#kenneth ma
catullus101 · 1 year
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Christopher Gable & Rudolf Nureyev in Kenneth MacMillan's Images of Love
Royal Opera House, 1964
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don-dake · 2 years
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新詞:走精面 (zau2 zeng1 min6),托大腳 (tok3 daai6 goek3),笑口噬噬 (siu3 hau2 sai4 sai4),把口𠺘過油 (baa2 hau2 long3 gwo3 jau4)
《愛情全保》 (2006) 第一集
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littlecloverstar · 2 years
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Wallpaper Project @lyrical.stars  
 1436 x 3113 Available on Telegram / LINE
Set 509: Big White Duel 2
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la-panda · 21 days
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dailychinesedrama · 5 months
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[240115] Kenneth Ma's official weibo update:
恭喜每位得獎者……🥳🥳🥳 謝謝每位觀眾 投票……支持……鼓勵……😘😘😘 ​​​
Credit: 馬國明-Kenneth
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linggluu · 7 months
lolol when u rewatch old tvb dramas, theres always like kevin cheng and kenneth ma in the background before they became prominent tvb kings
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eggwhiteswithspinach · 8 months
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vernessrecomp · 1 year
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ramyeongif · 1 year
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kenneth ma and roxanne tong
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intertexts · 5 months
OK. ok. my p5r heart players... god. so there r three of them & they all are character foiling each other & all mirroring each other in like, notably similar ways. (a LOT of the character work in p5 IS based around like,,, characters mirroring each other, their trauma echoing or having common roots, similar issues, etc. but these three + another guy r all specifically parallel 2 me.) heart as an aspect is all about... identity, right? who you are + who you pretend to be + the tension btwn those, & also yr relationships + how u interact with others... (which is SUPER fucking p5 coded in general-- like... the entire crux of the game is 50% identity shit + 50% the way u form bonds with others changes ur life)
anyway the one i'm thinking about most rn is called kasumi yoshizawa! she is a very nice cute pleasant high school freshman who's very good at gymnastics & wants to pursue it professionally, and she's dedicated her art to her dead younger sister, sumire, who unfortunately passed in an accident about a year ago and who she really misses...
... except it turns out that she's actually her dead sister :) she's sumire, and she was... brainwashed? by the antagonist of the arc into believing that she's kasumi-- because the antagonist really just wants the world to be a kinder, better place; he wants everyone's wishes to come true :) and sumire's wish is that she (inadvertently responsible for her sister's death)'s more like her sister, because her sister was perfect and amazing and better than her in every way. which is fucking horrifying-- everyone else just,,, knew she was sumire, but she just. Went around the world dressing in her dead sister's clothes and fixing her hair like her dead sister and using her same mannerisms and believing she was her!!! for a year! genuinely a nightmare scenario. do you think she slept in her dead sister's bedroom. do u think it made her parents sick. anyway her conflict between "i literally NEED to be anyone else i CANNOT be myself i cannot live in my own fucking skin i can't do it vs. what. should i just live out a lie? keep living in her dead skin?? drag her corpse around after me because i'm too selfish to let her rest?" insane to me. good lord.
the next guy, goro akechi (MY LITTLE GUY!!!!!!!!!! THE ONE IM BONKERS ABOUT!!!) is ALSO a nice pleasant boy hes also very charming and such :) he's a famous cute celebrity also!! hes super popular as a genius cute boy detective >:3c he. ummm. god. where do i even begin. well. he's also clinging to ghosts & dead bodies & such. he spent his formative years entirely alone and being bounced around the system. he literally fucking genuinely like no shit has a god out there making his life as fucking miserable as possible. like im being dead serious here theres a whole ass god up there making his life the worst it could be. so. well. he's so fucking desperate (like, sickeningly desperate. the kind that's really kind of offputting like you know that's not gonna get you anywhere man.) to be loved or even appreciated he becomes a mass murderer about it. his seven year plan is
-kill my dad
-fake my whole personality so im lovable because theres no way thats happening otherwise
-fuck it we ball.
guy with the most fragile and convincing veneer of pleasant charm possible and under it is this seething morass of hatred and shame and jealousy and anger. anyway he's a heart player because 1. he's a 1 for 1 foil of akira (the next heart player) & 2. because his whole. Deal is being insanely fucking conflicted about himself. he genuinely believes in justice and like. Morality and such, he always keeps his deals and repays his debts. and he's often just a vicious bitch & also a hitman working for one of the worst people on the planet! i'm not explaining it very well but he mirrors sumire so heavily in like... conflict btwn his self + who he wants to be + how he's perceived + what he Wants + what he thinks he wants + the way he interacts with the world... aughghghhhh. their partitioning off of Different Selves for different things is very. well. & they both also heavily parallel each other re: being VERY different than they appear to be initially & being so hard 2 Know. etc.
