#just that they meant a lot to me but theyre gone...
lunarsapphism · 11 months
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aashiqvi · 1 year
I actually want to go ghost on social medias over summer. I had a rlyyy good term at uni :-) but i have some things i wanna focus on BUT ITS JUST SUCH. ! A commitment. But would be good for me.
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quinnonimp · 8 months
We Watch the Clouds & Stars: an OriginsSMP TNTduo Comic ☁️💫 | Anecdote: Awake or Alive [part 1/?]
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content warning: discussion of death and afterlife
read left to right
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hello !!!!!!!!! im back on the grid again and with a bang, here to deliver a comic ive been working on since september ! its gonna be pretty messy, inconsistent, and just purely me having fun . therell be a lot of things ive thought through thoroughly, and therell be some things i forgot to even existed ! all in all this is a comic about a character whos been gone for a year and one that doesnt even exist, so its all built from me being silly
there will be sensitive topics discussed or depicted ! those will have a warning placed beforehand for each update, even though many of these things are meant to be up to interpretation or implied . some anecdotes ive written have been quite heavy though, so if i end up finishing them, listen to the content warnings
this will be a non-linear story, so instead of chapters i have named them anecdotes . they will be moreso bits and pieces of my o!quackity and o!wilbur's lives, specifically of them together, so some parts will be before or after others . some parts will reference each other, or foreshadow, but u likely wont need to read the anecdotes in any specific order
^ and so, because of this, the dynamics of wwtc&s!tntduo will change and will be inconsistent, just as what happens with real people if u look into random pockets of their life . some anecdotes theyll be more comfortable with each other, some theyll be more spiteful, some theyll be more awkward, etc. especially since oquackity has no character and owilbur is underdeveloped
this comic is a lot about change but also keeping familiarity in said change, which is totally not just an excuse for my inconsistent ass nope nuh-nuh. this time its actually relevant to the characters !!!!
and YEAH . i am doing all this just bc cc!quackity mentioned in the 2021 wine stream that he was in the originssmp discord and wanted to actually play but never did . im still mad abt it so ive decided to just make shit up now 👍
by the way !!!!!!!!! the big wings wilbur has on the cover r actually not canon anymore . Lol . i drew that before i had a more concrete idea of the comic and its concepts, but i really didnt feel like editing it (the tail is also missing), so i kept it cause idrc FDKDFKJ
i may draw him with wings again sometime just bc i really like it, but for the sake of story - know that theyre not canon, and that his cloak compensates for his lack of wings
there is likely more for me to explain, but rn im all over the place so i dont really remember what ! the next part will probs be up tomorrow or so, im not sure . really hope u guys enjoy
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strawbubbysugar · 7 months
Lots of questions time! (o^▽^o)
1. Genuinely curious about this.
If Sun had several night stands before because he was a party boy,did that affect his love for the pry/ncess or not? Was it something to move on since Moon was meant to marry them in the first place?
Or was it just because the moment called it?
Also does your version of the Pry/ncess mind it at all? Sun being a party boy and finding out about hsi times at the frontiers?
2.Since Moon is a fan of astrology,would he have a favourite constellation that he can think of?
Or perhaps would associate his Brother with,or even the Pry/ncess?
Like putting little memories behind them,and choosing that constellation as their resemblence,because it sounds like such a cute idea,I couldn't handle it!
3.What's your favourite character in Bethroned if you have any,that you enjoyed writing so much that it meant a lot to you personally?
4.How come that in the human's kingdom,the towns are named after Afton's children if he didn't really treasure most of them? Is there a specific scheme behind it? That he tried to keep hidden from the people?
5.What was Sun's opinion on the arranged marriage between Moon and the Pry/ncess.
If Moon was still alive and separated of course,and he would get to witness the wedding. What would he feel at that moment?
5. Do you have any voice claim for Moon other than the one in-game?
6.If your version of the Pry/ncess had a favourite flower in this world,what would it be?
7.If Sun ahd the opportunity to make friends,was Moon able to do the same for example when the Pry/ncess was gone?
Or did he just remain lonely in his tower?
8.Do you have any examples of what Sun and Moon's rooms look like through text or image? Still have some trouble visioning them,having a proper image of how it looks like.
9: What's your opinion on the "Enemies to Lovers" trope.
10.Would the Pry/ncess ever ask the twins the question "Would you love me as a worm" unironically to see their reaction?
If so what would that be?
Annnnd that's about it,thank you for your attention and HOPE YOU ENJOYED YOUR VACATION AND HALLOWEEN PARTY. <33
It did not! Sun is a man with a lot of love to give, and while he did love the people he shared his time with, it wasnt the same sort of feeling you gave him. It was an attempt from him to move on, yes!
His favourite is the andromeda constellation, by far
3. The Pry/ncess. I hadnt expected to start loving them so much, but theyre a much more complex character than I had originally planned. They are my wet cat baby girl who just wants a break and im obsessed with them
4. Public Image. Naming towns after your children and the man you usurped helps make you look like a much kinder man than you are
5. Trevor Belmont from Castlevania! Here!
6. A Dahlia, hands down (though theyre also partial to thistles)
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7. Moon has a hard time making friends, and an even harder time when his brother isnt there to break the ice for him. He's friendly with a few of the servants and other working class people in the castle, but after the incident, that was over.
8. Here ya go!! Theyre super super rough, I may clean them up someday but for now- here ya go!
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10. They'd ask it jokingly while genuinely wanting to know their answer. Sun would say yes before they even finished asking, and would go on to talk about how hed make you a nice little worm house and find you the best dirt. Moon would ask why you became a worm, if you still have thoughts, if you can explain to him that you are yourself when he comes across you as a worm, etc. After answering all your questions he'd tell you that hed put you in the garden. Where worms go.
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gayfrogcoven · 3 months
hello beloved mutuals u’ll never guess what character this post is about. to celebrate the episode betty’s ten year anniversary of existence here is a annotation of sorts (?) of my betty playlist (<- talking to empty audience) warning this makes increasingly less sense
starting off strong with betty (a little bit of madness) by half shy !!!!! we dont appreciate this song enough THERE IS A SONG ABT HER !!!!!! BY SOMEONE WHO WROTE MUSIC FOR THE SHOW :3 dont even have to say anything abt this one
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the deal by mitski !! this one is just sooo betty fusing with golb ok trust me
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& by tally hall!! this one is solely for the outro tbh 😭 BIG BAD BETTY OF THE POCALYPSE, SHE OPENS HER LIPS AND IT GOES LIKE THIS ‼️🔥🔥
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curses by the crane wives! I JUST THINK IT FITS OK :3 the devils after both of ussss OUGHGUH
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no eyed girl by lemon demon, gonna be so real idk how to explain this one. we’re just vibing
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i’m your man by mitski. yes theres a lot of mitski. this is on my petrigrof playlist as well and i think it could be from either pov tbh. LIKE the first verse is betty i think and the second is simon’s suicidal ass in fionna and cake
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running up that hill (a deal with god) by kate bush :3 this ones just OBVIOUSSS id make a deal with god… GET HIM TO SWAP OUR PLACES…..
