#kurt soberano
str8upreview · 9 months
Cinemalaya Shorts 2023: Golden Bells Review
Synopsis: Golden Bells tells the story of a Filipino Chinese businessman in Bacolod who built his business from the ground up with the help of his family. The film is a tribute to the actual Soberano patriarch from his grandchild who witnessed the completion of his dream to build their own establishment after his passing. The judges in this year’s Cinelamalaya will have a rough time judging…
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pannaginip · 1 month
User @denielemein on Twitter:
local film festival alert! 🚨🎬
this thread contains six (6) full-length entries from PUREGOLD’s first-ever 2024 cinepanalo film festival.
on march 15-19 at gateway complex 18, araneta city!
the film posters of the six entries!
🎞️ pushcart tales (sigrid andrea bernardo)
🎞️ boys at the back (raynier brizuela)
🎞️ a lab story (carlo obispo)
🎞️ one day league: dead mother, dead all (eugene torres)
🎞️ road to happy (joel ferrer)
🎞️ under a piaya moon (kurt soberano)
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#PuregoldCinepanalo #AlwaysPanalo #PCPFF2024
2024 Mar. 12
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clarisaysblog · 10 months
CINEMALAYA 19 Announces Short Film Finalists
The Cultural Center of the Philippines and the Cinemalaya Foundation Inc. reveal the 10 competing films that will vie for the Best Short Film in this year’s Cinemalaya Philippine Independent Film Festival. From 192 submissions, the 10 finalists are: Tong Adlaw Nga Nag-snow Sa Pinas by Joshua Caesar Medroso; HM HM MHM by Sam Villa-Real and Kim Timan; Golden Bells by Kurt Soberano; Hinakdal by…
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superjohngie · 1 year
Nagbabalik ang inyong bagong favorite viewing habit, ang #HCPlay powered by Home Credit. Let us join Kurt Soberano sa kanyang quick tour para ipakita sa atin ang mga trending sa City of Smiles, Bacolod!
Tutukan na ang 5 special codes sa buong show, sundin lang ang mechanics for a chance to WIN a brand NEW phone. #HomeCreditMasskara
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claquetevirtual · 7 years
Os Guardiões da Galáxia strikes back...
“Guardiões da Galáxia Vol. 2” é o décimo quinto filme do MCU e continuação de um dos seus mais inesperados sucessos, baseado na HQ homônima e pouco conhecida mesmo entre os fãs de quadrinhos mais experientes, o filme inicial de 2014 chegou às telonas para expandir o universo Marvel o levando as estrelas. Colocando o gênero dentro das Space Operas como “Star Wars” e permitindo ao diretor James Gumm explorar os lugares e os seres mais estranhos e interessantes da galáxia. A mistura foi certeira, cheia de referências pop dos anos 70 e 80, a obra tornou o obscuro título das HQs em uma das marcas hoje mais conhecidas e apreciadas entre os cinéfilos marvetes, contando com heróis carismáticos e um visual bem característico, transportados nessa sequência que adiciona figuras e facetas ao grupo de guardiões que agora viraram celebridades.
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Muito do anterior é trazido de volta, desde a forma como a música se relaciona com a história e ajuda a dar o tom desse “Volume 2”, assim como a esperada comédia e a ação transloucada. Talvez a maior surpresa seja como tudo se mistura naturalmente aos dramas, aqui ganhando toques familiares como em um “Guerra nas Estrelas”. A questão de quem é o pai de Peter Quill (Chris Pratt) se torna o mote da narrativa, que não demora para trazer o ator Kurt Russel para assumir a paternidade como Ego. Doravante, esse não é o único conflito envolvendo familiares, Gamora (Zoe Saldana) precisa enfrentar a fúria e o desejo de vingança da irmã Nebula (Karen Gillan) e Baby Groot (Vin Diesel) se mostra mais que um mascote (com enorme potencial de merchandising), se reapresentando ao público em sua versão bebê e literalmente se tornando o caçula da turma, com seus irmãos crescidos fazendo as vezes de pais ou mães da criaturazinha.
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Fora os esperados momentos de fofura, a pequena árvore está sempre ao lado do eterno parceiro Rocket (Bradley Cooper), em dificuldades para se entrosar com os demais membros, durante seu lento crescimento, o guaxinim, contudo, não perde a pose nem a língua afiada, Drax (Dave Bautista) é outro que conserva sua marcante e cômica atitude, arrancando risadas na mesma proporção que gargalha dos eventos e ademais alienígenas que dão as caras, como Mantis (Pom Klementieff), que com seus poderes empáticos e acompanhando o poderoso Ego, soma e complica a dinâmica entre os Guardiões. Que continuam a salvar o dia e a enfrentar adversários como os piratas espaciais (novamente) comandados por Yondu (Michael Rooker), que rouba a cena em sua volta ao personagem coadjuvante elevado a um dos principais nessa segunda película. Sendo outra figura paternal nessa reunião de domingo na casa dos parentes com uns toques sci-fi.
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“O Império Contra-Ataca” pode servir como um bom comparativo, não pelo lado sombrio, longe disso nessa apoteose de cores e do mais magicamente cósmico da Marvel, entretanto, por tais conexões entre mocinhos e bandidos e pela necessidade de os separar em grupos para que cada qual tenha seu próprio arco, com tempo de tela garantido, se reunido quando as tramas se entrelaçam e pedem por um clímax mais explosivo. Nesse ritmo, vamos sendo jogados de canto a canto em paisagens exóticas e referências capazes de colocar um largo sorriso nos leitores do gibi. Incluindo a obrigatória cameo de Stan Lee e um Sylvester Stalone que deixará alguns pontos de interrogação na cabeça de quem desconhece as origens no papel. Só quem tem mais rodagem entenderá sua importância e significado. Abrindo o portão pra mais um punhado de velhos super-heróis - virtualmente desconhecidos! - que fazem igualmente parte das sagas espaciais da editora.
