#just like earlier when he thought she was crying lolololol
foxyotomelady · 5 years
Another love, Chapter IV (JuminxReader)
Author’s notes:
Wow, that was a ride.
Be aware of: strong language, slightly angst, my poor grammar, ANGRY MC.
And again: THE DRAMA!
Chapter I | Chapter II | Chapter III | Chapter IV (You are here) | Chapter V | Chapter VI |  Chapter VII | Chapter VIII | Chapter IX | Chapter X | Chapter XI | Chapter XII | Chapter XIII | Chapter XIV |
Buy Me A Ko-Fi Have a nice reading!
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[Y/N has entered the chat room] 
Jumin Han: Oh, you're here, Y/N 
You: Hello, Jumin... 
Jumin Han: Did you sleep well? 
You: Actually no... It was a bit difficult to sleep... eheheh ^^' 
Jumin Han: hmm, same here.
Jumin Han: That's probably because of what happened yesterday
Jumin Han: I must apologize once again
You: That's... Um... You don't have to.
You: You were very polite. You asked me and I agreed so there is no need to apologize.
You: Are you heading to work? 
Jumin Han: Yes, forgive me that I couldn’t say goodbye to you. I didn’t want to wake you up. 
You: It's okay. Actually, it's good that you didn’t wake me up. I really fell asleep late.
Jumin Han: It's an interesting feeling to be a reason for your sleeping problems. 
Jumin Han: I probably shouldn’t be happy about this fact. 
Jumin Han: But I am. 
Jumin Han: 
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Jumin Han: And don't worry, as I said earlier, you're also giving me sleepless nights :3
You: staph
You: I'm embarrassed >///<
Jumin Han: cute
Jumin Han: but you don't have to be
Jumin Han: You're a beautiful woman so it's only natural that you appear in men's dreams.
You: My god, Jumin Han!
You: What did I just say?
You: staaaph >////<
Jumin Han: I'd like to talk to you more, but I must be going now.
Jumin Han: Have a pleasant day Y/N.
[Jumin Han has left the chat room]
[Y/N has left the chat room]
You breathed in and pressed the phone to your chest. The memory of yesterday's kiss came back to you and you felt that you're getting hot. Jumin was not the only one who let himself be carried away by the moment. But now that you were sitting in silence in this huge bedroom and you only heard purring Elizabeth curled up next to you… Other memories have begun to come back to you. Your head was aching. You didn't want these memories, but the rush of thoughts wouldn't stop. You still remembered Yuwoon's smile, his warm voice, his touch... Despite all that he did, and even though he revealed his true face to you... You still remembered how happy you were together. Such memories did not go away easily. Such feelings were not easy to forget about. You wanted to forget, you wanted to stop feeling this terrible pain. Pain after betrayal, pain after being deceived and manipulated. Was that how Jumin felt the whole time? You understood more and more why he wanted to keep you by his side. Two of his best friends turned out to be liars, and then he lost one of them in such a brutal way. No... He must have felt much worse than you.
You calmed your thoughts in the shower, you ate the breakfast that the chef prepared for you, and then you decided to leave. The bodyguard did not stop you - Jumin, therefore, fulfilled his promise, he tried to trust you. You took your laptop with you and left the building. You wanted to visit a well-known cafe where you were able to pay for snacks and drinks. You decided to study a little, sipping coffee and eating sweets. It's been several hours.
"Y/N!" You heard a familiar voice and looked up from the keyboard. You blinked in surprise.
"Zen? What are you doing here?" The white-haired man laughed nervously and went to your table, "May I join you, baby?" You nodded and Zen took the place in front of you. "If I say I'm here by accident, will you believe me?"
You raised your eyebrow meaningly.
"I thought so," Zen sighed, and then he winked at you. "I am here because I was worried about you."
"As you can see, I'm fine, have you been here for a long time in a hope that you will meet me accidentally?"
"Hmm..." Zen folded his hands under his chin, smiled flirtatiously at you. "Maybe I happened to be here day by day since you are at this jerk’s place."
You shut your laptop and you gave Zen a look that was colder than you intended, "Stop calling him that, he's really doing a lot for me, and you have no idea how many things he has to face."
Zen was taken aback, "This guy was born with a silver spoon, he has everything he wants, and it looks like he already got you in his hands too."
"I'm not a thing, Zen," You frowned.
"Not what I meant!" Zen raised his hands and shook his head. "Just... After V died... Jumin was not in good condition, and now suddenly..." He scratched his head. "He suddenly became so happy that it gives me goosebumps, I'm worried about this sudden change."
You crossed your arms and pierced Zen with your stare, "Your point?"
Zen began to look very embarrassed, "Something is happening between you two, am I right? It's not my business... But lately, Jumin seems to be a little... No, he always seemed unstable."
You took the laptop and got up from your place. You looked at Zen from above and took a breath to calm your anger, "You're right, Zen, it's NOT YOUR BUSINESS, I understand you are worried, I understand that you are all worried, but for fuck’s sake, stop acting like our babysitters!"
When you passed him, Zen jumped up, knocking over the chair.
"Wait, wait!" He called after you. You swallowed and somehow you overcame your fury. You turned to him, "I didn’t mean to make you angry "
"I know, Zen."
"So... How about a little hug?"
You rolled your eyes, "Fine."
Zen spread his arms, came to you and then put his arms around you, "Aww, aren't you cute?"  
You were pressing the laptop to your belly, not able to return the embrace, "Okay, that's enough, Zen." You couldn't help but laugh.
When Zen pulled away from you, he winked again, "You look cute when you're angry."
You rolled your eyes again. Then you said goodbye to each other and you returned to Jumin's apartment in a slightly better mood. Jumin should be back from work soon. You wanted to spend time with him, just like that. You wanted to talk with him while drinking wine, Elizabeth on your lap and his smile in front of you.
To overtake the boredom and not let the unwanted memories to come back again, you logged in to the messenger. You've unfortunately found an amused Seven there. Because of what he wrote, you concluded that he had to read your morning conversation with Jumin. 707: lololololol
707: What is happening with our Mr. Director?
707: when he became so smooth?
707: lolololol [Saeran has entered the chat room] 707: oh, brother, you're here!
Saeran: he's like that only to this girl
Saeran: so it's obvious what is happening 
707: you mean Y/N?
707: what did you do to him yesterday night Y/N??
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You: I did nothing
You: and it's not really your business -_-
707: ooooh >_<
707: something has happened
707: I'm sure lololol
707: I want to know the details
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Saeran: gross 
You: I agree
You: You're gross Seven
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707: how could you brother?!
707: you should be on my side!
You: btw, it's nice to see you here, Saeran ^^
You: You rarely log in
Saeran: It's because you're all gross
You: .... -_-' and why is that?
Saeran: they're all wagging their tails in front of you
Saeran: like a bunch of dogs
707: Saeran
You: what's that supposed to mean?
Saeran: what? Are you dense or something?
707: brother
You: what do you mean dense? If you have a problem with me at least be more specific
You: or is it too much for your small brain?
Saeran: Ha!
707: brother what did I tell you
Saeran: ok I'll be more specific if you wish
707: about making Y/N angry?
Saeran: it's so freaking obvious that all of these guys
707: stop
707: she's gonna eat you alive!
Saeran: are so into you
Saeran: you're stupid for not seeing this
You: You're delusional you little bitch
Saeran: oh and what was that "Saeran it's nice to see you here ^^"?
Saeran: you want me to be your dog too?
You: you wish!
You: I'm way out of your league.
You: You're not even worthy of being my dog
You: You're not even worthy of being my PIG
You: no actually
You: If I ever had a pig, I would call it Saeran
Saeran: I don't want anything to do with you
Saeran: At this point, you already have your own harem
707: WAIT!
707: Am I the part of this harem?
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You: I don't have a harem
You: It's a kindergarten full of children
You: and Saeran, you're that one kid who always pretend to be sooo bold
You: but in reality, he's crying in the corner
You: desperately calling for his brother
You: "Brother where are you?! I'm scared!"
You: "Nobody likes me! I'm trying to be mean to everyone so that no one can hurt me first!"
707: Umm... Y/N.... That's a little harsh...
Saeran: .....
You: but wait, you're actually nice to Jaehee
You: maybe you're into her HMMMM?
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707: wait
707: that is
707: actually
707: a good point!
Saeran: I'm leaving, bye. [Saeran has left the chat room] 707: WOW
707: You're scary when you're angry, Y/N
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You: I was not even that angry 
You: just teaching him some manners
707: don't be such a meanie to my brother T-T
You: I won't be if he stops being a dick
707: lolololol
707: I warned him
707: but he never listens
You: don't
707: I kinda agree with him
707: I don't know about Yoosung
707: but Zen is sooooo into you
707: as much as our Mr. CEO
You: it's such an absurd
You: Zen is not into me
You: he's flirtatious toward everybody
707: and what about Juju?