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my girlfriend is a witch by october country ! just for sillies. magic betty ily forever and ever
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love, me normally by will wood! dont know how to explain this one either tbh bc will wood lyrics scramble my brain but in a pleasant way. idk i just think shes full of autism and also magic insanity
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sick of losing soulmates by dodie! OUGHGHG. another more petrigrof centered one but mannn . I CAN FINALLY SEE UR AS FUCKED UP AS ME SO HOW DO WE WIN. I WONT TAKE NO FOR AN ANSWER. lighting myself on fire
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death thrice dawn by the scary jokes! ngl i dont remember adding this one but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ tossing this verse at u
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wife by mitski!!!! is this a stretch. idc idc. ur home to mee if i am not urs what am iiii
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goodbye, my danish sweetheart by mitski !! guhh magic betty and “i’m sure that uve seen what its done to my heart” and “im not the girl i ought to be” and “you can tell them what u saw in me and not the way i am” ☹️ ANDDD could we just be what we’re meant to be, im just about to beg u pleaseew ☹️💔
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i guess by mitski GODDDD so proud of her for moving on and idk learning to pass the bechdel test i GUESS but im GOINJ TO EAT FIBERGLASS
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ANDDD THATS THE END !!! FOR NOW !!! there will be more songs on this playlist later :3 if u read this ily and i will probably do this w/ my petrigrof playlist at some point :3
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rvb-is-gay · 25 days
Final Thoughts on RVB Restoration
(note that i did not bother with proper punctuation here and additional thoughts may be added later)
wow. i have A LOT to say about this
first, lets start with the things i really liked about this finale:
red team fight scenes. simmons and grif fighting the meta was so good, especially simmons being SO BADASS. simmons stans were fed well. i always love seeing the reds and blues fighting, even if theyre not good, as opposed to freelancers fighting
caboose did a lot and i think had some solid development (as much as he could get in only an hour and 25 mins, at least) and it seems like they made him less dumb?? which is fine with me, it almost seemed like he matured. i also kinda liked seeing caboose being thrown around and beaten up cause it HURT ME SO MUCH but i love being hurt (i love caboose this isnt meant to be an insult to him). it was also just so surreal seeing caboose actually being hurt in an animation because he always managed to avoid major beatings like that before. him and tucker having a brief moment together was soul crushing and i wish we couldve had more of that
tucker being influenced by the meta has been a thing since the s13 finale and seeing it actually happen was really cool
tex being brought back was kind of a meh thing for me. i think everything tex related shouldve just been left in s10 because that season really wrapped it all up nicely. i did enjoy having her back, though, just for the sake of her as a character cuz i love her. and her and church together was so fucking cute and heartbreaking
sarge dying to save caboose was obviously fucking SADDENING but also sweet in a way cause i love caboose being the honorary red member. he loves his blue son
again, simmons being a badass was so fucking good
the grimmons scene with grif saying "come with me" was romantic as hell 😭😭😭
churchs gay little pose
chex scene with tex holding churchs hand was so gjfHDJSAFKGHSDJFSDFKAS GODDDDD THIS M/F SHIP HAS ME IN A CHOKEHOLD
now, the things i DIDNT like:
really unfortunate that the movie/season was only 1 hr 25 mins. it really limited what they could do with the plot and characters, but i understand if it wasnt possible for RT to do more due to warner bros for example
churchs whole youtube video thing was kinda funny but also dragged on for too long and was the perfect example of "show dont tell" NOT being implemented
a lot of stuff felt ooc, like how the reds didnt wanna help caboose at all. the beginning with epsilon showing up was understandable with how they didnt want to get involved, but later on the ship they just leave caboose to be choked out by the meta? THAT part didnt feel like the reds at all. grif also for some reason was so fucking mad and yelling a lot? idk where all that came from? it was so random like grif chill dude 😭
wash just being stuck in a mental hospital for something we dont even find out about until the end, which in a story sense isnt inherently bad obviously and can really add to the narrative, but in this case it just felt so confusing and like it didnt make sense. why would carolina and the reds and blues just let that happen to wash? not to say that getting help with mental health is bad or anything, just what i mean is they dont seem to care that hes gone or anything and dont visit him and hes treated like hes crazy the whole time hes in the hospital
479er being alive was really awesome, but it came out of nowhere (i understand that this is also probably due to the runtime restraint)
WHERE THE HELL WERE DONUT AND LOPEZ THE WHOLE TIME???? lopez showed up once and donut was in a 5 second thought bubble from simmons? the FINAL season of rvb and they dont even have the full crew of characters fighting together one last time? nobody talked about them at all? come on guys
the beginning with the convention was just really unnecessary and boring
why does nobody seem to care that TUCKER IS MISSING WITH MAINES ARMOR?? it feels like everyone just got brainwashed to forget about all the years they spent being friends
what was the deal with the covid jokes 💀
sarge wouldve never let himself die to a blue
doc just dies offscreen and its only vaguely mentioned at the very end and just happened out of nowhere, almost as an excuse for wash to not be present during everything with the meta?
where the hell has carolina been? she was never mentioned once until she showed up at the end
why why WHY did GRIF LEAVE??? i know season 15 was retconned, but the fact that he CARES ABOUT HIS FRIENDS and doesnt actually want to leave them unlike what he says shouldnt have just been forgotten about. AND SIMMONS JUST DOESNT WANNA GO TO EARTH TO VISIT? HELLO THIS IS NOT THE SAME GRIF AND SIMMONS WE'VE BEEN WITH ALL THESE YEARS. wheres that tweet saying "found family separating after the journey is bs" cause thats how i feel about that. 21 years spent building up these amazing relationships between these amazing characters just for them to seemingly not give a shit about each other?? is simmons just alone in blood gulch with tucker and caboose now?? 💀💀💀
i understand because he was the meta, tucker didnt have control, but it was still unfortunate to barely have any tucker this season
i understand that the meta was a threat to everybodys lives, but it feels like everyone was just ok with killing tucker to be able to kill the meta. it wouldve been so much better and angstier if they were having difficulties with it because thats their friend
why did one have to show up. i dont really have anything personal against her as a character or anything but i wouldve really preferred any and all things related to zero to just be wiped off the face of the planet
the music was just terrible. really unfortunate they wouldnt have trocadero return :( it felt so unnerving having this weird stock music playing whenever people were just standing and talking. throughout all of rvb, 99% of the standing talking scenes never had any music so this was so bizarre
some animated scenes looked really off, idk if it was just me
one personal gripe i have that doesnt actually really matter that much to the overall season, but it really bothered me, is that that IS NOT HOW THE BUBBLE SHIELD WORKS!!! i think technically we've never actually seen the bubble shield be entered or exited on screen so i guess you could argue that it works differently from how they work in halo? idk still bothered me
this season in general just felt like an AU?? even 15 through 17 felt more real as seasons of rvb than this did, and i HATED season 16, so thats saying something
and of course, grimmons. big congrats to RT for the longest queerbaited couple in i think tv show history. this one really pisses me off the most because just. how. theres a difference between a queer ship existing because people like it, and a queer ship existing because there was actual subtext and clues and their relationship is written so perfectly and its been around for so long that so many queer people came to really love and identify with it in spite of how shitty they were treated. idc, grimmons is canon in all of our hearts, fuck that
a great point from mod janae: the whole point of rvb, which aiden price even talks about, is that they come together as friends/family and even though they individually suck, together they can do anything, and a better ending wouldve been not to bring back tex carolina or even wash but to have gotten all the reds and blues back together to stop the meta. it was never about being the strongest but about working together
in general, i did not like the season. it had a few things i liked, but obviously the cons outweigh the pros here and so overall, i hated it. i mightve hated it even more than season 16 which is insane because ill fight tooth and nail for why season 16 is such a catastrophe. really disappointing that this is how rvb ends. i wouldve much preferred a cheesy "friendship defeats the bad guy and saves the day" ending because that IS what rvb is to a degree. anyways i understand how GOT fans feel now
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arkytiorwrites · 2 years
Never Again
Sherlock Holmes x Reader x John Watson
My first BBC Sherlock post, and of course it’s a poly. Because who wouldn’t want them both?
