#learning guitar
dem0litionl0v3rz · 2 months
Welcome, To the Black Parade
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This is a safe space for the weirdos, furries, exiles, emos, mcr fans, ghouls, guitar players, insomniacs, metal heads, losers, artists, writers, punks, team Edward AND team Jacob, and all the general weirdos of the modern society - We listen to MCR, Get Scared, Set It Off, Pierce The Veil, Evanescence, Alexis Munroe, Violent Vira, Korn, Jack Off Jill, Flyleaf, Snake River Conspiracy, Kittie, Unimagined, Motionless In White, and so much more (mostly MCR >:P)
Im currently learning guitar and love interacting with people! I promise I don’t bite 🌕🐺- but I am a miner I mine for coal and diamonds don't be creepy
IM ALSO working on fanfiction you can find on my other blog @totalitarianbooktator
My pronouns are she/her, I'm a proud lesbian, and I listen to Dr Death Defyings Danger Days listening party at least once a month (especially during the summer). Im obsessed with Vampire media, just now coming out of my Twilight era im transitioning into Buffy The Vampire Slayer.
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Anyone have any songs that would be relatively easy (idc if it’s a challenge) for a beginner to learn on guitar? I want to learn but just practicing chords and stuff will not cut it. I need a goal.
Songs by any of the following would work but really I’d learn anything
The crane wives
Mumford and sons
The lumineers
Musicals of bmc newsies heathers, etc
Anything literally anything I am on my knees begging
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popwillow · 10 months
Anyone have specific advice for self learning guitar? :3 🩷🤍🩵
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retr0gh0ul · 8 months
I just want friends!!
Here are some things I like if your blog has any of these comment or like or something and i’ll check it out. thanks ☺️
fob,mcr,hozier,nirvana joji
social justice, blm, sah, leftist politics
learning german
punk/alt culture (especially in nyc)
righteous gemstones,tlc, moral orel, smiling friends,abbot elementary, bojack, the great
DC batfamily
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mybffisa-vamp · 1 month
Music update 1!
I’ve just finished my crash course on music theory using videos I searched for, all of which covered music theory specifically for guitar!
This was super important and a pretty big step forward for me, considering that now I understand keys and scales and how those go together; specifically that your notes and chords should be inside the same key to sound good together (unless you’re experimenting with Non-Diatonic).
My next step is memorizing the basic open chords: E, E-minor, A, A-Minor, G, C, D, and F. After that, I’m going to be learning the first position pentatonic scale and memorizing all notes on the fretboard up to the fifth fret.
In between all that, I plan to practice the major scales in order to figure out what scale/key I want my first song to be in. Im playing with the idea of releasing a single then an album, just out of curiosity.
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the-huntress-09 · 2 months
So, I'm learning guitar, and I missed a note and out loud said "Oops, guitar typo."
I swear my brain doesn't work sometimes.
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lancerfay · 6 months
back at it again today
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I can read the sheet music now but oh my goodness did I pick a hard song to learn first its so slow (and I definitely can't play at any speed)
I know somewhere in here here's a way to glean how to hold my left hand in efficient shapes for the notes. Is it really just by looking at the notes I gotta place and coming up with one??? That seems like so much
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them: oh you're playing guitar that's so cool! did you know if you just learn these 4 chords you can play hundreds of pop songs
me: ok yeah but i don't wanna play hundreds of pop songs :/ i have specific ideas about what songs i wanna play half of them were written for the piano though. and half of them are from obscure artists where ill be lucky to find a tab online at all nevermind an accurate one. oh hey look ive found another song i wanna play it has 12 chords half of them are barre chords. the tab i found for it is wrong though. i believe most of the chords but these 3 specifically i can just hear that they're not right. the website wants me to pay to access the official tab though. how far can i get by just listening to the song and picking out notes on my guitar? do you think i can learn this by the end of the month be honest
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sea-critter · 6 months
writing sad little songs and playing guitar all day long
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k1saragi · 8 months
does anyone here have any advice or recommendations for someone wanting to learn the basics of guitar playing? (yes i know theres tons of info online, thats why im asking for more specific personal experiences). i just today got back my old acoustic guitar that i played a bit a decade ago. my only goal ideally really is to be able to play some more simple songs or parts of songs of the black metal and doom metal songs i love (i know this is very different with an acoustic ofc). but yea, looking at some tabs, i already see phrases and words im not sure what they mean, and at times im not sure how to hold my fingers or hand the best way, so if anyone has tips or advice, id love to hear it out.
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klassinenramputtaja · 3 months
Kitaran soiton aloituksen vaikeukset
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Olen huomannut, kuinka kitaran soitto on levinnyt laajasti nuorten keskuudessa etenkin sosiaalisessa mediassa. Monet teinit ovat aloittaneet kitaran soiton, koska se on some trendi ja hoksaavat kuinka vaikeata kitaran soitto voi olla. En itse ole käynyt soittotunneilla, mutta olen oppinut kitarataidot itsekseni YouTube videoiden ja kännykkäsovellusten kautta. Se on tietenkin ollut haastavampaa oppia ilman ammattilaista, joka kertoo, kun jokin menee väärin, mutta se on ollut paljon halvempaa, kuin oikeat kitaratunnit.
