floaties-for-arsene · 13 hours
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It sure would be weird if I drew my other favorite persona couple as beasts. Haha. Wouldn’t it be strange. It would be so awesome. It would be so cool.
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floaties-for-arsene · 13 hours
heyy i was rereading through your decaying godhood au , and i had a few questions :0
do you have any human refs for az ?
what about human refs for izanami, izanagi, satanael, and/or EMMA ?
i visualize a lot when i read fics so i always love seeing refs :0
The only one that has a complete reference sheet is Azathoth, but I do have most of the others drawn!
Izanami's design is mostly unchanged (aside from her clothes) from how she looks in P4 (though, I may make her hair longer). I don't have anything for Izanagi figured out yet, but these two won't be appearing in DGH for a while! I'll try to have them at least doodled out before they're introduced (❁´◡`❁)
I'm hiding Azzie's ref and Satanael under the cut because they're super old but here's a new-ish Azathoth and Emma!
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I'm still iffy on Emma's colours but I think her hair is fun (✿◕‿◕✿)
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Satanael might get a new hairstyle, I haven't decided yet... I'm hoping to at least have doodle pages for everyone before they appear in the fic though!
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the greatest seal
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The guys :)
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floaties-for-arsene · 10 days
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floaties-for-arsene · 11 days
Soooo....I had an idea while trudging through a dumpster fire playing through Tactica, that idea being: What would it be like if Zenkichi (and maybe Sophia, if I decide to do that) were in Tactica? This resulted in a two week project drawing and editing one sprite.
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I don't know, they're decent (just not what I think is "perfect", per se), but I will do more poses and sprites if people want me to (I might even do a cut-in and promotional art replication)
(EDIT: Sorry if this post keeps changing, I keep noticing little errors the more I look at it, and have to edit it, like adding my SIGNIATURE to it! (stupid, me...)).
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floaties-for-arsene · 15 days
Decaying Godhood- Chapter 3: New Outlook, New Faces
<- Chapter 2 ● Chapter 4 ->
It had been so long since he’d felt the ground beneath him, the wind running through his hair. For years, he had been wandering a realm of nothingness, constantly embraced by a suffocating stillness. Part of him was glad to be back in the human realm, but despite the soft breeze and the sounds of their shoes clicking against the stone road, the uncomfortable sense of stasis remained.
“It’s like everyone just… stopped.”
Ryoji turned around. Nyx was staring at a group of young people, each positioned as if they had been frozen in the middle of a conversation.
“It seems like it’s only them, though.” Ryoji lifted his hand, feeling the wind again, “there is still wind…”
“The sun is setting too,” Nyx pointed out, “so… time hasn’t stopped entirely.”
Ryoji opened his mouth to speak, but nothing came out. He quickly brought a hand to his head, tightly squeezing his eyes shut as his mind abruptly exploded with pain. His ears started ringing.
He felt a pair of hands on his shoulders.
Ryoji slowly opened his eyes as the pain faded, though his mind still felt fuzzy. Nyx stared at him with concern in her eyes.
“Sorry…” he stood up straight, “I’m fine.”
Nyx backed away, “are you sure?”
“Yes,” Ryoji began walking away.
Nyx didn’t respond, but he heard her footsteps beside him. Silence lingered between them.
He wasn’t sure where they were going. They had spent too long saying goodbye to the twins, now the two figures they had spotted had gone, and they didn’t know where to look.
“Maybe there’ll be some feathers on the ground,” he thought, still pondering if the figure had wings or if it was a cape.
Ryoji noticed Nyx’s footsteps stopped. He halted, turning around.
She was standing in front of a pair of people. One was a woman, her hand clasping a smaller one, belonging to the child next to her. Her eyes focused intently on the pair.
Ryoji sighed, watching her. Her expression shifted from intrigue, to confusion, before settling on sorrow. Nyx moved her gaze to him.
He wondered if she knew, if she cared.
“Sorry,” her voice cracked. She started to walk again, “let’s keep looking.”
Ryoji could tell she wanted to say more, but he didn’t push her. He followed her.
