#leo chatters
torao-chan · 26 days
my new boi arrived and uwu
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he is beautiful
asdlkjglkfdjgkls thank you @bekkomi for producing such a masterpiece aldskjlgkfdg
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CONGRATULATIONS @more-depresso-less-espresso AND @mushtoons!!!
Its been a long three months, but we finally have our winners! So many people came to vote, and yet this final round has firmly held its tie through it all! Congratulations guys!
Thank you everybody for coming! We'll see you either in the little events and games we've started planning for after our month's break, or in the next babygirl tournament starting around January next year!
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turtldogladee · 8 months
I fuckin wish I could be bothered to draw because the mental image of raph constantly stealing his tiny nephew from right under Leo’s nose just for snuggle time is my new favorite thing
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*sigh* 2003 turtles should’ve made a radio station
Did anyone see that one video of Raph and Mikey doing a podcast and answering questions? How neat would it be if they just… had a radio station??
Imagine, right, Mikey reads scary stories and he and Donnie are writing an episodic murder mystery story. Leo does mini-lessons in Japanese language and culture. Raph blasts absolutely banger music and gives updates on any new happenings New Yorkers should watch out for - ongoing gang wars, aliens on the loose, but also charity events outside of Oroku Saki’s work because. Fuck Oroku Saki lol
Whenever they get into trouble and can’t get to their radio station or are too busy fighting something, the few New Yorkers that listen to them worry, and as they worry, they talk, and so ironically anytime the station goes quiet, the awareness of it spreads. The turtles keep coming back to new listeners, and they make more stories, more little lessons, they share little censored bits of their life. Mikey does in-depth analysis of superhero comics and shows like Star Trek, and very often reminds his listeners to Be Fuckin Weird!!! Be you be fun be interesting, your interests and hobbies are so cool I promise you, your outfit is banger and your hair is stylish and you deserve to feel confident in yourselves!!
Donatello shares hacks to make putting together machines easier for yourself, especially encouraging women to not feel intimidated or ridiculed by men for never being taught stuff like car mechanics — once you know where to start and what things look like, it’s easy enough! He researches reliable resources both online and offline, and occasionally rambles about new breakthroughs and what they mean in the bigger scope of all things science.
Leo has little episodes about exploring the soul - learning to understand yourself, meditating on who you are and want to be, but also how to cope with dangerous or traumatizing situations (shoutout to the Ancient One). Lots of queer folk lightheartedly agree that they would come out to him without hesitance because he “would be so so nice about it I bet.”
Raph starts setting up interviews, at first with the humans he knows - the kind Mrs. Morrison, talking about the horribly unfair housing policies making her life harder, the Professor, to humanize the homeless, but then he gets a little braver and starts interviewing nonhumans that live in the city — Leatherhead first, and then Sydney and the other people from the Underground City. A stray Utrom that settled down here and opted to stay when their peers left for home. Professor Honeycutt, when he visits - that interview sort of cements that he’s not making these people up, because, well. Everyone had seen and heard the fugitoid during the invasion. He interviews superheroes, both those that work during the day, and those that work during the night (and yes, he does interview the Turtle Titan). He invites the Battle Nexus Daimyo for a visit. But the interview most beloved by the listeners… is one Raphael conducts with his dad.
They never mention they’re mutants, but I wonder how many people feel something click in their minds when Raph starts the interview by going “so. Just you and four kids, practically homeless, hiding in the shadows. How did you manage, those first few years when we were really little?” And they talk about being a single dad who was “barely an adult” (read: still learning himself how to be a mutant) and all the folks out there who maybe had to deal with having kids too early or at a time where they couldn’t properly take care of them as much as they wanted to, they all lean in, because this man sounds like he’s about sixty now - surely he’ll have some wise words of advice? And he does, Splinter talks about having to learn what kids are even like, never having had interacted with that many people in general before, he often had to guess at what was a serious ailment and what was simply a byproduct of childhood and later puberty, he talks about how visiting his few friends (the Ancient One, and the Daimyo) helped him remember that he’s not all alone to do this, he talks about how what worked for one of his sons didn’t work for the other three and how a parent should always remain flexible and open minded and accepting of change, as change is natural to life and inevitable especially during the early years. And they talk and talk and I bet a bunch of New Yorkers go “wait a minute.. four guys that live on the streets with a dad they occasionally call a ‘master,’ one of them constantly talks about machinery, they all speak fluent Japanese… could these possibly be the fucked up little guys that saved my ass that one time? Could this be the guy I punched that one time cuz I freaked out?’
Like. Just consider it okay. A turtle radio station.