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Nem tudo é perfeito, claro. O plot é deixado em segundo plano (vide a raça dourada dos Soberanos) frente a interação e desenvolvimento das personas que aprendemos a admirar nessa passagem deles para os cinemas. A trilha é ótima, mas provavelmente (gosto é gosto) não tem tantas faixas tão clássicas quanto as do “Volume 1”. E quando os caminhos se separam, mesmo sendo bem interessantes individualmente falando, com nenhum deles se tornando chato ou desnecessário, tira a graça de vermos o time completo em campo o tempo todo. Fazendo com que o longa não seja tão completo quanto o primeiro, porém preservando o mesmo nível de diversão e a mesma qualidade técnica do “Guardiões da Galáxia” de 2014. Com um “Volume 3” garantido e a certeza de que estarão ao lado dos Vingadores contra o Thanos nos dois “Guerra Infinita” (programados para 2018 e 2019), Star-Lord e cia. seguirão suas aventuras na 7ª arte, desbravando novos mundos e não tendo medo do absurdo. Como trazer nomes da linha “B”, “C” e “D” e fazê-los tão marcantes e bem-recebidos quanto um Capitão América, Homem de Ferro ou Homem-Aranha.
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Tres veranos atrás, un filme protagonizado por un puñado de inadaptados intergalácticos nos ofreció una de las mayores sorpresas del cine veraniego. "Guardians of the Galaxy", bajo la batuta de un semi desconocido James Gunn, representó una bocanada de aire fresco para el cine de superhéroes; con una desfachatez hasta entonces insólita para el género y una guerra declarada contra la solemnidad de otras cintas de superhéroes de la casa Marvel. La película conquistó a las masas no sólo por su humor, sino por el carisma del quinteto central, una variopinta y disfuncional familia improvisada conformada por Peter Quill / Star-Lord (Chris Pratt), Gamora (Zoe Saldana), Drax (Dave Bautista) Rocket (voz de Bradley Cooper) y Groot (voz de Vin Diesel), quienes ahora vuelven a la carga para vivir nuevas aventuras en los confines del cosmos.
"Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2" nos coloca tres meses después de los sucesos de la primera cinta y gira en torno al descubrimiento de los orígenes de Peter Quill a la vez que el equipo intenta escapar de Ayesha (Elizabeth Debicki), la líder planetaria de la egocéntrica y fascista raza alienígena conocida como Los Soberanos que busca exterminarlos luego de una ofensa en su propio planeta por parte del siempre imprudente Rocket. Con estas dos líneas narrativas, la película nos lleva de la mano por un salvaje viaje por los confines de la galaxia con el ingenio y la extravagancia que ya son marca de la casa. La película expande exitosamente el universo particular de este superequipo manteniendo la esencia que volvió exitosa a la primera entrega pero sin permanecer en esa zona; esta secuela se sale un poco de sus zona de confort arriesgándose con la historia que coloca a los personajes en situaciones que los confrontan con sus sentimientos, miedos, anhelos y emociones para hacerlos crecer tanto como individuos como en sus lazos afectivos como la sui generis familia intergaláctica que son.
Así tenemos por una parte a Peter Quill conociendo a Ego (el gran Kurt Russell), su padre de antiquísimo origen Celestial que lo guiará hacia su naturaleza inmortal; mientras que Gamora se enfrenta a los resentimientos de su hermana Nebula (Karen Gillan), y Rocket encuentra en Yondu (Michael Rooker), el contrabandista líder de los Ravagers, un espejo en el cual ve reflejada su personalidad y sus mayores miedos. Manteniendo un humor cínico pero ahora mucho más cruel, la película cuenta nuevamente con una playlist de «música clásica» –entre la que destacan nombres como Fleetwood Mac, Sam Cooke, George Harrison y Cat Stevens– que funciona como hilo conductor de la trama y muletas emocionales de los personajes; además, nuevamente echa mano de múltiples referencias a la cultura popular de finales del siglo pasado mientras que se atreve a lanzar un discreto pero muy directo discurso político contra la ideología fascista y la absurda creencia de la «pureza racial» –encarnada por los ya mencionados Soberanos– que ha cobrado fuerza en los último años en nuestra realidad.
"Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2" es un gran ejercicio de cine de aventuras que no sólo sale airosa como secuela al mantener el nivel de calidad en todos los aspectos que encumbraron a la primera entrega, sino que también sobresale por permitirse ser auto paródica con una delirante imaginería visual que no le pide nada a la muy sobrevalorada "Dr. Strange" (2016); y por si fuera poco, se trata de una película que se atreve a insertar un final con un agridulce sacrificio que pocas veces podemos ver en el cine Disney donde no toleran las historias sin el típico «happy ending». Estamos ante algo más grande que un nuevo ejemplo de una secuela digna; estamos frente una sensacional space opera.
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GUARDIANES DE LA GALAXIA VOL.2 Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 | 2017 | Dir. James Gunn | Actores: Chris Pratt, Zoe Saldana, Dave Bautista, Bradley Cooper, Vin Diesel, Michael Rooker, Karen Gillan, Kurt Russell, Sylvester Stallone, Elizabeth Debicki, Tommy Flanagan, Sean Gunn, Pom Klementieff, Chris Sullivan.
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allineednow · 6 years
<p>Sermon on the Mat: Survival!</p>
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Welcome back to the Sermon on the Mat, your weekly one-stop store for news from the wider world of wrestling beyond the big cable TV monoliths that get all of the coverage.
Coming soon...
AIW The Wet Bandits (December 15, 8PM Eastern)
Big Moe vs. "Large" Twan Tucker
Brian Carson vs. Eddy Only
Jock Samson vs. Joshua Singh vs. Kurt Hurtz vs. the Duke
Malcolm Monroe III vs. Tre Lamar
Colin Delaney vs. Parker Pierce
AJ Gray vs. Dr. Daniel C. Rockingham
Curt Stallion vs. Joshua Bishop
Philly-Marino Expertise (Marino Tenaglia & Philly Collins) & Weird World (Alex "Worldwide" Kellar & "Unusual Body" Evan Adams") vs. the Production (Colby Redd, Derek Director, Frankie Flynn, & Magnum CK)
Dominic Garrini vs. Mance Warner
Kikutaro vs. Tracy Smothers
AIW are back in Mentor-on-the-Lake, Ohio and as always these shows are student-heavy and full of trademark AIW experimentation. Where else might you see Kikutaro wrestle Tracy Smothers, I ask?! Curt Stallion makes his introduction, SmackDown superstar (he totally counts now) Colin Delaney is in action, there's a lot going on here, folks.
Get your tickets here or check it out when it hits Smart Mark Video.