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I crept up the stairs to the flat of my boyfriends as silently as I could; not wanting to summon their landlady, Mrs. Hudson. I liked the older woman a lot, but I wasn't in the mood for her now. Right now I needed John's tea and Sherlock's hugs if they were home.
Unlocking the door to the flat , it was quickly obvious that they were out. Their coats were gone and the flat was silent. I left my backpack, coat, and shoes in a pile under the coat rack and curled up in John's chair, pulling on the jumper discarded on the armrest.
God I was so tired.
I sleepily nuzzled the shoulder for the jumper and inhaled as much of John’s scent that I could. He smelled like maple wood, hot sand, and a dash of whiskey. It always reminded me of his silent strength somehow. That John would always be there.
I was unable to continue waxing poetic because I was asleep after a few minutes.
. . .
Sherlock followed John up the stairs home in what John liked to call a 'strop’. Lestrade had called them both away from Baker Street for a case that hadn’t even been a four! Sherlock was even stroppier than normal because their wonderful partner, Y/N, would be coming home from their visit to America today and they both had wanted to be there to welcome them back. Instead, they were probably already back and had come home to a cold, empty flat. Sherlock nearly crashed into John where he had frozen in the doorway.
"John, what are you -"
" Sh!" the doctor scolded, reaching back and swatting vaguely at the lanky detective.
Looking over John, he finally saw what had caused his lover to try and shush him. Y/N had curled up and fallen asleep in John's armchair, but if that wasn't adorable enough, they had put on the dark blue jumper John had discarded earlier that afternoon.
The two men tiptoed toward their love, John crouching down in front and Sherlock kneeling at their feet.
" Baby? Wake up sweetheart," John softly urged.
Shifting a bit and letting out a soft kitten mewl, Y/N’s eyes fluttered and lit up the moment they saw the doctor.
"John?” they asked softly.
"Hi, love," he smiled reaching out and gently brushing their cheek.
They gave the ash-blond man a sleepy smile before looking around the room until they spotted the detective.
"Hello, darling," he murmured, reaching out and gently rubbing their calf in a rare show of affection.
They yawned cutely before asking, "How was the case?"
"It wasn't even a four," Sherlock sniffed, standing and taking off his coat and scarf, hanging them on the coat rack.
"Which never a good thing for Greg,” John sighed standing as well.
"Tea?" he offered as the tempemental detective aggressively flopped onto the couch.
"If you don't mind," Y/N mumbled sleepily sitting up and rubbing their eyes.
John leaned down and pressed a soft kiss to his partner's forchread before going to the kitchen.
Y/N stood from the doctors chair and shuffled over to the couch, where Sherlock sat in one of his many thinking poses. At Y/N’s approach, however, he held out an arm in clear invitation and the young American happily snuggled into his side. Sherlock tugged them closer and rested his cheek on their head.
"How was Oregon?" he asked quietly.
“Wet, windy, cold. The usual," they quipped.
"You know what I meant,” the brunet scolded.
"Not any different then when I left three years ago. Hannah’s got herself a contract. Rosemary and the other's are still at home. Mom and Dad haven’t changed theyre just a bit grayer now,” Y/N shrugged. "But I'd forgotten how beautiful it is in spring over there."
Sherlock hummed noncommittally before the two lapsed into a comfortable silence.
A few minutes later, John emerged from the kitchen with two mugs of tea. He doled them out accordingly, giving the loves of his life a kiss each before going back for his own own. He came back and sat on Y/N’s unoccupied side, the three of them happy together.
"You are not allowed to leave us for that long ever again,” Sherlock announced just as Y/N was beginning to drift off again.
“I was only gone for two weeks,” they mumbled, confused.
"Exactly. Far too long," John agreed, nodding seriously.
Y/N playfully groaned as they said, "Of course, I would somehow and up with the most clingy boyfriends in all of the UK."
“You love us, " Sherlock snorted.
“Yeah," they agreed, happily snuggling into the self proclaimed sociopath’s shoulder. "I do."
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infini-tree · 1 year
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now for something completely different (and something of a third anniversary post)!
as i’ve stated once in a while about the music room scene in the comic: it was one of several scenes i’ve been extremely excited to draw. its gone through a lot of revisions, which is detailed here.
it, along with captain’s first appearance was literally one of several reasons why this part of sticky notes au exists as a comic as opposed to just writing it as a fanfic. sure, it may have taken less time to write, but words can’t really compare to the buildup, gutpunch, and subsequent tone shift that came with that one scene.
i’ve literally been revising this one specific part since october 2020, which puts into perspective as to how long i agonized over it (for reference, the scene went live online in fall 2022*). so have that process to the lead-up to the snap.
* (disclaimer: a good chunk of the scene was in my drafts for months prior to its posting, but you get the idea.)
late 2020 (pics 1-2): 
the original plan was for krupp to fall. i never figured out how or why-- maybe he just slipped on some vc-barf! i think some versions had him additionally fall back into the stairs as a result of that. but in that moment the boys just took advantage of that moment and snapped their fingers to switch him over before he hit the ground. this was also back when krupp also knew the method of switching, hence his hands in the first pic.
early 2021 (pics 3-5): 
still had the concept of krupp knowing about snapping, but i swapped it to the idea to him learning it right at the moment before he switches over in the coming months. early sticky notes krupp and captain are learning how this works and having their initial assumptions about the other challenged, so i figured it would be the more appropriate story beat for the whole thing at the time.
i don’t remember the context of the comic thumbnails in the 4th photo, i think i was just playing with how the snap itself was going to be illustrated. but the right panel was a different version of it. krupp was initially supposed to say... something. i don’t think i planned that out in specifics, but the point was that he was supposed to be genuinely afraid. the hand was going to come into view, and was blurry. when it snaps, the hand is the one in focus and krupp is blurry. the change in focus is all symbolic. here’s my original commentary on the subject:
theres going to be a future page where the boys start talking but it just continues to linger on krupp's pov for a lil bit and how he feels abt the boys just being v casual and callous about the fact that theyre making him fight a monster (semantics about how its CAPTAIN whos gonna fight notwithstanding)
before yanking the pov back to the boys for some sweet sweet dissonance
a version of this dissonance does make it in the final comic, so there’s that.