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orangeblobby · 2 years
Thinking about ‘you are not worth a tenth of that girl’ again. Thinking about how fishlegs wasn’t going to stop punching- until he heard the plea from his best friend for him to stop. Thinking about ‘It’s this war. It does things to you after a while.’ Thinking about ‘all my fault’
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idlenight · 2 months
24, 14 and 7 for Leo Ortiz (if you feel like it), 6 for River, 25 for both!
questions from here.
(for context: Leo Ortiz is my PC for the game of Masks: a New Generation that vin-ill dm's)
24. What is an alternative life path your OC might have gone down? How different would their life be if they'd made those decisions?
Oh so many choices! I'm gonna go with 'what if Leo had stayed Bryce Brilliant'.
Firstly. He'd be fucking miserable LMAO. Staying the Star would mean staying under his mother's control. You cannot be yourself, you are a caricature of someone (of yourself), you will not ever be yourself (is there even a real Leo?).
Secondly. Without a good support system (Johanna), I think he'd get more and more self-sacrificing really quickly. Does that mean he'd still have ended up possessed? Idk, hard to say.
I feel like I'd have retired him - or just lost him - by now if he had stayed under his mother's thumb.
14. How does your OC want to be seen by other characters?
ah the bread and butter of the Masks: a New Generation system. Who are you? How do people perceive you? How do you perceive yourself? How do you want to be perceived?
Starbright wants to be seen as a hero, not a freak, not a danger to his surroundings.
Leo Ortiz, however, wants to be mundane, he want's to be just some guy. He never truly cared about being a hero (being a savior), it was a job, it was something that was forced on him by his mother. Instead he is a freak, and if he sneezed to hard he could probably hurt someone (don't get any ideas there luuk 🫵).
(Really, what he wants is to have his own life)
7. What's one way your OC has changed since you first came up with them?
Well the obvious one is that he changed playbooks, twice. Starting off as the Star, then became the Protege, now in his (hopefully) final form as the Nova.
Leo is a completely different person and yet he is the same.
25. What is your favorite thing about your OC?
He seems more complicated than he is! Leo isn’t complicated at all he’s just contradicting himself constantly. He wants one thing but he wants the other thing actually.
It’s really fun to play.
6. How easily could your OC be convinced to do something that goes against their moral compass?
answered here! (tl;dr: because you asked)
25. What is your favorite thing about your OC?
In the other ask I answered: his height, but there’s many things i love about River.
One of my other favourite things about River is how important his relationships with other people are. I didn’t intend for him to be so close to people but he is, he loves people.
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purpleturtle9000 · 1 year
donnie showing affection through headbutts is important to me. and equally important is that he sometimes drastically misjudges the distance and wipes leo someone out
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acaciapines · 4 months
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(from descendants of olympus c12)
ive said it before ill say it again VERA IS CANON. TO ME
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skeleticals · 1 year
leo, vegetta and foolish pissing off the 1010101 bot for summoning it and calling it a bitch then the bot spawning creepers all over foolish's base and taunting him by filling a hole below the teletransporter thingy with creepers is rlly funny
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torao-chan · 5 days
game changer: who painted the mona lisa my friend: van gogh. me: ... no.
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stanmammon · 1 year
I NEEEEEED to know the beef w/ Solomon and Barbatos it’s dead ass so funny that every time they’re in a room together Barbatos is ready to start shit
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akinachiri · 27 days
never underestimate fictivism . Its my birthday and j will celebrate as such
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braisedhoney · 1 year
This is unrelated to anything, but My cat, Leo, Approves of your Narrator. He gave him a big SNIFF and started purring happily.
this is the greatest compliment i have ever received. the peak of my artistic career on this website. i have never seen leo in my life but i would die for him. he lends narry too much credit but i won't say he's wrong because that isn't possible. hell yeah leo, all my homies love leo.
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People who are both Rise fans and 2k3 fans I am BEGGING. Can someone pls draw the old men from SAINW hanging out with the old men from the Rise movie. Pls. Pls imagine the possibilities
F!Leo absolutely horrified by SAINW!Leo being blind but also amazed by his swordsmanship. SAINW!Raph holding onto F!Mikey for dear life. F!Leo and SAINW!Mikey bonding over 1) having only one arm (for the funnies) or 2) having to suddenly lead a slowly dying resistance in the fallout of an apocalypse (for the tears).
Saddest of all, though?
Not a single Donnie among them.
Do you think they mourn together?
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xoxo-devdas · 6 months
love the fact that Leo 2023 got its OTT release on the day my exam results got released
love it even more that the lawyer lady asked the MC how long he was going to keep his family confined to his house after he murdered 5 men in self defence and realized he could even do that
when its only been 10 fukn days
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purpleturtle9000 · 1 year
Future Leo: I've gotta save whatever dignity I've got left. Teen Leo: You're hanging out with us now, buddy! Dignity's got nothing to do with it!
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