You: mind your own business
You: seriously Choi twins you’re more alike than I thought
707: you're not denying~ [Y/N has left the chat room]
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Jumin’s POV
He was remembering the kiss over and over again. Her lips were so soft and sweet, her body so warm. He wanted to possess her completely... But it was too soon. Way too soon. It would frustrate him if it were not for the fact that the thought of her waiting for him at home smoothed the whole anxiety anchored in him. This girl... She awakened and brightened his darkest desires at the same time.
When he came into the apartment, she greeted him with a smile that he returned. They ate together and talked, she asked him about his day, about whether he is tired after work. Her warmth and care overwhelmed him. He wanted to enjoy it until the end of the day, he wanted to fall asleep with these feelings, calm that he finally has someone just for himself. Unfortunately, it was not given to him. Suddenly there was a knock at the door. They were both surprised - who could worry them at this hour?
Of course, the bodyguard appeared first, "Mr. Han, a man named Yuwoon insists on letting him in. He says he knows Ms. Y/N."
Jumin immediately felt a surge of icy anger. He wanted to instruct the bodyguard to immediately escort this idiot out of the building, but suddenly Y/N spoke:
"I want to face him," She stated, her face tense. "I want to talk to him."
Jumin's hand twitched, his fingers clenched into a fist, "For what purpose?"
"If I don't talk to him and don't deal with him for good, he will never give me peace," She explained, looking him straight in the eye. She was fierce, confident.
Jumin inhaled deeply into his lungs. He closed his eyes and pressed his fist to his forehead. Then he nodded reluctantly, "Yoon, let him in and get out of here. Leave us alone."
Yoon did not look convinced, "Sir, are you sure?"
"I'll be right outside the door."
As soon as Yuwoon came in, Jumin understood at once that everything would end badly. The idiot's face had a suspicious smile.
"What do you want, Yuwoon?" Y/N asked coldly.
Yuwoon looked around the apartment, greed flashed in his eyes, "I see you've done well, honey."
"What do you want?" She repeated.
"You see, you must have forgotten that we share a flat and someone has to pay the rent."
"I don’t live with you anymore, Yuwoon, you have to deal with it alone."
"I don't think so. You found yourself a rich boy, I'm sure he could give me enough money to pay a rent for a few years forward. And if he does, then I promise to leave you in peace."
Jumin swallowed loudly, it was hard for him to breathe, but he did not interfere. Not yet…
"Who am I to you?" Y/N asked angrily. "The thing you want to sell?"
Yuwoon looked at her with a hideous smile, "You're just a hole whom I used to fuck."
Her face went pale, her eyes wide, her confidence flew away, "No... That can't be true... We were..."
"What? In love? I just used you. You're so stupid."
"That's enough," Jumin said icily.
"Now he's fucking you, so why are you sad? Do not pretend! You quickly filled this hole of yours with another dick!"
Y/N suddenly jumped to Yuwoon and pushed him so hard that he stumbled on his feet, "How dare you come here, whine about money and acting like you're jealous after you cheated on me! Who are you?! With whom I was for these few months?! "
"And how dare you raise a hand on me?!" Yuwoon rushed suddenly at her, he was about to hit her.
Jumin, however, overtook him. He grabbed the man by his wrist and squeezed so hard that Yuwoon groaned in pain, "You don't want to know what unpleasant fate may face you if you continue this. If I ever see you near her again, you'll regret it really badly. I have good lawyers, so I'm sure I won't have to worry about the consequences." "You're insane, you-Arrgh!"
Jumin squeezed his arm even harder, then grabbed him by the shoulder and led him violently towards the door. After opening them, he pushed the idiot outside in such a manner that he fell on the ground.
"Take this man out of here, and tell others that he’s not allowed to approach my building ever again," He ordered the bodyguard.
"Yes, sir!" Yoon quickly dealt with the situation. He twisted Yuwoon's hands behind his back and, despite his protests, took him out of Jumin's sight.
Jumin felt himself shaking with anger and rage. He shut the door with a loud bang and turned to face Y/N, "I shouldn't allow it," He hissed furiously. "I shouldn't let him in here! Why did you want him here so much?"
He approached her and she stepped back to the point her back hit the wall. He leaned his trembling hand against it above her head, "Why you insisted on letting him in?! He doesn’t deserve to look at you! He could hurt you!" His other hand went to her cheek and cupped it.
Suddenly, she grabbed him by his shirt and drew him to herself. Their lips met violently. His lungs  burned for lack of breathing, but he immediately responded. He clung to her, put his hands on her waist. Her fingers were digging into his arms, she moaned in such a voice, that he completely lost his control. He slipped his knee between her thighs, and she arched her back, whimpering his name straight into his mouth. His hands began to wander over her body, move around every roundness, examine every piece of her exposed skin. Her shaking hands grabbed his tie, drew him even closer, deepened the kiss. Jumin growled and took her face in his hands again. Then he felt... tears on her cheeks. He froze, his heart ached painfully.
"J-Jumin ..?" Y/N murmured in a weak voice, her lips brushing against his own.
"You... Why are you crying...?" He panted and withdrawn his head.
"I... I don't know..." Even more tears flowed down her face, her lips trembling. "I just..." She released his tie and clenched her hands on his shirt.
"It hurts, Jumin... I believed him, all these months, I trusted him... I had feelings for him... How could I ever love him…? How could I be so blind...?” She rested her head on his chest. "This is the worst... The fact that I still remember how he was when I fell in love with him... I still remember his other side, the good one... And it's so hard to forget how he used to be back then."
Her words hammered into his heart like daggers. However, he closed his eyes and hugged her tightly. She still... she still loved that idiot in a way. Such feelings don’t disappear at once, not after a few days. 
"So you wanted me to make you forget about him...?" He whispered into her hair.
"I'm sorry... I don't want it to look like that, I'll understand if you want me to leave."
"Do not say such things," He sighed deeply. "I know how difficult it is, I was blind too... And because of my blindness, V is dead…"
"It's not your fault," Y/N calmed down, looked at his face. "Please, Jumin, do not blame yourself for that."
Jumin stroked her cheeks and wiped her tears in silence. They slowly moved away from each other, and Y/N looked around, "Where is Elizabeth? She must have been scared."
She was not in the main room. She was not in the bedroom. She was not in the kitchen. They even searched in the bathroom, they were calling her by her name, checked under, above and behind the furniture, searched every corner.
She was nowhere to be found.
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Such a Softer Sin (Chapter thirty four)
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(Chapter one)     (Chapter two)     (Chapter three)     (Chapter four)
(Chapter five)     (Chapter six)     (Chapter seven)     (Chapter eight)
(Chapter nine)     (Chapter ten)     (Chapter eleven)     (Chapter twelve)
(Chapter thirteen)     (Chapter fourteen)     (Chapter fifteen)
(Chapter sixteen)     (Chapter seventeen)     (Chapter eighteen)
(Chapter nineteen)     (Chapter twenty)     (Chapter twenty one)
(Chapter twenty two)      (Chapter twenty three)     (Chapter twenty four)
(Chapter twenty five)     (Chapter twenty six)     (Chapter twenty seven)
(Chapter twenty eight)     (Chapter twenty nine)     (Chapter thirty)
(Chapter thirty one)     (Chapter thirty two)     (Chapter thirty three)
Don’t hate meeeeeeeee lolololol
Shit gets real, brace yourselves some for intense feels in this one.
I actually struggled with this one for some reason, I don’t know if its the intensity of it or what, but I’m glad I pushed through and churned it out.
Enjoy! Or don’t, cause I mean...well you’ll see :’)
Lila was pacing in the kitchen as she chewed her thumb anxiously. She knew something was very fucking wrong, glancing to the clock every fucking second. The boys should have been home from work an hour ago, yet they were nowhere to be seen. She wondered if the God awful morning they had, had anything to do with it, but she couldn't shake the fear that was clawing at her. That morning, they'd had a fight. Or well, Murphy had a fight with Connor and Lila to be precise.
She had woken up before the boys, which was a rare thing on weekdays. She had a sense of dread inside of her, the same sense of foreboding that she'd had the night of the bar fight. Something felt off and she didn't like it. They were all here, they were safe, she couldn't possibly think what it could be, so she chalked it up to being emotional, maybe she was due her fucking period or something. To distract herself, she set to making the boys breakfast before work. Usually, they would let her sleep, not waking before they left. They would grab some toast or pop by the diner to get their breakfast on a workday. They ended up waking earlier than usual from the smell of food, both happy to be able to spend more time with the lass before work.
