jiminy-crickets · 20 days
sorry if this is weird but wanted to jump in and give my thoughts on your tags on that arty ask!!! junior markets and ahl markets are veryyy different vibes imo like. a lot of junior markets — esp the ones you named — are embedded within their communities and have extremely active booster clubs along with billet families that are really all-in! and in some cases, junior teams are located in towns where they are one of the main family-friendly, budget-friendly activities available when it comes to entertainment. i think it makes for an atmosphere that’s conducive to social media engagement + there’s also the intrigue of top prospects that’s lacking a little in the a and definitely in the coast, so passionate nhl fans will also interact more! i feel like with the two pro feeder leagues it often feels a bit more impersonal; they tend to be in bigger cities and are less established as a key part of the community. like your neighbors are not housing these players you know? from a media career standpoint, it’s great to work in the a but the chl is a very viable option as well and generally a better landing place than any other league besides the a and the national!!
cracking my knuckles, and getting my fingers ready to write the answer of all time. THIS IS WHAT I WROTE THAT PROMPTED THIS ASK
YES!!!!!! 1000% they have different vibes, im from Ottawa and while i didnt grow up in a hockey family (neither playing, nor fans) i have been to many many 67s games (our OHL team, they used to [maybe still do?] give out tickets to them through schools in ottawa), and i have been to exactly no B-Sens games (the nearest AHL team, because... fuck you bellville you know what you did [be boring lmao])
specifically what i was referring to was like, the types of interactions i saw (i only looked on instagram, and only checked a handful of AHL and CHL teams), because while the few that I looked at had similar follower counts/likes, the CHL teams had more comments, and discussions in the comments, and the types of social media posts were also very different.
the CHL teams had more interactions with players, they are doing tiktok trends, lots of candid videos taken by players joking around (the pats instagram page is like 40% just players pointing their phones at each other on the bus) etc etc, it has a more relaxed feel, the players are joking around, they seemed more human. whereas AHL teams just post end of game graphics, occasional highlights, and those videos where the players are walking by going to practice and are asked a random question (the laziest, and my most hated type of team social media post [especially the ones where they ask them whos your favorite female athlete and ALL of them say serena williams like....???? do you not realize that your players inabilities to name more than one woman makes them look stupid]) and in all of the AHL posts them seemed.... not human like the CHL teams did.
theory: the AHL players are trying to act super buttoned up/mature in hopes they get called up quickly, and the CHL players are just happy they aren't currently in algebra class.
and i 100% agree that the community surrounding the teams is going to be stronger with CHL teams then AHL teams, due to the while *gestures broadly* but i feel like one of the easiest ways to bridge that gap would be though social media, like dear everyone who works on the social media presence of AHL teams.... show me the boys!!! show me the silly lil guys i wanna know about the silly lil guys on the AHL teams!!! show me them!!! social media is an amazing tool to engage with fans and build a bigger community, and i feel like CHL teams are excelling in it, and AHL teams are being stupid for not using it as such.
anyways, I am very interested in social media from like... a "ive been chronically online since 2014 and have seen the rise and fall of countless careers" sorta way....??? like i don't want to ever work in a way where i need to rely on social media, or have posting on it be apart of my job description (you can catch me in a dusty back room with my objects™️ doing my paperwork™️)..... but because i am forever a hater i need to put my six cents on literally everything.
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19871997 · 2 months
hi wanted to drop by and mention a few ways to make the ice on in-game gifs look less grimy/gritty!! the main way i do it is to blow out the exposure a bit more than you'd naturally want to. like i would never edit a photo the way i color my gifs lol. but the most common ways to do this are with the exposure layer adjustment, or you can use the curves tool! it'll take some fiddling to strike a balance between getting the ice white enough while also maintaining a nice level of detail! upping the contrast will also help with brightening ice. i also will sometimes use a selective color layer if i want to lift my ice's whites only without affecting the overall gif as much! i tend to sacrifice some details to get my ice to look cleaner LOL but that's totally a personal aesthetic choice! blowing out the ice also helps with white balance; when the gif is darker i have to do a lot more work fiddling with the color balance to avoid looking magenta or blue so it's uh. also me being lazy. jfkl;adsljkadfs. anyway i hope this was at least a little helpful!! enjoy the gifing!
omg lifesaver tysm!!!!
