#kyman fanfic
drownedinlavender · 9 months
Writing an AU where Eric gets admitted into a mental health institute but his therapist is a competent professional that actually does their job.
I always loved the running gag that every adult was a God damn incompetent moron-except for that one guy the kids could always go to when they needed clarification by an adult (chef)-so the kids expect all adults to be easily manipulated and lacking.
But the therapist isn't, and actually helps, and Eric begins to read deeper and deeper into all the horrible things he's experienced and done himself. He becomes more aware and cannot deal so he turns the place upside down, instigates a riot, completely fuck's it up till it's in flames to try and escape but the therapist talks him down from it. Telling him she knows what he wants. He wants to be an equal to his friends, to not be the bad guy cause it's what's expected of him. Change is daunting but not impossible. He can be an equal, he can be Eric.
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alyolyy · 2 years
7 minutes Purgatory
[Fanfic/Fanart Kyman para la Kyman Week 2022 ]
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Cruzamos miradas entre el jaleo festivo de nuestros amigos y compañeras de clase.
Siete minutos en el paraíso
Siete minutos encerrado con Stan
No es como si fuese la primera vez que estáis solos en una habitación. Eso me da la certeza de que no va a ocurrir nada entre vosotros. No ha pasado nada antes ¿Unas cuantas cervezas en una fiesta van a cambiar vuestra relación? No lo creo. No os atreveríais.
No puedes decirle que no, claro que no puedes. Estamos en su fiesta y todos sabemos que Stan está pillado por ti. Tu también lo sabes. Es su cumpleaños, no puedes librarte.
Así que os marchais de la mano al son del jolgorio. Y me miras. Claro que me miras. Porque aún no hemos hablado de nosotros, porque da miedo. Temias afrontar nuestro problema, porque claro, yo siempre soy el problema y ahora te arrepientes.
Finjo que me da igual, finjo como lo he estado haciendo frente a todos estos últimos dos años. Cuando salgas haré un par de bromas, os llamaré maricones y diré que se os veia venir.
En verdad podría joderle el cumpleaños a Stan. Ahora mismo me encantaría . Nuestro amigo en modo emo de vuelta en su día especial debido a una noticia de última hora:
"Tu super mejor amigo del que estás obviamente enamorado le mola el gordo al que todos odiais, lo sentimos"
Pero entonces Kyle pondría esa estúpida cara de entre reprimenda y decepción, discutiriamos y acabaría pasando toda la noche a su lado consolándole.
No, gracias.
Continuan jugando.
Desconecto del grupo.
A veces pienso que soporto estar con esta gente solo porque estás tú. Reconocerlo me haría darme cuenta de que dependo más de ti de lo que me gustaría. Por otro lado, se que de esta habitación solo me soportan tres personas, así que supongo que el sentimiento de desinterés y asco es recíproco.
Ahora mismo me podría estar comiendo la cabeza con la idea de vosotros en ese cuarto. Porque indudablemente me molesta. Y tú lo sabes. Por eso me has mirado así. Pero respiro. Tranquilo, me voy a portar. Hoy soy un chico bueno, ya sabes, ya que tú no, alguien tendrá que equilibrar la balanza.
Lleváis cuatro minutos dentro. No me he movido del sofá, tampoco he dicho nada. Finjo que no cuento el tiempo, me he puesto a mirar el móvil.
Un mensaje de Kenny: ,"¿Todo bien?" Le miro, está hablando (más bien gritando) sobre sexo con unas chicas, pero me devuelve la mirada. Le escribo: "Claro" Porque claro que no, pero no voy a decirle nada.
No es que sea un secreto. Kenny tiene un sexto sentido para las relaciones sociales. Estoy seguro de que sospecha que algo ha pasado entre nosotros. Pero eso no significa que vaya a admitirselo. En cuanto se confirman sus teorías y sospechas sobre cualquier tema siempre se enteran las chicas. Supongo que porque siempre está con ellas, es débil a la seducción femenina, una fuente de cotilleos jugosos. Ser la comidilla de los rumores de la semana nos traería más problemas que otra cosa.
Siete minutos
No salen. Eran siete. No eran más. No eran veinte o media hora. Eran siete. Alguien debería decirles algo. Que salgan, que la fantasía sexual adolescente de Stan ha terminado. Que no lo intente más. ¿No se aburren? No están haciendo nada. No han hecho nada. Deberían haber salido ya.
Pero nadie se da cuenta, porque nadie está contando el tiempo. Y nadie está molesto ni nadie quiere escapar de esta fiesta ya.
De la nada Kenny aparece por detrás, me aprieta el hombro y se marcha. En el chat leo: Ahora les abro.
El cabrón nos conoce mejor que nadie. La vergüenza me recorre el cuerpo, noto la cara caliente. Mierda.
Escapo al baño, Butters me pregunta a gritos si voy a vomitar. "NO" Le chillo. Más brusco de lo que esperaba, menos firme de lo que quería. Me ha subido el alcohol, me justifico.
Me lavo la cara y me miro en el espejo. El Eric Cartman seguro de sí mismo de hace unas horas parece burlarse del que veo en estos momentos. Ridículo. Odio al puto judío. Odio al hippie de Stan. Que se casen y adopten unos niños preciosos. No me permito llorar. Agarro la toalla con rabia y la tiro al suelo. Que me dejen en paz.
No pasa nada.
No ha pasado nada.
Kyle no sería tan gilipollas
Kyle te ha mirado, con miedo.
Kyle tiene algo contigo que no tiene con nadie.
Salgo del baño.
Os encuentro de espaldas detrás del sofá, hablando con el resto de invitados. Estáis sonrojados, no os veo, pero lo sé. Lo estáis.
Os intentan sonsacar los trapos sucios del paraíso; que habeis hecho, como, si repetireis... Bueno, ya sabemos sobre quiénes se hablará en los pasillos esta semana.
Insistis en que no habéis hecho nada, nadie os cree. Habéis vuelto abrazados. En sintonía. Claro que habéis hecho algo.
Me acerco despacio.
¿Realmente quiero acercarme?
Sigo caminando
No parece haber rastro de chupetones ni de ropa mal colocada.