She had still felt off though, and Murphy had picked up on it. And when he asked her, she panicked. Because in her head she was just being stupid and hormonal and it made her feel silly. So what did she do? She blocked him of course, in the moment of panic she closed off her mind and when Murphy reached out to her, he fucking felt it. The boy was furious. But it wasn't until Connor jumped in to defend her, telling his twin he had been the one to teach her and she had been practicing on him, when shit really hit the fan. Murphy was beyond pissed that his brother had taught her how to shut them out, that he had done so behind his back.
“The fuck ye mean ye been teachin’ her?! The fuck ye want her te shut us out for?!” He bellowed, standing up so fast the chair tipped over. Lila shrunk back in her seat feeling uncomfortable, so she grabbed the dishes and went to the sink with them. Connor stood, leaning his hands on the table as he looked at his brother sternly.
“Her thoughts are her own Murphy! She deserves some fuckin’ privacy aye? Yer the one that said it was invasive, what the fuck changed?!” Connor asked angrily.
“Fuckin’ everythin’! It’s different now, we’re together and we love each other. We ain’t supposed te be keepin’ shit from each other anymore!” He shouted, his arms flying about. Lilas' heart dropped when she realised it wasn't just the fact she was blocking him, it was the fact Connor had taught her behind his back and neither of them had told Murphy.
“Murph, we didn’t tell ye ‘cause we knew ye'd lose yer shit! Just like ye are now!” Connor replied, throwing his hands up in the air exasperatedly. Murphy scowled, moving around the table a little as his chest heaved.
“Ye didn’t keep shit from me before she came along.” He sneered, gesturing to the girl who was now watching with wide eyes.
His venomous words made her take a step back like she had been winded. The one thing she had always said was that she never wanted to come between the boys, and here they were, arguing because of her. Her breathing hitched when Murphy turned his glare onto her, he was so fucking angry.
“Ye got what ye want girl, aye?! Got us fightin’, is this what ye fuckin’ wanted?!” He roared at her which such intensity it made her bones ache. It made her feel sick to her stomach that Murphy would say that, to insinuate that she had done this on purpose. The loft went silent at his words, Connor looking at his twin horrified he would even say such a thing, he knew Murphy didn't really feel that way and now he'd gone and hurt the lass. Lilas eyes prickled with tears as she looked at him, her bottom lip trembling as she fought the urge to cry. She was mad at him, she was mad he would say that about her when he knew her way better than that. It was just a low blow.
Murphy's chest heaved as he glared at her, his anger ebbing away as her heartache washed over him relentlessly. He hadn't even meant it, but he could never keep his mouth shut when he was mad. It was like, if someone hurt him, he would just hurt them back, saying whatever he could that he knew would strike a nerve. But now he just felt like a guilty asshole as he saw her fighting not to cry.
“Lila, m’girl...I-” He started as he took a step towards her, shaking his head feeling ashamed of himself.
“Don’t!” She snapped, her eyes ablaze as she looked at him. He stopped in his tracks, swallowing the lump forming and Connor walked over to her. Wrapping an arm around her shoulder protectively as he shot his brother a harsh look.
“Please m’girl, I didnae mea-” He tried again, the guilt consuming him.
“Just go, you’ll be late for fucking work.” She stated emotionlessly, moving from Connors' arm and going to the bed. She climbed inside and pulled the covers over her head. Connor glared at his brother with such fury, Murphy thought he might get a clock around the head.
“Good fuckin’ job brother.” He spat, barging into Murphy's shoulder as he walked past to grab his coat. They both left for work without a kiss or a hug, without so much as a goodbye.
Lila wondered if maybe they needed some brother time after the whole thing, or maybe they had to stay at work later. But still, something seemed off, like she knew something was wrong. She had tried to reach out to them mentally, but of course she couldn't. If the twins found it hard to do so when they were apart, she doubted she ever would be able to. It just frustrated her. Anything could have happened, but she just knew deep inside of her it was something bad. The sense of foreboding had morphed into blind fear and she wasn't sure what to do.
She jumped when she heard a loud knock at the door and she ran over, swinging it open. Rocco stood there and it was the look on his face that made her almost throw up. He had tears down his face, he looked pale.
“Lila...fuck...The boys...they were in a car accident. They're in fuckin’ hospital.” He said forlornly. Lila clutched her chest, she felt lightheaded at the news and the look on Rocco's face made it clear it was bad. Really fucking bad. Rocco reached out, grabbing her before she fell and she broke down, sobbing. He held her tightly, stroking her hair as he cried himself.
“Fuckin’ fuck...Lila...I ain’t good at this shit.” He muttered brokenly with a sniffle as he held her tight. She moved away, wiping her eyes as she looked at him and tried to breathe.
“How bad is it?” She asked hesitantly, almost like she expected the worst news. He shifted on his feet as he wiped a hand over his face.
“They’ve not woke up yet. They’re hooked up to fuckin’ machines and shit. I’m here to take you to see them...in case…” He couldn't finish his sentence, the lump in his throat growing and only getting worse when Lila started wailing again.
It felt like her heart had acid poured all over it, and it was burning her alive. She didn't even remember getting in Rocco's car, she didn't remember getting to the hospital. Her brain only switched on again when she was lead to a room. Both boys were laying in beds, the beds side by side that Rocco had insisted on in case they woke, knowing they wouldn't want to be separated. They were both hooked up to machines that were in the space between their beds and there was so many tubes, a large tube down each of their throats. The beeping of the monitors blared in her ears as she fell to her knees, her heartbreaking sobs filling the room. Rocco shook his head, more of his own tears falling at seeing his best friends like this, at hearing the girls heartbreak.
She had switched off again, she didn't know what happened between her breakdown to the very moment she was sat in a chair between both boys. She was staring out at nothing. She felt like she shouldn't have any tears left, yet they still kept coming. Rocco had gone to grab them some coffee. If she wasn't in some kind of shock she would have appreciated how the funny man had not left her side, how he had comforted her as much as he could. She felt numb almost, except for the dull ache in her chest. She wiped her eyes again, only for more tears to replace them. She didn't want to think about how bad this was, she didn't want to think about the fact they may not wake up, or the fact they could have brain damage if they did. The doctor had said something about a head-on collision with a drunk driver. She had zoned out, she couldn't be sure.
Suddenly Murphys machine flatlined, and it snapped her out of fucking everything as her heart exploded.
“Nurse! Nurse!” She screamed loudly, jumping out of the chair as she watched in horror. The staff ran in, a crash cart with them and Lila was shoved to the door. She was screaming, crying, fucking hysterical and she just about felt Rocco grab her before she collapsed, she could hear him sobbing as the staff tried to resuscitate the darker twin. Connors' eyes flew open abruptly, thrashing wildly and tugging at the tubes stuck down his throat. His eyes were wide and wild looking as he kept looking to his brother desperately, crying out, muffled by the tubes. Some more staff came in and tried to hold him down so they could remove them but he was bucking and thrashing hard, trying to get to his brother desperately. He could hear someone wailing like a fucking banshee but he couldn't think about it, he needed to get to fucking Murphy.
As soon as the tubes were removed, he dived off the bed, his legs almost giving out as he tried to grasp Murphy's hand, his own anguished cries echoing in the room. It was like no one else existed in that moment for him, the only one he could see was his brother. He was restrained again, moved away as he fought and screamed, full of fury and fire; threatening every single person that got between him and his counterpart. They were still working on Murphy and Lila was screaming bloody murder, fighting against Rocco to get to him, to Connor, any one of them, she didn't care. She couldn't feel him, she couldn't feel Murphy despite being in the same room and suddenly, Connor locked eyes with her as he yelled and kicked at the staff to no avail. She knew he felt it too, or didn't feel it to be more exact. His own twin couldn't feel him and it filled her with such dread she thought she might fucking die herself.
Connor managed to break free and he darted forward, grasping at Murphy's hand so tightly, that when the staff tried to pull him away, he jostled his brother. The other staff were still working on him, using the crash cart to try and bring him back, no one was supposed to touch him.
“Murph?! Fuckin’ Murph! No!” He bellowed, tears blinding him. Without warning, Murphy's monitor started beeping again, and with the shock of this, Connors grip faltered and he was pulled away once again looking wide-eyed and shell shocked. Lila let out a strangled cry of relief. She sagged against Rocco and the unexpected weight of her made him fall to the floor with her, arms still around her. Connor was still pitching a fit and fighting the people holding him but this time they let him go. He ran to his brother, sobbing and crying as he gripped his poor beaten face. He felt so much relief to be able to feel him again, he didn't even care about crying in front of everyone. He fell to his knees, grasping his brother's hand in his own as he thanked God for letting him live.
