neapolitantoebeans · 3 years
So like, I sent that dono saying "Name your amount" I was honestly not expecting him to actually take it seriously or for anyone to join. I feel almost proud. Foolish with messy hair is best hair. I made friends with Niki too.
You have done your civic duty for the Foolish simps of Tumblr.com. Thank you for your service
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randomslasher · 4 years
Hello, I was told you did a thing involving Janus and burlesque, May I have the link to this post please?
Yeah I had to dig it up lol I need a tagging system so badly
Anyway here it is
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ironwoman359 · 4 years
You’re a good writer, I’m writing Adelaide in a fic, any suggestions for something to happen to her?
We talking, like, something vindictive, to make her pay for everything she’s done to Annika? I’d say something that is a satisfying foil for the things she’s done to Annika. If not a direct recreation to something Annika’s experienced by her hand, then something that would give her those same feelings that she gave Annika. 
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asofterfan · 6 years
Hey, I'm still here, still annoying you, but picture this scenario: Annika just had a seizure. I'm talking grand mal seizure. How does everyone react?
Logan keeps his freak outs internal- he’d be the first to actually take charge and start first aid (he 100% packed his brain with any and all information he could find as soon as he found out she was epileptic). Roman would freak out externally, just kind of quietly cry and “Logan what’s happening, what’s wrong, is she going to be okay should I call an ambulance Logan is she going to be okay??” Patton would also internally freak out but he’d push it aside and take it upon himself to try to calm Roman down because Logan is two seconds from snapping at him out of his own stress. Virgil would definitely freeze at first, just kind of not move or talk or anything. After a minute or so he’d kind of snap out of it and stay by Logan so he can help if he needs anything. His freak out would be the least visible but would last the longest (he’d be internally screaming for like a week)
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writterings · 6 years
I’m 18, so technically an adult, but I’m also the third youngest (two girls, both 16), and so I’m the only full time employee that is still considered a child. WHY DO YOU OLDER PEOPLE DO THIS?!?! (I’m aware you’re 18, but my point still stands. You also sound like an awesome manager.)
i was nice to the kids at my job because i had shit managers when i first started working that contributed to my suicidal idealization that landed me in the hospital and i didnt want that happening to anyone else. but also thank you lol.
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team-free-squiggle · 6 years
Why @karaidemon is Very Cute
                                 by Me (@book-of-Charlie)
Pages: 5 in word document.
Font: Times New Roman, 12 pt.
Citation Style: MLA
Word Count: 1,245
Here goes nothing! @karaidemon I am putting it under a read more cause it’s long af. Hope you enjoy! Also, I told you I would write it :p
              In this essay, I will demonstrate exactly why @karaidemon is cute AF. But first, an explanation.
              For those of you who don’t understand why I am writing this essay, hello! I will explain. No, there is too much, let me sum up (bonus points if you got that reference). So here’s what happened: I saw a post that said “if you’re reading this right now, you’re cute” (Tumblr). And, like everyone here on Hellsite.com, I tagged my friends, people I know, etc…. One of the people I tagged was @karaidemon, who shall henceforth be referred to as Jewels, since that’s her name. She responded by saying “I am not cute, I demand an essay with quotes and sources. Please use MLA format.” Well, Jewels. Challenge accepted.
              We will start off by looking at the definition of the word in question: ‘cute.’ According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, these are the possible definitions of cute:
1a: clever or shrewd often in an underhanded manner
              " … he's a true patriot and statesman … and a most particular cute lawyer."— Thomas Chandler Haliburton
              b: impertinent, smart-alecky
                            Don't get cute with me.
2: attractive or pretty especially in a childish, youthful, or delicate way
              a cute puppy; a cute smile
3: obviously straining for effect
              The movie's too cute to be taken seriously.
Now obviously, 3 doesn’t apply. This leaves us definitions 1 and 2. Most people tend to look at definition number 2, which is accurate. That will be explained later. For now, however, we will start at the very beginning (it’s a very good place to start), with definition number 1.
               Earlier today I posted a post on Tumblr, asking people to like and/or reblog if they thought Jewels is cute. She herself commented “How dare you. I have a reputation” (Tumblr). One has to admit, it’s a little bit smart-alecky. Another example is within her writing; for this essay, I shall specifically use the example of her stories with Annika Archer. Annika Archer, for those who don’t know, is a character that Jewels created to go with @asofterfan’s Sanders Sides Punk AU. This author does highly recommend that AU, by the way. The stories that Jude (@asofterfan) wrote, and the ones that Jewels wrote are both spectacular. The point, however, are in the stories that Jewels wrote: in them, there are some amazingly (yet objectively) adorable moments between Roman and Annika. And speaking from experience (and from what others have told me they felt when writing), it’s very hard to write as you are not. When it’s just you, and a laptop or tablet or phone or even a paper and pencil, the letters on the page are what’s coming from your soul. You can write all different types of characters; but at the end, they all share a piece of your soul because you’re the one that wrote them. Now, I don’t know if that’s how Jewels feels; but as a fan of her work, sometimes literally the cutest, most adorable things are just the best things ever. Again, whether that’s me or her is hard to say; but those cute moments just add up to a cute person, the way I see it.
