TROPE: "I thought that I could save myself and live a peaceful life upon marrying my husband, however, how can I have a quiet life when my In-Laws seems to like me way too much?!"
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• Lady Isabella's Path to Happiness
• My In-Laws are Obsessed with Me
• The Siren: Becoming the Villain's Family
• I'm Living with my Mother-in-law
• I Don't Want to be the Duke's Adopted Daughter-in-law
• The Archvillain's Daughter In law
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imagescuisantes · 7 months
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lexicorp · 2 months
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Gahalla posting for @kylinvartilo ! :D
They are silly in my brain-
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Don't trust Flowey!(Eideann?) He'll hurt you! Dodge the pellets!
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Laria runs into the pellets, trusting Eideann, but their HP goes down, leaving them at 1HP. Eideann laughs as Laria starts to cry, feeling betrayal.
Eideann: You idiot! You naive little idiot! In those world, it's kill or be killed! Now D I E! NO ONE WILL COME TO GET YOU!
Eideann surrounds Laria in pellets, striking them again and again, their HP lowering rapidly, but never reching zero. Eideann seems surprised by this.
Eideann:...what? How are you doing this?! JUST DIE ALREADY YOU BRAT!
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Eideann surrounds Laria in pellets again, going for the killing strike, but it never comes. Instead, Laria's HP goes back to full at 5 and then Eideann gets blasted away by magenta fire as a motherly looking goat appears, making sure Eideann dissapears.
Cetas: What a miserable creature! Torturing such a poor and innocent youth! Do not be afraid my child! I am Cetas(Toriel) the caretakers and protector if rhe RUINS.
Laria seems hesitant to trust the goat, and Cetas notices, leaning down until she is Laria's height.
Cetas: You have no reason to fear my child. I promise I will not hurt you like THEM. Come with me, I will heal you and make sure you are well fed! Oh you poor dear...you're all skin and bones! Come with me, my child, and I will make sure you are loved and cared for.
Cetas extends a paw, smiling kindly, and Laria looks hesitant, what will Laria do now?
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hiddenfolk · 11 months
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Guess who's on their rock people bullshit again
Idk her name yet but fossil fuels geddit-
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*Laria runs into the pellets, trusting Eideann, but their HP goes down, leaving them at 1HP. Eideann laughs as Laria starts to cry, feeling betrayl*
Eideann: You idiot! You naive little idiot! In this world, it's kill or be killed! Now ***D I E!*** NO ONE WILL COME TO GET YOU!
*Eideann surronds Laria in pellets, striking them again and again, their HP lowering rapidly, but never reaching zero. Eideann seems surprised by this*
Eideann:...what? How are you doing this?! JUST DIE ALREADY YOU BRAT!
*Eideann surronds Laria in pellets again, going for the killing strike, but it never comes. Instead, Laria's HP goes back to full at 5 and then Eideann gets blasted away by magenta fire as a motherly looking goat appears, making sure Eideann dissapears*
Cetas: What a miserable creature! Torturing such a poor and innocent youth! Do not be afraid my child! I am Cetas(Toriel), the caretaker and protector of the ***RUINS***
*Laria seems hesitant to trust the goat, and she notices, leaning down until she is Laria's height*
Cetas: You have no reason to fear my child. I promise I will not hurt you like **them**. Come with me, I will heal you and make sure you are well fed! Oh you poor dear....you're all skin and bones! Come with me, my child, and I will make sure you are loved and cared for.
*Cetas extends a hand, smiling kindly, and Laria looks hesitant. What will Laria do now?*
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telemna-hyelle · 1 year
Was thinking about your Laria concept and what you had written about it being Ravio after ALBW but before HW. Absolutely love that concept 💜🤍
Anyway that also got me thinking of "what if it happened before ALBW" and my brain immediately thought up some angsty concepts and now I'm sad /lh /hj
That would be an interesting twist on it! Especially if Legend also did LA before ALBW
can you imagine?