He didn’t like that he felt pain whenever she looked at him, yet he felt as though he was forcing his anger.
Minato’s words echoed through his mind, “she isn’t unlike you, Ryoji. You and her were just ideas, concepts, forces of nature. Neither of you had an identity, a heart. You said it yourself, you were Death… you still are. But now, you’re you. You’re Ryoji Mochizuki, and you choose to continue to be him. Now, Nyx has found a sense of self too. What happened in the past is done, we can only focus on moving forward. If there’s any hope for people now, you’ll only find it if you learn to work with her, at the very least.”
He was right. He and Nyx were one in the same.
Ryoji began lagging behind as his walking slowed. Nyx didn’t notice.
Was he right to be so upset with her?
He paused.
“That day…” he said under his breath.
He hadn’t done anything to prevent the Fall. He had only reiterated over and over that there was nothing that could be done. Despite that, he realized now that he didn’t make the effort to try.
Ryoji grabbed his head. If he truly loved them, why didn’t he try?
He watched Nyx as she slowed, turning her head to look back at him. She stopped.
“Do you want to stop?” She asked, walking back to him.
Ryoji lowered his head, “was there anything I could’ve done?”
Nyx stopped, “what?”
“The Fall. I’m the reason it happened, right?”
“N-no, Ryoji-“
“And I didn’t do anything to prevent it.”
Nyx sighed, “don’t start blaming yourself.”
“I know you didn’t know any better,” he spat, clutching his sword, “but I did. I could’ve… I could’ve at least tried.”
“Ryoji, listen. I know it’s hard, I know you’re mad, upset… but if we don’t move past this, we’re never going to figure out what is going on.”
Ryoji held her stare. He realized then that he had been directing his anger away from himself and onto her.
“They may not be completely human anymore, but they’re still…alive. When this is taken care of, we’ll go back to them.”
Ryoji sighed, “yeah… I’m sorry, I…”
Nyx held out a hand, “you don’t have to forgive me. I’m not expecting you to. If it makes it easier for you, blame me for everything. We’ll move on for now, you can… deal with me however you want later.”
Ryoji stared into eyes. He knew that gaze all too well, the confidence, the determination. Nyx had already accepted death, and that worried him.
“I’m not going to kill you,” he said, taking her hand, “I can’t.”
“I’m sure you could find a way.” Nyx laughed lightly.
Ryoji shook his head, “let’s keep going…”
The two walked in comfortable silence, their path illuminated by the light of the full moon.
He felt relieved. He wondered why she wanted to hold his hand, but then it clicked.
She did know, she did care.
The two continued quietly, noting the stillness of people and any vehicles on the road.
Eventually, something caught his eye, “what’s that?”
Nyx let go of him, walking over to the white fluff on the ground. She picked it up, “it’s a feather.”
“Do you think it belonged to the… thing we saw?”
“Maybe,” Nyx looked down the road, “it was shedding a lot.”
They followed the trail of feathers.
“This is… convenient,” Ryoji said as they turned a corner.
Nyx nodded, “there’s so many though… if they have wings, they’re probably bald now.”
Ryoji snorted, “bald wings, huh…”
Nyx shrugged, “or however you describe featherless wings.” She stopped, pointing up at a building in front of them, “the lights are on.”
Ryoji followed her finger, “maybe we found those two… finally.” He carefully stepped up to the door, gently knocking. He stood back, waiting.
Nyx looked up again, “someone’s moving inside.”
The two waited, hands on their swords.
Slowly, the door before them opened. A head peeked out, golden hair falling to the side as he did. His turquoise eyes flicked between Ryoji and Nyx. He opened the door all the way.
“Hello,” Ryoji greeted, giving a quick bow.
“This is interesting, you two can move too…” the man said. He turned around for a moment, “there’s two of them,” he looked at Nyx, “one is definitely not human.”
A second head appeared above the blond man.
“My name is Ryoji Mochizuki, this is Nyx.”
The man with white hair flashed a look at the blond man, then looked at Nyx. “As in… Goddess of the Night?”
