#les mis all star concert
stuckasmain · 2 years
grantaire for the blorbo bleebus form
Do you know the door you just opened for asking about him. My man. It’s been how many years since I got into les mis and I’ve seen way to many versions- read the brick twice and this Mf remains in my head rent free. I think I’m out of it and he’s just sitting there.
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Really wish I could’ve seen Steven as R, but the guy in the Us tour two years ago was great. Raymond is still a fav and I think if we look past the many many mistakes of BBC les mis - they had one of the Best R’s
Also worth mentioning the 1982? 84? French film for as fucking weird as it got in some places was good, anything is better then the fucking 70s one. (If I remember right I had a night where I binged all the movie versions I could get hold of)
Another side tangent but the more I watch the more I grow to really dislike the 2012 movie and realize it kinda fundamentally ruined how people view most characters at least fandom wise. 25th anniversary and all star recording proved you can do The Whole Musical and people will go nuts (and they just stood there imagine with a movie budget!!) it especially did wild amounts of damage to R- like taking out almost all of his lines and then giving him his solo only to not actually include it in the fucking movie and taking away his relationship with Gavroche (don’t get me wrong it’s cute with courf but only serves to remove even more from R’s character, complexity and role within the movie).
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sulphurofftheclock · 2 years
My Les Mis AU gets more interesting the more I think about it, so I'm just gonna,,,,
4*Town As Les Mis Characters
Robaire as Jean Valjean
I'm gonna be honest, the whole reason this AU sparked in my mind was because I thought Ro and Z would make a really interest Valjean/Javert dynamic
Ro as Valjean just makes sense to me
Valjean cares so much about the people close to him, and he does so much to further their lives and make them happy, even to his own detriment
If that isn't Robaire I'm living a lie
Aaron Z as Javert
Javert and Valjean are foils to each other, their arcs cannot exist without the deep connection and obsession (Javert moreso than Valjean) with each other
It's it's it's
It's the rivalry? Hero/villain dynamic? It's the conflict, the undoing of his morals because Valjean is just that good
I can't describe this well at all without writing a fic, so don't worry, I will be writing a fic
Just, if you know Les Mis, you'll get it. If Robaire is Valjean, the only who can be Javert is Aaron Z
Jesse as Fantine
Aside from the first two, I don't feel particularly strongly about who is who
Jesse as Fantine though, I think it's because he's a dad LOL
If you don't know Les Mis, you probably know the song I Dreamed a Dream, that's Fantine's big song
Les Mis AU Jesse lives a short and sad life :-( sorry y'all
He has a son (T) though, and he cares for him so deeply it got him killed whoops
I'd say spoilers, but it LITERALLY happens in the prologue, I don't know what to tell you
Aaron T as Cosette
I've been going back and forth between T being Cosette or Eponine, but I'm choosing to spare his life this time hahaha
Rough childhood? Yeah, but it's okay because Robaire adopts him
That kinda it for Les Mis AU Aaron T not gonna lie
Taeyoung as Marius
If I don't write a fic based on Empty Chairs at Empty Tables assume I have died (/j)
Tae is Marius simply and exclusively because I can totally see him seeing T walk by and going "👁👁 Revolution? Nah, I'm gonna fall in love"
He strolls over to the other students and they're like 😐
I wish there were more members, because I want to assign Eponine to someone :-( There is just barely not enough members to fill out the main six characters
(Am I... am I gonna call this au "Les Town?")
(Also hehehe musical about french revolution hehehe robaire french)
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musicalrecs · 1 year
After all the talk of slime tutorials on here, I have been reminded of the general consensus that there should be more professional recordings of shows. So I would like to ask what shows actually do have proshots?
As for proshots that come to my mind now, I know Hamilton and Legally Blonde have somewhat well known proshots, Heathers got one not too long ago, and quite a few classics have recordings that were aired on PBS way back when (PBS ought to do that more often these days). I also think Cats has one and Les Mis and Phantom have those staged concerts that kind of fit the bill.
Hmm, good question! First, what counts as a proshot? 🤔 Are we only talking films of staged shows, and not movies/adaptations? So, for example, the Producers movie wouldn't be considered a proshot even though it's got the two Broadway stars and was overall quite faithful to the show? And are we not talking something like Encanto Live?
The ones I can think of offhand not on your list are Spongebob Squarepants, Newsies, By Jeeves, Joseph and the Amazing Technicolored Dreamcoat, whatever else ALW released during the pandemic to watch that I don't recall, and Into the Woods. If we're talking concerts, there's Sweeney Todd and Chess.
After that, I'd have to start cheating by looking up PBS's Great Performances episode list or things like Live from Lincoln Center.
Anyone got any other recs?
