#kluger official
klugerofficial · 7 months
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Kluger là thương hiệu chuyên cung cấp các sản phẩm chậu vòi bếp cao cấp theo tiêu chuẩn châu Âu. Mang trong mình sứ mệnh kiến tạo không gian bếp tiện nghi và tầm nhìn trở thành thương hiệu số 1 Việt Nam về thiết bị nhà bếp, chúng tôi không ngừng nâng cao khả năng sáng tạo, chất lượng sản phẩm và dịch vụ khách hàng. Đồng hành cùng Kluger để trải nghiệm: Sản phẩm chất lượng – Công năng tiện nghi – Thiết kế sang trọng – Dịch vụ chuyên nghiệp.
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klugervn · 7 months
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Vòi rửa bát Kluger KLF0001C nhập khẩu
Vòi dây rút nóng lạnh thế hệ mới
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blackacre13 · 2 years
Your stories are amazing! I've had an idea - what about Lou and Debbie are going camping or something. Maybe Debbie reminds it of the good old days with her family in her childhood. And I would love smut in this too 🙏 please. I fucking love your smut stories so much !
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“Fuck!” Debbie cursed, stepping on a twig that snapped in half, flying up at her as she tried to catch her breath, having scared herself with the snap it made as Lou turned back with concern, a sweaty bandana holding her bangs flat against her forehead as a water bottle swung in the air against her backpack. Lou was built for crap like this. Debbie Ocean…well. “I can’t believe you talked me into this shit,” Debbie grumbled, stepping around the area of fallen branches into smoother territory as she fell into stride with the blonde along the dirt path.
“This was your idea, honey,” Lou smirked, looking ahead, squinting at the mile markers as Debbie rolled her eyes.
“I was hoping you’d forget that tiny detail.”
“And miss the chance to throw it back in your face?” The blonde chuckled. “You’d never be so lucky, love. Come on, should just be another half hour or so.”
“Half hour?” Debbie groaned, stopping in her tracks as she kicked at a rock like a petulant child as her wife frowned at her, hand on her hip.
“Maybe if you wore the hiking boots I bought you…”
“I’m wearing sneakers,” Debbie murmured, glaring down at the rubber-soled shoes. “I miss my heels.”
“I think you’ll live, Ocean,” Lou decided, pretending to check her pulse before she nodded her head along the trail. “Come on, I want to get the tent up while we still have some sunlight. Besides, that last twig would’ve snapped your stiletto heel right off.”
“Lou,” Debbie whined, starting to walk alongside her partner, but begrudgingly so.
“You’re acting like a real Daphne right now,” Lou pointed out.
“She solved mysteries in heels and dresses,” Debbie reminded her.
“I meant Daphne Kluger,” Lou smirked.
“Take that back, Miller!” Debbie shrieked, jogging to keep up with the blonde as she sprinted ahead, cracking her gum as she laughed.
“Come on,” Lou whispered with a gentle smile as she grabbed Debbie’s hand, slowing down their pace to a brisk walk as she swung their hands back and forth, Debbie humming with contentment as she even took time to look up at the sky as blue started to dip into the purples and pinks of early evening and the larger than life trees around them feeling small and simple for one of the rare times in her life.
The temporary peace was shattered as the blonde quickly lost her patience, tapping her foot as she let out exasperated breaths as Debbie tried to pinch tent poles together without reading the directions as Lou waited for the inevitable quitting and turning to Lou as she eventually admitted defeat and decided to abandon her stubbornness to listen to Lou and work as a team as they hitched the rest of the tent with ease. But it quickly returned as the sun took its final dip, slipping into the deep sky as stars started to pop out one by one, twinkling against the darkening sky, Debbie leaning back in her chair as Lou fiddled with the wood, getting a fire started for them.
“Thanks for doing this with me, baby,” Debbie whispered suddenly, breaking the peaceful silence between them as they watched sparks flicker from the fire, shifting into the stale area above them, the brunette resting her head against Lou’s shoulder as Lou murmured a quiet, “of course”, kissing Debbie’s forehead before resting her own against hers.
“What’s the official Danny Ocean S’mores recipe?”
“Double the chocolate,” Debbie smiled, the flames making her dark eyes glimmer as Lou chuckled.
