#karstarlian culture
projectccu · 1 year
Occylinan was one of the biggest trading hubs in all the realms. The city was located on the island of Frostover, perfectly located between Aurlia and Glaclia with connections to the caverns of Karstarlia and the oceans of Marlia. Merchants from all the realms could be found in Occylinan, sharing both treasure and culture.
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projectccu · 1 year
Humans were by far the most common race in Aurlia and Glaclia. Humans were known in Marlia and Karstarlia mostly through interactions with traders, and they made up a sizable proportion of Karstarlian slaves. Almost no humans lived in Etherlia, but this is hardly surprising.
Since humans were everywhere, the culture and politics of Man had spread across the globe. Likewise, hints of many cultures could be found everywhere, as traveling humans brought with them the culture of the races they lived with.
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