#kiai proposal
wwwintinewscoid · 2 months
Telaah Metode Modernisasi Pendidikan Pesantren
INTINEWS.CO.ID, OPINI – Telaah metode modernisasi pendidikan pesantren. Tantangan perubahan zaman menuntut para pecinta pesantren untuk segera mendesain ulang langkah-langkah modernisasi yang hendak ditempuh. Ada beberapa prinsip yang tidak boleh terlepas, apalagi hilang, dari desain ini, yaitu eksistensi kiai, kitab kuning, masjid, dan pondok. Ilustrasi, oleh Popy, (3/4). Perkembangan terakhir,…
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kaidanworkshop · 10 months
The Kaidan Workshop: Frequently Asked Questions
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Looking for more information about the Kaidan Revioced: Community Expansion content? Check here first!
What is the Kaidan Workshop? The Workshop is a community-led project that aims to preserve & build upon the original LivTempleton Kaidan & Kaidan 2 mods. Due to the age of the original mod, Kaidan has a myriad of script errors & audio distortions that require more than a singular patch or edit to remedy; hence, the Workshop.
Who is working for the Workshop? Our staff is entirely made up of volunteers & other content creators from the Skyrim community, & we welcome all levels of participation; from those who simply have a suggestion, to those who have technical &/or artistic expertise. We operate under three teams: the Creation Kit & Assets Team, the Writing Team, & the Community Team.
What will be included in the Workshop's content? The Workshop content can be broadly broken down into three categories; revoice, custom follower interactions, & new content. You can read about those three categories in detail here or on our Discord under the "how-it-all-works" channel. Isn't there another add-on to Kaidan? Why not work on a brand new follower entirely? The original mod author of Kaidan, LivTempleton, left open permissions for Kaidan in 2020 for the Skyrim community; since then, a variety of modding groups & individual content creators have kept Kaidan alive via new custom follower interactions and updates to improve compatibility. All of these creators understand & operate under the premise that as per LivTempleton, Kaidan and his assets are freely open to anyone who'd like to work on him. We are simply joining the long established list of content creators who wish to continue to expand the titular character. Why is there a new voice actor for Kaidan? Mr. Lemon (the original voice actor) has chosen to work exclusively with a different modding group also adding on to the character of Kaidan, in which we wish him nothing but the best in. It is out of an abundance of concern for Mr. Lemon & his work with the Extended Edition team that we have decided to move forward with a new VA with a new accent, as it would be uncouth to use spliced dialogue or a VA attempting to impersonate Mr. Lemon. So who is the new voice actor? How is the Workshop paying for this? After our casting call back in March, we selected Paul Warren as our new VA & opened up a donation drive to raise the funds necessary to cover revoicing the original script. You can look over the budget plan here, as well as the update regarding the budget surplus here, & the proposals for that surplus here. The Kaidan Workshop is strictly non-profit: all funds raised are to pay Mr. Warren for his services.
Will [insert other Kaidan mod] be compatible with this?
The short answer: No, not without a patch.
The much longer answer:
Several features were changed or lost in the migration of Kaidan's framework (first from Legendary Edition to Special Edition, & now the modding migration into Anniversary Edition), & warrant a complete rebuild of his framework from the ground up. Many bugs that are associated with 'Skyrim being Skyrim,' such as his dialogue hang-ups or his issues with Kiai, are actually scripting issues that can only be addressed in this way. It will also allow us to introduce features commonly seen in more recently created custom followers, like nickname or outfit systems. Because of this, our add-on will not be compatible out of the box with ANY existing Kaidan replacers, patches, or extensions. This is for three reasons:
1) We fixed the underlying issue, so you won't need that patch anymore. Additionally, we'll be able to update Kaidan without the need for separate patches, freeing up space in your mod list.
2) The patches, as they exist now, simply will not be able to work with the new framework or assets that our team has been building. However, making a compatibility patch is a relatively simple process we are more than happy to assist in.
3) To ensure that any original Kaidan content created by other content creators will in no way ever be used, revoiced, or made compatible with our rebuild without explicit consent from those parties. While LivTempleton may have opened up permissions to the modding community to use Kaidan's assets freely, we at the Workshop completely support the independent work that those in the community have made in preserving & expanding the titular character. I want to know more about what each of the teams are up to! We release periodic updates every month or so to keep the community updated on our progress and our goals, but feel free to swing by our Discord; you can always ask the staff what we're currently up to! You can find the most recent update here. I have a question/comment/concern that wasn't addressed in this post! No problem! You can always leave an anonymous post, message us privately via this tumblr, or reach out to a Community Team member on our Discord!
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theajjf · 2 years
AJJF Board of Directors Meeting Minutes Summary June 5, 2022 - by Prof. Hager AJJF Secretary
New Post has been published on https://www.ajjf.org/ajjf-board-of-directors-meeting-minutes-summary-june-5-2022-by-prof-hager-ajjf-secretary/
AJJF Board of Directors Meeting Minutes Summary June 5, 2022 - by Prof. Hager AJJF Secretary
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AJJF Board of Directors Meeting Summary
June 5th 2022. Respectfully submitted by, Sheryl Hager Prof. AJJF secretary
BOD Member Attendance: President Prof. Lane Treasurer: Prof. Congistre Secretary: Prof. Hager Member at Large: Prof. Colton Operations Committee Chair:Sensei Davis Finance Committee Chair: Sensei Roberts Council ofSenior Instructors Chair: Sensei Chapple DZRSI Chair: Sensei Freugh Guests Profs. Hudson, Wehseler, Merrill, Cross, Kaplowitz, Hodgkin, Guest Sensei: Stevens Chair: Prof. Ryan Scribe: Sensei Carlson
Minutes from previous meeting: Approved
Votes since last meeting: Harry Burleson has been elected as the National Manager of Regions. Tom Meade was elected as the Convention Chair. Robbie Rainey was elected as the Insurance Chair Austin Stahl was appointed as Kiai Echo Chair. Nathalie Chapple was elected as CSI Chair. Welcome all!
Quarterly Reports
Financial: Appreciation was given to Mark Roberts for his extensive work on Taxes. DZRSI: Dan Linder has been appointed as Scribe. CSI: The CSI committee has a renewed focus on how to communicate and reach Sensei. This committee has some new members with renewed energy. Post Covid , there are more schools that are becoming more active and renewing their memberships with the AJJF. Convention feedback: Most were glad to have a convention even though it was virtual. looking forward to in person convention and events. There needs to be some improvement on how to teach via zoom. Some suggestions were given on how to improve in this area.
Quarterly operations committee: Austin Stahl is doing a great job with the Kiai Echo since his appointment. The committee membership on the website has been updated.
Action Items: 1)The membership committee chair to develop a plan for looking at membership levels and requirements for each membership class. Including delinquent background checks. This is in process. 2) Develop the Allied/International Program. This in process 3) Work with the National Manager of Regions, Webmaster & National Manager of Communication for distribution of information monthly to school heads. CSI will connect with the new Kiai Echo Chair soon. 4) Covid update: In process. 5) A new committee to be formed to develop a Convention Comp Plan, and what the goals of this plan are to be determined. A request to put this on the BOP agenda. 6) Prof Hager is to send an edited BOD Meeting Summary to the Kiai Echo chair for distribution. Ongoing 7) A proposal will be drafted on requirement guidelines, funding and process of a Juniors scholarship fund. 8) Create a proposal for the use of regional funds. In process.
Old Business: Convention cancellation update: There is nothing new from the Charlotte Hotel.
New Business: To Clarify how the BOD/BOP work together. It needs to updated on the website which is the governing body and to clarify the roles that of BOD and BOP. Mileage reimbursement: Due to the increase in expenses mileage reimbursement will increase to 50 cents per mile as opposed to 40 cents per mile. There will be an updated automated form available to reflect the reimbursement . This increase will now be more in line with the IRS rate Convention Compensation plan: his document was previously sent out. Action here currently borderlines on EC and BOP responsibility, but the BOD can work on what is their level of responsibility. Convention 2023 hotel contract: The contract agreement that was presented by Prof. Hudson for the 2023 convention was accepted and approved.
