#leighanne don't say love
pennyellee · 11 months
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stream don't say love for clear skin - https://shorturl.at/rvFIM
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legendofthe3divas · 11 months
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‘What a WEEK! My goodness, don’t even know where to start. I’m speechless, the love and support I’ve been shown over the this week is something I could have only dreamed of. I will never stop being grateful for every single one of you. 🥹❤️ This is such an important and special journey for me and to know I have your backing is just everything tbh. Soooo much graft has gone in to this release I just need to thank everyone that's had a part to play, you've legit made my dreams come true. From my glam team, to my management to my label. I adore you all, I'm so ready for this ride 🚀' - Leighanne
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kylejsugarman · 10 months
Hi syd!! ily and I hope you are having a great day! 💕💕💕💕
Ps. How does Jesse end up working with Sheila and how do Baby and Sheila get along?
hi leighanne i adore u!!!! ive been having a nice lazy day and it has been sick as hell 💕
so!! for the first couple of weeks in alaska, jesse basically doesnt leave his new place (ed left him a cache of supplies) for a lot of reasons and only very reluctantly goes into town for the first time because he's out of stuff. he stops off for groceries, then cigarettes from the general store and is walking back to his car when he sees a woman trying to get a chest of drawers through the door of one of the shops on the main street. she looks at him and says "you. come help me with this." jesse obliges because there's no way to run from this now and assists her in getting the chest un-stuck and into the shop.
it's a furniture shop, a sort of hybrid of antique store, restoration and repair place, and custom production store. he's kind of stunned: honestly, he didnt expect there to be anything in this town. then again, he doesnt know Anything about this place or even alaska at large. sheila immediately starts talking his ear off upon realizing that she's never seen him before, excited as hell to have another person to meet and know. jesse obviously doesnt tell her much and is initially dying to get tf out of there, but sheila is chummily determined to rope him into town. she makes them both some coffee (without being asked. she just makes it and gives him a mug and asks if he wants creamer or anything. it's so weird but it makes staying a little easier) and starts telling him about haines, where he can go for this and that, how things work here, has he settled in alright?? does he have a job?? jesse is like. "Um." because he hasn't been thinking that far (he truly can only think one day at a time rn) but he'll definitely need one. sheila immediately pounces on him and says that since she's added custom production to her shop, she's had trouble taking care of Everything by herself and has been thinking about hiring someone to work the store and help her with coordination and other tasks. he sheepishly admits that he actually kind of likes carpentry and building stuff and sheila basically HOWLS and is like "fate put u on my sidewalk, son!! they call this a miracle. oh, we're gonna be BEST friends. hold on, i have some cookies in my office, we need cookies—" even if this wasnt the kind of work he wanted to go into, sheila wouldn't have really given him a choice, but he kind of needs that direction and guidance right now
and sheila was made in a laboratory to be an aunt or a grandma. she and her wife bea don't have kids, but bea comes from a big family and has lots of nieces and nephews that sheila lives to spoil. she's aware of baby since demi's practice is down the street, but once she gets to know demi and baby a little better, sheila decides that she's going to be that kid's honorary aunt. sheila thinks baby is a hoot and wants to give her all the confidence and pride and security in the world (tbh sheila sort of believes that Everyone should act like Sheila). baby's never going to act like that, but it is good for her to have an adult around who is extremely self-confident and assertive to learn those traits from. for all of her brashness, sheila is extremely generous and very sweet to the whole family, but she loves to roll up to the function with a gift for baby and a "im gonna take this little sweet pea home with me" threat before she leaves the function. she loves that kid
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superblysubpar · 6 months
Just wanna say I’ve been in Chicago all weekend and I can’t help thinking about WCIL and all the spots Steve and reader have gone to. I feel like I’m doing a tour of my favorite fan fics between you and Leighanne
Oh my gosh 🥺💛 Seriously, you have no idea how much @loveshotzz showing me around sparked the story. I love that I used real places, and even if they're not perfect to how they exist in real life, it's so cool to me to be like hehe that's Steve's apartment or whatever when I see pictures or videos of Chicago now 💛
I'm so glad you're having fun!! Kiss the sidewalk for me, you never know who walked there! I mean don't do that, but like...
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ladyaceofspades · 3 years
The recent drama:
So I dropped one of my good friends. We had dated when I was 18 for a few weeks and I dumped him because he wouldn't get on the phone to talk to me, so I dipped. In the years that followed, he would come back every so often, try to woo me away from Matt, then eventually get angry and leave. He left and came back like 3 times. We've gone through spells where we would be super buddy buddy, or we wouldn't talk for months. He was my game buddy, although he would drive me insane because he would just do every mission and just drag me along for the fun of it.
