#jungle fight
pliniusmuscleheaven · 3 months
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More jungle fights on my website.
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theanticool · 10 months
Spotlight | Natalia Silva
One of a handful of Brazilian women really making a name for themselves as dangerous finishers, Natalia Silva (15-5-1) has stood out. 3-0 in the UFC with her most recent 2 wins coming by way of highlight reel KOs (head kick and spinning back kick).
Silva will face off with Andrea Lee (13-7) this Saturday (August 19) at UFC 292.
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lewiscarrolatemybrain · 5 months
Something something feral jungle-children ASL something something the boys eating all their meals still a little bloody, or even outright raw, when the mood strikes. Something something Ace always complaining that meat on the Moby is overcooked and everyone else always yelling at him -- he's allowed to eat blue steak but every time he tries to steal bites of pork or poultry or sea king or whatever while it's still raw and bleeding he gets physically thrown out of the kitchen.
Something something a bunch of Ace's division getting into a confrontation with the law and a marine gets a lucky shot in, manages to get sea stone cuffs on Ace's wrists, and since he can't punch and he can't use his fire and his men are in danger Ace just lunges and tears the man's throat out with his teeth.
Ace killing three more men that way, lock-jawed and snarling, thrashing like a crocodile and tearing through flesh and tendon until body-warm blood spurts free from arteries.
Ace spitting out a mouthful of trachea. Ace turning to look at his friends with blood splattered all the way up to his forehead and dripping down his chin, his chest. Ace grinning and licking his red, red teeth.
"Everybody okay?" Ace says. And then "Whew! Man, that made me hungry. Anybody got the keys to -- oh, thank you!" And then "Hey, lets get cleaned up and then head back to that barbecue place before we head out. Suddenly I'm really craving pork."
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starrystevie · 2 years
steve poking fun at eddie whenever his southern upbringing sneaks its way out is my new favorite thing to think about. his accent, a little bit of a drawl, comes out after a few drinks or when he gets overly excited or when he's angry. better yet, eddie will say things that steve has just never heard of and finds it too entertaining having him repeat certain things.
"okay, okay, just humor me this one last time!" he'll say and eddie will roll his eyes but he'll play along because, damnit, he'll do anything to see his boy belly laugh. "you're going grocery shopping. it's a big shop and you know you can't carry it all so... what is it that you need to help?"
and steve will be all barely held back giggles, eyes crinkling into crescents before he's even begun to really laugh and he looks like a kid waiting to catch santa claus.
and eddie will sigh, laying it on thick by rolling his eyes once more for good measure and crossing his arms over his chest before muttering out, "... a buggy, steve. you need a gotdamn buggy."
seeing steve bend over to cackle is worth any sort of humiliation eddie thinks could ever come from showing his true colors and laughs along with him, his own smile wide and bright as he pushes into steve's space so he can press a kiss to his crinkled cheek.
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n64retro · 8 months
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Donkey Kong charging his punch in Super Smash Bros. (HAL Laboratory, Nintendo, 1999)
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A Dwayne Johnson movie (any)
Jungle Cruise, Huh I Wonder Where This Cruise Takes Place
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ormymarius · 4 months
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his messy hair in this fight 🥰
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dark-falz · 1 month
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Someone makes a choked, shocked sound. Someone else yelps. It occurs to Ace, somewhere between the howling in his ears and the ache in his lungs and the taste of salt and iron flooding his mouth, that this is probably pretty surprising for his brothers to witness. Maybe even downright upsetting.
The thing is, Ace was wading into the jungles on his own as early as four years old. Dadan taught him how to do basic shit like talk and wipe his ass, but he honestly didn't have a ton of human interaction before meeting Sabo. And the thing about Sabo was that he had more than enough human interaction for the both of them. Ace learned some manners from Makino, but while Sabo was still around, there wasn't really any reason to get... good, at people.
But then Sabo died, and Ace needed to teach himself not only to talk his way out of trouble but also how to be the nice brother, how to treat Luffy with the softness he needed and deserved, how to gentle his hands and his voice and his words. So Ace did that, because he needed to, and it turned out to actually be pretty useful for dealing with people when he wasn't actively looking for a fight. So he stuck with it.
Which is all to say that by the time he'd joined up with Whitebeard, Ace was as close to tame as he had ever been. Almost downright domesticated.
Ace snaps his head to the side, putting some real momentum into it, heaving with all his weight until something tears. When he drops to his feet he springs right back up again, lunging. He spits out his mouthful as he goes, lets his jaw drop open.