speaking of partitioning off different selves-- the third guy!!! akira kurusu!! the protag of the game!!!!!! his whole DEAL is that he has a hundred different masks he sifts through & wears for every different occasion, he's a different guy to his friends & his mentor figures & his enemies & the world in general!!!! not that any of them are Fake, just that they are... not the whole thing, you know. absolutely key to his character also is that he's Very sharp and observent when it comes to dynamics btwn people & very good at making connections btwn people (he could Also be a blood player. but like... he Literally Steals Hearts. it feels too on the nose to pass up.) anyway. auugjfjfjfgghkbgh they r all SO DEAR 2 me they r all such good characters.... all of them have such an interesting dynamic together!! three massive liars with insane relationships to selfhood. etc.
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badmovieihave · 14 days
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Bad movie I have Rush Hour 3-Film Collection It has Rush Hour 1998 , Rush Hour 2 (2001) , and Rush Hour 3 (2007)
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biglisbonnews · 9 months
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Philippine Housing Industry and Key Government Leaders to Headline 31st National Developers Convention in Cebu City The Subdivision and Housing Developers Association, Inc. (SHDA) will gather key government leaders, creatives, and industry leaders in the housing and real estate sector as they host the 31st edition of the National Developers Convention on October 5 and 6, 2023 at the Radisson Blu Hotel in Cebu City. With the theme, “LOKAL NA BAI: [...]The post Philippine Housing Industry and Key Government Leaders to Headline 31st National Developers Convention in Cebu City appeared first on Orange Magazine. https://orangemagazine.ph/2023/ph-housing-industry-and-key-government-leaders-to-headline-31st-national-developers-convention-in-cebu-city/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=ph-housing-industry-and-key-government-leaders-to-headline-31st-national-developers-convention-in-cebu-city
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don-dake · 2 years
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《降魔的》 (2017)
Even though I have largely given up on TVB series since the early 2010s, childhood nostalgia is still keeping me from abandoning them completely and I still check out their stuff now and then, even when I know it will be largely utter cr*p.
I did hear good things about this though, and the plot summary sounded interesting and atypical of TVB's usual fare — TVB hardly ever does ghostly-supernatural stories and when they do, it often ends up well, super boring/just plain bad…anyway, I had been half keeping an eye on this. Finally got the chance to check it out recently.
Season 1 did pleasantly surprise me! The characters were interesting, plot pacing was good, few dull moments especially in the latter half, when the story and characters really started moving along.
Even though I thought the resolution with the main villain was handled rather lamely, and I wish the series had concluded nicely rather than led on to a Season 2, overall, Season 1 indeed lived up to its hype (among TVB viewers at least) and I found myself easily managing to binge-watch and finish all 21 episodes within a week!
Acting wise, nothing much to say, really. Kenneth Ma is a likeable guy but those who have followed his progress long enough know he's a limited actor. He's great at these nice guy, rather lackadaisical kind of roles, but any role that requires more than that and he falls short. Didn't expect and didn't get any character growth from him.
As for the other main/main-supporting actors, besides veteran Susan Tse (謝雪心) who's great in almost whatever role thrown her way (and she gave a great performance as usual), I can't say I know them well enough to judge.
In short, everyone's acting was…serviceable. Nothing outstanding, but nothing extremely bad either.
Besides the general enjoyability of Season 1, there was the added bonus of seeing a guest appearance by Law Lan (羅蘭) in Episode 1, which I thought was a very fitting and amusing cameo appearance considering 羅蘭姐 (Sister Law Lan) has made much of her later career through playing ghostly old ladies or ghost mediums in numerous movies and TV series before!
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↑ 羅蘭 in Ep. 1 (S1)
Spoken Cantonese: “It's dangerous (to move about at night), people may get frightened (of you) too.”
I also enjoyed seeing the brief — don't think hers are considered as ‘guest’ — appearances of Winki Lai (賴慰玲) as the younger version of Susan Tse's character.
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↑ 賴慰玲 in Ep. 4 (S1) & Ep. 3 (S2) respectively
Have liked Winki since first seeing her in 2014's 《女人俱樂部》 (Never Dance Alone), where she also played a younger version of another older character, in this case it was Angie Cheong's (張慧儀) character.
