#k shop net
halaboyz · 2 years
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pairing:, bff! jay x gn! reader genre: angst wc: 3.5k warnings: profanities, self-indulgent. tell me if i missed anything!
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A smile traces your sigh as you step inside the chilly room, heart fluttering as you see Jay waving his hand, pointing to the available seat beside him. As you walk closer to him, wearing your heart on your sleeves, you feel his eyes staring at you.
“Hey…” You smile, settling on the seat. “I swear I was so ready to kneel in front of Professor Ahn if I was late again,” 
“Well, you’re just right on time,” Jay helps you untangle your messy hair, looking at you. “Did you run here or what?”
“Oh you wouldn’t want to know,” You sigh, getting the water bottle Jay offered to you. “I almost missed my bus again, and there was some traffic in the intersection so I had to go and run from there. Right at the entrance of the school, there was a pile of students gathering there and I didn’t even had the time to know why,” A groan leaving your lips after gulping water, you feel Jay’s hands caress your back which makes you tense up a little bit, and it doesn’t hlp that Jay notices this.
“You good?” His hand stays, worried of you. “Take your time, class doesn’t start in ten.” 
“Yeah…” You mutter out, trying to calm down as you try to hide a smile. 
Park Jongseong. Jay— he was your bestfriend since highschool, and even tailed each other to college. Everywhere you go, anywhere you go, Jay was always there to support you and go with you. It would be an actual given for you to fall, when he was everyone’s dreams.
Wise. Good-looking. Caring. Family-oriented. Wealthy. Humble. Down to earth. Everything.
Everyone would ask you, how could you not have fallen for the Park Jongseong yet? No. It’s not that you haven’t fallen yet, you just haven’t made it known. 
And you don’t have plans of making it known.
Because if it means Jay being uncomfortable around you if he didn’t feel the same, it was a no-no situation for you.
“Hey, y/n.” Jay starts, snapping in front of you to get your attention. “Are you really okay?”
After shaking your head, you sigh and look at him, nodding.
“Yeah, of course. Is there something wrong?” 
“Nothing, just you. Tell me if you’re not feeling well, okay?” Jay and his stupid damned smile. It makes you jelly, weak on your knees. It makes you want to make Professor Ahn walk inside that door right this instant, so you could finally have some distraction— even though Jay was the real distraction here. 
“Yeah, I will.” You mumble once again, trying to contain your sighs as you finally shake your head to reality, opening some notes in case your professor gives some surprise quiz.
Well, that wasn’t the case. Rather, just a surprise. It was an unfamiliar face walking inside the room, in casual clothes, notebooks tucked right in their arms as their eyes looked around the room for available seats. 
Your head immediately turn to Jay, chest already feeing heavy at the sight of a new arrival. It makes you sigh in relief when Jay doesn’t budge in his position, too focused on jotting down notes to even lift his head for a second.
It was too early to dismiss that— when the newbie drags the available seat beside him, Jay finally takes interest and you see his eyes light up like how your eyes do for him.
“Oh hey, you’re new?” Jay starts a conversation, which is so unlikely considering that he has always been introverted and shy with strangers. You melt back on your seat, hearing low groans outside the door which makes you raise your eyebrow.
Ah. The cause of chaos.
“Well, who dares go compete with the Jongseong,” You hear one of them say before they walk away, and it was quieter than before— maybe it was because the gossip of a newcomer.
Minjung. The name. Marked in your head and your heart— it was a knife that carved the hurt of your heart. How could you forget?
How could you forget that day, as Minjung came in with confident strides, a smile so beautiful it would make everyone’s jaw drop, a brain so deep and buried with so much knowledge— like everyone said, was another Jay? 
How could you forget the day your bestfriend that you liked finally liked someone that wasn’t you?
How could you forget it even a year after? 
“Hey, you going to the camping for sophomores?” You ask the busy Jay beside you, the thought just suddenly passing your mind. “You know, the org’s camping.”
“Oh, yeah. Wait— you’re going, right?” He finally lifts his head, eyebrows furrowed as he waits for your answer. You chuckle, taken aback by his sudden curiosity.
“Uh, yeah? If you’re going then I’m going too,” You say as a matter-of-factly, and you see him sigh. 
“You should… I am so gonna need you there,” He whispers, but you were too busy suppressing a squeal to even hear him. He glances at you and smiles, he thinks it’s cute. He thinks you’re cute.
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“Which part of this whole camping are you most excited for?” Jay suddenly asks, making you perk from your bus seat.
“Huh? I uh… I guess the bonfire? But I know best it would not be the hiking part, god forbid.” You shake your head at the thought, that’s something to do for later but you can always delay it in your mind by not thinking of the exhaustion. Jay laughs wholeheartedly, knowing that you are the most uncoordinated person he had ever known. “What about you?”
“Me? Hmm,” He crosses his arms over his chest, leaning back at his seat. “Somewhere after the bonfire?” 
“You’re not sure? And why after the bonfire?” You question, forehead creasing in curiosity. 
“I don’t know. Maybe I just like the afterglow— the lingering feeling it leaves? You know, usually during a bonfire, everyone just… shares, am I right? Or just something that some people really find comforting. I am one of those, only with a guitar,” Jay pats his guitar in front of him and looks at you, eyes overshadowed by his hoodie and smile hidden behind his mask but you knew just oh-so-well how he looked.
It made you smile— it made you push his face away in light annoyance.
Because how could you get butterflies from random things he does? 
“Could someone please get us some more twigs for the bonfire? We’re losing the bonfire here,” Your org manager shouts, looking around for someone who is able to do what is asked to do. You also look around, everyone either busy eating or resting. You shrug, volunteering as you set your drink aside, patting Jay in the arm to let him know. 
“Wait, let me go with you.” He also sets his drink aside, catching up to you and you only chuckle at him. “I smell so bad, I bet.” He whispers, smelling his hoodie. “The smoke’s been on me all night,” 
“You’re fine. That’s the essence of bonfire. Everybody gets smoked on,” 
“That doesn’t make sense!” He retorts, picking up a few random twigs with you. “I want to be presentable at least until the end of the bonfire, I got something to d—,”
“Oh my god,” You unintentionally cut him off, giving the bunch of twigs you had in your arm to him as you run where something caught your attention, totally in awe. “Jay…” 
“Hey, don’t run! You don’t even have a flashl— goddamn it, y/n,” He shakes his head, tailing you with light steps.
He finally, for the second time, catches up to you, also catching his breath but once he looked at where you’re so invested at, he’s breathless again.
“Woah…” His body looks around and it just makes him gasp, the view of the whole galaxy in front of him. Bright countless, shining stars, and big full moon and some shooting stars. 
At awe would be an understatement. 
“Let’s stay here for awhile,” You giddily pull his arms and help him put the twigs in one place, dragging him to a random cement, probably what was once also a premise, to stop and adore. “We should’ve set up here.” 
“Did you forget that you were the one literally begging to finally stop at that flat, covered place?” Jay giggles, taking a seat beside you. “It’s so pretty,” He spares a second looking at you, before giving a light giggle then back to the magnificent view in front of him.
“Jay! Jay! Jay! I’ve never seen so much shooting stars in my life. If I saw ten, does that mean I can make ten wishes too?” You had a very wide smile, something Jay rarely sees when you’re always, and have always been stressed with college activities. Maybe it’s also because he doesn’t notice how you hide it all the time— because all the smile’s reasons were him.
“How would I know?” He chuckles, “But go and make as much as you like, you’ve got nothing to lose,” He ruffles your hair, watching you clasp your hands together and close your eyes once your eyes landed on one of the many shooting stars continuously appearing.
He looks at you for a second. Then for a minute. He doesn’t know why he feels full, he hasn’t even finished his food back in the site yet, but he does. He does when he looks at you. Like how you feel when you see a close person become so happy with a simple thing. Just like that feeling.
But he immediately shrugs and dismisses it, following you as he clasps his hands together, closing his eyes, and making a wish.
One of it was for you to always be this happy.
“Where the hell have you two been? The bonfire’s dying out! Faster!” You jog back to the site, apologizing profusely and finally sitting back to where you were before. 
Jay grabs his guitar, and finally, everyone was silent. A comfortable one. Just the crackling fire, the crickets in the background, and Jay’s strumming. 
It was just some random melody, accompanied by his lovely humming. It was godly, everything about him. But this time, you weren’t awed, nor surprised.
You decided to finally just… enjoy it. Cherish it. He had always been this way, and you didn’t wanna waste every moment realizing he is more amazing than he shows usually, when you’ve known he always had something more to give.
“How about let’s call this a day, huh? Go to your tents and we’ll see you in the morning, okay? Get some good night sleep and mend with nature! Goodnight, guys!” After an hour or so, your org manager claps his hand to get your attentions. 
“Hey, I’m going to head in now, where’s your tent again?” You look beside you as you clean up, seeing Jay was too stunned to even move, nervous. “Jay?”
“Huh? Yes. I uh, there,” He points at one of the tents, and you nod.
“Okay, I might just barge in and play with you if I can’t sleep.” You chuckle, but before you take a step away from him to head to your own tent, you look at him, still seated on the same spot. “Are… you not heading in yet?” 
“Yeah, I.. just got to do something.” He sighs, nodding at himself. “I’ll head in in awhile, you go first,” He smiles at you, but it was too strained to ease your slight worry. But despite it, you just agree and nod. 
You must’ve forgotten for a moment— it was your wish anyway, to forget. To forget how your bestfriend never really looked at you the same way you looked at him.
Because when you turn your back to check on him again before you zipped your tent up, Minjung was already making their way beside Jay, and you knew what was just about to happen.
“Jay, I need help in this chemistry paper, do you think maybe you could help me later after class?” You start cleaning your desk, leaning closer to try and get his attention.
“Ah…” Jay mumbles, looking at you with a strained expression. “I have plans later, maybe another time? When is this due?” 
“It’s okay! No worries, the internet will be there to save the day…” You smile at him, ignoring his questions. As he mumbles another apology, you just continue to clean your desk, “...again,” You whisper, because it is indeed the nth time Jay had turned you down, which, at first, was unlikely because again, Jay had no closer friends than you. 
“I’m really sorry, but I have to get going.” He stands up, half reluctant to go feeling sorry for you.
You sigh. Maybe you’ve had enough, or maybe you’re just not used to the fact that Jay doesn’t have time like used to in his hands to hang out with you. Even as a study pair would suffice, but apparently, he was too busy for that too.
“What have you been doing these days? Why are you always so stirred to go home after class? Is it something I did?” You look up at him who was standing in front of you, shocked at your sudden outburst.
“No! You didn’t do anything I just—,” 
“Then what, Jay? You’re not even up to studying. Getting a simple coffee. Teaching me a single equation after class. What’s happening because even though I sound so fucking demanding right now, I’m actually getting pissed.” 
But he doesn’t seem to care— glancing at his watch for a second before turning back to you.
“I’m really sorry, y/n. I’ll explain everything later on, okay? For now, I have to run.” And he leaves you there, dumbfounded and hurt. Were you asking for too much for a best friend?
You only scoff, now shoving your notebooks to the depths of your bag. If he was going to act like that, then fine. Just know that you’re pettier unless his reason was valid. 
“I’m going to shit myself,” You hit your temple a little stronger than what you had intended on the table, groaning in pain as you caress the part. Jay had been in your head all night long, and not even a single paragraph on your chemistry paper has been done because of it. “Need a fucking breather.” 
You wear your hoodie and get your phone and wallet, walking to the nearest convenience store in hopes of eating your thoughts away— and getting your head iced in the process.
A small, tired welcome greets you once you had opened the glass doors, bells jingling as you smile at the cashier. It was empty today, just like it had always been when it was a weekday night, too late for the students to be hanging out. 
You head to the drinks section, getting everything you had wanted, and ice, of course, then to the counter to pay for it.
“Thank you,” You mumble, getting everything and settling on the cornermost part of the convenience store to start to devour. “I just can’t get it. If it’s something I did, or maybe in his part, wouldn’t he have told me by now?” You shake your head, taking a bite of whatever was in your hand. “We’ve been stuck to the hip ever since high school. And now he’s just going to throw me away like this? What about me? What about my feelings? What about—” Your rambling cuts short when a familiar guitar case gets your attention, just right in front of you, glass window right in between but it feels like you’re inside a small room, suffocating alone with no one to help you.
There he was. You would love to stop there, but it continues with …with her. Holding hands, smiles reaching their ears as they shared earphones, almost heading inside the store if it weren’t for you gawking at them from the inside.
Shocked and hurt was an understatement for you, and guilt for him. You both didn’t know why you felt like these, but it just happened. The moment your eyes trailed from their hands to Jay’s eyes, he rapidly removes his hand from Mingjung’s, the earbud they had been sharing. 
At the same time, you didn’t even get to clean up your mess as you only get your phone and wallet, heading out the store in a rush as you try and keep the tears in. If you were going to cry, you weren’t planning to look him in the eyes with it. 
But plans don’t always go well. 
Jay runs after you, leaving Minjung confused but he couldn’t care less, his priority was you. And when he catches up with you, he steps right in front of you to stop you. 
“y/n.. Let me explain.” 
“Move.” You dismiss him, his lines were too cliche. You try to walk past him but he only grabs your arms, making you step away from him and pull your arm strongly to escape his grip. “I said move. You don’t even have to explain anything.” You try to chuckle, but it only comes out as too forced. Though it was.
“I want to. Minjung— we’re just—,” Jay tries and finds any words that might appear right, but you don’t even hear him out as you try and make your useless escape. “y/n!” 
“What, Jay?” Unlike his restless appearance, you were calm. You were… surrendering. “Why do you even want to explain? To make me feel better? Because I think at this point, you’re explaining just to make yourself feel better for keeping it from your bestfriend.” You smile, unable to hide the tears from him as it escapes from your eyes one by one. “Right? And I feel so shitty of feeling this way because just like I said, I am just your best… friend. “ You sigh, clicking your tongue against your cheek. “I feel so shitty for making you want to explain because… you shouldn’t have to. It’s your life, who the fuck cares who you date!” 
“We’re not,” Jay butts in, trying to calm you down but in fact, he was calming himself. 
“Oh?” You chuckle in disbelief. “How’d you think Minjung will react when they hear that from you?” You shut your mouth first to let him answer, but nothing comes out from him but a sigh. “See.” You hold out a sob, looking elsewhere, just not his eyes. “Just… go back. Minjung must be so confused right now— and that’s what needs to be explained. Nothing with me,” You finally push him away to walk so helplessly back to your flat, and it was something in between in denial and acting as if you didn’t care, sitting back on your study table as you grab your pencil and the paper you were working on awhile ago.
You’ve put a few words out before tears continuously drop on the paper, making the ink spread and make the whole paper unreadable. Maybe it was your last straw, as you finally sob quietly there, covering your eyes to stop from looking at yourself from the countless reflections around you.
You didn’t want to see yourself like this— helpless, broken and hurt. 
You’ve seen it one too many times.
Meanwhile, Jay was there, where you left him. His feet can’t even take him back to the person he thought he liked so much, not until he saw you there inside the convenience store with broken eyes. His tears flow out of his eyes as he lets out a shaky sigh, brushing his hair back in frustration as he finally crouches down right in the middle of the street.
His chest feels like it’s being pulled apart, the world spinning too fast for him. Your eyes that looked hopelessly at him tattooed right in his brain, the memories of your eyes full of love now can’t be remembered. 
It was completely the opposite of what he felt that night, under the stars. 
He doesn’t understand— one of his wishes was for you to be happy. Then why?
Or maybe he does understand, he just doesn’t want to accept it— the fact that maybe, one, just a single wish is granted for one person, or two, your happiness isn’t really him.
And since he doesn’t want to admit the fact that the second option exists, he blames himself.
Because his first wish wasn’t you. His first wish was granted— and it was right there, waiting for him to come back to the convenience store.
He should’ve thought about his feelings for you the moment he overheard you telling another friend that you liked him. He hurt you, and in the process, hurt himself too.
Was it a bad time to realize that he had liked you just as much as you liked him, for as long as you did, too?
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permanent taglist: @moonieric @changmin-wrlds @soobin-chois @kurosism @enhacolor @yunkiwii  @allorysayshi @nycol-ie @fluffyju @squiishymeow @icedcoffeesunwoo @deobibu @igotkpoops @ryutiny
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sunghun · 2 years
domestic things with stray kids
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requested: naur :p
warnings: mentions of food/eating (esp in felix and jeongin’s)
note: so. apparently i write for skz now.
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찬 - chan
having a nightly routine together
omg so cute
so adorable
you guys are literally like the old married couple that’s still deeply in love with each other <3
and lowkey grosses everyone out with how whipped you both are <33
but anyways
we all know how chan is practically allergic to sleep
i am too tho tbh
but on the rare occasion that he’s actually home and plans on going to bed at a decent time
you both have a cute lil routine that you do together
like doing ur skincare routines for each other
being all giggly while applying the different creams and stuff :(
omg and if you do facemasks trying to make each other laugh while they’re on :((
and chan will always let you pick which one you want first bc he’s just nice like that :(((
making silly faces at each other in the mirror while you brush your teeth
omg and if you have longer hair you can bet ur ass he will brush it for you
and he’d be so gentle too 🥺
and then if you want he’d braid it for you as well
will absolutely hold you close as ur going to sleep and give you a forehead kiss before drifting off
“night, baby. love you.”
idk man where can i get a chan ://
rest of the members under the cut!
민호 - minho
going grocery shopping
going grocery shopping with someone is like . peak domesticity + intimacy imo
it’s just so cute <3
so wholesome <33
anyways be prepared to be made fun of for your food choices
“you’re getting that?”
definitely blames you for forgetting the grocery list
even if it was his fault
turns into a mom when he sees you trying to sneak food into the cart
“babe we already have 2 different kinds of cereal in here put that one back”
“sigh fine”
like don’t even try doing the puppy eyes on him bro
bc he’ll deadass just look at you like 🤨 and walk away lmao
would offer to lift you into the cart and push you around <3
except he acts like it’s such an inconvenience for him even tho he’s the one who offered??
lets out the BIGGEST sigh
“minho, honey, you’re the one who asked if i wanted to get in”
“well yeah why wouldn’t i?? you’d probably be complaining about how much your feet hurt with those ridiculous shoes you’re wearing sooner or later if i didn’t”
you were wearing sneakers but okay <3
we all know he’s allergic to showing he cares in obvious ways so we’ll save him his dignity for now
also!! sneaks in ur favorite snacks while you’re not looking
and doesn’t say a word about it unless u bring it up
“babe where did these come from i don’t remember getting them?”
and he’ll just shrug and be like
“i saw that we were running out so i grabbed some for you”
ur fave tsundere <3
창빈 - changbin
sharing clothes
in reality
as someone who’s like . the same height as binnie
and definitely not the same size lmao
this would…..probs be a lowkey disaster
but in theory
this is the cutest thing ever
like 12/10 very pure very sweet
would recommend
like you two wear each other’s hoodies/shirts/whatever so much
you don’t even remember which ones are yours
definitely the type of bf where if he’s gonna be gone for a little while
he’ll spray his cologne on all the hoodies u like to steal
bc he knows how lonely you get :(
and how much you like his cologne :((
expects you to do the same for him lol
“babeeeee you’ve been gone so long why didn’t you leave any hoodies behind that smell like you 😢😢”
“i just saw you last night though??”
“exactly it’s been way too long”
will get very upset if you don’t share ur clothes w him
“changbin can i please have my hoodie back now?”
“don’t you mean our hoodie?”