Note: As a personal ask, as y'all answer this please don't get too in depth on where you might find these to watch these days. This blog is meant to be about musical recommendations, not piracy recs. And it's nice to support theater with actual money when you can.
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astriexxe · 3 months
Here is my very long post about what I think of Les Misérables (2012) after watching it again recently
Tldr: the music which should be great somehow just isn't, the camera angles are fucking weird, Russel Crowe isn't as bad as I expected, Hugh Jackman was worse than I remembered
When I watched Les Misérables (2012) the first time it was the first experience I'd had of Les mis other than the odd YouTube video of one day more (or occasionally do you hear the people sing). I didn't know what it was about I didn't know many of the songs.
I found it fairly boring, the music was ok, the middle section with the revolution was the highlight. My favourite character was Javert followed by Enjolras (but that's biased because I'm a moulin rouge and n2n fan and it was Aaron tveit).
When I watched it back I entirely expected to hate Russell Crowe as Javert but have more respect for the music and the rest of the film as I have since watched the staged concerts and been to see it live and it's fucking great I love it.
I was wrong the music still sucked and I still found it kind of boring despite absolutely loving the stage production.
The orchestra is too quiet I think which means the music loses a lot of it's grandeur and the bad singing is more obvious.
Russel Crowe has a weird tone when singing (this we already knew) and when compared to other Javert's he sucks but when compared to Hugh Jackman it's a relief whenever it's his part because holy fuck Hugh Jackman was bad. Russel Crowe honestly wasn't that bad, I quite like his Javert from an acting perspective and the singing was alright, I know when I first watched the film stars was my favourite song (just imagine how amazed I was when I heard Philip Quast's version). I wish Javert's suicide was better in the film.
Hugh Jackman was far worse than I remembered him being perhaps I have more to compare him to now, bring him home was awful that's not how that should be sung and he had me bored for like the entire bit at the start where it's basically just him (end of prologue/ VJ's soliloquy).
One day more was a bit messy but not as bad as I was expecting.
The scenery was pretty epic like they had some great cinematic shots (ship at the start, the Seine, the cliff during VJ's soliloquy) like a big musical like Les Mis deserves some cool shots like that.
The camera angles were fucking weird. I find how shows use different camera angles quite interesting but I can't figure Les Mis out, it doesn't enhance the story or characters or anything it's just distracting and adds to how boring it is. I thought the camera angles during VJ's soliloquy looked like he was vlogging. Some dramatic shots could have helped that scene a lot I think. The camera angles got a little more exciting but the weird close ups were a theme and I personally think they were poorly used and distracting.
The Thenardiers were pretty good the first time I watched it but like having seen the show since it just doesn't work they're nowhere near as funny.
When my friend watched Les Mis and said she didn't like how all the dialogue was sung and I was like ok maybe she just doesn't like sung through musicals fair enough. No the film is just weird. They like added bits of sung dialogue but they seem to have forgotten to give these bits any tune.
VJ got a new song which was a bit of a shock because honestly I don't remember it from the first time round, I think the concept of the song is pretty cool but poorly written (it was sort of boring and didn't feel like it fit with the musical).
Les Amis were once again a highlight, the pace picks up, the singing gets better, all in all it's a good chunk of the film.
Fantine was better than I remembered and Anne Hathaway went for acting over singing in I Dreamed a Dream which worked but only because it was a film.
Eddie Redmayne was good as was Sam Barks I enjoyed their bits.
Aaron Tveit was also good you can tell which of the actors are theatre actors because they can act and sing at the same time (/hj). And of course respect to George Blagden.
The child actors (I don't know their names) were also great!
Yeah I think that's it if anyone read this to the end congrats on making it
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operafantomet · 9 months
I didn't want to come back here but I'm curious about something. I've seen at least 3 people saying that ALW asked John Owen-Jones to do the 25th concert and he REFUSED!? Do you know anything about that? If it is true, it was the dumbest thing JOJ could have done. How do you turn down an once in a lifetime chance like that? Apparently he wanted to do Les Mis which he ended up not being cast for either. ALW worships sierra (which I will never understand why, she's extremely overrated) but implying he really wanted JOJ do you think he would have cast Gina Beck or Katie Hall with him?
