#just to unfreeze time and pretend to be a cool teleporter
man-arly 3 years
This idea popped into my head and now I had to write it down...
What if Five can't spacial jump? He can only control time, but like better than he can in the series, so that he can also slow time down or stop it altogether and everytime we see him "spacial jump" he stops time, walks to wherever he wants and then starts time again.
No one knows that he can't teleport and he will never tell anyone, because when they were like 5 years old five accidentally stopped time for the first time and he freaked out, didn't know what to do and started panicking, before he figured out how to unfreeze everyone, and when time started moving again, his siblings where like 'omg, you can teleport, that's awesome!' because in their perspective five just kinda moved from one side of the room to the other within a second, and he was to embarrassed by his almost breakdown to correct them and then it suddenly was too late to come clean, so he just has to live with everyone thinking he is s teleporter.
And also:
Everytime he "jumps" onto something above ground, he has to awkwardly climb up there and he will make sure that his siblings will never find out about that.
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hlvraik 3 years
Thank you for liking my prompts 馃憠馃憟
I will now be the asker with no impulse control over my brain and will come to you with ideas or random thoughts i had throughout the day :)
Idea/prompt time-
K!Gordon see's gman for the first time and chaos happens, you get to choose what kind of chaos :)
[aaaa- you're welcome 馃ズ it's just so cool seeing amazing ideas that individuals could come up with!! :DDD]
As for K!Gordos meeting G-Man for the first time, I don't think it'll be THAT chaotic, however it'll still be a lot for G-Man to process:
Just imagine, G-Man doing their usual time freezing shenanigans and calling out to Gordon however whenever they open their eyes, they're greeted to surprisingly nothing...Well that is until G-Man takes notice of a small hand in the corner of their vision desperately waving trying to flag them down and a small voice calling for their attention.聽
G-Man eventually looks down to see K!Gordos, smiling brightly at him before explaining to them: "Oh! I'm not Dr.Freeman, that's my dad! He's not here right now, but I'm happy to tell him whatever you need! I'm actually just Gordon by the way!! :D"
聽Of course, G-Man is beyond confused by this and their mind is suddenly flooded with a million thoughts: 'exactly whose kid was this and why was he left alone during the Resonance Cascade? Why would they even teleport here, they're pretty sure they double checked their coordinates...Was there maybe an error? Where was Freeman? Was this Freeman's son, did Freeman even have a son? What exactly is going on?'-Their frantic thoughts suddenly came to a halt thanks to Benrey, catching them off-guard as they put a hand on their shoulder, telling them "oh shit you didn't know? Freeman's funsized now dude."
That was the last straw and immediately G-Man unfreezes time.聽
Extremely lost and desperate for any sort of answer they go up to Tommy, hoping that they can explain what's going on; They do鈥UT for some odd reason, they still cannot grasp the current situation. Nevertheless, for their sanity, and others', they just simply pretend that they have a tiny sliver of comprehension.聽
TL;DR: Whenever it comes to K!Gordos, G-Man's brain is just completely fried no matter what
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spectrumspace 3 years
*teleports behind you* heh. . . idiot
*freezes time like a cool tough anime dude*
*meticulously arranges a bunch of knives in the air like a really uncool nerd so you get stabbed in the shape of the kanji that make up my name*
*has to go to the store for more knives because my name is really long but still leaves the cashier (who is also frozen in time) the money like a good and moral person who values their work*
*unfreezes time like a cool tough anime dude* nothing personnel. . . kid. . .
*pretends not to realize in the days afterwards that I could've just stabbed you myself with one knife in much less time with much less effort while time was frozen*
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