*insert communist bugs bunny meme*
like idk what to tell you guys other than be prepared to have like half ur clothes stolen by ur bf <3
현진 - hyunjin
painting together
yes i’m an unoriginal bitch deal with it
but can u IMAGINE
ur in his room
the canvas is on an easel right in front of you
you’re sitting on jinnie’s lap
and he’s just gently guiding your hand that’s holding a paintbrush :((
or he’ll just wrap his arms around ur waist and watch you paint on your own
and rests his head on ur shoulder
and gives u kisses on your cheek and temple occasionally
i’m not crying you are
you both have your own paper/canvas/whatever
and decide to make something for each other
but the other can’t see it until you’re both done
i can guarantee no matter what you make hyunjin will tear up a lil bit
bc hello !! you made this with him in mind !!! he inspired this !!!!
and even if it’s not the most aesthetically pleasing *ahem*
he’ll still love it and think it’s the most beautiful thing ever :(
but whether u suck like me
or you’re the next monet
hyunjin will always love whatever you make <3
definitely hangs it up in his room
always has tips and pointers to give you if you ask for some
and always makes sure to be very nice and sweet when giving them :((
oh and be prepared for him to paint the most beautiful portrait of you ever bc ur boy is whipped <33
it’s just a very relaxing and peaceful time overall
지성 - jisung
going to the park together
i’m sure you all could tell from the headcanons/reactions i’ve posted before
but i am lowkey obsessed with going to a playground with someone at sunset/nighttime
when it’s just the two of you
and you can do stupid shit without people judging you lol
imagine sitting on the swing
and jisung just starts pushing you gently without you even having to ask
until at one point he grabs the chains and holds you back
and when you turn ur head to ask him what’s up
he just gives a sweet little kiss and then continues to push you :((
or imagine going to a park at sunset
and sitting in a gazebo
and he teaches you how to play the guitar :(
and even if you make a lot of mistakes and don’t really get it
he’s still very patient and understanding :((
then when the sun sets completely
you guys will spread out a blanket
and lay down and star gaze
and while you’re pointing out different constellations and saying how pretty the stars are
all jisung can think is how you’re so much prettier in his eyes
goodbye it was nice knowing you all
필릭스 - felix
baking with/for each other
i know y’all probably saw this from a mile away
but is this not just . the cutest??
buying cookbooks for each other :(
trying out now recipes together :((
feeding each other the yummy sweets you made
you definitely get special s/o privileges too
like any time felix tries out a new recipe for something you’re always to first one to get to try it
or even if it’s something he’s made a million times before you still get the first one of whatever it is
omg and imagine getting in little food fights while you guys are baking too
and you never know who’s gonna start it
one minute you were mixing the cake batter
and the next thing you know you have a huge streak of flour on your cheek and felix is grinning all innocently at you
until smear some back right on his forehead 3
aside from that tho
baking with felix is honestly so much fun
bc even if you’re not the greatest at it he’ll be sure to help you with every step if you need it
and even if you make a mistake and ur cookies come out terrible he’ll still eat them
bc you made them
and it’s not the taste that matters but the love and thoughtfulness put into it
or at least that’s what he says
승민 - seungmin
changing the bedsheets together
okay i know this sounds a lil weird
changing the sheets together is low-key very cute imo
like even if you don’t live together
but he’s over at ur place just hanging out
and you start complaining about having to change your sheets
bc we all know changing sheets can be vv frustrating and kind of a workout
he’ll just be like “c’mon then let’s go do it and get it over with”
and suddenly changing the sheets isn’t so bad <3
as long as ur cute bf is there to help ofc <33
let’s say you guys just moved in together
and you finally have all your furniture and stuff in the apartment
but suddenly you realize that you forgot to buy bedsheets
so thus begins the adventure of going to the store and trying to find a set that you both like
bc something tells me that seungmin is very hmmm grandpa-like in his bedsheet preferences
think plain dark blue, or boring stripes, or maaaaaybe plaid if he’s feeling risky
and ur just like babe i love you but no <3
so finally you guys decide on a couple sets with both of you compromising a bit
a striped set (just not in that awful brown colour he first suggested), a floral set (just not the ugly sunflower one you were gravitating towards), and another just plain black and white one
congrats on both of you being adults about it i’m proud of u <3
정인 - jeongin
sharing food with each other
okay idk about everyone else
but as someone with several siblings
sharing food is like the highest form of love/trust lmao
and seeing as jeongin also has siblings
the moment he starts sharing his food with you is like a big milestone in your relationship
and you definitely get s/o privileges with it
bc rest assured if anyone else tries to take some of his food it’s game over
but you want some of his fries?
sure baby take as many as you’d like
and everyone else is just staring at you like 😲😲
because jeongin?
willingly sharing his food??
unheard of
but with you it’s like he’s a different person
omg imagine going on a date and you guys get some ice cream
and even tho you like the flavor you got
you can’t help but keep glancing at jeongin’s bc for some reason it looks really good??
and he just sighs, gets a spoonful, and holds it up for you to take a bite
because even if he acts like it’s such a chore
he secretly loves how comfortable you two are with each other
plus he knows that if you ever have food that he wants to try you’d offer him some in a heartbeat
you guys are just the cutest :((
taglist: @mochisnlix @yizhoutv @heatrache @vantxx95 @enhacolor @sunoo-bby
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honeyhuii · 2 years
Make My Heart Race
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Sports Au, Nascar Au, Illegal Street racer Au, Journalist Au, Strangers to Lovers
Genre:Fluff, seriously don't know how i managed to not even add an ounce of angst
Pairing: NascarDriver!Xu Minghao x Journalist!Reader
Wordcount: 9.2k
Warnings: Swearing, Mentions of food, illegal street racing, breaking the law, possibly wrong nascar termiology
Rating: PG-13 for swearing and breaking the law lmao
A/n: This is for the Sport Au Collab hosted by @gyukult! Thank you so much Gyu for letting me apart of this amazing collab. I made some wonderful friends and thank you to those who helped me figure out plot and which banner was better. You guys are the best! I also want to thank @sungbeam for helping me with the outline, without you I would seriously still be struggling where to go with this! I would also like to thank @heeracha for letting me use her all eyes on me line! I also hope you don't mind the awkward pov switches. I tried to space out the places when I would switch them. Also, some of the parts are purely self induldge and Hao is a bit oc...
Engines rev as they wait for the chequered flag to wave signalling the start of the race. Loud music blasted from the several cars, all of different types, but all doing the same thing…making the person behind the wheel hellbent on winning the race. One racer stood out amongst the crowd, She was notorious for winning and was one of the fastest racers Seoul has seen in years. She however, could care less about winning because she just wanted to feel the adrenaline course through her veins as she sped through the streets, she just happened to win every single time. This time was no different. She sped through the streets, turning tight corners, zooming past red lights. She just loves the thrill of racing.
You quickly looked over your outfit in the mirror in front of you, making sure it is deemed appropriate for a journalist interview. This was it. You were finally going to interview the people you’ve been dreaming of meeting. You gave yourself another look in the mirror before confidently nodding to yourself and grabbed your keys off the table, heading out the door with a confident walk.
Once you looked at the building in front of you, you felt your previous confidence leave your body. You’ve never felt so intimidated by a building before until now. But, you had to present yourself with confidence, so you took a deep breath and let your anxiety release as you breathed out. You let your false confidence return to you as you walked towards the arena with a notepad and pen in your hands. You flashed the security guards your press pass and walked through the doors. You  could hear the sounds of engines roaring as you walked to the pit stops in hopes of catching one of the racers . Cars would zoom past you and you could feel the gush of cold air fly past you just as the cars did.
 You let a grin take over my face as you spotted the very racer you were hoping to be able to interview. He was just getting out of his car as you made your way towards him, as his best friend sauntered over to him with a big grin stretched across his face. The very racer you were making your way over to, notices you walking towards him and cocks his head in confusion.
He watched as she made her way over to him. There was something fascinating about her, the way she carried herself. Full of confidence and intimidation, but the man did not feel an ounce of fear or nervousness as she continued to make her way towards him. No, instead it made him curious about her. He wanted to know…No, he needed to know more about her. He was compelled to walk over to her. To start a conversation, to talk to her. It was like he was under a spell or some magnetic force that pulled him towards her. He couldn’t even hear a word his best friend was saying. Not even when she was right in front of him, looking directly into his eyes. He only started to pay attention when she opened her mouth and started to talk to him.
“Hi! I’m Y/n, I work for the Daily Carat. I’m a journalist there and I was asked to come interview you and the upcoming Indy 500. Are you able to answer questions right now or do you need to get back to practising, I don’t mind coming back another time or scheduling an interview,” you say, trying to be confident with my words. 
“No worries, I’m available to talk now. Is it me you want to interview or Seungcheol,” Minghao asks with a slight smile on his face. 
“Well, both if you don’t mind. I originally came here to interview you, but I don’t mind interviewing The Quickest Lane Switcher either,” I smirk looking over at Seungcheol. 
“Yeah, yeah. Of course you would call me that,” He rolls his eyes, but there’s mischievous glint in them.
“Do you two know each other,” Minghao asks, confusion written over his face. 
“Yeah, just a bit. I’ve run into him a few times,” I reply, “Anyways, let’s get on with the interview. You guys are probably very busy with the race only being next month.”
“Right, so what do you want to know,” Minghao sits on the hood of his car.
You pull out your notepad and look over the questions you had previously prepared beforehand. “Well, I want to know how you feel about being a third time winning racer going for his fourth win. It must be pressuring for you to have to live up to big expectations. Especially with everyone expecting you to win. How do you try to not let the pressure get to you and push forward?”
“Yeah, there is a lot of pressure with people trying to constantly expect me to win for the fourth time. I feel like I’d disappoint them if I didn’t strive to always win because it’s just expected of me. I try to not let it get to me and use it as motivation. I want to be able to surpass everyone’s expectations and go fast each time. I want to surprise people,” Minghao looked away from me, jaw clenched in frustration. Something must be bothering him.
You write down key notes about what Minghao has said and move onto the next question, ‘Seungcheol, what about you? I know you might not be going for your fourth win, but going for a third one is still a big deal. Is there a lot of pressure around it? Especially, since this time you have to go up against your best friend. Are you planning on taking it easy on him,” you let a teasing smirk play on your lips at the last comment.
“Haha very funny, you think you’re very funny because you beat me. Don’t get so cocky, I’ll win next time,” he rolls his eyes with a cocky smirk.
“Yeah yeah, whatever you say. Now answer the questions Choi,” You rest your hands on your hips, fully confident in yourself. Your anxiety has completely left and you feel completely in my element.
“Fine, Lee. I would say there is and there isn’t a lot of pressure. I think I mostly put the pressure on myself because much like Minghao, I want to surpass people’s expectations of me. I don’t want to be seen as only one thing. I want to be able to surprise people with a variety of skills. And no, I’m not going to go easy on Minghao just because he’s my best friend.”
You continue asking them questions and they continue answering them, but every once in a while you couldn’t help but look over at the cars driving by. The way that they would speed past  you was thrilling. You couldn’t help but let a small grin take over your face whenever they would drive past.
Minghao noticed the way her eyes would gleam whenever they drove past them. He was growing even more curious about her. He wanted to know her secret. He wanted to know what she loved about racing and why she loved watching people race. He was also rather curious to know how she knew Seungcheol and what the hell they were talking about. He was so enthralled by her and the way she spoke that he failed to realise that the interview was over and that she was walking away from them now. He couldn’t help but wonder if he would see her ever again as he watched her figure leave the arena. Damn it, he should’ve asked for her number before she left.
Seungcheol whacks him on the back of the head, “Dude, you’re staring, she’s not coming back. Who knew Xu Minghao would be the type of guy who would fall in love at first sight.” 
“I’m not in love with her,” Minghao replies, rubbing the back of his head.
“Oh yeah, definitely not. I’m also not an illegal street racer,” Seungcheol rolls his eyes at the obliviousness of his friend.
“Whatever, I’m just curious about her. I’ve never met anyone quite like her before.  I just…I don’t know how to explain it, but she has the magnetic aura about her that pulls me to her.”
“That’s the first step, then boom next thing you know you’re in love getting married and having kids and-”
“Choi Seungcheol.”
“Sorry man. I was just trying to make a point. But, speaking of Illegal street racing. There’s another race tonight. You should come with me. I’ll even drive you there,” Seungcheol says, hoping to convince Minghao to finally go.
“I don’t know Cheol. You know how I feel about those races. I’ll have to think about it.”
“C’mon man. It’ll be fun, I promise. How about this, if you don’t have fun or enjoy it, I’ll drive you home immediately no questions asked. I will never ask you to attend another race again.”
“Why do you want me to go to this race so bad?”
“Well, I’ll be racing in one of the events tonight plus I think it might surprise you about who else will be there tonight.”
“Who else?”
“Come and you’ll find out. Don’t want to ruin the surprise.”
“Fine. One race and that’s it.”
Evening finally rolled around and Minghao couldn’t believe how many people showed up to an illegal street race. He would think that there were famous people here with the amount of people that showed. Well, not counting himself and Cheol because they were technically celebrities. “Seungcheol, what’s up with all of these people? You would think it would be a bit more discreet…Is there some sort of celebrity coming to the race or something,” Minghao asks, eyes widening  as he sees even more people join the neverending crowd.
“Hush! Don’t call me that here, call me S.coups. People don’t know me as that here, can’t let them know I’m a famous racer, otherwise they would think that I’m cheating, they don’t take that shit lightly either,” Seungcheol, quickly hushes his friend.
“Alright, Alright. Calm down. You didn’t answer my question nor did you tell me that before we arrived here,” Minghao couldn’t help but roll his eyes at Seungcheol’s stupidity. 
“Oh, yeah. Sorry,” He rubs the back of his neck, “Well, somewhat famous people. At least what we consider famous in the illegal street race community. First, there’s DK, but you know him as Seokmin, yes a lot of nascar racers do illegal street racing. Then there’s Woozi, he’s known for his speeding  tricks. He’ll speed up and pass someone just to slow down right when they are behind him. It pisses everyone off when he does it, but it’s a brilliant way to always stay in first. Lastly, the one even more famous than you and I, Zero Light. She always wins because no one seems to be able to beat her. She also happens to be DK’s sister so she grew up behind the wheel, racing is in her blood. It’s my dream to be able to go against her in a one on one and win. Ah, here she comes, that’s her car.” As Seungcheol was talking, a car sped down the street. It was jet black and had white racing stripes.It was the coolest car Minghao has ever seen, but the comment about Seungcheol wanting to win against her made him confused. Because Seungcheol was a literal nascar driver, she can’t possibly be that good, right?
Once everyone noticed the car, they surrounded the car, and started to whoop and holler. Two people got out of the car and because everyone was surrounding them, Minghao couldn’t make out their faces. But he could definitely feel the change in the atmosphere when they showed up. Before everything was chill and people were just vibing, but now people are buzzing with excitement. 
“Hey! Zero Light, over here! I have someone I want you to meet. Bring DK with you,” Seungcheol shouts, waving his arms hoping to get their attention, which it somehow does.
They start weaving their way through the crowd to him and Seungcheol. And Minghao couldn’t believe who was in front of his eyes, “Y/n? What are you doing here?”
Her lips curved up to a smirk and he swears he’s never seen anything more attractive than the confidence he could feel surrounding her, “Ah, Minghao! I see S.coups has finally convinced you to come to one of these. And please, refer to me as Zero Light. Can’t let anyone know my real name in case the cops catch someone from one of these races. We should give you a nickname in case too. Do you have a nickname someone calls you that you like?”
“How about The8, for his love of infinite speed,” Seungcheol pipes in, “Also, where’s Woozi? Isn’t he supposed to be racing tonight?”
“I think it’s perfect,” you say, “Yeah, he’s on his way. He said he should be here in a couple of minutes. We won’t start the race without him anyways. What’s a good race when Woozi isn’t there.” 
“I like it,” Minghao replies, a confident smirk on his pretty lips, “Whose Woozi? S.coups mentioned him before, and said he was some sort of illegal street racing celebrity.” 
“Cool. Woozi’s my best friend. Yeah, he’s well known amongst the community here in Seoul, not quite sure if he’s as well known outside of it as we mostly do our races here. Oh, right. This is my brother DK. You probably recognize him, but because of him I’ve been able to see every single race of yours. Gotta say, I’m quite the fan. S.coups also talks quite a bit about you and wanted you to come to one of these. Glad you finally decided to come.”
“Really? Every single one? And you talk about me, they better be good things or I’ll-”
“Haha. Don’t worry, he only says the best things. Well, maybe a few embarrassing stories here and there, but that’s what friends are for. They gotta embarrass you sometimes and you them otherwise, are you true friends?”
“I guess you do make a good point.”
“Oh, Zero Light. I wanted to ask you if we could hold a one vs one tomorrow night. I don’t think there’s any scheduled illegal races for next week,” Seungcheol asks, butting into the conversation.
“You really want to lose that bad, huh?”
“I don’t think I’ll lose. I am a nascar driver after all,” Seungcheol smirks, confidence blooming in his chest.
“Although that may be true, how many times have you lost to me? I mean the same goes for DK here. He’s my brother so he would hate to lose to me at something he does for his career,” you rest your hands on your hip, cocking your head with a mock.
“Yeah, yeah whatever. What do you say? You in?”
“Sure, why not. I could use a break from all the tough competitors,” you smirk as Seungcheol scowls.
“Oh fuck off will you. Anyways, I can’t wait to finally win against you and rub it in.”
“Confident are we? Speaking of racing, where the fuck is Woozi. He said he’d be here soon, we can’t wait all night for him.”
Soon enough another jet black car comes barrelling down the street and instead of white racing stripes, it has a single red stripe down the centre of the car. When everyone notices that car, they start shouting yet again and the already buzzing energy gets even higher as someone new makes their appearance. 
“Ah, Woozi’s here. Perfect timing as always,” you roll your eyes and look over at the car that’s currently parking.
“That’s Woozi? I’m not going to lie..I expected him to be a lot more-”
“Intimidating? Taller? He’s very intimidating when you first meet him, but once he warms up to you, he’ll be someone you never forget,” you say, looking over at the short male with a smile on his face as he greets others while he makes his way towards us. 
“Hey guys! Who's the newbie? I swear I’ve seen you before, are you a model or something,” Woozi asks, looking up at Minghao.
“That’s The8,” you lean closer to Jihoon’s ear, “His name is actually Minghao and he’s a nascar racer. He’s S.coups best friend and has raced against DK before.”
“Ohhhh. Wow, I’ve heard so much about you from Zero-” Woozi starts to say until I elbow him before he says too much.”
“That’s enough out of you. We’ve got a race to start now that your ass has finally arrived,” you roll your eyes.
“Oh, it’s starting now? Good luck Zero Light! You too Woozi and S.coups,” Minghao says, smiling with sincerity. 
“Baby, I don’t need luck,” you wink and leave a flustered Minghao behind as you head back to your car.
“I do, thanks The8,” Woozi says, “Especially if I’m going up against her.”
Minghao couldn’t even respond to Woozi because he was so caught up in his thoughts of her. His heart sped up just like the very cars he was surrounded by. Maybe Seungcheol was right. Maybe he did fall in love at first. “Come on lover boy, quite staring at my sister. You’re not going to want to miss this,” He lets Dk pull him somewhere they can see the race and just ignores the comment he made because again, it might very well  be true.
Engines revved as they waited for the chequered flag to wave. Loud music blasted from all the cars, pumping up both the racers and the viewers. Minghao could hear Villain blasting from her car. He was excited to see how she would race. Since he’s never been to one of these, he’s not quite sure how  they work. But he’s pretty sure you aren’t supposed to wait for everyone to speed off while you wait behind. Except that’s exactly what she did. She stood at the start line for five seconds before she finally sped off. 
You could feel the bass of the song thrum against you as it blasted through the speakers. You waited for about five seconds before you decided that it was long enough for everyone to get a good distance from the start line. You waited so that you could feel the real adrenaline race through your veins as you raced through the streets desperately trying to catch up. But for you, it was nothing.
You zipped through the streets, fast as the speed of sound. You could hear the tires screech against the asphalt every time you took a tight turn left. You drove up next to a jet black car with a red racing stripe and you knew exactly who you just caught up to.. you looked to your left and saw Jihoon flip you off and grinned from ear to ear. You could hear his laughter ring through my ears as you finally drove past him, making me come in first.
Watching her drive the way she did ignited something in Minghao, something he hasn’t felt in a while. He wanted…he craved to know what it felt like to drive the way she does. He wanted to be both the passenger and driver. He wanted to feel the thrill she felt. And he could tell she loved the adrenaline by how excited and how her smile beamed into the night as she celebrated her new victory. 
You climbed out of the car. A grin present on your lips as you bask in the glory of your win. Minghao pulled you into a tight hug, congratulating you on the win. Woozi even came over and joined the crowd  to congratulate you, though he did tease you and tried to say that you cheated. You could still feel the adrenaline pump through your veins. There was nothing more thrilling than racing down the street reaching new speeds. 
The glory and excitement was cut short as soon as you and everyone else heard sirens race through the streets desperate to find you and where everyone was hiding. Everyone quickly scrambled to get out of there before the cops showed up. Everyone was so panicked about getting caught that Seungcheol forgot to grab Minghao. DK and Woozi must've sped off together because they were nowhere to be found in the vicinity. 
Minghao still hadn't registered what was happening even when you pulled up next to him furiously trying to get him into the car. "Hao, fuck. Come on get in the fucking car, we don't have time for you to look like a cute lost puppy!"
"What? What's going on Y/n-" you didn't let him finish his sentence and opened the passenger side and yanked him in the car. You see flashing red and blue light's behind youand siren's blaring, "FUCK!"
You hurriedly shift your car into gear and speed down the street. Cops seemed to catch on that you were one of the racers and started to follow you, "Fuck, fuck. Okay, Hao...We are currently getting chased by cops, so I'm going to need you to duck down, so they don't see you. Can't have you going to jail."
Minghao listen's instantly and ducks down, hiding himself from the view of cops. You grip your steering wheel so tight that your knuckles start to turn white. You keep taking several left and right turns to throw the cops off your track but it doesn't last long enough. 
You quickly turn left into an alley. Fortunately, the cops were far enough back that they didn't seem to notice the sharp turn, so you quickly turned off the car and ducked down to remain hidden. You look over at Minghao to gauge his reaction. To your surprise, he looked like he was having the time of his life. He let out an elated laugh and you couldn’t help but start laughing alongside him.  “I think we’re safe now. I don’t hear the siren’s nor do I see flashing lights. I’ll take you home, where do you live,” you sat up in your seat and pulled out of the alley and drove Minghao home.