Frankly, I have absolutely no idea what was said off the record for this casting. There's ever only been comments on the ones that DID get cast, and how they were cast. It seems ALW got to choose some, and CamMack got to choose some. I don't know if all links are still accessible, as this is copied from a post I did some 10 years ago, but anyhow:
Ramin Karimloo was invited by Cameron Mackintosh and Sierra Boggess by ALW: “I’m in heaven because I love the show and the character so much,” said Boggess, who was personally tapped by composer Andrew Lloyd Webber to star in the anniversary event“ Hadley Fraser was a noticeable Javert in Cameron’s Les Mis at the time, and also best buddy with Ramin, so I’m guessing the way was short from there. Kiera Duffy was discovered through a production of Candide and asked to audition through video. They wanted a legit opera singer for the part, and she was offered the part after a video audition:
“Cameron Mackintosh’s office contacted my management, who in turn contacted me, in early August asking if I might be interested in the project. (...) I received an email from Mackintosh’s office saying they were very impressed by my dedication and chutzpah, and I got offered the role. What a whirlwind! I couldn’t believe it!"
Fate wanted it that she had to bow out some days before the concerts due to voice issues, making current West End Carlotta Wendy Ferguson take over. But Duffy was the original casting chouce. Wynne Evans was noticed in the popular “Go Compare” commercials in the UK, where he played an Italian tenor. To mention some. 
I always assumed they WANTED to feature Ramin Karimloo and Sierra Boggess along with Liz Robertson to keep the link to Love Never Dies. All three came directly from the just-closed West End production of LND. Note too how Hadley Fraser's Raoul was more in the vein of LND than a classic Hal Prince Raoul, pushing the aggressive and colder side of Raoul.
Another aspect is that rehearsals for RAH took place when the original production was performing as usual at Her Majesty's Theatre, and I don't think we should forget that John Owen-Jones was principal Phantom there. It would of course be possible to have someone fill in for him while he did RAH, just they they did for Ramin when he rehearsed for LND. In this it should also be mentioned that Barry James (Firmin) did both Her Majesty's Theatre and RAH, and so did Wendy Ferguson (Carlotta) if more as an emergency cover. But I suspect JOJ's heart was more with the original than then hybrid version at RAH. Just a personal guess, however.
All in all, JOJ is the only person who could properly answer this question, and if he has not said anything all speculations are just that - speculations. I also think I heard he was standby Phantom for the RAH concerts, in case Ramin Karimloo got sick or injured? At least I heard back in the days that the West End principals was functioning as standbys for RAH, and they were also present in cameo roles during the show.
Another thing... I frankly love Sierra Boggess as Christine. Even if the SoMe responsibles has gone utterly bananas every time she played the role (and it drove me nuts), and even if I can't stand all the ones telling me SIERRA IS THE BEST CHRISTINE EVER... I love her in the role. Beautiful voice, sympathetic portrayal, good dancer, looking like a million dollar - she is a gorgeous Christine. No more, no less.
What I do agree with, however, is that people would have said "...IS THE BEST CHRISTINE EVER" about probably anyone starring as Christine in the RAH concert, as long as they sung well and looked good. If Gina Beck was featured she would be a sensation. Ditto for Katie Hall. They would simply be the most available Christine out there for the majority, and thus getting a big fanbase.
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Mark Seibert Konzert 27.4.2024 in Ottobrunn bei München
"Wünsch dir was... dann singt Mark das" oder besser "Proben ist was für Feiglinge" with special guest Riccardo Greco oder stand in "lass dein Bügeleisen liegen" Special guest Roberta Valentini
Was für ein Konzert!
Schon das Konzept allein ist was ganz Anderes als sonst. Man konnte Titelwünsche schicken und Mark hat aus 700 Songs ein Programm gezaubert und sich dabei auf die fokussiert, die er nicht schon oft auf Konzerten gesungen hat oder wo die Musicals (noch) eher unbekannt sind Robin Hood oder Ein wenig Farbe. Zudem gab es einige Lieder, die sonst von Frauen gesungen werden wie "Einsames Gewand" (Die Päpstin) "Ich hab geträumt vor langer Zeit" (Les Mis). Besonders berührend fand ich "Woran soll ich noch glauben?" (Robin Hood) und "Wärst du heute hier?" (Ein wenig Farbe) (Mark spielt das 1 Personen Stück im Sommer in Wien und Ottobrunn).
