌙🌸 symbolism for bi lesbian has been around longer
id rather not make a mental association of my identity to something that triggers me, so id appreciate people not bringing this topic up to me again
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bi-lesbian · 10 months
Hiii, I have a terminology question?
I've always assumed Masc lesbian was in reference to them being masc individuals, but the she/her mlm equivalent is also called Masc gay? (I've been referring to them as femme mlms, and such because I couldn't find a community name)
Is u h there a reason for this? Does masc in this content mean something else?
-thankkkk youuuu
i have a feeling you may be misreading something! if youre asking for what this blog is about, thats mspec lesbians and mspec gays. mspec means multi-spectrum attraction, nothing about being masc! (though anyone whos mspec can be masc or not, but theyre not related labels) mspec is for anyone who likes more than one gender, so its an umbrella label for bi, pan, poly, omni, etc!
btw if someone is a she/her gay, it doesnt necessarily mean theyre femme/fem, same for he/him lesbians arent necessarily butch/masc! theres a wide overlap of course, but pronouns dont always equal presentation or otherwise!
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bi-lesbian · 9 months
hi there! is it okay if i make an mspec gay/veldian symbol to go with your mspec lesbian symbol? i was thinking of keeping the mspec crescents but changing the flower to a carnation. if you don't want me to that's okay! i love your flags and symbols btw they're all so pretty, the bi, pan, and omni lesbian flags are some of my fav flags :D
actually i have been planning to make an mspec gay symbol, and with a carnation! i havent gotten around to it yet, but i already have a design in mind! so hopefully i can get that made out sometime soon (just need to get past my energy issues)
and thank you so much!! that makes me happy to hear ^w^
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bi-lesbian · 8 months
can i use the mspec lesbian flag as an emote in my server?
yeah! they can be used anywhere for anything! same for my symbols!
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vaporgayve · 3 years
thank you random uwuer!!! i slept until 2 pm so we're already off to a great start hdvsjfh
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vaporgayve · 3 years
🎸 owo
hi lolly!! :D
duran duran - (i’m looking for) cracks in the pavement
oingo boingo - little guns
cheryl lynn - got to be real
makoto matsushita - first light
revocation - enter the hall
i was afraid i was going to get all 70s and 80s and then a metal song saved me :D see i do listen to different kinds of music!!! anyways ty for the ask lolly!!
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vaporgayve · 3 years
ty miska!! i’m still meaning to listen to the one u gave me, i’ll probably do it right after this :>
they might be giants - i love you for psychological reasons (don’t ask about my fancam to this one 😔)
styx - the grand illusion
electric light orchestra - on the run
mariya takeuchi - plastic love (this just got put on spotify!! :D)
queens of the stone age - 3′s & 7′s (THIS ONE IS FROM YOUR VIDEO!! TY FOR THAT!!!)
thanks again miska!! hope you’re doing well :>
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vaporgayve · 3 years
hi bestie!!!!!! <3
jellyfish - joining a fanclub
oingo boingo - capitalism
ben folds - selfless, cold, and composed
kate bush - wuthering heights
wham! - wake me up before you go-go
SHDFVGSD that was such a depressing playlist until i randomly got that last one, i hope that convinces you i’m not usually this edgy ^^;
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vaporgayve · 3 years
🎸🦗🎤🐝🥁🦂🎷🐛 🎶 oh shit we got a whole ass band what r they playin
they’re so talented!!! ty for the ask dumpson!!
the crusaders - street life (hehe funny venture bros song)
mort garson - symphony for a spider plant
genesis - abacab
mozart - piano sonata kv 311: ii. andante con espressione (i’m learning this one rn!!)
men at work - it’s a mistake
this was kinda weird but i hope u still like it!! :>
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vaporgayve · 3 years
happy birthday !!! :D
thanks miska!!
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vaporgayve · 4 years
47 😌
横顏 by taeko onuki! she was in my top 5 this year, my favorite songs by her are 4:00 am and tokai :D this one sounds a lot like bob ross music lol
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