               Now, for definition number 1. Disclaimer: I don’t know how Jewels looks. Never seen her face, nothing. Which means I’m going based off of what I know about her. She is sweet, and kind, and a brilliant writer; she has a great sense of humor (based on her stories) and is overall very caring and just wonderful. Now, no matter what you look like; all those qualities add up to something beautiful. So I really couldn’t care about what’s on the outside (not trying to say that you’re not pretty, Jewels, I just don’t know what you look like), because on the inside you are cute and beautiful and adorable and utterly you. And that’s amazing.
               Now, if you still don’t believe me: let’s look at the evidence from my various Tumblr posts/asks about this very topic.
 ~ The first post is the one where I asked people to like/reblog if they think      @karaidemon is cute. Here’s what we have, excluding a reblog/commenting  thing Jewels and I did (please note that this is so far, idk if this post will get more notes after this or not. I would expect so). (book-of-charlie)
§  @Bitchwannatryme
§  @allthemetalsoftherainbow
§  @coltondresden
§  @mysparkledblog
§  @pixieprincess14
§  @virgil-angsty-sanders
§  @moist-astronaut
§  @sockpansy
§  @mirror2thespirit
§  @goliath-dave
§  @idon-kno
§  @adoratato
§  @jamicambrera
§  @the-editor-is-bored
§  @unevencube2554
§  @imantisocialgetoverit
§  @blair-nope
§  @tkwolf45
§  @joruxxi
§  @nowedontliveinigloos
§  @trashy-killjoy
§  @nervous-nellie
§  @libellus-drakena
§  @bubblegumrowan
§  @noot-noot-cats
§  @ilikesomeshtuff
§  @gaythingsingayplaces
§  @bluecometdust
§  @decadentdeerpolice
§  @theunoriginaldaisy
§  @calvindientesblancos
§  @feerkokoro1345
§  @broadwaytheanimatedseries
§  @k9cat
§  @paradoxesmakeperfectsense
§  @1-lost-fander
§  @funsizedgremlin
§  @sepporahs-blog
§  @drawtofeel
§  @itsme98z
§  @bitchwannatryme
§  @allthemetalsoftherainbow
§  @rptheturk
§  @pixieprincess14
§  @justt-ppeachy
§  @asofterfan
§  @virgil-angsty-sanders
§  @moist-astronaut
§  @poisonedapples
§  @idon-kno
§  @adoratato
§  @jamiecambrera
§  @khadij-al-kubra
§  @nowedontliveinigloos
§  @wayward-virgil
§  @unknownsandersfan
§  @broadwaytheanimatedseries
§  @thisismedamit
§  @asofterfan said: “You have a reputation for bEING CUTE.”
§  @adoratato said: “Oh yes definitely”
§  @khadij-al-kubra said: “Wait, this wasn’t an obvious fact to the general famdom populace?”
§  @broadwaytheanimatedseries said: “THE EFFING CUTEST”
~ The second post is the ask I sent to Jude, to see what they thought. (asofterfan)
~~ Their reaction was: “Can I get a HELL YEAH”
~~ There were several notes on this post as well.
§  Likes
·         @mollycassmith
·         @goliath-dave
·         @the-editor-is-bored
·         @imantisocialgetoverit
·         @libellus-drakena
·         @ilikesomeshtuff
·         @decadentdeerpolice
·         @doodler200
§  Reblogs and comments were done by me and will therefore not be counted in this extremely very serious study.
~ And last, but definitely not least, Thomas Sanders himself has said that every single famder is cute af. And yes, I know this is in general, but Jewels is a famder and therefore counts in ever category.
For example, his tweets (tstwitterupdates):
§  “Hey, why are you all so sweet? You make me so excited to create and share my creations and that’s the absolute BEST gift to give any artist. Thank you for being you. <3”
§  “Hey. Just a quick reminder. I come on here all the time, and you guys are always so loving and sweet and always make me smile and feeling better. You do that. You are awesome. <3”
§  “Have I mentioned lately how much I adore you guys, gals, and non-binary pals? You’re all so patient with us, and loving, and kind, and you’re so supportive of this dude who felt like getting purple hair in order to feel more comfortable as himself. Can’t thank you all enough! <3”
There are so many more. Thomas is just… the sweetest. But then, so are all of us, as he keeps reminding us. And that definitely includes Jewels.
So, even though I know you don’t think you are…. Jewels, you are cute AF, and we love you. Keep on kicking figurative butt!
                                                 Works Cited
"Cute." Merriam-Webster's Learners Dictionary, Merriam-Webster.
asofterfan. “Ask,” Tumblr. November 5, 2018.
book-of-Charlie. “Please Reblog or Like This Post If,” Tumblr. Nov. 5, 2018.
karaidemon. “Photos,” Tumblr.
karaidemon. “Robot,” Tumblr.
tstwitterupdates. “Hey, why are you all so sweet?” Tumblr. Sept. 26, 2018.
tstwitterupdates. “Hey. Just a Quick Reminder.” Tumblr. Sept. 19, 2018.
tstwitterupdates. “Have I Mentioned Lately How Much I Adore You Guys, Gals, and Nonbinary Pals?” Tumblr. July 10, 2018.