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2022 (pics 6-9): 
we’re almost there folks. the trio of poses (and gif made of those 3 poses) was from a version of events that had less block-busting. basically, the gag eel was at the door much sooner, and running out of options, the boys essentially say “the stealthy [prank] option isn’t working, he’s dry enough, we have to do it now”. krupp is confused and panicked on the fact that there’s a monster and this whole bit in the music room was a set-up. 
he starts panicking and hurling accusations/theories about how they did it. he even had a throwaway line along the lines of “did you steal one of melvin’s inventions [to make me into captain]”. that line was immediately scrapped since mentioning him felt a little out of left field at this point of the story and i wanted to keep the scope small.
while in this version of the thumbnails, the frames were meant to gradually zoom in to krupp’s face, i did do a set of full body poses just in case i did want something more than a waist up... mostly to make sure if krupp’s pose and hand placement could be feasible
note the fact that he’s covering his head but not his ears. he’s really working off of assumptions
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morgombie · 1 month
Hiiii. I'm just here to hear about your current favorite fantroll/fantrolls. I like hearing people infodump and I wanna learn more about your babies <3 Who's rotating in your brain rn?
this ask is from forever ago im so sorry ToT but i was waitin to answer till i had the brain capacity to think on it
rn the trolls in my brain are izmera, baster, and rhiati... i love those guys :'3 mostly thinking about rhiati at the moment
i dont explore my characters stories suuper in depth on the blog, as most of the interactions and lore talk is done on discord, but i do like rambling abt them any chance i get! and i have a lot of big feelings on the intricate detailing of each of their stories... more + extra art under the cut :]
rhiati's story was written originally as a tragedy; they were never meant to survive the virus taking over their mind and body, and they were doomed to become the monster they always feared they would. now, however, their fate is up in the air--my friends and i have spoken a lot about a potential cure, and so i might play with that :] but definitely not until after rhia has gone through everything i have planned for them JKHDG their story may have a happy ending, or it may not, but its meant to be tragic nonetheless
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i love them very dearly... i say as i put them through the horrors KJFHDGDG but its true!!!
currently in their story, rhia's moirial, aselin, is housing them in their hive on the outskirts of town. aselin is within a sort of guild that hunts shadow droppers, and rhia got involved one day by not listening to aselin's warnings to stay away. they got attacked and subsequently bit by one of the monsters, and have since been hiding out in aselin's hive as the two try their best to maneuver their situation
eventually, as rhia's infection gets worse, and it gets harder to hide the fact that theyre turning, the guild catches wind of whats going on and the two moirails flee for rhiati's life. from there, the story is less concrete as rhia's fate isnt yet decided, but they end up on the run for either the remainder of rhia's life (likely a few months before they fully turn), or until they find/make a cure :]
there's obviously a bunch of detail ive left out, but thats the general gist! these 2 make me emotional.....................
i could go on about the other trolls i have as well but... i shant or this ask will be 89474867 pages long LMAO TY FOR THE ASK <33
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tillthelandslide · 1 year
Insufferable Arsehole Head canons
a/n: okay so i randomly had this idea and i'm aware most people wont be interested in the slightest but i just had to write it, for myself more than anything haha. So I was thinking about the character Lou within my Matty series "insufferable arsehole" and i was thinking about her relationship/friendships with the guys and decided to do some head canons for each of the boys... enjoy if you do read haha
Special thanks goes to @poisonmedaddy13 aka my wonderful support system on here :) thank you for helping me with this, for not shutting down my ideas and for having my back
Part 5 will be posted soon so keep your eyes peeled if you're interested :)
You can read the series here
George has been her best friend since diapers, they've gone through every aspect of their lives together, that fact alone means that they're bonded for life
They know every minute detail about each other
She thinks he probably knows her better than anyone
He's the one person in her life who has been a steady unwavering support
He's her rock, the person she knows she can go to for everything, for advice, for comfort for laughs, anything
they have to deal with lots of people assuming they're something more and it has got a bit tiring over the years but theyre kind of used to it by now
she knows he would jump in front of a train if it meant she lived
he would hurt anyone who hurts her and has come close to beating up ex's of hers that have been douches (and has punched a fair few of them)
she's the first he shares lyrics with or song concepts (even more matty sometimes)
they both felt that because they were so close, whatever one was feeling, the other felt too
not a day went by where they didnt talk, even when they weren't together, on opposite sides of the world, they would still talk
there was this one time: when they were around 16 maybe 17, g had organised this big surprise party for her birthday, it was absolutely amazing, he had managed to get a fuck ton of beer and weed from an older friend, his garden was full to the brim of all of their friends, some people she didnt know (not that it matter). but despite it being HER birthday party, he had invited matty who at some point in the night had said something about how the dress she was wearing would make all the guys think she was an easy fuck... she remembered how her best friend (a very drunk and high george) had laughed at mattys words... they didn't talk for weeks after that until one day her lanky friend appeared at her door, begging on his hands and knees to forgive him, saying how much of a prick he had been and how much he had missed her. somehow they grew closer after that, he would always have her back and she never questioned that.
they have their own handsake and george knows her disdain for something by one simple fact: she will crinkle her nose up at him, he'd do it back and then they'd laugh about it... it was their thing
she was practically his sister
nicknames they have for each other: G, Georgie (he doesn't like this too much), he calls her Lou ofc, also pumpkin (when she was sad or needed comfort),
ross and lou grew close when they were kids, they were never as close as G and Lou (basically impossible to be) but there friendship was different
ross feels like the person she goes to when she doesn't even know she needs him
he's always there for her: always
he knows whats wrong before she does most of the time
they're relationship has the same vibe as ross x matty, that kind of intense platonic love
he's her cuddle bear, someone who gives amazing hugs, the kind that heal her
again she knew he'd die for her and she would for him
he was one of the best things that had ever happened to her, she know if she were to have kids he'd be the god father
she was his wingwoman most of the time, always trying to find a partner who was deserving of his love, someone who would love him the way he needed to be loved
he felt like her platonic soulmate, someone that made her soul happy
buttttt.... when they were younger they did used to flirt... like ALOT and people often thought they were together bc of this... they got drunk at a party once a shared quite a steamy kiss (they would take this to their graves btw) but over time it kind of just fizzled out and was replaced with this platonic love, he was enamored with her regardless
they were often childish with each other, he'd carry her around the empty stages on his back, so she began calling him "monkey man" not only bc he was freaking tall but because she clung to him like a monkey
nickanmes: lou would call him: monkeyman, macdonald, mr macdonald, he calls her: sweetcheeks, rockstar, cool kid, sweetheart
now adam and lou aren't as close as lou x george and lou x ross but he's still one of her best friends
adam is the person she goes to if she needs an honest opinion, he is the The “tell it like it is” friend and she is so appreciative of that: often the other boys' opinions can be clouded by how much they love her, adam always had a fair mind about her
And tbh she was that for him too, he remembers when he confided in Lou about his worries about carly in his relationship (very early on in their relationship), he told her how he was worried carly would leave him becuase they could never have a 'normal' relationship, they'd always be on tour, swarmed with fans, fans who (despite their sweet intentions) would always want to know everything about their relationship, Lou all but smacked him round the head, telling him he was being ridiculous, that he'd never find another like carly, someone who was so loving and accepting of everyone she met, told him he might as well marry her and that his thoughts although valid, were just thoughts, and that the realistic state of things was that carly was going to love him regardless.
he is someone who watches on the sidelines, showering her with love and affection and his admiration in his own way, often by doing simple things like "i got you xyz thing because i remember you mentioned it"
he loves how she makes carly feel welcome, always the first to talk to her and ask how she is (carly and hann and agreed that they'd ask her to be godmother)
he's not often one to be cuddly with her but when he is it means so much more
they are the type of friends who dont have superficial conversations, their conversations are much more meaningful than that
he knows she'd do anything to protect him, carly and the baby that is on the way and is so thankful to her for that
she likes how in depth their conversations are, everyone knows hann as this guy that doesn't talk much but the two of them often talks for hours
he's one of those friends that tells these cracking jokes out of the blue that makes everyone die of laughter
nicknames: she ofc calls him Hann, she teasingly starts calling him daddy, he mainly calls her Lou tbh, sometimes calls her rockstar too
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bathroomtrapped · 8 days
ohmygod i literally just made an account on letterboxd bc i watched saw (2004) and loved it so much and ur interview was so inspiring to me and ive been on an absolute craze trying to reblog like every single saw post on tumblr and i somehow found your account what the heck?!!?!?! ur art is AMAZING and i absolutely love ur takes on saw as a franchise and its significance to the queer community. i hope to be as knowledgeable of this franchise as you are one day despite me only being a baby saw fan!!