You walk up to Minghao and tap him on the shoulder, “Hey. My boss didn’t think we got enough questions yesterday, so I’m back again. Is Cheol not here today? Also, if you aren’t free right now, I can come back another time, schedule a lunch with you if need be.”
“No! No. It’s fine. I have time now. Yeah, Seungcheol is still a bit shaken up from last night, so he wants to take the day off from practising, especially since he has the race against you tonight,”Minghao sits on the hood of his car, stuffing his hands in his pockets.
“Ah, typical Cheol,” you reply playfully, “Anyways, some fans want to know how you got into racing in the first place. I’m not going to lie,  I’m also curious as to how you got into the whole nascar racing scene as well.”
“Well, Seungcheol would be the reason. He’s my best friend and he’s been doing illegal street racing since we were teenagers. I went only once to one of those and it was an amazing experience. I know I said I haven’t gone to one before, that is mostly true. I haven’t been to one since that one because after that I started to do more research about Nascar racing and just fell in love with everything. The way that there is no limit to how fast you can go. What about you?”
“Huh? What do you mean,” you look up from your notepad and give him a quizzical look. 
“What do you love about racing? Why don’t you become a Nascar racer instead of doing illegal ones?”
“Hey, I’m the one supposed to be asking the questions, not you. You can’t take my job like that,” you tease, trying to fight off the embarrassment.
“Awh, please? I won’t ask anymore questions. I’m just curious to know more about you,”Minghao takes his hands out of his pockets and folds them over his chest.
“I was just teasing you,” you sat next to him on the hood of his car. ”Jihoon actually got me into it. That’s Woozi’s real name, don’t tell him I told you,” you point your pen at him and he puts his hands up in surrender, “You would think it was my brother, but it wasn’t. He was a Nascar racer and sure that was cool too, but there were too many rules, plus tell me how many women Nascar drivers you see. But anyways, much like you. Jihoon was an illegal street racer as a teenager too and at first I was terrified of being at one of those races. Then he convinced me to and instead of being on the side lines, I was in the car with him. I got to feel the air whip through the car as we went faster and faster. I was so scared that we were going to  crash any time we took a tight corner. However, it was the most fun I’ve ever had and I just loved the rush of adrenaline.”
“Wow…that’s amazing,” he truly looked like he was in awe of what I told him. you felt extremely touched that he wanted to learn more about you. You also felt your heart pick up the pace.
“I guess..Anyways, are you ready for the Nascar race next month?”
“Yeah, I guess I’m excited,” Minghao lets out a breathy sigh and looks a bit dejected.
“Is everything okay? You can talk to me if something’s bothering you…”
“No, I’m fine! Don’t worry. Are you excited for the race against Seungcheol?”
“I mean, it’s Cheol. How excited can one be? I’m kidding, I’m kidding,” you say when you notice the look he was giving me. “Yeah, I’m excited. I'd be even more excited if I were to know whether or not you would be making an appearance there.”
“Honestly? I love being a Nascar driver and being able to go fast. But when we were speeding away from the cops? What I felt then? That was something entirely different. The thrill and rush of getting caught was so exhilarating. I want to experience it again. Seungcheol didn't ask me to go, so I wouldn’t know where it was being held and-”
“I could take you,” you quickly chime in.
“You want to take me?”
“Yeah! It would be fun to have a passenger, someone that isn’t my brother or Jihoon,” I let out a chuckle, causing Minghao to smile.
“They, hell yeah!”
“Cool! What time should I pick you up?”
“I’ll give you my number and you can text me a time you think would be good.”  
Score! “Cool, I’ll text you then. I’ve got to go, but I’ll see you tonight. Bye Hao!”
The ride to the new area, where the race will be held, was a silent one. Not an uncomfortable or suffocating silence, but rather one that you basked in. You felt so comfortable around Minghao and you’ve only known him for two days. It’s crazy to think about how you’ve gotten close over the span of 48 hours, but you guess if you are getting chased and fleeing from the cops, it does that. Not that I’m complaining. It was somewhat a magical night, one that you will commit to memory forever. You wonder if he would do the same. 
You pulled into the lot and everyone crowded around your car once they noticed you had arrived. You told Minghao to stay in the car until you gestured for him to get out. You spotted Seokmin, Jihoon, and Seungcheol walking towards your car, so you waved for Minghao to get out of the car. Everyone gasped in surprise when they saw Minghao get out of the car, you even noticed your friends making confused faces, but you ignored them.
“Hey S.coups. Ready to lose,” you ask, taunting him.
“I don’t think so. Tonight is the night I finally beat you,” Seungcheol smirks.
“You think? Want to put a bet on it?”
“Sure. Loser buys dinner?”
“How about dinner for the entire group, your friends and mine?”
“Deal. But before we start the race, I want to know why you guys arrived together?”
“Yeah, I’m also curious. Last I checked, you only ever brought us two,” Seokmin points to him and Jihoon, “Are you guys a thing?”
“What? No,” both Minghao and you shouted together, causing some onlookers to stare.
“Uhm no. I asked if Minghao was coming and he said that he wanted to but you didn’t invite him so I did. I took your personal cheerleader, jealous?”
“Well, I thought after last night he wouldn’t want to come to one of these things again. Or maybe he didn’t come to see me race, but rather someone else,” Seungcheol looks over at Minghao, hinting at something.
“Who? It’s only  us racing tonight,” you ask obliviously.
Seungcheol rolls his eyes at your response which confuses you more, “No one, no one. Speaking of races, Minghao, are you prepared for the race next month? I still feel like I haven’t gotten enough practise in and I’m doing these illegal street races. I can’t imagine what it would be like for you.”
“I’d rather not talk about it right now. You have a race to lose,” Minghao quips
Seungcheol looks absolutely baffled to the point where you want to take a picture to laugh at in the future, “Wow. I thought you were MY best friend…”
“I am. Also try not to get too angry when I sit with her in her car,” Minghao starts walking backwards towards my car.
“Wait, what? I thought you would’ve wanted to ride with Seungcheol,” you replied.
“And be on the losing team? Nah, plus after the experience from last night, I want to experience that again with you,” Minghao gives your a toothy smile, that just maybe, just maybe makes your heart flutter a little. 
“Suit yourself,” Seungcheol walks past my car to his, not before passing by Minghao whispering something in his ear. 
You could hear music blasting from Seungcheol’s car as he revved the engine. The grip on your steering wheel tightened. You could feel the adrenaline start its course through your veins. You took a deep breath in and let it consume you. You felt a hand on yours, took it off the steering wheel and intertwined it with another. You look over and see Minghao’s hand interlaced with yours. Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion, you were about to question it, but Minghao squeezed your hand in reassurance. Silently, he was cheering you on. Your heart definitely did flips that time.  The chequered flag waved, but you were too caught up in Minghao to notice, that was until he released his hand from yours and pointed. Oh fuck…you were going to have a hard time explaining this one.
It took everything in Minghao to hold back his laughter. He didn’t want to throw her off her game. But as soon as she noticed she went flying down the road. Instinctively, he grabbed the handle and held onto it for dear life. He could tell that as soon as he did that, that Y/n was trying to hold back her giggles. As the car continues to pick up speed, Minghao starts to let loose a bit. He lets go of the handle and rolls down the window to truly feel air whip through his hair. He takes a deep breath in and truly tries to feel how she’s currently feeling. He pictures himself behind the wheel instead of her. He breathes in every sight, feels every turn, and can taste victory around the corner. Well, he could. That was until Seungcheol came speeding down the street, fast as lightning. Seungcheol quickly took the spot as first place. Minghao looked over at Y/n and noticed the panicked look on her face. This must not happen very often. Minghao did the first thing he could think of that would ground her. He put his hand on her arm, causing her to look over at him. Her eyes widen in surprise as she continues to look forward to the road ahead of her. She took one of her hands off the steering wheel and interlaced it with Minghao’s. He felt his heart speed up as the car began to speed up. They both secretly conveyed their thoughts and feelings to each other without murmuring a word. They could tell just by how someone would squeeze their hand. Minghao was cheering on and motivating her without having to say a word because all she had to do was look over at him and see the emotions in his eyes. 
To celebrate your win with Minghao, the both of you went to a fast food place to grab a bite to eat. “Hey,” you hear in a soft voice and look up from your burger to see Minghao staring at you with a curious gaze.  You blink in confusion. “Yeah? You need something?”
“I was wondering if you knew a place where we could chill out for a bit. I don’t really want to go home yet, you know?”
“Yeah, I do. I’ll take you there after we finish eating. Is that good with you? If not, I can bring our food with us.”
“I don’t mind waiting for you.”
You park the car on the grassy hill away from city life. You stepped out of the car and let the cold breeze fill your lungs as you breathed in the fresh air. Minghao also stepped out of the car and took in the surroundings around him. You could see a soft smile greet his lips., causing you to smile at his contentment. You sit on the hood of your car and put your hands behind your head as you lay down to look at the stars above. You feel the car shift in weight as Minghao lays next to you. You look over and see him already looking at you. You take one of your hands from underneath your head and innerlace them with his. At this point, when your hand isn’t in his, it feels strange. Like a sense of lostness. Your hand feels like it belongs in his. You feel at home when you're with him. you can’t help wondering if he feels the same as you do.
“Why didn’t you want to go home? Is there something bothering you,” your voice is soft and not above a whisper. You continue observing his face as he looks away from you and towards the city in front, oblivious to love blossoming in the air. 
Minghao lets out a deep sigh, “there’s a reason I didn’t really want to talk about the race. I’m not all that happy racing anymore. It’s kind of become a burden to me instead of a fun career. I don’t really feel the same passion and energy that I used to feel. I think it’s because people nowadays only care about winning and will do whatever it takes to win, even if that means cheating.  I’m actually thinking this will be my final season as a Nascar racer.”
You sat up in shock, “What? Really?”
He nods his head, “I haven’t made a final decision yet, but it’s something I’ve been thinking of. My passion for racing is dwindling everytime I go to the race track to practise for my upcoming race.” 
“What if I help you get your passion and love back for racing? I mean these past two days, I’ve seen you smiling and you look so light and free than I’ve seen you in your past races. What if I help you get your love back? You can maybe try illegal street racing and if you don’t want to physically be in the driver's seat, you can sit next to me. I really really want to help you. Maybe even use this as practice for the Indy race instead of actually practising. Get away from the race track and the rules for a bit.” 
 “Yeah…Okay. That sounds like a good idea. Let’s do it,” Minghao warmly smiles towards you and your stomach does somersaults. 
It’s been two weeks since you had that talk with Minghao. You’ve been going to illegal races almost every day, minus a few breaks here and there. But it’s sort of become a tradition that after every illegal race, you would go grab some greasy food and go up on the hill away from the city. Some of those nights were the best nights of your life. You would just sit and talk about anything and everything that came to mind. Those nights were your favourite because you get to listen to him talk about his life.  
Tonight was no different. You guys were chilling on the hood of your car staring at the stars talking about life. “Y/n,” he quietly speaks up.
“Yes Hao?”
“I think I’m ready.”
“Ready for what?”
“I want to race in an illegal street race,” he looks over at you, eyes full of anxiety.
“Are you sure,” you ask and he nods his head, “Well, why don’t we make an announcement at tomorrow night’s race? Hell you can even race it! I’ll let you take my spot for tomorrow night’s race!” 
“Are you sure you don’t want to race one last race?”
“Nah, I’m fine. I mean I can always join you in the car if you are that worried I would get bored,”
“What? I wasn’t worried, I just didn’t want your fans to get mad that you aren’t racing.”
“I could use a break. They’ve seen me win enough times. So, don’t worry about them.”
The evening rolled in faster than you thought it would. You could feel the excitement and adrenaline radiating off of Minghao as he sat next to you on your way to the illegal street race. It was his debut night as an illegal street racer, so to see him not anxious in the least bit surprised you to an extent. He was a nascar racer after all, but you think he would be a little bit nervous about racing in an actual street race where he could potentially go to jail for. But no, you could see the confident smirk and glint in his eyes. 
You arrived at the parking lot where others were currently parked and waiting for you to arrive. The spectator’s and your friends surrounded your car as you parked, whooping and hollering as soon as they saw you exit, but their cheers grew when Minghao stepped out. Minghao walked over to your friend group while you thought now was a good time to announce Minghao’s debut because everyone was all fired up by his arrival. But first you had to get their attention.
“ALL EYES ON ME,” you shout, cupping your hands around your mouth to make your voice louder.
“ALL EYES ON YOU,” everyone shouts in return except there’s a faint voice yelling, “my eyes are always on you.” You could’ve swore it was Minghao saying that but why would he.
“Alright, now that I have everyone’s attention. I have a few announcements about tonight’s race. I know some of you might be a little disappointed with some of the news I’m going to share, but I don’t care,” you playfully tease, hands on your hips and a growing smirk on your lips.
 “The first announcement is that tonight, I am not racing.” You could hear a series of groans come out of people’s mouths. You also noticed Jihoon and Seokmin furrow their eyebrows in confusion, meanwhile Seungcheol is raising an eyebrow towards Minghao, but he chooses to ignore him. “I know, I know. You’re all mad and upset because you took the time out of your night to come and see me. I appreciate it, I really do, but I’m going to be taking a break from racing for a bit, Not for too long, but a small break, like around a week.”
If that didn’t confuse everyone then what you’re about to say is going to definitely elicit surprises and confusion. “Since I’m taking a small break, someone’s going to need to take my place for the race tonight. I want to introduce you to one of my good friends who will be taking my place tonight and for future races. I know you all have been quite curious about him, so why don’t I let him introduce himself? The8, come here please”
Everyone turned to look at the man you pointed to; and the previous disappointment everyone felt vanished, instantly replacing it with excitement. Cheers surrounded Minghao as he made his way towards you. He had a rather shocked face at all the cheers…it was really cute. 
“Hello everyone! I’m The8 and I’m taking Zero Light’s place for the time being. I hope you guys won’t be too upset about your future losses and your upcoming loss tonight,” Minghao says with a cocky smirk, firing up the crowd even more. 
“Alright, alright. That’s enough boasting, why don’t you actually show them what you’re capable of? Because you may be able to talk the talk but it doesn’t mean you’ll walk the walk. How about it ladies and gentlemen? Are you ready for the race to start,” you shout, screams encompass the parking lot, bouncing off the walls echoing through the small neighbourhood. 
Minghao grips the steering wheel, knuckles turning white. He hasn’t felt the rush of adrenaline like this in a really long time. He’s been craving for another taste ever since he lost his love in racing. This. This feeling is what he’s missed for so long. He can’t even say he’s nervous because he’s not. Although he should be with you watching, however, it brings him a sense of comfort knowing that you’ll be watching him race. Watching him win. He let his confidence take the wheel and stepped on the gas as soon as the flag was waved.
Minghao sped down the streets as quickly as he could. Zooming through the streets, weaving through the cars, passing obvious stop signs, and doing his damned best to win. There was no way he was going to let someone show him up. Racing was in his blood after all. It’s what he lived for. It was what drove him to be the person who was. So there was no way he was going to lose.
Minghao had to do a double-take when he saw Jihoon sitting on the hood of his car, waiting for his fellow racers to show up. He didn’t even see Jihoon pass him. How the hell did he get there before him? Minghao storms out of the car, or correction, your car because you oh so graciously let him borrow it, but not without threatening him if he puts a scratch on your precious baby. He marches his way over to Jihoon, “Dude, when did you even get here? I never saw you pass me?”
Jihoon shrugs his shoulders, “maybe you just weren’t looking for me. Slipped right past you, near SVT Street.”
“That far?! Seriously, how did you do it? You have to teach me, but I still can’t believe I lost.”
“Well this is your first street race. You may be a Nascar racer, but you don’t know the streets like we do. We know what streets we can skip, plus we aren’t afraid to play dirty,” you walk up behind Minghao, “don’t be too sad that you lost. It was more than likely you were going to lose against Woozi.” 
“I could teach you a couple of tricks if you would like,” Jihoon suggests.
“Yeah, okay. Who knows, they might help me in Nascar racing too. It wouldn’t hurt to try,” Minghao tries not to pout, but couldn’t help it. He genuinely thought he would win. You walk up to him, and without thinking about it, you press your lips gently to his cheek, hoping that you will slightly cheer him up. When you pull your face away from his cheek, you find him staring at you, an unknown emotion swirling around his eyes. You’ve never noticed how his eyes are a vast ocean that will pull you under. It’s almost as if you could find all the answers to the world hidden inside.You would’ve stared longer, but you quickly moved away from Minghao as soon as you heard Jihoon clear his throat behind you. You spun on your heels and practically sprinted to your car. 
Jihoon looks over at Minghao to question him about what just happened, but he could tell the man was lost in thought, staring at your faded silhouette. Jihoon just shakes his head at the obliviousness between you two. “Dude, are you just going to stare at her longingly and let her keep waiting for you? Or are you going to follow her? Maybe ask her what the fuck just happened,” Jihoon says, mumbling the last part.
“What?” Minghao furrows his eyebrows and lets confusion fill his features. 
“She’s going to leave your sorry ass behind if you don’t hurry up and get it together.”
“Shit,” Minghao sprints after your car, waving his hands hoping to get your attention.
Jihoon sighs, pressing his fingers to the bridge of his nose, “idiots to lovers I tell you. Oblivious idiots.” He rolls his eyes and sticks his hands into his pocket and jumps off the hood of his car to head home.
Jihoon has been training Minghao in the art of street racing, alongside you. He’s definitely changed since you first met him at the track. At first he was so reserved, reluctantly answering your questions, but now he can’t stop talking about himself. In a positive way, of course he always remembers to ask you questions in return. Usually, those questions are asked while the both of you are laying on the hood of your car, your head on his chest, and his arm lazily wrapped around your waist. Those nights were your favourite because it’s become some sort of tradition that the both of you would head there after one of Minghao’s street races, but not before grabbing some greasy food to eat while staring at the far city lights, surrounded by thousands of glittering stars. 
It was hard to believe that a month has passed since you struck up the deal together. You’ve noticed that not only is he not as reserved, but he’s gotten his spark back. You can see it in the way he smiles while his hands are on the steering, shifting gears, and zooming past cars. He’s finally found himself and his love of racing. However, there’s a few problems that you’ve come to realise. 
You realised that you were madly in love with Xu Minghao, especially the Minghao you only got to see. You couldn’t determine whether or not he felt the same, but he had to at least feel something during those nights when he would sing to you, gently kissing your forehead and stroking your cheek while you accidentally fell asleep on the hood of your car.
But the next problem you ran into was a major one. If you were to ever tell Minghao your feelings and he returned them, he would easily forget about you. Afterall, tonight is his final street race before he has the Indy 500 the next day. And once he’s done with the race, he’ll probably go back home, continuing his life as a Nascar racer. Meanwhile, you’ll be left alone in a giant city. 
“Hey Minghao! Are you ready for your final race tonight? Even if it’s up against me,” you smirk, walking up to Seokmin’s car. Seokmin let him borrow it for the night because he wasn’t going to use it, not if you, Jihoon, Seungcheol, and Minghao were all planning on racing. No, he valued his life much more than his car.
“Yeah, hope you’re ready to lose this time,” Minghao returns your smirk.
“Against you? Never. Remember who you’re talking to baby, I am Zero Light, the undefeated,” you lean in closer, breath tickling his ear.
“How about this, if I lose against you, I’ll tell you a secret,” he whispers, bringing his hand up to your face, resting his palm on your cheek, gently grazing it with his thumb.
“And if I lose? What will I have to do,” you ask, leaning into his touch.
“Nothing because that’s how confident I’ll win against you,” he pulls his hand away from your face, grabs your hand, kissing your knuckles. His smirk widens when he looks up and sees the light red hue spread across your face.
“I better get back to my…uh… car….the race will…um… be starting soon,” you back up away from the car accidentally bumping into a stranger, “Oh my god, I am so sorry. I wasn’t watching where I was going.” You keep apologising to the stranger, while Seokmin, Jihoon, and Seungcheol all collectively sigh watching both you and Minghao act stupid in front of each other.
You swung open your car door, stomping your way over to him. You swing his door open and yank him out of the car after he unfastens his seatbelt. You bring him into a bone-crushing hug and hold him tight. Tears well up in your eyes and you slightly pull away from him, “I can’t believe you.”
“Can’t believe what? That I won and that you lost,”  Minghao teases, looking deep into your eye, mapping every detail of your face.
“No. I can’t believe how far you’ve come during this month. I’m going to miss you when you leave to go home,” you wrap your arms around his neck, drawing his face closer to yours so that you can truly stare into his eyes forever.
“It wasn’t without yours and Jihoon’s help, thank you for everything. I’m…” you can see the hesitancy within his eyes. He wants to say something…he needs to tell you…
“Hao? What is it? You can tell me anything,” you take his face into your hands and gently brush your fingers against his cheek, much like you did before, he leans into your touch.
“I’m going to miss you too…I’m going to miss you more than you can imagine,” you can hear the sincerity in his voice and it takes every last bit of self-control in you to not smash your lips onto his, so all you could offer him was a comforting smile.