Se abre el telón, la actuación de la noche llega a su punto álgido señores, no pierdan su atención.
- Hombre si el señor Garrison y su esclavo que han bajado del paraiso para reunirse con los mortales. - Avanzó hacia el sillón en el que estaba sentado antes, no les miro. Con mi interrupción el barullo se silencia.- Ah espera no, que son nuestros super mejores amigos Stan y Kyle. Limpiaros bien la lefa de la boca si queréis fingir que no ha pasado nada.
Me siento conforme termino de hablar. Sonrio. Mantengo una mueca burlesca dirigida a Stan
Kyle balbucea mi apellido. No le miro. "No hemos hecho nada, no seas gilipollas" añade el moreno molesto.
-Claro que sí, parejita- finalizo la conversación. Bebo un trago de mi cerveza y cojo el teléfono desinteresadamente.
Rápidamente la gente retoma sus conversaciones. Noto a Stan moviéndose a sentarse en una de las sillas frente al sofá. El judío se ha quedado quieto.
Siento la mirada de Kyle clavada en mi. No voy a mirarle. No puedo romper personaje. Se acerca hacia mi. Me pongo a hablar con Butters.
- Cartman
Finjo no escuchar su voz detrás mio. Seguimos hablando pero Butters se ha dado cuenta, me hace un gesto. Kyle vuelve a repetir mi apellido.
- Judío estoy ocupado hablando con nuestro amigo Butters. ¿No tienes a otros mejores para molestar? - No se que cara pone a mi comentario porque no soy capaz de mirarle.
Pero me coge del brazo bruscamente y se me lleva rumbo a la cocina. Ignora mis gritos ordenándole que me suelte, los invitados nos miran y empiezan a corear "Pelea, pelea"
Me suelta y de un golpe cierra la puerta de la cocina. El coro acalla. Va directo al jardín. Le sigo.
Nos cruzamos de brazos. Le miro a la cara. Se ve más bien poco. La luna menguante nos ilumina y el cielo está despejado aunque sienta que va a explotar una tormenta eléctrica de mi interior.
-No hemos hecho nada. -se justifica
-A mi que más me da. - rehuyo
- Cartman, de verdad. - parece molesto, cansado.
-¿Debería importarme?
-¡Solo hemos estado hablando! -Kyle grita y hace una pausa. Parece dudar. Mira mi cara molesta. Quiere decir algo más. Respira y sigue mas suave- sobre tí.
Y de repente: calma. Las nubes se dispersan, la electricidad se apaga y el calor sube a mis mejillas y se me olvida como era hablar. Suelto un "ah" con mucho aire y algo de alivio. Kyle continua hablando.
- Le he contado... bueno. Agh joder. Ya sabes. Lo de, tu, yo. Esto que tenemos.. - No lo hemos hablado aun y ya se lo estas pregonando a Stan. Triste para él, beneficioso para mí.
-Sabia que a veces eres tonto pero con lo de romperle el corazón en su propio cumpleaños te has coronado. -No se cómo consigo formular toda la frase. Lo hago acelerado y finjiendo que la molestia de hace unos segundos sigue presente.
-Ya lo sabía.
- ¿Que? - Manda narices.
- Rechacé a Stan el mes pasado. - y el estúpido pelirrojo se lo tenía calladisimo. No se si quiero reír o llorar.
- ¿QueCuandoComo? ¿Por qué no sabía yo esto?
-Odias hablar de Stan - Verdad. Como una casa. Pero esto era información importante. ¿Nos liamos casi a diario y no me cuenta que se ha quitado del medio a Marsh?? Este es tonto
-¡Porque pierde el culo por ti! Pero joder, que nos vemos todos los putos días Kahl. - Me mira molesto cuando hablo de Stan pero y luego se transforma en un sentimiento de culpa, como pidiendo perdón. De nuevo. Esta vez me lo creo de verdad - Espero que le haya quedado claro que tú culo no está a su alcance ¡Hay que celebrarlo!
Sonreímos aliviados.
- ¿Que soy ahora? ¿Un objeto?
Bromeamos. Me río, me relajo, nos picamos y volvemos a nuestra dinámica estúpida del día a día. Esa que me ayuda a soportar el odioso mundo real, que me evade y entretiene. Esa que hizo que me gustases tanto y de manera tan bochornosa.
Es cierto que no lo hemos hablado seriamente. Posiblemente debería haber retomado el tema. Para evitar situaciones como la de hoy, para evitar esa inseguridad. Pero no veo el momento, ni siento que sea necesario.
Me preguntas si me apetece que entremos. Te doy largas. No quiero enfrentar la mirada de los demás, tener que contestar preguntas incómodas. No me importaría ver y disfrutar la cara envidiosa de Stan.
Pero eso es el pan de cada día y hoy, por fin, estoy en calma, estoy en mi. Asi que cuando me preguntas, algo nervioso, que quieres que hagamos no dejo que termines de hablar, ni que me des una lista de opciones. Te atraigo hacia mí y te beso. Un beso lento. No eléctricos como los primeros cuando no sabíamos si era odio o tensión lo que habia entre nosotros. No cortos como cuando nos despedimos o nos daba vergüenza aceptar que nos agradaba la compañía del otro. No desfasados como cuando nos emborrachamos y nos dejamos llevar por nuestras emociones. Un beso lento, suave, con cariño. Un beso que expresa lo que no me atrevo a hacer con palabras. Un beso que dice: te quiero.
Un beso que no duró siete minutos, pero definitivamente nos llevó al paraíso.
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komipacket · 1 year
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Im gonna post my comic for a fanfiction called "Distraction" by Basu (grossalien on AO3)
I was drawing it from the summer of 2022 and a few months ago i realized that i dont have time or energy to finish it, i still feel kinda lame bc of it, but i want to continue with other projects so ig I'll just post it unfinished!
Hope you enjoy it! Don't forget to read the fanfiction if you haven't!
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Welp... Thats it! Thank you for reading it! Credits to Basu bc I LOVE THIS FANFICTION SM!!! Sorry that i post it so late, i was hoping i would finish it before this but oh well i cant make you wait more!
(Anyways i started working on my own comic about a few weeks ago and i hope it'll look even BETTER! Thinking of adding color but that would be LONG.....)
