#last twilight reaction
dropthedemiurge · 5 months
I swear Porjai should win the best girl character in all BL series (and we had amazing and lovely Aye in Be My Favorite!)
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(she lies to the airport workers (bad but it's for the sake of fairytale love!) and makes up shitty sad story about her best friend just to make him happy un the end lmao (i swear it all makes sense in the context, she is BRILLIANT I love Porjai so much, she's the main character here)
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Na, Days mum actually saying the words "I'm going to lose him either way, at least I feel comfortable knowing he's locked away in his room" is evil. Like pure evil. I don't care that I comes from a place of fear and of grief for the life Day will never get to have. She's basically saying "I was losing control of him as he gained confidence and independence to reenter society despite his blindness, at least if I lose him to depression from having all of that taken away he's still physically under my roof and under my care"... like the dehumanisation of her son is unreal... he's still a person, a gown ass adult, who should have full autonomy over his life... I'm actually really struggling to press play and watch the rest of the episode because of this...
My sister is blind and if anyone tried to treat her this way or said something like that about her, I would end up behind bars for what I'd do to them...
Like, it's important to highlight that ablism exists and that people can use their power over disabled people in a negative way... but still I'm struggling to watch it. Please, someone tell me it's safe to keep watching and that Day gets out of that fucked up environment...
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adrift-in-thyme · 4 months
I need to think about this more when I’m not half-asleep and running on excitement alone but…
I’m still not so sure Twi’s out of the woods yet
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oswlld · 5 months
still processing some thoughts so who knows if what ill say will change tomorrow but imo i think the ep11 ending would have achieved the same outcome, down to the exact motivations mork and day had going into their relationship, without mork having to lie about. in fact it might have even hurt more if it was a brutally open dialogue on why he was really willing to sacrifice a big job opportunity because day's right, mork wouldn't have lied if he wasn't blind. im just having a hard time pinning down why he HAD to lie about it when the series has shown ZERO evidence to support this
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petrichoraline · 6 months
tbh I don't hate august..I actually like all of the characters and sympathize with them a lot :) that being said, that was so dumb my god 🤧 like talk about stupid uni student behaviour, that friend group is really wild. and mork being there.. I was a bit surprised he didn't throw a few punches like his body language somehow didn't indicate he was on the verge of beating august up which was interesting cause he did have this look on his face
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but yeah, I don't hate the kid, I can see how he reached the conclusion that he did and he put in a lot of effort but he hadn't thought far ahead enough like..at all
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criticallyobs · 5 months
2 hours and 36 minutes of "How Dare They!" and "This was done Brilliantly" aka our latest episode of the Last Twilight podcast.
Our latest podcast 'Safe House Crushes' dives into the 11th episode of our latest obsession: A Thai BL called Last Twilight starring Jimmy & Sea. Join us as we fan girl & pull apart the episode.
Content warning for self-harm mentions.
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plastic--hearts · 4 months
all other issues aside, at first I was a little upset that we got very little reaction from day upon seeing mork for the first time, but then it hit me: he always saw mork. his physical appearance was never important–he knew and loved and truly saw mork long before he regained his sight.
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non-binarypal7 · 6 months
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Last Twilight episode 6 part 4/4: exists
Everyone: keysmash
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stormyoceans · 7 months
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dropthedemiurge · 5 months
Haha, so you mean I have to watch Mork smiling and sheding tears as he sees happy Porjai, who suffered so much in life, acquire a loving husband, a mother and be accepted in the same family that he once hoped would be his home as well but was cruelly rejected?
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You mean, I have to watch Mork who got heartbroken, confused and spent very lonely three years in another country without any support from his love or warmth of family getting to feel joy for his best friend and describe a happy atmosphere to the man who still doesn't let him get closer? Why is he suffering so much with the smile on his face.
P'Aof, what the fuck. (barely affectionate)
I don't really want happy endings or typical relationships for all BL series, but you have to make it make sense. Do I want to see Mork happy? Fuck yeah. With Day? Uh...
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keepthetension · 5 months
been in the Bad Brain place lately, so i've been struggling to finish writing about why chef mhon's character makes sense to me, because of
a) the long-term effects of the WORLD SHAKING trauma of your life partner abandoning you AND of being unable to feed yourself and your children b) being unable to process said trauma much (if at all), as you then hit the ground running to make a living in the aftermath (in a new city with no support and with who knows what marketable skills) c) the stigma of being a divorced woman in a society that will blame you for being the reason your marriage failed in the first place, and will also blame you for any way your children step out of line d) the difficulties of achieving success as a working mother when employers see women as flakier, less-worthy hires, especially in a male-dominated industry
and how no amount of money or stability will ever seem like enough, and how difficult it is to trust anyone plus how easy it is to see everything as a potential danger to the stability you fought tooth and nail for, and how it makes sense for a traumatized person who never had the time and support to work through their trauma to project all kinds of things onto their kids
but apparently she just kinda. walked it off?
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themoopoint · 5 months
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three--rings · 5 months
Decided to try Last Twilight, since I've decided I can't get into The Sign, and I didn't realize Aof was the director on this one.
wait, badminton? no one told me there was badminton in this show! thats a sport i actually know. i played a bit in college.
(i suspect the sport may not be in the show for long but still)
So bad boy on parole as caretaker for bratty angry disabled guy? I can get into it.
The stuff with Bad Boy's sister is that classic Feelings Bait I suspect this show is heavy with. I like it.
And I appreciate that Day is allowed to be a complete jerk in reaction to his disability cause, like, that's a normal human reaction.
So yeah, definitely enjoying this so far. And I realized who Day's actor reminds me of. He looks like Yu Liang from Hikaru no Go/Qi Hun.
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waldensblog · 2 years
I mean... Both Alice AND Jacob acknowledge that going to Italy is... Stupid, wreckless, dangerous af. Why can't Alice go alone, where Edward can read her mind and know that Bella is alive (so Bella doesn't have to abandon her father RIGHT AFTER ONE OF HIS BEST FRIENDS DIED WITH ZERO WARNING)? And why would Rosalie even find Edward to tell him that before shit's even confirmed, KNOWING his overdramatic ass would do something like that? Wtf all around. I know the answer is really : so the plot can happen, but still, very bizzare to me.
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Edit: Okay at least they explain on the plane that Edward would read thoughts and assume she’s lying, but... this MIGHT HAVE BEEN GOOD TO EXPLAIN BACK AT THE HOUSE ? 
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thaitheseries · 2 years
2023 is going to be pure madness and jimmysea x backaof are going to fuel it even more
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