#jun loran
am-cogitoergosum · 11 months
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Art credits go to @mochidoodle!!
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fangruninsimp · 2 years
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The poppy war is a comedy actually
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trans-rite · 6 years
The Transgender Rite of Ancestor Elevation: 2017 List of Names
Below the cut, a list of names, organized by country (in chronological order within that), including affirmed name (in brackets if it’s their birth name and we couldn’t find further information), date of passing, and how they died (people have mixed feelings about the latter, we understand). Some include age and other notes as well, but that’s not consistent across the names.
These are the main sources we used to make our list this year, which we then use to cross-reference and catalyze further reading and checking of news sources. It involves collecting, organizing, checking for duplicates, and correcting pre-existing or conflicting information. We also collected names or photos that people submitted individually to include in the rite even if the people did not die this year, and to also incorporate individuals who died by other means that were not violent crime (which includes accidents, suicides, and the like) or who weren’t identified as trans in the media but people close to them did disclose.
[Edited 12/26/17: We have removed the image of and message for one of the people on this list at the request of their partner, who was the one who submitted it. Their space on this list and our collective altars up until now has done its job and they have expressed their thanks.]
Sofía Mailén Santillán
Mercedes, Argentina
Beaten to death
A. Villegas Quilmes, Argentina 14-Jan-17 Shot in the head
Cindy Crawford Revlon Buenos Aires, Argentina 1-Jun-17 Decapitated
Pamela Tabarez Rosario, Argentina 25-Jul-17 Shot multiple times
Eyelen Tucuman, Argentina 18-Aug-17 Beaten
Azul Montoro (24 or 26) Córdoba, Argentina 18-Oct-17
Juninho da Mangueira
Guarus, Brazil
Shot at least five times.
Paola Bracho Manaus, Brazil 24-Nov-16 Suffocated
Michele Rios Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 26-Nov-16 Cause unclear
Patricia Araujo not reported Sao Paulo, Brazil 27-Nov-16 Shot in the head and burned
Name unknown Joao Pessoa, Brazil 2-Dec-16 Asphyxiation
M. Dias Machado Pontal do Parana, Brazil 3-Dec-16 Shot at least three times
Will Rhillary Silva Viamao, Brazil 7-Dec-16 Shot
Name unknown Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 7-Dec-16 Shot
R. da Silva de Sá Maceio, Brazil 10-Dec-16 Shot in the head
G. Aquino de Godoy Curitiba, Brazil 14-Dec-16 Shot in the head
D. de Souza Campos, Brazil 17-Dec-16 Shot in the neck and back
J. R. T. Gomes Crato, Brazil 18-Dec-16 Stoned to death
Gabriel Gomes Goiania, Brazil 21-Dec-16 Shot multiple times at the same incident as F. Braz
F. Braz Goiania, Brazil 21-Dec-16 Shot multiple times at the same incident as Gabriel Gomes
Paula Raio Laser 50 Fortaleza, Brazil 23-Dec-16 Shot
Jake Helen Contagem, Brazil 31-Dec-16 Shot five times
Flávia Victoria Lima Sorocaba, Brazil 31-Dec-16 Cause unclear
L. C. Marinho Nova Cruz, Brazil 4-Jan-17 Stabbed
W. H. Soares dos Santos 16 Teresina, Brazil 6-Jan-17 Shot
Mierala da Silva Bauru, Brazil 13-Jan-17 Beaten
Moranguinho Paranangua, Brazil 15-Jan-17 Shot
Agatha Lios Brasilia, Brazil 18-Jan-17 Cause not reported
Sandra Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 19-Jan-17 shot
Lady Dyana Manaus, Brazil 19-Jan-17 Stabbed
J. A. dos Santos Itabaianinha, Brazil 26-Jan-17 Shot to death