Ensimmäinen kitarani oli klassinen kitara, jonka sain serkultani. Hän oli soitellut sitä omassa nuoruudessaan ja matkusti Lappiin asti kitara kainalossaan. Serkkuni on nyt melkein kolmekymppinen ja matkustelee jatkuvasti. Kitara oli unohtunut tätini ullakolle ja löysin sen 10-vuotiaana. Innostuin välittömästi sen soitosta, vaikka en tiennyt yhtäkään asiaa kitaroista. Täti antoi kitaran minulle ja vein sen kotiin, jossa se istui soittamattomana monta vuotta ennen kuin päätin tosissani oppia, miten kitaraa oikein soitetaan.
Laulu, jonka päätin oppia ensin, oli Vance Joyn Riptide, koska sitä soitettiin siihen aikaan jatkuvasti. Riptide oli alun perin kirjoitettu ukulele lauluksi, joten klassisen kitaran soinnut tekivät biisistä synkän. Tässä vaiheessa motivaationi katosi, koska soinnut olivat älyttömän vaikeita oppia itsekseen etenkin F-sointu. En kuitenkaan halunnut luovuttaa ja treenasin melkein joka päivä F-sointua ja nyt se tuntuu luonnolliselta.
Jos itse haluat aloittaa kitaran soiton ja et ole koskaan edes koskenut kitaraa ennen, suosittelen tutoriaali videoiden etsimistä. Tärkeintä on ensin löytää sopivin kitara itsellesi kuten sähkö, akustinen tai klassinen kitara. Sitten suosittelen kitaraan tutustumista ensin, ja jos mahdollista tutoriaali videoiden löytämistä ja kitaransoitto sovelluksen hankkimista puhelimeen.
Yksi lempi sovelluksistani on Ultimate Guitar. Sovelluksesta on erittäin helppoa löytää erilaisia biisejä ja niihin käytettyjä sointuja. Ultimate Guitar tarjoaa merkittävän kokemuksen erilaisten tilausten kautta. Saat nyt Ultimate Guitar PRO:n vain 3,33 € kuukausi. Säästät 63 % jos rekisteröidyt heti. Ultimate Guitar myös tarjoaa tuhansia kursseja, joista saa hyvän laatuista opetusta, jotta kitaransoitto voi välittömästi sujua mainiosti. Jos maksat 39,99 € vuodesta, säästät 63 % ja saat älyttömän mainiota opetusta ammattilaisilta. Kiitän yhteistyöstä Ultimate Guitar:in kanssa.
Kun ensin aloitin kitaran soiton, olin aivan pihalla monista asioista. Kitarani oli vanha ja kielet katkesivat nopeasti. Lähdin välittömästi lähimpään musiikkikauppaan ostamaan uudet. Halusin oppia vaihtamaan kitaran kielet, koska minusta se oli hyvä taito hallita ja myös halvempaa tehdä itse. Muistan, kun kävelin kaksi kilometriä lähimpään musiikkiliikkeeseen ja pyysin työntekijältä apua. Hän antoi minulle sopivimmat kielet ja lähdin takaisin kotiin. Kun istuin huoneeseeni vaihtamaan kieliä, minun täytyi hakea netistä ohjeet, joihin ei tarvittu työkaluja. Kielten vaihto ei ollut yhtä vaikeaa kuin luulin ja se sujui suhteellisen nopeasti. Nyt osaan aina vaihtaa kielet, vaikka se on joskus aikamoinen työmaa. Suosittelen oman kitaran hoitamisesta. Kohtele kitaraasi kohteliaasti ja varovaisesti, jottei se hajoa.
Jos haluaa aloitta kitaran soiton, ei tarvitse välittömästi ostaa kalleinta kitaraa tai parhaimpia oppitunteja. Kitaran soittaminen sujuu, kunhan kohtelet kitaraasi varovaisesti ja opit viihtymään sen kanssa.
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ebonyheartnet · 1 month
Why the fuck do I suddenly suck when playing electric guitar? I’m actually pretty good on acoustic!
-30 seconds on Google-
You mean my overcooked spaghetti hands would have had an easier time learning on electric because it takes less pressure?!
Edit: oh right, the rest of me
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Okay can I skip the part where I learn how to play, and just go straight to the Being Fucking Awesome at Guitar thing???
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melusine0811 · 3 months
I just started learning a new trick…I have wanted to play the guitar since I was a child but never told anyone. My mom found out recently and bought me one for Christmas. I was shocked. I have been using the lessons on FenderPlay and also teaching myself songs like this one on youtube. Omg I get the strings mixed up but I’m getting better!
This one is dedicated to my two otp couple girls in love❤️ Lol hopefully soon I will play a better version 🤣
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mybffisa-vamp · 1 month
Introducing, Me
Writing an album, posting in depth updates here, once finished will post it on Spotify/maybe bandcamp, then will never talk about it again :)
I play guitar and will be adding in drums, bass, etc, on software (if I can find a good free one, then I’ll have to improvise)
All songs composed will be under a pseudonym
I will not be posting the tabs/chords for my songs
This is a passion project for me that came about when I was faced with the fact that I will be making a really big move away from where I’ve lived for quite a while
While I don’t have the fondest memories here, and honestly am quite lonely, and am in an ongoing with depression, I still want to have some proof that I existed; Which is why I initially began writing songs
Im open to advice or suggestions on how I should record, with what I should record, what app/software to mix, etc.
I’m taking inspiration from Salvia Plath, Marika Hackman and I Hate Sex
I’d love for you to follow along with my progress :)
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crowleaf · 1 year
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My fingers were getting used to the strings but they’re not ready for sliding on them yet. Ow :’)
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