Riccardo Greco sollte eigentlich der Special Guest sein, war auch angereist, konnte aber nichts gegen das Magen-Darm Leiden machen, sodass zwei Stunden vor Beginn klar war, dass er nicht würde singen können. Mark hat daraufhin kurzerhand Roberta Valentini angerufen, die gerade beim Bügeln war, und sie gebeten im zweiten Teil mitzumachen. Sie hatte keine Probe und auch keinen Soundcheck und die Musiker, Mark und Roberta haben das Konzert in großen Teilen improvisiert. Roberta hat Lieder gesungen,die die Musiker teilweise gar nicht kannten. Für das Klavier gab es noch halbwegs Noten, aber die beinhalteten keine Arrangements für Cello oder Gitarre und so haben die Musiker in meisterhafter Leistung improvisiert. Marks Kommentar zu den Impros "Proben ist was für Feiglinge" Mark hat die Lieder gesungen, die sonst Riccardo Greco gesungen hätte, wodurch man sicher einmalig Mark mit "Warum kannst du mich nicht lieben?" (Mozart) hören konnte. (Außerdem sorgte Marks Auftritt als Riccardo Greco für Lacher, weil er seinen Kollegen imitierte beim Auftreten und sich als Riccardo ausgab. Roberta konnte sich kaum einkriegen.😂) Roberta und Mark sind ein eingespieltes Team, aber trotzdem ist es nicht einfach mal so zusammen Lieder zu singen, die man so noch nie gesungen hat. Das eine oder andere hatten sie zusammen schon mal gemacht wie "Shallow" (A star is born), aber nicht "Change" (Michael Jackson) oder "You will be found" (Dear Evan Hansen). Der zweite Teil des Konzerts mit seinen vielen Improvisationen zeigten einfach, was für außerordentliche Musiker da auf der Bühne waren. Kann man einfach staunen und sich über einen besonderen Abend freuen!
For the English speaking folks: The concept of the concert was for Mark to sing songs requested by the fans who bought the tickets. He received over 700 song requests, so obviously it was a selection of songs. Riccardo Greco was supposed to be his special guest for the concert tour but he got ill in the morning and could not perform at all. So Mark called Roberta Valentini (who was ironing at home) and asked her to come perform with him on the 2nd part of the program. She did not have a soundcheck nor did she had any chance to practice with Mark or her own songs. That's why Mark said: "Proben ist was für Feiglinge" (translates into: "practice is for cowards") The musicians played some of songs for the first time that Roberta sung and did not have full music sheets, so especially the guitar player and cello player had to arrange the songs on the fly. But also Mark improvised songs that were supposed to be sung by Riccardo. This concert was a lot of fun, but also a lot of improvisation and definetly a once in a lifetime concert. ❤️
Komplette Songlist folgt noch im Edit! Und paar Audios kann ich auch noch teilen.
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28dayslater · 1 year
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blondeforyou · 1 year
Story time. Les Mis is my favorite musical of all time. I love it, it means everything to me, I would not be the same without it.
However, a confession......I used to hate it. In the months leading up to the film premiere of Les Mis in 2011, my younger brother had recently realized he was a musical theater nerd and listened to NOTHING ELSE except the 10th anniversary Les Mis concert.
I was sick of it. Endless repetitions of "Stars" and I wanted to tear my hair out. I couldn't BELIEVE that after YEARS of me being the resident musical theater loser, my brother decided to step in and usurp my position with this boring ass melodrama.
The week the Les Mis film premiered (also my birthday week) we went to go see the film, my family and I (plus some of my brothers friends). I did not want to go, but I did want movie theater popcorn.
Friends...I cried. Les Mis the film isn't even good and I wept openly. I was moved by that film like I had never been affected by a piece of media before. It was gorgeous and tragic. Angrily listening to snippets of the concert had not prepared me for this. I was in awe...and I LIED to my family about if I liked the film afterwards to SAVE FACE because I had spent MONTHS OPENLY HATING IT
(I did eventually come clean lol they know it's my favorite now)
idk moral of this story is don't openly be a hater because what you hate might end up becoming your personality-defining Loved Thing and it's fucking embarrassing to eat your words. Or, idk, do openly hate things and then learn humility about it.
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Hello - I saw an ask about Mackintosh and you asked if someone knew anything about him and John Owen-Jones. I think the anon was referring to him not inviting JOJ and Rebecca Caine for a Les Mis celebration and not casting JOJ for neither Les Mis 25 and POTO 25. He also blacklisted Rebecca Caine. Imo JOJ deserved and should have played the phantom in the RAH concert. I think he only cast JOJ for the POTO Restaged Tour because otherwise no one would go see that rubbish production. I also think it was blatant sexism of his part not casting Rebecca Caine and Frances Ruffelle for the 10th anniversary concert of Les Mis when he did cast the three original male leads.
Sorry for the rant.
Um, I knew about the beef between Rebecca Caine and CamMack but she does show up in Les Mis celebrations, mainly because it would be a bit weird to not invite her? Look no further than the 20th anniversary celebration. As for the 10th anniversary, the lady playing Cosette was Judy Kuhn, who was in the original cast for the Broadway production and is a an amazing performer in her own right, while Lea Salonga was a rising star at the time and they probably went for her in order to also attract the audience that were fans of her through Miss Saigon. They made an effort for the 10th anniversary concert to have people from various productions in it - Colm Wilkinson and Michael Ball were from West End, Judy Kuhn, Lea Salonga and Michael Maguire were from Broadway, Philip Quast from Australia (and not one of the original three male leads, that was Roger Allam), and so on. So I'm not sure what you mean by "blatant sexism". There's also the fact that both Rebecca Caine and Frances Ruffelle were on tour for other projects, so maybe they felt like doing that instead of doing Les Mis all over again.