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↑ 賴慰玲 & 張慧儀 at a promotion for 《女人俱樂部》 in 2014
Speaking of NDA, I'm finally watching this again too since it's currently available! Still really funny and relatable in many ways!
I also recently learned that Asako will be starring in the Japanese musical version of “Sunny” (the Korean movie upon which NDA was based, and there's also a Japanese movie remake) next year, if all goes as planned.
Even though I didn't enjoy the original Korean movie much (I actually preferred TVB's adaptation), and a musical version of a movie I didn't much enjoy doesn't sound very promising, it's still kind of exciting to know Asako will be in a project that is somewhat related to something I like, even if not the original! Heh!
(P.S.: I do wonder how Winki came about her Western moniker…very HK flavour I must say! I've noticed Hong Kongers tend to choose some of the most unusual sounding “Western” names for themselves sometimes! Sometimes, you can tell it's derived from their Chinese name, other times…it can be a real head-scratcher! Heh!)
Third bonus, I especially loved the cute rendition of the 石敢當 (sek6 gam2 dong1, aka shí gǎn dāng, aka ishigantou) that played a pivotal role in this series. 石敢當 aren't usually so cute, from what internet research tells me…
Someone in production obviously got heavily influenced by Japanese/Okinawan culture as the rendition in this series looks more like the 石敢當 found there. In the series' 2nd season, this was even affirmed by the introduction of the miniature souvenir figure version. Susan Tse's character supposedly bought it from Okinawa.
(P.S.: thanks to this series I guess, there seems to be copies of the exact same 石敢當 sold on the likes of Taobao now!)
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↑ Ep. 5 (S1) & Ep. 2 (S2) — cute! (=^・^=)
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《降魔的 2.0》 (2020)
Sadly, this rare success from TVB (nowadays) could not last beyond one season…
While S1 was great and a refreshing take for TVB, looks like S2 is back to the same old TVB problems: lack of focus, pacing issues and probably going out on a whimper.
S2 started off well enough, continuing directly where S1 left off. I was happy to revisit the characters again and follow whatever development was in-stored for them. Up until around Ep. 8 or 9 I was still quite enjoying this sequel, but it began to lose focus soon after that. Sigh…and it was going so well…
Can't say it wasn't expected though! Most sequels fail to live up to its predecessor, and TVB sequels have an especially bad track record. That was also the main reason I wished things had ended nicely in S1.
Thinking of this sequel thing, Hong Kong series in the past (say…around more than 15 years ago) rarely did sequels, most series wrapped up in a season (and this term ‘season’ wasn't even used back then), but lately I've noticed more sequels happening…can't say I like that! I hope this isn't going to become a standard! I like my shows short and sweet!
But not too much of a problem for me I guess, if I'm mostly going to stick to old (very old, by some people's standards) series from the noughties and before! Heh!
Anyway, back to 《The Exorcist's Meter》. In summary, enjoyed S1 a lot, S2, not so much but given that it's TVB, it's not the worse series they have churned out in recent years and now that I'm more than halfway through, I guess I'll see it to the end.
At least the theme and sub-theme songs from both seasons sung by Hubert Wu (胡鴻鈞) are nice! Putting a note here to check them out in full at another time:
S1: 《到此一遊》,《遙不可及》
S2: 《十字路口》,《凡人不懂愛》
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sgiandubh · 7 months
Belfast: not your average working-class drama
So, yes: as promised, I watched Belfast last night, until the wee hours of the next morning. And I have to immediately add I do not feel the need for a re-watch. As usually, I shall not insist more than necessary on the storyline and focus instead on the raw impressions I am taking home with me.
It was a strange experience, given all the huffing and puffing and hype and backstage context, inevitably involving C. And I defy any OL fan to watch and process it otherwise: the circus was what it was, at its time, Vanity Fair major PR blunder included. Whether you are a hardcore Balfe Nation stan or a shipper, that bias is there, looming over your screen as you try and get into the magic of it. An ambitious and, at least for me, unfulfilled goal.