Rocco finally let go of Lila and she dived at Connor, he just about caught her and he didn't care about the pain he was in. His body was banged up to hell and his head hurt like a mother fucker, but none of that mattered because getting to Murphy had been far more important. He clutched her with his free hand as she sobbed into his chest, and he knew she had felt the disconnect from Murphy too. He knew how worried she had been, the blood turning fear, because he had felt the same. They both couldn't speak, they just held each other and cried as Connor continued to squeeze his brother's hand so tight, like he was scared the boy would just dissipate if he let go. Rocco stood on shaky legs, moving over to the chair as he put his head in his hands, the whole thing had been too close of a call and they still didn't know if Murphy would be alright. It had taken it out of him.
They sat there for a while, just clinging to each other before the nurses came back in.
“Mr MacManus, we need to get you back in bed. You’re still under observation, the doctor needs to check you over.” She said warily. The staff had seen the man lose his shit after all, they were a little more than apprehensive to ask the man to move away from his brother. Lila felt Connor tense at the words, his arm around her tightening to the point it was almost painful. It was obvious he didn't want to move away from his brother. She squeezed her arms around him, letting him know she was there for him, no matter what. Of course, she was worried about him too, he’d been in an accident after all, but if Connor couldn't bring himself to move from his twin, who was dead just moments ago, she would fucking support him with it.
The nurse sighed a little at the silence she was met with, she knew this was a delicate situation.
“Sir, the doctor needs to check on you. The quicker you get back in bed, the sooner he can see to you, and if everything looks normal, you can come back to your brother.” She suggested softly, having clearly been in fragile situations more than a few times. Lila knew it was a good idea, the nurse was right. If Connor kept fighting them it would only make things harder in the long run and she worried that they may end up separating the pair if Connor was hindering treatment, not only for himself, but his brother too.
“Connor, please listen to her. You need to get checked over. What good will you be to him if you suddenly fucking keel over?” She pleaded softly, her voice hoarse from screaming so much. He inhaled deeply, once again his arm tightening and she wondered idly if he was going to crush her for the suggestion. But she felt him nod against her head and she felt relief sweep through her. She had enough worrying about Murphy after he had just fucking died and came back without having to worry about Connor doing the same. She knew her heart wouldn't be able to take it. She moved away and looked at him, and she couldn't help how her breath caught in her throat or how her face went even paler. She obviously knew they'd be banged up, but she hadn't really taken note of their injuries when she came in, too busy being in shock from seeing them on life support.
Connors whole face looked like a fucking bruise, and she was sure his nose was broken. He had a gash in his forehead that had been stitched up. His left arm was in a cast, how she hadn't noticed it since it had been wrapped around her, she didn't know, it explained why it felt like he was crushing her. He was in a hospital gown and his arms were littered with bruises and cuts, it looked like shards of glass had attacked him. She dreaded to see what Murphy looked like. He looked back at her, watching how her face fell when she saw the state of him, how her eyes burnt with tears. He could feel her overwhelming sadness and worry.
Rocco came over then, Connor hadn't even noticed the man, but he helped Lila stand up and Connor was grateful, there was no way he could do that himself. His best friend then helped him to stand too, and Connor wrapped him in a hug, wincing at his sore ribs as he did. When he looked at him, it was clear the funny man had been crying, and he wondered if he was the one to bring Lila here. Connor and Murphy had put Rocco down as their emergency contact a few years prior after a bar fight gone wrong, so he knew they would have called him when they got here. Connor was glad Lila hadn't been here all alone. They didn’t exchange words, there were no words to fucking comprehend this shit show of a situation. Connor just pat him on the back and they moved away from each other.
The nurse helped Connor back to bed as he grumbled under his breath. The bed was right next to his brothers but it wasn't close enough, he had the deep need to be able to touch him, to be able to feel him stronger. Lila glanced over at Murphy and her heart sank at the sight of him. Her poor little Murph. He had a bandage around his head and both his eyes were swollen shut. His face was black and blue and it was hard to believe he was her Murphy. His right leg was in a cast and his right arm in a sling, not a cast so it didn't look broken. He too was covered in lots of tiny cuts and bruises. Not to mention that fucking tube down his throat.
Lila stood there torn. She wasn't sure who to go to. Did she go to Connor, the twin that was awake and just went through possibly the most traumatic thing of his life? Or did she stay with her sweet Murphy who had just fucking died? Her heart was being ripped in half, she’d feel like she failed whichever one she didn't go to, even if Murphy wasn't awake. She looked to Rocco, and it was as if he could just see it written all over her face.
“You go to Connor, I'll stay with Murph, we can switch after a bit.” He whispered as he wiped his eyes. Did she ever say how much she fucking loved her best friend? She hugged him, squeezing the ever loving shit out of him, happy he was here, happy he had supported her and was continuing to do so. She knew this would be hard on him too. He might not have the same bond as she did but he was their best fucking friend.
She went over to Connor, sitting on the chair and Rocco sat with Murphy. Connor heaved a sigh, everywhere fucking hurt. He was sure there wasn't a part of him that didn't hurt at this point. But it was nothing compared to the pain of losing Murphy. He had lost him, maybe only for a few minutes but Murphy had been actually fucking gone and it was the scariest feeling he had ever felt in his life. He was relieved he was back, but at the same time, no one knew yet if it would stay that way or what condition he would be in if he ever woke. He felt like he was dying, and part of him wished he fucking would just so he didn't have to feel like this anymore.
Lila grasped his hand, her jaw clenched and her nostrils flaring. Her eyes were burning with tears and Connor watched her carefully.
“You ever think that shit again and I’ll kill you myself.” She growled, her chest heaving as she glared at him. He was shocked by her intensity, but he shouldn't have been. It was insensitive for him to think such things knowing she would hear him, especially after what had happened to his brother.
An hour later and Connor was given the all clear to leave the bed, though he wasn't to exert himself. The doctors were baffled, he had come out of a coma to see to his dying brother, something that just didn't seem possible. How he had somehow known his brother needed him. And then he touched his brother, the boy who had flatlined, he begged for him, and the boy mysteriously came back from the dead. Lila wasn't surprised though, she knew of their bond, she knew Connor felt Murphy slip away and he would do anything to bring him the fuck back, and it seemed like he did. The nurses called it divine intervention, Lila wondered if it was or just simply the bond the two shared; one soul in two bodies. If half of the soul left, wouldn't the remaining half be able to call it back? Connor was now sat to Murphy's left side, shifting in his seat anxiously. The beeping of the machines unsettled him, a painful reminder that his brother wasn't breathing on his own anymore. Rocco was sat to Murphy's other side, head low and exhausted, sat next to the empty seat where Lila had been.
She had gotten up and scurried away though, Connor wondered where she had gone, he was worried about her. He hadn't been the only one affected by what happened to Murphy, she had been there for the whole thing too, she had felt the disconnect from his brother just as he had. She had been silent since pleading with him to get checked over and then threatening him. She seemed almost vacant, far away, he couldn't reach her. She was blocking him, and it made him feel sick. He didn't want to lose her too, not after this with Murphy. She came back after around 10 minutes, a priest in tow. Connor sat up straighter, wincing at the pain and Rocco looked at Lila curiously. The priest looked over Murphy and then Connor, his brow furrowed.
“I have to ask for permission.” The priest whispered to Lila, she nodded softly, avoiding eye contact with anyone it seemed. Connor didn't know what was going on.
“Are you Mr MacManus’s brother?” He asked softly as he looked at Connor. Lila was stood next to the priest looking solemn and anxious. Connor looked at the priest and gave him a nod.
“Aye father, I am. Thanks for comin’.” He muttered, trying to be respectful but still hurting.
“It’s quite alright child, Lila has asked me to come and pray for Murphy, to anoint him for his recovery.” He said with a warm smile as he lay a hand on Lilas' shoulder.
Connor swallowed thickly, he half expected the priest to be here to read Murphy his last rites after what had happened. His heart ached at the fact Lila had gone to find the hospitals priest to anoint him. She hadn’t given up, she hadn't asked for the priest to read Murphy his last rites like she thought he would slip away again. He felt a lump in his throat and he couldn’t bring himself to talk, he just nodded at the priest, bowing his head as he clasped his rosary in one hand, the other holding Murphy's. Lila went and walked back over to her seat, she reached out and took Murphy's hand in her own, the other hand reaching blindly for Rocco's, who grasped just as tight. The priest stood at the end of the bed, his bible in hand as he looked over these three people who loved this young boy so much. He had heard what had happened with the boy's brother, how his sheer will for his brother to pull through had drug him out of his own coma and brought his brother back from the dead. He felt like God had great plans for these people, he could just feel it in his bones.