And you can think JOJ "deserved" to be in the Les Mis 25th anniversary concert or the POTO 25th anniversary concert all you want, don't get me wrong (I would have preferred him to Ramin myself tbh), but maybe he wasn't in the Les Mis concert given he was in the UK tour at the time (so, you know, busy), and maybe he wasn't in in the RAH concert because he was in the West End production of POTO (so, again, busy). While we're at it, why was it Sierra Boggess instead of Sofia Escobar? Why was it Hadley Fraser instead of Killian Donnelly? And the list goes on.
As for the restaged tour, I'm not a fan of it by any means, but I think it's not about trapping poor JOJ into having to perform it, but more about CamMack casting people who had already played the roles and who were generally well-liked by the audience - not just JOJ, but also Earl Carpenter, Katie Hall, Simon Bailey. The idea when you're having a supposedly revamped tour is to attract people to come and see it, and putting in well-known names usually helps with the box office, right? You know it's not usually a sign that the product will be bad, right? Josh Groban was stunt casting for The Great Comet of 1812 but that doesn't mean that producers thought the product was going to be bad and that Groban was going to be the only thing attracting audiences, ya know. A big help? Yeah. But not a sign that they didn't trust the product at all.
Side note, and I apologize in advance if I'm mistaken, but if you're one of those people who's been constantly sending asks to other POTO blogs about JOJ, for the love of God, please leave me alone. I'm not going to gift stuff with JOJ and especially not with all the badgering going on.
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My Top Posts in 2022:
Here’s my take on the Les Mis official posts about the queen’s death
WHY ARE YOU ALL SURPRISED??? They posted when the UK celebrated the Jubilee. They posted about the wedding of Harry and Meghan. They literally performed a concert at Windsor Castle for the Queen years ago!!!! They’ve posted, and done things, in support of the monarchy many times.
Like WTF were you expecting when the show is produced by grumpy, white, old, monarchy-loving British men???? Those men DO NOT CARE that the whole point of Les Mis was being anti-monarchist. Because at the end of the day, they only care about the MONEY that will line their pockets, which is exactly what the Jubilee and the wedding brought them. Money from the thousands of tourists and UK natives who were in the city those two weekends.
These people DO NOT CARE about Victor Hugo’s message when he wrote the book. They do not care about the people that died 190 years ago in attempt to make their country a better place. Just like they don’t care about the thousands of people who have suffered under the British Monarchy’s rule. These people DO NOT CARE because they are greedy MFers, who just want to have more money.
I mean, are we forgetting that this same producer literally called casting trans people in shows a fucking gimmick??? Or closed the original production in favor of the 25th because it would save him money??? Like it’s been proven time and time again that Cam Mack is an asshole, who doesn’t care about anyone other than himself and is more concerned about how he can earn himself more money.
Like yes, call them out on the posts. Remind them what the show is about. But if you don’t think it won’t happen again during Charles’s coronation or even after that, think again because it will.
67 notes - Posted September 9, 2022
“Happy” Barricade Day, everyone!!! 🇫🇷🚩🇫🇷🚩🇫🇷🚩🇫🇷🚩🇫🇷🚩🇫🇷🚩🇫🇷🚩🇫🇷🚩
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See the full post
84 notes - Posted June 5, 2022
Since we are a little less than a month out from Barricade Day, and I know that lots of people are already working on their fics, fanart, fan edits, and everything in between.
I just wanted to send out this little reminder to the people who aren’t necessarily interested or don’t really have time to create something. Please do not feel pressured into creating fanfic, fanart, fan edits, whatever for Barricade Day. If you feel most comfortable just liking, reblogging/reposting other people’s posts, that’s okay. You can participate in this fandom on those days anyway that you want to.
89 notes - Posted May 9, 2022
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I knew it was coming, especially since they started teasing a big cast change in January/February, and I tried to prepare myself for it, but no preparation was enough for how sad and painful this was/is going to be. 😭😭😭😭😭😭
98 notes - Posted March 24, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
It’s that time again…
It’s June 1st (where I live) meaning General Lamarque died on this day and there’s only four days to go until we all hold hands (😉😉) and cry together over our beloved boys! Can’t wait to join in the sadness!
135 notes - Posted June 1, 2022
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stuckasmain · 2 years
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Hi! I've been thinking of watching a bunch of different Les Mis versions, but for some reason I can't find any official lists with all of the different casts on them… I know there's various "versions" beside the movie and original Broadway cast, do you know which ones? Cause I have no clue where to start...