“And for Debbie Ocean?”
“Fuck the sandwich,” Debbie grinned. “I need that marshmallow in my mouth stat, flame practically still burning.”
“I mean most of it makes it into your mouth,” the Australian laughed. “But you have a solid half of marshmallow right there.”
“Here,” Lou whispered, licking at the corner of Debbie’s mouth, the brunette catching her before she could pull away, throwing her arms around her shoulders, drawing her in deeper as her teeth tugged at Lou’s lips greedily. “Fuck, Debs,” Lou groaned, her eyes widening as Debbie took one of her hands, shoving it down her sweatpants, past her underwear, pushing two fingers inside her with a gasp as her own eyes fluttered closed.
“Couldn’t even wait until we got into the tent for the night could you?” Lou smirked, thrusting into Debbie as she let out a moan.
“The fire was…nice,” Debbie tried, clutching at the blonde.
“You just want me to make you come under the stars,” Lou laughed, teasing Debbie, but she didn’t let up, even as she moved from her own chair to straddle Debbie, adding another finger as Debbie hissed beneath her, Lou whispering dirty encouragement in her ear as Debbie shook against her, the fire crackling beside them as the wind swept through the trees, the leaves rustling.
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muneebaashiq · 1 year
The last time I saw - Part 3
Today was my wedding day. The day I have wanted to come many times ever since I started living alone to pursue my higher education in the US. Initially, I was extremely excited to become independent but did not consider the challenges that come with it. Throughout the eight years I lived alone, I faced many occasions of happiness and sadness but never had anyone to share them with. After today, I could have someone who would be with me in ease and difficulty. Finally, I had someone to lean on and share my life with.  
(Music credit: Christina Perri - A Thousand Years [Official Music Video]) 
I was glad that we were able to miraculously plan the entire wedding within a month, all so that my youngest sister could be there. She had gotten into an amazing Canadian education program a few weeks prior and needed to sit for its exam in Canada. Why didn’t she take the exam later? Because it only happens once a year. Why didn’t we have the wedding after she took the exam? Well, we didn’t know after how many years she would be returning if she passed her exam.  
While I was getting ready, I felt a variety of emotions. I felt ecstatic as I was about to marry the love of my life. I felt sad as I wished my mother was here with me. I felt a sense of unease because now my dad will be left all alone. I felt nervous for my sister since she now had to face the difficulties that I once faced in life. But time was running out, and I knew I had to put those emotions aside. 
However, the emotions hit me again when I saw my dad and sister sitting in the corner after the wedding ceremony. I knew it was time for my sister to leave for the airport. A lump formed in my throat as she walked up to me to say goodbye. We both hugged each other tightly unwilling to let go and trying to hold onto this moment a little while longer. I whispered to her that “No matter how far apart we maybe, you will always be a part of my heart and soul.” I wanted her to know that even though I faced the challenges of living alone by myself she didn’t have to do that. She had someone to whom she could turn to share her problems, ask for help and get advice from. 
(Video credit: The hidden power of siblings: Jeff Kluger at TEDxAsheville) 
As she walked away, I felt a deep sense of grief. Life was moving forward for everyone and now nothing would ever be the same. That’s when I realized that today was the last time, I saw my family together. Now, our lives would change completely. My family would now be separated by time and distance.  
But as my sister faded into the crowd, I knew she would always be with me in my memories. It reminded me that even though as life changed and time passed, the love between my family would endure. With that thought, I turned to face my future and whatever was waiting for me ahead in life.  
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(Image credit: https://www.deviantart.com/t0yken/art/Girl-In-Sunset-170609657) 
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henpeckedho · 2 years
Time article about polio below cut. Sorry again to mobile people.
Link to article: https://time.com/6206535/polio-vaccines-how-to-stay-safe/ Written: 8/16/2022 By: Jeffrey Kluger
Until recently, polio had been a relic of history in the U.S. Once a scourge that paralyzed or killed up to tens of thousands of children every year, the U.S. declared the disease officially eradicated in 1979, thanks to widespread vaccination.
But polio is back. On July 21, the New York State Department of Health announced a case of polio in an unvaccinated man in Rockland County. Poliovirus has since been found in wastewater in both Rockland and neighboring Orange County, as well as in New York City.