i had a quick question; i found on the saw heritage post blog that they thought leigh/james/someone else confirmed that saw (2004) did not actually occur the day before 9/11 despite the phone given to them being set to that date. however, when i asked them if they knew where this source was from (bc im so curious!!! i want to know everything!!!!!!) but neither they nor i could find the actual source for that so i was wondering if maybe u knew??? just curious :3
regardless ty for taking the time to read this and dedicating so much time to this fandom!! i love that horror fans like you exist in a fandom that i previously thought would be weird and slightly disturbed film bros (i had a lot of incorrect preconceived notions about saw that have been quickly resolved i promise)
thank you!! im glad that people feel the same way about it as i do but even if people thought i was some crazy transexual making everyone else woke and pronouns, i wouldnt care. the story, especially lawrences but adams as well, really resonates with me as a trans person for so so many reasons, more than i listed in the interview. to me, i cant read his character without filling in the gaps with trans subtext. it not only explains but also enriches the personal experiences of these characters as well as their dynamics with each other. theyre both characters that are defined primarily by how theyre seen by other people, themselves, and eventually each other. the narrative is soooo focused on perception and masks and who u truly are, i find it hard to separate any kind of queer theory from that.
as for the 9/11 question thats such a dumbass pet peeve of mine. its one of the things that makes me shout UMMMM ACTUALLY at the top of my lungs. my blood pressure sours to inhuman levels when someone confidently says the movie takes place not just in 2001 but the day before 9/11. not because of some interview or confirmation from any of the crew because my knowledge of old fandom history is incredibly spotty. old sites and interviews r a mystery to me for the most part BUT! the reason it is for sure not before 9/11 is because during the flashback of pauls trap (during lawrences monologue about jigsaw) kerry tapp and sing are all at the scene with other officers and i believe its kerry who holds up an evidence bag thats labeled 2004. the scene takes place 5 months before the events of saw 1 so its not possible that it takes place 3 years before that. it just seemed like a funny (but insanely bold considering how 9/11 was only 3 years before) joke and easter egg for people to catch on to, not actual lore meant to be taken seriously.
if u want to look for the interview, i would honestly just listen to the commentary tracks bc it mightve been said there. i know in the one with leigh, james, and cary they discuss plot holes fans complained about, questions fans had online, the fanfic they read (briefly LOL). ive only seen that one (and once) but theres at least 2 other commentary tracks with different people that i havent gotten around to for fear of like. completing saw? idk i cant bring myself to watch all of the commentary tracks but theres a chance they discuss it there! i can only speculate on the reason, all i know is that saw 2004 takes place in 2004 based on actual evidence from the media itself
if u have any other questions let me know. i still have the original draft of the interview which had more questions and longer responses bc i couldve gone on for days abt the lore and saw queer theory and ill never shut up about it
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u only write top reader!!!! i think this is my first time seeing someone only write top reader. lowkey refreshing.. i dont like bottom/sub reader much:/ btw i love ur fics sm theyre so good<3
could i request a smut with bottom!sub!chan, top!dom!reader where reader ties chan's wrists to the bed and blindfolds him so hes extra sensitive plssss
bonus points for a kink for marking (like hickies) or chest play
sry if its a lot my brainrot is horrible, just do whatever ur comfortable w/!! anything is amazing lmao
I-... I tried, okay 😔
|Bang Chan x Top!Male!Reader|
|A New Play|
Content Warning; sensory deprivation (bondage & blindfold), nipple play, marking kink, nicknames (baby boy, puppy, darling), mentions of a safeword.
Word Count; 1.5k
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(M/n) was sitting on Chan's bed, resting against the headboard, just chilling in his partner's room. Surprisingly, with nothing much to do for the day, Chan was finally taking a break from working on music and was enjoying his time playing some games.
They were completely silent, not a single sound coming from the room and the whole dorm. Hyunjin had gone out to buy more art supplies, while Jisung and Changbin went to the agency. Jisung wanted to work on a song while Changbin went to exercise, leaving Chan and (M/n) alone.
Blinking a few times, (M/n) looked up from his phone, his attention now fully on Chan who had just called his name.
"Yeah, darling?" He asked, observing the shy smile that grew on Chan's face at the cute name. He shifted around on his chair until he was facing the (h/c)-haired male, fiddling with his fingers.
"I wanna try something... new," the tone of his voice was enough indication for (M/n) to know what he meant. He couldn't contain the smirk from growing on his face, now interested in what Chan wanted, setting his phone down, he leaned forward closer to him, his side pressing against the table on the right side of the bed.
"Well, what do you wanna try?" Without uttering a word but with an obvious blush, Chan stood up from the chair and walked toward his drawer, taking something out while (M/n) kept his eyes locked on his frame, silently waiting for him to turn around.
When he did, (M/n)'s eyebrows shot up. Chan was holding a red rope and a black blindfold. With an amused look in his eyes, (M/n) leaned back, holding himself with his hands on the bed.
"You wanna use those on me, or want me to use them on you?" (M/n)'s flirtatious teasing made Chan flustered, squirming in place and trying to maintain eye contact with him.
"I want... you to use them on... me," he answered in a whisper, shyly looking down.
(M/n) stood up from the bed and stood in front of Chan, lifting his head with his thumb and index finger placed on his chin, "You remember your safeword?" Chan nodded with a dazed look in his eyes, his sight locked staring at (M/n)'s lips, who leaned down and gave him a small kiss, "Good boy, now..." His hands slowly took the rope and blindfold from Chan's hands, stroking his hips gently with his free hand, "Get on the bed, sweetie."
Gentle kisses and feather-like touches were left on Chan's body, electing gasps and soft whines out of him, his beautiful lips swollen from all their kissing.
Backing away slightly to admire the male under him, his fingers caressed his wrists, tied together fully trusting that Chan would not lower them, he was more of an obedient type when it came to bedroom activities, not a big fan of being a brat. (M/n)'s fingertips touched his skin, all the way down to his shoulders, gracing his skin and up to hold his face.
He smiled when he saw Chan's body trembling, the silk blindfold over his eyes making it impossible for him to know where (M/n) would touch him, making him more sensitive, his senses on high alert as he tried -but failed- to guess what his boyfriend would do.
Leaning closer to him, (M/n) pressed his lips on Chan's, a muffled whimper escaping him. He squirmed on the bed, letting out soft moans against (M/n)'s mouth, squirming on the bed and bucking his hips up, in an attempt to get some kind of friction. And that desire was, somehow, granted to him.
(M/n)'s hands had moved down his chest, his index finger and thumb gently pinching his left nipple while his free hand reached down his abdomen, further down his navel, his touch a simple grace on his wet tip. Humming, (M/n) broke their kiss, looking down briefly to see just how much pre-cum was oozing out of Chan's slit.
He was left amused when he saw a small puddle forming on his lower abdomen, and he couldn't hold back a chuckle.
"Well, looks like someone is eager, hm?" Chan whined and squirmed on the bed, his arms moving but he didn't attempt to lower them, "Tell me, puppy, what do you want?"
Teasingly, (M/n) had moved his hand further down between Chan's legs, and his wet fingers were now pressing on his twitching hole, swirling it around, enjoying the whimper his boyfriend released at his touch.