“In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.” The priest started. They all made the sign of the cross, Lila releasing Rocco's hand to do so before grabbing it again.
“Amen.” They all muttered softly.
“The peace of the Lord be with you always.” The priest continued.
“And also with you.” They replied in unison.
“Brothers and sister, let us bless the Lord, who went about doing good and healing the sick. Blessed be God now and forever.”
“Amen.” They replied once more. The three of them watched and listened intently as the priest went about reading passages from the bible as he blessed Murphy. The priest moved around Connors side as he leaned over, anointing Murphy with the oil as he prayed.
“Lord and Father, almighty and eternal God, by your blessing you give us strength and support in our frailty: turn with kindness toward your servant, Murphy. Free him from all illness and restore him to health, so that in the sure knowledge of your goodness
he will gratefully bless your holy name. We ask this through Christ our Lord.” The priest moved away after the prayer was said, and Connor almost jumped when the priest turned and anointed him too. He almost forgot he was also injured, he had been too focused on his brother.
The priest said his goodbyes after some comforting words and the three were once more alone with Murphy. Silence descended on them and Connor looked over to Lila grateful that she had done such a sweet thing for them both, he knew Murphy would have been happy about it if he were awake. She didn't look at him though, she just stared at Murphy vacantly. He wondered if she had switched off to preserve her sanity, to push her feelings down much like he always did. He didn't like it though. She had always been much more like Murphy when it came to her emotions. She would just say it how it was, react to how she felt. But now it was like she wasn't even really there. But he guessed it was probably better in the current situation than having her have a mental breakdown. He sighed and looked to his brother, his heart aching. He had to wake up, there was no other option. He had to wake up and be fucking fine. For him, for Lila, even for fucking Rocco. They all needed Murphy, Connor had faith that God wouldn't do this to him, to Lila. To take him away like this. He had so much left to give, so much life left in him. Connor couldn't believe this would be it for him, not a fucking chance. He would wake up and they would all be there to help him. That's just the way it was.
Taglist; @risingphoenix761 @arlaina28 @daryldixonandfrogs @divadinag
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ashthelazy · 7 years
CR Expo 2017 Con report!
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Over the weekend I tabled at Crunchyroll Expo and it was pretty eventful for a first-time con.
Day 1
I was stressing out the week before con because I’ve been making last minute decisions on prints. For example I lost my high resolution files for my large Fire Emblem prints ever since my pc crashed and I only had low resolutions on my tumblr. Fortunately, Kimm bumped up the resolution quality with her photoshop wizardry powers (I still don’t know how she did it but I can’t thank her enough) to have these prints in a large poster size. I ran them through fed-ex at the cheapest rate which really brought down the print quality, but hey, what can you do?
ANYWAY, first day at the con and I’m already a wreck because grid cubes ARE SO HARD TO ASSEMBLE LMAOOOO. My two helpers Kimm and Saga were with me the entire weekend and they really helped pull my shit together. I think what made me anxious about this con was my table location since I was at the very far corner of artist alley. It wasn’t so bad when a flood of people started walking past my table.
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The table.
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We eventually added Kimm’s bunny to the “Ryuji shrine.”
Even though Friday was pretty slow a lot of weird events happened. Like someone told me I was cute and wanted to exchange numbers. I was internally a hot mess afterwards but he got the message and didn’t insist on it. There was also these three guys who straight up asked me if I drew hentai and apparently they were livestreaming this?? GO FIGURE LMAO. I probably made a fool of myself in front of 3k watchers 😂 😂  ALSO!! KIWI CAME TO VISIT AND DROPPED OFF A GIFT!! I FINALLY GOT TO MEET HER AND SHE WAS REALLY NICE!! AHH I’LL TREASURE THESE BEAUTIFUL PINS AND CHARMS!!!
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I really wanted to pin these to my lanyard but I had a feeling people would ask me what table number I got these from and I’d have to constantly say that a friend dropped these off as a gift. ^_T
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smol commission of a smol kancolle character.
Because it was pretty slow for us Kimm and Saga walked around the area and kept spending so much on merch and commissions that they were struggling to stop spending any more lolololol. I also stepped out to check out the autograph booth and found out you had to get a ticket beforehand in order to get inside. I WAS A BIT SAD BECAUSE I WANTED TO SEE THE CHOCOBROS BUT IT’S OK.... I HAD ALL WEEKEND TO GET THEIR TICKET.... [to be continued]
It was only the first day and all of us were pretty tired. We checked in to our hotel and ate instant ramen for dinner. In order to avoid clogging the sink we threw the broth into the toilet. hsdfhafoasdfhoasdfhlf;as
Day 2
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Heyo I cosplayed Chie.
This day was really busy considering it was the weekend and all. I had such a hard time keeping my wig straight. I think this was also the most times when the artist alley lights would turn on and off on random occasions. 
I love how customers get the most reaction out my charms when they flip them over. They would either laugh or go WOAHHHHH.
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The future is now.
Apparently there’s this running gag for this day: if Kimm and Saga leave the table I get lots of sales or if I step out I miss out on commission opportunities. I stayed in my table for most of the day to prevent this from happening.
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What a weird turn of events..... I also didn’t know Rodi was at the con and that  caught me off guard!!! WE ART TRADED ON THE SPOT AND I GOT THE PHANTOM THUGZ ZINE AND RYUJI BUTTONS. THEY’RE FUCKING AMAZING.
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And Debbie stopped by my table!! She dropped off a gift!! AAAAAAAAAAA I’M SO TOUCHED... BEAUTIFUL FINAL FANTASY BOYAS..... DEBBIE WAS ALSO REALLY SWEET ;o; I was overwhelmed by everyone’s kindness and it was only day 2....
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I was really scared of walking around the con alone in cosplay because I clam up when people ask for photos but lol i kinda got over it. 
I think mid-day was when I ran out of my Akira/Ryuji ramen charm. That was unexpected since I had no faith in it BUT THANK YOU FOR THOSE WHO BOUGHT IT!
I walked around artist alley for a bit and noticed a Noctis shrine for one of the tables. Being the shy fucker I was I asked Saga to deliver my FFXV charms to them in hopes they won’t find me. THEY EVENTUALLY FOUND ME IN THE END WITH ONE OF THEM SENDING ME A CRYPTIC TWEET. SDKFHADS FNFALSFANJA FSD
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Right when artist alley was about to close this guy wanted the last Lucina print and I was laughing my ass off because he didn’t care for Lucina or Fire Emblem, he wanted it because it was the last print. When we were bagging it he wanted us to keep the “Last one” sticky note to show off that he got the last Lucina print AND I LOST IT FROM THERE. LIKE SURE MAN WHATEVER FLOATS YOUR BOAT.  😂 😂
Overall it was a good day.... Even though Saga and Kimm were crying over their wallets but they said their purchases were worth it.
Also for dinner we had ihop and their onion rings were made out of pancake mix LMAO.
Day 3 (Warning: unnecessary use of caps lock)
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This was my favorite day for several reasons. Like even though I wasn’t able to get tickets for the chocobros in the last 2 days I snagged a Max Mittelman (Ryuji’s VA) ticket! But even after getting the ticket I got nervous because I was really gonna meet him.... 
Saga asked me to draw a really ugly Ryuji on a cardboard of welch’s fruit snacks so I can have his VA sign it. Though, I think signing is limited to one item unless you’re willing to drop 10 bucks.
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At one point someone dropped off their change in front of Ryuji and left. Honestly, same.
Eventually it was almost time to for the autograph session so I replaced Ryuji’s portrait with one of the ugly drawings Saga requested earlier.
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I also found it funny how someone was holding my FFXV print right in front of me while we were waiting to go inside the autograph room. When I finally met Max Mittelman in person I gave him the Ryuji picture to sign.... I’m just trying to keep my composure at this point since I was REALLY NERVOUS IN FRONT OF HIM. After that I told him that I was the artist who drew the Burger King Ryuji art and he gave me a HIGH FIVE!!! I also told him to visit me in artist alley (if he could find me that is) and LITTLE DID I KNOW HE FOUND MY TABLE. I WAS SO CAUGHT OFF GUARD I FELT LIKE I WAS RUNNING MY MOUTH WHEN TALKING TO HIM. HE CAME OUT OF NOWHERE.
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And the grand finale.... the art trades!!! I got to meet old faces and new ones! Everyone was really kind and it gave me heartburn just thinking about it!! T__T I really appreciate this!! I’d also like to thank Kimm and Saga for being awesome table mates!! Words can’t express how much you made this con even better!
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I’m glad I got to table at CR Expo! It was such a huge impact on me that I had to write my thoughts here!! Hopefully I get to table again next year!