The development has led to justified alarm. “Even a single case of paralytic polio represents a public health emergency in the United States,” write a group of researchers in a report published Aug. 16 in the Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report. The bottom line is that anyone who is not fully vaccinated against the disease should get up-to-date on the shots immediately. Here’s what to know about what polio’s re-emergence in the U.S. means for your health.
A brief recent history of polio
As recently as 1988, polio was a worldwide menace: endemic in 125 countries and causing an average of 350,000 paralytic or lethal cases each year, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). It was that year that the World Health Assembly established the Global Polio Eradication Initiative with the goal of wiping out the disease, just as smallpox had been officially eradicated in 1980.
The means to the end of polio would be the same as it was for smallpox: worldwide vaccination. The strategy has worked extraordinarily well. Today, polio is endemic in just two countries—Afghanistan and Pakistan—which have seen just 18 cases between them so far this year, according to the Initiative. But there are problems with that overall success story, and they involve the vaccination campaign itself.
What is vaccine-derived polio?
There are two types of polio vaccine: the oral polio vaccine (OPV), which, as its name suggests, is administered by drops to the mouth; and the inactivated polio vaccine (IPV), which is administered by injection. The IPV uses a killed poliovirus to familiarize the immune system with the disease and prime it to react if it ever encounters a living virus. The OPV uses an attenuated virus—weakened to the point that it can do the same work of priming the immune system without actually causing the disease.
The big advantage of the OPV is that it is cheaper and much easier to administer, making it the vaccine of choice for mass inoculation campaigns. The disadvantage is that on exceedingly rare occasions, the weakened virus can revert to virulence, causing the disease in the person who received the drops or allowing the revived virus to be shed in feces of the infected person and circulate in wastewater—leading to the possibility of so-called vaccine-derived polio in others.
The reversion to virulence is rare. Since 1988, an estimated 18 million cases of polio have been prevented by vaccination, and 1.5 million lives have been spared, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Since 2000, reports UNICEF, 10 billion doses of OPV have been administered worldwide. Measured against those numbers, vaccine-derived polio is low-risk, with a total of 540 global cases so far this year—not including the U.S. case—and a recent peak year occurring in 2020, when 1,100 cases were reported globally. Typically, there are far fewer cases in a given year.
To eliminate the problem domestically, the U.S. stopped using the OPV in 2000 and switched over to the IPV exclusively. But that doesn’t prevent vaccine-derived strains from being imported by travelers from overseas, or by a U.S. resident who traveled internationally, picked up the virus from someone who had received the OPV, and brought it back home. Typing of the virus found in the Rockland County man showed that it was indeed a vaccine-derived strain that caused the disease.
No matter how the virus got here, it is now among us—and it is by no means necessarily limited to the water supply in just three New York regions. If a traveler could bring it into one state, other travelers could carry it anywhere.
“The fact that we’re finding it in wastewater tells you it’s more common than people appreciate,” says Ian Lipkin, professor of epidemiology at Columbia University’s Mailman School of Public Health. “We’re looking at the tip of the iceberg.”
Adds virologist Vincent Racaniello of the Columbia University School of Medicine: “I suspect it’s already in many, many places in the U.S. In fact, I think that if we look in every major city in the U.S., we will find vaccine-derived polio in the sewage for sure.”
Polio vaccination rates are frighteningly low
Vaccine guidelines call for children to receive three polio shots by age two to be considered fully vaccinated. But polio vaccine uptake in the U.S. falls short. In Rockland County, just over 60% of eligible children have received their three doses. (These rates vary wildly within the county; in one zip code, only 37% of children are vaccinated according to the Aug 16 report.) In Orange County, less than 59% of children are fully vaccinated. In New York City, the rates are much higher, at about 86%, but the average varies by borough, with Manhattan reaching 91% and Brooklyn trailing the other boroughs at 81%. Statewide vaccination rates are just below 79%.