Minghao was anxious, you could tell even far up in the bleachers. You wanted to be in the pit with him, cheering for him, but you couldn’t. You were only allowed down there when they weren’t busy getting ready for a race, 1 minute left, you noted, and when it was appropriate for journalists and reporters to ask their questions. 
He was pacing back and forth. The anxiety chewed him up inside. He got so used to racing in the street races, that he seemed to forget some of the basic rules. He has to go over them before the race starts. What was it? What was the first rule? Shit…He can’t remember.  
Then his phone rings. He knew it was you. He could tell because he purposely picked out a ringtone for you, so that he always knew it was you calling him. “Y/n?”
“Hao…breathe for me. Just remember you’ve got this,” your voice soothes his growing anxiety.
“But what if I accidentally forget that this isn’t a street race and it’s an official one?”
“You won’t. Do you know how I know,” you see him shake his head from a distance, “Because on the track you are Xu Minghao, not The8. You are just yourself and not some persona you put on for others. Because if you lose, I won’t tell you a secret.”
“A secret?”
“Yeah, if you win…I’ll tell you one of my deepest secrets.”
As if a switch was flipped, in that very moment, you could feel the fiery energy radiate off his aura. Even though he was going up against his best friend and your brother, he had confidence in his ability to race. He knew he would win. He had to win. He’s never felt this desire to win this strong before. Not until you gave him a reason to want to win. When he races, he doesn’t care if he wins or loses, as long as he’s feeling the adrenaline pump through his veins he’s okay with losing. But now? You telling him one of your precious secrets? He has to win.
Lap after lap, it felt like the race was never going to end. You felt anxiety raise each time someone overtook Minghao’s first place, but he always seemed to be able to kick it into gear and steal his spot back. You were at the edge of your seat, hanging by a thread. Sometimes, it looked like Minghao wouldn’t even be able to take his spot back, but then suddenly he would use a move Jihoon taught him and it was like appeared out of thin air and was back in first place.Once the race was truly over, you were over the moon excited that Minghao was able to secure his fourth win. But more anxiety came once you realised you had to tell him your secret. 
“Hao! Congratulations! I’m so proud of you! After you're done taking pictures and celebrating, can we go to our spot?”
“Of course! I can’t wait to celebrate my win with you,” Minghao sends a wink your way.
“Do you remember what I said to you over the phone before the race started,” you ask, voice barely heard over the whisper of the lofi radio. The gentle glow cascades you both in a paint-like-lighting. Your question pulls Minghao out of his thoughts.
“How could I forget? It was my motivator…the reason I wanted to. It was the first time I ever really felt a desire to win that much,” Minghao looks over at you, but you are avoiding all eye contact with him, just staring out at the setting horizon in front of you, “what is it? The secret?”
“I don’t want you to leave and go back home. I want you to stay here with me…with all of us.”
“Because I’m in love with you. I don’t know when it happened, maybe when I was first introduced to you as a racer or maybe it was after I truly got to know you…” you finally gather the courage to look at Minghao, only to find him already staring at you. There that unknown emotion is again. It’s ever so present, swirling and mixing in his eyes.
You take his long silence as rejection and hop off the hood of the car, you can feel the tears well up and slowly slide down your face. You don’t know where you're walking to and frankly you don’t care, you just want to get as far as you can from MInghao. 
You feel gentle fingers grasp your wrist, you turn around to see Minghao crying. Why is he crying? You’re not sure, but you know that you’re crying along with him. “Y/n…you didn’t wait for my answer.”
“You took too long to answer, so I took it as a rejection.”
“Only an idiot would reject you and I am not one. But I am an idiot for not saying something sooner. I wanted to tell you that I loved you last night, but I just couldn’t form the proper words or sentences. I was also going to tell you that I was planning on staying…over the course of the month, Seoul has become my place because you are my home.” Tears start to slide down your face again after his heartfelt confession. He brings a comforting hand and lightly wipes your tear stained cheeks with his fingers…“Beautiful…as always,” slowly his face gets closer to yours. And as you stare into each other's souls, Minghao searches your eyes for any hesitancy and when he doesn't find any; he tilts your chin up, bringing your lips closer to his, finally letting them meld together like two puzzle pieces meant to find each other. 
Taglist for Seventeen: @mhyori1117
Networks: @the-k-neverland @cacaokpop-fics @timenote-library @k-radio
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soonyoungblr · 2 years
nineteen — you deserve better
pairing: solo artist!park sunghoon x photographer!female reader
warnings: mention of cheating, small mention of neglect, swearing
genre: fluff, angst
word count: 0.6k
love again masterlist
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taglist: @staysstrays @soobin-chois @fylithia @enhacolor @ja4hyvn @maiverie @bambisgirl @asahicore @its-madi @shawkneecaps @yogurteume @theskzvibe @shuaeunie @cyuuupid @dreamyeyes26 @youreverydayzebra @candidupped @sungookie @hiqhkey @junnniiieee07
a/n: i have now caught up with the chapters on this!! welcome back, love again & this is a brand new chapter. this story used to be on my main: softforqiankun but i decided to revive it 💗
You drop yourself down on the sofa next to Yuna who leans her head on your shoulder, sighing as she scrolls through her Twitter timeline.
“Food, baby photo, cat photo, food… more cat photos.” She sighs, throwing her phone to the side of her as she cuddles closer into you, “How you feeling?” She asks, caressing your arm with her finger.
You lean your head on hers and sigh, “I’m okay. I guess a part of me always knew I’d have to see him again at some point and I guess… this is it.”
“We’re both here for you, y/n. And if he tries anything, I’ll slam that door in his face.” Sunoo warned. He was prepared for anything Taehyun would try and throw your way. He wasn’t about to watch your heart get broken by him. Again.
You check the time, which reads 12:52pm. Eight minutes. Eight anxious minutes, while you wait for him to appear at your front door at your agreed time: 1pm. He was only dropping by to give you your things that he had found scattered around his apartment and you, the same, with a hoodie that belonged to him tight in your grip and a necklace he'd bought for you with a cat on it. It was a gift he'd purchased for you for your birthday but you didn't want it anymore. Owning it only gave you bad memories, despite how pretty the necklace was.
A knock at the door has Yuna and Sunoo rolling their eyes, "Oh dear, here we go," Yuna lifts her head to look at you, "You gonna be okay?" You nod, reassuring her that you will be absolutely fine. It's just a simple swap over. As you make your way toward the door, before putting your hand on the handle, you take a deep breath and open the door.
Taehyun smiles at you, as if he didn't just tear your heart apart over two weeks ago. You're not here for chit-chat, you just want to get your stuff and close the door, forgetting this ever happened. When you briefly lock eyes with him, you feel nothing but hatred. You still hate him for cheating on you with your best friend and lying to you for eight months but you still feel love for him. Love for the man who supported you all these years, love for the man who made you happy when you were neglected by your parents. When you break the eye contact and hand him his hoodie and the necklace, he can feel his heart break. He was hoping he would be able to talk things out with you but it seems you're not interested and he can respect that. After all, it was his fault. He just wishes he could go back and not hurt you.
You give him a soft smile as you hand each other your things, "Thanks for bringing me my things, Taehyun. I appreciate it."
"You're welcome. I miss you so much but I guess that's my fault and I'm sorry for what I did. I just love—"
Before you're registering what's happening, someone's pulled your clothing and the door slams shut in Taehyun's face. You're met with Sunoo, his eyes roll as he locks the door, "You're not listening to his shit, y/n. No amount of apologies can make up for the hurt he caused you."
You stare at the door for a few seconds, thanking Sunoo. He smiles at you, "You deserve better, y/n."
That you know.
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duckprintspress · 3 days
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HAPPY PRIDE MONTH, EVERYONE! We are thrilled to announce our second-annual Pride Bundles for Charity with two all-new short story bundles – 30 stories total! – that we are selling at a discount to raise money for our chosen queer charity!
Last year, our debut Pride bundles raised almost $350 for queer charities. This year, we’re back with a new General Imprint Bundle and a new Explicit Imprint Bundle, each discounted 20% from their list prices (and each including multiple stories that aren’t for sale and are usually only available to our backers on Patreon) and with 20% of the net profit going to Rainbow Railroad.
How This Works
you buy one or both bundles between now and July 8th, 2024.
we tally up all the proceeds earned and do some math-e-magic to figure out how much we’re donating!
before the end of July, we donate the raised money to Rainbow Railroad, we post the proof we’ve done so.
you get fantastic stories!
we all get that happy, glowy feeling of knowing that money has been well-spent on fantastic causes!
About the Press
Duck Prints Press is a queer-owned indie press, founded to publish original works by fancreators. We’ve been in operation for over 3 years, and in that time we’ve worked with well over 150 creators to publish six anthologies and almost 100 other stories, from shorts to novels, and we’ve got more on the works (our next anthology, our first erotica collection, will be crowdfunding within the next month!). The vast majority of our creators and their creations are queer/LGTBQIA+ (maybe even all, but we don’t out anyone and we don’t ask demography because, frankly, it’s none of our business).
25 of our authors have chosen to include their short stories in one or both of these short story bundles, and all our short story authors nominated potential charities and voted to select Rainbow Railroad as the beneficiary for our 2024 Pride Bundles.
About Rainbow Railroad
In countries around the world, LGBTQI+ people face violence and oppression simply because of who they love or who they are. Rainbow Railroad helps them get to safety! Rainbow Railroad is a global not-for-profit organization that helps at-risk LGBTQI+ people get to safety worldwide. Based in the United States and Canada, they’re an organization that helps LGBTQI+ people facing persecution based on their sexual orientation, gender identity and sex characteristics. In a time when there are more displaced people than ever, LGBTQI+ people are uniquely vulnerable due to systemic, state-enabled homophobia and transphobia. These factors either displace them in their own country or prevent them from escaping harm. 
Note: This charity isnot affiliated with the Press, do not know we’re doing this fundraiser, have not endorsed this in anyway and are, as such, utterly uninvolved in this beyond being the beneficiaries of our efforts! Text is from the Rainbow Railroad website.
About the Bundles
We are offering two bundles, one with 18 short stories published under our General Imprint, the other containing 12 stories published under our Explicit Imprint. The shop listings include details about and excerpts from all the stories. Here’s the gist…
Titles in the General Imprint Charity Bundle:
The Princess and the Maze by A. L. Heard
Of Loops and Weaves by Catherine E. Green
Glass Slipper: A Dance by Cedar D. McCafferty-Svec
Songs, Suppers, and Stories by D. V. Morse
Waiting for the Tide to Turn by Genevieve Maxwell
Chinaski’s Dirty Work by J. D. Harlock
Foundations by Johnathan Stern
Seal Island by K. B. Vimes
Into the Wyvern’s Lair by Mikki Madison
Sarisa by N. C. Farrell
Whispers of Atlantis: A Tale of Discovery and Belonging by Neo Scarlett
Be Not Afraid by Nicola Kapron
Awkward and Oblivious by R. L. Houck
Washer Wars: A Laundromat Feud by Samantha M. Piper
The Wayward Timekeeper by Terra P. Waters
if it’s meant to be by Tris Lawrence
Meet C(omm)ute by Violet J. Hayes
Chrysopoeia by Zel Howland
18 stories. 254 pages. 82,462 words of fiction!
Price: $22.50
Approximately 20% of the list price of this bundle will go to Rainbow Railroad.
Titles in the Explicit Imprint Charity Bundle:
Brambles, Pollen, and Other Natural Disasters by A. L. Heard
A night such as this by April Steenburgh
Theirs All Along by boneturtle
Orchidelirium by Dei Walker
Old Kings and New by Lyonel Loy
Weather the Storm by Lyn Weaver
Pretty 7 Days a Week by R. L. Houck
Adventures of the Scarlet Sentry: After Dark by Samantha M. Piper
Worlds Apart (but Still Close) by Sanne Burg
Taken at Sea by Shea Sullivan
Warm Anything You Want by Tris Lawrence
LA Photographs Itself by YF Ollwell
12 stories. 198 pages. 69,550 words.
Price: $21.50
Approximately 20% of the list price of this bundle will go to Rainbow Railroad.
Come get some great stories, support a queer-owned business this Pride, and benefit two fantastic causes. Win-win-win situations don’t get much better than this!
These bundles will only be available for one month, so don’t miss out. Visit our webstore between now and July 8th and get yours!
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clemissleepy · 19 days
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perv!jeongin can't control himself!
warnings : dubcon , piss! , p in v , no protection , pull out method , fem!reader , "bub" , "baby" , "sir" , choking , stalking , 'breaking and entering' , oral (f.rec)
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y/n 🩵🩵: iyennnnn
do you want to see my new dress??
jeongin smiled down at his dimly lit phone. he knew "of course!" was the right answer, but that didn't mean telling his best friend 'that he had watched her try it on for the first time from her window' didn't cross his mind.
the sky was bright blue and the crickets were screeching when he'd first set up his own little "sunbathing / bird watching" act in his front yard. there was a small foldable chair dug deep into his unkempt grass that he sat in with his swim shorts, a dog tag necklace, and his binoculars. a notebook to his left, a beer to his right, and a beautiful woman in the window directly ahead of him.
when she'd gotten home from her shopping trip, she gave him a sweet wave and skipped along into her home. up in her room, she immediately began to undress and model all of her purchases. jeongin chooses to believe she was putting the show on just for him.
but when she tried on that blue dress, the way the tie around the back hooked in her waist, the way her cleavage jumped out ever so slightly, the way she twirled in her mirror... jeongin was a goner.
he was stunned, he didn't think he could move for the next hour. i mean, all the blood in his body was rushing to his dick, rubbing it against the netting of his trunks while he just sat there and gawked. but when y/n shut her curtain, the pastel clouds of the fabric finally blocking the beaming sun and his ogling eyes, jeongin realized he needed more.
so without a second thought, still hardly dressed with sunscreen poorly rubbed into his skin, he started climbing up the lattice to her window. he had snuck into her house far more than once. he had also been invited to her house just as many times, but something was different about the way he picked the window lock. his heart had never beat this hard, with such urgency that made him feel like every pulse was going to jerk his head backwards.
with the bobby pin he had stuffed into her planter box of hydrangeas, jeongin picked at the lock of y/n's window and slipped inside fairly ungracefully. he could hear every thump that his hands and feet made against the carpeted floor of y/n's room, and he could hear the chatter from below. y/n and her roommates were about to eat dinner.
"y/n! after dinner, do you want to go to the club with us?" ssangmo, the nuisance of all nuisances, asked. jeongin pressed his ear to the carpet, trying to ignore the bras, underwear, and toys he could spot underneath the bed.
"yes! i'll wear my dress!" y/n yelped and the sound of pots and pans clattering had muffled everything else.
jeongin sighed, realizing he wouldn't be able to see his lovely y/n up close tonight. however, he could bask in the smell of her. her clothes, her shampoo, her perfume.
he carelessly plopped himself onto her bed. a plush fox faced him, emanating the smell of her baby powder shampoo. her blankets were bunched up, and when he ducked inside he could smell the bodywash, perfume, and y/n herself. he was in heaven, he wanted to be in y/n's bed forever.
thunk. thunk. thunk.
y/n's footsteps were heavy against the creaking wooden stairs. her giggles filled the home with joy as she called, "be ready in 30 or leave without ya!" y/n slammed her door shut in excitement.
with a giddy grin on her face, instead of dressing and getting ready, she messaged her favorite person in the whole wide world. her rock, the boy who understood her more than anyone.
y/n 🩵🩵: iyennnnn
do you want to see my new dress??
yes, "of course" is definitely more appropriate.
innie: ofc!!!
y/n 🩵🩵: k! let me get it from my closet rq!
shit. shit. shit. jeongin stared blankly at the closet's shingled door, yellow light from the main bedroom seeping through ever so slightly. the blue dress was in a death grip in his hands. he watched as y/n's silhouette came up to the door, as her manicured hands pulled the knobs apart, as the light shed onto jeongin's mortified face.
"jeongin...?" y/n's head tilted in confusion, peering around her closet with something more akin to curiosity than fear or disgust. "you okay?"
jeongin's jaw was practically dropped off of a 4 story building. his best friend, the girl of his dreams, was clad only in white panties and a white bra. small delicate bows were on the centers, and the straps were simply coquettish. jeongin was unaware that drool was falling lazily from his lips.
y/n knelt down, cupping jeongin's head into her hands with ease and gentleness he'd rarely felt before. she stared deep into his eyes as her chest rose up and down slowly, breasts revealing from the lacey bra she wore.
jeongin, shirtless in swimming trunks, caught red handed in his best friend's closet, did the first thing he could think of.
he only intended for a short kiss, a mere tap of his lips against her plush glossy ones. but once they met, it was like he was glued to her. her strawberry lip gloss clung to his kiss, a few strands of hair tickling his forehead and cheeks, the hands cupping his face started to quiver.
"jeongin-," y/n gasped from the kiss, eyes blown wide and legs shaking from processing the experience in front of her. but there was no time for processing.
jeongin gripped her hips bruisingly and led her to her bed. he shoved her down and admired her everything. how her hair strewed about on the mattress, how her cheeks were flushed pink, how her hands and elbows came to cover her chest and stomach, and even worse how she hugged her thighs together. jeongin could only growl in response.
"jeongin, my dress!" she points to the floral blue pattern left on the floor. he does not spare it a glance, now letting his hands roam on y/n's abdomen. he reveled in the heavy rise and fall of her breaths, an animalistic smile gracing his lips. he curled his torso over her and watched his dog tag fall and swing into her cheek. the way the metal reflected her flushed expression had him grip her face in just one hand. he squished her cheeks together, pursing her lips and lifting her up into a kiss once more. he moaned and groaned with hands tickling her back, sides, and hips.
"all you care about is that damn dress. what about me, huh?" jeongin growled. he sat himself on her stomach and lay a hand against her exposed collarbone. "look at you..." he admired.
"iyen! listen!" y/n gasped, urgent to put her dress on and head off to the club as to not disappoint her friends. all she recieved was jeongin's fingers pushing the sides of her neck in, hollowing her breath.
"shut up. god, you're so beautiful," he started nipping at her lips hungrily, whining and squirming on top of her. "d' you feel me, bub?" jeongin rolled his hips over y/n's exposed naval, his shorts riding high on his thighs. he took one of her hands and slid it along his leg and into the swimming trunks.
"you wanna touch me? go 'head," he whined as her gentle fingers started dancing around the netting of his trunks until she felt the hair of his happy trail inviting her down. she didn't know what to think anymore, i mean she hadn't even thought about her best friend half naked in her closet, but she sure as hell knew she was horny now.
y/n found his hardened cock and tugged it closer to her, rubbing the tip against the netting and bringing a pathetic moan from jeongin's lips. she sat up and gently caressed his high cheekbones with her spare hand, smiling at his lustful and begging expression.
"make it quick, okay?"
and off he was. he scrambled off of her and shoved y/n's head onto a stack of pillows for support. then, he was tugging her panties clumsily down her legs and lifting her by each asscheek into his mouth. he moaned as he licked a long fat strip of her pussy. he let his nose tickle her clit while his tongue and lips explored every inch of her folds and clenching hole. he kneaded her ass and lapped up every pulse of her wetness that he could.
"jeong-fuck!!" y/n cried as he wrapped his lips properly around her clit and prodded a long finger at her hole. as he slid it in to the last knuckle, her back arched and she allowed herself to cup her breasts for her own pleasure. he slid his finger in and out, twisting and curling with intent. when would this happen again: his beautiful girl beneath him, all at his will?
jeongin watched as y/n took three of his fingers with relative ease. her face was contorted in pleasure and she was airily moaning at every thrust, but she soaked up the digits like it was nothing.
"jeongin! move faster! i've only got ten minutes!" she gasped.
jeongin did not care. "you're not going anywhere, bub," he tells, thumb rubbing circles against y/n's clit. "and you're gonna take everything i give you like a good girl, you hear me?"
y/n's pink lips came up to her best friend's, finally letting herself properly enjoy the sweet taste of jeongin on her tongue. she tangled a hand into his soft hair while she straightened them both to be upright.
"yes, sir," she mumbles, tugging down the elastic of jeongin's trunks. his cock slapped onto his stomach, red hot at the tip and pearling with precum. y/n held it at the base and let it slot between her thighs and rub between the lips her pussy.
jeongin was quick to try and regain control of the both of them. he brought his hips away from her and dragged her up for a kiss by her hair.
then he was throwing her back into the bed and slapping her clit with his cock, smiling impishly at how her legs jerked up. he pushed a hand onto her lower abdomen and watched her mouth fall open in a silent scream.
"jeongin! please!" she cried when the pressure was shortly relieved. but all too soon he was resting his weight back on it while the head of his cock was prodding her hole. "no! i'm gonna-"
"you're gonna piss? yeah, mark me, bub. i dare you," jeongin growled. he sunk himself balls deep into her pussy and whined at the squelch. he matched the pulse of his thrusts with the pressure of his hand. "i've been dreaming of this," he mumbles. "makin' you cum and piss on my cock. every night, baby."
y/n couldn't tell if the tightening in her stomach was her bladder or her orgasm, but jeongin stuffing his fingers into her mouth and holding her jaw open was distracting. he spat into her mouth and giggled at the way her tongue shifted while trying not to choke on their mixed saliva. her moans were gurgled and incomprehensible to anyone but her.