While I was with Matt, T was very helpful. He would let me vent to him and he would validate my feelings, and when I was happy, he would remind me of all the awful things Matt did so I would stay strong against him. His line was "you're unhappy" and it worked because I was at the time. Even then, though, I knew he had feelings for me and he would tell me how much he loved me. When Matt and I broke up, I got into a relationship with my husband, Benjas, and T got into a relationship with Amber.
T came around again, spouting the same thing. He loves me, will always love me, wants to be with me, but will respect my relationship...even though his fiancé, Amber had started living with him then. Our friendship did the cycle again, until he overstepped on a FB post of mine, and I put him in his place. I blocked him on FB, he confronted me about it, and I told him why it had to happen: that what he said was totally inappropriate, it made Benjas angry and me angry, and his or my family could've seen it and it caused problems for us. T's comeback was "in all the years I've known you, you've never let a man tell you what to do". I did not stand for that and had to explain 3 times why what he said was bad and why it wasn't acceptable. He finally understood and asked that I text every so often so he knows I'm ok.
I didn't text for a few months. Recently, he tried to reach out through text, and email (forgot he had my email so that was a surprise). When that didn't work, he had his friend Gabe message me, and Amber friended me on FB (she had had me blocked on and off for years). By then, I was hella creeped out. Apparently, T had "a bad feeling" that something bad had happened to me and he had a dream something happened to me, and broke down to Amber and told her he missed me so, according to him, she added me out of jealousy and to see what he and I said to each other on FB (we weren't friends on there so she would've see nothing). Anyway, his actions and him getting his people to reach out to me made me rethink some things, and it also made me listen to my intuition harder, which said that he was full of it and lying. I started to wonder if what he was telling me was true, so I chatted with Amber about it and it was like we were getting two different stories. For example, Amber was moving out because she needed assisted living help and T was telling me that if she moved out, they would probably break up (it went from probably to definitely break up) and he would cut the ties completely, whereas Amber was under the impression that T would still be there for her and that they might break up but it was a low chance. Other things like he was blaming my husband for why I wasn't talking to him, and when I told Amber about it, she got angry about it (understandably).
When I talked to him and told him that I can't trust him when my intuition is telling me that he's lying and it's been proven so we should takea break from being friends, he told me that he wouldn't be coming back or be there for me anymore. I said that that was fine, as if the person going back to someone wasn't him coming back to me every time.
Anyway, I creeped his FB page one more time and he posted
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Which essentially is him taking some of the accountability for everything but he's putting a lot of it on me, when I wanted nothing to do with him at all for awhile and I TRIED with the super quick responses or no responses at all. He says he's been used, but he wouldn't respect my marriage even though I told him he needed to and he said he would. I kept saying "I love you like a friend" but he wouldn't listen. How is that my fault? I'm really angry that I'm being blamed for shit I didn't do because he can't face that part of himself.
Not to mention, he has GREATLY overestimated his place in my life (or as my friend Leighann says, his market value). He was needed at some point, but after the FB thing, it became incredibly apparent that he never respected me as a person or as anything else other than a possible future lover, that he put me on a pedestal, and he never considered that I moved on in my emotions. I mean, I got MARRIED to the love of my life and this POS was still trying to chase me, and recently had gone back to telling me how unhappy I was, when I'm not. It was surreal to be told "you're unhappy" multiple times in a short period of time and my brain went "what? No we're not". Whatever mind game he tried to run on me again didn't work this time.
Anyway, here's the shit Amber texted me when I asked her why she friended me again:
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Versus what he texted me about everything:
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So....why the gap in stories? I confronted him about what his friends said to her too, and he complained that you can't control your friends so I couldn't hold that against him. Well, in reality, you set the standard for how your friends act around you, and you set the boundaries about your SO, so his friends shouldn't have been telling her that she looked like me or anything. He also told me not to trust her, but I felt like she didn't have an agenda with me, until the end. Now I find that they're staying together, or else why would he be apologizing to her publicly in multiple posts? Guess she bought his bullshit, and he doesn't want to be alone again. Lol whatever, let them be toxic together. Unfortunately, if he's done this once, he'll do it again (he did with another woman too apparently - an ex of a friend of his, he asked for pics of her and according to him he said "no nudes" but according to Amber, the woman said "no nudes"), so it'll only be a matter of time until he either tries to come after me again, or he finds someone else in his town to go after. I've blocked him on almost everything, blocked her as well, so neither of them can come back in my life. I'm just a little worried about those old nudes of mine he still has...I don't think he'd do anything but I almost told Amber about them so she would get him to delete them. I guess, worst case is I could always sue if he puts them on a p0rn site...