Next Meetings: August 28th 2022, December 4th 2022
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freehawaii · 3 years
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Honolulu Civil Beat - February 25, 2012 
A proposed working group that would determine the future of Mauna Kea is already creating divisions among those who both support and oppose astronomy on the mountain, among Native Hawaiian groups, and among lawmakers in the Legislature. 
A joint panel of House legislators advanced resolutions Thursday morning that would form the working group. The proposals, House Resolution 33 and House Concurrent Resolution 41, now await a vote before the full 51-member House. 
But it’s not yet clear that the working group, meant to bring together stakeholders in government and Hawaiian communities, will be successful in bridging divides over development on the mountain. 
At a 90-minute hearing on the resolutions Thursday, lawmakers heard concerns over the composition of the group and what exactly it should accomplish. Despite those concerns, the House Judiciary and Hawaiian Affairs and Water and Land committees voted to move forward with the proposals while only making technical, non-substantive amendments. TMT Demonstrators gather at the ahu or altar near entrance of Mauna kea Access Road. Near Kipuka Pu’u Huluhulu, native tree sanctuary and trail. 
Only Reps. Dale Kobayashi and Gene Ward cast no votes. 
The concurrent resolution is expected to run into opposition in the Senate, where Sen. Lorraine Inouye, the chairwoman of the Water and Land Committee, has already refused to give it a hearing. 
However, the working group can still move forward as long as House Resolution 33 clears the 51-member chamber, Rep. David Tarnas said. 
Its support in the broader public might be tenuous, however. Some who testified on Thursday, and even some lawmakers, see the resolutions as another way to steamroll opposition to the Thirty Meter Telescope planned for construction on the summit. 
“HCR 41 and HR 33 would attempt to create the illusionof inclusion while ensuring the majority of the voices will always favor the foregone conclusion of the sponsors: to promote further development,” Deborah Ward, a Big Island resident, told lawmakers. 
Hawaiian Membership 
The working group would consist of 15-members, including seven Native Hawaiians. 
There would be one representative each from the Office of Haaiian Affairs, the Board of Land and Natural Resources, the University of Hawaii Board of Regents and the Mauna Kea Observatories. House Speaker Scott Saiki would choose three House members and a chairperson to round out the group. 
Healani Sonoda-Pale, a spokeswoman for the Ka Lahui Hawaii Komike Kalaiana, also feels that the resolution would help to push forward with TMT, which stalled in 2019 and is now seeking funding from the National Science Foundation.
"We don’t see this as a way to discuss management. We see this as a backdoor into finding a way to silence kiai and to build the TMT,” Sonoda-Pale told the lawmakers. Healani Sonoda-Pale testifies during a Water, Land Hawaiian Affairs hearing at the Capitol. 
However, other Hawaiian groups, even those opposed to TMT, support the idea of the working group. Those include several of the Hawaiian Civic Clubs on the Big Island. Noe 
Noe Wong-Wilson, president of the Hawaiian Civic Club of Hilo, wrote in testimony to lawmakers that the process for selecting seven Hawaiian members, about half of the group’s membership, should be open and transparent. 
The provision that Saiki would get to pick a majority of the members for the working group, including its Hawaiian members, has previously drawn criticism from activists. 
“Failure to engage the large Native Hawaiian community in this process will contribute to the ongoing distrust and dissatisfaction for the State of Hawaii’s care of our sacred mauna and cultural resource,” Wong-Wilson wrote. 
OHA also raised issues over the composition of the group. CEO Sylvia Hussey told lawmakers that lineal descendants of Hawaii island, cultural practitioners and members of the Royal Order of Kamehameha I should be considered for the working group. 
Astronomers Push Lease Extension
Some astronomy groups and Mauna Kea protesters like Wong-Wilson have actually found themselves on the same side on the working group. But while they might support the group, they have different goals. 
The protesters and kiai, or protectors, would like to see astronomy end and TMT permanently halted. The observatories, meanwhile, hope the group can provide a path forward to get a key lease extension from the state. 
Maunakea Observatories, which includes all 12 observatories operating on Mauna Kea, is among the working group’s supporters. Richard Matsuda, chief of operations for the W.M. Keck Observatory, told lawmakers that any discussion over governance should consider extension of UH’s master lease over the summit. 
All the observatories operate under that master lease, which is expected to end in 2033 unless the BLNR grants UH a lease extension. 
The observatories group indicated that the one seat on the 15-member working group that would represent astronomers is not enough.
The University of Hawaii wants lawmakers to define a clear objective for the working group. Greg Chun, UH’s director for Mauna Kea stewardship, was among those who called for greater Big Island representation on the working group. 
Some supporters of astronomy are also divided on the issue. Thayne Currie, an astrophysicist at the Subaru Telescope on Mauna Kea, said he finds flaws in how the resolutions are written. 
The resolutions target the University of Hawaii’s management of the mountain, which has been criticized by a string of auditor reports in the 1990s as well as another evaluation in December from a consultant that found UH still has trouble reaching Native Hawaiians. 
Currie thinks UH has done well in managing the mountain, and that much of the criticisms of its management should instead be levied against the state. He also doesn’t think the resolution would resolve many of the underlying issues the conflict over TMT has brought to light. 
“This will not fully fund DHHL, resolve issues over Mauna Kea Access Road, or resolve issues over Hawaiian Sovereignty,” Currie said. 
Proposal Advances Despite Objections 
Lawmakers also have differing opinions regarding the working group and how to best move forward on Mauna Kea. A majority of state lawmakers support construction of TMT on Mauna Kea, but Rep. Dale Kobayashi is not one of them. 
He sees the resolutions as just another way to push forward on astronomy development on Mauna Kea. 
“If you fool me once, shame on you, if you fool me twice, shame on me,” Kobayashi said. “This is a situation where, ‘fool me hundreds of times over hundreds of years.’” 
He continued: “This is for folks who woke up one day and decided to support astronomy over the wishes of people … this is just more of what we’ve been doing for hundreds of years.” 
Rep. Gene Ward doesn’t see the point of continuing discussion on Mauna Kea if Hawaii has already lost TMT. Mauna Kea is still the organization’s preferred site, but the observatory has also eyed a location in the Canary Islands off the coast of Africa. 
“If it’s moot, we are just talking about nothing for nothing,” Ward said. Senator Lorraine Inouye debate on carbon tax in the Senate. 
Other lawmakers, particularly those on the Big Island, hope it can help bridge some of the divides in their communities over the astronomy issue. 
Rep. Nicole Lowen, who represents parts of West Hawaii, said the membership of the group still needs work. 
“There’s not one voice of the people that’s a monolith, there’s a lot of different views on this. And there needs to be continuing work to come to some kind of consensus,” Lowen said. 
HCR 41 is expected to be dead on arrival if it moves to the Senate. 
Inouye already informed Tarnas and Saiki that she does not plan to give the resolution a hearing if it is referred to her committee. 
“We already made a commitment to support astronomy,” Inouye said in a phone interview. She added that UH and its Board of Regents have already taken steps to improving management of the mountain. 
The House still plans to forge ahead and create the working group even if the Senate does not support the proposal.
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muhalfarizi9 · 4 years
Karena salah satu temenku ada yang sempro, aku jadi ketrigger buat ngerjain proposal skripsi juga. Eh tapi pas udah buka file proposal skripsi malah keinget kalau ada tugas semiotic buat menganalisis film. Nah sebenarnya film pilihannya banyak, tapi aku pilih film Sang Kiai dan Sang Pencerah. Aku kepo sama ceritanya hehe. Jadi tadi aku baru selesai nonton Sang Kiai, filmnya lama tapi ga ngebosenin, aku dapat banyak insight tapi bakal kuceritain 1 yang menurutku sangat menarik.
Jadi gini, cerita Sang Kiai ini dimulai dengan masuknya penjajah jepang ke Indonesia. Dalam kisahnya K.H Hasym Asya’ri berhasil dibawa oleh pasukan jepang ke penjara untuk diinterogasi karena tragedi di sebuah pabrik, mereka menuduh K.H Hasym Asya’ri lah dalang dari pemberontakan tersebut. Waktu disuruh oleh pemimpin pasukan jepang untuk menandatangani sebuah surat yang menyatakan bahwa ia bersalah, K.H Hasym Asya’ri menolak dengan keras, lalu terdengarlah suara adzan setelah itu Kiai langsung berangkat dari tempat duduk. Didepan pintu Kiai diberhentikan oleh penerjemah pasukan jepang. Penerjemah ini bertanya “Kiai mau kemana?”, Kiai menjawab dengan sebuah pertanyaan “Kamu muslim?”, lalu dijawab oleh si penerjemah “Iya Kiai”, Kiai menambahkan “Bagaimana kamu bisa mengaku muslim kalau panggilan itu (adzan) sama sekali tidak mengetuk-ngetuk qalbumu (hatimu)”. Setelah itu si penerjemah menangis.