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stevefcx · 7 years
Send me a ship and I’ll tell you…
Who asks the other on dates: Def Hwoa, he’d ask Steve to go on bike rides with him so they can go to different places. They’d ride away for miles and miles and go out at different places and restaurants that aren’t even well-known at all but, are absolutely delicious! They’d get loads of souvenirs from the places they visit~Who is the bigger cuddler: STEVE. Especially in lazy mornings, he’s a cuddle monster~Who initiates holding hands more often: I’d say Steve, he’s a sap like that.Who remembers anniversaries: They both do tbh, but they’re both pretty forgetful about anniversaries as well lolWho is more possessive: STEVE, but only if he sees people unashamedly flirting with Hwoarang Who gets more jealous: They both get jealous for very reasonable reasons tbh, such a wholesome relationship where none are the jealous type lolWho is more protective: Def Hwoarang, especially because of his past experiences~Who is more likely to cheat: NONE, WHO IN THE RIGHT MIND WOULD WANT TO CHEAT HOMAYGASH.Who initiates sexy times the most: Hwoarang can be insatiable at times huehuehuehueWho dislikes PDA the most: Steve if it’s in front of cameras tbh, but out in public? He’s alright with itWho kills the spider: Both, but maybe Steve most of the time. Hwoarang is either scared or too lazy to kill it lolWho asks the the other to marry them: Steve is totes the type of guy to ask for Hwoarang’s hand in marriage cuz he’s a mushy lil sapWho buys the other flowers or gifts: Hwoarang ~especially when Steve gets angry at him eheheheWho would bring up possibly having kids: Steve, he’d ask Hwoa one day if he ever thought about adoptingWho is more nervous to meet the parents: I’d say Hwoarang, even if he has that swagger and confidence with him, he’s def the type to be nervous on making first impressions, especially one as important as meeting parentsWho sleeps on the couch when the other is angry: HWOARANG. We just talked about this earlier dude lololololWho tries to make up first after arguments: Since most of the time Hwoarang starts the fights, Hwoa is the first one to apologize lolWho tells the other they love them more often: Steve because he’s a sap~
♛ fill in the blanks | fluff otp edition
Who’s more likely to find who wearing their clothes?: They exchange clothes a lot since they’re the same size~ altho, Steve prob loves making Hwoa wear his shirts because he loves having to smell  Hwoarang’s scent in his clothesWho enunciates hand holding?: Steve~Who likes having their hair washed by who?: HWOARANG. Idk why, but I can totes see Hwoarang looking very satisfied at having his hair washed by SteveWho likes to slow dance?: Steve, he sometimes has to gently persuade Hwoa for it  but, when the mood is right Hwoarang dances with him without the persuasion lol Muse that’s more likely to fall asleep with their head in the others lap?: Steve, cuz he’s a sleepy boi Muse that does all the cuddling in a blanket fort?: STEVE, THE CUDDLE MONSTER STEVEWho hogs most of the covers at night?: Steve, cuz he likes being warm but, since he likes cuddling for heat it’s like he’s not stealing the blankets anywaysMuse who nuzzles the others shoulder to get them to give them a head rub?: Steve would totes do this as he hugs Hwoarang from the back, trying to get cuddles or a kissHow do they share a desert? Two forks or one?: Def two forks, but they’d feed each other tbh or at least Steve would do so since Hwoa would look so cute eating dessertsWho gets jealous more easily?: None~Who gets angered more easily? Hwoarang def has anger issues manHow do they go to sleep at night?: In Hwoarang’s way sex, in Steve’s way by cuddling. But most of the time both ways lolWho gets the most shoulder rubs?: Steve would, Hwoarang is really good at massagingWhat are there arguments/fights like? How often do they fight?: They’d fight about Hwoarang’s insecurity and paranoia with Jin, how Hwoarang should open up to Steve more and stop thinking about the past would repeat itself because it won’t, Steve won’t let their relationship end like that.
Also, Steve getting angry at Hwoarang getting into street fights.Who is more likely to throw things in fights?: Hwoarang most likely~How do they make it up to each other/apologize after an argument? Whilst Steve is more of the honest, talk it out closure type of guy, Hwoarang is more of a actions speak louder than, words type. They both have different strategies but, the other understands. It’s good balance tbhDo they have nicknames for each other?: Steve officially names Hwoarang his Kpop Idol Trash. Caring for each other while ill, how does the other muse go about it?: Hwoarang would be the doting type to always ask how Steve is doing and if there’s anything he needed or wanted; he’d go out and buy just about anything no matter how far the store is. Steve on the other hand is the type to have everything ready in the room because he doesn’t want to leave the other alone even for a second so everything gotta be here.Who’s more likely to be patching the others wound?: Steve since, Hwoarang gets into a lot of street fights.Muse that says ‘I told you so’, after they come home from the beach and other muse is burnt to a crisp while whining how bad it hurts for not listening and putting on sunblock after the other muse repeatedly told them they’d get burnt?: Steve, no questions asked. Steve would be the type to say “I don’t need sunblock, I’m getting a tan for summer.” he’d be basking under the sun all day long then, complaining to Hwoarang on how much it hurts the next day lolHe’d do it again the next day tho lolYour otp has a newborn baby, who gets up in the middle of the night when he/she cries?: Hwoarang since he doesn’t trust Steve to be fully awake enough to even lift the baby when he just woke up Your muse’s of the otp reaction to finding the others crying about something? And how do they make them feel better?: Hwoarang would cry about being paranoid for their relationship and not feeling good enough. This has happened lots of times already that Steve knows that what he should do is to calm Hwoarang down, keep him close and kiss him and tell him that everything’s going to be fine and Steve will never leave him.What would they be like as parents?: Steve would be the over-protective parents whilst Hwoarang would spoil the hell out of them. But, Hwoarang would be more strict than, Steve. He’d want the kids to have a healthy balanced life like Steve’s, instead of going out and searching for fights like Hwoa did in the past. What would they have been like as childhood sweethearts? MUSHY AF, like the bad boy and golden boy of the school got together #relationshipgoalsWho enunciates taking a bath together?: BOTH.Who likes who playing with their hair?: Steve, he’s totes enamoured by Hwoarang’s hair.The place they mostly likely accidentally fall asleep together?: I’d say living room floor lol  
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dahlthir-blog · 7 years
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    ➜ Fredlich Toomes has been accepted!
Welcome to Dahlthir, Kat! Your application for Fredlich Toomes has been approved. You’ll have 5 days to turn in your blog to the masterlist. If you need more time, you can send us a message!
The character portion of the application can be found under the cut. Enter the Necromancer!! He is right, though; his past is rather tragic. How could he have known the consequences of his actions? There was no warning, really. :c And then the blame gets pushed onto him! I mean, it does make sense as to why the townspeople would think that but still >:c. At the very least, he at least gets his undead buddies and a dead T-Rex friend!
Other Characters: Zacharius Leodegar and Liu Canglong
Faceclaim(s) & Series: Shiroe from Log Horizon
Character Name: Fredlich Toomes, Born Fredrick Lanciet Drowson Of House Hillgate Housing: A small lodge right on the outskirt of town by the forest. Age: 22
Lithe and Lanky, he stands tall but looks as if he hasn’t eaten in quite sometime. However the way he stands denotes a form of nobility or grace. They do say old habits die hard. His hair is dark and disheveled. Falling to his neck.
His is nose red. Consistently sniffing due to coldness of his dark arts. Clad in a cloak that hides his face but it still does not hide the literal chill of air emanating from him. His hands constantly has dirt on them and so do his boots. It feels as if he does not care about the social cues when it comes to presenting himself.
His eyes, originally green are now black, so deep, light doesn’t even faze it. All hidden behind thick glasses due to a youth of reading under candlelight.
Are they a part of the Adventurer’s Guild?: Lolololol. No.
Warnings: death, decay, undead, fires, demons, possession
Strives to stay on top.
Fredlich is not one to mess with. While he may at first seem like a quiet, respectful, even humble person. Deep down he is in fact vindictive and can be cruel. Ignited by pain and rage from a what he considers a tragic past, he considers that he can only trust himself and those under his command. Which he uses in great succession for he weaves death and all fear death.
Those that can crack the deathly exterior ha a chance of befriending somebody who has a need to protect which he considers valuable. Taking no limit to how far he will do things. To him life is just prologue for the true story, a story on which he is the author.
The manor stands tall upon the hill. At sunset, orange light permeates the ground and village below. However beyond the hill where the light doesn’t touch is a dark and desolate swamp. The Hillgate family has ruled over the town and surrounding areas for nearly two centuries.
