#krinn my beloved
dank-morpork · 1 year
Say what you will about Picard season three, but a Vulcan gangster with a cheek tattoo and half an ear missing who believes that organized crime is a logical necessity to advance society is a character I never knew I needed until today.
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romulanslutempire · 10 months
So, in editing this stupidly long — 08:56, to be specific — Sera and Manu vid that’s set across the multitimelineverse, I’ve been getting a few more concrete ideas from the footage I’ve maniped together for my current verses, including the convoluted, but dearly beloved (to me), Destroyer of Worlds, which is essentially an AU of an AU, following on from A Quality of Mercy with Admiral Pike making the terrible decision™ to wake Khan after encountering the Botony Bay instead of Captain Kirk, hoping he will join their cause, which… he does, except it offsets an even darker timeline that was never supposed to exist.
From there I’ve basically cannibalised a bunch of “Bad Future” bits and bobs across various Trek and a few other sources with a dash of inspiration from the Mirror Universe as well. But all of that is a TL;DR post for another time.
Anyway, back to Sera and Manu, I was trying to figure out where to put their first meeting and incorporate him into the verse in general — Sera I already solidly have a complete arc for. And now I’m inclined to have it occur after she’s exiled by La’an after their biggest bust up yet (the girlies will stop fighting eventually, but La’an at this point is still forever salty about alt!Kirk with no interest in amends) from the ISS Puget Sound II.
[ Insert that Krinn quote here about pride and downfall being the natural evolution of it. ]
Sera then sarcastic Vulcan salutes her way back onto her shuttle with the intention of going after Khan by herself (third time’s the charm, right?) but a navigational glitch puts her in Gorn space instead.
Enter Manu Noonien-Singh, AKA the planetary nursery MVP, best big brother, Gorn hunter, Lewis Tan looking fine and divine, ritual schmitual, Mr. Brawn and Brains.
He saves her from becoming lizard chow and welcomes her aboard his stolen starship the Wrath, and I figure they have a few adventures of their own together on their way back to Deep Space 19, which is Resistance HQ, since that’s literally the only “home” Sera has left, along with one of the few safe spaces in the Quadrant for non-Humans.
And that’s very much a midway point where they both then get involved on the space station with Admiral James Insane-Middle-Name Kirk, which is awkward for Sera. For. So. Many. Reasons. Even though this James is not the James she pew pew’d with an antique.
Long conversation short with myself, it’s a good solid place to establish more canon with them, and with Manu and Sera both essentially being independent there’s also the capacity for them to go off-station for missions as and when they’re needed.
And then, obviously, at some point, La’an will be back, and that’s where the aforementioned in previous musings Echo/Bellamy/Octavia style arc comes in to play, followed by eventual actual forgiveness instead of their dynamic being teeth clenched teamwork under the mutual agreement “the enemy of my enemy is my friend.”
The sparring scene from The 100 says it all for how I visualise it initially going with Octavia/La’an being like, “No, I will not forgive this murderer for something she did [X] amount of years ago, alternate timeline or not.” And Bellamy/Manu being like, “I’m not justifying it, but who she was then is not who she is now.”
Additional Manu/Sera adventures and notes include:
An encounter with the Augments who inform Khan that not one but two of his descendants are still alive… and both of them are working for the Resistance.
Introducing each other to different beverages: Manu to kali-fal and Sera to tea practice.
Hanging out in the holosuite.
Intimate exchanges of truths.
Manu being captured by the Orion Syndicate and forced into an underground fighting ring. Sera then has to get the green body paint out to infiltrate the arena to rescue him.
Manu imparting his knowledge about the Gorn to Sera, including how to interpret their light signals.
Manu learning about Romulan culture to better understand her.
Manu becoming the one person in the world that Sera trusts implicitly.
Manu thinking Sera’s ears are elegant and pretty.
Rescuing a group of refugees from a Gorn breeding planet.
Sera eventually giving Manu her true name (and heart).
Sera giving Manu a crash course in (old) Earth history, including memes and the best of Toronto cuisine, to make up for his lost youth on the breeding planet.
Sera teaching Manu how to read, write, and speak Romulan, only to be surprised by how quickly he picks it up. (What? He’s good with his tongue.)
Stopping the Serene Squall after they raid a Resistance supply ship carrying essential dilithium for the cause.
Training together and showing each other new moves from their respective fighting styles.
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