Oke time skip ya, karena selepas dari kejadian itu banyak kejadian heroik yang dikisahkan didalam film. Jadi si penerjemah berkesempatan untuk datang ke pondok tebuireng untuk bertemu dengan Kiai. Dia berkonsultasi soal kenapa dia masih tidak bisa merasa terketuk ketika mendengar adzan. Lalu Kiai menjelaskan bahwa kegelisahan si penerjemah karena dia tidak merasa terketuk itu adalah sebuah hidayah, karena ga semua orang bisa merasakan itu. Setelah berkonsultasi dengan Kiai, si penerjemah aktif belajar dan akhirnya memutuskan untuk terlibat dalam pasukan Hizbullah. Perang pertama yang dia ikuti dia merasa ketakutan. Malam selepas perang pertama dia mengakui kalau dia belum merasa terketuk oleh panggilan adzan. Malam sebelum panggilan perang kedua, dialah orang yang mengumandangkan adzan. Terlihat jelas perbedaan dari perang pertama dan perang kedua ini. Si penerjemah yang ga lagi jadi penerjemah akhirnya menjadi orang yang pemberani dan maju dibarisan paling depan.
Oke masuk ke hikmah yang kudapatkan dari film ini. Ternyata orang yang tercemplung dalam nikmatnya iman akan merasakan indahnya berjuang tanpa mengkhawatirkan kematian. Karena ketika iman sudah menancap jauh kedalam hati, kita akan sadar kalau ajal pasti akan tiba dan tugas kita hanyalah mempersiapkan bekal untuk menghadapi hari nanti.
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keptin-indy · 6 years
Exalted: Saigoth Gates 50
Last time, the circle met with Cathak Cainen and found him resigned to being Mela’s champion for the Throne.  Then they went to meet with the Paragon of Air, Righteous Typhoon, and Ardor limit broke and killed her, prompting a fight with Mela herself in the Palace Sublime.  West tried to get Mela to kill him in lieu of his friends, but she wasn’t content to stop with just him.  Krait demolished the Palace with his Death Ray and Naran killed Mela’s physical form, banished her back to the prison they’d inadvertently broken her out of back at the Pole of Air.
Previous installments
The remaining members of the circle had a moment to breathe after the fight and Krait began collecting vials of the melted ice statue that had been West (and only stopped trying to collect Mela’s blood after Ardor told him yet again that one of the gods supporting them had a prohibition against desecrating the bodies of their enemies).  Shashaka demanded to know if Krait could heal West with the watery remains and Krait blithely answered that the water wasn’t West, which didn’t reassure her at all.  The conversation was interrupted by a lone monk, bald and covered in tattoos, who calmly approached the still-glowing circle and asked if they were the ones who had killed Mela.  Shashaka testily replied that it had been the other group of Anathema in the Palace Sublime and the fighting began again.  The monk dropped into an unfamiliar fighting stance and seemingly began to burn off into visible Essence which swirled around him and gave him an oddly metallic sheen.  Ardor, a martial artist herself, didn’t think the Dragonblood was capable of channeling that much Essence for long and began taunting the man that he was likely to explode if he kept it up.  Krait rained acupuncture needles on him to speed that process along and Shashaka ran for cover in case Ardor’s prediction was literally true.  Out of nowhere, a familiar gold-and-amethyst spiked chain flew toward the monk, but he grabbed it from midair and it dissolved in his hand before the wicked spikes could cut into him.  Ardor turned her taunts into punishing kiais, but the monk discorporated into the Essence flows around himself and recoalesced directly in front of her, already mid-swing with hands of living jade.  Ardor sidestepped the blow faster than the eye could see and sang a note of such purity that the monk’s Essence-and-metal form began to resonate with it, leaving him vulnerable to Naran and, more surprisingly, to Mazatl, who crashed through the remnants of the Palace roof, straight onto and through the monk, daiklave-first.  The unfortunate monk dissolved into song, leaving the cheerful Mazatl to ask what exactly he’d just resolved, as he’d been on the ship and hadn’t seen anything but their anima banners on the horizon.  A rope ladder dropped through the hole in the roof, leading to what could only be the invisible Tenepeshu’s Vengeance, and West’s disembodied voice told them to get aboard.  Once on the ship and fully visible to one another, Shashaka bodily picked West up and shook him for scaring her like that (again) and he explained that he’d built himself “spare” bodies based off of Denandsor’s automatons and taken to sending them into dangerous situations in his stead.  Ardor said she was glad to see West wasn’t dead, which was surprising to West, who told her he thought she would be throwing a party.  Naran sent a sheepish Messenger to Ledaal Kes apologizing several times and emphasizing that Mela was banished, not dead, and what did he think the fallout from this would be?  Kes’ response was the kind of sigh only an Air Aspect can truly achieve, along with a muttered “I suppose it’s not the worst that could have happened.”  Ardor explained the fight with Mela to Mazatl (and also the end of it to West, as he hadn’t been present at that point) and the circle fell to its usual arguments over the next steps while the cloaked ship sped away from the ruined Palace Sublime.  At West’s insistence, Naran sent another Messenger to Mnemon asking what her plans were now that the force behind one of her rivals was gone, but she would only say that her goals were the same, regardless of what she had to do to achieve them.  Still at a loss for information, Naran contacted Kes again, asking specifically if there was anything the circle should do, but Kes said that he didn’t know and would have to wait for more information himself, repeated that it could be worse (possibly more to reassure himself than the circle), and told them not to assassinate anyone important.
The circle decided to follow Kes’ lead and see how the political environment changed without Mela, and so took a couple of days to rest and gather information.  West and Shashaka headed into town in disguises, but quickly retreated to the ship when West didn’t employ any of his usual talent for subterfuge and was instead perfectly straightforward with people, even to the point of giving his real name, wanted criminal and all.  The Night demanded to know why he was being so inconveniently honest and West explained that keeping his secrets had lead him to where he was now, with constant intra-party arguing and his grandmother’s life at risk, and anyway telling the truth all the time had worked out for Naran.  [Once safely back on the ship, West and Ardor managed to get into a shouting match after insisting that neither of them understood the other at all, which quickly degraded into trading insults.  Ardor disengaged, but came back a few hours later, calmer and with a proposal: if West thought she was such a bloodthirsty barbarian warlord, then he should come to Medo after the war (provided they both survived) and advise her on building civil infrastructure.  West saw no reason he should help her if she’d use the infrastructure to move armies and conquer her neighbors, but their second conversation was still much more civil than the first and West let slip the true story of his Exaltation and also the fact that he was once a member of the Wyld Hunt himself.  He also took the opportunity to remind Ardor of the good the Immaculate Order did for the peasantry, which she acknowledged even though she didn’t like most of their other positions.]  Mazatl took a job as a day labourer and bought his new coworkers drinks to loosen their tongues.  Rumour amongst the labourers said that some Anathema had broken into the Palace Sublime and killed Righteous Typhoon and that Mela was so disgusted by the wickedness of the world that she had once again retreated into seclusion to leave the Realm to fend for its own spiritual well-being.  Current theories were split between who might have sent the Anathema: Tepet Ejava (because she’d spent to much time in the heathen Threshold) or Mnemon (because Mnemon), but rest assured that the Wyld Hunt was in hot pursuit of the one or two survivors, having heroically taken down the bulk of them during the fight.  Cathack Cainen made a public statement saying that he would continue to carry on in his bid for the throne in the way he thought best, but could only rely upon his own judgment rather than Mela’s righteousness to guide him.  The circle thought this signaled more willingness to go against Mela’s opinions of his rivals, and indeed his rhetoric dropped talk of theocracy and rumour had it that he might open negotiations with Ejava.  With much of the circle rooting heavily for Ejava themselves, they arranged for another meeting with Mnemon, hoping to make her see the advantages of joining forces with or at least politely ignoring the other candidates.  The circle (minus Krait, who righly decided to sit out the meeting in his Wyld kingdom through his gateway-amulet) was escorted through the same series of tunnels to the underground throne room, where Mnemon sat flanked by Mara and Octavian the Living Tower.  Naran and then West laid out all their arguments; marching to fight the Never Was would make her a war hero, which was an accolade she didn’t have but the other two already did; once the Never Was were defeated, Ejava would drop her bid for Empresship, leaving only elderly Cainen as half-hearted competition; if she killed the others now, her already low popularity would plunge and she would likely be the subject of an immediate coup; if the Never Was took over the world because the Realm was too divided or  destroyed by in-fighting, then she wouldn’t have a Realm to rule; etc.  Mnemon was unconcerned by their many points, saying that a smaller but definitely loyal Realm force would be a better defense than a larger one with divided loyalties.  After some verbal flailing on West’s part, Mnemon drew the meeting to a close and made to dismiss them, but Ardor caught Naran’s eye and said that she refused to let Creation suffer for Mnemon’s ambition.