CMLL Super Viernes (December 15, 9:30PM)
Hijo del Signo & Templario vs. Star, Jr. & Starman
Mercurio vs. Shockercito (c) (CMLL World Minis Championship)
Amapola, Dalys, & Reyna Isis vs. Lady Maravilla, Marcela, & Princesa Sugehit
Angel de Oro, Niebla Roja, & Rey Cometa vs. Cuatrero, Forastero, & Sanson
La Peste Negra (Barbaro Cavernario, Mr. Niebla, & Negro Casas) vs. Los Hijos del Infierno (Ephesto & Mephisto) & Sam Adonis
Caristico, Soberano, Jr., & Ultimo Guerrero vs. El Terrible, Mistico, & Volador, Jr..
CMLL are back along with your normal weekly Friday night dose of lucha libre action from Arena Mexico and by god we have a minis championship match! Outside of that it's a solid looking show with all the trios matches looking like they could range from solid to great depending on how the night goes. Not a bad Friday night!
Check it out, as always, free for nothin' on ClaroSports or CMLL's Facebook page, folks.
GCW Ready to Die (December 16, 7:15PM Eastern)
Alex Colon vs. G-Raver
Eric Ryan vs. Markus Crane
B-Boy vs. KTB
Homicide vs. Matt Riddle
Rejects (John Wayne Murdoch & Reed "By God" Bentley) (c) vs. Viking War Party (Alexander Rudolph & Jake Parnell) (GCW Tag Team Championship)
Eli Everfly vs. Tony Deppen (c) (GCW Extreme Championship)
Jimmy Lloyd vs. SHLAK (c) (DTU World Ultraviolent Championship)
Matt Tremont (c) vs. Nick Gage (GCW Championship)
This is it. GCW yields to Howell, New Jersey for their next anniversary show, and Nick Gage and Matt Tremont will do battle for the third and last time. Their last match saw the ring wrapped in concrete as they put their bodies on the line in unprecedented fashion, and with two deathmatch legends of their stature I'm sure they've wonders undreamed of in mind for us.
Get your tickets here or check it out when it hits Smart Mark Video, folks.
PCW UK PowerBombShells / Festive Fury (December 16)
--PowerBombShells (9AM Eastern / 2PM GMT)--
Martina vs. Nadia Saphire
Rhio vs. Sierra Loxton
Nightshade vs. Viper
--Festive Fury (1PM Eastern / 6PM GMT)--
Ricky Knight, Jr. vs. Sheik El Sham
Arcadian vs. Big T Justice vs. Dave Birch vs. Joe Coffey vs. Martin Kirby vs. Philip Michael
Ashton Smith vs. BT Gunn
Lucy Cole (c) vs. Rhio (PCW Women's Championship)
Chris Ridgeway vs. Dean Allmark (c) (PCW Cruiserweight Championship No Rope Breaks Submission Match)
Bubblegum vs. T-Bone (c) (PCW Heavyweight Championship)
PCW UK are back in Preston, England using a double dose of action and only speaking for myself I'm really stoked to see that Ridgeway/Allmark submission match. Should be real high caliber stuff!
Get your tickets here or test 'em out live on Powerbomb.tv, folks.
Shine 47: Survival (December 16, 6PM Eastern)
ACR vs. Priscilla Kelly (c) (Shine Nova Championship)
Aerial Monroe vs. Aja Perera vs. Aria Blake vs. Brandi Lauren vs. Candy Cartwright vs. Dementia D'Rose vs. Dynamite DiDi vs. Ivelisse vs. Kamilla Kaine vs. Kiera Hogan vs. Mercedes Martinez vs. Natalia Markova vs. Rain vs. Robyn Reid vs. Shotzi Blackheart vs. Stormie Lee vs. ??? vs. ??? vs. ??? vs. ??? (Shine Championship #1 Contender's Survival Rumble)
Shine are back in Ybor City, Florida and... is that the whole card? Nope! The deal here is the winner of this Survival Rumble will go on to wrestle Shine Champion LuFisto at Shine 48 and matches will be made based on eliminations in the Rumble to fill out the remainder of this show. It's innovative, if nothing else, I suppose. Along with the first Shine Champion, Rain, is back out of retirement, which is great news! (Do note that the number of ??? Entrants I've added there is arbitrary; WWN have said more will be added, not that it will always be a 20-woman Rumble.)
Get your tickets here or check it out on iPPV at .
Free matches!
Candice LeRae vs. Kimber Lee
From the fine folks over at Women's Wrestling Revolution Pro, we have action with shades of the Mae Young Classic! Abbey Laith takes on Candice Wrestling in a past life, check it out!
Darby Allin vs. Josh Briggs
From the good people over at Limitless Wrestling we have a clash of up-and-comers. Darby Allin burst onto the scene from out of nowhere in Evolve over a year ago as a daredevil who has not yet fulfilled the thing he is not willing to jump off of and Briggs has just erupted onto my radar as a hugely athletic big man so hey, check it out and get yourself a new favorite, right?
CWF Mid-Atlantic Worldwide Ep. #135
I reckon it's time we checked in on our pals over at CWF again because they have a doozy of a hoot lined up for us tonight as national treasure White Mike takes on CWF Heavyweight Champion Trevor Lee in a non-title match! When you haven't seen Mike in action, you are in for a treat, folks.
MLW Never Say Never (December 7)
"Whoa hey, Rev, what's this? No results again? What are you tryin' to pull here?!"
Well, I'm trying to pull the same thing that I did the last time I did so, which is to say that MLW have published this whole show free for nothin' on YouTube! Don't let me spoil you, check it out here--
RPW Uprising 2018 (December 8)
Kurtis Chapman over David Starr, El Phantasmo, "Flash" Morgan Webster (c), and Ryan Smile to acquire the RPW British Cruiserweight Championship
Jinny over Martina
Moustache Mountain (Trent Seven & Tyler Bate) (c) over Josh Bodom & Zack Gibson to keep the RPW British Tag Team Championship
Cody Rhodes (c) over Jay Lethal to retain the ROH World Championship
Pete Dunne over Eddie Dennis
Martin Stone over Dave Mastiff
Zack Sabre, Jr. (c) over Matt Riddle to keep the RPW British Heavyweight Championship
Bullet Club (Marty Scurll, Matt Jackson, & Nick Jackson) over #CCK (Chris Brookes & Travis Banks) & Flip Gordon
RevPro closed out their year with a bang as up-and-comer Chapman rose above the fray to become Cruiserweight Champion. Plus Cody retained the ROH title and left programs for Final Battle intact thanks to (or perhaps despite) some interference from Scurll, and while Eddie Dennis' losing streak continues he may not be carried out in RevPro just yet, as Rob Lias attacked him after his match.