"you're not showing anyone that dress, you hear me?" he grunts with a particularly deep thrust that rubs his tip against y/n's cervix. she squirms, back arching in a mixture of pain and pleasure that leaves jeongin sucking on y/n's nipples.
suddenly, with kicking legs and a shaky breath, each time jeongin pulls out a stream of piss follows. it drips down his shaft and onto the comforter.
"iyen!! no, i'm peeing! please!" she cries with no real hope that he'll stop. meanwhile, jeongin throws his head back at the new heat surrounding his cock. he continues pushing down on her bladder with his thrusts until all that comes out is a single drop. he angles his thrusts up a bit more and rides y/n through her high with incoherent blabber.
he pauses his movement to take in the fucked out sight of his best friend. two tears are trailing down her cheeks, but a smile rests on her lips and she looks lovingly into jeongin's eyes. one of her hands extends out to his cheek and trails down his chest. she rubs her thumb against one of his nipples and he curls into himself, cock bouncing out and hitting y/n in the clit again. she jolts up and giggles, but continues smiling.
the mood shifts.
"can you take a little more for me, bub?" jeongin asks, cock twitching for release.
"yes, sir," she whispers and gasps as he shoves his length back into her. she lets herself moan at every thrust, freeing herself from any judgement she was afraid of before. she pulls one of jeongin's hands to her throat and leads another to her breasts that are falling out of the cupping of her bra, bouncing at every pulse they share.
"g'nna choke you and you're gonna swallow my cum, okay? got that, pretty girl?" he coos, watching her doe eyes sparkle and her nod cheekily. he shoves the dog tag around his neck into his mouth.
his thrusts are miscalculated, heavy, and deep. his cock kisses her cervix every few seconds and he gets glimpses of heaven. his hands tighten around y/n's throat and breast, her hot walls clench around his cock and he drags out the moment as long as he can.
he feels a tug in his stomach and has to rip himself out of y/n. he sits on her chest and strokes himself while she opens her mouth eagerly and flattens her tongue to her chin.
"bub, oh, god you're beautiful," he whines while he paints her face white in stray ropes of cum. a bit lands on her nose, some on her cheek, but most in her waiting mouth. she smiles at him so innocently he can't believe he had just defiled the love of his life.
when his orgasm ends, he is scrambling to the other end of the bed and staring bug eyed at his best friend. she knew he was a creep, a pervert, i mean he had made her pee on his dick. though her eyes were full of nothing but kindness, he felt like he was going to get hard again at how he'd treated the love of his life for the 'first time.'
"jeongin, sweetie," she cooed softly. she reached out her hands and beckoned him closer. "c'mere... need cuddles."
jeongin followed every instruction. he ran her a bath and scrubbed her baby powder shampoo into her hair. he cleaned her face with a cloth and helped her back to her closet while her knees buckled and head spun.
"that was amazing, iyennie," she giggled, picking her floral dress up off the floor and placing it on a hanger. jeongin was still shyly rubbing her back in circles that soothed him more than they did her.
"did you like the mean parts?" jeongin asks while hiding his blush in his girlfriend's exposed shoulders.
"oh my god, yes. we should do a scene where you're JUST mean, baby," she laughs. "i think i'd cum so hard i'd explode!"
"you're silly, bub..." jeongin chuckles, wrapping her into a naked but warm and intimate hug. "i love you. we'll do something like that soon...
...now put on the dress."
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tysm for reading! its a little all over the place and yes, all of this was a scene, thats why the breaking and entering is in quotes in warnings. but listen i was insane when i wrote this i got stuck in a spell. i hope you enjoyed my first spicy fic!
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ruershrimo · 1 month
k. nobara x fem!reader | two pretty best friends??
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synopsis: nobara is nothing short of drop-dead gorgeous. you're really gay and super in love even though you think her affection toward you is merely platonic. but then an encounter during the sister school goodwill event makes you discover that you're also super oblivious.
seriously, how do you simultaneously keep those two up?!
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word count: ~2.7k, tws: not really anything besides (noritoshi) kamo trying to hit on you??? it makes sense when you read it lol ('tw kamo' LMAO), reader throws shade (?) on mai and noritoshi, reader is called a ‘little mouse’ but more because of demeanour rather than,,, her figure,,,
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you meet kugisaki nobara for the first time in the concrete jungle of tokyo. there, she looks like magic in a person, pure magazine model material: dyed brown hair cut girlishly short, wild and frayed at its ends like a paintbrush that had accompanied its owner for years; eyes the hue of a saccharine sweet milk chocolate bar; her back straight and confident, bold and all in place, as if she is where she should be and she knows this. the pinnacle of beauty, this girl is, perfect picture on the cover of vogue. 
she’s got skin that looks milky, silky; loved and kissed with her own tender, painstaking care, it seems. there’s a little bump on it— a blemish that goes unnoticed by the boys, covered by concealer, but it just makes her all the more beautiful. 
you’re barely able to talk to her. your brain goes blank as if it’s short-circuited, stricken and frozen in place. she opens her mouth and a melody sings mellifluously like a restaurant cabaret from an old record in your grandparents’ house. 
she’s magic. 
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the second time you meet her, she drags you out shopping and you follow her like a magnet, not even bothering to make a begrudging reply. you’re hauled along by the collar, almost, and you let her. 
“I’m so glad that I’m not the only girl, honestly,” she states as the two of you walk along the pavement, “I can’t imagine having to handle those two all on my own, they must’ve been insufferable! actually, how did you deal with those idiots?” 
you have no idea how, actually. but the boys, savants in some ways yet complete imbeciles in others (oh they really could be bumbling idiots sometimes)— would never understand or comprehend this, any of this. no being of the male species would; they wouldn’t notice the way her eyes catch the light, her irises bursting into a kaleidoscope of colour, or the way she sits so confident of herself, position relaxed and powerful and self-assured. they wouldn’t have the mind to see these things, all right in front of them, and appreciate these traits, admire them. 
your words are almost caught in your throat; your reply comes out mangled and weak like asphyxiated fish from an iron net. “I– I don’t know, honestly,” you stutter, “I just, um, avoided them… but I guess it seems that they’re really close to each other already.” 
“...hey, you okay?” she asks, grabbing hold of your hand. your heart stops and nearly flatlines, heat pooling up in your cheeks. the summer air feels hot. yet it swelters you even more as she inches closer to you, her breath— mint mouthwash and grape-flavoured, mouth-cooling gum— nearly burning literal assaults on your skin. “no need to be shy. I mean, the two of us have got to stick together, you know!” 
“I’m– I’m okay, thanks. sorry.” 
she pulls herself away, and the little circle you have around you misses her in her absence, almost whining as you remind yourself that if she were to get any closer to you in proximity, you could possibly faint, or things could get much worse. 
“but seriously, if you’re a shy person, don’t let people pick on you or intimidate you!” she rolls up her sleeves, an impish yet valiant smile on her face, “I’ll beat them up if they do!” 
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the third time you meet her, she’s teaching you a better way to do your makeup. something simpler, she says, a trick she learned online, something meant to mimic the stuff of movie stars and their picture-perfect, freshly-kissed lips. 
you don’t know how it’s gotten to this, though: your knees bent on the sofa as her legs are split on your lap (it looks less erotic than it sounds, you’re sure, but it still makes your brain feel like it’s being waved and wrung all over like a raggedy piece of cloth). she straddles your sides this way, snug between your lap and your stomach. 
“then you’re supposed to just dab it all around like this,” she continues, the blistering heat in your head spreading through your body pervasively as she presses her thumb to your lips, catching your breath in your throat. she places her hand on the side of your face, her fingers caressing your jawline and her thumb resting on your cheek, so close to your eyes that you can see it in your peripheral vision as you stare up at her, rendered a complete and utter mess. 
“come on, don’t be shy. stay still!” 
“sorry, kugisaki…” 
“hey,” she stops, her eyes boring into yours, unassuming and free of any sort of malintent, “don’t be so polite. you prostrate yourself too much, especially around me. seriously, don’t say sorry for everything, and just call me nobara, okay? we’ve got to help each other out— we’re both the girls of the group, the better half and all that. and we’re most of the only girls in this school. the ratio is crazy. so we’ve got to stick together and stuff, be comfortable with each other. no more apologies or self-doubts!” 
every bit of contact her skin has with yours lays a blooming garden of goosebumps on your skin, from your cheek, sliding all the way down to your shoulder. 
how could you act normal about this?
“see?” she asks, holding a mirror up to your face when she’s completed it. “you look beautiful! woah, I’m so good at this, honestly. it makes you feel pretty, right?” 
you’d never be as beautiful as her. for a long time, you’d thought you’d never be beautiful at all. 
but for once, you do. even if you won’t ever compare to her— and you guess nobody else ever could as well— it’s the way she says it, that gleam in her eye as she flashes you a grin while you marvel at how your face looks when it’s ‘dolled up’. you feel like you’re in a painting. like you’d been loved enough to be put in one. 
so you smile back at her, your teeth bare after years of covering your face in pictures and dreading when you couldn’t. she makes you believe that you could be beautiful. maybe that’s what real beauty is. that’s why she herself is beauty beyond compare. “yeah.” if you think about it and believe it enough, then you could embody it. like this, people would want you because you think they would. like this, you could be knockout because you think you could. you’d always known that her confidence factored into her beauty. 
“if you want, I could teach you how to put more makeup. it’s not that you need it to look ‘pretty’, but it would help you show others how you want to feel pretty. the reason why this looks good on you is because I did it to make your features stand out a little: see? you’ve got these gorgeous lips, so I made them look like that,” she highlights, “oh, yeah— want me to take a picture?” 
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“you like kugisaki?” fushiguro asks. 
you remain silent. 
he rubs at his temples. “oh my goodness, you do. you’re in love with her.” 
“…not like you would understand,” you retort under your breath. he hears you anyway. 
“she’s so beautiful,” you start, sighing, “and so kind and confident. like she can walk into something and know exactly what she needs. she’s put together like that. and she does things with purpose. she doesn’t wander aimlessly or fight without a goal. she’s so good at makeup and fashion and resourceful when it comes to playing by her skills on the field, and she’s so outgoing and welcoming with people who she can get along well with, and she’s so warm—
“oh, I can’t stress it enough, fushiguro. I— she’s literally perfect. I like her so much, I-I feel like I’m on a cloud or something. every day feels like that.” 
“you’re down bad.” 
“I know,” you choke out pathetically. 
“but I’m pretty sure she already thinks the two of you are dating.” 
“…wait, what?!”
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this happens, well— around the fiftieth time you meet her: 
sports festival preparations have been as lively as bubbles in soda pop lately, and you’re sitting down next to her, knees bent on the pavement, mourning a classmate you barely knew and the fact that he could have been a lifelong friend had he not been snuffed out prematurely. as you take another swig of your drink— green tea in the can so that she can have it too if the coca cola’s making her teeth have that weird, fuzzy, plaque formation-indicating feeling like always— she places her hand on yours. 
the heat on your cheeks, the barely formed but nearly forming sweat on your body. that stuff isn’t going to go away, ever. you’re pretty sure of that. even with a thousand indirect kisses from sharing food and even warming up to having her lying back flushed to your lap, it’s never going to go away. each time she looks at you, your gaze is transfixed on hers, your voice nearly comes out mangled, and you feel heat blossoming on the back of your balmy neck. 
“yeah?” you ask. 
“you know, [name], I love you. a lot. like, you’re really special to me,” she smiles warmly, a faint hint of red on her cheeks, just like the rose in her name— though that could just be your imagination. 
“...I love you too.” 
“heh,” she giggles, an impish, graceful, secure sound, like a kiss to your ears, your favourite song playing on the car radio in a memory from several years ago, “I’m glad!” 
it’s wonderful. 
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your worst fears are never confirmed, but there are definitely things that give way to them. 
you’re quite sure that nobara herself isn’t like that— she does talk about having a boyfriend, but she doesn’t actually want to date a boy, you’re sure. the closest thing to a crush that you’ve ever seen her having is her admiration for maki— and you understand that. 
you respect maki: she’s impeccably smart, strong, and everything in between. yet her existence begets a small worry. if nobara crushes on maki and they end up together, what would be of you? 
the only thing you’d be certain of was that you’d keep loving nobara. you’d just want her to be happy, after all— all your tears and mourning for time spent on purposeless yearning, just to see that grin on your face. that would be worth it, a fair trade. 
but this is how you’re proven wrong, and you fall deeper in love with nobara after that. 
before the sister school goodwill event starts, the six of you (plus yuuji— you’d hate to admit it but seeing him again nearly made you break down in tears) have been given the opportunity to meet the kyoto students and welcome them. it goes about as well as you’d expected it to be— at least the physical portion of the fights and conflicts hadn’t already begun there. 
after having met them, you’re sure that half of them are out for blood here. they’re an eccentric crowd, but not just eccentric, per se— borderline terrifying. you’ll be sure to avoid them throughout and just focus on the plan. 
which is why you nearly sprint in the other direction like a deer from wolves when you see kamo noritoshi and zenin mai approaching you. 
and zenin mai has a stunning face. even if it can’t compare to nobara or her sister’s, she’s got a charm to her, a glint in her eye that you’re sure somebody else will appreciate someday. (just not you.) kamo is just there, his eyes closed for some reason even though you’re sure he must be fully capable of keeping them wide open, and his hair in an awful haircut that you fail to understand the appeal of. probably something traditional that his clan wanted. 
“oh?” mai says, a lilt in her tone. you’re going to get bullied, right? your stomach lurches forward and you nearly keel over, fainting— an all too familiar feeling. the popular people in school used to do that, especially the rude athletic boys. she would probably be popular among them, had she been born into a normal life. “what a little mouse. she seems like a doormat.” 
“zenin, teasing our competitors is unbecoming of members from our lineages,” he admonishes before mai groans. “shouldn’t you be with the other tokyo students?” kamo asks. 
why couldn’t you have just had to meet todo? he’d say that you had wonderful taste in women, you’re sure. why the girl with family issues and the guy with family issues and an atrocious haircut? 
“I, um— I got lost. but I don’t know if they’re going to have me anyway, I mean yuuji’s stronger than me so now I’m just going to be the weakest member there. anyway, um, nice chat, I’ve got to go, bye-bye—”  
“no,” kamo denies, “itadori yuuji besmirches the title of ‘jujutsu sorcerer’.” 
“and the title of weakling goes to maki, not you, I’m pretty sure,” mai says, “but you’re an adorable little thing. what’s your name— something-something, [name], am I correct?” 
what were they doing, completing their sentences like that?  did they practise their lines in the morning, staring in the mirror and repeating them over and over? they sound like people who’d be mentioned in the local family restaurant comedian’s shows— no, not even their shows, they’re not entertaining enough to be in their shows. they’d just barely be mentioned in passing in the bits so that five audience members could get an extra laugh they’d eventually forget about. 
“maki’s really strong, though,” you refute, trying to keep your mind calm “and yuuji, too. it’s hard fighting with them because nobody can ever beat them down, really.” 
“durability does not equate to power,” kamo claims. well, and then there’s someone like him, with neither. “and be confident of your own abilities. I can sense your cursed energy from here. it’s impressive,” he remarks. 
“...I appreciate the thought, but really, I have to go now—” 
“oh, stay for a while, won’t you?” mai asks, inching closer to you like a large ant from the corner of a room. how were insects always so good at slipping into houses and mentally impaired when it came to exiting them? 
kamo joins her, gripping your wrist. you’ll have to sanitise your hand and double-wash your sleeve now, especially after what you said (you’d be fine if mai was doing it, but why kamo? kamo of all people?) 
“ah, and this may seem rather spontaneous, but you’re rather beautiful.” really, it only sounds as good as it usually does if nobara is the one saying it. it feels like his words are assaulting your ears. “good luck.” 
“come on, don’t let her go yet—” 
“[name]! you okay?” 
it’s nobara. thank goodness, it’s nobara. 
“what the hell do you two think you’re doing to my girlfriend?!” 
“oh, nothing,” mai goes, “just playing with her a little. she’s a doll. you picked well!” 
the only thing she can play with is her fucking audacity. 
“ugh— let’s go, [name]! don’t care about these people!” she pulls you along by the wrist. 
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“I should’ve made sure you were okay,” she says as the two of you walk to the tokyo students’ gathering point. “I was worried! you’ve got to stick to us next time.” 
“sorry… but they really didn’t do anything. but, um… I think kamo tried to hit on me…?” 
“ew— with that haircut? hate it when twos go looking for tens.” 
“but um…” you hesitate, “about what you said, am I really… your girlfriend?” 
“huh?” she pulls back, “I thought we’d been dating for almost a month!” 
“wait, what—?!” 
“I even told you I loved you! we literally sleep on each others’ laps!” 
“I couldn’t tell if that was platonic or romantic or not! I mean, I don’t mean that I don’t want to date you, I just meant that I didn’t know—” 
“okay,” she exhales, “since we both need things to be clear. want to be my girlfriend?” 
“like, a girlfriend-girlfriend? like, going out on dates and stuff and um…” 
“yeah, a girlfriend-girlfriend. we can go out on dates and do even more than that, maybe,” she greens cheekily. 
“woah… I mean— it’s a dream, I—” 
“so it’s a yes?” 
she kisses you and it effectively shuts you up. her lips taste like a latte from the fancy coffee shop the two of you had visited two days before. to think that she’d seen it as a date, while you’d thought the whole thing was just another outing between ‘friends’... 
it’s the best feeling ever. 
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this is going to flop too lmao but back at it w the low-quality posts but
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skaikruswan · 2 years
lord meowpheus rescue mission where he was thought to be a stray and taken to animal control to be neutered and morpheus is so stubborn he refuses to just turn back and disappear so matthew has to ask reader for help in between choking back his laughter
A cat in distress
WC: 1,6 k (I love this kind of prompts)   Ao3
Relationship: Morpheus x reader 
Notes: Morpheus as a cat, established relationship, a lot of teasing, reader to the rescue, 2 POV
Dear anon, I have to applaud you for this brilliant idea. I hope you like it. If you liked this story, i have written others.
The tales of Lord Meowpheus: I II III
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Morpheus jumps to the next roof, enjoying the mobility and freedom this form brings. Through the eyes of a cat, the waking world looks different. He enjoys its simplicity as he scales down a tree. 
A tabby cat crosses the street, narrowly avoiding a taxi. She carefully approaches him, keeping a safe distance. 
“I know who you are,” she whispers, flattening her ears and lowering her tail. 
“Who am I?” he asks while sitting down, intrigued by the conversation. 
“The prophet told me about you, but I also know you. You’re the guardian of dreams,” she answers, bravely taking a step forward. Cats have always been perceptive, and there’s a reason why humanity associates them with the supernatural. 
“I am.” After his answer, the cat bows her head. 
“Can you tell me more about the dream of a thousand cats?” He can’t deny her request, so he tells her the same story he had told the prophet, but with additional details. 
Brought back to the edge of the Dreaming, he doesn’t pay attention to the van, doesn’t notice the humans with their nets until it is too late. 
“My lord, help.” Morpheus could almost feel and taste the cat’s terror as they are put inside the van with several other poor animals. He would not abandon her in her time of need. He ignores Matthew, who repeatedly knocks against the glass every chance he gets. 
“Boss, this isn’t funny anymore. Get out while you still can!” Matthew begs while they are standing still for a moment. Morpheus pretends not to hear him, retracting his claws. 
“Fine, I am getting help.” Matthew flies away and Morpheus lies down, resting his head on his front paws. He’s not concerned. Why should he be? 
You like to take a stroll through the heart of the city now and then, sitting in a cute coffee shop and sipping your favorite drink, spending way too long in stores without buying something, or discovering some new places you haven’t been. Your latest discovery is a cat café. You really need to bring Morpheus here, already grinning as you imagine his reaction. 
A raven’s caw brings you back to reality, and you look up to see a familiar one soaring above you. It caws consistently and you almost caw back. Fortunately for you, you spot a small side alley and among the broken bottles and trash, you find a quiet place to talk. You’ve become quite good at reading the raven, and by the way his little chest is heaving, you think that he’s out of breath. Did something happen? 
“What’s up, Matthew?” you ask the raven. Instead of answering, Matthew starts croaking, and it takes a moment for you to realize that he’s laughing. 
“I want to laugh too,” you say, raising one eyebrow at him. 
“Morpheus is about to get neutered,” he finally wheezes, and you narrow your eyes at him. Can ravens that used to be humans be enchanted or on drugs? 
“I don’t follow,” you deadpan, tapping your foot impatiently. 
“Morpheus is a cat, got caught by animal control, and he refused to turn back. I know where he is,” Matthew explains, before breaking into another fit of croaking. 
You open your mouth, but you don’t find the right words, so you choose to bury your face in your hands. Dating the immortal king of dreams never gets boring. How else could you experience this kind of shenanigans? 