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duztdevl · 28 days
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you're a killer and i'm your best friend
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anthareblog · 1 year
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actualvinniedakota · 8 months
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Twitter is being stupid and scraping people's art for AI usage so I'm dropping my zombie AU designs here !!
Bonus Kyman just bc
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qquwee · 4 months
ну у фанфик кайман хз не играл
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- соси мои яйца, жиртрест.
- ну, кахл, я согласен. - с ухмылкой съязвил тот.
- что.
обычный день, обычная ночевка у картмана и новый спор еврея с нацистом. четверка решила сыграть в настолку. но как это бывает, стэн с кенни вырубились почти сразу и несчастный дуэт остался наедине. поначалу они просто молчаливо смотрели по сторонам, но слово за слово и вот мальчики уже в буйной дискуссии о рыжих, евреях и выходцев из Нью-Джерси. как всегда картман пускал все черты кайла в ход, а последний в свою очередь угрожал и колотил шатена.
- хочешь анекдот?
- отъебись уже, это твое третье предложение за весь наш разговор, заебали меня твои анекдоты про мой народ, заткнись.
- ой боже, скучный ты, еврейчик. ему слово, а он тебе лекцию. - кокетливо ответил тот. - ну мне похуй, так что слушай. - он сделал предвкушающую паузу, - знаешь почему евреи не выкладывают фотографии в интернет? их отпугивает кнопка "поделиться" - и после этой гениальнешей шутки, эрика разнесло от смеха.
- заткнись уже! отвали со своими тупыми одноразовыми недо-шутками!
- бедный еврей, критические дни начались или что?
- заебал, соси мои яйца, жиртрест.
- ну, кахл, я согласен. - с ухмылкой съязвил тот.
- что.
кайл был не то что в шоке, он ахуел.
- ты еблан? я не в серьез.
- а я в серьез.
также противно улыбаясь картман начал приближаться к брофловски. тот опираясь на руки быстро отползал назад, пока не дополз до края кровати, в свою очередь эрик был совсем близко.
- ну же, кахл, снимай штаны.
- блять, сука. инвалид ебаный ты что делаешь?! - кричал бедный еврей.
но шатен уже был в потоке мыслий и действий, он крепкой хваткой раздвинул ноги рыжего и приступил к ширинке.
эрик лежал на полу от, пожалуй, одного из самых сильных ударов от кайла.
- черт. походу отключился.
пробормотав себе нод нос он начал затаскивать эту тушу на кровать.
- и вообще, с какого перепугу я забочусь о нем.
ворчал тот, уже закончив загружать картмана в постель. он кинул взгляд на спящих стэна с кенни и богословил господа, что они не узрели это всё. парень пошел в ванную комнату за полотенцем. и по дороге думал, что это все было. зачем картман так начал вести себя? внимания не хватало? никто никогда не понимал этого жиртреста. Брофловски быстро сбегал до комнаты и вспешке схватил первое попавшуюся тряпку. он оперативно намолчил ее холодной водой и также быстро рванул обратно в спальню. кайл "заботливо" сложил полотенце несколько раз, медленно и аккуратно положил его на лоб картмана.
- пусть это и странно, за то эрик будет в порядке. - стоп. что он только что сказал? "эрик?" он повторил по буквам. "э-р-и-к." точно. как-то это слово само вырвалось. черт. он никогда не называл его так. это было в новинку для него. он второй раз сказал: "эрик". и стал повторять. повторять. и повторять. ему стало интересно, если назвать так картмана в лицо? какая будет реакция? тот задумался. "ай ладно, нечего мне еще делать, как о этом ублюдке думать." усмехнулся он.
кайл лежал с книгой в руках, которую нашел валяющейся на полу. в этот же момент шатен пришел в себя и осмотрел все вокруг. притензии, что пришли ему в голову: "во-первых, почему у меня на голове мокрая тряпка, во-вторых почему я лежу рядом, где сидит этот грязный еврей, в-третьих, почему у меня так болит голова."
- проснулся наконец. - заговорил первый рыжий.
- что, блять тут случилось?
- а ты типо не помнишь? давай, пошевели своими тремя извилинами и вспомни.
парень напрягся и начал вспоминать. точно, он же хотел "отсосать" кайлу. очень мило, эта рыжая сучка так разозлилась, что аж ударила меня. он повернулся в сторону читающего, в этот же момент со лба упало полотенце.
- ааа, так наша сучка не выдержала и врезала мне. - точно как и в мыслях выдал шатен. - и кстати, какого хуя это штука на мне? - он поднял тряпку и кивнул головой в ту сторону.
- не обращай внимания. без нее бы тебе сейчас еще хуже было бы. - немного раздраженно ответил еврей.
- оо, каял, ты заботишься обо мне, так милооо - нарочно и противно протягивал слова. - влюбился, да?
- конечно. - с улыбкой и сарказмом отшутился тот.
картманское сердце дрогнуло. это обычная шутка. но почему было одновременно тепло и холодно? "что?" переспросил он, на что не получил ответа. такие бурные чувства у него впервые, что это? а кайл тоже это чувствует? или это я..
эрик пристально смотрел на рыжего.
- что опять не так?
- волосы твои..крас-кхм, уродские. - как это вырвалось из его рта? как это вообще? он не контролировал свою речь..и действия, и мысли.
- отвали и лежи молча-..
кайла прервал поце..что? что? что еще раз?
самые разные и смешаные чувства. впервый раз. буйный, шумный стремительный момент. сердце так и выпрыгивает из груди. оно колотится и колотится. сейчас будет взрыв. или уже? голова, лицо, мозг просто плавятся. щеки ужасно красные. уши тоже. руки дрожат, ногиитоже, да что там, все тело будто парализовало! зрачки вначале бегают и не знают где найти себе место, но потом зацикливаются на одной вещи - на других коричнево-голубых сверкающих глаз, которые были параллельно расположенны также сверкающе изумрудных. но в какой-то момент всё напряжение спадает, все вопросы, недопонимания испаряются навсегда. резко ощущается тепло, комфорт, душевность и искренность. все краски перемешиваются между собой, получается ярко-красный цвет. цвет, который сейчас описывает всё, что происходит. руки больше не дрожат, они находят себе место на широкой спине красной куртки. а чужие ладони начинают рыться в красных, кучерявых волосах нащупывая и раскручевая пряди. красный. красное лицо. волосы. куртка. чуства. все эти слова можно связать в одно - поцелуй. и поцелуй не от какой нибудь тупой и смазливой девки. от картмана. самого эрика картмана. это и во снах не снилось брофловски. они оба поняли. они оба влюблены. вот почему им так сложно по отдельности. вот почему они каждый день вместе. вот почему они до сих пор общаются не смотря на разность характера, мнений, взглядов на жизнь. но их теперь связывает взаимное чуство - любовь. и это прекрасно.