The thing is, Ace is a child of the wilderness. He raised himself among that wilderness, and then he raised Luffy among that wilderness. He's a son of the jungle at heart, no matter how good he's gotten at pretending to be a person.
The sea-stone cuffs are chaffing his wrists. He feels tired and heavy, but he doesn't need his fire to be dangerous. Doesn't even need his hands.
Teeth find an artery. Body-hot blood sprays his face as Ace bites down, lock-jawed and snarling. Rears back and rips.
Another marine goes down. Ace spits out a chunk of the man's throat and is already rounding on a third. Notices, with a vague annoyance, that he's gonna need to find a toothpick -- there's a scrap of tendon or something caught in his teeth.
Mmm. Boar. They had pork for dinner, ah, the other night? Three days ago? Something like that, but it doesn't taste the same as wild boar does. And anyway, meat on the Moby is always overcooked. Ace is allowed to eat blue steak, but everybody always yells at him when he tries to steal bites of poultry or Sea King or whatever else while it's still tender and bleeding. This fight is giving Ace a real craving!
Duck. Lunge. Bite down, hard, thunder of a rabbit-quick pulse against his tongue, bulge of tender flesh against his soft palate. Iron and salt in his mouth.
Fear has a flavor. It is bitter and acrid, reminiscent of char, and Ace hadn't liked it much when he was young and still learning how to hunt. It stiffens up the meat, too, makes it kinda chewy. Somewhere along the line, he'd acquired a taste for it, though. He still marks it as a point of pride, his ability to hunt and kill prey without it ever knowing he was there, roasting something that is tender-sweet and gives easily under his teeth -- but the taste of fear isn't so bad either. Sometimes he even prefers it, gets a craving for it. Like wild boar, he hasn't had it in a while. Maybe he'll chase down his own dinner tonight.
Ace rears back. Muscle fibers split, skin stretches until it snaps. A heave, and a body crumples to the ground, gurgling. He gnaws kind of idly on his mouthful while he catches his breath, snorting blood out of his nose and straining his ears. Sounds like the fight's over, then.
Another lump of trachea gets spat into the dirt. Ace turns to face his brothers, counting heads -- good, it looks like nobody got hurt too bad, everybody is still standing! He grins. Ah, they're all pretty pale though, that's a little bit concerning, he hopes nobody's in shock. He learned from Marco that that can happen to anybody, even if they've been in a whole lot of fights.
"Hey!" Ace chirps. "Is everybody okay?" His wrists are killing him. Also, he really needs a shower. He's got blood in his ears, how the hell did that happen? But first he jogs over to where the others are all standing, clumped together, still just. Kinda staring at him.
Okay. Concerning. "You guys alright?" He asks again, lower. "Is anybody hurt? What happened?"
"Ace, man," Deuce says. His voice sounds kind of shaky. He drags a hand through his hair, fucking it up even worse than it already is. "What the fuck was that?"
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Finally a new adventure with Leah, the jungle girl! Leah was just enjoying a refreshing bath in a cool pond when she got attacked by a deadly predator... Watch the fight of life and death here: https://tokapi.wixsite.com/pliniusmuscleheaven/jungle-stories
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theanticool · 3 months
Igor Severino vs Manoel Juninho - Jungle Fight 110
Igor Severino (8-0) might be only 20 years old but he's been fighting professionally since he was 14 years old. While we can argue about the risks of starting your fighting career so young, it has worked out for Severino so far. Undefeated, Severino managed to win the Jungle Fight flyweight title before getting the call for the Contender Series. Now he's in the UFC.
Severino will face off with fellow undefeated Brazilian flyweight André Lima (7-0) on the prelims for UFC Fight Night: Ribas vs. Namajunas this Saturday (March 23).
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fruitblr · 1 year
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THE JUNGLE BOOK (1967) dir. Wolfgang Reitherman
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naffeclipse · 2 months
*Turns Y/N into a naga and turns to the Serpent Den bois*
Come get y’all juice!
Oh no, not Y/N's legs again! Anyways—
They would fall to the ground and feel their lower half twist and twine in confusion. How do they use this thing? It's so long and scaley! They're panicking! Every naga within the jungle is booking it to Y/N's location. They are screaming in confusion, and every snake suitor intends to save* them from this predicament!
*save is subject to each naga's personal desires
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stonedrunkwizard · 5 months
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campbenji · 1 year
jwcc as ao3 tags p. 2
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and a bonus:
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nausicaä would be an avatar of the extinction
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