Nationwide, the figures are higher, with 92.6% of children fully vaccinated by age two, according to the CDC. But here, too, there are local differences; for example, just 79.5% of kids in Oklahoma, along with 80.3% in South Carolina, are fully vaccinated. That worries experts because every unvaccinated child is at risk of becoming a polio victim—and a reservoir for the virus. For every case of paralytic polio, up to 200 other people are likely infected who either show no signs of the virus or who have mild cold- or flu-like symptoms. Every one of them is a walking viral vector.
“The majority of people who are infected with polio have no symptoms,” says Lipkin. “They aren’t even aware that they are infected, but they can transmit the disease.”
Even people who have been vaccinated against the disease with the IPV—which is the only type of polio vaccine used in the U.S.—can potentially shed the virus. The OPV establishes what’s known as gut immunity, meaning that—assuming a person is not among the few who in whom the poliovirus reverts to its virulent state—there is no viral replication in the intestinal system, and therefore there is no infectious virus shed in feces. But the IPV, since it must be injected to be effective, does not provide gut immunity, meaning that if an IPV-vaccinated person picks up a vaccine-derived strain, that active virus can reproduce in the intestines and be shed.
That poses no health risk to an IPV-vaccinated person, but they can unintentionally contribute to the spread of the virus if they come into contact with it. “You do not develop polio” if you have the IPV vaccine, “because once the virus enters your blood, your immune system would take care of it,” says Racaniello. “But the virus can reproduce in your gut and you can shed it and it can end up in sewage that way.”
What you can do to reduce your risk
The reappearance of polio does not necessarily mean that a nationwide spread of the disease is imminent. But it is a wake-up call that unvaccinated children and adults have to get their shots now. “The solution to the problem is just making sure you’re vaccinated,” says Racaniello. “Because if you’re vaccinated, you will not develop polio.”
But the COVID-19 pandemic has laid bare that the wisdom of getting vaccinated against an infectious disease can bump up hard against politics, claims of personal freedom, and unfounded rumors about the safety and efficacy of the shots. Even before the pandemic, there was already a robust anti-vaccine community in the U.S., and that cohort has not gone away. “There are all sorts of bizarre conspiracy theories that have been put forward by one group or another,” says Lipkin. “It’s a huge problem.”
The good news is that both polio vaccines are remarkably effective and long-lasting. If people received a full course of either vaccine as children, they do not need to get a booster now. “Anyone who has had a complete polio vaccination series does not need a booster,” says Racaniello. “Immunity to polio conferred by vaccination lasts a lifetime.” This, he stresses, is true whether you received either the IPV or the OPV in childhood.
That doesn’t mean that polio boosters are never necessary. People traveling to high-risk areas, like Afghanistan, Pakistan, or any of the countries that have seen high rates of vaccine-derived polio—such as Nigeria, which is home to 238 of the 540 global cases this year—should first receive a booster, says Lipkin.
For most people though, the re-emergence of the poliovirus in the U.S. does not present a danger, thanks to the simple preventative tool of vaccines. They defeated the disease once before in the U.S., and put to work nationwide now, they can do so again.
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oceans8film · 6 years
Ocean’s 8 | First trailer
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'O.K., 13, this is Houston. It appears to us that we're losing O2 flow through fuel cell three, so we want you to close the reac valve on fuel cell three. You copy?' In Odyssey, Lovell, Swigert, and Haise heard this command and paused in what they were doing. None of the three men had harbored any illusions that their mission was anything but aborted, but to hear it come up to them in the form of this simple, clipped directive, to hear it made official like this, still stopped them cold. 'Did I hear you right?' Haise, the electrical specialist, asked Lousma. 'You want me to shut the reac valve on fuel cell three?' 'That's affirmative,' Lousma answered. 'You want me to go through the whole smash for fuel cell shutdown?' 'That's affirmative.' Haise turned to Lovell and nodded sadly. 'It's official,' said the astronaut who until just an hour ago was to have been the sixth man on the moon. 'It's over,' said Lovell, who was to have been the fifth. 'I'm sorry,' said Swigert, who would have overseen the mother ship in lunar orbit while his colleagues walked. 'We did everything we could.'
Jim Lovell and Jeffrey Kluger, Lost Moon: The Perilous Voyage of Apollo 13
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onegayastronaut · 5 years
Dating Daphne Kluger Would Include...