Plus, we've already got a big match made for High Stakes next year, as Zack Sabre, Jr. cut a promo after his match saying he's defended against everyone and wants to challenge, together with Minoru Suzuki, for the tag names.
Check it out on RPW On Demand, folks.
CZW Cage of Death 19 (December 9)
Storm of Entrails (Dan O'Hare & SHLAK) over Blackwater, G-Raver, John Silver, Kody Rice, & Shane Sabre to win the Ultimate Opportunity Coin
Matt Tremont over Jimmy Lloyd (Thumbtack Massacre Deathmatch)
Mr. Claxton over Alex Colon
David Starr over "All Ego" Ethan Page
The REP (Dave McCall & Nate Carter) over Alex Reynolds & Dan Barry, OI4K (Dave & Jake Crist), and Scarlet and Graves (Dezmond Xavier & Zachary Wentz) (c) to win the CZW World Tag Team Championship
Nick "Magnus" Aldis over Tim Storm (c) to win the NWA World's Heavyweight Championship
Jimmy Jacobs over Jimmy Havoc
Chrissy Rivera & Greg Excellent over Ace Romero
Maxwell Jacob Friedman over Joey Janela (c) to win the CZW Wired Championship
Rickey Shane Page (c) over "Chainsaw" Joe Gacy and Shane Strickland to retain the CZW World Heavyweight Championship (Cage of Death)
Well, we covered one bit of big news in the show elsewhere on the website, so I will skip over that and break down the rest of what's interesting here. Danny Havoc returned to the Combat Zone to beat on Conor Claxton after his match, DJ Hyde declared Will Ospreay for their WrestleMania weekend show, MJF's victory means that Joey Janela's Wired Championship reign never happened, but he paid dearly for it as Penelope Ford at long last rejoined forces with Joey.
And in the main event, Gacy's followers got involved, leading to a cavalcade of interference from the likes of Kit Osbourne, Dan Barry, and Anthony Gangone! At the same time, after the match, Nick Gage strolled through the crowd and into the cage for a confrontation which CZW do their best to scrub from the net. Work? Shoot? Together with the King, you never know!
Check it out on CZW Studios, folks.
Evolve 96 / 97 (December 9-10)
--Evolve 96 (December 9)--
Dominic Garrini over Joey Lynch
Kyle the Beast & Shane Mercer over Matt Knicks & Stevie Fierce
Jarek 1:20 over Stephen Wolf
Zack Sabre, Jr.. Over DJZ
AR Fox over Jason Kincaid
Darby Allin over Austin Theory
Grab Point (Jaka & "Hot Sauce" Tracy Williams) (c) vs. WorkHorsemen (Anthony Henry & James Drake) goes to a no competition (Evolve Tag Team Championship)
Matt Riddle over Fred Yehi (No Rope Breaks Match)
Keith Lee (c) over WALTER to keep the WWN Championship
--Evolve 97 (December 10)--
Dominic Garrini over Craig Mitchell
Matt Knicks & Stevie Fierce over Brandon Watts & Stephen Wolf
Jarek 1:20 vs. Jason Kincaid goes to a ten-minute time limit draw
WorkHorsemen (Anthony Henry & James Drake) over Kyle the Beast & Shane Mercer
AR Fox over DJZ
Darby Allin over Keith Lee and "Hot Sauce" Tracy Williams, earning the right to any match of his choosing in 2018
Austin Theory over Fred Yehi (c) to win the FIP World Heavyweight Championship
Matt Riddle over WALTER (No Rope Breaks Match)
Zack Sabre, Jr. (c) over Jaka to keep the Evolve World Championship
As always when I can point you to my recaps (Evolve 96, 97), I will do so and keep it short and sweet here, but suffice it to say, I believe the new format is a success. I could do without intermissions, but the preliminary matches are a cool way get some new talent in. In addition to the push for no rope rests is pretty sweet and is leading to some innovative stuff.
Check 'em out on , folks.
Beyond Cold Brew (December 10)
WALTER over David Starr
Brian Milonas & Cam Zagami over Anthony Greene & Brick Mastone by disqualification
Wheeler YUTA over Mike Verna (Tournament For Tomorrow 2017 Semifinal Match)
Amityville Project (Rex Lawless & Ryan Galeone) over American Gaijin (Jay Freddie & Rory Gulak)
AR Fox & Austin Theory over Brandon Watts & Zenshi
Ace Romero over Josh Briggs (Tournament For Tomorrow 2017 Semifinal Match)
Matt Riddle over Martin Stone
Darby Allin over John Silver
Keith Lee over Joey Janela
A couple injuries shuffled the card, but the show must go on and the Tournament For Tomorrow Finals are set with Ace Romero and Wheeler YUTA prepared to go head to head! And, as it turns out, Evolve is not the only place AR Fox has a posse, because the Watts/Zenshi team is finally done to get good, with Brandon turning on the erstwhile Shynron to hook up with Fox and Theory.
Check it out on Powerbomb.tv, folks.
Progress Chapter 59: Whatever People Say We Are, That's What We're Not (December 10)
Rampage Brown over Doug Williams
Chris Ridgeway over Adam Chase
Jack Sexsmith over Amir Jordan, Chief Deputy Dunne, Gabriel Kidd, Pastor William Eaver, Primate, Saxon Huxley, and Spike Trivet
Joseph Conners over Chuck Mambo
Chris Brookes over Matt Cross
Grizzled Young Veterans (James Drake & Zack Gibson) (c) over Aussie Open (Kyle Fletcher & Mark Davis) to keep the Progress Tag Team Championship
Travis Banks (c) over Eddie Dennis to keep the Progress Championship
As always when I recap a show I will keep it short and sweet here in Sermon and mother of god, traveling issues from the weather really did a number on this one, didn't they? The show must go on, obviously, and while the lack of British Strong Mode, "Flash" Morgan Webster, and Mark Andrews is keenly felt a whole lot of new faces made to show their stuff and former champion Rampage Brown made his return!
Check it out when it hits Demand Progress, folks.
As always...
Remember folks, no matter which sort of wrestling you like, no matter how down you feel about the state of WWE, Impact, ROH, or any other "big-time" pro wrestling, there's something out there for you. There's a pro wrestling product that can hit you in the ideal spot and make you love wrestling as you thought you'd never have the ability to love it again. It's there, I promise. You just gotta reach out and find it, and that, my friends, is what the Sermon on the Mat is all about.
