vegehana-food · 5 months
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✿ カイザーシュマーレン | Kaiserschmarren ・小麦粉や卵、砂糖、牛乳などを混ぜ合わせた生地を焼き、一口サイズに切り分けて粉砂糖を振りかけたお菓子。オーストリア皇帝フランツ・ヨーゼフ1世が好んで食べたという逸話が残されており、その名称は彼にちなんで名付けられたと言われています。(“Kaiser”は皇帝の意)生地には、お好みでジャムや果物のコンポートを添えていただきます。
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lokate · 5 months
Breakfast and Brunch Recipe
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This German dessert that tastes like a cross between a pancake and a waffle. It's also good for breakfast.
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gargamel1961 · 7 months
Kaiserschmarrn mit Blaubeeren
Kaiserschmarrn mit Blaubeeren Zu dem köstlichen Rezept für Kaiserschmarrn mit Blaubeeren passt sehr gut ein Apfelkompott. Kaiserschmarrn mit Blaubeeren Omas 1 Euro Rezepte sind jetzt auch als Taschenbuch erhältlich. Stöbert in 60 günstigen Rezepten für die Resteverwertung, Eintöpfe, Aufläufe, leckeren Suppen und einiges mehr. Zutaten für 2 Personen: 60 g Butter 4 Eier 250 g Heidelbeeren 120 g…
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zdravkaboudinova · 9 months
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Kaiserschmarren This German dessert that tastes like a cross between a pancake and a waffle. It's also good for breakfast. 1 pinch salt, 1 tablespoon butter, 1 cup all-purpose flour, 1/2 cup milk, 1/2 cup white sugar, 2 cups applesauce, 2/3 cup raisins, 4 eggs separated, 2 tablespoons confectioners' sugar
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stewartkamora · 10 months
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Kaiserschmarren This dessert hails from Germany and has a pancake-waffle hybrid flavor. It's also a tasty breakfast food.
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estherretje71 · 10 months
Kamer bediening
Glutenvrij kaiserschmarren met peren Ik geniet er niet echt van, van de kamerbediening. Al is het wel heel luxe en eigenlijk ook wel nodig. De laatste dagen( vanaf donderdag tot nu) vooral na zaterdag doe ik aan zeehond imitatie. Maar gisteren werd het hoesten en de benauwdheid toch net iets te veel. De hele gang geniet ervan, “het is bijna een soort achtergrond geluid wat erbij hoort” vertelde…
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zoruanna · 1 year
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Kaiserschmarren - Pancake
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radiossc · 2 years
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𝑫𝒆𝒓 𝒔𝒄𝒉𝒏𝒆𝒍𝒍𝒆 𝑲𝒂𝒊𝒔𝒆𝒓𝒔𝒄𝒉𝒎𝒂𝒓𝒓𝒆𝒏 Mal so zwischendurch und auf die Schnelle... Die einfache Art des Kaiserschmarrens... 😂 Man nehme 1 Kaffeepott 1 Ei 1 1/2 - 2 Esslöffel Mehl 1 halben Esslöffel Zucker Frischmilch Rapsöl für die Pfanne Wer's mag später noch dazu: Weinbrand oder Amaretto (ich hatte Amaretto) Sultaninen, falls gewünscht... hatte ich aber grad nicht daheim. Pfanne auf Herd mit etwas Rapsöl heiß machen, gern auch noch etwas Zucker hinein. Alle Zutaten in der größeren Tasse verrühren Sollten sich Klümpchen bilden, dann einfach, bevor man es in die Pfanne gibt, durch ein Sieb geben. Den Pfannkuchen schön goldig anbraten und dann mit dem Pfannenwender zerteilen. Wer Sultaninen mag kann nun gern die Sultaninen hinzugeben, danach den Alkohol und obenauf etwas Puderzucker. Wenden so lange es kleine goldbraune Stückchen sind, die nicht mehr mit Flüssigkeit umgeben sind. Nun auf den Teller geben, eventuell etwas Puderzucker obenauf.. je nach Geschmack... Dazu kann man Marmelade, Konfitüre, Gelee, Apfelmus, warme Apfelspalten oder auch frische Früchte reichen. Auch pürriertes frisches Obst, wie Erdbeer oder Mangopürree ist sehr lecker... worauf man grad so Appetit hat und was grad im Hause ist. #OliviasDelights #delights #kaiserschmarren #schnelleküche #schnellgemacht #schnellgemachtundlecker #hausgemacht #selbstgemacht #selbstgekocht #hausmannskost #yummy #lecker #leckereien #eierkuchen (hier: Ilsenburg) https://www.instagram.com/p/ChKKgRhMUBG/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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iheartrinitoshi · 5 months
Munich’s Christmas Market
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Note beforehand: I have no idea how the Christmas Markets or how we call in Germany-‘Weihnachtsmärkte’ in Munich look like, so before you attack me for that, don’t. I was born and raised here in Berlin, Germany so I’m taking the Christmas markets here as reference. Anyway, enjoy <3
It’s the most wonderful time of the year, you were In Christmas spirits and so was Michael Kaiser, your beloved boyfriend. You loved the smell and taste of roasted almonds (uff ich liebe geröstete Mandeln😍😍), the warmth of waffles, hot cocoa and your boyfriend’s arms. Not to mention, Munich was a beautiful place during winter time. Especially this year, it was snowing like crazy, a perfect winter wonderland. It was soon to be a winter evening, and you and Michael were resting in your shared bedroom.
