#kfp zhen
compaculaaa · 2 days
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Peach blossom 🍑🌸
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tranquilskies2 · 2 days
Chameleon: I can take on Kai all by myself.
Zhen: Master, no offense, but you'll get squished in like, under 10 seconds.
Chameleon: *smirks*
Zhen: You're talking about a fight...right!?
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1v31182m5 · 1 month
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tsu-kitsu · 20 days
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zzommie · 21 days
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Summer Vacation~~
//Tigress, Po and Zhen
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tai-lung · 1 month
I WISH Zhen and the Chameleon had some more screentime together bc their dynamic makes me a little. insane actually.
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Why would you keep a urn of souls?, that's kinda creepy.....
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Zhen is not worthy of the title "dragon warrior"!
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Consider this mini-post an addition to this huge post with an overview of the fourth part. And my first complaint about Zhen is that she is selfish. It's just that Jen never cared about the fate of China. She participated in the Chameleon's plan to conquer China and she didn't care that a lot of people might die in the course of this conquest. And in the end, Zhen goes over to Po's side not because she is worried about possible victims, but because the Chameleon does not appreciate her (What a surprise!)! And the first thing Zhen does when she goes over to Po's side is to try to persuade him to run away. Indeed! Let's forget about the Chameleon and China, which will burn with blue flames because of Jen, because she helped the Chameleon to get the staff! I just think that a candidate for the role of a dragon warrior should be concerned not only about the lives of his friends and family, but the lives of all residents of China in general.
And the confrontation between Zhen and Chameleon looks mediocre. Because in the end, we are told that Po had everything under control, and if Zhen had failed, nothing terrible would have happened. It's like if Shifu came out to us at the end of the first part and said, "Well, actually, I pretended that I couldn't handle Tai Lung so that Po could prove himself. So if Po had lost, I could have easily fixed it." Because of this, the hero's act is not felt, because now we know that there was no risk, well, why did I worry about the hero then if he always had a "lifeline".
In general, it's easy to go up against the main villain when you have support in the person of a dragon warrior and a cool magic staff behind your back. I'll just remind you that Po went against Tai Lung with only an empty scroll.
If you look at it that way, the Wolf Boss's act when he disobeyed Shen looks more heroic and strong than what Zhen did. At least because the Wolf did not have a magic staff and support in the person of a dragon warrior. And he went against the main villain not because his master turned out to be an asshole who did not appreciate him, but because there was a direct threat to his pack from the villain (and as for me, contradicting Shen is much scarier than challenging a Chameleon who can only throw you down the stairs).
So this is just my opinion, but for me, Zhen is an egoist who has never worried about possible civilian deaths and who defected to Po because her former employer did not appreciate her.
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chanchansthings · 5 days
Request ~ Wip? Sketch? Finished? Idk but one's clear - Zhen ships TiPo
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Rough Doodle inspired by @leleamo ❣
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margeries · 1 month
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compaculaaa · 28 days
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New record?!
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bloatmaxchu · 21 days
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Is it weird that I find Zhen hot...?
idk its probably the cute face, big fluffy tail, sweet voice, and dorky personality I love so much about her.....
She's pretty ngl...
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1v31182m5 · 1 month
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tsu-kitsu · 3 months
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A Zhen + Tigress interaction is VERY far fetched of an idea…but I still have hope 🙏
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alleycatchitchat · 2 months
Kung Fu Panda 4 Initial Reactions
Just got back from the theater! Here are my thoughts. I'll try to be vague about the plot, but be warned: spoilers below.
So I went into the theater with rock-bottom spirits. I had seen the cringeworthy previews, read the disheartening reviews, connected the unsatisfactory dots and concluded that the movie I was about to see would be a nasty dumpster fire of a train wreck. And yet kfp played such a big role in my childhood that I couldn't just stay away. Filled with dread and morbid curiosity, I braced myself for the worst.
And it wasn't that bad.
Don't get me wrong; this movie made some decisions that I HUGELY disagree with. And compared to the other kfp movies, it's undeniably lousy. But it didn't ruin the franchise for me and I actually enjoyed myself in the theater.