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Requested by anon: I don't know if you've seen Ocean's Eight yet, but if you have can you please do a Dating Lou Miller or Dating Daphne Kluger h/cs? Love you!
Daphne is surrounded by beautiful people every day, but you had caught her eye right away
She will tell you to work with her at every event because she wants to be around you all the time
Eventually, she’ll ask you out to dinner at least once a week
You already knew that Daphne was much smarter than her public persona, but it still seemed like she was afraid of your judgement
It was only after several months of seeing each other that Daphne asks you to date her officially
Always bringing you onto the red carpet with her and introducing you as “my beautiful girlfriend”
She knows you’re fairly quiet and will never force you to talk to the press if you don’t want to
There are times when the media spreads rumors, and Daphne is your fiercest defendant
You two are so protective over each other
Daphne knows she can truly be herself when she is with you
Always taking road trips with each other to escape the public eye
You are Daphne’s biggest fan, and she loves how supportive you are
Daphne prefers to be with you at home rather than be at any of the fancy events that she’s invited to
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estel-of-irysi · 4 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Ocean's 8 (2018) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Lou Miller/Debbie Ocean, Lou Miller & Debbie Ocean Characters: Debbie Ocean, Lou Miller (Ocean's), Tammy (Ocean's), Amita (Ocean's), Rose Weil, Constance (Ocean's), Nine Ball (Ocean's), Daphne Kluger Additional Tags: Debbie Pov, Post-Canon, Engaged Couple, Remote Control Vibrator, Vibrators, Public Sex, Smut, Fluff and Smut, Light Angst, Flashbacks, Outdoor Sex Series: Part 6 of Heistwives Toybox
The Met Team is officially in the clear, but Becker hasn't been convicted yet, so Debbie is uncertain about celebrating. She comes up with a solution to distract herself.
“Debbie accepted the tacit request and let herself be pulled to Lou’s warmth. She sighed into her, felt Lou’s arms wrap around her shoulders. Even to herself, Debbie couldn’t quite articulate her overwhelming need to see Claude Becker imprisoned. He had betrayed her, sure, and besides that, he was a logical candidate for a scapegoat. But Debbie had never found herself to be a vengeful person. He brought out the worst in her, and maybe it was that which made her so desperate to see him with his hands bound as hers had been...”
Thank you to “Hallo” (Guest on AO3) and an Anon on Tumblr who requested the remote control vibrator prompt! Also, thanks to @blacklaceandchains for helping me work through how the dynamics would work in this one. 
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ao3feed-heistwives · 4 years
by hope_savaria
The Met Team is officially in the clear, but Becker hasn't been convicted yet, so Debbie is uncertain about celebrating. She comes up with a solution to distract herself.
Words: 5835, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 6 of Heistwives Toybox
Fandoms: Ocean's 8 (2018)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F
Characters: Debbie Ocean, Lou Miller (Ocean's), Tammy (Ocean's), Amita (Ocean's), Rose Weil, Constance (Ocean's), Nine Ball (Ocean's), Daphne Kluger
Relationships: Lou Miller/Debbie Ocean, Lou Miller & Debbie Ocean
Additional Tags: Debbie Pov, Post-Canon, Engaged Couple, Remote Control Vibrator, Vibrators, Public Sex, Smut, Fluff and Smut, Light Angst, Flashbacks, Outdoor Sex
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klugerofficial · 7 months
Kluger Official Kluger là thương hiệu chuyên cung cấp các sản phẩm chậu vòi bếp cao cấp theo tiêu chuẩn châu Âu. Website: https://kluger.vn
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klugervn · 7 months
Kluger là thương hiệu chuyên cung cấp các sản phẩm chậu vòi bếp cao cấp theo tiêu chuẩn châu Âu. Mang trong mình sứ mệnh kiến tạo không gian bếp tiện nghi và tầm nhìn trở thành thương hiệu số 1 Việt Nam về thiết bị nhà bếp, chúng tôi không ngừng nâng cao khả năng sáng tạo, chất lượng sản phẩm và dịch vụ khách hàng. Đồng hành cùng Kluger để trải nghiệm: Sản phẩm chất lượng – Công năng tiện nghi – Thiết kế sang trọng – Dịch vụ chuyên nghiệp.
