badsithnocookie · 7 months
the new owners of swtor sent out a feedback survey and honestly when i have some more energy i might actually fill it out properly just bc. even if i don't play the game any more i still care about it yk?
the points i intend to make are in no particular order
kotfetet did a lot of things wrong but it allowing you to replay story was good, more of that plx
repeatable. group. content.
stop locking loot behind paywalls
add fishing
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dottiechan · 4 years
I wish there was a way to play through Kotfetet as just a regular member of the Alliance. I have a million toons who'd be supportive assets rather than the main OP heroes of the story.
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blairextraordinaire · 6 years
Life Day on Odessen
Theron "reasonably cheery" Shan has some sort of passive-aggressive sweater, like a gingerbread wookiee that says "bite me".
Koth is all over the new (to him) holiday and has to try all the festive foods.
Vette goes all-out decorating the entire Alliance base, with assistance from C2-N2, of course.
Torian and Qyzen go hunting the week before and bring back all sorts of traditional roast meats from around the galaxy.
Gault catches Hylo under the mistletoe. Hylo is having none of it, and takes up Kaliyo's suggestion to start MistleFoe, where you fight whoever is under the decoration. Lana quickly puts an end to this.
Arcann and Senya spending their first enjoyable holiday together.
Add your own!
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girlbob-boypants · 2 years
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Republic characters will be completely phased out of the pub side story but I still can't escort the Sith out of my party to give screentime to more important companions
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codariidoescrimes · 4 years
Anyways swtor did the “military organisation is a front for the sith emperor’s secret plans” plot better than tros send tweet
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motheatenscarf · 6 years
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I think Kiran might be the most goth of all my characters because invariably all of his best screencaps are taken in tombs.
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me: “alright, I should try to romance someone other than Lana this time or at least stay faithful to my vanilla romance”
Lana: *appears*
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fancyfade · 5 years
atonerand replied to your post :
                   atonerand replied to your link :                ...                
   I think rewriting kotfetet is a dream a lot of ppl have and i’d love to read your rewrite if you ever do it. I’d do it so the companions wouldn’t be kissing the ground the commander walks in. But also enjoy dc! It must be filled with lore and interesting things.   
oh yeah that is definitely tru re: re-writing kotfetet. it would be hard to manage all the companions, TBH, but also if they’re not kissing ground commander walks on, maybe some of them would leave? TBH Lana would leave Tank, my canon outlander, unless she gets something out of it, because Lana wouldn’t respect Tank’s decision making process and would butt heads with her general... LS/good person-ness.
im glad to hear you’d be interested if i get around to it! whether i get around to it probably depends on how much time i have and if swtor gets another feature as a special interest. ATM I am special interesting the DC pretty hard :P
DC does have lots of interesting lore, but like many things that have enough writers or go on long enough, i feel like some of it gets butchered. especially in new 52 where they reset a ton of characters backstories (like cass cain not being batgirl anymore for one)
and just in case you don’t know what new 52 is (I know you know some DC stuff), new 52 was in 2011 i think when they decided to restart their entire universe to appeal to new readers. but not all characters got hit with the reset button. it was very confusing who they decided to reset and who not, or who to retcon out of existence, and i’m guessing it was just based on popularity or whatever.
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badsithnocookie · 25 days
secrets of the enclave (dantooine fp/story)
Oh Boy another field trip with annoying sith
altho krovos is probably just grumpy she can't be with her gf so i'll let her off. rivix is on thin fucking ice however
with all the saboteur options in this story bit it's actually more frustrating bc i Just Know that nothing willever go anywhere with it
one thing i will say for swtor tho is their environmental artists are top tier.
oh krovos is convinced malgus gives even a single blue fuck about the empire this is adorable. babygirl you are not very smart are you
leeha :D
oh. oh rivix refuses to listen to you if you tell him to play nice. rare elusive bioware character with a spine. god dammit bioware stop making me like your characters
oh okay i guess leeha's in schroedinger's morturary as well now huh.
it's funnier tho than it has any right to be that krovos and malgus have a Force Bond. even if, granted, everything that would be needed for it was retroactively added with this story chunk, but. quality bioware storytelling
im assuming the same is also true of someone who babysits the pc pub side as well. really considering it's the pc who keeps having to spank him it's them he should have that bond with but i guess you have to include for non force users so
(nah im not even commenting on the revan stuff like. yeah i knew it going in and yeah its shit but at this point i cant muster anything much beyond tired disapproval)
i kinda don't. entirely hate the little thing where you're sending companions off on missions across the galaxy? but like. i dont love that it's filler cutscene content. a more involved mechanic along the lines of xiv's squadrons or sto's duty officer system where you can send npc parties out on missions for rewards/alliance xp could have been an interesting addition (kotfetet era mostly) if only bc it would. 1. give the illusion that you're actually Commanding shit and 2. some purpose to these npcs you're otherwise just collecting to take up space in your base, but. that would require like. effort and i don't think bioware broadsword have had the resources to add such a system since before f2p. (then again they're adding this new companion unlock grind with the current patch so idk)
but apparently this was the last real Content before lots which i dont have unlocked and. honestly part of me just wants to just sub for a month so i can gripe about how terrible it will inevitably be
i know that the launch stuff at least is largely considered underwhelming but like. my expectations for this game are somewhere in the gutter so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
but. i will revisit that thought in the morning lol
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badsithnocookie · 27 days
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we do not deserve this man. bioware broadsword do not deserve this man.