If you want cast lists, I would go on IMDB - most of the versions should be on there. The Les Mis musical Wikipedia page also summarises the casts well.
There are two main types of adaptation, adaptations of the musical and adaptations of the novel. If you want my personal opinions, they got long so they're under a cut.
Hit me up if you want to chat about this some more! Also, I've only really seen the musical adaptations and the BBC version, so if anyone has thoughts about any of the other adaptations feel free to add them on.
Musical adaptations (basic cast lists here):
2012 Tom Hooper film - this is a major route into the Les Mis fandom. It has its weak points, but I think it's a good intro to the musical. Worth it just for the casting of the revolutionaries and Eponine.
1995 10th anniversary version - this is known as the Dream Cast, and it has a lot of stars. Good for appreciating exactly how beautifully the musical is written, and it has a finale which is a really beautiful celebration of the musical's impact.
2010 25th anniversary concert - never watched this one. It has Nick Jonas which makes me kind of biased against it. Either of the other concert versions are probably higher quality, although Alfie Boe is a great Valjean.
2019 concert version - the best of the concert versions for staging, IMO, so if you want a sense of what the actual West End show is like, I'd start here. Good for getting a sense of current West End talent too.
Novel adaptations:
2018 BBC Andrew Davies series - as good as it could have been given that Andrew Davies fundamentally misunderstood the point of the novel. Yes, I'm biased. Critics thought it was good, it's more accurate to the novel than the musical, but Andrew Davies just doesn't get it. I do particularly like Erin Kellyman as Eponine and Joseph Quinn (who's Eddy in Stranger Things rn) as Enjolras. Points off for Tholomyes' actor, because he was in an advert once that creeped me out.
The other novel adaptations that get talked about a lot are the 1998 film with Liam Neeson which is apparently not that accurate but an interesting take, and the 2007 anime Shojo Cosette, which is very popular in fandom.
As for cast recordings, I would always go with the original West End 1985 album, although for fun I also recommend the original 1980 French version.
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michael-pemulis · 2 years
🎶✨when u get this, list 5 songs u like to listen to, publish. then, send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers (positivity is cool)🎶✨
thank you for sending! I’m in such a quiet ethereal choir music mood rn, I’ll make a list of some of my favorite pieces (and some nice performances to listen to).
1) stars by ēriks ešenvalds (sjaella on spotify)
2) a boy and a girl by eric whitacre (voces8 on spotify)
3) crossing the bar by gwyneth van anden walker (kentucky all-state SSAA chorus on spotify)
4) esto les digo by kinley lange (messiah college concert choir on spotify)
5) amor de mi alma by z randall stroope (crepusculum choir on spotify)
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superrex319 · 7 months
Tagged by @shannakle!
Shuffle your on repeat playlist and list the first 10 songs:
HOLOTORI Dance! - Takanashi Kiara & Holotori
Wake Up, Get Up, Get Out There - Persona 5 Soundtrack
Bluerose - Hoshimachi Suisei
Out There - Tom Hulce (From Hunchback of Notre Dame)
Trust Love - Jeff Williams & Casey Lee Williams (From RWBY)
Master of the House - Les Mis 10th Anniversary Concert
Sovngarde Song - Miracle of Sound
When I Swing By - Miracle of Sound
Lost In Thoughts, All Alone - Rena Strober (From FE Fates)
We Are the Champions - Queen
Your Top 15 favorite TV shows can say a lot about your personality — list your favorite 15 shows:
No particular order here beyond order I remembered them in
Also I'm cheating a little with the first two
Justice League/Justice League Unlimited
Trigun/Trigun Stampede
Avatar the Last Airbender
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood
Fate/Stay Night: Unlimited Blade Works
Young Justice
The Last Kingdom
My Adventures With Superman
The Legend of Vox Machina
Kaguya-Sama: Love is War
Star Wars: The Clone Wars
The Good Place
Fringe (Still haven't finished it yet but it's an easy contender)
It was hard to decide between Kaguya-Sama and Spy x Family, but I had to give Kaguya-Sama the edge for now though its subject to change.
Same with with the Fate series because I loved UBW, Fate/Zero, and Apocrypha all for different reasons. I just think UBW is probably the strongest of them as a story
Part of me is a little embarrassed that like the vast majority of them are animated shows, but I also can't deny that most of my favorites are animated. I was desperately trying to think of some live action shows but I kept thinking of animated ones instead.
Tag: Uh, anyone I guess that sees this! Feel free to play!
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mysteriis-moon666 · 1 year
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Est-ce que les Mets ont encore un truc à prouver, et à dire, sans rabâcher la formule usitée depuis « Death Magnetic » de 2008 ?