Fredrick was the ninth of twelve and compared to his other brothers and sisters he wasn’t all that prominent. Which to him, he preferred. Instead of trying think up ways of gaining the favor of his parents, Fredrick preferred the quiet solitude of the family library. Here he spent his days, reading stories of fearless knights and gaining information from a multitude of resource books.
One of these book, a tome bound in black. Showed a map, starting from the manor and trailing down to the black swamps below. Curiosity took over the young boy and he under the cover of night followed it. Using the knowledge of star navigation he read in books to center himself. Crossing over the humid water. Dark canopies filled with green and red eyes that roam the area, stalking for prey and escaping their hunters. Every howl and growl made the boy jump but he did not care. he had to find this treasure.  The moon rose higher when he wound up in the heart of the swamp, the water black and covered with the gnarled roots of mangroves and willows.
He soon found himself in a clearing, the canopies opening letting the moonlight shine onto an island. The earth was empty, devoid of life except for a skeletal body. A staff of wood, gnarled and curled at the top. An unlit lantern hanging from it was thrust into the grown, between two ribs. One of them broken.
Fredrick wadded through the water. A hand outstretched as he grasps the staff. His finger tips grasp the wood and the lantern lights. At the same though a piercing cry rings out through the swamp as cold hands grasps Fred’s wrist and neck. Appearing before him was a gaunt face, eyes sunken and closed, and her body see through. Her mouth was agape, lips not moving as she spoke. Each word sounded raspy and croaking.
“Yooou. You’re the first in a hundred years to find me. Yoou. Do you know the hillgates?”
He replied in turn, saying he himself was a hillgates. Her eyes opened, pitch black and it seemed to call him in.
“You will wooooork.”
She pressed his face to hers and everything began to turn dark. However the light on the lantern glowed bright, as the same piercing scream from earlier filled his mind.
Then everything went black.
His eyes opened to the smell of smoke. The image before him was blurry but he could see the colors of orange and red. Feeling the intense burn of a fire as it surrounded him. He sat up and realized he was no longer in the swamp but back home. In front of his was the double staircase that was housed in the foyer of his home. Around him the charred remains of people, people he recognized as his own siblings, servants, and others. In his hand was the same lantern staff he held before.
He stood up and looked around him. Behind the flames were a number of shadowy figures. Slowly they emerged, blackened skeletons wielding weapons appeared. Their cackles echoing through the roars of the flames. Slowly surrounding and flanking him. He gripped the staff harder and turned around to find a way out. Seeing no way out he picked up the staff and waved it around, trying to impede the skeletal army. They still kept moving and feeling desperate he slammed the staff on the ground. A low ring emanating from where the blow struck blew out all the flames, leaving him in a dark and smoky room. The flames itself were not the only thing to stop either. The army of skeletons stopped where they stood, bending at the knee towards Fredrick.
He himself falling onto his knees. Tear staining his face as he was surrounded by dead and undead. The smoke cleared and shimmering through the walls was the same woman, her eyes again closed. A spectral hand cupping his face.
“The Hillgates debt has been paid. In my thanks. You too will weave souls to do your beckon. Perhaps the soul of your family, so they may do the right thing.”
The spirit bent forward and kissed Fredrick on the cheek before disappearing in an exploding mist. The bodies of the skeletons crumbling before him. Followed by Fredrick, who fell to the ground. A broken young boy.
Time passed, seasons changed and Fredrick finally snapped out of the melancholy. Sadness was replaced by Anger and a need for justice. His studies now pertains to the necromantic arts and the identity of the ghost who possessed him. In the time since, the young boy was accused of familicide and had to escape the town.
He began to live on his own, finding refuge if need be and utilizing his new magic to defend himself.
Years passed and his skills in the magic grew, with it his own isolation. But there are moments when he would delve back into civilization. For one reason or another, including joining a group of sages into collecting new discovered bones of creatures they originally thought were dragon, but were however  a newly discovered number of creatures they call Terrorlizards. Which to Fred’s delight, was full of innate magical possibility. Which he took for himself their first specimen, a large sharptooth specimen he brought to life.
Now he travels around, looking for answers. Hoping to find anything that could explain the curse given to him.
Level: 3
General Powers/Abilities/Unusual Traits Description:
Fred is a practitioner of the necromantic arts. His skills in the matter of soul weaving is so well practiced. Some say he is a  possible host for a god of death. But that isn’t the truth. Asides from his powers in raising the dead and summoning souls he is proficient in magic deemed dark, including: poison, insects, darkness, ice, and some botany
Specific Powers/Abilities/Traits of Note:
He is always surrounded by an air of cold. The area within five feet of his always feels cold, which during summertime makes him quite popular to his chagrin.
His usage of dinosaur fossils as his necromancy stable, esp with a trex that he calls Doomfang.
He has insects that come to his beck and call
He can summon thorny vines, mandrakes, fungus, and other plants attributed with the dark arts.
Extra (Anything you’d like say!):
0 notes
foxyotomelady · 5 years
Maybe I am a jerk... Chapter II (JuminxReader, ZenxReader)
Author’s notes:
This chapter came out quite long. But it's mainly because of chatrooms.
Be aware of: my strange sense of humor, angst, yandere-ish Jumin (I couldn’t resist).
There will probably be another chapter. But we will see.
I used these stickers to create gifs.  I know they are not perfect :(
Chapter I | Chapter II (You are here) | Chapter III | Chapter IV |  Epilogue | 1st Spin-off | 2nd Spin-off | 3rd Spin-off pt 1 | 3rd Spin-off pt 2 | 3rd Spin-off pt 3 |
Buy Me A Ko-Fi Have a nice reading!
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You did not expect that after what happened last night, things will become so awkward. After yesterday's drinking, your head ached and you didn’t feel well. Fortunately, you worked mainly at home - as a blogger and marketer. So you could take a day off whenever you wanted. And today you needed it. But when you had nothing to do - and without taking care of guests, as the RFA has not planned yet another party - you quickly got bored. So you decided to enter the chat room.
Zen: Baby~! You are here!
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You: And you are here ^^ I’m glad.
Jaehee Kang: Good morning, Zen, Y/N.
Jaehee Kang: Zen, I thought you have a rehearsal now.
Zen: I have, but
Zen: I'm on my break
Zen: We still have a lot of work ;;
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Zen: But I think I’ll be able to come back earlier today, Y/N.
Zen: Aren't you happy? <3
You: I am! <3 Finally, we will spend some time together…
Zen: awww
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[Jumin Han has entered the chat room]
You: ghsgvs
You: …. sorry, my fingers slipped.
Jumin Han: awww, you two, so lovey-dovey.
Jaehee Kang: ………
Zen: …………
Zen: dude, what is your problem?
Jumin Han: Why do you think I have a problem?
Jaehee Kang: Sir… You behave strangely…
Jaehee Kang: I’ve got your message that you will not show up at work today.
Jaehee Kang: But you didn't care to explain me why.
Jumin Han: I still don’t care.
Jaehee Kang:
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Zen: DUDE ;;;;;
Jaehee Kang: ….. Are you alright, sir?
Jumin Han: ya
Jaehee Kang: ….. ya?
Jaehee Kang: It isn't like you, Mr. Han.
Jumin Han: Y/N
Jumin Han:  How is your morning?
Jumin Han:
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You: Um… I’m alright. I just have a little headache.
Jumin Han: You should not drink that much.
You: hahaha, look who’s talking! :)
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Zen: HEY trust-fund kid -_-
Zen: Why do you care so much? -_-
Jumin Han: ??
Jumin Han: I shouldn't care about my friend?
You: Zen! You're being mean!
Zen: You never cared about anyone except this cat of yours
Zen: And now you care SO MUCH about MY GIRLFRIEND?
You: Zen…
Jumin Han: Well, what should I do?
Jumin Han: As it seems you don’t care enough about her lately.
[Jumin Han has left the chat room]
Jaehee Kang: …. 
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You: Zen, calm down ^^’
Zen:… I know you’re thinking the same, Y/N.
Zen: But I'll make it up to you, I PROMISE.
Zen: I must go now
Zen: see you later, my love! <3
You: see ya ^^
Jaehee Kang: Um… Y/N.
Jaehee Kang: Do you happen to know why Mr. Han decided to stay at home today?
You: … hahaha, I think Jumin is still a little drunk…
You: I wonder how much he drank yesterday…
Jaehee Kang: 
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Jaehee Kang: It means more work for me…
Jaehee Kang: Now, excuse me.
[Jaehee Kang has left the chat room]
The next days were even weirder. Every time you were at the chat room alone with Jumin… it felt so awkward that you have rarely been able to conduct any meaningful conversations. It was even worse when there were three of you... You, Jumin and Zen.