The storyline is personal, in a cinematic niche that screams for political statements, peppered with psychological heaviness and guerilla brutality. The Guardian's Peter Bradshaw spoke in his chronicle about an 'euphoric eulogy' (https://www.theguardian.com/film/2021/oct/12/belfast-review-kenneth-branagh-jamie-dornan-judi-dench), where the NYT's Jeannette Catsoulis saw ' grit and glamour stroll hand-in-hand' (https://www.nytimes.com/2021/11/11/movies/belfast-review.html), with a marked, delighted nod to C's performance as Ma. So yes, we inevitably deal with 'rose-tinted glasses' and 'softened edges', in this nostalgic, elegantly shot coming of age plot. The aesthetic is there, with a black& white sleek filming choice that makes everything so dense at times, you simply have to hit pause and let it sink in. It is, I suspect, Branagh's nod to Truffaut and his Antoine Doinel five movie cycle, starting with Les Quatre Cents Coups (The 400 Blows, but this is an inept translation of an idiom that means 'to break havoc'), another coming-of-age working class story set in Paris during the Fifties and also shot in black and white. A clever choice that allows the audience to focus on the dialogues, without any other distraction. And ultimately, a statement that also heavily drags you by your coat's button: "hey, there, I am an independent, intellectual movie featuring beautiful people amid hardship: wanna be friends?"
Being totally impervious to the Fifty Shades of Grey charm allowed me to focus on C's performance and I have to immediately say I found it elegant, clever and endearing. And also immediately add that I still have no clue about how the hell she managed to drag all her Claire Fraser mannerisms, all the way from Inverness to Belfast and 1743 to 1969 (another important year for OL, as we all know, and that coincidence made me grin). I loved (loved-loved-loved) the broken plates' scene, but in all fairness, was it that different from the moment she slaps Laoghaire in Castle Leoch's kitchen? But I truly resonated with the tiny moments when we see her really struggling to make sense out of the Inland Revenue string of letters and find a solution to a very clear family conundrum, with the result that we all know, I suppose, by now. So yes, Mrs. Balfe: portraying strong, honest, salt of the Earth women absolutely suits you and I'd love to see more of it in the future, if only perhaps with a different, more realistic angle.
So the real question I bet you're all waiting for me to answer is this: was it an Oscar-worthy performance? Sadly, my answer is no (no matter how deep I would like it to be otherwise - and I swear I did and I do). And it's #silly and very unfair to her, I know, since it has to deal, in my humble opinion with the script's own limitations and the complete failure to find a balance between the child's gaze and the mother's presence. As the script and storyline go, Belfast is Jude Hill's movie and it is to him I would have given the Oscar. Not Judi Dench, whom I love dearly and whose voice is the most beautiful, rich, intelligent movie voice ever to have graced this Earth. She didn't need just another trinket of Hollywood affection for what is a correct, but over all forgettable performance, unlike Ciaran Hinds'. Who was simply extraordinary and that's all I can say: I am in love, and when I fall in love, I shut up - not babble on blogs.
Would I recommend it? I don't know. I mean, it's Branagh, and to be honest, I don't hold the man in great esteem. I think his reputation as the neo-Laurence Olivier is way OTT and I am also deeply amused by his pretense to be an intellectual luminary among the glitterati, when he obviously is not. But, as always, this is just me and my very clear-cut opinions. You don't have to follow them or even believe me and as always, it's just better to go see for yourself. With this caveat: don't expect too much out of it and you should probably be fine and satisfied.
I sure was very pleased to watch this nugget, my favorite scene in all the movie, to be honest. It's got perfect sarcasm and all the poetry one can find looking at Cartier-Bresson's delicate photographs of schoolchildren waiting for the lesson to end and life to truly start anew:
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la-panda · 23 days
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iamarealkat · 3 months
(only the finest china)
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mads mikkelsen by kenneth willardt.
1. Luigi Bormioli Beer Glasses
Not a hundred percent sure about this, fellow Fannibals, but the fancy v-shaped beer glasses Alana Bloom drinks from might be by Luigi Bormioli.
2. Mikasa Crown Jewel 5 Piece Place China Plate Setting combined with Knightsridge flatware
Hannibal uses platinum lined china when hosting his extravagant dinner parties throughout the first two seasons of the series. The lot includes a dinner place, salad plate, saucer, cup, salad fork, dinner fork, knife, soup spoon, and dessert soon. The plates and cup are Mikasa bone china (type of ceramic) and feature a platinum leaf design around the pieces' edges.
The flatware is Knightsridge brand and are believed to be sterling silver.
A simple yes to those beautiful bone china plates.
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3. Gien French China by Tiffany combined with Dutch silverware, nineteenth century, by Christofle and damask cotton table linen, also by Christofle
In season three, episode five "Contorno" it is mentioned, that Hannibal uses the Gien French China by Tiffany in combination with Dutch silverware and damask cotton table linen by Christofle. Thanks Alana I guess.
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4. Appetizer Plates
Hannibal's appetizer plates appear in episode six, season two "Futamono". In this episode, Hannibal hosts a party at his home and provides his guests with elaborate appetizers on black trays. This lot consists of three plates, each made of a black stone material, and outfitted with felt material on the bottom.
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