Si tu écoutes cet album d’un air goguenard alors tu vas te faire chier. Si tu es curieux, que tu as toujours autant envie d’écouter l'enterprise Metallica ce « 72 seasons » est efficace, il offre une multitude de petites pépites. Allez viens, n’aie pas peur, ça ne fait pas mal.
Metallica joue la carte du rentre-dedans, fier de sa dimension, de sa stature, il poursuit tous ses concepts, libère les chevaux plein fer pour dégager les cheveux (pour ceux qui en ont encore bien entendu). Il a bien raison, il suit sa trajectoire de comète, de grand frère, de daron.
L’histoire de Metallica tient en un mot : le bassiste. Qui contre toute attente imprime la saveur de chaque époque, épopée sur lesquelles James Hetlfield et Lars Ulrich ont contaminé le fond de leur création. Bien entendu l’ombre du vilain petit canard Mustaine plane avec amertume depuis 1983, coin-coin ! Kirk Hammet est toujours resté cet adulescent dont les solos s’écornent depuis 1996 d'un manque de piquant à force de jouer uniquement avec pédale dans un dédale de lieu commun.
Alors ne chialez plus sur le Metallica de la triade Burton « Kill 'Em All », « Ride the Lightning” et “Master of Puppets” c'est mort. Tout comme il n’est plus nécessaire de pleurer sur le Metallica «...And Justice for All » et « Metallica »(black album) de toute façon vous les aurez sur la set list de leur concert. Mais ce niveau de composition c’est finito. Le passé c’est le passé avec les four horsemen,mais comme TOUT LE MONDE tu te nourris et évolues avec TOUT ce que tu as vécu. De fait l'ensemble discographique du groupe se retrouve de façon parcellé, tamisé dans cet opus.
La traversée du désert grunge et orientation gomina « Load », « Reload » puis révolution musicale avec Napster et cycle post-Newsted de « St. Anger » c’est trépassé. Nous en sommes à la triade Robert Trujillo, et du renouveau sonore speudo trashy metOl global des Mets avec « Death Magnetic », « Hardwired… to Self-Destruct » et ce « 72 Seasons », ou plus précisément les dix-huit premières années de notre existence qui seront déterminantes pour la suite. Ben pitinnnnnnnnnn ! Si j’avais dû compter que sur ces années là, pfiouuuuuuu, merde alors!!
Voilà on retrouve tous les ingrédients de cette dernière décante. Et tout le monde répète la même chose, ce n’est pas mauvais, il y a quelque chose, mais c’est trop long.
En creusant dans la noirceur, Hetfield vient avec des paroles toujours plus profondes, et étourdit un songwriting toujours plus dense, entre impulsif et instinctif, sincère et métaphorique. Il se lie aux riffs, à leur densité de liane émotionnelle. Pour cela il faut être englouti par toutes les saveurs, et la puissance de feu des Mets. La pochette est explicite, tout a brûlé dans cette matière des 72 seasons, pourtant il n'y a pas de cendre et la couleur jaune prédomine à un brasier solaire qui se nourrit de cette noirceur.
La production est copieuse, à la hauteur, les choix artistiques du groupe n'appartiennent qu'à lui. Il y aura toujours matière à faire mieux , les commentaires sportifs devant leur TV font de même le cul calé à pestiférer sur leur équipe.
Si tu vas dans n'importe quelle enseigne tu verras que ce disque est dans le top des ventes : Qui aime bien châtie bien !
Tout le monde a quand même poussé un ouf de soulagement sur le son de la caisse claire et sa présence moins omniprésente que l'opus précédent. Je comprends ceux et celles qui critiquent ce qu'est devenu le groupe, ce qu'il propose. J'ai jamais pu piffrer load, reload et st anger. Pour moi c'est comme la prélogie (1999 à 2005) de star war...peut-être parce que c'est dans la même époque...Cependant en une écoute il m’apparaît inopportun de se faire un jugement sur un album. J'aime aller dans la profondeur et généralement tous les groupes ont mis une part de leur âme dans leur création. La galvauder d'un revers de main est injuste et méprisant. Après tu peux chier partout c'est ton choix de vie.
Je préfère le Metallica de Cliff, c'est incrusté dans mes profondeurs, parce que mes 72 seasons s'arrête avec le black album. Tiens ce le titre « sleepwalk my life away », « You Mustr Burn » pourraient très bien en être issue, tant son obscurité, son penchant musical y verse son ancre noire.