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francescafini · 4 years
GOLEM - To be generative in solidarity rather than creative in solitude is a virtual collective performance event. Guests of honor: Dimitris Alithinos - Marilyn Arsem - Franko B - Francesca Fini, Francesca Leoni, Francesca Lolli - Guillermo Gomez Peña - Leda Papaconstantinou - Stelarc - Theodoros - VestAndPage The virtual exhibition space will open to the public on June 5, with the vernissage at 18.00 GMT+3, which will be a presentation of the guests’ of honor participating artworks. The collective action of the transmission of the live performances will begin at 19.30, with a total duration of 5 hours. On June the 6th and 7th the virtual exhibition space will be open to the public where an archive of the participating works will be presented. Αs artists we stand in solidarity with local groups in their efforts to limit the effects of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. Our initiative to develop a blockchain application that brings together decentralized local supply chains that empowers communities to take action on the local level, was recently awarded in the international ConsenSys Health STOP COVID-19 Hackathon. The Golem is a figure in Jewish mythology, as a metaphor for the potential destructiveness of human artifices. GOLEM as a proposal for artistic intervention, aims to offer a different perspective to this period of forced social inactivity, inviting us to look at the emergency context in a generative rather than solely creative way. Generative, meaning "acting with the aim of generating" a different reality. GOLEM is organized by Trojan DAO, supported by G.A.P. - GATHERING AROUND PERFORMANCE, VENICE INTERNATIONAL PERFORMANCE ART WEEK, Studio Contemporaneo, and the  Ionian Univesity Laboratory of Interactive Arts - In.Arts Curated by Francesco Kiais https://www.trojanfoundation.com/golem?fbclid=IwAR1iaZkYDBmn3Yg3jdgZdVCtz-SQHFFg5z5yVIkRajg4oTClV-ftp7tZObc
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rmolid · 4 years
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sociologyquotes · 7 years
Republicans are criminalising peaceful protests across America, UN experts warn
“Bills which criminalise the right to peacefully protest are being introduced by politicians in a number of US states, United Nations (UN) experts have warned. 
More than 16 states have introduced draft legislation aimed at restricting the rights to assembly since May 2015, according to the organisation's Special Rapporteur on freedom of peaceful assembly, Maina Kiai and David Kaye, Special Rapporteur on the protection of the right to freedom of expression.
The pair described the “alarming” trend as “undemocratic”, adding that the issue had intensified since Donald Trump’s election as president.
“The bills were mainly proposed at the beginning of 2017 and exclusively by Republican legislators,” said Mr Kiai and Mr Kaye.
Their findings come as protests in the US have increased over the last few months.
The Women’s Marches, which took place in a number of US cities to protest against Mr Trump’s inauguration, are believed to be the largest and most peaceful day of protest in US history, according to political scientists from the Universities of Connecticut and Denver.
Somewhere between 3.3 million and 4.6 million people are thought to have taken part in the protests in Los Angeles, Washington DC, New York, Chicago and Seattle.
Mr Kiai and Mr Kaye said the anti-protests bills could be aimed at discouraging the development of movement such as Black Lives Matter.
“Since January 2017, a number of undemocratic bills have been proposed in state legislatures with the purpose or effect of criminalising peaceful protests," they said. “The bills, if enacted into law, would severely infringe upon the exercise of the rights to freedom of expression and freedom of peaceful assembly in ways that are incompatible with US obligations under international human rights law and with First Amendment protections.
They added that "the trend also threatens to jeopardise one of the United States’ constitutional pillars: free speech.”
The experts have sent a letter to US authorities raising their concerns over the rise of these bills.
Pendings bills are currently in the legislative corridors of Arkansas, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, North Carolina, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Oregon, South Dakota, Tennessee and Washington.
Indiana’s Senate Bill 285, for example, would allow law enforcement officials to “use any means necessary to clear the roads of people unlawfully obstructing vehicular traffic”.
The bill defines as “mass traffic obstruction” “an incident in which, as part of or as a result of a protest, riot or other assembly, at least 10 people obstruct vehicular traffic”.
The broad language is a major cause of concern for the UN experts, who said they feared it could lead to “excessive use of force”.
In Colorado, a harsher penalty could be applied to environmental protesters “obstructing or tampering with oil and gas equipment” and giving companies the possibility to pursue separate claims against the protester," they said.
They added: "There has been many demonstrations against oil and gas extraction in Colorado, which would be directly affected by the bill."  
Hefty fines and prison sentence accompany most of the pending bills. In Iowa, that could be up to five years in prison and a $7,500 fine.    
In Florida and Tennessee, the bills would exempt drivers from liability if they accidentally hit and even killed a pedestrian participating in a protest. Peaceful protesters could also be criminalised in Minnesota, for participating in demonstrations, which turn violent even if those protesters did not personally participate in the violence or property damage.
“From the Black Lives Matter movement, to the environmental and Native American movements in opposition to the Dakota Access oil pipeline, and the Women’s Marches, individuals and organisations across society have mobilised in peaceful protests, as it is their right under international human rights law and US law," Mr Kiai and Mr Kaye said.
“These state bills, with their criminalisation of assemblies, enhanced penalties and general stigmatisation of protesters, are designed to discourage the exercise of these fundamental rights,”
The pair took particular issue with the characterisation of protests being “unlawful” or “violent” in some of the bills.
They said: “There can be no such thing in law as a violent protest. There are violent protesters, who should be dealt with individually and appropriately by law enforcement. One person’s decision to resort to violence does not strip other protesters of their right to freedom of peaceful assembly. This right is not a collective right; it is held by each of us individually.
“Peaceful assembly is a fundamental right, not a privilege, and the government has no business imposing a general requirement that people get permission before exercising that right,” they said.
Mr Kiai and Mr Kaye have called on the US authorities at the federal and state level to refrain from enacting any legislation, which would curb freedom of peaceful assembly, expression or opinion.”
---from the article Republicans are criminalising peaceful protests across America, UN experts warn by Chloe Farand
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kaibutsushidousha · 7 years
What is the relationship between Himiko and Tenko? I know Graxb frrzf gb or ebznagvpnyyl vagrerfgrq va Uvzvxb...Ohg vg'f hapyrne ubj Uvzvxb srryf
It’s exactly what you said.
Here’s a little sum up of how their relationship progress throughout the game:
Chapter 1: Chabashira is very interested in Yumeno, mostly because she wants to teach her magic so she can incorporate magecraft into her Neo Aikido teachings. Over half of Chabashira’s line were telling everyone how about how amazing Yumeno is and they are seen together everywhere. 
Yumeno, on other hand, is very lazy and gets easily disconfortable and annoyed by Chabashira following her around everywhere and being overall a very tiresome person. A person like Chabashira, who is always eager to do things all the time, is not the kind Yumeno wanted to be around.
Chapter 2: This is the chapter where Yumeno develops more her friendship with Angie. Chabashira leaves her alone doing her own thing for a while, partly because she realizes Yumeno doesn’t feel good about her clinginess and partly because she is not really too fond of Angie.
But even in the parts where the too do interact, you can see Chabashira’s protectiveness and supportiveness are still very present, but it’s also a little bit noticeable her enthusiasm is toned down a little bit in an attempt to match Yumeno’s energy. I think this is a genius touch to include in an aikido-themed character.