The white haired man stepped out. He was much taller than Ryoji was expecting, making him feel slightly uneasy.
“I am Salmael,” he gestured to the man next to him, “this is Adam.”
Adam leaned against the doorframe, “you guys better be here for a good reason, we were just heading to sleep.” He narrowed his eyes at Ryoji, “so… are you human?”
Ryoji shook his head, “my name used to be Death… or Thanatos.”
Salmael raised a brow, “you were just going to conveniently leave out that you’re the God of Death?”
“Not… intentionally.”
Adam shrugged, “all you gods are in the same predicament, does it matter what your title is?”
“But if he was just a human, it’d make this whole situation more confusing.”
Adam nodded, “fair…” he threw the door open, “come in, it’s cold, I’m tired, and I want answers.”
Ryoji and Nyx followed Adam and Salmael inside.
“Give us the TLDR.” Adam said, visibly exhausted.
Ryoji cleared his throat, “Nyx and I were… sealed in this realm beyond the human one. She suddenly became human, and…” He attempted to explain the situation quickly.
“Wait so… there’s two others?” Adam questioned.
“They’re staying behind those doors.” Nyx replied, “it’s been years but if they have any humanity left, this… phenomena might cause them to stop too if they come down here.”
Salmael nodded, “and you’re saying you spotted us from up there?”
“That’s right,” Ryoji nodded.
Adam glanced at Salmael, who stared at him. He then sank into his chair, “we can trust you guys, right?”
Ryoji could tell he just wanted to sleep, “of course… we just want to figure out what’s going on.”
“Good!” Adam sat up, extending a hand to Ryoji, “I suppose we should explain our situations too but… can it wait until the morning?”
Ryoji shook his hand, “yeah, you look like you’re about to pass out… honestly I feel like I am too.”
Salmael furrowed his brows, “can the God of Death pass away?”
Adam groaned, “I told you it’s just a saying.” He then laughed, “he’s new to existing as a human.”
“So is she,” Ryoji pointed to Nyx, “I’ve been like this for… a really long time though.”
“I can tell,” Adam said as he stood up, “there’s another spare room in that room, one of you will have to sleep on the couch though.”
“Thank you, Adam,” Ryoji smiled.
“No problem,” he began walking down the hall, “night guys.”
Salmael began following him, opening the door to another room.
“Wait, Salmael,” Nyx stood up.
He looked at her, “yes?”
“Is that a cape or wings?”
Salmael looked at the feathers draped over his back, “I used to have wings… I guess this world wasn’t so kind enough to let me keep them.” He sighed, “it looks nice but I keep losing feathers.”
“It mightn’t be fit for battle, either,” Ryoji pointed out.
“You think we’ll be engaging in combat?” Salmael tilted his head.
“Who knows,” Ryoji sighed,” who’s to say, if we find any other gods, that they’ll be allies.”
“I hadn’t thought of that…”
The three stared at the floor. Ryoji hadn’t thought of it until that moment either. Sure, he and Nyx had weapons, but neither of them appeared to have access to their magic.
“One more thing,” Nyx interrupted the silence, “what is Adam? He didn’t say.”
Salmael chuckled, “he said he used to be a Persona. He said he isn’t a god but was affiliated with one… perhaps that is why he is able to move. I’m sure he’ll tell you tomorrow if you want to inquire again.”
He vanished into his room before Ryoji or Nyx could reply.
“You go on to bed,” Nyx said, “I’ll rest out here.”
“Are you sure?”
Nyx nodded. Ryoji could tell she wanted to say more, but she remained silent.
Ryoji sighed, standing up, “try to sleep, okay?”
“I will…”
Ryoji patted her shoulder before walking away, “goodnight.”
“Goodnight…” he heard her trail off as he walked down the hall. He faintly heard her next words, “…my son.”
Ryoji sat at the end of the bed, holding Minato’s evoker. He pulled his knees up to his chest, silently letting tears fall.
