#just like his loafers
themadknightuniverse · 7 months
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Lachoweek 2023 Day 06 : Hell (Halloween prompt)
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waitineedaname · 8 months
shoes in FMA rated on how comfortable they'd be to fight in
Edward Elric
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considering Ed's uhhh very distinct taste in aesthetics, these could be a lot worse. they look relatively comfortable and don't seem like they'd be difficult to move around in. they are platforms though, which I imagine makes things more difficult. I'll be generous and give these a 7/10
Most of the Amestrian military
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pretty much everyone in uniform wears the same shoes, so I'm lumping them all together. these are Roy's, if that matters. they look fine. I imagine that because it is part of a military uniform, it's designed to be moved around in and worn for hours on end, so ideally they're relatively comfortable. it doesn't look like there's much traction, but they're usually fighting on flat surfaces so whatever. 8/10
Fu and Lan Fan
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these shoes fucking rule. the picture I've included is Lan Fan's, but they wear p much the same shoes. I fucking love these things. they have spikes. Edward Elric fucking wishes. considering this seems to be part of the bodyguard uniform, I'd imagine they're as easy to run around in as the military shoes, if not better since they're expected to be doing martial arts in them. but most importantly, they have spikes. 10/10, no notes.
Ling and Mei
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on the topic of doing martial arts, both Ling and Mei wear these.... I'm not sure what they are. flats? slippers? it's unclear. (EDIT: they are apparently Kung Fu shoes!) they seem relatively easy to move around in I guess since they're not very cumbersome and both Ling and Mei rely on being very nimble. they look like they have absolutely no support in the soles though, which is gonna get painful after a certain point. also depending on what fabric they're made of, they could definitely start chafing. I've worn flats. I know that hell. 7/10 for the potential blisters, but at least they're designed specifically for martial arts
Greedling and Bradley
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it's hard to get a good shot in this scene because neither of them stop moving, but I swear to god, they're fighting in dress shoes. I cannot stand them. this CANNOT be comfortable. I know Greed prioritizes aesthetics over function so this was probably a compromise between his and Ling's tastes but ohhh my god. he was probably wasting so much of the philosopher's stone just passively healing the million blisters on his feet from running around in these things. there's a chance Bradley is wearing the military uniform shoes but I think he was in more formal dress when he got blown the fuck up, so I don't think so. no wonder he complains about being sore, quit running around in dress shoes you fucking moron. 4/10.
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THESE FUCKING THIIIIIIIINGS. WHY ARE THEY POINTY AT THE END. WHY DOES IT LOOK LIKE SOMEONE HIT HIS FOOT WITH A MALLET AND FLATTENED THEM. he's so dumb. I love him. looking at these things tells me he would probably wear goth cowboy boots if he could, and tbh that would probably look better. 3/10 for Greed's overall silly as hell fashion sense
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okay. the heels make sense considering her whole vibe. however. these are part of her fucking BODY. when she gets incinerated, they grow back. can she even take them off???? I'm scared to ask. I guess if theyre part of her body, she doesn't have to worry about adjusting to balancing in them like you would normally with heels, but oh my god. she can never wear normal shoes. I would also be murderous if I had to wear heels all the time. 4/10.
Father and Izumi
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guys. these are sandals. it has been four hundred years and Father is still wearing the same outfit he was wearing in the damn desert. find a new outfit man. Izumi is apparently wearing bathroom slippers (hence the WC) so idk why she's even wearing those out of the house. Father gets 0/10 and Izumi gets 1/10 because she still manages to kick everyone's asses while wearing these, so respect
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youngyoo-apologist · 2 months
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Regressor OG!Cale and Regressor!Kim Roksoo based off of that one Skip and Loafer panel
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muninnhuginn · 4 months
kazakami really is about obligations all the way. whether to himself or his parents, he's decided he's had his time in the first two years having 'fun' and now it's time to focus. but, the thing is, most of his 'fun' is just ticking off some checklist of all things you'd expect to do in highschool (and the one sport he did actually like, he had to stop because of injury). so, does that really count? isn't that just fulfilling a role regardless of his own wants and needs?
anyway, now he's 100% focusing on his third year. despite how kazakami is hitting all the points in the checklist, how he's showing how he's meeting expectations, it's still not enough for his parents. he has the one hobby to himself, his interest in tokusatsu, which he's into enough to have his own figures and to know obscure trivia off by heart. and his parents are just... dismissive of it. "it's for children", they say, as they ignore their own child's needs.
no wonder kazakami never lets on more about his hobbies in school and only portrays himself as the outgoing model student, if this is how he's treated for showing his genuine interests.
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dieanywhereelseart · 1 year
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played around with a re-design for sissel in mixed media. watercolor, ink, marker, and highlighter. you can fit so many shapes in this dead guy.
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cloudbends · 9 months
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[ID: a digital drawing of mitsumi and shima from the manga series "skip and loafer", depicted in their outfits as seen in the opening of the anime adaptation: a yellow sundress, and a blue buttoned shirt with a pink collar, respectively. mitsumi is leaning slightly forward and glances at shima while smiling widely, while shima tilts his head sideways and smiles a small smile towards mitsumi. both of their hands are behind their backs. the background behind them, out of which they stand out, is a frame of pale blue in which cherry blossom petals are falling. end ID.]
finally drew two of my favorites... they're truly everything
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thyandrawrites · 5 months
I don't know when or why we all collectively decided Shidou's fashion sense consists of anything Pink, Obnoxious, and Eyecatching, but good work everyone. Keep it up
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matchaflavored · 8 months
So whats your favorite thing about Trey Clover? Essays welcomed, encouraged even
CRACKS KNUCKLES, then an essay I shall give you... you have been warned! Now... when i first played the game, I only had very superficial impressions about each character. This was also when there was very little content in the game itself. It was hard for me to gauge which character I would try to emotionally invest my soul into, so I went with a type a character I've always been fond towards: kind and older brotherly or mentor types. I really didn't know much about him besides that and I'm kind of glad I didn't then because everything that came after was a pleasant surprise of consistent and compelling writing. Now, I do think that's applicable to every character so I'll try to be more specific.