"I want y-you... to fuck me..." He said in a whisper, loud enough for (M/n) to hear him, but he wanted to tease him a little bit more, a flustered Chan was always a delightful sight after all.
"Hmm? Sorry, beautiful, I didn't hear you," leaning down again, (M/n) placed a few kisses and gentle bites on Chan's chest, making his way up his neck, his fingers pressing a little bit harder which earned him a louder whimper from Chan.
"Please, (M/n)... fuck me, I need you," damn, how can I resist such an erotic voice.
"There's no way I can say no to you, baby boy," releasing Chan's perky nipple, (M/n) reached for the lube bottle hidden behind a bunch of stuff on his bedside table, he opened it and squirted some on his fingers and Chan's puckered entrance.
Carefully, (M/n) pushed a finger inside him, slowly moving it around to not cause Chan any pain, maybe only a small discomfort. Letting out a short whine, Chan spread his legs further apart, slightly lifting them off the bed, feeling only a little bit embarrassed by his action, but also quite disappointed that he couldn't see (M/n)'s expression right now.
Within a few minutes, Chan was already impatiently squirming, feeling a knot in his lower abdomen as he try to hold in his orgasm. (M/n) had been teasing his prostate since the moment he reached it, muttering it'll help him loosen up and relax quicker, a dumb excuse to simply watch him writhe under him. (M/n) could see how he desperately wanted to lower his arms and take his blindfold off, but Chan was too good to do that.
Even if he knew he wouldn't be punished, he didn't like disobeying orders, especially if those came from (M/n).
Finally deciding Chan had enough teasing, (M/n) pulled his fingers out, lowering his boxer shorts enough to take his cock out, pumping it a few times, smearing the remaining lube on his fingers on it to ease the penetration.
Holding Chan's thighs and bending down, (M/n)'s warm breath hit his neck, his lips gracing the shell of his ear.
"You ready, darling?" Whining softly, Chan nodded, pressing his knees against (M/n)'s sides.
"Yes~," he said in a whisper.
Pushing his cock inside him slowly, (M/n) groaned as Chan clenched around him, throwing his head back and releasing a loud, high-pitched moan that almost made the (h/c)-haired male lose control over himself.
"Fuck- move, please, move..." He whimpered, his legs now wrapping themselves around (M/n)'s hips and holding his body close, making his cock push all the way inside Chan's body. The male under him arched his back off the bed, his mouth opened wide and his body quivered on the bed.
The feeling of something warm and wet on his abdomen was enough to let (M/n) know that Chan came.
He was really sensitive that day, and he was sure it was because of the blindfold and the restraint keeping his wrists tied together.
Chan's hands gripped the pillow under his head, his breath ragged and uneven, "Why are you... so big~?" He muttered while trying to regain his breathing, "Your cock feels so good, (M/n)~, I... need more of you," Chan's mind was foggy, his body tingling at how sensitive he felt, and he lowered his arms, gently holding (M/n)'s after touching him a little bit, his covered eyes making it a little hard for him to know where he was exactly, but he managed.
Leaning up, Chan kissed (M/n), pulling apart a few seconds later.
"Give me all of you, love," (M/n) took a deep breath at Chan's words, slowly but surely thrusting in and out of his body, making him moan against his lips.
The sight was too much for (M/n), seeing Chan with his mouth open, his swollen and shiny plump red lips, releasing the most erotic moans and whines made him groan with need. Holding Chan's wrists, (M/n) pinned his arms above his head, reaching down for his neck, sucking on his skin and leaving purple marks on his beautiful neck, down to his collarbones and chest, where he took his nipple in his mouth and played around with it, swirling his tongue and nibbling on the perky bud.
Chan's moans grew louder with each second, (M/n) relentless thrusts and mouth were the cause, his mind was numb, his eyes filling with tears that started to slide down the sides of his face.
One thing was clear tho...
Chan wouldn't mind doing this again.
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minnieposting · 27 days
hsr ramblings to get out of my system
sunday and aventurine focused. also about how sunday's totally dying in 2.2. and some other stuff
⚠️lots of talking out of one's own ass⚠️
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prefacing this with saying this is just my stream of consciousness tbh, things might be all over the place. i am again literally just talking out of my ass tbh! i love stories and thinking about narrative as a system, so ive been going a lil nuts with penacony and its characters
but i decided to write this because i keep realizing so many things about both sunday and aventurine. i've been making a huge list in my notes and mainly my head about it so lets just get into it...
1. my friend and i were talking about it being hinted that sunday is not his real name. when sunday is first introduced, we have the option to ask if everyone in the family has a strange name. march says it might just be a stage name.
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i've seen lots of talk about sunday's connection with dominicus, usually either about sunday actually being him or channeling him somehow. but either way, im very 👀👀
just earlier, i was thinking about how both sunday and aventurine are putting on grand final shows and how they're both bosses. the fact 'stage name' is being used here is very interesting in that case. just something im also very 👀👀 about
2. following up on aventurine and sunday and how they're both bosses putting on a 'show'... im now gonna talk abt their insane similarities and also their opposing traits. i feel like every single similarity i notice is also paired with an opposite
for example, their losses
sunday - older brother, lost his sister + family recently
aventurine - younger brother, lost his sister + family a long time ago
this is actually one of the reasons i think sunday will be gone forever 🫡 with the two of them being opposites, sunday is the older brother who won't survive, while aventurine is the younger brother who did. plus, if aven's sister is dead, and robin ends up being fine, that just further proves to me sunday has to die. theyre flipped!!
along with that, aventurine will come out of this fine, because we know he's blessed and he's said it himself, he always comes out as the final victor, and we see that he's coming out of this with a new reason to keep going. between sunday and aventurine, it's pretty clear who's going to come out on top. speaking in terms of their roles in the narrative again
which makes me curious about sunday's end goal, as we all must be... which brings me to
3. the shared goal of freedom
this actually expands to pretty much everyone. i noticed that freedom is a very big theme in penacony. prisoners were once held there, aventurine is a prisoner himself (both figuratively and literally), the family's shady shit as a whole and how some people are literally just being forced to stay, firefly's whole thing about feeling trapped, so on... and of course, there's aventurine again, with his thoughts of suicide and wanting to be free
a while ago i was thinking about all this in relation to sunday specifically, the family as a whole, and harmony specifically too. to unite as one harmonious beautiful being, free from chaos. i wonder if sunday's boss will be related to freeing people. it's clear he has connections to the order, which also doesn't welcome chaos and strife.
may be totally far fetched especially since the story will be complete in just a few days, but!! sunday boss being meant to get everyone absorbed into the choir, free from all those exact things. i think a lot about how the charmony festival invited out all the factions for the first time, but i'm not sure where to place it. could've just happened because 'the right time has finally come', aka, dominicus' arrival? whatever tho i have other things to talk about that im more excited over. sunday sacrificial lamb vibes? who knows
honorary mention to the siblings maybe feeling trapped by family, or actually straight up being trapped, WHO KNOWS! i dont know anything actually, i've never known a single fact in my life, but i will on may 8
4. more sunday aventurine similarities and opposites
- both described as madmen, sunday literally being told by ratio he needs to see a shrink because he thinks the same way as aventurine
- both extremely logical, always pulling damn tricks up their sleeves, infinite amount of room in those sleeves
- as mentioned before, both lost their sisters, although in a different order. both lost their parents around the same time though
- (from gagwanju on twt) aventurine utilizing and working with those around him to achieve his goal, while sunday has been working alone. again, another thing that makes me think that sunday will be the unsuccessful one in the end. not that sure what i mean by 'unsuccessful' currently, tbh.
