#kikis vids
pausescreen · 3 months
🧍‍♂️ what a rabbit hole Ive decended into
Anyways this is my first ever edit please be kind 😭
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sandiegokpop · 5 days
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::silently chokes::
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shkika · 1 year
Not to be a nerd about literally my own headcanons, but the theme "The Cycle", being the reverse of the game's entire motif "Pictures of the Past" is just so good in the context of Saint being SOS.
I interpret the "Pictures of the Past" as a theme representing helplessness- the very thing that connects the gods with the smallest and most insignificant of creatures in the world.
The struggle of a creature losing it's way, of a god trying to fight through his own incurable illness, of trying to stay alive.
With Survivor and Monk it's sad and small.
With Pebbles it's loud and angry.
With Moon it's resigned and tired.
But in the end it's the same motif! They are all connected.
So then "The Cycle", which is more or less Saint's theme, is in reverse not only to show him clawing his way back up through what should have been the point of no return, but also taking his fate in his own hands. Of Sliver refusing to let her story actually end- ever. The only iterator to save herself from the cycle, trapping herself in her own personal hell to save the others. It's like fighting the very rules of this world! So it's in reverse.
It's pretty neat I think...
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alucardsinep · 14 days
not even gonna lie wireless headphones were SUCH a game changer for me like i can move around freely with no cables getting stuck on things? i dont have to rip my headphones out everytime i go to do another thing and have to stop the whatever im listening to?
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kikillustrate · 15 days
i've started delving deeper into this popular content creator's background (which I've never went into such efforts and lengths to do so for someone I am not even subscribed to) and uh, yeah I feel like I was right to not be a fan lol
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just-a-queer-crow · 1 month
Doctor Who fans i must show you one of my favorite clips of Jinkx Monsoon (Maestro)
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acousticolateral · 1 year
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つばきファクトリー - 君と僕の絆 feat.KIKI / Tsubaki Factory - Kimi to Boku no Kizuna feat.KIKI
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cushyjukebox · 2 months
Elton John & Kiki Dee - Don't Go Breaking My Heart
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lunarous · 8 months
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pausescreen · 3 months
formatted for tiktok but you know what Ill slap it here too (if tumblr lets me)
Okay, so, I know yuki is okay with his decision in the end no need to come at me with torches and pitchforks; Im just saying no matter how brave you are itd still be a terrifying experience and especially for a kid.
anyways, I like how some of the panels came out, especially the last black one hahah. Yeah
I should add though that its supposed to be nonsensical, and out of order; yukis headphones and mp3 player being suddenly gone, wearing his summer vacation shirt despite clearly already knowing shinjiro, etc
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sandiegokpop · 11 months
Here we go again~
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vidding · 9 months
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The Best Vidding Safe Haven?
Forgive the "read bait" meme above but if you are reading these words right now that means it worked. If you are a vidding fan then it was worth it. Vidders.net was born July 19, 2010. It is a Vidder-friendly AO3 Embed Certified Vid hosting & streaming site with over 18K vids. Its growth benefited from You Tube's increased use of content ID and the closing of Imeem. It was mentioned in the "Vidding: A History" book by Francesca Coppa. Its members (most who host some great vids there) include:
Laura Shapiro
Clucking Bells
kiki miserychic
bop radar
Loki (secretlytodream)
Absolute Destiny
SD Wolfpup
Such Heights
Just to name a few. You may not recognize these names but if you do you know these vidders literally made a name for themselves with the quality of their work during that time. At least in my opinion. The site is a time capsule of awesome vids even if some of the vidders listed are no longer active. Additionally, it hosts vids no longer available on You Tube like "Boom Boom Ba" by Charmax (a classic Xena vid). And yet it can still host new content without the issues faced on some other vid hosting options.
How much does it cost to host and stream all those vids? Well, that is one of the reasons for this post. The assumption I'm making is that if there is a Vidding "community" it's more likely than not that members of it would see a post like this and/or share it with fellow members of the community. Is it worth it to keep a site like this around? It's mostly been a solo operation for these past 13 years but now I am starting to wonder after such a long time.
I'll spare you the obligation of filling out a poll or survey. I'll make it simple. We have a Patreon account at patreon.com/vidding. If you don't feel it's worth keeping up. Nothing to do. Thank you for reading this far. If you feel there is some value based on what was mentioned earlier, then a minimum level of support at the Patreon is $1 a month. You'll not only be supporting the Vidders.net but other projects like the recent purchase of the Vidding.com domain name and more. The OTW October fundraiser drive begins in October and is on track to raise about 250k. Rasing even 1 percent of that amount would be more than adequate. After all Vids on AO3 make up less than 1 percent of the content on there anyway. I've been told by a fellow fan that I should keep it running but if it's not even supported by a community, it's a personal expense at my expense I am on the hook for. Again, there is no survey or poll to take but if you have questions that may help you determine your willingness to support just contact me. If you find value in preserving the site just visit Patreon.com/vidding or get your questions answered. This form of funding is more sustainable than occasional stop and start donation efforts we've done in the past. If you prefer another form of funding let us know.
I will check in by the end of October to see where things are. I am not going to do anything drastic. It's just that it's been 13 years and I started to wonder especially with my current financial situation but didn't want to do anything without communicating the situation. The site costs about $720 a year to run. At about $60 a month to run so it should be doable.