Then, Yumeno becomes the first suspect in the chapter’s trial and this amazing exchange I translated in my Twitter threads happens: 
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That’s what makes Yumeno change her opinion about Chabashira and value her a lot more. From this scene on, Yumeno never show any signs of discompent towards Chabashira’s presence.
Chapter 3: The two girls are now very close together the entire time. They have a great scene where Chabashira’s laboratory is opening and she gets overly excited from the amazing dojo and starts talking a lot of aikido stuff, like kiais, energy exchange and expressing yourself through your body and this takes her to the topic of how Yumeno is embarassed of expressing herself. Yumeno replies expressing is tiresome but Chabashira flips her on the ground and says she will learn more about when the two of them are training together to incorporate magic to Neo Aikido.
After that, the two are constantly working together as member of Angie’s student council, but it’s later revealed that Chabashira is kind of a spy there and only joined to make sure Yumeno is safe, as she is not that trusting about Angie.
 After that, they find Angie’s body and Shinguuji proposes a spirit communication ritual to get Angie’s spirit to name her culprit. As Angie’s closest friend, Yumeno volunteers to be Angie’s vessel, but Chabashira asks to take her place, so Yumeno can actually talk to her friend and say her proper goodbyes. I translated Chabashira’s speech there on my Twitter threads:
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Chabashira dies during the ritual and Yumeno is noticiably shook. The detail that stood out the most to me here is that as soon the body was discovered, Yumeno stopped calling “Chabashira” and called her “Tenko” for the first time. 
Later, during the trial, Yumeno demands to discuss about Chabashira’s death and Ouma replies her death doesn’t matter because this is Angie’s trial. Yumeno gets understandly pissed at the comment, but Ouma calls her out by reminding her of how she didn’t value Chabashira enough back when she was still alive and she is not even following Chabashira’s last words. Yumeno agrees with Ouma, saying this his words express her regrets perfectly.
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After the trial is over, Yumeno finally follows Chabashira’s last words and cries until she drops.
Chapter 4 onwards: Basically, Yumeno’s personality changed after that. She decides she will now live positively, properly expressing herself and stopping dismissing evertything as tiresome, in order to honor Chabashira’s memories and her last words.  
And that’s the story of how Himiko Yumeno stopped being lazy. The end.
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theajjf · 2 years
AJJF Board of Directors Meeting Minutes Summary March 6, 2022 - by Prof. Hager AJJF Secretary
New Post has been published on https://www.ajjf.org/ajjf-board-of-directors-meeting-minutes-summary-march-6-2022-by-prof-hager-ajjf-secretary/
AJJF Board of Directors Meeting Minutes Summary March 6, 2022 - by Prof. Hager AJJF Secretary
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AJJF Board of Directors Meeting Summary
March 6, 2022
  BOD Members in attendance
President: Prof. Lane
Treasurer: Prof. Congistre
Secretary: Prof. Hager
Operations Committee Chair: Sensei St Pierre
Finance Committee Chair: Sensei Roberts
Council Of Senior Instructors Chair: Sensei Merrill
DanZan Ryu Seifukujitsu Institute Chair: Sensei Frueh
Guests: Sensei Davis, Prof. Ryan, Prof. Cross
Chair: Prof. Lane
Scribe: Sensei Carlson
  Minutes: December minutes accepted
  Committee Reports
Financial Report
We are happy to announce that the AJJF is doing well. Membership is up and the finances are doing well. There are additional forms to fill out, so The BOD is looking for help from a CPA.
DZRSI Report
New Therapy classes will begin in Sacramento ca.
CSI Report
There is a new Sensei packet in the works. Over 3/4 of AJJF schools were contacted . Most Sensei were disappointed that the convention was moved to a virtual convention.
Operations Report
1)convention to virtual
2) nominations for awards
3) Opscom recruitment
4) welcome Sensei Davis as Chair. Many thanks to Sensei Pete St Pierre for his many years of service and a job done with high standards.
  Action Items
1)Membership chair to develop a plan for membership levels, and the requirements for each class including outdated background checks. Opscom Chair and Membership chair will begin working on this.
2) Allied program is in process
3)National Managers of Regions, and Communications and the Webmaster for distribution of information to school heads monthly. Awaiting new Kiai Echo Chair.
4) Convention Comp plan : In process. Ready by next convention
5) Prof Hager to send Kiai Echo Summary of edited minutes.
6)BOD recommendation to the BOP to cancel the in person convention to an alternate version.
  Old Business
Covid/ Convention cancellation update: The AJJF is still working with the hotel on the cancellation process.
Donation Category for Junior Camp. BOD will draft a proposal for creating a fund to assist Juniors.
International Membership is in process.
Professor Balls travel. The BOD approval of Sr. Prof. Balls ability to request reimbursement for a personal assistants travel expenses to attend AJJF events.
Use of AJJF funds : Some Sensei are having difficulty with usage of regional guidelines . There is a request to have less elaborate guidelines. Sensei Merrill will create a proposal for the use of regional funds.
Future meetings : June 5th, August 28th, December 4th, 2022
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showhubcap1 · 4 years
Contoh Rencana Perpisahan Kelas Xi
Berikut ini merupakan beberapa contoh proposal kegiatan yang dapat saudara jadikan sebagai referensi pembelajaran. Proposal kegiatan yaitu pengutaraan rencana sebuah kegiatan indah itu bersifat individu maupun kelompok misalnya proposal kesibukan pentas seni budaya. Atas dukungan baik materiil maupun moril dan partisipasi dari seluruh pihak, kami sampaikan terima kasih yang setulus-tulusnya. Peserta dalam kegiatan ini merupakan siswa-siswi perwakilan dari di setiap kelas X, XI & XII SMA Bina Keturunan. Adapun metode pemilihan subjeknya dengan menyedot Teknik Purposive Sampling untuk pemilihan guru TIK. Sementara itu, khusus untuk menetapkan subjek siswa kelas X menggunakan teknik snowball sampling. Kondisi ini tentu benar bagus untuk perkembangan kandidat didik yang bersangkutan sedangkan pihak sekolah. Oleh sebab itu kita harus menggubris dengan benar apakah rencana yang dibuat sudah sesuai atau belum. Untuk model dari kegiatan acara sudah bisa dilihat bagaimana cara membuat proposal kegiatan acara yang baik dan sungguh agar acara yang tahu anda laksanakan bisa memperoleh respoin yang baik mengikuti dukungan seperti yang diharapkan. Acara pentas senimerupakan perwakilan dari setiap kelas Xyang bisa mengikuti ini, XI, XII SMA SMAN satu Gunung Talang. Demikianlah pandangan mengenai contoh proposal aksi yang bisa dijadikan jadi bahan acuan atau penunjuk saat Anda hendak membuat proposal yang serupa. Secara mengetahui berbagai jenis dan bentuk proposal kegiatan pada atas, Anda tentu sudah bisa membedakan antara jenis proposal yang satu secara jenis yang lain karena setiap jenis proposal menyimpan konten dan isi dengan berbeda. Salah satu kreatifitas & kekayaan bangsa yang perlu dilestasikan adalah seni. Sudah semestinya seni yang habis ada dikembangkan sedemikian rupa agar bukan punah.
Siswa cepat merasa penuh jika harus terus menghiraukan ceramah guru, siswa makin senang proses pembelajaran nan memberi kesempatan siswa buat eksistensi diri melihat tampilan teman-temannya.
Khidman, seorang petani berdarah Jerman yang tinggal di kota Ponorogo diketahui sudah periode menghentikan penggunaan pupuk kimia dan beralih ke organik serta memanfaatkan sumber kepandaian predator pemangsa hama.
Seperti misalnya contoh proposal pengajuan sedekah seperti berikut.
Berdasarkan uraian di arah, penulis berkeinginan untuk menyimak perbedaan hasil belajar mahasiswa yang proses pembelajarannya menggunakan kooperatif tipe make a match dan model penataran kooperatif tipe think penjaga share.
Teknik pemeriksaan data dengan digunakan yaitu triangulasi metode dan sumber.