As for Zen, you've been able to spend more time with him. And it was nice. But only nice... And it didn’t take long. Soon he was overcome by his rehearsals again. You felt that you desperately needed to talk to someone, but you didn't know to whom. You couldn’t talk to Jaehee. She adored Zen, and Jumin was her boss. Talking to her about feelings regarding these two... No, that could not end well. Yoosung... He was too pure, too naive. And Seven... oh hell NO. But of course, even if Seven was the last person you would like to talk about this matter, he had to interfere.
One day at the chat room:
Yoosung: Hello, Y/N!
Yoosung: T-T
You: What's the matter, Yoosung?
Yoosung: You and Jumin have been acting weird lately.
Yoosung: You guys had a fight or something?
You: … Um, no.
[707 has entered the chat room]
707: lolololololol
You: What's so funny?
Yoosung: ???????
707: you are so clueless, Yoosung
707: Fortunately, God Seven
707: sees and knows everything!
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Yoosung: so tell me!
Yoosung: I don't understand what's happening lately T-T
707: lololololol
707: Y/N
707: Should I tell him?
You: NO
Yoosung: WHY?
Yoosung: I want to know! T-T
707: HE
707: IS
707: so
707: desperate!
707: Maybe I should 
You: NO
707: tell him
Yoosung: you're cruel, Y/N!
707: lololololol
707: I have a better idea!
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You: I'm not interested.
707: How about…
You: I'm NOT interested!
707: God Seven will give you advice! If you ask!
You:  I'm
You:  NOT
707: but you need it
707: Would you consider a threesome?
You: …………….
Yoosung: Threesome????
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Yoosung: What are you talking about?
707: Should I tell him?
You: N
You: O
707: lolololol, maybe it's better for you not to know
707: otherwise you would have to choose a side.
You: There are no sides!
707: oh oh oh
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You: Please, no…
707: Let's make a bet
707: Who would win Y/N's heart?
Yoosung: WHAT?
707: Zen
707: or Jumin?
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Yoosung:  WHAT?
You: That's enough, Seven. It isn't funny.
707: oh, but it is! Lololol
And you just left the chat room, flustered and angry.
Days passed. You thought that in time everyone would forget about this strange situation, but nothing changed. It was getting worse. Jumin actually started to avoiding you, he were disappearing as soon as you appeared at the chat room and when you called him, he was always busy. 
Until one day, when you were spending the evening alone once again, you decided to look through some popular websites. You found pictures there, where you were with Zen. There would be nothing wrong with it, if it were not for the comments…
Ugh, she's so ugly.
She surely doesn't deserve him!
Did she see herself in the mirror?
How can he look at her? She's simply disgusting!
What's with her hair? Are they even real? LOL
There was much much more... you read them, though you were in pain, and you could not resist. Finally, you felt tears running down your cheeks. This pain… It squeezed your lungs, you could not breathe. Your hands were shaking. You weren't thinking clearly and despite all the warnings, you called Jumin. You had to... You needed him.
He wasn't answering for so long that you were afraid he would not pick up. But in the end, you heard his tired, though cold voice:
"It's you," He sighed. "I'm sorry, I have a lot of work-"
"Jumin..." your voice was weak through your loudly sobs.
You heard a creak, as if Jumin had jumped up from his chair.
"Y/N... Are you... Are you crying?"
"What have I ever done to these people?" You cried out, shaking.
"What are you talking about?" His voice became cold again, heavy. "Did someone hurt you?"
Crying in a trembling voice, you told him about the comments you read in the media. You told him that you can't handle it any longer. And that you were in such discomfort lately.
"And I haven’t had anyone to talk to... Even you... Even you were avoiding me," You continued.
"I'm so terribly sorry. I will make it up to you right away," He said, his voice filled with guilt. "I will send Driver Kim for you. Immediately."
You blinked, surprised. You wiped some tears from your cheeks. „What…?”
"I will not let you cry there alone at night," Before you could protest, he hung up.
After a while, Driver Kim stood in your door. You managed to change into clean clothes, but you were sure your face and eyes were still red from crying. You were still slightly shocked when you finally got to the apartment. One of bodyguards took you to the kitchen, where Jumin was waiting for you.
You both stood in silence for a moment, looking at each other blankly. You could not stand it anymore, hurried to him and embraced him firmly. Jumin froze. You started crying again and he began to slowly caress your back and your hair.
"Shh... I'm here now," His voice was gentle, calm.
After some time spent in his caring embrace, you finally calmed down. You wiped away tears and looked at him. He smiled gently, and you moved away, ashamed of yourself.
"I'm sorry," You mumbled.
"There's no need," He reassured you and pointed at the table. "I made pancakes for you."
Shocked, you blinked, "Pancakes? At this hour? It can't be healthy. "
"Now the most important thing is to make you feel better and I think in situation like this pancakes made especially for you can be an ideal remedy."
You were moved and amused. You sat down together at the table and you alone started to eat. The pancakes were delicious! Jumin smiled slightly when you expressed your opinion with cheeks full of food.
He weren't saying anything and just looking at you intensely. You swallowed another bite, pleased.
"Why are you not eating?" You asked.
"Because it's unhealthy at this hour."
"You...", You frowned and he just smirked at you.
You spent next hour in amusing conversation. You felt relaxed and... happy, but you also felt the urge to ask one question. And so you did.
"Why have you been avoiding me?"
Jumin raised his eyebrows and then sighed, "You know exactly why."
You both were staring at each other silently and suddenly the phone rang. It was Zen. You apologized to Jumin, got up from your chair and took the call.
"You are not at home," Zen announced.
"Um..." You didn't know what to say to him. You were sure that he couldn't handle the truth. But you also didn't want to lie.
"Where are you?" He insisted.
"I'm at Jumin's apartment," You whispered, barely audibly.
"I'm at Jumin's apartment," You repheted, louder this time.
"Zen, calm down…"
"YES, I KNOW," You starter to get annoyed. "Zen, we just-"
And before you knew it, Jumin took your phone from your hand, "Hello, Zen," He said, calm and composed.
"YOU JERK!" You heard Zen's voice very plainly - he spoke loudly and Jumin stood next to you. "IF YOU DARE TO TOUCH HER-"
"She cried because of you, do you know that?"
"But I took care of everything, so you don't have to worry. I'll send her home immediately."
Jumin hung up. You looked at him dumbfounded when he returned your phone to you. Your hands touched for a moment, "I must ... I should go now."
"Yes," He said.
But none of you moved. You stood with your back against the table and Jumin was in front of you, closely. He leaned down and you pressed your back to the table, unsure of what to do. Your heart started beating fast, almost painfully. However, you raised your head, stood on your toes, grabed his shirt and... your lips met.
At first his kiss was delicate and careful. However, it quickly turned into a passionate and desperate one. As if you both have been waiting for this moment for a long time.
"Jumin..." You moaned between his forcefully kisses. "We... can't…"
"I know..." He panted, his voice hoarse, and he lift you up on the table. You wrapped your arms around his neck. His hands went down to your waist and back and he pressed you to his body harder, even more desperate. It felt so wrong... yet so good. You never felt so amazing with Zen. You were breathless, heated and just simply aroused. You never felt so in love.
Jumin moved his kisses to your neck, you sighed and dug your fingers into his shoulder.
"Shh... it's alright."
"No, Jumin... Zen-"
Jumin suddenly ceased kissing and sucking your neck, grabbed you gently by the chin and looked at you from above. In his eyes... there was something cold and dangerous. You shuddered.
"Let's not talk about Zen now," his voice was raspy, domineering. "I don't want to feel his name on your lips when I'm kissing you."
He crushed your lips with his own and you squealed with your weak and muffled voice. You would never thought that someone so composed like Jumin could be so passionate, that you would be shivering in his arms. You were about to losing control. You were so close to give up to your and his desires. But somehow, with the rest of your common sense, you managed to move away from him and slip out of his grip.
"No, we can't!" You were about to rush out from the kitchen, but suddenly you felt cold and strong hand clasped on your wrist. Frozen, you looked at Jumin in surprise. His face... The expression on his face was so different than usual, dark, almost devilish.
"Where are you going?" He asked coldly.
"You said that you'll send me home," You whispered under his sharp gaze, still trembling, trying to catch your breath.
He blinked and let go of your wrist as if he broke out of his trance.
"Yes," He said dumbfounded, with eyes wide open. "I'm terribly sorry. I'll inform Driver Kim and he'll take you home."
His hands were shaking like crazy. Worried, you wanted to grab them gently, but he stepped away, as if your closeness would make him burn.
"Please, wait here, someone will escort you to the exit."
After these words, Jumin left quickly, leaving you alone. You covered your mouth with your hand, remembering the kiss. Your heart still hammered. What just happened?
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Well, that was a ride.... Hope you enjoyed :)
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