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ocioenlinea · 5 years
Un viaje a La Tierra de las historias
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La saga literaria de Chris Colfer presenta su quinta entrega
El actor famoso por su papel como Kurt Hummel en la serie musical Glee en breve dio su paso a las historias impresas de ficción.
La Tierra de las historias debutó en el verano de 2012 y el último y más reciente llegó este año a las bibliotecas en español. Colfer dijo previamente a los medios que los gemelos en su novela se basan en sí mismo, porque es un Géminis.
Añadió que aunque es un libro para niños, él piensa que es algo que puede ser disfrutado por todas las edades. Agregó que planeó la creación de este mundo desde una edad muy temprana, y que cuando él era un niño era un medio que utilizaba para escapar del mundo real. Ahora llega la última entrega **La odisea del autor, en la cual “El Hombre Enmascarado” ha capturado a la familia real de “La Tierra de las Historias” con la ayuda de su ejército de grandes villanos que incluye a la Bruja Malvada del Oeste, a la Reina de Corazones y al Capitán Garfio.
Y no ve la hora de ocupar su lugar como emperador. Alex y Conner creen que no son rivales para la legión de villanos, hasta que se den cuenta de que tienen en sus manos el arma más grande de todas, su imaginación.
Pronto se embarcan en un viaje dentro de las historias de Conner para formar su propio ejército de piratas, ciborgs, superhéroes y momias. Y se preparan para darle batalla al Hombre Enmascarado. Mientras tanto, un plan mucho más peligroso se lleva a cabo. Uno que puede cambiar para siempre el destino de la Tierra de las historias y del Otromundo.
Los relatos de Conner cobran vida en esta quinta entrega. Te recomiendo ampliamente leer y compartir esta saga.
Twitter: @luisaddams
Chris Colfer fue ganador del Golden Globe en 2011 por su papel en la serie Glee
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Autora: Tessa Gratton
VRYA México
Un rey obsesionado con las profecías estelares ha drenado a Innis Lear de su magia salvaje y ahora las naciones enemigas rondan la isla sintiendo su creciente vulnerabilidad. Las feroces hijas del rey, Gaela, Reagan y Elia, saben que solo la coronación de un nuevo soberano podría revivir a su reino, resucitar su magia y ponerlo a la defensiva. Sin embargo, su padre no escogerá un heredero hasta la noche más larga del año.
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Autora: Marie Lu
VRYA México
Hideo es una amenaza para la humanidad, Emika debe detenerlo bajo cualquier precio, Zero será su único aliado. La suerte está echada y el premio será sobrevivir. Emika Chen apenas logró salir airosa del Campeonato Internacional de Warcross y ha perdido a la persona en quien más confiaba. Hideo tiene un plan descabellado, controlar a la humanidad para erradicar el crimen de la Tierra.
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DC Comics
Una miniserie de seis números en la cual Batman está en una búsqueda desesperada por la ciudad de Gotham, rastreando la versión oscura de sí mismo conocida como Grim Knight. Pero el suero que Batman ha administrado a sí mismo ha comenzado a transformar su mente, convirtiéndolo en algo mucho más oscuro, algo amoral y está empezando a perder su control sobre la realidad.
Luis Addams Torres. No.1130. 100519
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dpinoycosmonaut · 6 years
By Reuel R. Hermoso / August 11, 2018
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         After the season of their mother league has ended, most teams usually go on extended breaks and long vacations.  In the professional leagues such as the Philippine Basketball Association and the National Basketball Association in North America, one gets to see many of their players post on social media their latest trips to Europe or the Americas, China, and Japan, among many myriad destinations.  Community outreach programs and basketball clinics are also high on their agenda.           For the men’s basketball team of the Ateneo de Manila University, such travels, while also par for the course, are rarely done for leisure at all.  The Blue Eagles have gone to Europe, to the United States, to Japan, and, lately, to Taiwan – all to participate in pickup games, trainings, and, in the case of the trip to Taiwan, to even represent the Philippines in the 40th William Jones Cup last July.  They also joined local leagues and invitational tournaments over the course of the summer.  Some of the games they played have been exhilarating victories, others forgettable defeats.             But through it all, the team has remained focused on a single objective: to grab all possible chances to play together against any kind of opponent – some have been professional ballclubs or even national teams of their respective countries, like in the Jones Cup – under all conditions and climes, and despite the tremendous distances travelled.  And, to top it all, they have to stay focused as best they can on their studies – because they are student athletes.  All these, according to head coach Thomas Anthony “Tab” Baldwin, are geared toward getting – and keeping – his wards in tip-top shape for Ateneo’s parent league, the University Athletic Association of the Philippines, whose basketball season begins this coming September 8.           Not long after regaining the UAAP crown on December 3, 2017 after half a decade – their last UAAP title in 2012 was the last of a five-peat that began in 2008 – inside a jampacked Smart Araneta Coliseum in Cubao, Quezon City, the Blue Eagles spent the remainder of the semester catching up on rest – and, most importantly, schoolwork.  Finishing the school year 2017-2018 with respectable grades – slotman Isaac Go even got his name on the dean’s list – the newly-minted champions returned to their home base, the Moro Lorenzo Sports Center inside the Ateneo’s main campus at Loyola Heights, hit the gym and weights, and got their stride in the different offseason leagues, including the Smart City Hoops, facing and beating familiar foe Far Eastern University in the title match 70-58 in a grueling, highly physical battle.  The Blue Eagles also went up against last season’s UAAP Final Four contender Adamson University in the Breakdown Basketball Invitational Tournament held on the Eagles’ home grounds.           And to make more heads turn, especially among hoops pundits following the collegiate game, the Blue Eagles finished the elimination phase of the highly anticipated Fil-Oil/Flying V Pre-Season Premier Cup with a 9-0 card, which in itself was already a feat.  Considering the hectic schedule the Blue Eagles faced, which included the Smart City Hoops and Breakdown Basketball tournaments, and balancing that at the same time with school work – the ridiculous rescheduling of the school year made sure everyone would be sweating it out in school in the sweltering summer heat – the Fil-Oil/Flying V feat became even more awesome.  San Beda (now granted university status by the Department of Education), an old rival in the Philippine version of the National Collegiate Athletic Association, gave the Eagles a good fight in the elimination round, as did the other schools, like De La Salle from whom they had wrested the UAAP title.             The Green Archers made them bleed for every point in this first meeting of theirs since the UAAP finals.  That game was particularly trying as the Blue Eagles were coming into the contest from a showdown in the Breakdown tournament the day prior.  Though they got into the groove of their game toward the end of the opening quarter and were able to carry it into the second canto, the Ateneo boys could not put the Archers away so easily, with the latter playing with a lot of pride and a never-say-die attitude that their team has always been known for.  