i'm not a Huge fan of koth's date night pulling double duty as some post-kotfetet zakuul exposition but it absolutely tracks he'd be working with the refugees, so. i also don't love that they did that 'hey look eat this gross food as a rite of passage' but that's just a. personal bugbear
(like. bruh. anya's a sith. she probably considers some grosser-to-white-americans things as comfort food.) [war flashbacks to that time imp fandom all got collectively performatively grossed out/scandalised by the idea of putting BLOOD in SOUP]
...koth. i adore this man he deserves all the best things
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dottiechan · 4 years
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Introducing Mrir’s and Arcann’s children! (They fit into an AU where at least two decades pass between the end of Kotfetet and the beginning of Jedi Under Siege & Onslaught)
Aivela Tirall
older sister
takes after his father more, also force-sensitive (trained by Senya, later apprentice to Darth Acina)
neutral, accepts her mother’s decision to side with the Empire and becomes one of the main liaisons between the two powers
collected, cool, guarded, loyal
Sanyan Tirall
younger by 4 years
takes after Mrir (not force-sensitive, Chiss appearance, affinity for tech & weapons)
profit-oriented, dislikes Imperials and becomes a rogue element after the Alliance aligns with the Empire (mostly involved in smuggling for neutral parties & criminal organisations)
hot-headed, emotional, caring, ingenious
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dottiechan · 5 years
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Arcann and Mrir are goals tbh
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girlbob-boypants · 2 years
Also as a note this is hands down the worst cinematic trailer they've released combat wise
Slow motion shots won't hide your crumbling budget
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badsithnocookie · 5 years
i want to punch whoever designed the ‘find a findsman’ quest
‘board your spaceship’ ‘use your spaceship to travel to zakuul’ right as they make spaceships and spaceship travel irrelevant
fucking bioware!!!!!!!!!
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codariidoescrimes · 5 years
On Zakuul and Thrawn
Yea, I know, weird choice of topics to pair together. But I’ve been thinking about the new Thrawn books and (my fave topic ever) SW:TOR and I’ve had some thoughts™ that I wanted to discuss. Namely around a certain reveal near the end of the first Thrawn novel. Under a cut for discussion of spoilers for BOTH the first Thrawn novel (of the new series that is) AND for spoilers of p much all the swtor content post the base game so like if you haven’t experienced one of those yet and you wanna go in blind stop reading here. :D
So I guess I’ll start with why I’m talking about the Thrawn books on my old republic blog. No it’s NOT just because there’s Chiss in swtor (have i mentioned you can play as a chiss in swtor. because you totally can. it’s great!). Shameless plugs for my fave game aside, it’s because of a conversation Thrawn has near the end of the book with Nightswan, just before Pryce fucks over Batonn. Specifically, about Thrawn’s motives for joining the Empire. Now YMMV about exactly how honest he was being at that point, but this post is gonna operate under the assumption that he was at least telling the truth that there’s something out there in the Unknown Regions scaring the Chiss shitless. And like, the Chiss are fuckin COLD (pun intended), so whatever that is... it’s not smth good.
But Arden, what about the Yuuzhan Vong aka ya kno ‘the thing that was ALREADY in the unknown regions in the old canon’. Yea um sure, I guess Timothy Zahn could bring them back. But like.... that doesn’t mean he HAS to. No offence to hardcore Vong fans, but I tried to get into that era of star wars and well, failed. And sure, he could bring them back, and maybe he will, but imho there are much more interesting things out in the unknown regions for our heroes to face off against in the cinematic era. Such as Zakuul.
Because, and please don’t take away my swtor fan card for this, I think kotfetet was the weakest part of swtor. I also think that Zakuul was a wasted concept. Like, at it’s heart it’s actually kinda cool. It’s a society completely separate from anything the Empire or the Republic. It’s one of those paradises where everything is done by droids, including most of the military work while the citizens live in luxury, sitting above the shitty swamp area where dissidents flee to. It’s got an organisation of force users who don’t subscribe to either the light or the dark, and a fleet powerful enough to kick both the Empire and the Republic’s asses. It’s a genuinely neat concept. It was just... somewhat butchered by it’s introduction.
SoR (controversial for its treatment of Revan in and of itself) and Ziost after were both setting up a major plotline where the Emperor has separated himself from the Empire and is full on eating planets. (not in a ‘nom nom cronchy rocks’ sense more a ‘murder death leaving a desolate wasteland behind’ sense fyi). It was Going Places. And then kotfetet came outta left field, did a total 180 plotwise where “actually the emperor ISNT trying to eat everyone he’s gone off and started ANOTHER empire because reasons? and got married and had kids also because reasons? and now he’s dead but also hanging around in your head telling you to use his power? Oh and this game that was built around being able to play your own character has suddenly picked up this storyline that railroads you into playing either a Very Specific Light Side Character or a Very Specific Dark Side Character. 
What I’m saying is. Come thru for us Timothy Zahn. Give us a Zakuul that we have a chance to explore in full as an interesting and complex threat rather than being a stupidly introduced excuse for a basic 1 fits all power fantasy plot. Because, and I recognize that I might be alone in this, I think there could be something really cool to salvage from the somewhat mess that was kotfetet. 
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badsithnocookie · 6 years
1. where the fuck does saresh’s ‘corruption’ come from, anyway? it doesn’t exist in vanilla. not even in sor. yeah, she’s brash and she tunnelvisions and she’s ambitious and she can be manipulative (welcome to politics, ya muppet). but corrupt? that is 100% tacked on in kotfe and comes out of nowhere other than bioware’s desire to villainise the republic
2. why the ever loving fuck would saresh even contemplate working with an imperial. she loathes the empire with every fibre of her angry being. she does not like them, does not trust them, and sure as shit would not even entertain the idea of working with lorman. no, not even if there was the remotest outside chance that she wanted him installed as a puppet emperor. she wouldn’t do that, not least because she wouldn’t trust him not to turn on her the moment he had what he wanted. i just.
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