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musanocturnis · 4 years
The space suits themselves became impossible. For a fourteen-day flight, the usual fighter pilot pressure suits and the hard-shell helmets simply would not do, so NASA had ordered up lighter, softer suits with cloth helmets that zipped open and closed and could be folded back like a parka hood. The astronauts and most other people at NASA promptly dubbed them get-me-down suits, since they were not usable for space walks or much of anything beyond allowing the pilots to survive a sudden depressurization on takeoff or reentry. They were also clingy and almost unbearably hot. Peeling them off would leave the crew in their far more comfortable long johns, but NASA didn’t like that idea, since get-me-down suits can’t actually get you down if you’re not wearing them.
So Borman sweltered in his suit, turning his air circulation knob to its coolest setting, which helped only a little, while Lovell, over the course of the first few days, slipped slowly out of his. First he eased the suit down around his shoulders; surely NASA wouldn’t object to that. Then he lowered it to his waist, and finally he freed all but his lower legs. Both men reported their discomfort to the ground, and over the next six days, the question of suits or skivvies rose up the chain of command. The capcom passed it on to the flight director, who passed it on to Chris Kraft, who passed it on to the deputy administrator in Washington, who consulted with the lead flight surgeon, who reported that yes, the biomedical readings he was getting from the ship showed that Lovell—who by now was fooling no one with his secretly vanishing space suit—had healthier blood pressure and pulse readings than did poor suited Borman. The word thus came back down the chain that it was the opinion of the NASA brass that the advantages of flying without suits outweighed the advantages of wearing them, and the men of Gemini 7 were officially cleared to fly in their underwear.
-- Apollo 8, The Thrilling Story of the First Mission to the Moon, by Jeffrey Kluger
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serpentcast · 6 years
On this week's episode we're talking about Groundhog Day AUs! We're discussing the original trope-namer, the 1993 movie Groundhog Day; the Yuri!! On Ice fic "Maelstrom" by feelslikefire, and the flash fiction piece, "The First Stop Is Always the Last" by John Wiswell.
What We’re Reading
The Seven Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle by Stuart Turton The Possessed by Elif Batuman My Most Excellent Year by Steve Kluger City of Blades by Robert Jackson Bennett Freya’s Yuri!!! in Space fics Torn by Rowenna Miller
Other Stuff We Mentioned
A Conspiracy of Truths by Alexandra Rowland National Novel Writing Month Spiders Georg Person of Interest The Pineapple festival in Fort Pierce, Florida The Sandy Shoes festival, Fort Pierce, Florida Friday fest, Fort Pierce, Florida The Groundhog Day musical The official broadway recording of “If I Had My Time Again” Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask Naruto Chunin Exam Day by Perfect Lionheart Time Braid by ShaperV “Quickening Days” by Fahye Freeport by Maldoror_Chant Embers by Inkgirl and Vathara Lightning on the Wave “The First Stop is Always the Last” by John Wiswell Sliders “Purple Days” by baurus Edge of Tomorrow All You Need is Kill by Hiroshi Sakurazaka Victory Condition by astolat Harry Potter by J.K.Rowling “Dark Prince” by LoveMyRomance Final Fantasy VII Captive Prince by C.S. Pacat World Without End by Sorted Aesop’s fables Steven King’s Dark Tower series Bridge of Birds by Barry Hughart Serpentcast Discord Merlin
For Next Time
Drastically Redefining Protocol by rageprufrock
The transcript of the episode is available here. As always, thanks to our glamorous and wonderful scribes: Neharika, Millie, Sara, and Magali, who were also joined this week by Kelly!
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theresabookforthat · 5 years
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This headlines regarding the U.S. measles outbreak are alarming: U.S. officials say measles cases hit 25-year record high (The Washington Post). The controversy and consequences surrounding vaccination are of concern and lead us to feature the following books about vaccines throughout history and in current parenting guides:  
Meredith Wadman’s masterful account recovers not only the science of this urgent race, but the political roadblocks that nearly stopped the scientists. It also tells a profoundly human story about the agony of pregnant women exposed to German measles; the ethics of testing on infants, orphans, and mentally disabled children; the war (still raging) over using human fetal tissue in research; and yet another unrecognized woman whose cells have been used to save countless lives. It tracks the arrival of big commerce into campus labs and the huge changes that occurred in attitudes and laws governing who could make money from biological inventions.