“Bring me to him,” you demand, and start to follow Matthew, weaving through the crowd, Matthew’s croaking laughter still ringing in your ears. 
You find yourself in front of a small animal shelter, and you hope that Morpheus is waiting for you. Matthew gives you one encouraging nod, perched on a streetlamp, and you enter. The signature smell of animals hits your nostrils, and you hear barks, chirps, and meows. Fortune seems to favor you, because there is nobody else in here, except the receptionist around your age, standing at the desk and flipping through a magazine. 
“Hi, um I hope that you have found my cat. Can you help me?” you babble, wishing you weren’t that nervous. You know that Morpheus can’t be in danger; you wish you could claim the same for the poor veterinary who would seriously attempt to neuter him. 
“Sure. What’s his name and what does he look like?” she asks, putting away the magazine. 
“Morpheus is a black cat, with yellow, almost golden eyes.” The receptionist nods politely at your description, but you notice her raised eyebrow. “I really like Greek mythology.” 
“Let me check.” You watch anxiously as she leaves her spot and enters the confined area where they keep their animals. You can’t help but drum your fingers over the smooth wood. 
She returns, holding a disgruntled black cat in her arms, and your shoulders sag with relief. 
“Morpheus!” you exclaim, reaching for him as the receptionist gently puts him on the desk. Dream of the Endless nudges his head against your palm and you scratch his favorite spot under the chin. 
“He’s not chipped, and we found him without a collar, so we thought that he was a stray,” the receptionist explains, and you sigh. While you’re glad that all is well right now, you won’t let Morpheus get away with it that easily. 
“Don’t feel bad. I haven’t had Morpheus for that long and well, he always manages to get rid of his collars,” you say with a sheepish smile. Time for some teasing. 
“Oh yeah, I get it. Cats can have a mind of their own. Did you know that mine fell into an aquarium?” The receptionist giggles as she seems to remember it. 
“I rarely have to worry with Morpheus. He usually manages to get himself out of trouble. I am quite surprised that he got into such a predicament,” you say earnestly, trying to keep a straight face as you drag your hand over his back. 
“My love, we should leave.” You hear Morpheus clear inside your mind, a hint of annoyance in his voice, but you’re not ready to leave yet. 
“Once again, sorry that we caused you to worry. Someone should have realized that such a beautiful and well-kept cat belongs to someone,” the receptionist coos, scratching Morpheus’ ears. Your heart skips a beat at the notion of Morpheus belonging to you. 
“Oh yeah, Morpheus demands a lot of care. One could almost say that he’s vain about his fur,” you continue, shaking your head in fond exasperation. Morpheus stares at you and lets out a low hiss. His hair really is a soft spot for him. 
“I think someone wants to go home,” the receptionist suggests, and you nod. You must thank Matthew for alerting you and give him a detailed record. Maybe you should even tell Lucienne and Merv, just to go all in. “Do you need a carrier?” At the mention, Morpheus growls, arched back and bristling fur. 
“Trust me, you don’t want to try this,” you answer, glaring at the cat as you get a taste of your own medicine. You sign the necessary paper and just pick Morpheus up, holding him secure in your arms. The receptionist gives you a small wave as you leave the animal shelter. Matthew is gone, so maybe he returned to the Dreaming. 
“You can release me now,” Morpheus requests, but you only shake your head, holding him tighter. 
“There are so many dangers for cats around,” you say out loud, not caring if somebody thinks you’re a crazy cat-person. “You could get hit by a car or a bus, kidnapped by someone who wants a cat, or just end up in a shelter again.” 
“Side alley on your right,” Morpheus commands, his voice dangerously low as he starts wiggling around, making you almost drop him. Fine, you had your fun. You do as he asks, ignoring the stares of the people around you. The things you do for love. 
“One cat in distress rescued,” you tease as you kneel and gently release him. “You should really be more careful, kitty.” You realize that you’re playing with fire right now, but you just can’t stop. 
“Kitty?” Morpheus asks wryly, stretching his legs as he moves around you. One moment you’re looking at him, and in the next you’re screaming as you’re staring into the golden eyes of a big cat. You lose your balance and land on the hard concrete, now at the exact height to get a good look at the long, sharp fangs. You gasp repeatedly, frozen with fear as a tiger, its fur the deepest black, presses its muzzle against your cheek. 
“My love, am I still a kitty?” Morpheus asks, his voice a deep purr, and you are still so shocked that you can only gape at the big kitty. Sooner or later, you’re going to have a heart attack, but then again, you brought this upon yourself by teasing too much and appealing to his pride. Vain cat indeed. 
“You will always be my kitty,” you answer after your heart has stopped racing, giving him a soft look as your shaky hand touches his head. It feels so different, almost rough, but at the same time softer than expected. How many people can claim that they’ve touched a tiger? 
You blink and Morpheus is now standing in front of you, his hand holding yours. He pulls you upright, right into his arms. You loop your hands around his neck, your head resting on his shoulder. Despite everything, you were worried, and it just feels right to be in his arms. 
“Thank you, my love,” Morpheus whispers into your ear as he holds you close, his hands resting on your waist, gently swaying you. 
“Anytime, kitty.”
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icequeenbae · 9 months
You Bet Your Ass (m) | BBH
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Pairing: Baekhyun x Reader
Established Relationship, PWP, slice of life, fluff, smut
Warnings: explicit content, unprotected sex, anal (m receiving while being a drama queen about it), sex toys (picture fluffy tail butt plugs)
Word Count: ~3.6k
Summary: Baekhyun realizes that betting his ass for a petty argument with his partner was moronic. He is a man of his word though. He will follow through.
© Please do not copy/ post on other platforms without permission.
Author’s note: Yay, it’s time to celebrate another milestone!! Thank you guys for joining me on this wild ride haha I hope you enjoy this little somethin’ bbhorny times detected lmao This would be a little different rip Baek's ass but I just wrote that on a whim in a couple of days and thought it’s great for the occasion. Let me know if you enjoyed it!
Tags: @k-vanity  @exo-writers-net @bbh-net @superm-net
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Baekhyun’s eyes were rounder than the moon when he realized that he was wrong.
You were having a very out of the blue argument just the other day, and the fatal words had escaped his mouth.
‘Can you bet your ass that you’re right?’
It wasn’t even a real issue to fight about. The reason you got so fired up over nothing was alcohol, of all things. Neither one of you was willing to let it go and leave the other one having the last word, so...
Baekhyun fucked up.
‘When we confirm that I’m right, I’ll shove the fluffiest puppy dog tail butt plug up your ass and have you call me master.’
Baekhyun royally fucked up.
‘Might clamp your cute little nipples too.’
Baekhyun dug his own grave.
‘Or I will shove it up yours and have you eat your words.’ You simply rolled your eyes at him then, and to a clueless spectator it could seem like you’d forget about this petty argument by tomorrow.
But there you were the next day, standing right in front of your bed and drilling Baekhyun’s bloodless face with your eyes.
‘I told you it wasn't Bugatti. It’s number two on the list.’
Baekhyun was almost glad that you enunciated that, because he couldn’t see the screen in front of him. He stayed still for a bit, as if his soul had fled from his body, leaving him behind as a lifeless shell. His head was a vacuum, and his usually quick-witted mind was failing him at this crucial point of his existence. A few more moments passed before he slowly looked up at you, like a bashful child.
‘Heh,’ he laughed awkwardly, and you only offered him a perfunctory smile. ‘Rolls-Royce Boat Tail is more expensive? It seems like I’ve- made a mistake?’
‘You were totally wrong.’ You responded mercilessly, making him shudder.
‘Oh no. Forget it.’ You raised your palm, cutting him off. ‘I had to listen a-a-all night how ‘fun’ it’s gonna be for you to see me all fluffy-tailed and roughed up.’
‘I said no such thing!’ Baekhyun shrieked, quickly catching himself as you gave him a look. ‘Babe…’
‘Did you not?’ You huffed, crossing your arms on your chest. ‘I assume you also do not recall running your mouth about my nipples?’
Baekhyun licked his lips nervously and swallowed.
He remembered. He remembered how he initiated his own demise. Was he for real? And for such a nonsensical argument too…
Baekhyun dropped on his knees right in front of you, and you almost jumped from the sound of him crashing on the floor so dramatically.
‘Y/N-ie, I was in the wrong.’ He said, hugging your legs. ‘I’m sorry.’
When your ass is on the line, nothing would be beneath you, not even begging, right?
However, this did not faze you at all. You were so used to his antics that it only made you even more determined not to let him off the hook.
‘Oh, but Baekhyunie… What should we do? You’ve already purchased the device for the execution.’
This was the reason why Baekhyun avoided drinking as best he could. He didn’t just get himself into the most ridiculous entanglements, he also acted whimsically on his urges. Say, going to a specialized shop to buy the fluffiest looking tail butt plug and a pair of fluffy ears to match. He went as far as to tell the poor cashier that he was going to put it to very good use.
Well, he didn’t specify on whom.
‘Worry not, my love. I got some nipple clamps and a collar to complete your-’
‘Ba-abe-’ He muttered desperately into your thigh, hugging your hips even tighter. ‘Please, I can’t do it…’
‘Why is that?’ You huffed, although unable to resist the temptation to ruffle his soft blonde hair with your right hand.
‘I just can’t,’ he whined childishly, offering no reasoning.
‘It’s funny how you assumed that I was gonna do it the second we ‘confirm’ that you’re right. And now you’re a groveling mess at a mere thought, and I’m supposed to be the better man?’
Baekhyun knew you were right.
He also knew that if he whined for a bit longer, you would probably leave him be. But your words left a bitter taste in his mouth. He was pretty obnoxious about this when you made the damn bet, and he was the one who initially suggested the punishment. And he was so sure he was right that he didn’t even try for a second to step into the loser’s shoes. He didn’t think it through, and now he had to stand by his word and meet his fate like a man. This was only fair to you. Maybe a little less fair to his butt.
You craned your neck forward to peek when Baekhyun became silent for too long. He did make you kinda angry earlier, you weren’t gonna lie, and you were almost determined to make him suffer for it. But he was still your partner, and you loved him. So, when you noticed that he was getting way too stressed about it, your hand moved smoothly to pet his hair calmingly.
‘I’ll do it.’ He said curtly.
His voice sounded small and dispirited, and it took you another second to catch his meaning.
This time, he made an effort to sound more confident.
‘I said, I’ll do it.’
That exchange took place last week. And he still couldn’t do it.
He made an unenthused attempt on that very day, actually. Made a huge mess on the bed, trying to utilize massage oil to get himself ready. Instead, he simply oiled up all of the sheets, and his entire body, and didn’t manage to get the butt plug anywhere near his ass. He was screeching and wailing and groaning – all that without getting it even 0.1 inch in.
You felt like watching it was worse than just doing it yourself.
‘Babe, just give up. I don’t want you to suffer like this.’
‘No. I said I’ll do it, so I will, I just need to prepare. Shall we reschedule for Saturday?’
He had probably hoped that Saturday would never arrive, but it did. And even then, he had yet to muster the courage to take on his punishment with dignity.
But it’d been an hour, and you were getting tired of watching him huffing and puffing, crying about the injustices of life and his poor asshole. He was buck naked the entire time too.
‘I’m also cold… Why is it so cold in our house? Can’t we afford heating? I should try and earn more money…’
You sighed.
‘Baekhyun, it’s not gonna work.’ You stretched your arms and legs before sitting down next to him. ‘Either quit it or let me do it for you.’
‘You? Do it for me?’ He shook his head. ‘Impossible. I’d like to preserve at least some dig-’
‘Lie flat on your belly. Right now.’ You ordered strictly.
‘Yes, ma’am.’
You smiled at his sudden obedience. He obviously trusted you to help him get it over with, but preferred to be strongarmed into doing this. To preserve some ‘dignity’.
‘Just relax, baby. You’re way too tense.’
Climbing on top of him, you poured some of that massage oil onto his bare back. You ran your palms up along his spine smoothly, and Baekhyun grunted like an old man.
‘God, you are just one giant knot.’ You muttered, putting a little more force into it.
Another muffled grunt escaped his mouth, this time sounding a bit more like a moan.
‘Here, here, grandpa. You can entrust yourself to me. Both your back and your butt.’
He grumbled into the pillow, and you could not make out his words. Instead, you went up his shoulders to knead the back of his neck. This spot was always sore, and he did not surprise you by suddenly going tense and groaning loudly before deflating into a lax mess.
‘You know what, Y/N…’ He mumbled between sighs of contentment. ‘You can fuck me in my ass right now and I won’t object.’
‘That’s the plan,’ you giggled, satisfaction washing over you just from seeing his reaction to your touch.
Of course, you knew all of his spots, both physical and emotional. It did not take you long to turn him into a whimpering puppy. The only thing missing was the tail.
‘Seriously though,’ Baekhyun spoke up hoarsely. ‘I think I’m getting hard.’
You tugged your shirt off and leaned onto his back, allowing him to feel your half-naked body.
‘Good for you,’ you purred into his ear, chuckling as he squirmed.
Hand snaking under his abdomen, you found yourself squeezing his length.
‘You’re not ‘getting hard’, baby. You are hard,’ you hummed, giving him a couple abrupt pumps before running your oily fingers over his lower stomach. ‘Let’s get you ready.’
Baekhyun whined and hugged his pillow, while you crawled towards the edge of your bed to get the discarded lube. When you shuffled closer to him again, you couldn’t resist slapping his cute round butt.
‘Ouch!’ He yelped just for the sake of it.
‘Don’t be so sensitive, sweetie,’ you mocked him lovingly.
‘You mean!’ He answered sulkily.
‘I am very nice! And I wouldn’t start a quarrel with me if I were you. My finger’s about to be shoved up your ass quite literally.’
He was whinging again, but quickly recollected himself, throwing a blue glove at your face.
‘At least use this.’
‘Are we playing doctor?’ You teased him lightheartedly.
‘Y/N, I’m gonna die. I’m literally dying.’
‘Okay, okay.’ You capitulated, putting the glove on. ‘Drama queen.’
It wasn’t like you were a pro in this either. He was the one who had put you in this position, not that you’d asked to do this. However, you did use the time in between his last attempt to pop his anal cherry and today to gather some helpful information. So, you were intending on using it to your benefit tonight.
‘You will like it more than me, that you can count on,’ you reassured him.
‘I seriously doubt it,’ he grumbled before jumping up. ‘Ah-ah-ah, what are you doing, I’m not ready!’
‘Sorry, I poured too much lube by accident,’ you smiled sheepishly. ‘Lie back down before it gets smeared all over the sheets.’
He kept complaining under his breath but obeyed.
‘Can you like… perk up your butt a little?’ You asked, trying to find a comfortable position to start.
‘No.’ He shot back unapologetically. ‘I’ll die.’
‘Why do you keep dying before anything happens?’ You reproached him. ‘You are such a pussy.’
Baekhyun turned his head around dramatically to glare at you.
‘What?’ You stared back. ‘Did I lie? Am I wrong?’
He turned back to his pillow and slightly repositioned himself, bending his right knee.
‘Good. Arch your back a little too.’ You pressed on his lower back, and he grumbled again.
‘You hate my guts, don’t you?’
‘I love you a million, baby.’ You replied with a smile, barely containing a schoolgirl giggle from locating his asshole. ‘Wow, I didn’t expect you to prepare. How neat.’
‘Shut the fuck up,’ he replied, also laughing despite his embarrassment and frustration.
You traced his butt cheek with your index finger before rubbing his anus lightly.
‘Oh shit-’ He tensed up under the pad of your finger, and cursed again.
Giving him some time to adjust to the light strokes, you kept spreading lube over his sphincter.
‘Are you still dying, hon?’ You inquired. ‘Try to relax.’
‘I can’t believe I’m doing this,’ he gurgled into the pillow he kept holding onto.
‘We can stop if you-’
‘Just get it over with! And then I can proceed and finalize my death.’
‘What an honorable man,’ you noted sarcastically. ‘If you squeeze your butt like that, I won’t be able to do anything.’
He huffed like an intimidating hedgehog, and then sighed, giving up the last of his pride.
‘Okay. Just please don’t rip my ass.’
‘Have you seen the size of this plug? You’ll live.’
As soon as he relaxed enough for you to try something, you probed at his ring of muscles again. Praising him for keeping it more or less slack, you were able to insert one digit.
He was now only communicating in breathy curses, so you added more lubrication before slipping your finger out and inserting it back in just as carefully. It took a while for Baekhyun to get used to it and stop resisting the intrusion, and you were beginning to feel more and more like a doctor performing a procedure on him.
‘You’re doing great, baby. Two fingers in.’
‘Y/N… I can’t do this…’ He muttered feverishly, and you knew he didn’t mean it.
Frankly, he looked like he was simply in denial about enjoying this. But he had no idea that you would not rest until you found the most intriguing spot. It was the only reason you had agreed to the whole thing. You were curious about what would happen if you located it and stroked over it gently.
Like so.
‘A-a-ah!’ He jolted, and squeezed your fingers almost painfully.
‘What?’ You asked, unsure about his reaction.
‘That- what was that?’ He muttered, gripping the pillow case with his fist.
‘Did it hurt?’
‘It hurts now… But not before.’
‘It wouldn’t hurt if you relax! And I think it was your prostate. Didn’t know it’s that sensitive though.’
‘My wha-’
‘Can I stroke it again?’ You asked, enthusiasm reignited in you, despite getting rather stiff from the position you had to be in.
‘No! Leave my prostate alone,’ he barked, yet perked his ass up higher.
‘Getting mixed signals here. Should I read your ‘no’ as a ‘yes please’?’
‘Y/N…’ He whined, and you circled his spot again. ‘If you do, I think- I think I’m going to-’
You oh-ed in surprise. Not that you didn’t do your research, but the pace of this was unexpected.
‘Not yet. There’s one little thing left.’
You slowly slipped your fingers out of him, making him groan.
Finally, the intricate sex toy was in your hand, ready to be deployed. In several modes too, but your wrought-up partner didn’t need to know just yet. Thus, you had placed an important appliance under one of the pillows earlier.
After holding it for a few moments to make it comfortably warm – Baekhyun was a whiny little bitch, after all – you spread a sufficient amount of lube on it to make sure it’d fit easily.
Baekhyun could be heard cursing again.
‘Okay, come to momma.’
He emitted a growl, which thinned out into a whine.
You sat next to him and stroked his butt cheeks. Now that you were thinking of it, he would look pretty good with a fluffy tail. You didn’t know you had it in you, but now you certainly felt aroused at the thought of pulling at it as he fucked you. Wouldn’t that be just perfect?
‘Shit, it’s cold!’ He complained as soon as you pressed the metal body of the plug to his hole.
‘You are very high-maintenance, did you know that?’ You complained right back. ‘Take it if you wanna finish tonight.’
‘Why do you hate me so mu- a-ah-’
The plug slipped into him with much less resistance than you’d anticipated, and all that was visible now was the tail.
‘How is it?’ You asked, genuinely curious. ‘Baekhyunie? How does it feel?’
He kept breathing through it for another minute, and then managed to retort.
‘Like it doesn’t belong there…’ He tried to glance at his poor ass, but gave up halfway. ‘My life is a joke…’
‘I bet it is.’
He made an effort to glare at you.
‘Get over here.’ His angelic blond hair made him appear much less menacing than he wanted to.
You stretched out next to him, but not before removing the rest of your clothes to become equally as naked.
‘Fuck.’ Baekhyun cursed, burying his face in your breasts. ‘Remind me to never argue with you again, ever…’
‘I thought you were having fun,’ you ruffled his hair a bit, while he was letting you.
‘Yah. The pain in my butt hole isn’t really aligning with my idea of fun.’
You shoved him back slightly to get him off your chest, and groped his ass. The disturbance made him flinch, although not entirely displeased.
‘How would you react if I told you that this cute fluffy thing actually has a pretty handy remote?’
The blond looked confused, but only for a second – before you gripped at the base of his ‘tail’ and angled it.
‘Ah! Fuck this shit!’ Baekhyun moan-yelled, confirming that the toy was damn near his spot.
Chuckling at this, you leaned in to kiss his bare shoulder and reached under the pillow in the search of the said appliance.
‘There it is.’ You showed Baekhyun the remote. ‘I bet this will be nice.’
You clicked once, not giving your partner a chance to say anything.
‘Oh shit-’ He jolted in your arms, and clenched his jaw. ‘Y/N…’
‘I know, baby. I won’t ramp it up much.’ You promised, pressing your index finger to one of his nipples.
The tiny bud was firm, and you could see Baekhyun shiver from the touch.
‘Should’ve clamped them in the beginning…’ You mused, gradually increasing the vibration of the toy. ‘Does this feel alright?’
Baekhyun moaned in response.
‘I’ll take that as a yes,’ you snickered.
He didn’t let you laugh for much longer though, grabbing your waist and pushing you back down. Opening your legs roughly, he got between them and instantly pressed his hard cock against your labia.
‘Fucking hell-’ He gritted out, as soon as his hips snapped forward, disturbing the plug inside him.
