isurfit · 1 year
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This is a great result above and beyond its actual purpose. Thank you #windsurfers #wingers #foilers #kiters #surfers and #oceanlovers of the world for your support of our #cause: restoring access to one of Italy's top windsurfing #spots #savelafrasca @change.org_italia (presso La Frasca Civitavecchia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CnLkuJvoNKD/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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molekularinspektor · 1 year
had a dream there was a tom wambsgans simulator and this was the only gameplay i remember
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animepopheart · 7 months
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★ 【kitere】 「 ぼっちちゃん 」 ☆ ✔ republished w/permission ⊳ ⊳ follow me on twitter
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saessenach · 2 years
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art block has been kicking my ass, but have soft doodles with Chrissy and Eddie!!
they def help ech other with their makeup
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rebelpeas · 17 days
dear diary. woke up at 5am in hellish pain. passed out. sobbed on my partner for thirty minutes and made him late for work until he managed to get me to take ibuprofen and call out of my work. took a nap. woke up at 1:30 drenched in sweat (ew). ate leftover crab rangoon. scrolled mindlessly for an hour. still can’t really walk so i might take a bath just to keep myself from opening youtube shorts again
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and this is my green cat
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krispedia · 3 months
hear me out
gabriel meows but go hoot
"erm?? kris you are so silly,, what do you mean by that? " he act like a meow but go hoot hoot at the same time
he :3 but :} at the same time...
but also evil kiter (he will knock thing down and act :3 about it)
please dont let him get on your lap, worst mistake of your life...
[ real life picture in the game i swear ]
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two-evil-tails · 1 year
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“Yes, I would kiss a demon. There have been times when I denied it, but most demons portrayed in summoning books and magical tomes have been majorly attractive.”
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gristlegrinder · 2 years
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your local goth norn skaald is ready to BITE PEOPLE (she’s finally level 80)
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gorillaxyz · 1 hour
one last post abt being autistic: that whole thing abt "errr you cant say you HAVE autism you ARE autisTIC okay?" or whichever way it is i dont remember. that always annoyed me bc 1........... dont tell me how to refer to myself..???? its a non issue
and 2? its autism spectrum DISORDER. i can say i have autism????? as in short for "i have autism spectrum disorder" ???? idk that whole mini discourse from like 4 years ago always got on my nerves. its so stupid. and ive been thinking abt this forYEARS. ITS AUTISM SPECTRUM DISORDER........... I CAN SAY I HAVE AUTISM...... and i can say "i am autistic" anyway ITS SO STUPID WHY DID PEOPLE GENUINELY CARE ABT THAT😭
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dubiousdisco · 6 months
My mom keeps trying to create a version of me in her head that is so cunning and evil and is always doing little bizarre things to make her day worse, and honestly i wish i had that energy to be always plotting her downfall but i'm here thinking about video games
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goldenguillotines · 3 months
4, 17, 21, 47, 46, 54 Ast/Zev!!
What’s the relationship like? Smooth? Rocky?
Smooth! Surprisingly so. Of course it wasn't all sunshine rainbows and an immediate click together but Astera is a stubborn fish. Both supporting eachother with their struggles, pain and lows. Astera will always be there for Zevire and always has her back. Having her around is always a wonderful pick-me-up, can't help but making everyone around feel and expierence her joy with Zevire.. That's her mother fucking PALE!!
Do they ever trade clothes?
ALWAYS!! I think Astera often trades vests/jackets with Zev. Despite her clothes being bright whites and her colors.. She does wear that dark red of Zevs well.. And he likes how his colors contrast with her.. I think he owns a few different styles in his wardrobe if she wants something more subtle..
What do they like when going out for food?
MAN.. Astera prefers Zevs cooking over fast food but he prefers Hispanic or Indian cuisine.. but Italian is some of his favorite too.. She loves to drag her around to different places to try different things together.. and find the spiciest chicken wings.. Nothing has been spicy enough !
What are the dates like?
FUN!!!!! Depending on the mood, I think they go out for a little chaos or lowkey times out at a bar when they've got the time.. Little arcade trips, but one with those ddr machines and the punching bag mini games. I think sometimes Astera might drag her with to see her fight a bunch of people for fun
What do they like the least about each other?
Im certain that Zevire might not like how fickle Asteras mood can get, paired with part of his blood color being bronze.. It's a bit of a tricky mine field to traverse. She doesn't intend for her feelings to be so back and forth.. but it's something Astera is working on!
I think Astera wishes Zevire would be more open and not close off as much as she does when she's under stress. He can't blame her, however he wouldn't want her to force herself to open up about something while she doesn't know how to react. She's able to work through the frustration easily, because it's not a big deal. She will always be there for Zev..
What do others think of them dating?
The friends agree: this was bound to happen. I don't think anyone is upset or angered or shocked? I think Ria and Naka are both especially supportive of her and Astera..
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fgooooooo · 2 years
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animepopheart · 1 year
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★ 【kitere】 「 asuka 」 ☆ ✔ republished w/permission ⊳ ⊳ follow me on twitter
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solarisposting · 9 months
ok listen I let your "jolly green giant big naturals" tag slide a few weeks ago even though it's haunted me every day since. but "evangelionally accurate angel" come on. your brain is so massive and yet you're using it for evil, right in my activity feed. this is not a victimless crime
somebody cursed me with this brain and I have to inflict my foul thoughts on others or I'll collapse in on myself like a dying star, taking the whole world with me. It's tumblr tag crimes and injure the poor people trapped on this sinking ship or destroy the whole world. I'm a victim too I'm so tired
but seriously i'm laughing so hard i'm sorry for having a large brain pulsing with evil and also i'm in awe like HOW WERE YOU ABLE TO LET ME GET AWAY WITH JGG'S BIG NATURALS WHEN THAT IS OBJECTIVELY THE WORST TAG IVE COME UP WITH THIS YEAR HELP
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voidendron · 8 months
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h i m 💞
I wish the game showed his sad puppy eyes better, but- it he <333
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theyellowhue · 2 years
Another Jeff and Barcode magazine!!! My sons are booked and busy 👏. Its a good day to be a kimchay enjoyer 😌. Gone are the days when we were deprived of JeffBarcode content now look at us 🥺
Please pre-order the magazine if you can ✨️
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