#kinda rooting for bucktommy endgame but id love buddie tbh
tommysdaddykink · 2 months
so much happened this episode but I'm only gonna focus on the buck eddie and tommy of it all.
my thoughts are still all over the place but we've gotten a lot of hints on buddie and oh man do I hope that's endgame
I am really liking buck and tommy right now though
the date was so sad. buck really put his foot in it but eddie talking him through it at the end and getting him to call him was wonderful
I love these two so much and ohmygod do I hope beyond hope that they actually get together. the buddie hug had me soaring
theyre so fucking supportive of each other and its lovely to see
i loved buck's convo with maddie and eddie's with bobby
at this point I think bobby and maddie both suspect that they have feelings for each other, and i imagine hen, chimney, and athena also suspect. the boys have been so obvious and oblivious that i imagine everyone thinks theyre gonna get together
and both convos have got me really thinking that this season might end with buddie confession at the very least but maybe even buddie established for an episode or two
there are a few interviews that have been going around that have really changed my views/hopes for this season. i at first wanted bucktommy to last the whole season but after Lou's interview I'm okay with a few episodes and then them amicably ending things.
i want tommy and bucky's time together to really help buck become more comfortable with himself and for him to learn more about who is. this side of him that he wasnt entirely aware of
mr evan "I can't stop thinking about him" buck buckley
mr evan "checking out a hot guys ass is normal" buck buckley
this man is fucking adorable
I really want Marisol and Eddie to end. The nun thing was hilarious but her moving in so fast just confirmed how much I don't like them.
mr eddie "overprotective papa bear" diaz would never let someone move in that quickly. you cannot get me to believe he would cuz buck hasnt moved in. besides buck the only other person i could see moving in kinda fast woulda been shannon if they had the chance to reconcile and rekindle their relationship
I honestly miss Shannon. I think besides Buck she really is the only one that seemed to click with Eddie. i think their reconciliation and rekindling couldve been a really beautiful story.
also im fully jumping on the ship that buddie is gonna be a thing by the end of season 7. the interview with lou plus the one with ryan are really making me think this will happen.
i thought they might wait for season 8 but the rollercoaster that was this episode is making me think that we'll end with buddie being official
which would be fucking amazing
what does this mean for bucktommy? i think tommy knows that buck is in love with eddie. the surprise he felt when buck told him he wanted his attention really shows that plus everything that happened this episode. tommy telling buck he wasnt ready had so many layers to it and i think eddie is one of them.
lou saying that tommy could been with either buck or eddie and they just went with buck also tells me that this will never be a serious relationship. im expecting them to be over two thirds the way through the season based on this interview and some kind of end of the buddie slowburn we've been going through
buddie slowburn is my favourite kind of 911 fanfic so im not even mad if the pay off actually pays off
i never thought we would get here with buddie seemingly being endgame in canon
man im so glad abc picked up this show
only complaint, need more ravi, josh, and may. i need the nash-grant plus buck family to have some serious family time.
thoughts are still all over the place. sorry for this long ass mess of a post. im not a coherent writer, cant journal for shit tbh. im gonna go read some buddie fics to settle down and i hope/pray that this actually happens
(low-key though if all three get together i dont think my heart could take it but id be very very very happy. but like it needs to be done well. no one feeling left out. the chemistry between all three of them is off the charts. i can totally see why tommy and eddie were a possible route.)
edit may 21: this post is so old lmao but it seems to keep getting some kinda engagement. this one and another of my really old posts lmao and no one's seeing the tags I guess lol. I don't think a lot of this really anymore lol I'm kinda off the buddie canon hype train and have been since the May 2nd episode. also a lot of the interviews Ryan's given have really changed my mind. I want bucktommy endgame at this point and I kinda want arospec Eddie but that's not happening and since he's been called straight by Ryan I just want the man in therapy to get over Shannon and finally face all the guilt he's feeling about her. I can see why buddie canon is really important to people but it's clearly not the story the show wants to tell and I don't see a point in forcing it. I am mostly a fanon fan so it doesn't really bother me either way to lose the idea of canon buddie, since I didnt think canon was ever gonna happen until 7x04 and then 7x06 made it clear it wasn't gonna happen. the hospital kiss really sealed the deal that bucktommy is probably sticking around tbh
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