“yes, meine Rose?” He replied sweetly, you loved his non-dominant smile and voice whenever his ego wasn’t present.
“can we go to the Christmas Market, it’s been waaaaaay too long since we last visited one, please?”
Of course he couldn’t say no to that sweet pleading of yours. He just smiles warmly and nods.
You two get ready and blah blah blah, you two get into his fancy Porsche (wowowowow) and drive to one of the best Christmas markets in your opinion. The place is lively, comforting and fun! You were on rides (Michael’s face was hilarious, but this man’s ego is too big and fragile for you to post these pictures on your social media). Right now you were trying to win a jumbo Yoshi plush from one of the machines.
“you can do it, meine Rose!” Michael can be a great hypeman if he wants to.
And boom, you got your Yoshi on your first try!
Now Michael was carrying your beautiful Yoshi and you were having some Kaiserschmarren (very delicious, I recommend) and were feeding him. There were some people glancing over at you, not only because of the Yoshi your boyfriend was holding but also because it’s the Michael Kaiser that’s here.
You two then left the market, you of course played with the snow outside, and Michael couldn’t help but smile. It’s not his usual annoying smirk you know and love but a smile full of adoration and love.
“I love you”
The end😋
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Written by @iheartrinitoshi, do not repost.
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my-brain-threw-up · 1 year
König SFW Headcanons
Real name is Elias Beckenbauer.
He’s 29 years old and from the Innsbruck area. His birthday is November 10th, making him a Scorpio.
Has a big extended family, but he is an only child.
His parents are both teachers at a secondary school. His dad teaches biology and his mom teaches literature.
He was raised around tons of younger cousins that are like little siblings to him.
Very close with his grandma on his dad’s side because she used to babysit him a lot.
His family is nominally Catholic, but most are not practicing, including him. Still attends the odd Christmas mass if he’s home for the holidays, mostly to make grandma happy.
Gets his height from his mom’s side. His dad’s family are averagely sized.
His constant growth made him gawky for most of his adolescence.
He didn’t fill out and grow into his height until his very late teens, mostly because he started working out and eating right when he joined the military.
His parents did not initially accept his choice to join the military, wishing he would choose a safer line of work. They relented, though, and are very proud of his accomplishments.
He’s 6'7'' or 201 cm tall. (6'10" is not technically canon, and visually, he looks about the same height as one of my friends who is 6'6" so I rounded up)
Has very dark brown, thick hair.
Used to have long hair as a teen. Shaved it off when he joined the military. Now he lets the top grow out a bit.
Got that 90s heartthrob, Dimitri from Anastasia, middle part going on. Has an undercut to stay cool under his mask.
Freckles and sunburns easily. But he eventually tans once the burn goes away.
Keeps his face clean shaven, finds facial hair too itchy and hot.
Has a scar across the middle of his mouth from accidentally being slashed with a knife during training. The other guy felt really bad.
Had acne as a teen. It's mostly cleared up now but he gets a breakout every so often from stress. Has a few clusters of acne scars on his back.
The front of his hips have some old, faded stretch marks from his extreme growth spurts.
True to form, he's got some serious muscles. Absolute tree trunk legs.
Has kinda crooked teeth. His canines flare out slightly from his other teeth.
Wears predominately simple t-shirt and pants combos in dark colors. He does like jewelry, though. Especially rings that he can fiddle with.
Pierced ears. Wears small silver rings in them when he remembers to.