It was largely a nip-and-tuck affair from then on, far from the blowout that many had expected the Blue Eagles to unleash upon the Green Archers.  At the end of regulation, the game was tied at 71.  It was largely on the efforts of rookie big man Angelo Kouame that the Blue Eagles were able to seal the win in overtime, despite the desperate efforts to contain him in the post in extra time by La Salle’s rookie slotman from New Zealand, Taane Samuel, and local veterans in the post Santi Santillan and Justin Baltazar.  Final score: 81-75 in favor of Ateneo.           With the disposal of La Salle, and that 9-0 card tucked in their belts, the Blue Eagles set the stage for the title match against the reigning and defending Fil-Oil/Flying V champs, who they had also met and barely edged past in their first meeting in this tournament – the Red Lions.  In the tournament opener in April, Ateneo squeaked past San Beda 69-68, thwarting a lion-roaring comeback anchored on the red-hot shooting of San Beda gunner AC Soberano, who could have tilted the game in the Red Lions’ favor were it not for the lockdown defense on the sweet-shooting guard in the dying seconds of the game as he tried to knock down two attempts for the go-ahead basket.  Ateneo’s defensive specialist Gian Mamuyac made sure Soberano would not get a good look at the ring.           In the title match on June 30, the Blue Eagles were readier for the defending Fil-Oil/Flying V and NCAA champs.  Their coaching staff had figured out that the key to winning against this vaunted squad from Mendiola was to tame its backcourt generals, Soberano and JV Mocon, and to keep them from organizing their offense and from scoring themselves, as well as to keep the ball from getting into the post, where San Beda big man Donald Tankoua was raring to get his game going, along with new recruit Eugene Toba.  Against Tankoua, Kouame was more than a handful due largely to the latter’s size and length.  Skills and athleticism considered, Tankoua would have the edge in both, plus the veteran smarts to pull one over Kouame, but in the low blocks, size really matters.  Ateneo dependable Matt Nieto patrolled the perimeter, scoring timely baskets to take the wind out of San Beda’s sails.  In the end, a new tournament champion was holding up the championship trophy, with the Blue Eagles scoring a decisive 76-62 victory over the Red Lions.           What made the Fil-Oil/Flying V series jaw-dropping was the fact that just days earlier in Greece on June 21, the Eagles beat the Olympiakos Club’s Under-18 team 95-73, and went on to beat even the National Under-21 team 84-82 on a Thirdy Ravena buzzer beater, prompting the Greeks, who have produced such NBA notables as Kurt Rambis of the Los Angeles Lakers, Peja Stojakovic of the Sacramento Kings, and now Giannis Antetokounmpo of the Milwaukee Bucks, to lavish praise on the reigning champs and, in particular, their King Eagle Thirdy.  So with some fatigue – their young bodies may be better able to cope with it but it’s still there regardless – and jetlag coming all the way from Europe, the act of ending the Fil-Oil/Flying V tournament with a 12-0 card is an awesome feat in itself.           Of course, there was that one week spell when they went to Greece, but again, that was all business, or most of it was anyway.  Maybe a little sightseeing at the Acropolis in Athens, but that was about it.  In a few hours, they were back home to face San Beda.  With practically no sleep and jetlag all over them, everyone would’ve understood if the Blue Eagles decided to have an off day, hand the game – and the tournament back-to-back – to San Beda, and no one would really have minded.  It was a preseason stint, after all.  No big deal if you let it go.             Not with coach Tab though.  Kouame related that their venerable mentor, who was in the US for a short visit with family (chief assistant Sandy Arespacochaga coached the Eagles in the championship game against the Bedans), texted each one of them: “The mind will tell the body what to do.”  And those tough young minds did tell those tough, young, but very tired bodies that they could do this; they could win this title.  Against FEU in the semifinal round, the Blue Eagles’ shots rarely found the bottom of the net. But they decided they would frustrate the Tamaraws’ powerful offense with some critical stops.  The old basketball adage that “you can have an off day on offense, but defense never takes a break” is firmly ingrained in Ateneo basketball even as far back as the Joe Lipa years and was solidly entrenched by Norman Black during the team’s fabulous five-peat era that it can’t be cast aside just that easily.  It was this defensive mindset that carried them all the way to the top of the Fil-Oil/Flying V with nary a loss, winning a title in the tournament that Ateneo last held during the five-peat period in 2011.           What do all these hectic preseason activities mean for the Blue Eagles?  More than the experience of winning against the best of Philippine collegiate hoops, more than winning against the vastly talented Hellas, descendants of Achilles and Hercules, the boys from Loyola Heights sought to gain a treasure trove of insights and lessons in the way the game is really played on the international scene. Coach Baldwin, having taught a number of national teams, including those of Lebanon and New Zealand, wants to steer Ateneo basketball toward a more international, less America-centric type of game.           “We’re too obsessed with the American (style of) game,” the American mentor noted about Filipinos. The international style of basketball, which originated in Europe, relies heavily on team play, focuses less on star players, and emphasizes a lot of motion offense with or without the ball.  It also puts a heavy premium on team defense, stops, and gang rebounding on both ends of the floor.           It is in this direction that coach Baldwin wants to pilot the Blue Eagles as they begin their title defense next month when the UAAP basketball season begins with a couple of round-robin eliminations, a series of playoffs in the Final Four format, and a best-of-three title series to cap the season sometime in December.  For the Blue Eagles, no merrier Christmas can be had than hoisting up their second championship trophy in as many seasons.  Hopefully for them, the paradigm shift brought by coach Tab will see to that. (Photo Credit: Facebook/ateneobasketball) 
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reddhechanova · 6 years
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"You can change the world, just like you always thought you would. You can make a positive change. You can do meaningful deeds and make a positive impact on other people." Thankful for this chance to share my story - advocacy in MagTv Na Amiga in ABS-CBN Negros this coming Sunday at 8:30am. Salamat Kurt Soberano for guiding me all the way. Allen Jardinazo for coordination and full support sa campaign ko, Mam Myne Barbon, Mam Lory and sa tanan nga staff especially to sir director Rene Jun Ogapong 😇😇😇 To support please click: https://bit.ly/2GTW6qW #potorobagcampaign #beagiver #canlaonkids (at Camella Homes Subdivision- Mandalagan, Bacolod City)
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pasajemasbarato · 6 years
Las viajeras que ostentan el récord Guinness por su forma de viajar
El libro Guinness de los récords, es una obra de referencia publicada anualmente que contiene una colección de récords mundiales, tanto en los logros humanos como del mundo natural.