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floaties-for-arsene · 19 days
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12/1 true ending
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floaties-for-arsene · 19 days
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I gave ryoji some casual outfits bcs he deserves more than the one (1) outfit he has
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floaties-for-arsene · 19 days
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Adam just wanted a celebratory picture after their first major battle
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floaties-for-arsene · 19 days
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A warm embrace :)
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floaties-for-arsene · 20 days
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Breaking: Local death god and his boyfriend cosplay as lawyers
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floaties-for-arsene · 20 days
Decaying Godhood- Chapter 2: Solemn Freedom
<- Chapter 1 ● Chapter 3 ->
“Nothing is moving…”
Nyx sat quietly on the ground, watching the three look out the giant golden door. Occasionally one of them would look back at her. It made her feel something unpleasant, she wasn’t entirely sure what it was though.
“No one is collapsing, either…” Minako said, “it’s like they’re frozen in time.”
“Do you think it’s just the view we have from here?” Minato asked.
“No,” Ryoji answered, “something doesn’t feel right… at all.”
Minako glanced back at Nyx, “do things feel off to you?”
She nodded.
“Well… what do we do?” Minako moved her attention to the other two.
“Wait.” Ryoji pointed out of the door, “something’s moving.”
The twins looked carefully.
“It looks like a person…” Minato said.
“No way,” Minako gently pulled the hair away from his eyes, “look again, no human has hair that white.”
“Akihiko-senpai had white hair, though.”
Minako shook her head, “but not that bright!”
Ryoji cleared his throat, “how about the feathers? Humans don’t have wings.”
“Are they wings? It looks more like a cape.” Minako let go of Minato’s hair, “check out all that gold too…”
“Either this guy is just really rich, or not human.” Minato said flatly, turning away.
“And those are mutually exclusive?” Ryoji moved away from the door. “They could be both.”
“I suppose so.”
“Guys.” Nyx flinched when all three quickly looked at her, “they’re moving, right? Does it matter what they look like?”
Ryoji sighed, “no, you’re right.” He faced the twins, “what should we do?”
“I don’t know, but…” Minako gestured out the door, “there’s someone else there now.”
Ryoji and Minato quickly looked out again.
“I’m going to investigate.” Ryoji said suddenly, “you two stay here… whatever is happening seems to only be affecting humans.”
“Wait, how do we know it’s safe?” Minako questioned, folding her arms.
“I can’t die, remember?”
“Yes but-“
The three slowly looked at Nyx. She bit her tongue, “I’m sorry I didn’t mean to shout… it’s just.” She stood up, “have you felt anyone die?”
Ryoji narrowed his eyes, “what are you saying?”
“You’re Death,” she said, “you should be able to tell if people are leaving this world.”
Ryoji paused. Nyx could tell he didn’t want to take her words, but he pondered anyway.
“No one is dying.”
“There you have it,” Nyx said, “the world is at a standstill.“
Minato glanced at Ryoji.
“…You’re coming with me.” Ryoji slashed the chains off of Nyx’s wrists and neck, “I don’t trust you to stay with them.”
“That’s fair…” Nyx nodded, holding her wrist.
Minato placed a hand on Ryoji’s shoulder, “may I speak with you first?”
Nyx watched them wander off. Minako approached her, grabbing her hands.
“Listen, I know… he has every right to be mad at you, but…” Minako picked up her evoker, placing it in Nyx’s hands, “I hope you’ll protect him. Even if he doesn’t want you to.”
Nyx felt her eyes begin to water.
Minako smiled, “I don’t know if I can stay mad at you… it wasn’t really your fault, was it?”
“You don’t have to make excuses for me.”
“I know, but it wasn’t you, was it?”
Nyx could feel her heart sting. Minako was right, but she felt as though she couldn’t admit it.
“Does it matter?” Nyx asked, “I still tried to do it.”
“Nyx, you weren’t even a person, then,” Minako patted her shoulder, “you were… an idea, a force of nature. Of course you didn’t know the harm it would bring.” She held her hand, “I… know about Erebus. I’m sure reflecting on all of that now must…” Minako shook her head. “I’m putting my trust in you. Now is your chance to become a great individual.”