Favorite color is forest green.
Will listen to most kinds of music, but likes metal and industrial music the most. Rammstein, Type O Negative, Deftones, and KMFDM fan.
Though he doesn’t like regular crowds, he loves concerts. The loud music and the energy of the collective excitement is somewhat regulating for him. It gets his sillies out in a place where it feels acceptable.
He prefers to be in the bleachers instead of the pit, though, since he doesn't want to block the view.
He likes to cook, mostly standard German fare he learned from grandma. Makes a very good Kaiserschmarren, since that was his favorite growing up.
Coffee over tea. Treats himself to a fancy, flavored coffee periodically.
Parents got him into skiing as a child, both downhill and cross-country. Was a member of the ski club at his secondary school. Loved that he could cover his face with goggles and a balaclava. It made him feel protected from people’s eyes.
Got into marksmanship because he wanted to ski a biathlon. He has participated in three so far, getting fourth place as his personal best.
Also tried out ice hockey as a kid, but found that he didn’t like contact sports. Still enjoys watching it, though.
Extras (mostly funny):
Very clean, but couldn't organize to save his life.
Like he doesn't let dirty clothes pile up, but babes definitely lives out of laundry baskets because he forgets to fold it.
Snorts when he laughs.
Extensive mug collection.
*slightly NSFW* Batshit feral sense of humor. Definitely owns the "Don't bully me. I'll cum," t-shirt.
Owns a weighted blanket.
Uses the :3 emoji whenever possible because he thinks it's funny.
Unbeatable at Mario Kart.
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batnbreakfast · 2 years
How can you call yourself bat and breakfast when you only ever post about bats?
*gasps* Slander!!
Dollar pancakes
Bread rolls
A bat having breakfast
I had to stop, because the tumblr search function is just horrible and I was getting too hungry.
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Lando said Kaiserschmarken🤣 instead Kaiserschmarren
Haha 😅 He really has! Such a cutie! 🥰
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gargamel1961 · 1 year
Kaiserschmarrn mit Rosinen
Kaiserschmarrn mit Rosinen Kaiserschmarrn mit Rosinen mit der Grillfunktion im Backofen zubereitet. Eine echte österreichische Mehlspeise. Kaiserschmarrn mit Rosinen Omas 1 Euro Rezepte sind jetzt auch als Taschenbuch erhältlich. Stöbert in 60 günstigen Rezepten für die Resteverwertung, Eintöpfe, Aufläufe, leckeren Suppen und einiges mehr. Zutaten: 40 g Rosinen 3 El Rum 4 Eier 250 ml Milch 130 g…
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morethansalad · 2 years
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Kaiserschmarren With Roasted Plums (Vegan)
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ladyaislinn-dark · 17 hours
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Wien contra Tirol
eine nicht ganz ernst zu nehmende Gegenüberstellung
Wien: etwas Besseres für manche Bewohner, weil Bundeshauptstadt; für Nichteingesessene, vor allem Piefkes: charmant, raunzend bis morbide; Kaffeehauskultur mit Hang zum Nostalgischen. Monarchistisch angehaucht, weinselige Schrammel und Heurigen-Liebhaber, Sehenswürdigkeiten bis zur Vergasung, viele Fiaker und Fußballer (vom Wiener Sportverein). Apfelstrudel, Kaiserschmarren, Sachertorte, Wiener Schnitzel.
Tirol: Hochgebirgler in der "Provinz" mit teils unverständlicher Aussprache. Bockig, unromantisch, wortkarg, hochkatholisch, Kirchen- und Gasthaus-Geher; mit urigen Faschings- und sonstigen Bräuchen (Blasmusikkapellen) Jodelnde, freiheitsliebende Widerstandskämpfer (Andreas Hofer!), zur Launenhaftigkeit neigend (wie das Wetter: Föhn!). Skifahrer (Kitzbühel!) und Bergsteiger, viele Gipfelkreuze. Speckknödel, Gröstl, Kaspressknödel, Kiachl. Beide Städte mit Unis und bester medizinischer Versorgung gesegnet, ganz ohne Sarkasmus! Sollte man sich für keines der beiden Bundesländer entscheiden können: Alternativ: Auswanderung nach München. Meine persönliche Präferenz =)
von G.B. Bowman aka LadyAislinn *Überlebenskunst* 🖤
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lolli-says-stuff · 3 days
Rührei mit was drin ist Omelett Kaiserschmarren
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