#just just bent the knee
anewstartrekfan · 1 year
Behold, one off character Dr. Miranda Jones delivers the sickest burn in Star Trek history
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twistedappletree · 11 months
The fact that Jiang Cheng pops up on Jin Ling’s night hunts just to insult him then probably hides in the bushes and watches him the entire time to make sure he’s safe is so fucking funny to me I juST-
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moxley · 9 months
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i was tryna take dramatic screenshots of raphael's transformation before the house of hope fight but he has a fucking bald patch 😭
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rosehathawhey · 11 months
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ON THIS DAY IN SOAP OPERA HISTORY: Hope Logan took the first step toward exiting her decades long Vanilla Era. Thomas Forrester approved with a hearty "Yes, Ma'am!".
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spacenintendogs · 8 months
going roller skating for the first time 😭
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zappedbyzabka · 10 months
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chthonicillness · 2 months
i am soooo done with these fractures. divas, both of them!! theyre finally getting over it and meanwhile like every single other part of my body hurts more than they ever did cause i've been relying on two limbs for the last six weeks and couldn't do any physical therapy exercises about it
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whilomm · 11 months
looking at information on ehlers danlos and the Problems™
internet: "its really easy for people with ehlers danlos to sublux/dislocate stuff, sometimes without even realizing it!"
me: "okay cool maybe thats whats happening to me. hey internet how do i tell if ive subluxed/dislocated something"
internet: "oh no, you would DEFINITELY know if you did, thats not just something that happens without people realizing it!"
me: "but you just sa-"
internet: "YOU WOULD KNOW!!!"
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lvllns · 1 year
odysseus in this musical like “please don’t make me kill the infant” like my good dude you are the one who launches astyanax off the wall in most of versions of the mythos
#reed.txt#i DO think it's a very interesting take on him and this specific situation#because there are versions where neoptolemus is the one who kills the infant#but i like. deciding on this specific characterization of odysseus here because it gives another dimension to his character#yes he is desperate to get back to ithaca to see his wife and son after two decades#but choosing to write and portray odysseus as just a man who had to make this absolutely HORRIFIC decision#to murder an innocent child to preserve the safety of himself and his family#zeus telling him he WILL have blood on his hands he just gets to choose whose blood it's going to be#because people WILL die. either hektor's infant son or odysseus and his family and potentially citizens of ithaca#zeus TELLS him that astyanax will grow up and be bent on vengeance for his father and his city and his family#'you have a choice but it's not really a choice because it's one infant weighed against your wife and son and citizens'#'this is the will of the gods' and odysseus is once again kicked to his knees#zeus here.....athena.....poseidon because he's a dipshit who doesn't kill polyphemus and instead gives him his full name and address#i dunno i just think it's a very interesting narrative choice that does a lot of good to give odysseus some dimension#and round him out as more than just. quick of wit. silver tongued. smart and whip quick.#ESPECIALLY with the follow up with athena where she's like 'the fuck dude have u forgotten that i was making you#into a powerful warrior?! stop FEELING and start THINKING.'#the bartering with zeus like 'i could do this' and zeus is like 'lmao nah bro'#'how many times have you listened to this album reed?' yes.#thank u for coming to my tedtalk about the odyssey musical i have many thoughts
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anotherpapercut · 10 months
just like blacked out and fell down in the bathroom so hard that I can barely walk. parkour
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pegging-satan · 11 months
Made the mistake of imagining Kunikida with sleeve garters now I am extremely turned on someone draw this please and thanks
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a-libra-writes · 1 year
Workin on my interactive asoiaf fic rn, finally introducing the major antagonist to the MC and i just
I really made this chick talk so much shit while also being 5"0
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tired-biscuit · 1 year
Can we all just appreciate that a lot of the time anime movies like Naruto have the freedom to show more. So we all get a chance to see 99% of Kiba in the hotsprings. Plus in one scene where catboy kiba gets his pants bitten off by Akamaru we get to see a peach ass.
that movie was so funny, he was so sweet as a catboy!! like his features were softer and his pupils were bigger and less sharp and omg both of the tiny fangs....... that specific version of him definitely whimpers hdhshshsh
i mean just look at him, he is such a dork
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💙💜Latvian Lover Boy💜💙
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chronal-anomaly · 1 year
Lena standing up and stretching her back far enough that her head nearly hits the ground. Lena casually sitting in the splits, or folding herself up into the most uncomfortable looking sitting arrangements for the sole reason that she can.
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randomestfandoms · 7 months
Someone explain how I had my easiest/least physically demanding shift in months (possibly since spring, most definitely since September) but that tonight is the night I completely lose the ability to straighten my leg or put weight on my knee without immediately bursting into tears I call bullshit
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