жаль, пришлось разорвать этот букет эмоций из-за чертовой нехватки воздуха. "вот бы это длилось вечно." - подумали оба. они продолжали пялиться друг на друга, пока не поняли весь жар ситуации. в этот момент осознания каждый резко отвернулся в свою сторону. зачесался затылок, голова.
- ты это..ну...забей короче. этого не было. - песню начал картман.
-ничего. мне..понравилось. - кайл понял, что ляпнул и хотел тот час же провалиться под землю.
эрик слегка покраснел, да и второй тоже. но первый из-за честности и признания друга, а другой из-за стыда.
- мне тоже.
рыжему сразу стало не так стыдно за свои слова. он посмотрел шатену в глаза и не отводил взгляда. через минуту зрительного контакта оба залились смехом и попадали на пол.
после такого веселья, они легли на спину и спокойно посмотрели в потолок, а потом на красные, уже из-за смеха, лица. застыли. и снова слились красным поцелуем мягких губ.
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jellywebs · 9 months
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Cartman cant read bc he’s blind and dyslexic (real!!) luckily his bf is a nerd who likes to read
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malu897 · 7 months
Kyman angst:
Cartman wanting to be a better person and going to Kyle for help. At the start Kyle was really suspicious of it all but with time he took notice of how much Eric did want to change, and as it goes on he sees more sides to him, good things that Kyle always wanted to see in him but thought he never would.
They grow closer than ever before and Kyle can't help falling for Cartman. Once the other comes out to him Kyle's heart was at the edge, hoping for a confession that never came. But he still hold into the idea that they would work. Until he sees Cartman with another person and it shocks him.
Cartman kept the same friendly atitude, thanking Kyle and saying if it wasn't for his support he wouldn't have been able to confess to this other person and that he would do anything for him in retribution but he never notices how stunned Kyle is about it all.
Kyle manages to disguise his feelings well enough that no one else even asks him if he is okay. In his head he tries saying to himself that "Of course he never would be into me! Just because he hates me less doesn't mean anything!". He really doesn't hates Eric for this, he just feels like a fool and never grows out of that feeling, even after they both go their separate ways and never see each other again.
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ilikemicrowaves · 10 months
@bloogers-boogers I'm really shy about posting this but hi
It Meant Nothing
      "Hey guys, heard of gay chicken?" Asked Kenny muffled through his coat.
      "The fuck is gay chicken?" Asked Stan
"I think It's where we take turns kissing each other, and the last to chicken out wins." Said Kyle.
      "Oh no way, I am not kissing a dirty jew."
Said Cartman.
      "And I'm not kissing a fatass either."
Retorted Kyle.
      Stan and Kenny looked at each other, smirks on their faces.
      "20 bucks." Said Kenny.
"We can split it." Stan whispered to Kenny.
      "We are not-"
"Make it 25." Cut in Cartman.
      "Deal." Agreed Kenny.
"But! We are doing it last." Said Kyle
      "Fine I'll go first." Said Cartman.
He waited for Stan or Kenny to come forward.
      "Pull down your hood poor boy." He said.
"My lucky day." Kenny joked.
      He reached up and slide it away from his unwashed face. His hair was dirty and sweaty even though it was snowing.
      "Ready to taste the rainbow?"
"Shut up."
      Cartman pulled him in quick and kissed.
Kenny couldn't help but giggle a little as he let go. He coverd his mouth smiling and said, "that was so gay."
      "Who's gonna kiss who next?" Asked Stan.
      "Who ever is brave enough." Said Kenny.
"I'll do it," said Kyle. "I'm not backing down to a stupid kiss."
    "Stan come here."
Stan backed away as Kyle reached for him.
      "Stan, already?" Asked Kenny
"But, Wendy-"
     "Uh oh, someone's a pussy." Said Cartman
      "She's not here, it'll mean nothing anyway." Reassured Kyle.
      "Are you sure, because she's already mad at me for-"
      "No, no, no, Stan's right, the she-hippie can't handle a little bromance." Cartman teased.
      "Shut up, fatass!" Yelled Kyle.
"Come on Stan, your not going to listen to Cartman are you?"
      Stan looked at the ground for a minute, eyes tracing the cracks in the concrete.
      "I'm sorry Kyle, me and Wendy already have enough problems right now. I'm chickening out." Stan backed away, Kyle disappointed. << gay?🤨
      "Pucker up, pretty boy." Kenny said taking off his hood once again.
      "I am not loosing this stupid game." Kyle said.
      Before Kyle could kiss him Kenny backed away and started laughing.
      "I'm sorry I'm sorry! I can't help it." He said between laughs.
      "Let's just get it over with,"
They leaned in again but just as there lips touched, Kenny snorted and kept giggling like a girl at a sleepover.
      "Omg, kiss already!" Cartman held his head in his hands
      "What, so you can kiss me next?" Teased Kyle.
      "I will kick your ass!"
Kenny grabbed Kyle's shirt and pulled him in for a smooch.
      "Yall are so slow." Commented Stan.
"At least I didn't chicken out." Said Kenny.
     "Alright, now the fun really begins." Kenny put his hands together as Stan pulled a twenty and a five out his wallet.
      "Godammit Kyle, why couldn't you've chickened out!"complained Cartman
      "I'm not losing this because kisses don't mean anything." Kyle said, "Plus I owe Ike money so come here."
      Kyle grabbed for him but Cartman jerked away. "Oh and don't forget Kyle, I can use this as blackmail."