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thank u for ur nice words on william gfx post!!!! wanted to drop by and say ur tags made me want to chew the drywall and also to say it's like u plucked something from my brain bc i have a half finished mtkachuk snow and dirty rain post in my drafts..... i WILL finish it 🫡
hello!! you're so very welcome omg... i was simply Overcome with Emotion. sometimes a hockey player is something that can truly be so personal!! and your edit was honestly just incredible showstopping awe inspiring!! what kind of witchcraft.
mtkachuk snow and dirty rain edit... an Inspired choice. i am sending so much motivation and creative energy your way ✨. you will not be defeated 🫡
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larsnicklas · 4 months
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elias lindholm gets ready to take the ice as a canuck for the first time
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is-mcdavo-hot · 5 months
Round Three | Poll Six
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gifs from @larsnicklas and @corbincarroll
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msmargaretmurry · 3 months
Get to know you game! Answer the questions and tag people you want to know better!
I was tagged by the lovely @irrelevanttous <3
Last song listened to: she's a lady by forever the sickest kids. my current daylist is "old school punk millennial monday evening" and i put it on while making dinner and this was the last song it spun up before i had to go to class. EXTREMELY silly song but very fun to bop to in the kitchen. transports me instantly to drinking in a parking lot in allentown pennsylvania in 2008.
Currently reading: i JUST finished empire of cotton: a global history by sven beckert, which was my big read for school this week… fascinating and deeply depressing book lmao. i am also in the middle of the audiobook of courtney milan's the duke who didn't; i am enjoying a lot of things about it and think it is a very good historical romance even though it has the same shortfalls for me that most romances have, even very good ones, which is not an issue with the book but just with romance as a genre being unable to do the things that makes me truly feral about a book. i am also one chapter into robin hobb's ship of magic as part of my big ongoing robin hobb reread (up until i hit the end of the tawny man trilogy, at which point i will be treading new robin hobb ground… excited 4 me)
Currently watching: i got a paramount+ account so we could watch the superbowl so i've been using my access to watch stuff on there before i cancel it in a month, lol. currently that means finally watching the last 5 seasons of criminal minds, which is a deeply stupid show that for some reason i love very much. due to my grad school agonies i can only watch things that makes my brain feel smooth, and criminal minds makes my brain feel VERY smooth. i have also been rewatching doctor who, but i got through the first four seasons which are the important seasons so i might quit that rewatch.
Currently obsessed with: my big robin hobb reread, haha. idk, i don't really have the brainpower to be obsessed with much outside of my classes right now; my free time and energy are SO limited 😭 i have a couple of my own fic ideas that i'm pretty obsessed with! but tragically haven't been able to do much with them besides rotate them in my mind and make notes in my notes app.
tagging: @bropunzeling @vivathewilddog @larsnicklas @warmupbrawl @plaintoast but only if you want to! also sorry if you already did it and i missed it, if that is the case then i blame the shambles that tumblr has my dashboard in 🥴
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sc0tters · 24 days
she is loving this beard elias has
Gracie loves running her fingers over his beard or feeling him kiss her neck because it tickles “hi pretty girl.” He mumbled as he pulled her into his arms after she finished her interview.
She had been hit during the game and he wanted to make sure that she was okay now “I’m tired.” She whined feeling him kiss her neck “I can take you back to the apartment for a bath?” He offered as he ran his fingers through her hair.
He had been surprised she played on with how big the hit had been against McDavid “you always know what to say to me.” Her voice was soft as she smiled cupping his cheeks as she pecked his lips, blissfully unaware of the fact that a camera had caught the entire interaction.
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starry-hughes · 1 month
Kendall is constantly admiring Elias’ eyes🥹
she loves staring into his eyes
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incorrectthots · 12 hours
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Actually laughing.
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I live by this to the max. Like I can say sm worse 😊
@cheesby @larsnicklas thank you for the lovely reblogs and a daily reminder of how brain dead some of you are <33
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heavenlyhischier · 25 days
the most accurate caption ever
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saintofanything · 1 month
Have you seen this one?
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larsnicklas · 4 months
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sc0tters · 2 months
the sheen on his skin🤭
Gracie wants this man so bad
And she’s not afraid to admit it either. Like this was her Instagram story tonight
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starry-hughes · 1 month
Kendall loves how pink and kissable Elias lips are
she fucking loves him so much
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heavenlyhischier · 25 days
omfg how is laila loving this beard
to be honest, she thinks it’s getting a bit too long but she understands the whole playoff beard thing so she doesn’t complain too much 😭
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