Sorry I needed to get this shit off my chest. I know people's opinions shouldn't matter to me, but they do, especially when I'm being blamed for everything and the person who ACTUALLY set everything in motion is refusing to take responsibility for it.
I'll do a cord cutting spell or a binding or something after we move to the new apartment so they don't come back.
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heartbrealove · 3 years
Well... My rant will definitely destroyed our childhood and mine. Backstreet Boys is a champion of women, people of color and gay people when it comes to pop music. Elliot Page wrongfully accused Chris Pratt for attended a "homophobic" church and a 12 day diet, he could've accused Brian Littrell for became a Trump supporting traitor. Stupid f** hypocrite!! Back to rant, speaking of Brian, he, his MAGAnt wife and teenage son are real Trump supporting, QAnon believing, racist, homophobic traitors. Leighanne's Facebook posts are nothing but cruel. Mocking Black Lives Matters activists, Hispanic people, transgender people, gay people and even mock 2 talented pop stars Beyonce and Taylor Swift. The reason, Leighanne is jealous because her son's first album flopped while Taylor Swift's last 2 albums is a worldwide success. Leighanne's mysterious archrival (whose she don't know her) Katherine Schwarzenegger's book and podcast The Gift of Forgiveness is a successful and Katherine's husband Chris Pratt supporting his wife's author success and even he supporting her and her family's vote and support for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. Unlike Brian Littrell whose reputation is wrecked due to joining Parler, 2 days after Capitol attacks and his support for MAGA punk Trump, Brian's mortal enemies Chris Pratt and pop rock band Lifehouse are leaning libertarians and kept their political supports private and quiet. No wonder, God took Brian's voice away from him and give it to his enemies. Trump must be huge Backstreet Boys fan and listen his favorite yet cornball overrated 90s song I Want It That Way because I hate the song and he ultimately hates either BTS and CNCO because both of the current top-charted boy bands earned my heart. What I learned about Brian's tweet that January night hurt my heart as a autistic Mexican American lady who loved pop songs. And you Twitterverse kids should've accused Brian for Trump supporting traitor and apologized to Chris for wrongfully accused. Whenever that was all 4 members of the pop band seems to ignored it except Kevin tweets a column about a person lose a friend for QAnon/Trump cult that following night. Until they make a statement, I am done being Backstreet Boys fan forever and I'm done listening to their corny pop songs too, meanwhile Brian should've take cues from his rivals Chris and Lifehouse's Jason Wade because he and Chris Pratt hates Donald Trump, hates MAGA Cult and hates QAnon cult. That's all I have to say, good night loves.
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I love your blog Ren. It is so stable compared to some of the others . You never flip out on anyone just because you are having a bad day. Like you have your own struggles but you don't let them change you as a person. I really value that. You post pretty much all your asks, even the weird anon ones you get from time to time that aim at you. Thank you for doing this blog. I am also happy Leighann is back with Juliet simms disccussions. I had to move away from other blogs for their hypocrisy.
Thank you, I’m glad you appreciate the fact that I do try to be fair or at least let everyone say what they think. I don’t purposefully try to cause drama despite what so many people may think. 
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myntoguriin · 2 years
Love is kind.
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Photo by Leighann Blackwood on Unsplash
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When you know that a decision you want to make will likely hurt another person and that it won't benefit you at all but you choose to do it anyway - doesn't that make you a bad, bitter person? And when people are hurt by the things you do and say, shouldn't you be reflecting instead of lashing out, defending the things you did AS IF you did them all out of love? Or are you so used to a life where people simply endure all your verbal abuses out of feigned respect, that you just have zero common sense on what to say and what to not?
Of so many things you could have done, how did you come to decide that saying something hurtful towards someone who was minding their own business would be the best thing to do? How, in that supposed-to-be bright mind of yours, did you even conclude that it's fine to hurt another just because you can? You thought you can so you should? Is that how the world is to you? Are you really THAT entitled? THAT narcissistic?
How long, really, have you lived this way - getting away with all the horrible things you say to others because your defense is love? What exactly is this strange and violent idea of love that it so easily gets you away from repercussions for being mean and unkind towards people who simply want to live their own lives? Have you ever tried looking back to those moments where you smile at others' pain that you caused - don't they teach you anything?
Does it make you feel powerful, saying all those things to people and not getting a single shit in return just because you're older than them and you're supposed to know better? Does it make you feel invincible, being able to hide behind that twisted and sick sentiment of love while you continuously break people for no reason? Does it make you HAPPY, doing all those mean things and watching people cry and yelling at them for suffering?
And how do you sleep at night?
Judging from how you still behave - well, I guess.
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