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Boom Boom Ba by Charmax
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The YouTube Vid Purge of 2021
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dovewingkinnie · 2 months
Just watched your "kiki's new pet" vid, and it's very cute and wholesome!I love your animations and art style! :D
Now……I have a question……
Is tom or kiki kissable?:3
tom would insist that it’s gross to kiss his mask (but if kiki offered to kiss him he’d be like Haha really 🥺)
kiki would say “only my most beloved special man can kiss me 🥺🥺” and then not elaborate
basically they’d both make excuses to get out of it, so not kissable 😔
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transparencyboo · 27 days
can I just use this space to highlight Kiki's amazing song at the end of the new vid?
Yes. Yes, you can. Here it is again in all of its glory. Fucked Off, written, performed, produced, illustrated and video edited by Kiki.
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sipofrozay · 1 year
Old School Ballroom YouTube Channels (WIP)
Preserving Ballroom History
A channel highlighting the NYC, Philly, Jersey, and Chicago scenes from the mid-90s to the mid-2000s. Features footage of balls that happened during this era as well as interviews from some of the biggest icons and legends in ballroom history. Still uploading to this day.
Self proclaimed ballroom archivist, mostly clips from the late 2000s-early 2010s, but also has a few going as far back as the year 2000. Still uploading to this day.
Joseph Bennett
Has clips from balls as they happened starting from 2006. Also has compilations and footage of entire balls from 1999 to 2010. No longer uploading.
Vogue Dramatics
Compilations and tributes of legends and icons throughout the years. May still be uploading (most recent upload was a few months ago).
Compilations and tributes of legends and legendary icons from the late 2000s-early/mid 2010s. No longer uploading [ballroom content].
Old School Ballroom
Ballroom clips from the NYC scene dating back to the early 90s. May still be uploading (most recent upload was a few months ago).
Tributes and compilations of legends and legendary icons from the 2000s/2010s era. May still be uploading (most recent upload was nearly a year ago).
Specifically has clips of FQ (Fem Queen) Performance from the 2000s. No longer uploading.
Clips dating back to 2008 from both the mainstream and kiki scenes. No longer uploading.
Jeremee Christian
Clips from the NYC kiki scene during the 2010s. No longer uploading.
Ballroom Throwbacks Television (Brtbtv)
Probably the most well-known channel for Ballroom vids. Has footage of balls going back to 2003. Continues to post the full footage of mainstream balls happening in the present.
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golbrocklovely · 1 month
Do you ever get tired of the drama? I took a step back from the fandom years ago because it was absolutely exhausting me. It seems like it’s gotten worse somehow and I was just wondering how you do it. How do you keep up with the asks? How do you keep from banging your head into a wall? How do you not get exhausted when you get asked the same old shit every. single. time?
oh, absolutely the drama gets tiring to me lmao
when i first started out, i never intended for my account to become known as the gossip account. i just wanted a place for ppl to come and vent about the fandom if they needed to anonymously bc i knew how the fandom was about being honest, since there were times i had opinions that made me feel like i was the outlier compared to everyone else.
but it kinda became this way on accident. and now i just kinda accept it for what it is. i know i got a lot of eyes on me, and i know a lot of ppl know about me without really knowing me, if that makes any sense lol
originally tho, and especially for at least the first two years of me doing this, i would answer every ask no matter what. but now i don't do that as much, or at the very least, i take a while to get to every one i plan on answering. bc look, if you come on here and are really rude to either me, snc, or just in general ppl i like - i'm not gonna answer you. it's just that simple. and also, sometimes i don't have the energy to answer everyone. i am one person after all, hearing literally everyone's opinions. so it's a lot sometimes.
and i do get tired about talking in circles with certain topics. i usually try to let everyone know "hey, i'm done talking about this" in some way or another - whether via an answer to an ask or just straight up turning off my ask box for a while. bc what i've noticed is that most topics are just a 24-48 hours thing max. after that, ppl move onto other things. so if it ever gets super stressful to me, and it does occasionally, i just turn off my ask box and turn it back on the next day. and by then, everyone has moved on for the most part.
and i think the biggest thing i had to learn in doing all of this is separating snc from the fandom. bc snc aren't angels. i know they've fucked up before, or just generally done things i don't agree with. however, if i genuinely thought they were bad ppl, i wouldn't be a fan of them. i wouldn't spend all of this time or money or energy into giving them attention. snc don't piss me off, but the fandom does. and separating the two of them has made it so much easier to stick around. bc when the fandom pisses me off, it doesn't reflect how i feel about snc anymore.
not only that, but when i'm not here, i'm disconnected. i might still watch snc's vids or whatever, but i'm not thinking about the fandom. when i log off, i don't give the drama a second thought. and that has saved me a lot of anxiety and anger. that being said, i also think there are a lot of fans that can't do that, which is why they get so frustrated at every little thing. but i get it at the same time bc i was like that for a while.
also, if i'm completely honest, some of the drama is fun to me bc it's not life or death. we aren't talking about something serious or direly, nine times out of ten the drama is about colby's love life or sam's philosophical takes or something dumb like that. it's not that deep. that's why i can have fun with it lol which is why i implore others to not get so hung up on the details or get upset when they don't know everything or make every drama the biggest deal ever. if it was that serious, we all would know.
but this is also why i get annoyed when this fandom, especially for the past like six months, have been having tantrums left right and center over snc and the girls. like… this should be fun. we should be able to kiki and laugh and move about our day without insulting anyone in the process. and yet… somehow that's an issue for everyone now. not for me or really anyone on here, but… other places sksks
at this point, i try to enjoy what i can and keep it pushing. i have a whole life outside of snc that i worry about waaaaayyyyyy more, and that's why the drama only gets to me so much. this is supposed to be my entertainment, so when it's not, i clock out. and only come back when it seems enjoyable again.
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