‘This is kinda hot, I’m not gonna lie,’ you sighed, stroking his lower back. ‘Move or I will level your ass massage up again.’
‘Fuck no, I already feel like I could come…’ Baekhyun replied quickly, slowly retracting his pelvis before swaying it into you. ‘Shit, Y/N, it just feels so weird-’
‘Weird but nice, right?’ You lowered your hand to tug on his ‘tail’ again.
‘Oh god please-’ He sighed, dropping his head on your shoulder.
You could feel him shake every time you adjusted the toy. It was definitely affecting his prostate, and the sobbing he tried to muffle by your skin only confirmed it.
‘Babe,’ he moaned, renewing his slow thrusts into you. ‘You want my death or what?’
Snickering at his words, you playfully scratched his upper back with both hands.
‘Faster.’ You replied simply, grasping the remote again.
Baekhyun focused on delivering upon your request, and you physically shuddered with him. The vibration was quite literally driving him mad, so he was soon groaning in both pain and pleasure. His speech was incoherent, and you weren’t sure how many times you had clicked the button, but you could hear – almost feel – the vibration ripping through his tight muscles and abusing his prostate.
You knew his hips were moving on their own, more out of instinct rather than intent, but it was all fine. At this point, you just wanted him to finish. The buildup left both of you a complete mess, and the craving you had in you now was more of his euphoria, not yours.
‘I’m c- babe I’m-’ He tried to speak, but the intense sensation overwhelmed him to the point of squealing.
Readily clutching the remote, you pressed the button several times to avoid overstimulating him instead of prolonging his pleasure, and he still allowed a high-pitched whine to escape. He was trembling and writhing on top of you, and you could feel the hot creamy wetness pooling at your own entrance. The visual stimulation sent you into overdrive.
‘Fuck, Baekhyun-’ You moaned, eyes closing shut as you joined your partner in the oblivion.
It was at least half an hour later that you were finally able to untangle yourselves from each other, and free Baekhyun’s abused asshole. Not without him grunting and grumbling the entire time, of course.
‘Shit. I won’t be fucking sitting down for a fucking week.’ Your partner complained in a tired voice, flinching as his sphincter constricted again after the plug was removed.
‘Lying down is better anyways,’ you hummed, planting an impish kiss onto his butt cheek.
Baekhyun muttered something incoherent, and you were sure there was more diffident cursing in there.
You scooted closer to him and stroked his hair lovingly. Suddenly you realized that you did not employ all the inventory you had prepared.
‘Damn, we forgot about the ears and the collar too!’ You gasped. ‘Well, you can always wear them next time…’
You shrugged, trailing off, and turned to him, anticipating his reaction.
Baekhyun’s face assumed the most scandalized expression.
‘Next time?!’
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A/N: Thank you for reading! Please comment and reblog, it is important to me and I appreciate your feedback💜 As usual, my asks are open~
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finnglas · 2 months
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TW: Pet illness
So, Miss Evie got some not-great news from the vet. She has a lesion on the underside of her tongue that got biopsied and came back as being a squamous cell malignancy. We are just now getting started getting her set up and consulting with a vet oncologist to see what her best route forward is, so I don't have a specific amount of money that I know we're going to need for her treatment yet, but I'm sure it's not going to be a small one.
I've reopened my line editing services in anticipation, so if you know anyone who needs editing, send 'em here: [Link to tumblr post]
I also of course have books for sale at payhip.com/juleskelleybooks and as Jules Kelley on most e-tailers, including Amazon. If you have an indie book shop you love and want to support, my paperbacks can be ordered through them as well -- and if you have a library that takes requests, I do also get paid for library orders that won't cost you anything. :)
And if you can't afford a full edit, or don't need one, but still want to toss a coin or two into Miss Evie's medical fund, I have the typical ko-fi, paypal, and venmo avenues available. Please only donate if you can afford to. I know times are tough and money is tight for a lot of people, and K and I both have full time salaried jobs and a good safety net. This is going to hit us pretty hard and it won't be pretty, but we're not going to be on the street because of it, so please don't put yourself or your safety at risk. Just send us good vibes, light a candle, pray to whomever you typically would pray to, that sort of thing.
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sunghun · 2 years
enhypen as your best friend
requested; yep :p
warnings; mentions of food in jay and niki’s, minor mention of bullying in sunghoon’s
note; this took me so long to write 😭😭writer’s block is truly a bitch, but hopefully i’ll be posting more often in the near future!!
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희승 - heeseung;
for some reason i see him as being that low-key annoying hipster friend
that you lovingly put up with <3
has a song for you to listen for literally every occasion
he’s also the friend that makes you wonder how he even survives
bc you swear he just never sleeps??
you could text him at any time
and he always answers within a few minutes
so either he has some kind of sixth sense for when you wanna talk to him
or he has no life and is always awake waiting for you to message him
and ofc you like to tease him about it
“wow heeseung i didn’t know you were so obsessed with me”
“well i can’t let you have another breakdown at 3am by yourself now can i”
you guys also go on lots of platonic ‘dates’
so many midnight coffee runs
and you’ll just sit on a bench in some park and talk until the sun is coming up
the best friend that’s always there for you
제이 - jay;
the grandpa friend <3
always complains about being out too late
scolds you if you do anything dangerous
impromptu lectures on life even tho he’s like the same age as you
but you know he only does it bc he cares <3
if you’re nervous about doing smth he’ll immediately offer to do it with you or for you
but also encourages you to go out on your own and do things for yourself :))
likes to use you as his “guinea pig” when testing out a new recipe for something
which you honestly don’t mind bc his cooking is just chef’s kiss tbh
definitely the friend who just buys stuff for you
“what’s this?”
“that necklace i saw you looking at in the store for like 5 minutes”
he’s low-key kinda tsundere about it sometimes tho
“hey y/n what do you want?”
“oh no i’m good i didn’t bring any money.”
“did i ask if you brought money?”
“What Do You Want?”
so yeah
even if he’s a lil rough around the edges
at the end of the day you both know that you’d do anything for each other
the best friend you can always count on
제이크 - jake;
being besties with jake means you question why you’re friends with such a dumbass
legit has the humor of a 12 year old boy like the amount of stupid memes he sends you…
rip my dude
but he’s also the sweetest guy you know so!!
i guess that evens it out
comes over so often he practically lives at ur house
like he just worms his way into your family so subtly
suddenly it’s not a complete family reunion if jake isn’t there
but you also like to hangout at coffee shops/cafes!!
especially the aesthetic looking ones
ur number 1 hypeman
takes the best pics of you for ur social media
“yes y/n! work it bro!”
lots of sleepovers where you’ll stay up watching movies or playing video games until the sun is coming up
you guys probably volunteer at a pet shelter too
and you have to talk jake out of adopting every single dog there almost daily
even if you don’t physically see each other every day
you still text and call each other every day
bc the two of really are like family to each other
the best friend that makes you feel loved no matter what
성훈 - sunghoon;
to this day people still wonder how you and sunghoon are friends
bc like. you’re just so opposite??
plus when you first met you both hated each other
and for literally no reason too
but one day you guys found out there was some dickhead bully at school that you both hated more than you hated each other
like they’re just talking shit about you until suddenly sunghoon walks up and starts defending you?? like what universe did you land in
but anyways ever since then you two got closer and now you’re bffs
people mistake you for a couple all the time mostly bc you’re the only person sunghoon will allow to hold his hand
he isn’t the most affectionate person but if you are he’ll begrudgingly allow you to cuddle up to him when you watch a movie
is so so so observant
which means he always gets you the best gifts
lots of hanging out at the mall bc you both enjoy people watching
so you’ll usually get some coffee and then just sit on a bench and rate people’s outfits
when you guys first started hanging out sunghoon was pretty shy
but the more you got to know each other the more he came out of his shell
and now he tends to match ur energy <3
the best friend that always understands you
선우 - sunoo;
the best bff you ask for
literally the first person you tell anything to
if you’re there you can bet sunoo isn’t far off
the two of you haven’t gone a day without speaking since you became friends
and you both love making fun of each other
all in the name of love, ofc <3
lots of good natured bickering and fake arguing
you guys go on lots of walks and like to have little picnics
and weekly movie/drama nights are definitely a thing
where sunoo will catch you up on the latest rumors and gossip around school during the boring parts of whatever you’re watching
you two also call each other pet names a lot
whether it be normal ones like babe or weird, over the top ones like snuggle bunny-poo
he also likes to randomly surprise you with flowers every once in a while
just because <3
you guys know everything about each other and know that you can always trust the other with your secrets
the best friend that you sometimes wish was more
정원 - jungwon;
is basically ur adopted sibling whether you like it or not
he can either be your favorite person or the person u loathe the most
he lives next door so you both are at each other’s house constantly
and your mom may or may not low-key like him more 3
which he loves to rub in ur face /3
but it’s okay bc maeumi likes you more <3
which you love to rub in his face <33
you both like to go on ‘adventures’ whether it’s going to mcdonald’s at 3 am
or exploring the woods by your house in the middle of the day with a backpack that only has a couple juice boxes and some fruit snacks in it
you also build pillow forts in rooms all the time!!
bc it makes the sleepover experience 10x better, can confirm
he’s always the first person you send the weird videos you find late at night to, and vice versa
and you both love to give each other random little gifts from time to time even if they seem really weird to other people
sooooo many inside jokes
the best friend that you know you’ll always have
니키 - niki;
literally the most annoying person u know
u call him brat affectionately <3
and he calls you his grandparent not affectionately 3 (jk jk)
bc even if you’re the same age or younger than him
i can assure you he is going to tease you about your age/the way you act
also you both will occasionally ghost each other for a few weeks
like sometimes to the point where ppl wonder if you’re still even friends
but when they ask ur like “wdym we’re literally bffs??”
and then continue to talk like nothing ever happened
you guys make fun of each other all. the. time.
lovingly of course, but still
like you guys will be at a thrift shop or smth
and riki will find the most horrendous looking stuffed animal there and buy it
and when you ask him why he got such an ugly thing he’ll just be like
“bc it reminded me of you! ^-^”
jokes on him tho bc a few weeks go by and suddenly he can’t sleep without it so
also lots of park hangouts in the evenings!!
especially in the summer like you guys will get some ice cream or popsicles and just hang out at a playground
pushing each other on the swings or seeing how long you both can hang on the monkey bars
the best friend that makes you feel like you never have to grow up
taglist: @mochisnlix @yizhoutv @heatrache @vantxx95 @enhacolor @sunoo-bby @ilandsghost @hiqhkey
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honeyhuii · 1 year
Feeling Michevious
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Greek Mythology Au, Christmas Au, Modern Au, Pining Au, Best Friends to Lovers, Fluff, angst
Eris!Kevin Moon X Reader
Warnings: Kissing, mentions of food
Rating: PG -13, Kissing
Wordcount: 2,468
A/N this is for @yuta-senpai and @junjungsunwoo Meraki collab call! There might be some inaccuracisies on the greek mythology, but I did my best to research it. Anyways, Happy Christmas everyone! Nothing but a little bit of christmas magic and greek mythology to warm everyone's christmas!
 You ran as fast as your legs could take you. You had to get away from him. From everyone. How could he? How could he do that to you? To someone that he thought of as a best friend? He knew. He had to have known. Why else would he have that stupid smirk on his face?
All you could hear was the crunch of the fallen snow and your heavy breathing. All you could feel was your heart breaking into thousands of tiny pieces and tears sliding down your face. The tears blurred your vision, but you didn’t want to stop moving, you didn’t want to give someone the chance to catch up. 
However, your plan to run as far as you can from the party was thwarted when you stopped at a frozen lake. There was no way you would chance falling in, just to get away from everyone…away from him. Just thinking of him made your heart break all over again. You slumped up against a tree and slid down. You didn’t care that the ground was covered in snow and that your butt would get cold and wet. Nothing would feel worse than your tear-stained face freezing from the cold air and shattered heart. 
Oh, how wrong you were. You heard crunching snow get louder to where you were and his voice calling out your name. You wish you could disappear and that he would be unable to find you. You prayed to the gods. Slightly forgetting that he was one of them, therefore you would be at disadvantage as they would be on his side.  
“Y/n…” He stood in front of your shrinking form. He kneeled down to you, tilted your chin up, making you look into his soft brown eyes. You were hesitant to meet his gaze. Tears gently fell down your face as you stared into each other's eyes. A sadden smile graced his lips as he watched your tears fall. He took his other hand and wiped the tears away. “I’m sorry…I’m truly sorry…I guess I was just surprised and I didn’t know how to form a proper sentence. Please forgive me, my angel.”
“Hey angel,” a voice in front of you says, startling you out of your book trance. The pet name causes a light blush to dust your cheeks.
You look up and see a handsome guy, who looks to be around your age, staring down at you with a playful smirk pressed onto his lips. “Do you need something?”
“Yeah, is this seat taken? Do you mind if I sit here, angel,” he asks. The playful smirk still on his lips and the playful nickname still causes your blush to deepen.
“No, go ahead. I don’t mind, sweet prince.” A playful smirk joins your lips as you watch him become flustered at your return of his flirty banter. 
The smell of fresh coffee swirled between the two of you as you both continued your playful flirting several weeks after your first meeting. Never once exchanging names, just relying on the nicknames you gave each other. Never once exchanging phone numbers, just relying on fate to give you a chance to meet at the Thrill Ride cafe.  
Who knew that fateful meeting at the cafe would lead you to meeting the rest of his group of friends. Which would eventually lead you to learning his and their secret…You would’ve never thought they were Greek Gods if they never told you. They were skillful at pretending to be mortal, but to be fair they had several years of practice. 
And over the years of being friends with the Greek gods, your friendship with your sweet prince turned into nothing more than best friends. It caused a slight ache in your heart, but you knew deep inside, that he had no interest in you. And even if he did, a mortal and a god could fall in love, but the end was inevitable. The ache in your heart struck in an even deeper cord. You ignored it. You’ll have to ignore your feelings until you eventually move on.
You sighed as you looked in the mirror. You fix the santa hat on your head and brush your outfit with your palm to smooth out the wrinkles. You had to look your best. Your Greek God friends were throwing a christmas party and invited you to come along. You would be one of the few mortals attending a party thrown by gods. You honestly didn’t know the gods celebrated christmas. Maybe they didn’t and just wanted an excuse to throw a party, well at least Hyunjae wanted an excuse to throw a party and drink, being the god of wine and celebration and such. 
Chanhee was supposed to pick you up soon, the party was being held in an area that mortals couldn’t reach easily so that way they can party in peace without fearing that some uninvited mortal will randomly show up to a Greek god party. Your best friend would’ve picked you up, but Chanhee being the god of travel, made the option of him picking you up be the easier option, since he can just use his winged shoes to travel quicker. 
While continuing looking over your outfit, making sure it looked perfect, when there was a knock on the door. Chanhee being Chanhee opened the door without waiting for you to respond. “You look great Y/n. Stop fussing over your outfit. Though you might want to bring a hairbrush, we are traveling at a high speed.” 
“Yeah, don’t worry I’ve got some stuff in my bag just in case.”
“Well, then let’s get going.”
The party was in full swing when the both of you arrived. You had a feeling your best friend had a hand at the Christmas music since there was a lot of Beyonce playing. He was a massive fan for the mortal celebrity. 
You had to hand it to Hyunjae, he knew how to throw a great party. The hidden garden was surrounded by thousands of twinkling neon and white lights. A christmas tree decorated from top to bottom stood tall in the middle of the garden. Snow gently fluttered down from the sky, slowly touching the ground, joining the already fallen snow.  There were several other Christmas decorations that surrounded the garden. You could tell that Hyunjae put his heart and soul into decorating for the party. 
The gazebo was the main attraction of the party though, lights highlighted the importance of it, why? You weren’t sure. You wanted to ask, but Chanhee dragged you to where the others were hanging out. 
For most of the party, you hadn’t seen your best friend, which confused you. He was the one who invited you, yet he hasn’t once talked to you, so  you assumed he hasn’t shown up yet. You dismissed yourself from your friends and went to find him. 
You wanted to check the gazebo first, since you haven’t yet fully seen the decorations and why everyone kept flocking to it. You stepped into the middle of the platform and closed your eyes. A gentle smile graced your lips as you listened to the vibrant atmosphere. But then someone knocked you out of your trance by tapping onto your shoulder. 
You opened your eyes and saw your best friend standing in front of you. A smile present on his face. He yanked you towards him and  kissed you deeply. You were startled and it took you a second to register that he was kissing you for you to kiss him back. But when you did finally start to kiss him back, you felt the magic of love and the warmth of pure bliss swirl inside your heart. 
 The other gods watched you two in awe as he held you closely. Anyone watching would believe you were in love, had it not been the mistletoe hanging above you both. And when you two finally pull away for a breath of fresh air, you see the playful smirk on his lips. Confusion washed over you and you looked up, finally noticing the mistletoe. Sadness, anger, confusion filled you as you looked around, seeing the other gods and goddess watch the both of you closely. Then it hit you like a freight train. This was some sick joke. He was putting on a show for his fellow gods. Trick the poor mortal in falling for you and kiss her in front of your fellow gods so that you can be laughed at.
So, you did what you knew best. You pushed him away and ran. You ran away from everyone. Ran away from the party. You ran away from your “friends”.  You ran from him.
 You ran as fast as your legs could take you. You had to get away from him. From everyone. How could he? How could he do that to you? To someone that he thought of as a best friend? He knew. He had to have known. Why else would he have that stupid smirk on his face?
All you could hear was the crunch of the fallen snow and your heavy breathing. All you could feel was your heart breaking into thousands of tiny pieces and tears sliding down your face. The tears blurred your vision, but you didn’t want to stop moving, you didn’t want to give someone the chance to catch up. 
However, your plan to run as far as you can from the party was thwarted when you stopped at a frozen lake. There was no way you would chance falling in, just to get away from everyone…away from him. Just thinking of him made your heart break all over again. You slumped up against a tree and slid down. You didn’t care that the ground was covered in snow and that your butt would get cold and wet. Nothing would feel worse than your tear-stained face freezing from the cold air and shattered heart. 
Oh, how wrong you were. You heard crunching snow get louder to where you were and his voice calling out your name. You wish you could disappear and that he would be unable to find you. You prayed to the gods. Slightly forgetting that he was one of them, therefore you would be at disadvantage as they would be on his side.  
“Y/n…” He stood in front of your shrinking form. He kneeled down to you, tilted your chin up, making you look into his soft brown eyes. You were hesitant to meet his gaze. Tears gently fell down your face as you stared into each other's eyes. A sadden smile graced his lips as he watched your tears fall. He took his other hand and wiped the tears away. “I’m sorry…I’m truly sorry…I guess I was just surprised and I didn’t know how to form a proper sentence. Please forgive me, my angel.” 
“Did it mean anything? The kiss? Or was it just because of the mistletoe,” your eyes glossed over at the thought of it being meaningless. What a stupid tradition.
“Of course it did. I would never dream of hurting you. I love you…I am truly and deeply in love with you,” he pulls you in close, hugging you tightly, hoping that you feel the love he was trying to convey.
“Kevin…my sweet prince…I love you too…but what about the fact that I’m a mortal and you're a god. In the legends, they never work out…eventually the god leaves the mortal. We would never work out.”
“Well, you’re not exactly a mortal my angel,” Kevin chuckles.
However, you didn’t really understand what was so humorous.  “What do you mean I’m not a mortal?” You furrowed your brows in confusion. 
“Why don’t you let your parents explain,” he looks to his left. Your eyes follow his. 
You look up and see the other gods, but two standing in front of the others. Their saddened eyes stare at you and you stand up with the help of Kevin. You slowly walk towards them. “What happened to me? Why am I a mortal?”
“You caused so much trouble, that you were affecting mortals. We had no choice, but to ban you from Olympus until you could learn the true meaning of love and friendship. Until you showed proof to all of us that you knew the importance of the mortals and the importance of love. We had to have Mnemosyne lock your memories until you were ready,” Apollo, your father tells you.
 “Kevin and the rest of his friends ended up stumbling across you by pure accident. They informed us of your whereabouts and that you were actually doing really great as a mortal. Kevin eventually told us how he felt towards you and asked permission. We didn’t know whether or not you finally truly felt as the mortals and finally learned your lesson, until we saw it for ourselves on that gazebo. It was our idea to figure out your true feelings. We are deeply sorry for hurting you, please forgive Kevin,” Selene, your mother adds. 
Your eyes gloss over, the truth finally unlocking your memories. You kneel over, a rush of memories flood into your mind all at once, causing a headache. Kevin is quick to catch you before you fall to the ground.
“I’ve got you angel. I’m glad to see you back to your old, but new self,” A grin took over his face, pure joy filled his eyes.
“My sweet prince, you still have some explaining to do. You asked my parents permission to be with me, hm,” you gave him a teasing grin.
A blush dusted his cheeks at your comment and helped you stand again. “I love you, Y/n. I would love to spend my entire immortal life with you and only you. If you would have me,” he held a hand over his chest, kneeled down, and stared deep into your eyes.