Misalnya saja milad atau hari oleh karena itu sekolah, acara 17 Agustus, perpisahan, dan berbagai agenda lain. Buat Anda yang kebetulan akan membuat proposal kegiatan sekolah, berikut adalah contoh dari proposal aksi sekolah yang bisa jadi sebagai rujukan. Peserta dalam kegiatan ini adalah siswa-siswi perwakilan dari setiap posisi X, XI dan XII SMA N 2 ABCDEFG. Pentas seni adalah ajang yang tepat untuk menginvestigasi kreativitas siswa-siswi di asing potensi akademik. Melalui pagelaran pentas seni, siswa-siswi bisa menunjukkan bakat dan selera yang dimilikinya kepada umum. Hal ini hendak memperlancar mancapai tujuan agenda pendidikan sekolah tersebut. Melalui demikian humas dituntut buat selalu memberikan informasi-informasi melanggar pentingnya masyarakat bagi madrasah agar tercipta kesepemahaman daripada kedua belah pihak. Berasal dari kesepemahaman itulah oleh sebab itu masyarakat akan tertarik guna ikut berpartisipasi dalam penyelenggaraan pendidikan di sekolah. Guna itu peneliti merasa tertarik untuk melakukan penelitian dengan berjudul “PENGARUH MANAJEMEN IKATAN MASYARAKAT TERHADAP PARTISIPASI ASOSIASI DI SMK NEGERI 1 BANDUNG”. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di kelas XI semester 2 tahun ajaran 2007/2008 SMA Islam Cipasung dengan beralamat di Jl.
Contoh Proposal Kegiatan serta Penelitian
Dari latarbelakang ini, kami sebagai pengurus OSIS SMA Negeri Kurikulum Pelajaran mau mengadakan pentas drama guna siswa disetiap kelasnya. Panggung drama tersebut dilakukan guna meningkatkan apreasiasi siswa dibidang peran dan melatih mengalami percaya diri yang had saat ini masih perlu ditingkatkan melalui pendidikan pementasan. Beberapa faktor yang menyebabkan masyarakat dusun Karang masih terperangkap dalam kemiskinan, yaitu rendahnya tingkat pendidikan masyarakat karena 59% lulusan SD, 10% SMP, 27% SMA dan hanya 4% yang menempuh bangku perkuliahan. Selain tersebut, masyarakat dusun Karang yang berada di usia produktif tidak memiliki inisiatif buat mencari penghasilan lebih baik. Subjek dalam penelitian ini terdiri dari guru serta siswa kelas X SMK N 1 Simpang tahun ajaran 2018/2019. Pengikut didik mebuat proposal berdasarkan unsur-unsur proposal, pendahuluan, dasar masalah, metode, pelaksanaan (tempat, waktu, dan biaya) secara memperhatikan isi kebahasaanya. Ke-2, prestasi belajar sebagian gembung siswa juga masih aib dimana berdasar hasil poin ulangan harian sebanyak 55% belum mencapai kriteria ketuntasan minimal. Ketiga, sumber membiasakan yang digunakan oleh kiai dan siswa belum memadai karena tidak adanya bakal ajar untuk kurikulum 2013 edisi revisi.
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newstfionline · 6 years
Kenyans have had it with corruption. Their leaders may finally be doing something about it.
By Max Bearak, Washington Post, July 13, 2018
NAIROBI--Thirty years ago, Margaret Kuya made a costly investment that she hoped would pay off for her newborn daughter: She bought herself a better job.
“To get a job in Kenya, it is not about being smart or hard-working. We say, ‘You have to know someone,’” Kuya said recently at her home in Nairobi. Her family is by no means wealthy or well-connected, but back then, she knew someone who knew someone else. She gave most of her meager savings to a middleman and went from being a maid to cooking in a school cafeteria--one small rung up on society’s ladder.
On the eve of her retirement from that job, Kuya makes about $200 a month. Diana Kuya, her daughter, is now almost 30. Margaret has paid out thousands of dollars--years’ worth of scrupulously saved paychecks--to try to secure Diana a job that’s at least one rung higher on the ladder.
But those dreams have been stolen. Each middleman has run away with her money. Diana is an unpaid intern, one of hundreds of thousands of educated young Kenyans without jobs.
A sense that pervasive corruption is stifling young Kenyans’ futures has been building for years, like pressure in a sealed, heated chamber. And Kenya’s leaders--themselves long accused of corruption--seem finally to have recognized the potential political cost of not addressing it.
In recent weeks, Kenya’s president and deputy president have offered to be among the first subjects of a “lifestyle audit”--an anti-graft initiative that, if implemented, would require every government official to show how they earned enough to afford the mansions, ranches and luxury cars so many of them own. Only if corruption is weeded out at the top, the thinking goes, will it be possible to end the kind of petty corruption faced by the Kuyas.
For now, the audits are just a proposal. Yet as corruption continues to factor into almost all economic transactions here, the clamor for change keeps growing.
Real estate developers bake graft-related expenses into their budgets. Poor people grease the palms of city officials to stay in illegally built but affordable slums. Scandals involving collusion between government officials and business executives to import inferior or even contaminated foods dominate the headlines.
“The elite corruption in this country is carried out with increasing impunity and brazenness. A billion shillings is the new million,” said Edward Ouko, Kenya’s auditor general, in an interview in his 12th-floor Nairobi office. “Ordinary folks have to ride with the tide.”
Ouko is seven years into an eight-year term, and his office has been instrumental in bringing to light some of Kenya’s most egregious recent cases of corruption. Over the past two months, dozens of raids and investigations have targeted government officials, but that has not led to any convictions. He is now a leading proponent of the lifestyle audit, likening it to a truth and reconciliation commission.
“The Kenyan public must be shown that their leaders are serious. It will be hard. Big men will fall,” he said. “But it is the only way to move forward.”
President Uhuru Kenyatta’s offer to undergo the first audit, however, has provoked scorn from Kenya’s small band of anti-corruption activists. He is the son of Kenya’s first president, Jomo Kenyatta, and the family has enormous land holdings and owns companies in various industries. The Kenyattas are seen by detractors as the heirs of a colonial system built on legalized discrimination and theft that they did little to dismantle.
“Lifestyle audits? Not a bad idea,” said Maina Kiai, a Kenyan lawyer who until recently was a special rapporteur to the United Nations’ secretary general. “But how far is Uhuru willing to go? Will the rest of his family do it? Can they really tell us how they got all the land? What about accounting for shell companies and offshore accounts? And if they don’t, then how can we expect everyone else to?”
Kenya’s former anti-corruption commission chairman estimated two years ago that the country loses a third of its state budget to corruption--almost $6 billion annually. Its scale threatens national security, discourages foreign investors and saps public services of funds. Police officers and teachers often go unpaid, and Nairobi’s roads continue to deteriorate. Mike Sonko, who runs the capital’s government, and whose last name is slang for “rich man,” was elected partly because he uses his wealth to run private fire and ambulance services.
One of the first Swahili phrases foreigners learn here is “kitu kidogo”--something small. That is what the government official taking care of your paperwork will ask for: “Just something small, sir. I want to have lunch.”
While Kenya’s economy still creates jobs, and state institutions are functional, if inefficient, corruption has become so deeply rooted that a 2016 survey of young people by one of the country’s best universities found that half of respondents did not care how they made their money, as long as they did not end up in jail. More than a third said they would “easily” give or take a bribe.
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starvarahayu-blog · 7 years
Lumbung Pare Ti Kulon (Granery from The West/ Lumbung Padi Dari Barat) (1)
I was born and grown in Bandung, West Java, which is laid on my beloved Land Indonesia. In West Java, the origin root is Sundanese which has the local types of Sundanese, we can see the obvious differences among Sundanese Type in  Bandung-Cimahi-Garut-Tasik, Part of Banten Border, Sukabumi-Bogor-Cianjur,Depok, Bekasi-Karawang, North Subang-Majalengka, Indramayu-Cirebon, Kuningan, Ciamis-Banjar.
Then, when we go to the East of West Java, There’s laid the Central Java Province, which has the tribe and tradition of Javanese. This tribe spreads into East Java Province. Well, even my bloodlines 60% is Javanese and 40% is Sundanese, but briefly said that i have sense of belonging of this province. 
I believe that Bung Karno in his journey. The sense of belonging here is not that I am merely proud of one region only. However, the contribution to the land where we stand is a contribution to Indonesia.