      Kyle stopped for a minute, "So, you don't want the money?" He asked.
      "You God damn jew, of course I want the money!" He said. "But just for the record, I'm going to tell all the girls you kissed me. He got close and quiet at the last part, he knew that would tick Kyle off.
"I'm not going to kiss you Cartman," he said determinedly. "You'll just have to kiss me."
      "Now it's getting somewhere," said Stan
"To be honest, now I want them to kiss." Added Kenny.
      "Wa-why me!?" He yelped
"Seems like you wanna kiss me so bad."
      "No, you have to kiss me!"
Kyle tried not to smile to keep the affect going, but the corners of his mouth couldn't help but twitch a little.
      "Who's the pussy now?" He said with an eyerole.
      "Pussy? Your the one to scared to make the first move." He said dramatically.
      "I'm the pussy?" Giggled Kyle.
"Well, first your a jew, second, I'm gonna tell all the girls you kissed me, and third-"
      "Is jew the only insault you have for me?" He asked, his cheeks flame red.
      "Your still a pussy-"
Kyle grabbed Cartmans face and pulled him into a kiss. He squinted his eyes shut, but for Cartman it was the complete opposite. Kyle didn't let go for a second, all of their emotions where entwined in that very moment. Kenny and Stan gasped, making Kyle bring his thoughts together.
He let go and gasped as though that kiss sucked all the oxygen from him.
      "There goes the last of my money." Said Kenny.
      Cartman just stood there, Dazed. He tried collecting all his thoughts until he could breath again. He put a hand to the place Kyle had grabbed him.
      "Call me pussy again." Kyle said.
I didn't really know how to end it so I left it there.
Also, one of my favorite hcs is Kenny giggles when anybody tries to kiss him
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kiuuuus · 20 days
I wish i could go back to read creek fanfics like I used to, but the way most creek fics characterize eric as the homophobic/transphobe irredeemable villain of the story is kinda unpleasant to read likejdisjfjxk
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drownedinlavender · 10 months
Helloooo, so I'm writing a long kyman fic. It's gonna be a slow burn multi-chapter one. I got like a good 1/3 of it down with like a skeleton of events mapped out. Since I haven't been active in any fandom or like written fanfic since I was a teen, I wanted to post an excerpt to kinda test the waters a bit haha I'm kinda shy about sharing stuff but was greatly inspired by a lot of people's work.
Anyway, the premise is Cartman impulsively taking the fall on something and being admitted to inpatient cause of it. This excerpt is when he facetimes the gang to tell them about it. Stan and Kenny are at school during lunch, Kyle's at the hospital (has to do with what Cartman took the blame for), and Eric's at home about to leave.
I'd greatly appreciate any criticism or input! Thank u for ur time 💜💖 ^^)/
"Dude, a psych ward? That sounds pretty serious," Stan looks mildly concerned.
"It is serious, Stan. That's why Kyle's gonna owe me big time when I get back," Eric smuggly declares, "Like sucking my balls big big time."
Kenny sneakers at the brunette still obsessing over a bet they made years ago when they were just kids.
"Man, you gotta lay off the balls thing, Cartman. That's hella gay," Stan drily informs while munching on a fry.
"Hey! It's not gay! It's about humiliation and having power over an individual," Eric offendedly denies, choosing to die on that hill.
Kyle, who has been absolutely seething in the background, finally bursts, "Fuck you, Cartman! I didn't ask you to cover for me, you did that all on your own!"
Eric scoffs, "Okay, fine, Kahl, would you prefer me going to PC principal and telling him I take it all back. That he should take you off the team like he wanted? Is that what you want, Kahl?"
Kyle tenses his jaw muscles as he grinds his teeth. Of course that's not what he wants but is Cartman holding one over his head any better? His eyes flicker to the side as he contemplates for a brief moment. Stan continues eating, staring at his screen waiting for his best friend to speak as if he's watching an enthralling reality tv show. Once Kenny's giggling fit finally subsides, he lays his head on one outstretched arm and sneaks a French fry from whoever's lunch tray is right across from him.
"Fine," Kyle bitterly concedes with a sigh, "but I'm not helping you do anything illegal like murder or whatever. And I'm definitely not sucking your balls," he points at Cartman through the screen.
"Oh…" a small voice utters in surprise across the room from Kyle. The redhead looks up at a shocked nurse half way through the door. "I-I'll come back in a second to check your vitals," she embarrassedly scurries out of the room.
Kyle's mortified face soon matches his hair. "God, damn it, Cartman!"
Kenny practically dies of laughter, not even bothering to hold his phone up right anymore.
"Dude," Stan snorts before cracking up as well.
Kyle hides his face with one hand, trying with every fiber of his being to maintain any ounce of composure he can muster before combusting from rage.
Eric's amused smile warps into a shit eating grin, he absolutely could not be any more delighted by the current turn of events. He obnoxiously clears his throat before continuing, "Very well, I'll leave a legally binding contract in your room before departing, Kahl. Now Kenny," he seamlessly changes the topic.
Kenny straightens himself out the best he can. "Uh-huh?" He responds through tears.
"Wait a second, fatass, do NOT break into my room!" Kyle protests.
Eric purposely ignores his rival, knowing it'll anger him further. "Kenny, my mom says you can use your spare key to clear out my fridge whenever. She's gonna stay up in Denver with some cousin until I'm out. We don't want the food rotting up and stinking up the place so do it sooner rather than later, got it?"
"Seriously, dude?!" Kenny immediately straightens himself out in elated surprise. Woohoo!" He cheers. He knows their fridge is always packed so he and his little sister are definitely set for bit.
"Knock yourself out, dude, just don't let anything rot in there. Seriously, I'll kick your ass if I come back and my house reeks like spoiled ass."
"You got it, bro," Kenny assures with a thumbs up.
"Don't ignore me, asshole!" Kyle's demands only serve to further Cartman's amusement.
"Welp, gotta go pack up some essentials. Don't know how long I'll have to be admitted … but it's all worth it for my dear friend Kahl's sake," Eric fakes sincerity. With a hand over his heart, he winks at Kyle.
"Oh, Fuck off," Kyle rolls his eyes.
"Well, good luck, dude. Don't blow up the place trying to escape," Stan waves goodbye from his screen.