Now she couldn’t see. Tears flooded from her eyes, dropping onto her hands below.
“I know gods probably can’t get Personas, but… I want you to take that evoker with you.” Minako attempted to wipe away the tears with her stone fingers, “ah sorry! That probably isn’t very comforting.”
Nyx laughed slightly, “thank you, Minako.”
“Damn, you made her cry?”
Nyx could barely make out Minato’s form before her.
“I didn’t mean to…” Minako said.
Nyx wiped her eyes, looking at Ryoji. His gaze still held disdain, but had softened slightly.
“Oh that’s a good idea!” Minako noted Ryoji wearing a SEES armband. She removed her own, the bright red colour returning as she wrapped it around Nyx’s arm. “Now you guys gotta go be the heroes, okay?”
Nyx smiled softly, bowing to her, “I won’t let you down.”
“Ryoji,” Minato said, “are you gonna give it to her?”
Ryoji sighed, “if you act out I’m taking this back,” he held out the sword he had used while he was Nyx Avatar.
Nyx carefully took it, “thank you, Ryoji.”
Ryoji nodded, facing Minato again, “we’ll be back.”
Minato smiled softly, “and we’ll be watching over you two.”
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floaties-for-arsene · 24 days
Decaying Godhood- Chapter 1: Movement Among the Stasis
“This is all very sudden.”
He stepped lightly, adjusting to the sensation of ground beneath his feet. He sighed, staring down at his body again, fixing his coat.
“How embarrassing,” he muttered, “what kind of god struggles to walk…”
He moved forward, cautiously placing one foot in front of the other, “I suppose… it has been a while since I’ve had legs…”
He glanced around, noting the vacant eyes of the motionless humans. The entire city was at a standstill.
“Well,” he sighed, “if this isn’t my doing, then…”
His vision began to blur. The sound of his heels clicking against the ground echoed through the streets as he stumbled. He leaned against the wall, holding his visor. He pulled it off.
“What is this?” He spat, trying to shake off the fatigue, “it was a mistake to investigate these oddities…”
He closed his eyes. Why didn’t he know what was going on? He was Salmael, the God of Stagnation, he knew everything about stillness and stasis. Yet even he couldn’t figure out why humanity has halted.
Salmael pushed himself off the wall, still struggling to maintain proper posture as he began walking down the streets.
“This is ridiculous,” he shuddered, “I feel…” he shook his head, “I…”
He let himself fall to his knees, the end of his feathered cape becoming dusted.
“You’re gonna get dirty sitting in the middle of the road.”
Salmael moved his head up, narrowing his eyes at the standing figure before him.
“Moving? Talking? Yeah. I honestly didn’t think there was anyone else not affected by… whatever is happening.” He held out his hand, “I’m Adam.”
Salmael slowly took his hand, stumbling as he stood. Adam quickly grabbed him before he could fall again.
“You okay?”
“I…” Salmael coughed, “I’m not used to… existing like this.”
Adam clicked his tongue, “typical god behaviour, not knowing how to walk…”
Salmael raised an eyebrow, “how could you tell?”
“Dude… you’re wearing too much white. Besides, humans don’t have such bright red eyes, or dark sclera. And your… wings?” Adam laughed, “why’d you give yourself heels? You’re more likely to fall.”
“I didn’t do anything, I just… showed up like this.”
“Huh. Interesting. What did you look like before?”
Salmael pondered. Had he had a physical form since his defeat?
“Nothing… the last time I had a form I had no legs…”
Adam snorted, “damn that’s unfortunate. Well, let’s go to my place, maybe you’ll get used to walking again by the time we get there.”
Salmael slowly stood, sighing. “My name is Salmael.”
“Salmael… fancy name.” Adam threw his hands behind his head as he started to walk down the road. “So… all the humans stopped moving.”
“It seems so…” Salmael carefully walked next to him. “Are you… not human?”
Adam shrugged, “I honestly don’t know. I’m not a god, but… I’m certainly not human.”
“So you’re one of a kind?”