Paola Oliveira Russas, Brazil 30-Jan-17 Stoned to death
Name unknown Recife, Brazil 3-Feb-17 Drowned; legs were tied down
Agatha Mont Itapevi, Brazil 4-Feb-17 Suffocated
Name unknown Guaruja, Brazil 8-Feb-17 Stoned to death
Dandara dos Santos / Dandara Kataryne / Dandara Kethlen Fortaleza, Brazil 15-Feb-17 Beaten, shot, and stoned to death by a mob
Name unknown Caçapava, Brazil 17-Feb-17 Shot to death
A. da Silva Maciel Distrito de São Sebastião, Brazil 18-Feb-17 Shot
Mirella de Castro Belo Horizonte, Brazil 19-Feb-17 Suffocated
Camila de Souza Magalhães Sao Gonçalo, Brazil 25-Feb-17 Beaten
Emanuelle Muniz Anapolis, Brazil 26-Feb-17 Stoned to death
Lorrane São Luiz, Brazil 26-Feb-17 Shot to death
Z. Marrocos Guarabira, Brazil 28-Feb-17 Stabbed to death
Michelly Garcia Pelotas, Brazil 3-Mar-17 Shot
Name unknown Goiania, Brazil 6-Mar-17 Shot
Rubi Luziania, Brazil 6-Mar-17 Shot
Sandra Laranjeiras do Sul, Brazil 8-Mar-17 Beaten
Jennifer Celia Henrique (Jenni) Florianopolis, Brazil 10-Mar-17 Beaten
Name unknown Cachoeirinha, Brazil 12-Mar-17 Burned to death
Lexia Santa Fe do Sul, Brazil 13-Mar-17 Stabbed
Camila Albuquerque Salvador, Brazil 15-Mar-17 Shot
Bruninha Ourinhos, Brazil 16-Mar-17 Stabbed
Paola Street Joao Candido do Camara, Brazil 22-Mar-17 Stabbed to death
Paulina Recife, Brazil 23-Mar-17 Shot multiple times
Uilca or Wilka Loteamento Luiz Gonzaga, Brazil. 26-Mar-17 Stabbed in the neck
Name unknown Acara, Brazil 2-Apr-17 Beaten
Name unknown Campo Grande, Brazil 3-Apr-17 Not reported
R. Félix da Silva Guarariba, Brazil 4-Apr-17 Shot to death
Bianka Gonçalves Primavera do Leste, Brazil 7-Apr-17 Shot to death
Camila Sao Jose do Campos, Brazil 10-Apr-17 Beaten
Vitoria Castro Araguaina, Brazil 10-Apr-17 Beaten
Hérica Izidório Fortaleza, Brazil 12-Apr-17 Beaten
Name unknown Curitiba, Brazil 12-Apr-17 Beaten
Gaby Feira de Santana, Brazil 12-Apr-17 Shot to death
Name unknown Itabuna, Brazil 16-Apr-17 Shot to death
Samilly Guimarães Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 20-Apr-17 Shot to death
Marooni Belem, Brazil 22-Apr-17 Stabbed to death
A. Ribeiro Marcossone Curitiba, Brazil 23-Apr-17 Shot over 25 times
Eloá Silva Joao Pessoa, Brazil 27-Apr-17 Shot multiple times
Name unknown Barcarena, Brazil 29-Apr-17 Stabbed
Layza Mello Vilha Velha, Brazil 30-Apr-17 Shot
Name unknown Belem, Brazil 30-Apr-17 Shot to death
Samaielly Lauro de Freitas, Brazil 30-Apr-17 Shot to death
Sophia Castro Contagem, Brazil 3-May-17 Cause unclear
C. A. Lima da Silva Monhangape, Brazil 6-May-17 Shot to death
R. C. Silva Pereira Barretos, Brazil 7-May-17 Deliberately struck by a vehicle
Thadeu Nascimento Grande do Retiro, Brazil 7-May-17 Shot and beaten
Jennifer Itaitinga, Brazil 9-May-17 Shot multiple times
Fernanda Ponta Grossa, Brazil 10-May-17 Shot
Chaiane Cachoeira do Sul, Brazil 13-May-17 Stabbed
Ketlin Juazeiro do Norte, Brazil 13-May-17 Stabbed
Name unknown Fortaleza, Brazil 13-May-17 Stabbed
Name unknown Morro Agudo, Brazil 15-May-17 Beaten to death
Pâmela Belo Horizonte, Brazil 21-May-17 Stabbed to death
Lalá Feira de Santana, Brazil 25-May-17 Shot to death
Grace Kelly Lauro de Freitas, Brazil 25-May-17 Suffocated
Joyce Jane Padilha Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 26-May-17 dismembered
Sheila Medeiros Tres Pontas, Brazil 29-May-17 Cause not reported
J.H. Pereira de Moura (21 or 22) Governador Valadares, Brazil 31-May-17 Shot in the sides
Natasha Castanhal, Brazil 5-Jun-17 Multiple gunshot wounds
A. Alves Nascimento Criciúma, Brazil 5-Jun-17 Shot to death
Natasha Varginha, Brazil 6-Jun-17 Shot multiple times
Name unknown Salvador, Brazil 10-Jun-17 Shot in the neck, belly, shoulder, and back.