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sheyshen · 1 year
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Starting 2023 right with a new monster high oc! This is Avi Laria and they're a spidertaur. I haven't really decided on what personality they are quite yet.
I think I really want to make some character profiles for them as I'm nearly to thirty just in the MH/EAH universe.
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manhwa-animated-cover · 4 months
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orsacchiotto-rugbista · 9 months
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imagescuisantes · 7 months
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asterroses · 9 months
i may be stupid. ive given three of my tavs the same damn piercings
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SOULTALE(I wont draw everypage)
Laria chooses to trust Cetas, putting their hand in Cetas's paw. Cetas smiles and picks up Laria easily, putting them on her shoulders, and that causes Laria to squeak in surprise
Cetas:chuckling softly Do not be afraid my child, I am merely carrying you this way so you do not have to walk while injured.
Laria, quietly:…t-thank you Ms.Cetas…
Cetas blinks before chuckling softly as she starts to walk through the RUINS with Laria on her shoulders. Nearby monsters look on in curiousty
Cetas: Dear child, there is no need to be so formal! Just call me Cetas or mom…speaking of, what is your name my child?
Laria: I-I'm Laria….it's nice to meet you Ms.Ce-….Cetas
Cetas:smiling Laria is a lovely name! It…reminds me of children I'd once known…
Cetas trails off, thinking of the other 8 humans who have fallen down to the underground, but all fell at HIS hands. Laria notices and thinks of a way to try and cheer up Cetas, so they attempt a joke
Laria: W-what's a mountain goat called?
Cetas:blinking what?
Laria: A hillbilly!
Cetas blinks, processing this information, before laughing. Laria grins softly and takes this as a sign to continue
Laria: What does a goat usually have for breakfast?
Cetas: I do not know. What does a goat have for breakfast?
Laria: Goat-meal!
Cetas laughs, louder this time as they get to the puzzle part of the RUINS. Cetas pauses in her laughter and looks around, before frowning in thought and shaking her head
Cetas: no, no this won't do…
Laria:blinking Cetas? What's wrong?
Cetas:sighing I am sorry my child…I was going to show you how these puzzles work, should we ever get seperated, but you are too injured to think, and you are quite skinny as well, so we better just continue this tomorrow.
Laria:nodding okay ms.ce…cetas
Cetas:smiling thank you for understanding my child
Cetas walks forward, avoiding the traps as she walks home, Laria looking around while being amazed at being this high up.
Cetas keeps walking, going past some leaves that Laria is sure they saw a ghost in earlier, but chooses to ignore it, and ignore the two voices whispering in her ear, but decides to eavsedrop anyways
???: This is a bad idea, Frisk!
Frisk: You're the one that wanted to do this, Chara! Besides, it'll be good to see mom again…
Chara:grumbling yeah…you're right, but how did we both wake up? I just barely woke up because of your determination!
Frisk: maybe it has something to do with Laria? Also…I think she can hear us.
Laria, whispering: I can hear you two…
Cetas: who are you talking to my child?
Laria:blinking ghosts?
Cetas laughs softly and shakes her head, getting out her keys and opens to the door. Laria blinks, having not realized they had gotten to the house so soon. Cetas carefully grabs Laria from her shoulders and puts them in her arms, walking inside as the two dead children follow. Cetas walks over to a couch and puts Laria down on it, patting their head. Laria looks up at Cetas in confusion
Cetas: do not worry my child, I will take care of you. What kind of pie would you like? Blueberry, Butterscott and Cinnamon, Snail, or Cherry pie?
Laira blinks, not sure what to chose, but knowing they won't chose the snail pie. What should Laria chose?
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atwotonedbird · 2 years
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A trio of OC's commission for Whitefang Kodeshi and Laria
 Laria, Whitefang and Wynter 😺🐺😼
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hiddenfolk · 11 months
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Idk doodles
left girl is Cherry she lives in vaguely futuristic times and is part of a body mod subculture that involves installing dollhouse type cybernetics. Tiny tamagotchi type characters get projected onto the sheer clothing. Think pixel chixs basically
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