"Guys, wanna say bye to Cartman? He's gonna go do some time at a loony bin," Kenny asks, reversing his camera to show the rest of their lunch table.
"We heard. You guys are super loud," Craig complains before biting his burger.
"Hey! Don't call it a loony bin, asswipe! That's totally insensitive to people with mental health issues. Not cool dude," Cartman condescendingly lectures, doing what he does best, playing the victim.
"Cartman's getting admitted? Dude, that's crazy!" Tweek comments.
"Wait, who's getting what now?" Clyde looks up from his phone, unaware of the conversation going on around him.
"Cartman, dude, he got in trouble again so PC principal's sending him to a psych ward," Tweek rapidly explains.
"Oh," Clyde responds in his usual nasally tone.
"All in order to save Kyle from getting kicked off the team," Cartman adds.
"Don't act like you did it from the kindness of your heart, fatass!" Kyle quickly corrects.
"First it's Cartman, then they'll be coming for the rest of us!" The jittery blond panics.
Craig pats his boyfriend's shoulder. "No they won't, honey, we don't cause the town to blow up every other month like they do."
"Hey!" Kyle indignantly exclaims.
"We haven't been directly responsible for the town's destruction for like," Stan counts the time in his head, "at least a year now!" He defends himself and his friends, receiving a middle finger from an unimpressed Craig.
"L-l-later, Eric, don't dr-dro-dr-dro-drop the soap," Jimmy jokes before offering up his signature smile.
"Jim, that's for jail," Tolkien corrects.
"Aw, we'll miss you, Eric! Don't take too long in the psych ward!" Butters gleefully shouts.
Kyle rolls his eyes, feeling himself getting more and more irritated by the situation at hand. "Oh, for Pete's sake, it's not like he's dying, you guys." The longer these farewells are dragging on, the more he can feel a twinge of guilt spreading throughout his subconscious and twisting up his guts.
"Poopsikins, mommy can't find Mr. Kitty's carrier, do you remember where we left it?" Liane can be heard calling from the background.
"Just a second, meeem!" Eric hollers off camera before getting back in frame and sticking out his tongue with a peace sign, "Later, losers ~ " he sings-songs and hangs up.
"You know …. For someone being sent off to an insane asylum, he seems really unbothered by it," Tolkien points out.
Kyle's eyes flicker down for just a second before choosing to quickly dismiss further analyzing Cartman's reaction to being sent away. "Well, yeah, it's Cartman. Do you really expect him to react normally about anything?"
"That's true," Tolkien immediately agrees, chalking it up to Cartman just being Cartman.
For a brief moment, Kyle remembers the time he was admitted when the town wouldn't believe him about Mr. Hankey but before he can even decide on entertaining that thought, Stan speaks.
"Wow … so he's really leaving, huh?" Stan says more than asks, looking a bit absent minded.
"I guess so," Kenny pensively looks down at the lunch table, head resting on crossed arms. He turns to Stan and forlornly admits, "dude … I'm actually feeling kinda bummed out."
Kyle bites the inside of his cheek. The reality of their current predicament further sinking in.
"Aw, Ken," Stan frowns and pats Kenny's shoulder.
"It's okay, Ken," Butters comforts, patting Kenny's back, "he said so himself, he probably won't be there for long."
"Isn't this a good thing though? Things are going to be a lot more peaceful while he's gone," Tolkien suggests.
"If Cartman gets admitted for the rest of the school year, I'll be sooooo happy," Craig chants in a monotone.
A sniffle directs everyone's focus towards Clyde.
"Clyde, you okay, buddy?" Craig puts down his lunch to fully focus on his friend's concerns.
"We *sniff* were starting to *sniff* get along more *sniff* this year," he powers through a closing throat.
Kyle bites his cheek even harder. Cartman was certainly a lot tamer as of late. Things were finally getting comfortable between the two of them, too.
"He was being a lot c-coo-c-coo-cooler this y-year," Jimmy admits.
The nurse knocks before entering Kyle's room this time. "I'm going to take your vitals again, okay?" She smiles.
"Yeah, sure," Kyle replies before addressing his friends, "I gotta go guys. Stan, can you come pick up my keys and move my car before my parents get back? I have a minor concussion so I'm under observation for a bit."
"Yeah, dude, totally," Stan confirms.
"Later," Kenny mumbles, waving with one hand, his face fully immersed in his crossed arms.
"Alright, thanks, see you guys later," Kyle says his goodbyes, queuing the nurse to begin taking his blood pressure.
Kyle barely moves, too busy contemplating Eric's departure. First, Stan moves and now Cartman's going to be gone for God knows how long? He bitterly sighs.
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shut-up-cartman · 9 months
I've never liked when people complain about 'new fans' in Fandoms and how they're 'ruining the fandom' or whatever, but I will say the weirdest thing to come out the 2023 South Park fandom is treating kyman shippers like they're delusional and disgusting. Sure there's been controversy with the ship (obviously), but it's not even a pro-ship and it's been around for years???
Kyman has always been one of my most hated ships but I've never bothered the shippers because there's nothing actually wrong with them shipping it. They're not related, there's not a pedophilic age gap, and believe it or not there actually isn't an unbalanced power dynamic. Sure its not exactly wholesome and I can get why people think it doesn't make sense, but for crying out loud it's shipping it doesn't have to! And if Kyman shippers are saying they see stuff in canon then maybe TO THEM there is, and if there isn't anything in canon that you see then that's fine but that doesn't mean they can't enjoy the show and characters how they want.
I don't know if this makes a lot of sense, I'm not good at writing paragraphs but I just needed to say this cause I've been in this fandom for a few years now and I'm ngl it seems like purity culture is getting worse. Like, you're in the South Park fandom, you of all people do not get to preach about someone else being weird or cringe for shipping. You're in the weird and cringe shipping fandom.
Lord help me it's 2023 and I'm actually fighting kyman vs sp fandom on the side of kyman 😭
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qqqjsjsuiq · 10 days
(several excerpts from the upcoming Kyman fic)
Kyle is so Kyle... 😂
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aysbes · 1 year
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scene from @cy-rus fic argh gi check out their work its amazing!!!