- (from someone else on twt but i cant remember or find the post 💀) sunday and aventurine both brought into high institution and forced into a role
i'm getting tired so i'm gonna cut it short here but
honorary mention to yesterday night? where i was thinking about how they both put up fronts. inside, aventurine is tired, fearful. just being a struggler ykyk. sunday is described as having a twisted personality... aka just ocd, and getting worse everyday after losing his sister and being told he can't do anything about it bc charmony festival. ocd makes you have lots and lots of anxiety, so i wonder what's going on underneath. is he the opposite of aventurine in this case? instead of being just Exhausted, he might be fired up completely. an irritable mess, potentially very angry, etc etc, since his grief is so recent. maybe he's experiencing everything aventurine did back when he first lost his sister in particular, since they are two sides of the same coin (AGAIN).
uugjrjajd i feel my brain getting stupider as i type, but the final thing i wanna bring up is the name of the charmony festival. i was just wondering what it could possibly mean, and why it isn't just called the Harmony festival. whats the ch? is it CHARM ony festival? makes sense to me if the choir is just going to hypnotize people and try and absorb everyone, but im not too sure bc the order is also involved here. idk i dont know anything i actually only started playing this game a month ago
ending this with: sorry if i got anything wrong or confused. im very bad at explaining myself properly and may have remembered things wrong but also i have bad anxiety all the time so IDK
these r just stuff ive been brainrotting over for the past week, and its not even everything, i just needed it out of me 😭😭😭 i am very excited for 2.2. didnt even get into all those damn BABY SUNDAY AND ROBIN TRAILER IMPLICATIONS like omfg... goodbye. why is the sunday boss a childhood drawing why did sunday hesitate when saying 'right! both of us' WHAT HAPPENED. i think he knew he was never going to sing with robin, but why???? ahhhdhdbf
to those who may have read all of this.... DAMN i cant believe u did that, fun fact scallops have eyes
omg... editing this a while after posting, but i totally forgot about the lore of the xipe emanators, and how they can assume the form of any family member when necessary???? not sure where to place that in ^^^^ all that, but something i just wanted to add in... ACKNOWLEDGED.......... 2.2 is going to be a wild ride. hwat the fuck do u mean they can just do that.
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cerealmonster15 · 1 month
20 Questions for Fic Writers
ty for the tag @unpredictable-probabilities! I don't usually do tag things but I'm feeling an exception today and I want to ramble lol let's GO!!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
Right now, 51! I think i started using ao3 back in college with rvb fic lol. I've since orphaned 2 fics so I guess there wouldve been 53.
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Right now, mostly just Twisted Wonderland (and the occasional dndads, I still have a fic in my brain I kinda wanna write for that). Twst was kinda my comeback to wanting to write fics and has been my main inspiration for a lot of things and it's been the most fun i've had writing fics I think, and it's eventually what's gotten me to try to write my first multi chapter fic.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
1. Slip Ups and Lift Ups (Stardew Valley) 444 Kudos 2. A Fishy Intervention (TWST) 354 Kudos 3. Company (TWST) 249 Kudos 4. Security Cauldron (TWST) 248 Kudos [my first twst fic i think? also has some errors in it teehee oopsie] 5. Because I Care (TWST) 234 Kudos
5. Do you respond to comments?
Yes!!! I think I didn't used to? Maybe because I felt weird about my own comments changing the comment count and like it was somehow lying lol. but that's silly and i like talking to people and I Need people to Know that i Love Their Comments
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
hmmm I do not write much angst, and even when I do it's more hurt/comfort, bc permasads make ME permasad. I think it was my rvb fic "forgotten" - which i always forget was my first fic uploaded to ao3 LOL, back in 2015. ironic that my first wasnt reflective of the tone i usually write for. i don't wanna reread it to check [even tho my fics from back then are WAY shorter] bc im scared to face how i wrote when i was fresh outta hs lol BUT if i remember correctly/based on the summary, it was a doc/donut fic and I think it was about how after doc had disappeared from the future cube or whatever in canon and no one knew he was gone, i wrote a scene of doc getting upset with donut bc Of All People Why Didnt You Notice I Thought I Meant Something To You 😔 kdlsjfkdlsj i think it ended with doc walking off and donut being SAD and idk maybe they broke up, idr if they were 'officially dating' in the context of that fic. but um hashtag docnut for life.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
most all of my fics are happy endings with an exception of like one ^ or two lol. I don't know if i can quantify those!
8. Do you get hate on fics?
not to my face if I do lol. I don't think enough people know about me to give a shit if i do stuff they dont like
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
nope!!!! i dont really like smut personally and it's not the kind of genre i have story ideas for.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I don't think i've ever done that 🤔
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
not that I know of!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
not that I know of!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
14. What’s your all time favourite ship?
girl help i cannot choose. um. well first shout out again to rvb's docnut bc u will always be strong and married in my heart. and in dndads im an oakworthy truther til i die BUT for twst. twst beloved twst i am in that pitfall of i like 50000 different ships. jamiazu is the one i write and draw the most LOL and theyre def a top fave HOWEVER. god. treycater alters my brain chemistry. rookvil marriage real. adeuce beloved fool duo for life. im physically restraining myself from mentioning more KLFJDSKLFJS especially when we get into the multiship/poly web bc god we will be here all day. i can and will be enabled but this post is already long enough GOODBYE!!!!
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
oooh ok well there was a dndads oakworthy thing I started like last year but pretty soon after I started it, we started seeing more of hermies forbidden other 'true' personality traits and i was like ruh roh this guy keeps pulling a fast one on me, i dont think the direction i had with this fic is fitting anymore. i had barely gotten anywhere with it and it wouldve been short anyway, but i think about what couldve been.... lololol and then for TWST umm. Hehe. Teehee even. Back during nanowrimo I used that as time to start 2 fics: kalim and the great relationship rescue, which is my current multichap fic about kalisil and jamiazu, it’s got about 3 chapters, and I’m still writing it. AND IM STILL GOING TO FINISH THAT ONE!!! but the OTHER one I started during that time and have NOT posted any of it yet was the stuff with my first twst oc, Char, and his place in my big caterella multiverse ideas lol. I’ve posted a bit about that story idea and done a lot of doodles and brianstorming for it, but I fear it would be too intimidatingly ambitious to stick to and I’m not sure writing one concrete fic is the right medium for it 🤔 plus I just don’t think many people would like it much LOL it would be very self indulgent and tapping into my soap opera brain. I feel nervous when I talk about it HAHDBFNTG so I’m not sure I could commit. But I still have what I wrote, and maybe I’ll figure out another way to go with it or maybe I’ll just wake up one day and say WHATEVER and write it anyway lol. I’ve gotten shyer again so we’ll see 🧍