Adam let out an airy laugh, “I don’t think I’m that special.” He put his hands in his pockets, “what about you, what’s your deal?”
“I… used to be known as the God of Stagnation,” Salmael said. He stumbled again, catching himself before he fell. “Ah… this is embarrassing.”
“Nah, you’re fine. I’ve worked with a loser god before.”
“Excuse me?”
“Oh I didn’t mean it like that, sorry.” Adam cleared his throat, “I’ll tell you that story later, but first…” He stepped in front of Salmael, holding a fist up to his chin, “God of Stagnation? As in… causing stasis? Did you do all this?”
“No… no!” Salmael backed away, “I did not… the reason why I came here was because of the stasis occurring…”
Adam folded his arms.
“I… I don’t know how, but I was able to leave whatever void I was in. I watched humanity come to a standstill, and… I thought maybe I did something. But I know now that’s not the case.” Salmael flexed his hand, “it seems I cannot use magic anymore.”
Adam narrowed his eyes, “okay…” he turned around, “I supposed the mastermind behind this wouldn’t be stumbling around like an idiot anyway.”
Salmael bit his tongue.
“I’m kind of surprised you haven’t been lecturing me about ‘salvation’ and ‘serenity’ or whatever angels like to spit out at people.”
“I…” Salmael sighed, “never mind, it isn’t worth the energy.”
Adam glanced back at him, “did I strike a nerve?”
Adam erupted into laughter, “honestly, I was waiting for your ego to show up. I’m kind of impressed how… not holier-than-thou you’re acting.”
“Ha…” Salmael could feel the corners of his mouth turn into a smile. He laughed lightly, “I guess the attitude of those kids rubbed off on me.”
“You have to tell me your story first.”
“Ah, right.” Adam began walking again, “how to start this… I used to be a Persona. You know what those are, right?”
“Yes,” Salmael nodded, “I’ve… had experiences with Persona-users.”
“I’m assuming you fought them?”
“You are scarily good at reading me.”
“Am I?” Adam laughed, “I guess that makes sense, the user I was a Persona for was a counsellor, so I heard… a lot. He kind of went off the deep end, though…” he rubbed the back of his neck, “I shouldn’t push the blame entirely on him, I… was definitely complicit.”
“What did you do?”
“We kind of… changed reality?”
Salmael stared at Adam.
“It wasn’t really me that did the manipulation though… Maruki- the Persona User, he just… wanted everyone to be happy. I thought that was an admirable goal, so when I heard his cry I reached out. So did another god. We worked together, Azathoth did all the… mind manipulation stuff, I just offered my fists.”
“Goodness child,” Salmael said, “that’s quite the feat.”
“I mean it’s impressive, but… it wasn’t right.”
“No… it wasn’t. I… had a similar goal.”
Adam looked at him, “seriously?”
“The only thing I ever knew was ‘keeping the peace’. The only thing I ever wanted was to bring an end to humanity’s suffering.” Salmael stopped, “I realize now… I was going about it the wrong way.”
Adam turned to face him, “you’ve never had a sense of self until now, have you?”
Salmael shook his head.
“I can hear the guilt in your voice.” He spun around, turning down a new road, “I didn’t have one either, until I made a deal or whatever with Maruki. I don’t know how users usually interact with their Persona but… Maruki would summon me just to talk at me. He did it often enough that I was able to have a conversation with him. I guess… maybe that’s why, after we were defeated, I woke up outside of the Metaverse with him.”
“How long ago was this?”
Adam laughed softly, “oh it’s been at least a century.”
“I see… and you’ve been living here in the human realm?”
“Well yeah, I wasn’t really sure where else to go. Every few years I’d move somewhere else,” Adam moved towards a set of doors, “here’s my current house. I’ve been here for about fives years now.”
Salmael followed Adam inside. The two continued chatting, slowly getting through each other’s stories.
“So that’s what happened… the leader of the Phantom Thieves, the group of Persona-users who opposed us, got up on my face and… shot me in the nose.” Adam leaned back in his chair, “saying it out loud makes it sound pretty sad… a tiny bullet? Really?”