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fuckyeahasexual · 6 years
Please help. I know I'm ace, pretty sure my mom knows, my friends accept, but my family on my dad's side is asking about boyfriends. I had one when I was 14 (because peer pressure) and I dated this guy once back in September for...I really don't know. He was a nice guy. Anyways, Nice Guy is asking for another chance and I just don't know how to react to both that and my family. I don't want to tell them, mostly because I like me keeping my sexual identity to me, but I can't think of solutions.
Well, refusing a date can be for many excuses. You’re not interested in pursuing a relationship in lieu of schoolwork or other goals, you’re just not interested in him anymore, you’d rather find a new slate than risk giving someone another chance, you’ve got no openings in your schedule for a date, etc.
The pressure of keeping your sexuality secret can be a heavy one. Whatever you do, make sure to keep your supportive friends close.
- Fae
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theflyingredrobot · 7 years
I live in a pretty accepting town. You can be gay, bi, trans, black, white, it doesn't matter. I was pretty happy when I moved there. I thought I would be fine. So I told my friends. They said this to me. "You can't be asexual, you had a boyfriend freshman year." Suddenly, my sex life and crushes and anything to do with love was suddenly their business. I spent the next year listening to them talk about me like that. I spent the next year thinking something was wrong with me. Then I found you.
This is the greatest message I have ever gotten in my whole life. Thank you. You are worthy of love and respect. Don’t ever forget that. 
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Anyway ~
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@karaidemon ☺️
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pirate-patton · 5 years
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So I met @karaidemon today and I already have to Fight Her bc she bought me these (ily)
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fanders-art · 6 years
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And people love you
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You're wonderful, you are alive and breathing, you can always do better but that doesn't mean you aren't enough, it means you can put your best mindset forward not only for others, but for yourself as well. you could also be a bad person, that doesn't mean you are one, and that's because you chose to be a good one.
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This is me @ you^^
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No matter where you are in life, you can change your mindset to a positive one, it's hard, and it takes work, but it's so, so worth it. Be kind, not only to other people, but also to yourself. Do things you love, and you'll attract people that love what that do and do what they love, take time to breathe and you'll see things calm down, even if ever so slightly. Surround youself with good people and you'll see that you yourself will start making more efforts to also be good to yourself as they are to you
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Take your time. Step back. Breathe. Do things you love, distract yourself from a bad mindset, change your negative thoughts to positive ones. Small steps, baby steps and soon you start seeing the change, then you'll see the stars in your eyes you had lost view of because of the clouds. You'll be okay, just relax and remember you are valid
Spread the love!!!
Some people who I wanna give positivity to:
@thelogicalloganipus @of-treble-and-dragons @asofterfan @karaidemon @royallyanxious
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poeticburn · 6 years
A thank you to the authors
I want to write
I want to write
I want to write
but every time I put my
pen to the paper
the words I want to write
fly from sight.
I want to write,
to take my world
to its tallest height.
To exclaim my ideas
with hardly a fright,
and build all kinds of worlds
with all of my might.
I want to write
I can see it in my mind
a world so filled with beauty
I want the world to see.
when I go to write it
It always dawns on me
to show the world this ethereal beauty
is simply not to be.
So here I sit and see
The worlds that others build for me
I sit here and I read
and am glad, at least a bit
that some of my thoughts are freed.
I just want to say thanks to some of the amazing authors out there that make amazing works when I can not and allow me to enjoy them!
@princelogical @ilovereadingandilovebreathing @thelogicalloganipus @misplaced-my-notes @karaidemon @ironwoman359 @random-snippets
and so many more, thank you for the work you do!!
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A sketchy thing. I was re-reading @karaidemon‘s stories, and so drew the scene of Annika telling Roman to put her book down, cause Annika (and the author) standing up for themselves is 10/10.
Also I love the author’s willingness to put work with an OC/SelfInsertSorta online, cause that would terrify me to do.
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ironwoman359 · 4 years
Lol, just in the fic. She’s making Annika man a table for a church bake sale.
Oh, oops, this ask got buried under some sideblog stuff. I hope you figured it out, lol
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asofterfan · 6 years
Thank you for teaching me that punk is a lot more than a style. It helped me through a painful time, and built my self-confidence. I love you, and hope everything goes well for you in the future, Punk Parent 💜💜💜💜💜
Love you too, punkling
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book-of-charlie · 6 years
I love this video. No, I DID NOT create it, but I’m posting it to my blog in the hopes that some people will see it BECAUSE IT IS FUCKING AMAZING!
This is honestly one of my fav animated vids ever. It’s perfect, it’s at least accurate to me, and I JUST LOVE IT.
And I thought it deserved to be recognized, so I’m tagging some people I know are artists of all types (and I’m using my fanfic taglist) because I think a lot more people need to see this.
Please please please tag anyone I missed! 
I just think that more people should see this <3 <3 <3
Tag List
(Sanders Sides)
And Others I Think Should See This Particular Post Because I Know They Create Things (I Really Hope You Don’t Mind Being Tagged):
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