16. What are your writing strengths?
umm. i do not know if it is a strength but i feel more light comedy and dialogue come more 'naturally' to me, but i do not know how well i actually can pull it off LOL also shorter, contained stories. Everything I write is a one shot, and I’m struggling on my recent attempt at a multiple chapter fic BDBFFBFNGD
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
hrhrnrngm more descriptive writing, i find im in the pitfalls of writing TOO MUCH dialogue. and i also feel like when i try to do more serious tone things it comes off as cringe or trying too hard kFDKLSHFLDSJ. no one's said that to me but yknow. fear and whatnot. also ending the story is. Hard. I feel like that’s always a weak part of my fics bc I sit there like WELL I WROTE ALL MY IDEAS HOW DO I WRAP THIS UP…. I worry my endings come off kind of half assed but I do my best lol 😔✌️
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
like are you asking if i would do it? or how i feel when it's done in fics i read? i dunno lol. i could maybe do spanish bc ive studied it a lot but i'd get nervous i think.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
on ao3 it was rvb bu teeeechnically back in my neoseeker forums days i was in there writing like, animal crossing or harvest moon or pokemon stuff. it was very bad bc i was like 10 years old LOL
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
ohoho ummmm. Well I always have fun writing jamiazu and I’ve written a LOT of those lol. I have a soft spot for The Comfort of Familiarity. That’s one of the ones hats taken me the longest to write because I was really trying hard to handle it with care, as it was a less light tone than I typically do and I was trying to explore the characters and their situation in a particular way that I really wanted to come across well with who reads it. It was hard, and I’m not sure I fully got there, but ultimately I did like it quite a a bit. on the flipside, one of my more recent fics and I think now my longest oneshot to date, Blue Raspberry Mango was VERY fun to write lol. That one’s a lot more like what I typically write, silly romcom style lmao. Cater and Idia goofing, characters bickering, friendship, me trying to sneak in as many side ships into the background for funsies, jamiazu is there, it was a good time. And that one started as a prompt suggestion which I feel like often times I end up struggling with and not delivering super well… but this one ran away from me and I had a blast lol. Idikei fixed me 😌✌️
Ty for tagging me! Umm. I am too scared to tag other people 🧍 goodbye jk @officialgleamstar 🫵 You Do It
[sorry if I missed any typos or autocorrect, part of this was on my phone and I always miss SOMETHING lol]
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spicybylerpolls · 3 months
i cant ignore all the lord's work he has done as the captain of the byler ship.
even if noah wasnt gay i think he would be fully invested in this pairing, i mean imagine being second to el (and millie when doing interviews) for YEARS because your love story is a spoiler? YEARS. for a kid actor? props to him man, this is big work to keep a secret.
and because this is spicy central after all, from what ive seen of him, he doesnt seem the kind to shy away from getting a little bit weird with it. like, wasnt there a pic of him eating a cracker from in between sadie's toes while she was in character in the hospital with a cast on for max? and there's countless videos of him eating food/expressing how much of an epicurean he is. like that cast game where they all blind put their hands into bowls of different stuff! he was loving on the shaving foam lol. thats someone who isnt afraid to dive in and enjoy the sensuality of the world.
i just think he would want will to have a proper love scene - after so many years, i think he would think will deserves it, and deserves for it to be shown on screen. it doesnt have to be Sexy with a capital S, but the scene should still exist and the whole storyline of attraction and shame get its due diligence. i think by being coy and omitting this kind of scene, the overall impression would be that his shame was correctly placed.
its like the duffers saying 'go will! embrace your gayness! but we dont wanna see that ew'
its not even about censorship or younger fans or offended people. thats just one small portion of fandom. young teen fans are welcome - i would have watched ST at your age too (and been attracted to mike and will for sure, they're good lookin lads) - but theyre not the main demographic that would tank the show if the duffers ended up offending them by making byler too explicit.
i dont think it's about what we fans 'want', in a good or bad context. i see a lot of mlvns saying 'why do you want mike to be a liar?' its not about what i want, it's about letting these characters have and do and be who they are meant to be. the writers are in service to these characters and the story. we viewers are just along for the ride.
These are all very good points! Not including some kind of scene, even if only implied, could send an unintentionally strange message... especially since they've already gone there with the straight couples.
Byler having sex would def be an antidote to shame.
Lol @ "go will! embrace your gayness! but we dont wanna see that ew!" It reminds me of the Byler meme where Mike rejects Will by saying, "I know I said crazy together, but not that crazy."
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grimxark · 10 months
Ok. Part 3 earthspark was so incredibly disappointing. I feel so sad about it because it’s such a promising show.
I kind of ranted abt this to my friend for like an hour as soon as we finished watching but here’s some of my criticism which I may add on to. Or not
Warning for Earthspark s1 p3 spoilers and overall negativity. So sorry!
1. The writing of this part was sooo terrible. So many plotholes so much drama and so much cringe dialogue. I want to give it slack for being a children’s show but! There’s so much here that’s just senseless. I can excuse cringe dialogue but some of it is back to back to back. Like holy shit
2. Hate what they did to Karen. She was this malevolent evil that was being hinted and teased since part 1 and she amounted to literally nothing. She had no motives other than being racist, none that we know of. Maybe her parents died idfc but there are no real motives that she ever makes outright known. And she was being hinted to being this final boss type. Her death had no impact. It felt like a “oh look this is a child’s show turned dark”. Her death promised everything and it delivered nothing.
3. The last 3? Episodes where Twitch take charge feel apocalyptic and it was nice. Twitch and her older sister curse. The last one standing. The one bearing the weight of the family, having all that responsibility because wether you want it or not she is the older sister of the group. She watches everyone she loves simply disappear. She goes through so much trouble and so many plans and then thrash dies protecting her (which doesn’t make sense?? ill go onto this later). So, after she goes through all that trouble, the humans wake up and fix everything in the blink of an eye. and it undoes all this effort and character thrown into Twitch because she isnt the one who finds a way to fix it. it makes the last 3 episodes totally meaningless.
4. how would Thrash's body protect her from the blast. they were closest, and none of the others were protected the same way despite being in close proximity. why did the terrans even get affected by the blast? theyre not energon based. its like, the main plot of the show.
5. mandroid coming in and being like "interesting! for you ive been gone for a day, but under my calculations ive been gone… a year." was funny as hell. why a year?? why not one hundred. or at least fifty. as a lone human he would NOT have been able to convince the sharkticons in a year. and against the quintessons? and all those bodily changes? its so funny how stupidly underwhelming that time is.
6. Robbie's death was stupid. he does a green lantern oath and power up then still loses against megatron (bc its megatron) and then dies and gets revived. theres no shock, you know hell come back. i hoped everyone going "somethings wrong" meant we were going to get a "he died and came back wrong" ordeal but i guess i was expecting too much. also wasnt he dying in one episode. he said "its getting worse" and then he was fine
7. this entire part feels sooo odd to me with the inconsistencies, i wonder if the writers strike has anything to do with it. it almost feels so random. like on the same episode where robbie dies— why were they like "is that the real megatron?" while being scared as if they dont know megatron as a good guy. why would you be scared its the real megatron.
8. final fight felt so rushed. this whole part felt rushed. i wonder if there were budget cuts or if they used their whole budget on the first half of the season.
9. ill say it. maybe you don’t agree with me but. So much of it feels like fanservice. The starscream episode… why would Hashtag be the one to relate to Screamer? Mind control isn’t quite the same as constant abuse. And the entire episode relied a lot on watchers knowing what that relationship was like. In knowing what Starscream and Megatron are like. If you don’t know anything, it just feels odd. Even as a g1 inspired show, where Starscream and Megatron are awful to each other in damn near equal measures. It was a nice episode, I really enjoyed it, but there should’ve been more build up to that.
10. So many of the deleted scenes provide an extra feeling that was missing from the show. I’m really sad at how much potential this show has and how the entirety of parts 1 and 2 were amazing and built up so much and part 3 was just a huge let down with so many inconsistencies and questions left unanswered right after being brought up.
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