There was a reason, why Soekarno rejected the suggestion from Hatta about “Federation Country” 
As long as stand on the name of contribution for Great Indonesia, forget about our proud feeling about our bloodlines. This is the Biography of the First Governor of Java. Anyway, i have special relationship with my land well psychologically “Love-Hate” relationship moves us into good discretion. Why must “Love-Hate” ? From what we hate, we learn about Wisdom. If i don’t hate 
KNOWING MAS SOETARDJO KARTOHADIKOESOEMO (FIRST GOVENOOR OF WEST JAVA) . Soetardjo Kartohadikoesoemo born in Blora, Central Java, October 22, 1892 is  the son of an Assistant-Wedono in the onder-district of Kunduran, Ngawi, namely Kiai Ngabehi Kartoredjo. Soetardjo’s , Mas Ajoe Kartoredjo, is a family descendant of the government of Banten. The Soetardjo family is a civil service. All his brothers became civil servants, while his sisters became wives of civil servants.
Although originated from a prominent family of Javanese civil servants, Soetardjo's childhood was spent with the village community. It inspired him later to write a book about the village. At the end of his schooling age, Soetardjo followed and passed the test to become a low-ranking officer (kleinambtenaarsexamen) in 1906. But Soetardjo did not choose to be a low-ranking employee, but continued his education at OSVIA, due to his thought, “Education is more Important”. This is where Soetardjo began to come into contact with the movement organization.
In 1919, the then 19-year-old Soetardjo was elected Bureau Chief Boedi Oetomo until 1911 leaving school and did kind of  "internship" working at the Assistant Resident's office in Blora. At that time the Chairman of Boedi Oetomo was R.T.A. Tirtokoesoemo, Bupati (Regent)  of Karanganyar.
Not until 1 year of apprenticeship, on 19 October 1911 Soetardjo was appointed as a scribe helper (hulpschrijver) at Resident Rembang office. 2 months later, on December 23, 1911, was appointed as the scribe of the prosecutor, and five months later was appointed as Mantri District. After occupying the post for 19 months, Soetardjo was appointed as Assistant-Wedono.
These positions made Soetardjo learn a lot about doing government jobs to make official reports and prosecutorial files in Indonesian and Dutch.
Although raised in the family of Javanese bureaucrats, but Soetardjo has a view against feudalism, especially those that undermine indigenous society before the Dutch. While serving as Mantri, Soetardjo protested against the conferring procedure that placed the civil service in black clothes wearing a keris and sat silo (sits traditionally, on the ground with crossed left-right ankle)   on a mat while the Dutchman sat on a chair. At the following month's conference, all civil servants were allowed to wear white elbows and sit on chairs.
In 1913, Soetardjo was promoted to Assistant Wedono onderdistrik Bogorejo in the Blora area. While serving as Assistent Wedono Bogorejo, Soetardjo initiated and pioneered the establishment of cooperatives to improve the welfare of villagers who collapsed due to the practices of middlemen.
Due to his hard work his career also increased and when the formation of PPBB, is appointed as vice chairman and nominated then elected to be members of the Volksraad. During his time as a member of the Volksraad, Soetardjo was closely associated with Bestuuracademi students.
Soetardjo expressed his ideas on the need to change the feudal relationship of the civil service to a more modern one. In addition, Soetardjo Bank also established through PPBB congress.
Soetardjo also championed the disbursement of the civil service from the adverse Regional Rule (Regionale Bezoldingingsregeling) and incorporated into the Employee Salary Regulation (Bezoldingings-regeling Burgerlijke Landsdienaren) so it was more appropriate.
During the membership of the Volksraad, in addition to Soetardjo's petition which has been presented at the beginning of this section of the paper, Soetardjo also proposed many motions that are strategic for the progress of the people. The motions are:
1. A motion to the Dutch government to contribute 25 million guilders to improve the economic conditions of the village people. This motion was accepted, and was used for the construction of a reservoir in Cipanas of 2 million guilders.
2. Motion to promote people's economy by establishing welvaartsfonds and welvaartscommissie with the task of designing an effort to eradicate poverty.
3. The motion of demands to change the inlander designation in all laws into Indonesia
4. The motion to create a militia regulation for the Indonesian population and provide greater opportunities for the Indonesian nation Lokraofficial
5. A motion in the form of requests for multiplying Inlandsche Mulo schools, holding a vocational high school (middelbare vakschool), conducts local compulsory education (locale leerplicht) in view of the usual limitations to implement national compulsory education (leerplicht). In addition, Soetardjo also played an active role in the making of policies, including the creation of the 1941 Ordonnantie Village, as well as the establishment of the Comite voor onderwijsbelangen, the establishment of Hof van Islamitische Zaken, and the petition known as the Soetardjo Petition.
#72tahunJawaBarat #72TahunIndonesia #72YearsWestJava #Nationality 
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libya-today · 7 years
New Post has been published on LIBYA TODAY
New Post has been published on http://www.libya-today.com/2017/05/egypts-politics-digest-nov-25-egypts-parliament-to-discuss-israels-silencing-of-muslim-call-to-prayer-next-week/
Egypt’s politics digest Nov. 25: Egypt’s Parliament to discuss Israel’s silencing of Muslim call to prayer next week
CAIRO: No more browsing from site to site, view the top politics news stories on Nov. 25 here:
Irrigation, Agriculture Ministers summoned by parliament over rice cultivation ban
Ministers of Irrigation and Agriculture will be summoned by the parliament to be questioned over a decision to entirely ban rice cultivation in Gharbiya governorate, Youm7 reported.
Two members have submitted a request to summon the two ministers. The request said that farmers in Gharbiya rely solely on rice crop to repay their annual debts to banks or land owners.
Egypt’s Parliament to discuss Israel silencing of Muslim call to prayer next week
Arab Affairs committee at the parliament plans to discuss Israeli proposed ban of Islamic prayer call at mosques on Sunday as part of its next week’s agenda.
The committee is scheduled hold three meetings this week to discuss several Arab and regional issues, including the outcomes of the Arab African Summit in Equatorial Guinea that was attended by President Abdel Fatah al-Sisi.
The meetings will also tackle the results of Arab League delegations’ meetings with EU members.
Egyptian activists raise alarm over expanding NGO crackdown
(REUTERS): An Egyptian bill regulating non-governmental organizations is so restrictive it effectively bans human rights work and makes it harder for charities to operate, activists and development workers say.
The bill, passed by parliament last week but subject to a final vote, restricts NGO activity to developmental and social work and introduces jail terms of up to five years for non- compliance.
Egyptian rights activists say they face the worst crackdown in their history under general-turned-president Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, who they accuse of erasing freedoms won in a 2011 uprising that ended Hosni Mubarak’s 30-year rule.
The government had been working for years on a new law regulating NGOs, which human rights groups feared would be more restrictive than Mubarak-era rules.
But the bill that was drafted and rushed through by MPs last week is more draconian than anything the government had considered, introducing oversight into the funding and work of charitable and development groups with no political links.
“It is just easier for the government and for us to issue a law banning NGOs instead of beating around the bush with this bill,” said Mohamed Zaree, Egypt program director at the Cairo Institute for Human Rights Studies.
Social Solidarity Minister Ghada Waly who oversees the NGO sector did not respond to emailed requests for comment.
Lawmakers who drafted the bill say is necessary to protect national security. The government has long accused human rights groups of taking foreign funds to sow chaos and several are facing investigation over their funding.
But charities say the bill restricts them at a time when subsidy cuts and tax increases have made it harder for Egyptians to make ends meet.
Charities have long played an important role in feeding, clothing and providing healthcare and education in a country where millions live on less than $2 a day.
But a sharp drop in the value of the currency and reforms promised by the government to clinch a $12 billion IMF loan mean their role is more critical than ever.
Marwa El Daly, whose Waqfeyat al-Maadi Community Foundation offers training and toolboxes for jobless young people, says the bill is damaging.
“The more you restrict NGO work and treat workers like thieves, the less inclined people will be to do it,” said Daly. “Bills like these destroy the public’s trust and make it seem like the state is protecting the people from NGOs.”
Provisions obliging NGOs to inform authorities before collecting and spending donations will bog them down and stifle their work, NGO workers say.