I've always talked about how I think Trey's writing is "unique", but that's more of me appreciating that as a character he's specifically written in a way where it's very difficult to take any of his words at face value. Analyzing him feels like a really good brain exercise, and at some point you start to notice he's very carefully crafted his image so he can come off as ordinary as possible. Well, I do think the general fanbase knows he's not exactly as unconditionally altruistic as he's insisted he is and other characters have pointed out he's weird about coming off as average, but I do think there's more to him than just being "two-faced". Frankly, I think it's sort of incorrect to describe him that way. Like, yes, he can be inconsiderate and deceptive, but I find it extremely tame in comparison to the rest of the cast. Ultimately, he doesn't do things because he's a malicious person. That being said, I really enjoy that he's the type of character who can be doting and compassionate, but not exactly empathetic so he doesn't particularly care about not being the most truthful person. I don't think these two things are mutually exclusively, but they're definitely treated as such. It's definitely what I enjoy the most about him, because after that I was like oh, so what about Trey is him being "genuine" then?
Now, Trey isn't a very emotive person, so you kind of have to parse which situations would get him to admit something about himself that won't damage his reputation, won't bring attention onto him, or won't reveal too much about him. There are a few exceptions to this (the biggest being when the topic involves Riddle, but that is a Trey + Riddle essay and will make this ask longer than it is so I'll save that for another day), but in general I tend to cross reference his stories because he can tend to be very... contradictory. Not in a "he's a flippant person" way, but in a "one of the things he said isn't true and you have to see which situation would get him to lie" way.
I guess as an adult, I enjoy this type of writing more as this type of polite 24/7 psychological navigation is relatable haha. Everything I read about him feels fulfilling, like I'm learning something new about him or am able to be conclusive about another aspect of him even though he views himself as just Trey Clover. Nothing more, nothing less. But figuring out his thoughts and feelings he tries so much to cover up will be something about the game I'll never get over.
tldr: Trey says he's some guy ninety percent of the time and someone who's this insistent about it while being fairly inconspicuous but never too terribly evil must be hiding something.
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lesbianpegbar · 5 months
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chai-en-kaadhale · 6 months
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todayisafridaynight · 8 months
time a flat circle why the hell am i usin the same loafers i bought for one cosplay of my fave antagonist for another fave antagonist
#snap chats#can i even call it cosplay. why are police sirens going off in the bg oh my god shut UP#anyway yeah ill elaborate. Super Snap Stalkers will remember my p4 era and will remember the time i did in fact do an adachi cosplay#i deleted the og post like an hour later. plus that blog's gone. but im sure some freak can find it if they dig hard enough#ew i think i was 17/18 in that pic (not at all that long ago) ok anyway.#i use the same loafers for my aoki outfit. and yeah i do Regularly wear my rgg outfits i TOLD YOU its functional cosplay i QUIT#just funny that like.... damn everything always goes back to square one LOL#these busted ass old ass loafers still rockin with me years later#if im feeling cheeky i think i will post all my rgg outfits actually. for halloween#hang on gotta be depressed and cringe for a moment#cause ive always liked cosplay but whenever i did it it never felt. Good Looking#like i always just felt like my face never worked for the charas i wanted to portray and so thats why i say with a heavy heart#that aoki's round-ass square-ass head is perfect LOL it makes me wanna throw up looking in the mirror#i got the same weird lips. ok not that squished Similar but Its Awful that he makes me feel comfortable with my face now#at least my eyebags arent double deckered... i at least look like i get sleep.. some days.#breaking !!!! objectively one of the most vile bitches in this franchise makes you feel comfortable with your body and existence#NAW to continue from last post if i had a webcam i prob coulda done a cosplay y7 stream LOL thatd be funny#anyway since this tag ramble is just pure cringe let me round it off with a final bit of cringe#the Forbidden Mention of my trans masato hc cause one reason why i have a Teehee over the thought is how raspy his voice is#and i only really now realized how right i was tonight because my prof called on me to speak and when i tried speaking DAWG.#the forbidden acknowledgement of Myself GROSS#BUT DAWG MY THROAT WAS FUCKIN CRUSTY it felt like sandpaper EW?? WATER FOR YOU?? christ. i hope that was just a one-time thing#ok im leaving now BYE
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hmmwellok · 1 year
i didn't know he wasn't wearing shoes
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wheatormeat · 11 months
I love shima skip and loafer he's so arospec to me
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muninnhuginn · 8 months
having a growing appreciation of character dynamics that involve pedestals breaking. where a character thinks another character their god, only to realise that they're human after all.
sometimes that leads to heartbreak, betrayal. but other times, they grow from it and build a stronger relationship as a result. a more mutual one.
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kingofmyborrowedheart · 6 months
I’m sorry but I can’t envision that man wearing Nikes, they seem too casual for him.
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When the freak are we getting this pinky promise fulfilled in the manga 😭 orz
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