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bloogers-boogers · 1 year
Kyle Brofloski/Stan Marsh (Cartman fictional) (SP one-shot)
Hints of KyleBrofloski/ Eric Cartman and a little bit of Stanman~
Cartman wrote a style fanfiction as the deranged shipper he is for showing tell.
Slight warning ⚠️ Eh, I really don't have much to warned, after all, this isn't a full on Kyman fanfiction it's just a habit by now whoops 🤷 I'm joking btw, there's nothing too explicit it's just Cartman being the little shit head he is.
Mr Garrison cleared his throat as he gestured Clyde to take his seat again.
"You're next, Eric," he said with boredom as he layyed his eyes back on to the magazine he was reading.
Cartman dashed excitedly to the front giggling like some school gossip girl as he thumbs up towards Kenny who thumbs up back, making both his excluded friends arched a brow confused.
Everyone now focused on him, as he cleared his throat and gave firstly his introduction.
"Ehem, what I have in my hands is a written by yours truly boys love fanfiction," and with that a couple of girls gasped, interest peeking in even Wendy turned his way with a hint of curiosity as the boys just looked his way confused.
"This better not be some creek fanfiction or I'll break your teeth out," Craig blurted out annoyed already.
"Fuck you. This isn't about you Craig!" Mumbling a 'Jesus christ' before continuing.
"It's called: forever be mine."
The girls giggled and sighed already in love with the fic already.
"Oh god," he heard Kyle muster, rolling his eyes incredulous.
"My beta reader was Kenny Mccormick," he gestured Kenny who just waved enthusiastic gesturing him with a rush for he to continue, "it's style by the way girls."
The girls gasped glancing at both targeted boys before turning away, the boys looking confused and unaware, oblivious of what it means.
"Hurry up! The suspense is already killing me!" Bebe eagerly shouted.
"Alright geez, calm your tits," shaking his head incredulous as he flipped to the first page.
"It was morning, the cold weather hitting harder than usual while the sun rises. Stan Marsh; a athletic boy-"
"Hey! Wait that's me? What the fuc-" Stan spoke in disbelief.
But before the raven boy could protest the girls hushed him silent even his girlfriend glared at him for he to keep quiet, which he reluctantly did as he grumbled.
"-heroic, and a total jock. Head his way to the usual bus stop he and his friends had claimed as their own.
A point of town were memories had build up, a place people often resonated with their names in grave in that rusty old sign and sometimes snowy path, the ground somehow printed their steps as‐"
"It is not that deep, you were definitely trying to fill that up weren't you fatass."
'Shhh!' The girls hissed the redhead shut.
"- the boys semblance spread around just that spot.
Stan was a total softy when it came to familiarity; a nostalgic feeling that marked his heart and wasn't easy to die down from.
On the other hand, there was Kyle, Kyle Brofloski; a complete geek, hot tempered, fragile individual and his best friend.
Who he was madly in love with."
"Shut the fuck Cartman! What the fuck!?" Kyle slammed with a fist his table, ignoring the glares from all his girls classmates and Clyde.
"Mr Garrison, Kahal's interrupting me again!" Cartman protested already tired of being rudely interrupted.
"Kyle, please sit your ass down and let Eric finish his gay little fantasy book. You'll have your turn eventually."
Kyle gritted his teeth in boiling anger, reluctantly sitting down as he glared deadly at the brunette evil little douche who snickered his way before continuing were he had left off.
"It was before summer of that year when he realized he had caught feelings for his super best friend.
More like he realized quite late that these hidden feelings were already there, way before he could even grasp the idea of ever liking his friend in such way, repressing them since childhood.
Always being left confused and a fuzzy feeling in his stomach with every touch or brush Kyle did his way, it was inevitable to always feel nauseous around him, sweat pouring out from his hands as he was constantly nervous around him, worried to make himself look like a fool or a moron infront of him even while being one.
A complete wreck when he was around other dudes, jealousy arising as he looked at Kyle whose attention searched elsewhere that wasn't him."
"Wow, Eric's really a good writer," Butters whispered to Kenny, who nodded.
"Yeah, since his last creek fanfiction his writing has gotten so much better," the other blond complimented.
"However, his insecurities got the best of him, preventing him from making any moves or confessing his ongoing long lasting love for Kyle.
Kyle was perfect‐"
Kyle's frown lighten as he heard Cartman narrate his character, isolating the context of it all, only hearing his voice and the description of his fictional self.
"- in every aspect of his being. The type of perfect you'd be worried of feeling for another, so much unasked powered he held on to his weak beating heart.
His wild red curls rebelling to let loose under that worned out; washed green, unique and very familiar ushanka. A very important piece of fabric for his characterization. Everything on him was just like it's supposed to be.
Like it was meant to.
Those cold blue looking eyes that could glare holes on to you, digging through each layer of your skin reaching your guts and on to your soul. So far captivating it's hard to let loose around them, it was like being sucked in a hole.
A complete void with no end, a void he was willing to dive in with all intentions of ever going out."
"Wow," Clyde mustered softly, so deeply focused in the story as a couple of girl were left in awe and blushing faces.
"However, that wasn't the only thing that drawn him in a complete depths of focus, his lips for example being one of the countless features that left him breathless."
"Cartman this is the most gayest shit I've ever seen and heard from you in like the entirety sixteen years of our lives," Stan commented tirelessly as he placed his hand on his forehead trying his best to ease his annoyance.
Kyle was long gone indulged by Cartman's way of story telling and captivating writing. He must admit, Cartman was good. He was already hooked even being just the introduction of the 'characters'.
"Those pink candy looking lips drove him delirious, even if they we're dried up most of the time having small cuts on them, he should definitely use some chapstick, but hey? He's in love and doesn't care for his poor lack of care.
And somehow, it's still felt in character of him.
Just so in character as when he speaks against anyone who goes against his morals; normally Cartman his so called archrival, but that's far from the point.
He was fearless when it came to what was right, hot headed when he was stubborn and being proven wrong countless times.
There was so much of him he can't hold, so much depth in his person he's fallen to know he can't get tired of. Layers and layers to unfold and discovering so many new things of him that just adds to the piles of things he likes about him.