Under the new bill, donations exceeding 10,000 pounds ($570) must be preapproved. If no approval is granted within 60 days the request is automatically denied. Failure to inform authorities can result in jail terms of up to five years and fines of up to 1 million Egyptian pounds ($57,000).
The bill also gives the government power over deciding who can establish an NGO and for what purpose.
It obliges groups to stick to the “state’s development plan”, severely restricting the work they can do in areas the government does not consider a priority.
NGO chiefs who move their group’s headquarters without informing the authorities can go to jail for a year.
The bill also bans domestic and foreign groups from engaging in political activities or anything that harms national security, public order, public morals or public health — a means, say human rights groups, to stifle dissent.
Talaat Abdelqawi, head of the official Federation of NGOs, said the bill is a matter of security though he would prefer to see the jail terms dropped.
“We care about the security and safety of citizens and stopping infractions either from suspect funding or foreign organizations attacking the country and the regime,” he said.
Under the new bill, fieldwork and polls conducted without prior state approval can land researchers in jail, as can collaborating with international institutions such as the United Nations.
The United Nations says the bill effectively makes civil society a branch of government.
“This bill proposes perhaps the worst restrictions on fundamental freedoms in Egypt since the 2011 uprisings,” UN expert Maina Kiai said in a statement.
“It aims to destroy Egypt’s foundation for peaceful, civic engagement at its very roots. If it becomes law, it would devastate civil society not only in the short term, but possibly for generations to come.”
At least eight security forces members killed in Egypt’s Sinai
(REUTERS): At least eight members of Egypt’s security forces were killed on Thursday in an attack on a checkpoint in the northern Sinai, a military spokesman said in a statement.
There was no immediate claim of responsibility for the attack.
The statement said the military killed three of the assailants.
An Islamist insurgency in the rugged, thinly populated Sinai Peninsula has gained pace since the military toppled President Mohamed Mursi of the Muslim Brotherhood, Egypt’s oldest Islamist movement, in mid-2013 following mass protests against his rule.
There have been conflicting reports on what happened.
The statement said that a car bomb and an explosive device lead to the death of eight military personal.
However, other security sources said earlier that assailants fired two rocket propelled grenades at the checkpoint south of the city of al-Arish, and three pick-up trucks carrying masked men then drove by and opened fire.
The militant group staging the insurgency in Sinai pledged allegiance to Islamic State in 2014 and adopted the name Sinai Province. It is blamed for the killing of hundreds of Egyptian soldiers and policemen since then.
In its weekly online magazine Al-Nabaa released on Thursday, Islamic State urged members to join other branches of the group active in areas like the Sinai, Libya, Yemen and West Africa if unable to reach its self-declared “caliphate” in Iraq and Syria.
Islamic State had previously called on members to carry out attacks in their home countries if unable to enter Iraq or Syria because of tougher security measures in the region aimed at cutting off jihadist supply lines.
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takebackthedream · 7 years
When Protests Are Powerful, The Powerful Punish Protest by Libero Della Piana
When people feel powerless – locked out of decision-making, bypassed by real governance – they turn to protest. Especially for the disenfranchised and oppressed, protest is often the only way to exert power and affect policies and practices that impact their lives and communities.
Photo credit: Wikimedia Commons
With Donald Trump in the White House and the Republican Party in control of both houses of Congress and a majority of statehouses around the country, protest is now a key avenue of resistance.
We can’t expect an agenda that puts people and planet first to come from above, so people are taking to the streets. The first hundred days of the new administration have been marked as much by protest as by Trump’s demagoguery and appeals to hate and fear.
So it is no wonder that there is a new wave of anti-protest laws being implemented across the country. When protests are powerful, the powerful punish protest.
Oklahoma’s Anti-Protest Law
On May 9, Oklahoma Governor Mary Fallin signed a bill into law that increases fines for civil disobedience, and seeks to punish “conspirator” organizations. The ordinance, HB 2128, targets protests that disrupt “critical infrastructure” with felony charges and a minimum of $10,000 fine. There are further fines of up to $100,000 and up to ten years in jail for those found damaging facilities. Organizations that “compensate” such protests could face up to $1 million in fines.
Public Radio Tulsa reported part of the debate in the Oklahoma House:
Rep. Mark McBride faced a barrage of questions from Democrats, including Rep. Cory Williams, who asked what constitutes “compensation” under HB2128.
“It means just what we want it to on this bill. How about that?” McBride said.
“I’m sorry, what?” Williams said. “Is it a check? Is it money? Is it staying at somebody’s house? Is it some other benefit conferred?”
“That would be for the courts to decide,” McBride said.
“All due respect, we’re supposed to be writing laws. They interpret them. Our laws should have definitions in them,” Williams said.
Rep. Collin Walke bristled at a provision saying an arrest — not necessarily a conviction — is enough to create that liability.
“And if that doesn’t cause you concern as a small-government conservative, that we are punishing legal activity, then I question your status as a small-government conservative,” Walke said.
Curbs Nationwide
In Oklahoma, oil and gas are king. The goal of these measures are clear: dissuade protests against oil, gas and pipeline facilities and interests.
But Oklahoma is just the latest example of an attempt to punish protest. At least 19 U.S. states have introduced measures to curb the right to protest since Donald Trump’s election.
In North Carolina, there was a proposal to punish heckling of politicians with five years jail time. In Arizona, legislation was ultimately dropped that would have seized homes and other property from protesters. North Dakota state Rep. Keith Kempenich proposed a bill that would make a driver who hits or kills a protester who is obstructing traffic free from punishment!
This trend even caught the eye of the United Nations. Maina Kiai, UN Special Rapporteur on freedom of peaceful assembly and of association, and David Kaye, UN Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of the right to freedom of opinion and expression, issued a report about the wave of anti-protest legislation in the U.S. 
“The bills, if enacted into law, would severely infringe upon the exercise of the rights to freedom of expression and freedom of peaceful assembly in ways that are incompatible with US obligations under international human rights law and with First Amendment protections. The trend also threatens to jeopardize one of the United States’ constitutional pillars: free speech.”
Why Does Protest Matter?
One has to wonder why those in power are so worried about protest. Giant mega-corporations have all the money and influence. Corporate allies and henchmen dominate our legislatures and government offices. It would seem they have all the power. So why punish protest – why not just ignore it?
Because protest works. Even in the face of massive wealth and political influence, protest has the ability to change the conversation, to educate the public, change facts on the ground, and mobilize opposition.
When a police officer shot Michael Brown to death in Ferguson, Missouri in August, 2014, spontaneous protests by local Black young people turned what would have been yet another unnoticed police shooting into a national movement declaring “Black Lives Matter.”
In 2016, thousands of American Indians gathered near Cannonball, North Dakota through summer heat and bitter winter cold, to stand in prayerful opposition to the Dakota Access Pipeline. The pipeline project ignored the concerns and sovereignty of the Standing Rock Sioux tribe, and bypassed government procedures and environmental regulations. In the end the pipeline went through, but not before winning the hearts and minds of the world and sparking a new upsurge in Native organizing.
On January 21, millions took to the streets of Washington DC and around the world for the Women’s March, setting records for mass protest, one day after the Presidential inauguration. The march galvanized opposition to Trump and reframed his agenda as an affront to the majority of people in the U.S.
Tens of thousands of people have packed town halls and forums across the country to express outrage over GOP plans to gut healthcare for millions. These protests blocked the first attempt to present the bill to repeal healthcare in the House, and derailed the second attempt.
Even though the House passed their “Trumpcare” bill on May 10th, millions are still making their voices heard, and the bill faces massive public opposition as it enters consideration in the Senate.
New Era of Protest
We are in a new era of protest, and state laws aimed at stopping it are bound to fail.
Corporate apologists, who have bought and sold influence in this country for so long, and their friends in government simply can’t understand there is a kind of power that can’t be bought.
When they see massive turnouts at town halls and in the streets, they imagine it must be paid for, just as they are accustomed to do. But authentic protest is an expression of people’s power – which in the end can’t be stopped with SLAPP suits, fines or “free speech zones.”
During the civil rights movement, thousands of people put their lives and livelihoods on the line to bring about a massive sea change in attitudes. No laws or even violence could turn this tide, once people took hold of protest as their road to change.
We are likely to see more State laws aimed at curbing protest. But we are going to see a lot more protest too. It’s our only option.
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