También hay viajeras que han logrado ser incluidos en este libro. A continuación, algunos de los más espectaculares.
Récords de viajeros mujeres
La mujer que viajó más rápidamente a todos los países: Entre el 24 de julio de 2015 y el 2 de febrero de 2017, Cassandra De Pecol (EEUU) visitó los 195 países soberanos en una gira de 1 año y 193 días.
Mayor distancia recorrida en bicicleta en un año: El 5 de abril de 2017, Amanda Coker (EEUU) superó la marca de 122.432,4 kilómetros establecida por Kurt Searvorgel (EEUU). En total, hizo 122.686.56... en solo un año.
Viaje más largo en bicitaxi: lo realizó Crystal David (Australia) en 2015. Pedaleó 1.672 kilómetros desde Port Douglas hasta Hervey Bay, en Queensland, Australia, entre el 17 de octubre y el 12 de diciembre.
Viaje más largo en kite surf: Anke Brandt (Alemania) recorrió 489.62 kilómetros en kit surf entre Amwaj Marina y la isla de Al Dar, Baréin, entre el 17 y el 18 de julio de 2015.
La vuelta al mundo más rápida en bici: Juliana Buhring pedaléo 29.060 kilómetros y 152 días saliendo desde Nápoles y volviendo a llegar a allí.
Antártida sobre esquíes: el 14 de noviembre de 2014 y el 27 de enero de 2015, Stéphanie Gicquel recorrió la Antártida sobre esquíes. ¿La distancia? Nada menos que 2.045 kilómetros. ¿La temperatura? -50 º.
Vuelta al mundo en barco (en solitario): La navegante británica Ellen MacArthur rompió en 2005 el récord del mundo en dar la vuelta al mundo en barco en solitario.
Vuelta al mundo a pie: Rosie Swale-Pope recorrió pie 32.000 kilómetros. Os lo explicamos con más detalle aquí.
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- La noticia Las viajeras que ostentan el récord Guinness por su forma de viajar fue publicada originalmente en Diario del Viajero por Sergio Parra .
SEGUIR LEYENDO... http://bit.ly/2nbDxVs via IFTTT
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miscelanea-geek · 7 years
Resenha | Guardiões da Galáxia Vol. 2
Há quase 3 anos fomos agraciados com uma das propostas mais ousadas da Marvel Studios: Guardiões da Galáxia. Um filme que não só apresentava um tom mais cômico que de costume, como introduzia um grupo de personagens totalmente desconhecido ao espectador (e até mesmo à alguns fãs de HQs). James Gunn foi o responsável pelo projeto, e conseguiu manejar com certa destreza tal empreitada, mesmo que não isenta de erros (como a dificuldade em trazer um vilão bem desenvolvido, até hoje um dos pontos fracos do estúdio). Com carisma de sobra, a aventura logo conquistou inúmeros fãs que fizeram da música “Hooked on a Feeling” uma espécie de hino do grupo intergalático.
Sua continuação agora sabe o que o público espera e decide abraçar de vez o absurdo, sem deixar de lado uma de suas características mais marcantes, que é a pungente atmosfera oitentista, quase que uma integrante da equipe. Passando da trilha sonora até mesmo o casting (Sylvester Stallone e Kurt Russel, ícones da década em questão, figuram o elenco), é quase como se tivéssemos vivido no mesmo período que Peter Quill, que não dispensa referências remetentes (tantas que o público mais jovem pode não pegar de primeira).
Com uma narrativa dividida em pedaços, bem como seus personagens, por vezes temos a sensação de uma falta de objetivo concreto na trama. E talvez este seja seu aspecto mais interessante, porque permite uma melhor compreensão daqueles seres pelos quais torcemos. Enquanto que o primeiro filme os estabeleceu como uma equipe, agora os vemos como indivíduos com arcos dramáticos definidos. E cada um desses arcos se encaixa de uma forma ou de outra, por meio de um tema tão simples quanto íntimo. E é dessa intimidade que nasce uma ameaça competente, embora totalmente exagerada; esta é a forma com a qual o filme nos passa sua mensagem.
A construção de universo, tão primordial numa película deste escopo, é simplesmente fenomenal, indo do lustroso palácio da raça dos Soberanos (que são uma ameça/contratempo aos heróis) até o planeta de Ego, pai do personagem de Chris Pratt, que emanam as características de seus residentes e apresentam cores vibrantes contrastantes numa paleta muito mais aproveitada aqui do que em qualquer outro filme do estúdio (que tinham, até então, uma espécie de filtro fosco que denegria a imagem e tornava seus filmes, esteticamente, homogêneos). Nada que a direção de fotografia não saiba aproveitar muitíssimo bem, tornando tomadas em obras de arte dignas de serem penduradas na parede.
Outro aspecto que envelopa tal universo é a já mencionada trilha sonora, desta vez a Awesome Mix Vol. 2, que consegue ser tão marcante quanto sua predecessora e que, felizmente, não é colocada arbitrariamente durante a narrativa (a abertura, que conta com um divertido plano-sequência protagonizado pelo Baby Groot, é embalada por “Mr. Blue Sky”, e só isso já dá o tom da aventura). Algumas delas, inclusive, dão dicas do que virá a seguir. A trilha composta por Tyler Bates permanece tão boa quanto, sabendo dar o impacto necessário às cenas (fora que é impossível não se arrepiar assim que o tema dos Guardiões começa).
Todavia, não fosse o humor exacerbado, teria aproveitado ainda mais o filme. Temos alguns momentos sérios ao longo da projeção, e muitos deles são seguidos de piadinhas utilizadas no timing errado, chegando a provocar exaustão. É notório que Guardiões da Galáxia não se leve tão a sério como muitos filmes do gênero, mas peca pelo excesso na apresentação de sua falta de nexo. Mesmo assim, quando bem utilizada, provoca boas risadas (muitas delas provenientes de Drax, Mantis e Baby Groot).
Nota: 9,0
Obs.: Há 5(!) cenas pós-créditos.
Obs. 2: Assistir em IMAX 3D é fortemente indicado, visto que reproduz todas as qualidades visuais e sonoras do filme de forma impecável.