Using science-informed analysis alongside original art and powerful essays, health science leader Timothy Caulfield debunks the myths and false assumptions about vaccination safety and effectiveness. Accessible, informative, and entertaining, The Vaccination Picture tells the true story of vaccines, their uses, and their positive effects for everyone.
In medical school when Franklin Delano Roosevelt was diagnosed with the disease shortly before assuming the Presidency, Jonas Salk was given an impetus to conduct studies on polio. His progress in combating the virus was hindered by the politics of medicine and by a rival researcher determined to discredit his proposed solution. But Salk’s perseverance made history-and for more than fifty years his vaccine has saved countless lives, bringing humanity close to eradicating polio throughout the world.
The latest available information on vaccinations for children (including the meningococcal, HPV vaccinations and rotavirus), as well the most-up-to date schedules and additional information parents need to know to help them make the right decisions regarding vaccines. Regardless of where you stand on the issue of childhood vaccination, everyone agrees that the health of our children is paramount. The Parents’ Concise Guide to Childhood Vaccinations, Second Edition is your complete guide to making sure your child gets the proper care at this important time in their development.
An accessible and reassuring guide to childhood health and immunity from a pediatrician who’s both knowledgeable about the latest scientific research and respectful of a family’s risk factors, health history, and concerns
“A valuable, science-supported guide to optimizing your child’s health while you navigate through complex choices in a toxic, challenging world.”—Martha Herbert, M.D., Ph.D., Harvard Medical School
 For more on these and related titles visit the collection, Vaccination titles
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Oh Whiskey, Please Part Three
Find Parts One and Two here or read it here on AO3!
Summary: Half lies prove to be more dangerous than whole truths
A/N: Short chapter, sorry about that. My brain hasn’t been working with me which is................ Lame™ Let me know what you guys think, any feedback is appreciated! --------------
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Lou had long known Debbie when I met her. I used to joke I had managed to meet her on the one day they were apart, and that Debbie was Lou’s girl and I was just the piece on the side.
I learned later that when it came to priorities, Debbie was Lou’s. No matter how many times I told myself in the subsequent years that that made sense, that they were best friends, that I couldn’t understand because I’d never been that close to someone, it still stung, a little. Maybe a bit more than a little.
“I didn’t expect you to text.” “And I didn’t expect you to answer... Glad you did, though. It’s nice to hear your voice, Daph.”
I could hear her smiling as we talked, the conversation light. I could only imagine her agent was nearby, that woman that had never liked me around, told me to my face that I was bad for Daphne’s image. Talking to Daphne again wasn’t like talking to Lou. There was a different level of restraint, the occasional lull, almost a nervous pause.
“I wanna see you.”
I didn’t even care that I sounded needy. There was quiet on the other end, then some rustling, and a different kind of silence. I pulled the phone away from my face, eyeing the ‘call ended’ that popped up on the screen. A few minutes later, a text with a place and a time.
————————- “‘Mita, seriously?” I asked as I came in. I could hear Constance’s ‘where that bitch at?’ patter as I came in. Amita didn’t even look up, just shushed me, eyes following one card intently as Constance moved the three around. I shook my head, leaning behind Constance.
“Really hope you didn’t put money down,” I muttered. Constance stopped shuffling the cards, leaning back and watching Amita glare at the cards, as if she could see right through them. She hesitated a couple of times before finally pointing to the one on the left. Constance flipped it over, revealing the ace of Spades before snatching Anita’s five from the table.
“I would’ve gotten it if you hadn’t distracted me.” “No you wouldn’t have,” I scoffed, over Constance’s, “I don’t believe you would.”
“Hey.” I looked up at see Debbie and Lou looking up at me from the second level. Debbie nodded her head, signaling for me to head outside before she and Lou both made for the stairs. I straightened, looking down to see Constance and Amita looking up at me. “You in trouble?” Constance asked. I snorted. “Probably.”
“Where were you?” Debbie asked. I tucked my hands in my pocket, turning my back to the wind, my ponytail keeping my hair from becoming an almighty mess.