Kyle, Kyle, Kyle..
That cute smile leaves him drowsy, in a memorizing trance that makes him want to see that upward frown rise infinite times on a daily, he wished he could keep it like that forever even if he gets tired, sore and all cramped up for it.
Needless to say, I'm in love with Kyle Brofloski."
Kyle's heart skipped a beat and his heart begin beating loudly, feeling a small rush of heat in his cheeks.
Looking at Cartman so very focused on his reading, his expression seemed so calm and his eyelids were half opened in a dreamy manner.
"Now, speaking of such boy..
Kyle woke up that morning, late than usual and looking with panic at his clock. Forgetting to have set his alarm before six, he cursed himself internally rushing himself to the bathroom and doing whatever teens his age would do before school.
As he finished getting ready, he grabbed his backpack sprinting down stairs not even bothering to eat breakfast as he was found late. He said goodbye to his mother from the door before slamming it shut and heading straight to the bus stop.
As he arrived he visualized his three friends already standing and waiting with a bored tiring expression for the bus to pick them up.
He halted before walking slowly, keeping his cool as his eyes darted on to Stan; his best friend, trustful and loyal mate, his long-time crush.
His messy raven hair almost covering half his face, those eyes that adorned under with a black discolored shade by the countless sleepless nights binge playing online gaming with them, lacking energy as usual.
Sometimes he thought his friend was a mess, but a mess he could fix. Stan had many flaws, flaws that were understandable and fixable for the eye, but there was too many layers in his character.
There's was so much of Stan, a chronic pain and immense sadness in that brain an force smile of his-"
Stan eyes peeked instantly from under his arms as his ears now listened attentively.
"- aching for help, for someone to hold him and understand what he goes through.
Sometimes he wished he was that person, but he lacked skill in that department; being emotionally vulnerable and unable to really resonate with those feelings, how he felt in regard of it all.
However, he could make him feel like he wasn't alone, he was good for making distractions. Atleast he could ease his mind with other things than focusing on the negative right?
Still, Stan was all he needed to make him happy. A full of flaws individual who he was madly in love with. His imperfections made him stand out and yet, still so damn well fitting to be place in his heart.
The name of Stan Marsh was carved around everywhere in that blood pumping organ called: heart, and echoed in his brain endlessly.
Stan Marsh..
With those captivating blue eyes and that playful smile, with the cutest eye wrinkles he's ever seen.
And those crooked teeth with glimmering metallic braces surrounding them and a hint of blue as a personalized choice of his.
Oh how he wished to steal a kiss from him... unintentionally crashing his teeth with his braces and somehow laughing it off as goofy and affectionate.
Two dumbasses in love..
Oh so he wish they were..
He sighed, placing in his spot in between both his best friend and archrival, next and lastly was Kenny their chill so caring friend and important piece of their friendship; the one who hold on to the group as if it we're to be cherish and protected.
Even if their broship was a little messy and stumble with all intention to fall apart, it was still glued surprisingly strong.
Honestly surprised it has lasted this long.
He frowned already listening to Cartman's annoying nagging; something about Taylor Swift and some twitch streamer, he truly didn't care about.
Stan on the other hand, was fighting the urge to shake that twitching feeling in his hands. His protective and defensive instinct perking up as he saw Cartman taunting Kyle in their usual banter.
It was so ordinary for them, but that day, it just.. felt unnecessary.
He disliked seeing Kyle be belittle or being called names. And even if it were their bigoted dick of a friend with Kyle being so unfazed by the common ignorant comments and bashing, he couldn't help but feel bitter and angry at him; wanting to punch his face and tell him off as an ass, forbidding him by ever calling Kyle by any other name that isn't 'Kyle', telling him he isn't even allowed near his best friend.
But ofcourse he couldn't, there was always something preventing him from doing so, a barrier in between the space of him and Kyle."
Cartman continued reading the plot, it was the typical cliché drama/romance you'd see on anime, still, there were quite unexpected moments/sceneries here and there.
"Stan slammed him inside the janitor's room, closing the door shut. Their breathing hitting against each other as two panting animals, the room suffocating, ambient being warm and cozy.
Stan crashed their lips together in a desperate attempt to keep him shut.
"Shh, she won't find out," he hushed Kyle reassuring, as the other hissed by the stingy pain that was left in his gums being pushed the braces against them.
Kyle wrapped his arms around his neck, deepening the kiss even further.
Stan's hand were all over him, gripping his ass oh so slightly before pressing his crotch against Kyle's.
Kyle tugged his hair furiously unzipping his jacket trying to get a touch of Stan's bare skin.
But the door swung open and a silhouette covered them in a shadow.
It was Kenny; who looked at them in surprise as his was left speechless by the display of his two best friends flustered face full of embarrassment and somewhat shame for being caught in a intimate and secretive act.
Oh shit."
"And that waaaaas chapters 1 to 5, if you guys want any more updates you guys can always follow my wattpad account which is @ cArtmanbrah67!" He teased, now heading back to sit down, grinning with pride as he felt the deeply 'what happened next' stares on him.
Archieving his goal of pissing all his classmates off and still somehow get praise for it.
All unpleased for no concrete ending.
"W-what? What happened next? Did Kenny end up cheering them on or-" Clyde mustered disbelief.
"Fuck that, did Wendy ever found out that Stan was cheating on her!?" Red exclaimed in utterly shock.
"No, no, no dudes. What about that shit between Tolkien and Tweek what're those two hiding?" Craig chimed in just as offended.
"Oh please, Craig. It's obvious they're planning a surprise birthday party for you at Tolkiens," Bebe groaned annoyed, still sour she couldn't predict the ending.
"You guys are gonna give me writers block," Cartman grunted massaging the sides of his forehead before resting his head in his arms with boredom.
<<<< —————>>>>
The next day, it was Kyle's turn to present his own showing tell.
"For my showing tell project I've written-" he smirked smugly and glaringly at Cartman who arched his brow already knowing what he had planned next, "is a fanfiction of Butter x Cartman, I call it: an ass away."
Girls gasped enthusiastic as Stan snickered mischievous.
"My beta reader was Stan Marsh."
Cartman face reddened in embarrassment and anger, cussing out profanities at them.
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