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teleindiscreta · 7 years
He visto Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2, una película que se arriesga a hacer algo diferente y termina siendo genial
Fuente original: He visto Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2, una película que se arriesga a hacer algo diferente y termina siendo genial Puedes ver más visitando Teleindiscreta - Las mejores noticias de actualidad, famosos, salud, belleza, cocina, motor, música y mucho más.
Esta es una reseña completamente libre de spoilers.
Vol. 2 te atrapa de inmediato al empezar. Su trama se desarrolla a unos pocos meses de la casi perfecta primera Guardians, y al igual que su predecesora, Vol. 2 comienza revelando más historia del pasado de sus personajes mediante un flashback. Después de esto se lleva a cabo una escena de acción enorme durante los crédito de apertura, incluyendo a cuatro de los cinco Guardianes luchando contra una bestia mítica. El quinto, Bebé Groot, simplemente baila al son de la música mientras sus amigos pelean a muerte.
La escena es una maravilla. Es perfecta. Es todo lo que esperarías de una película de Guardians of the Galaxy escrita y dirigida por James Gunn. Está llena de humor, acción, un apartado visual precioso, decisiones audaces y música genial. De manera instantánea te conectarás a estos héroes como lo hiciste en la primera película, al igual que notarás lo conectados que ellos están el uno del otro. El mundo (o galaxia) de los Guardianes se siente familiar, aunque a su vez no dejará de sorprenderte con sus rarezas. Ver de regreso a este equipo se siente genial, y al comenzar la película no podrás esperar por ver de qué se trata esta nueva aventura.
Es en este momento en el que Vol. 2 se tambalea, porque en lugar de mantener a los Guardianes juntos, cada uno recibe su propio camino individual en la historia que seguirán y muy pocos de ellos se cruzarán. El resultado es una película con varias historias interesantes y misteriosas siendo presentadas de un solo tirón, pero le falta esa conexión que ayudó a que el primer film fuera tan querido.
Esto es lo que sucede: los Guardianes están siendo cazados por una raza alienígena conocida como los Soberanos, debido a que Rocket les robó algo. Lo siguiente que sucede es que aparece Kurt Russell como Ego, el misterioso y ausente padre de Star-Lord del que tanto se habló en la primera película. Después, Star-Lord (Chris Pratt), Gamora (Zoe Saldana) y Drax (Dave Bautista) viajarán con Ego para encontrar más información sobre su pasado, mientras que Rocket y Groot son capturados por los Saqueadores, quienes fueron enviados por los Soberanos para matar a los Guardianes.
En el planeta de Ego conoceremos a Mantis, un personaje misterioso y nuevo en la saga interpretado por Pom Klementieff. En cuanto a los Saqueadores, dos personajes tomarán más relevancia en esta película: Taserface (interpretado por Chris Sullivan) y Kraglin (interpretado por Sean Gunn).
Y ya está. Durante el resto de Vol. 2 los personajes no hacen más que explorar sus propias historias, y la película se toma un buen tiempo para explicarlas y desarrollarlas. En alguna ocasión hace que la trama se sienta un poco lenta, pero a su vez permite que haya mucha más intimidad. Por ejemplo, conoceremos realmente la lucha interna de Peter por finalmente conocer a su papá, la problemática relación de Gamora con su hermanastra Nebula, y lo que Rocket realmente siente acerca del equipo.
Yondu, interpretado por Michael Rooker, también tiene un papel mucho más grande e importante en la película. Ego, el planeta viviente, tiene una historia enorme y un propósito importante. La historia de Gunn, así parezca sencilla en la superficie, en realidad es mucho más complicada de lo que imaginamos gracias al tiempo que pasamos con cada personaje en cada situación. Incluso si ninguna de las historias se sienten como el foco principal del film, el tener tantas cosas ocurriendo al mismo tiempo le otorga un núcleo potente e inesperado. En Vol. 2 hay muchas más posibilidades de que sueltes una lágrima que en cualquier otra película de Marvel.
Y aún así, con la película completamente centrada en los personajes y sus relaciones, a veces se siente un poco difusa. Hay momentos en los que estamos viendo el desarrollo de la historia de Peter y Ego, pero luego saltamos a Yondu y Rocket, después saltamos a Gamora y Nebula, y después a los Soberanos. Cada una de estas escenas es excelente de manera individual, pero a la película pareciera faltarle un propósito dado que no tiene un objetivo definido o un villano principal. Gran parte de la película se puede sentir confusa, como que los personajes están esperando que suceda algo que los una de nuevo.
Afortunadamente llega un momento en que ese algo sucede. No voy a decir qué es, pero hay un giro argumental genial que hace que el equipo se reúna y vuelva esa magia que caracteriza a los Guardianes de la Galaxia. Si a eso le añades cinco escenas post créditos (!!!), es muy posible que salgas de la sala de cine con una sonrisa pintada en el rostro.
Esto es lo mejor y lo peor de la película. No hay nada que me desagrade del film, y hay muchas cosas que amo, pero la sombra de la primera Guardians es evidente y le afecta. Es fácil notar que Gunn quería hacer algo diferente con la secuela, desafiar algunas expectativas, y lo logra. Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 es mucho más profunda, emocional y sorprendente que su predecesora. La desventaja es que en muchas ocasiones sentirás que quieres ver mucho más de eso que te hizo enamorarte de los Guardianes en primer lugar.
Lo que quiere lograr James Gunn con Vol. 2 es que sientas muchas cosas. Que rías al ver momento geniales y divertidos. Que sientas escalofríos en tu cuerpo. Que se te haga incómodo ver algo, y muchas emociones más. Esto le da a la audiencia un vistazo mucho más profundo de los mejores amigos de la galaxia.
Vol. 2 no es exactamente la película que esperas de Guardians of the Galaxy. El film explora nuevas direcciones pero a su vez no se cohíbe al traer momentos clásicos de la primera película. Después de un inicio que seguramente alegrará a los fanáticos de la primera entrega, las cosas se tornan un poco lentas, lo que hará que sientas que el film es diferente a lo que imaginabas. Sin embargo, al final todo tiene sentido y el grupo vuelve a unirse para una última escena gloriosa.
Aún con sus diferencias, Vol. 2 es tan genial como su predecesora. Diferente, pero genial.
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 se estrena el 5 de mayo.
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Fuente: Gizmodo
La entrada He visto Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2, una película que se arriesga a hacer algo diferente y termina siendo genial aparece primero en Teleindiscreta.
from He visto Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2, una película que se arriesga a hacer algo diferente y termina siendo genial
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