“I told you guys I’d be here kinda late.”
“Yeah, and we tried to call you and you wouldn’t answer your phone,” Lou spoke up. “I didn’t see that you’d called.” “Eight times?” “I was preoccupied.” “With what?” Debbie stepped into my field of vision and I stilled myself from taking a step back like I would’ve. “If you can’t be honest with us this isn’t going to work—“ “I was with Daphne,” I said over Debbie. They both went quiet then.
“I thought you two didn’t have contact anymore,” Lou was the first to speak up. If I didn’t know any better I’d say her voice sounded a little tight. “We don’t. Didn’t,” I shook my head, “but if you want me in there, around her? I’m going to have to open that line of communication now. She’ll be suspicious if I just talk to her that night and something goes wrong.” Debbie nodded. “I need you to clue us in next time—“ “Don’t do that,” I snapped. “Do what?” “Handle me. This isn’t my first gig, Deb. Rose? She’s the kind you handle. Not me.” “What do you mean, this isn’t your first gig?” Deb asked. I looked back at Lou, who was very pointedly not looking at either of us. I couldn’t help but laugh, the sound cruel to even my ears. “Looks like you two have some talking to do,” I said before I turned on my heel, heading back inside.
We were all crowded together, watching as the necklace began to take for on the laptop, leaning like we were beside Rose, watching her make a copy of the necklace. Lou was pressed in behind me, her breath hot in my neck as we waited. We let out a collective sigh as the print was completed, leaning back from the computer. Nine Ball made quick work of sending the print to the machine, and within moments it buzzed on. I shook my head, watching as the machine began to replicate the diamonds.
My phone buzzed in my pocket and I pulled it out. Daphne was trying to FaceTime me. I rejected the call quickly before tapping out, ‘Can’t FT now babe :(‘ ‘But I misssss yooooooooou’ ‘You saw me three hours ago’ ‘Not enough’
I shook my head a little, unable to help the dopey smile on my lips. “Everything okay?” With how close Lou’s voice was, there was no way she hadn’t read my texts. I tucked my phone into my pocket, turning to face her, only to find her a few inches from me. “Everything’s fine,” I insisted, nodding. I bit my lip, looking around.
“Why didn’t you tell her you’d taken me on a job?” The way Lou rolled her eyes reminded me so much of our breakup, of that final argument, and I felt myself physically recoil, stepping back. “You know what, forget I asked—“ “No, hang on,” her hand caught my wrist and I shook it off, heading for the kitchen. Amita was there, pouring herself a coffee.
“Could I steal the coffee from you?” I asked. “I’ll take some, too,” Nine Ball said from the counter where her hands were flying over her keyboard.
“Rose?” I offered the designer, who was hunched over at the table with safety pins. She waved me off wordlessly.
She was passing by, her son on the other end, and smiled, shaking her head before moving on. I got two mugs out of the dish drainer, pouring a mug for the each of us. I passed Nine’s to her before hopping onto the counter beside her, warming my hands around my mug.
“Can I ask you something?” Constance asked. I nodded, prompting her to go on.
“How did you meet Daphne Kluger?” I had been dreading the question since I’d seen myself on the screen with her. I steeled myself before I answered.
“We met at a premiere party for Never too Young to Undie.”
“The zombie movie? That shit is awful,” Nine laughed. I nodded, smiling.
“Trust me, I know. Definitely not her best work, but that was where she met Derek Verbez, who directed, and it’s only been uphill from there.”
“... so is that all you’re gonna give us, seriously? You met at a premiere party?” I shrugged a shoulder.
“We started to hang out after that, while she was in the state. Called every day when she wasn’t. I figured we were just friends, even if I did like her. And then… And then it wasn’t.”
“Just like that?” Constance asked. I shrugged a shoulder.
“Just like that.”
It hadn’t quite been like flipping a switch. The touches, the winks, the smiles, those were all already there. But knowing that the other was acting on them with something less-than-platonic in mind? That had been new, and thrilling. I didn’t tell them that it was after my official breakup with Lou, the one that had actually stuck, and not drifted back into late night conversations and stellar sex. They didn’t need to know— and they were memories I wasn’t ready to rehash.
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