Listing off my thoughts in no particular order:
Zhen. She is, to my surprise, a lot less irritating that I expected. The trailers don't do her justice and Awkwafina's voice was a whole lot less jarring than I expected. In terms of actual personality and even backstory, I liked her! However. Let's be honest, her design is shit. She looks like someone's Zootopia self-insert. She feels totally out of place in this movie -- particularly, during the end credits when she's side-by-side with the five (who all have the most beautiful stylized designs). Also, plotwise, WHAT is she doing in this film? Spoiler alert: she becomes the new dragon warrior. Spoiler alert again: yes, this is every bit as random and undeserved as you can imagine.
Furious Five: Were not in the movie. First of all, fuck you dreamworks, how dare you withold my children? My darlings? The loves of my life? Their absence is keenly felt and the plot is emptier without them, and I mean that with complete sincerity. I’m also going to point out the obvious; if there has to be a new Dragon Warrior, and I’m not saying that’s a good plot idea, but if there has to be, it should be Tigress. It makes the most sense thematically and the possibilities are just so good – developing her relationship with Po as he provides guidance, facing her feelings of inadequacy, exploring her connections with Shifu and the rest of the five — I could go on and on. The wasted potential is breathtaking. To be honest, it kinda feels like Zhen was written to replace her(using a hug to de-escalate a fight with Po, anyone?). Fanfic writers, I need a rewrite of this movie with Tigress, stat.
TAI LUNG! He was obviously played for nostalgia and there was no concrete point to his lines or presence. He was also written, if you ask me, pretty out of character. I’m still fuming over the fact that they brought him back and we don’t get to see Shifu’s reaction at all. Again, the wasted potential is breathtaking. When compared with Kai and Shen, who have NO speaking lines, it’s obvious that dreamworks just didn’t want to pay for extra actors. I thought that his acceptance of Po as the Dragon Warrior at the end was super cool, but there was NO lead up, NO meaningful character development to make this feel sincere, and again, it would have hit much harder if Tigress or Shifu were also there or if Po was NOT giving up the title. That being said, I never thought he would appear in a movie again, and I’m happy to have any crumbs I can get. They did a bad job, yes, but they BROUGHT HIM BACK. 
Po’s dads! Their side story was goofy and unnecessary but fun, and I enjoyed it. Also maybe it’s just me but the romantic tension between them is AMPED UP – does Li, like, live at the restaurant now? And they spend the movie acting like the most married couple ever. And when Li bursts into the tavern to rescue Mr. Ping, who looks at him with those starstruck eyes – well. I’m just saying. I think there’s something going on there.
I liked the Chameleon! Yeah, her whole gimmick is a little bit ripped off from Kai, but she’s sinister and greedy and badass, so she’s the real deal. I actually thought she was scarier than previous villains – there was less comic relief, maybe? I can only think of one instance where she’s presented in a comedic light, and even then, the tension just picked right up from where it left off. Which is strange, because the rest of the movie is a lot more lighthearted than previous films.
The pacing was weird. Too fast.
Shifu was cute in this movie. More Shifu please!
The reaction to Tai Lung’s return was WEIRD. It’s obvious Dreamworks didn’t want to dedicate time or effort to what was, essentially, a red herring. But. Plot-wise, it’s SO WEIRD that Po would try to face him with no backup. And the fact that we didn’t get to see Shifu’s reaction AT ALL, ugh. Realistically speaking I think Shifu would try to go face Tai Lung, no matter how “inner peace”-y he is now. Like come on, Tai Lung was his son, for crying out loud! 
The goats at the start? Also weird designs. Feel out of place.
Mantis got married! What the heck? (neutral about this, but it was definitely unexpected.)
In general, the plot was weird. It didn’t feel meaningful and it didn’t quite fit in with the rest of the kfp universe. Storytelling decisions were just plain bad. But as a standalone movie, it was not… terrible. Not irredeemable. I think, if Tigress had taken Zhen’s place, this could have actually worked. But she didn’t, and it didn’t.
So I’m going to headcanon it as fake and just stick to loving the first 3 movies. I don’t regret watching it, but there were huge problems that prevented me from enjoying it to its full potential.
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