“Wait…” Salmael unfolded his legs, “Phantom Thieves?”
“Yeah that’s what they called themselves…”
“I had a run in with them as well.”
Adam sat up, “wait, for real? The leader was a guy with black frizzy hair, yeah? I think he went by Joker…”
“Yes! I remember them all too well…” Salmael pinched his nose, laughing, “actually, they stabbed a flag in my nose once I was defeated.”
Adam snorted, “they like inflicting nasal injuries to big entities I suppose.” He relaxed back into the chair, “but man that’s crazy… our stories are pretty similar.”
Salmael nodded, “it is very interesting.”
A comfortable silence lingered. Salmael moved his head back, staring at the ceiling.
Salmael looked at Adam.
“It’s dark outside…” he said, staring out the window.
“Yes…? Is that an issue for you?”
“No but… if time simply stopped, like we theorized, wouldn’t it still be day?”
Salmael moved towards the window. His eyes landed on the bright full moon in the sky.
“What the hell is going on…”
Salmael turned back to Adam, “perhaps… this is some sort of punishment…” he sat back down, “for what we did.”
Adam lowered his gaze, “I… guess… but you weren’t dragged out here, right? And besides, who would dictate the punishment of a god?”
“That is true…” Salmael sighed, “why do I feel anxious…”
“Same here, but… you’ve never felt like this have you? You seem to be taking it well.”
“I like to say I know a bit about human emotions.” Salmael rubbed his eyes, “I’d like to eradicate them from myself, though.”
“I get that…”
Silence fell over them once again. Salmael struggled to keep his eyes open, focusing on the glass of water in front of him.
“You look like you’re about to pass out.” Adam said.
“I do not feel like I am about to die.”
“No, I mean… you look like you’re really tired, why don’t we head to sleep?”
Salmael paused. He’d never tried sleeping before.
“Is it pleasant?” He inquired.
“What?” Adam stared at him, “sleeping?”
Salmael nodded.
“Uh… sure? It’s comfortable at the very least.” He stood, moving into the hallway, “here, I have a spare room, let me get some blankets and extra pillows for you. Oh, and don’t sleep with all that,” he gestured to Salmael’s clothing, “just… Ah you’re too tall for any of my pjs. Sleep naked or something I don’t care.”
Salmael chuckled, “I will manage, thank you.”
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floaties-for-arsene · 25 days
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He's so pretty it's unreal
Salmael is definitely the easiest to turn into a human since he already looks like one, but I still had a lot of fun doodling him, his design is so much fun (✿◕‿◕✿)
AU ramblings + No text alt are below!
For sure the most relaxed of everyone in the team. Salmael doesn't usually raise his voice, so on the rare occasion that he does, everyone listens.
Before finding EMMA, he acted as the navigator for the team, only joining in combat when necessary. After his awakening, he could use split-consciousness to detect any nearby signs of life. After EMMA takes the role of navi, he is able to better focus on attacks, specializing in pierce-type physical moves. I'm still working on magic typings for the group, so I'm unsure what his is!
He's Yaldabaoth's and EMMA's younger brother (✿◕‿◕✿) Salmael definitely acts like the eldest though.
Yaldabaoth doesn't understand how he is perpetually relaxed, while EMMA makes fun of his outrageously fancy lounging wear.
Salmael gets along pretty well with everyone, though he prefers to keep to himself. He was initially not a fan of Nyx, given the stunt she tried to pull, but eventually learned to accept her as she is now.
Satanael and Izanagi are way too extreme for him. He thinks they're dense, but he doesn't dislike them.
His deity state is now equipped with even more guns! I'll draw that out sometime soon... Fighting in his humanoid form though, he uses... a gun. Or any long weapon such as spears.
His hair? He has to do it up every morning. He is very high maintenance.
If you want to know why he's lovers, read this
He is trying so hard not to call everyone "little lost lambs" or constantly preach about serenity. Not that he's embarrassed about it, but the others make fun of him.
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floaties-for-arsene · 27 days
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Longing gaze
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