Metallica n’oublie pas ses fondations heavy, la New wave of British heavy metal avec « Lux aeterna» du Mets aka Diamond Head, « Room Of Mirrors », pas plus que des émanations trashy avec les titres « Crown Of Barbetd Wire », «Chasing Light » ( titre qui fera un malheur sur scène), « If Darkness Had a Son », «Too Far Gone », qui suivent les précédents “Death Magnetic” et “Hardwired… to Self-Destruct”.
Moins punk avec cet opus, mais d'un liant progressif propre à sa singularité 2.0, il reste ce grand metallica, avec des putains de riffs en acier vraiment géniaux, tu veux dire redite, ahahahaha, tu peux avouer que si tu les écoutes tu secoues la tête comme un déranté.e...Un chant de feu, pierre angulaire d'un corps vocal enflammé, brut, avec dans sa transcendance toute la force d'une rage intérieure et des larmes à fleur de peau...Un songwriting dont nous suivons la ligne de vie depuis 1983 pour beaucoup, une basse énorme et qui claque, des solos moins whawhawesques, davantage progressif et qui font du bien, et une batterie qui...oh putinnnnnnnnnn !
Titre préféré (pour le moment) : Inamorata, screaming suicide, 72 seasons, Shadows Follow
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Febrero Loco. Marzo Más Poco.
CDMX. Santander, Félix Cuevas. Concert. Old white man singing and playing guitar in Spanish, superbly. Walkers and walkers by. I stop. I smoked. I wait for a little while. He switches to his repertoire in English. Great scream and harmonics coming from his way. Harmonica, beats, guitar and voice. I showed my pipe to The Man by showing it to the man, my pipe with the three dots as a McCartney’s latest CD Cover reference. I hide it quickly after I considered enough time had pass. I rotated the pipe to the One dot to identify myself to the man and to The Man. I clapped only after a tall white blonde man, with a three day beard did, probably a North-American tourist. I clapped for a bit longer than the tall blonde dude. I danced for a while and continued smoking while looking nervous and submerging myself in the music for long periods of time only to open my eyes and look in all directions, before returning to what I was doing and the initial purpose without asking what that was. The ambience gets louder than the guitar and everything else. Sounds coming from every place imagined. I found myself and then I found a route home. On my way home in the Metrobus writing this lines. Network names and untitled, serialized or seemingly serialized names around. A migrant father from a South American country started to speak. He was explaining his journey, the fact that was new in the city and his actual problems. I pulled out my pipe and herbolaria. The guy next to me said: ¨estaría chingón.¨ Me prendí. I started doing it with my sight down. The guy next to me said échame el humo. Bombeé la pipa para producir más humo. Le eché el humo en la cara dos veces al hombre que me lo pidió. After The Doors opened I was ordered to exit the metro facilities and find my way above ground, somehow. I explained I was doing it for the migrant man and family in the wagon, I shared I had kid I called Zapato and the station I was was Zapata. I might had shown some emotion. I quickly explained some of my motives and not really my motifs. Motifs. He does know One now. Or two too. Or Three three, en un árbol con Cinderbuela.
Los niños de los oxox.
La TÍa Risa. LSR. 2023.
La Tía Broza. LSR. 2023.
G-I-G-I-G-I-O (at the rhythm of twinkle, twinkle, little star, how I wonder how you are)
Ingresé a otra estación. Esperábamos el tren que pasó vacío. Dije en voz alta entre la multitud: ¿Qué tal si pasan otros 10 así?  El tren que esperaba en la dirección contraria avanzo hasta detenerse para recoger a una pareja, hombre y mujer, por la parte trasera del tren. Cambiaron la vías y el tren, de la vía de enfrente comenzó a avanzar hacia nosotros, la multitud. ¨Ojalá que este nos salve,¨ dije, mientras pasaba el tren frente a nosotros con todos los asientos vacíos. La conductora tenía puesta una hermosa y confiable sonrisa. El tren se detuvo. Creo que hasta nos vamos a ir sentados todos. Corrí para alcanzar el asiento como en un juego de sillas. ms. Le gané el asiento a un anciano que me pidió que me sentará. Y me dijo, siéntate, debes estar cansado, te lo mereces. Con respeto y no burla. Sin poner más atención y con la necesidad de escribir estas notas en mi computadora, pasando por el metro Morelos algo me dijo: voltea, exactamente hacia atrás. El letrero decía que el asiento es preferente para discapacitados, ancianos, señoras embarazadas y señoras con niños. No hay ninguno de los arriba mencionados, que yo pueda saber o ver, así que me tomo la libertad de escribir estas notas con la fé de terminar antes de llegar a Oceanía. Done. Wine it, like you meant it, turu turu, wine it like you mean it. Turu turu. Turra turra. Turra, turra, turra…turra, turu…Oi ya, oi ya, oi.
Luis Sanchez Ramirez. 2023.
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