“Kevin…I would love nothing more than to share my immortal life with you. I accept.” Happy tears stream down your face and you embrace him. Slowly, you bring him in for a sweet kiss. One that was filled with more love than the first. Because you learned how to truly appreciate the love you have and gained with your once mortal heart. Now you’ll be able to love him for all eternity. 
“Well, now that that is over. Can we finish our christmas party,” Hyunjae asks, a grin stretched across his face. 
“I guess we do have a party to finish. Now we can party all night! Come on, let’s go drink and stuff our faces till our hearts are content,” you reply, threading your hand with Kevin’s, pulling him along, hearts already full of love and happiness. 
Taglist: @mhyori1117
Network Tags: @k-vanity @kflixnet @kdiarynet @whipped-kpop-creators @k-radio @cacaokpop-fics @the-k-neverland @timenote-library @hotel-netfics
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lisutarid-a · 2 months
[Gakuen K] Yatogami Kuroh Route Translation
I want a kotatsu!
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[Translation under the cut]
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Neko: Uuuuh, it's cold…
Kuroh: Are you repeating after Shiro?
Neko: Did Shiro say it was cold too?
Saya: Uhm. He said it was very cold.
Neko: Really!? Same as Shiro! Same! Achoo!
Saya: Are you alright? Oh, yes, tissues.
Neko: Thanks, Gohan. Wagahai hate winter…
Saya: They say cats curl up under kotatsu.
Neko: That's right. Kotatsu…
Neko: Kotatsu! Wagahai wants to curl up under the kotatsu!
Saya: You want to put it in the clubroom?
Neko: That's right! Put it here and we'll all snuggle under it together!
Kuroh: Rejected.
Neko: Why!
Kuroh: Because it is not a necessity. You know that our club's expenses are low.
Neko: It's a necessity! Absolutely necessity!
Kuroh: Besides, it would make an already small room even more cramped.
Neko: It's better than the cold!
Saya: Both of you, let's not fight, okay?
Shiro: I'm ho-ome. I heard you from the hallway, what's going on?
Saya: Welcome back, Shiro-kun. Actually, these two were fighting.
Shiro: Fighting is not good. What was the cause?
Kuroh: It's not a fight, Neko is just quibbling.
Neko: I'm not quibbling! Wagahai is making a proposal for the club!
Shiro: You didn't answer my question…
Saya: Um, Neko wants a kotatsu.
Saya: Kuro-kun is against it because we have no money and no space.
Shiro: Thanks. You're the conscience of the Silver club…
Shiro: But I think a kotatu…is a good idea. It's kinda seasonal tradition, and more importantly, it's warm.
Neko: Yoo-hoo! After all, Shiro is Wagahai's Shiro!
Kuroh: Not only the purchase cost, but also the electricity cost. Where in the world are we going to get the money to pay for it?
Shiro: It's okay, it's okay! We made quite a bit of money at the fall school festival. Let's take a look in the net.
Neko: Let's, let's!
Saya: If we have the money, I wouldn't mind buying it too…
Kuroh: Even you… …It's a terrifying thing that corrupts people.
Saya: Corrupts… Maybe you misunderstood what kotatsu is?
Kuroh: Once you put your feet under the kotatsu, you will be too lazy to move, and as a result, you'll become corrupted.
Kuroh: It is still terrifying. It is an evil weapon created by demons.
Saya: That's an exaggeration…
Saya: …Huh, someone's here. Is it Claudia-sensei? It's rare for a teacher to come to the clubroom…
Saya: Okay, I'll open it.
Saya: Sensei, what ha--
Ichigen: Hello.
Kuroh: I-Ichigen-sama! Hello! Thanks for coming all the way out here!
Ichigen: Kuro. You don't have to be so respectfull. I've got a delivery for you.
Saya: Hello, principal. What's the delivery?
Ichigen: Ah, it's you. Long time no see. I'm relieved to see you're doing well.
Shiro: Ah, principal! Did you bring it already?
Kuroh: You bastard…What did you say to Ichigen-sama…?
Ichigen: Kuro. It's okay. Isana-kun, sign here.
Shiro: Oka-ay. That was fast.
Ichigen: Well then, sorry, but would you let me put it indoors?
Shiro: Roger. Thanks a lot! I'll use it again.
Ichigen: Yeah, it's in your service from now own. See you soon.
Kuroh: Ha…! Ichigen-sama, at least have some tea…!
Kuroh: He's gone…
Shiro: Kuro. Don't dwell on the afterglow, help me put the kotatsu in.
Kuroh: …Because it was brought by Ichigen-sama. I'll help you.
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Neko: Big package! Hey, hey, could it be, could it be~!
Shiro: Uhm, it's kotatsu.
Neko: Woo-hoo! Kotatsu!
Saya: Isn't it too soon for it…? Also why is the principal…
Shiro: Oh dear, online shopping is so convenient these days.
Shiro: Kuro, can you help me to assemble it?
Kuroh: I refuse. Helping to assemble the tool of corruption…
Shiro: But it was the principal who brought the kotatsu, remember?
Kuroh: Ugh…!
Shiro: Fufu. Okay, instruction and tools.
Kuroh: …I'll just help you assemble it. I won't give in to evil!
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Neko: Haaa…It's warm…It's so warm, it feels so good~
Shiro: Yeeah, that's calming…Suddenly I feel like eating tangerines.
Neko: I want to eat tangerines! But I don't want to get out of here~
Shiro: Ahaha, me too.
Kuroh: You see? The corruption has begun immediately, hasn't it?
Saya: Kuro-kun, don't just sit in the corner of the room, get in too.
Kuroh: I refuse. I don't want to be corrupted.
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Choice: [Don't say that…]
Saya: Don't say that… Get in here, Kuro-kun. Hey?
Kuroh: E-Even if you look at me like that, I'm not joining you!
Saya: Kuro-kun…
Kuroh: I'm telling you I won't join!
Shiro: One more push, I guess. Hmmm, she's pretty good at it, too.
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Choice: [It's not good to force you]
Saya: I see…It's not good to force you.
Saya: I wanted to get under the kotatsu with you. I'll hold back.
Kuroh: …
Kuroh: …I-If you insist that much.
Saya: Hm?
Kuroh: If you insist, I'll join you.
Saya: Eh, is it okay? You're not forcing yourself, right?
Kuroh: Yeah, I'm not forcing myself.
Shiro: In the end, Kuro has a weak spot for her, doesn't he?
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Saya: Knock-knock …Huh, it looks like someone has come again.
Shiro: I don't want to leave the kotatsu. Can someone else do it for me?
Neko: Wagahai doesn't want to leave the kotatsu too!
Saya: I'll go.
Kuroh: Wait, I'll go with you.
Saya: Knock-knock Ye-es, who's it?
Kuroh: Ichihen-sama!
Ichigen: Yeah, hello. There's another delivery for you.
Saya: Huh, another one? I wonder what Shiro-kun bought so many of…
Kuroh: This guy…To treat Ichigen-sama like this…! I won't forgive him!!
Ichigen: Kuro. It's okay. It's also my responsibility as a principal.
Ichigen: I am more than happy to give my students a good school life.
Kuroh: I-Ichigen-sama…! What a wonderful thought…!
Ichigen: Well, here's the package. Isana-kun requested to deliver it on the same day.
Ichigen: I don't know what's in them, but he wanted to get it urgently. Can you sign it for me?
Saya: Y-yeah. Um, is this okay?
Ichigen: Yeah, it's all right…Thanks a lot. Now, if you'll excuse me.
Saya: I wonder what he bought so much of?
Kuroh: Even if Ichigen-sama said it's all right…This guy…He had Ichigen-sama deliver packages to him several times…
Saya: W-Well-well. I have no idea why, but the principal said it's all right….
Kuroh: You're too soft to Shiro. Never mind, lend it to me. I'll get it over there.
Kuroh: Oi, you bastard…What are these packages?
Kuroh: You even order Ichigen-sama to deliver them on the same day. It must be a big deal.
Shiro: Ah, thanks. These are what I call "overwintering items".
Saya: Overwintering items?
Shiro: Right. Two boxes of mandarins, three boxes of family size snacks and a set of cleaning tools.
Kuroh: …Did you buy these with club funds?
Shiro: It's for the comfort of club activities. These are necessities! I've already explained it to the principal.
Neko: Shiro, these mandarins are sour!
Shiro: Well then, let's do some magic. Sour tangerines become sweeter when you squeeze them enough.
Neko: Really!? I'll try!
Kuroh: Good grief, this is why we are always short of club funds at the critical moment…
Saya: Well-well, I think we're going to have a good time this winter.
Kuroh: …I guess I'll have to agree. Do you eat tangerines too?
Saya: Uhm! After all, nothing is better than to eat tangerines under the kotatsu.
Kuroh: Is that so? But…I guess kotatsu isn't such a bad thing.
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trans-africa-2024 · 1 month
We covered some 315 km today on our way to Swakopmund. We agreed on an early start around 7:30 to be ahead of the crowd especially since the first 245 km were on gravel roads. When driving on those roads one has to constantly scan which track has the least washboard ripples and on which of these the car rattles the least. The landscape changed rapidly from the desert into a more mountainous area into a canyon back into a sand desert totally flat. Driving in the morning light was beautiful and we encountered only 25 cars on the way to Walvis Bay where we had lunch before we boarded a catamaran to explore the bay and it’s prime inhabitants - the seals. The population we saw was between 60 and 80 k. A special seal named „Bobby“ who was rescued by them out of a fishing net then came aboard and walked between us swallowing one fish after the other. It is quite surprising to have a 200 kg animal suddenly next to you on the bench!
After the boat ride we drove the remaining stretch of 34 km to Swakopmund where we checked into the „Strandhotel“. Swakopmund is a city that goes back to the times Namibia was called „Deutsch Südwest“. They try to make the most from this heritage with hotels, shops and streets carrying German names like: Biergarten, Kaiser Wilhelm Chalets, etc.. Hardly anyone still speaks German. English has more or less replaced it by now. There is nevertheless still a German newspaper called AEZ „Allgemeine Zeitung“ in German. The city was dead on Sunday evening and we just had a short walk through the „Altstadt“ with some buildings still in „Fachwerk“ style.
We ended the day in a seafood restaurant „Old Oyster Cellar“.
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k-vanity · 1 year
Idols Over Flowers: A K-V Event
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Welcome to our flower shop! Here we have floral arrangements for any and every occasion. 
What’s that?
Of course, we do! So many combinations of your heart's desires. Look over our menu list and see what you’d like.
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💐 Main flowers (Genre):
Roses x Romance, Lavender x Crime and Mystery, Orchid x Science Fiction, Sunflower x Comedy, Lily x Fantasy, Forget me nots x Historical, Tulips x Adventure, Daisy x Horror, Peony x Thriller, Carnations x Action, Violets x Angst, Marigold x Hurt Comfort, Fresia x open for own idea
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🌷 Supporting flowers (AUs):
Elderflower x Fake Dating, Snapdragon x Hospital, Amaranthus x Marriage & Co, Bellflower x Coffee Shop, Waxflower x Tattoo Parlour, Queen Anne’s lace x Royalty, Baby’s breath x parents, Skeleton flower x character death, Thistle x own AU
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🌱 Greenery (Tropes):
Lily grass x s2l, monstera leave x amnesia, olive branch x childhood darlings, fern x pining, ivy x f2l, cordyline x e2l, silver dollar eucalyptus x only one bed, myrtle x soulmate, berries x own trope
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🎀 Ribbons (Prompts):
White x bicycle ride, gray x dancing in the rain, black x picnic date, blue x a day by the lake, red x flying a kite at the park, yellow x picking flowers at flower field, orange x meet cute, green x gardening new backyard with flowers, purple x painting outside, pink x walking under cherry blossoms, brown x spring cleaning, band of cord x magical creatures, band of satin x weddings
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You must be a member of the network to participate in the event
Make your ideal bouquet from the various genres, aus, tropes, and prompts. There is no right or wrong way. Create what you like!
For writers, the content must be at least 500 words.
For visual artists, the prompt must be included in your work (where it's in the caption or in the gif/gfx/edit itself).
Use the tag #kidolflowers along with the net tag #kvanity when posting your work.
Regular rules and regulations from the net apply to this event
Event Timeline:
Posting Period: March 1st-May 31st
Masterlist will be posted June 3rd
If you have any questions please reach out to the K-Vanity team!
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ablegaming · 1 year
Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze accessibility review
Game title: Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze
Platform(s): Nintendo Wii U, Nintendo Switch
Languages: English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Spanish
Age rating: ESRB E, PEGI 3
Genre/theme: Donkey Kong and friends are in the middle of celebrating his birthday when all of a sudden an evil walrus and his penguin minions attack the island, freezing much of it in the process. Donkey Kong, Diddy Kong, Dixie Kong, Cranky Kong, and Funky Kong have to clear the enemies off of the island, all while collecting the K-O-N-G letters, 1-up balloons, hidden puzzle pieces, coins, and bananas. The gameplay is primarily in the platformer genre, with some minecart levels, swimming levels, barrel aiming mini-games, and boss battles.
Violence: Mild; Donkey Kong and friends defeat the enemies by jumping on them and bouncing off of their heads, there is no blood or gore.
Maturity: No nudity, sexuality, swearing, or drugs or alcohol references.
Phobias:  Blood/gore: None
Drowning: Donkey Kong and friends can swim underwater and have an air meter. Strategically placed air bubbles are available to replenish your meter, but if it runs down entirely your character can drown. Funky Kong is the exception to this, as he has scuba gear and can breathe underwater.
Heights: The main characters are flung high into the sky in the opening story cinematic. There are also few drops from significant heights within the levels.
Sharks: Your character can be attacked and killed by sharks in the water levels. The sharks are fairly cartoonishly designed but there is a sense of dread when they’re around. Sharks can be knocked out with a swim spin attack.
Spiders: None
Underwater: There are several deep underwater levels and sections in the game.
Multiplayer: 2-player cooperative mode allows two players to play through levels simultaneously. If either player gets too far ahead of the other, the player trailing behind will automatically warp ahead to the location of the leading player. If your gaming partner is prone to falling off of a lot of ledges you may run through a lot of shared lives, but there are lots of 1-up balloons to be found, 100 bananas to be collected (which nets you +1 life), and more lives can be purchased at the in-game shop using the collectable coins as well.
Difficulty modes: Tropical Freeze can be played in original mode where you play as Donkey Kong, or there’s also the option of playing the game in Funky mode, allowing you to play as Funky Kong, who makes the game significantly easier with his 5 health hearts (instead of 2), and his abilities to double jump, hover, breathe underwater, and take no damage from spikes. If you or your gaming partner are struggling (the game does have some pretty challenging levels and bosses), then playing as Funky is a great way to experience the game without dying constantly. Note that when playing as Funky Kong in single player you will not have the assistance of any other sidekick character, but Funky is amazing and you really won’t need Diddy, Dixie, or Cranky’s help.
When you have a sidekick character with you there is a meter that will gradually fill up, once this is full L + R can be pressed to turn all on-screen enemies into either 1-up balloons or coins to be collected. Several helpful items are available for sale at the item shop as well, these are stored until you need them to get past tough levels; they can be found on the Inventory tab on the map menu screen.
The bosses in this game are notably more difficult than in Mario games, they require many hits to take down, but are also fairly generous with giving you healing items for successful hits.
Complexity: Simple; Tropical Freeze is a straightforward platforming game that fans of all ages of Donkey Kong, Mario, and Sonic games can pick up and enjoy.
The three sidekick characters (Diddy Kong, Dixie Kong, and Cranky Kong) all add a different play style to Donkey Kong’s moves. Diddy has a jetpack that adds extra height and a little distance to your jumps, Dixie does a hair spin move that adds a good amount of hover to your jump, and Cranky has a cane/pogo-stick that works similarly to Scrooge McDuck in the Ducktales games, allowing you to jump and then bounce with the cane to gain extra height.
Instructions, saving, story recap, menus, & waypoints: There is no physical instruction manual in the case. The basic controls aren’t readily given to you, but they only consist of the left stick or directional buttons to move and B to jump and Y to slam the ground/spin underwater. There are a few objects to interact with in each level, and button prompts appear on screen for these. The controls can be referenced (and changed) in the Pause menu.
There are checkpoints in each level marked by a pig waiting at a kiosk. If you die after unlocking a checkpoint you can continue from that point in the level, unless you lose so many lives that you end up with a Game Over and have to restart the level from the beginning. Barrels appear throughout each level that contain your secondary character, pick them up and throw them to unlock your sidekick character.
The overworld map will be familiar to long-time players of both the Donkey Kong and Mario series, and is easy to navigate. There is a Menu that can be accessed on the overworld map that contains Summary, Options, and Extras. The game auto-saves after each completed level and when exiting. There are 3 save slots to choose from, so 3 different playthroughs can be saved and loaded.
Subtitles: Yes; there are subtitles, but not very many of the characters actually speak anyway.
Text customization: None; the default text size is in a medium-large fairly clear to read black font on a white text window.
Voice acting: None; just the noises that Donkey Kong and friends make when jumping.
Volume settings: Sound Effects Volume (0–100), and Music Volume (0–100)
Photosensitivity: When your character gets hit by an enemy they disappear-flash for a second or two, this isn’t super intense though and you can focus your eyes elsewhere on the screen to reduce the intensity even further. At the beginning of each level When playing as Funky Kong, he makes his entrance and strikes a pose with a bright glint on his teeth.
Motion-sickness and camera: The camera is a smooth and steady third-person side-scrolling view. There are windmills in the background of a few levels that are somewhat disorienting, and there are also a few platforming sections with rotating platforms. One of the loading screens has a spinning barrel that is a bit dizzying to focus on. One of the other loading screens has spinning bananas that are somewhat disorienting. The cloud loading screen is pretty intense in handheld mode.
Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze on the Nintendo Switch runs at a steady 60FPS in 1080p in docked mode. Note that the resolution takes a hit in handheld mode though, running at 648p. The handheld mode runs noticeably a bit less crisp than many other games on the Switch. It looks fine, but it really shines when played on a nice TV.
Colorblindness mode: None; color settings can only be adjusted in TV settings.
Controller rumble: Yes; no option to turn off.
Remappable controls: Controls can be changed in the Options section of the Pause Menu or Map Menu, but are fairly limited. There are Default and Alternate control schemes for each type of controller input, with the Alternate modes for each controller only switching the triggers (ZL + ZR) and the X and Y buttons.
Quick-time events: The majority of the game can be played at your leisure (with no level timer), but the minecart levels and sections do require very carefully timed jumps.
Physical impact: Light-medium; playing as Donkey Kong can have some gradual impact on the hands and forearms, and is generally best played in short-medium length game sessions. Playing as Funky, however, has notably less physical impact, which allows for longer play times.
Adaptability and input: Controls are simple, well spaced out, and can be partially customized. The majority of the controls are thumb input, so gamers with thumb or thumb joint struggles may have to set the controller on their lap and play using their fingers but this is definitely doable. Can be played one-handed, which may be easier when playing with a single Joycon controller.
Can be played with one Switch Joycon controller, two Switch Joycon controllers, two controller-docked Joycon controllers, handheld-docked Joycon controllers, Switch Pro controller, Gamecube controller, Sony Dualshock 4 controller (adapter required to use on Switch), Xbox One Bluetooth Controller (adapter required to use on Switch), Wii U tablet controller, Wii U Pro Controller (adapter required to use on Switch). No touchscreen or voice control functionality.
To read more about how you can pair different controllers with the Nintendo Switch and with PC, check out my post on the topic: https://medium.com/@AbleGaming/how-to-use-your-favorite-console-controllers-on-nintendo-switch-and-pc-and-how-to-use-your-switch-64d7a7bc7b7f
Overall accessibility score: 3.7/5.0 (Please note that this score does not reflect the entertainment or enjoyment value of the game, it represents the range of accessibility for gamers who have specific limitations.)
Originally released in 2014 for the Nintendo Wii U, and re-released in 2018 on the Nintendo Switch, Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze (with Funky Mode) is by far the best way to play the game; the addition of Funky Kong makes it significantly more accessible. Tropical Freeze is filled with well-designed and challenging levels that can be overcome with the help of a friend, sidekick characters and useful items, or playing as Funky Kong. There are several different controller options and a couple of control scheme options to choose from, and the control scheme is simple and easy to understand and recall.
There are a few minor instances of motion-sickness, but the vast majority of the game features a smooth and steady side-scrolling experience. Tropical Freeze is largely photosensitivity safe, though your character disappear-flashes briefly when hit by an enemy, but focusing your eyes elsewhere on the screen reduces the impact of the effect (or playing well enough to avoid getting hit!) There isn’t any voice-acting beyond a few grunts here and there, but that comes as no surprise as we haven’t heard Donkey Kong speak since the 1997 Donkey Kong Country television series. The lack of text settings is disappointing, but Donkey Kong games historically don’t rely too heavily on text and instead focus on the solid platforming gameplay that they’re well-known for.
This post can also be read and listened to (text-to-speech) on my Medium page at: https://medium.com/@AbleGaming/donkey-kong-tropical-freeze-accessibility-review-e58f5177d92a
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