Renata Vieira Uberlândia, Brazil 14-Jun-17 Beaten to death
E. Shyne Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 15-Jun-17 Tortured
Julhão Petruk Fortaleza, Brazil 15-Jun-17 Shot multiple times
Name unknown Caraguatatuba, Brazil 16-Jun-17 Stabbed
Bárbara Maceió, Brazil 18-Jun-17 Struck by a vehicle
Name unknown Belo Horizonte, Brazil 19-Jun-17 Shot to death
Camily Victoria Belo Horizonte, Brazil 22-Jun-17 Shot to death
Denise Aracaju, Brazil 24-Jun-17 Shot to death
C. Barroso de Oliveira Ananindeua, Brazil 24-Jun-17 Shot to death
Nicolly Santos Vitória de Santo Antão, Brazil 24-Jun-17 Stabbed multiple times
Ney Oliveira Apuarema, Brazil 25-Jun-17 Stabbed to death
Salomé Bracho São Luís do Curu, Brazil 25-Jun-17 Shot to death
Tabata Brandão Rondonópolis, Brazil 25-Jun-17 Shot to death
Carla Maceió, Brazil 28-Jun-17 Stabbed to death
Lola Sorriso, Brazil 2-Jul-17 Cause not reported
Rayane Fortaleza, Brazil 2-Jul-17 Shot
Larissa Valverde Fortaleza, Brazil 2-Jul-17 Multiple gunshot wounds
Vicky Spears Diadema, Brazil 3-Jul-17 Shot
Anna Sophia João Pessoa, Brazil 8-Jul-17 Shot in the head
Bruna dos Santos Pelotas, Brazil 9-Jul-17 Beaten and shot
Cauã Porto Alegre, Brazil 9-Jul-17 Shot
Thalia Rio Verde, Brazil 14-Jul-17 Shot
Sophia Campo Mourão, Brazil 17-Jul-17 Stabbed to death
Michele Caxias, Brazil 17-Jul-17 Shot
Leona Albuquerque Salvador, Brazil 17-Jul-17 Shot multiple times
Camila Guedes Monte Mor, Brazil 20-Jul-17 Stabbed
Gil Pereia da Costa Rio Branco, Brazil 20-Jul-17 Shot twice
Gabriela Sousa Maracanaú, Brazil 21-Jul-17 Shot
E. A. da Silva Maceio, Brazil 21-Jul-17 Shot
Name unknown Belo Horizonte, Brazil 22-Jul-17 Stabbed to death
Natalia Pimentel Várzea Grande, Brazil 25-Jul-17 Run over multiple times
Aurinete Patos do Piauí, Brazil 31-Jul-17 Stabbed
Name unknown João Pessoa, Brazil 1-Aug-17 Dragged and shot in the head.
Mary Montila Palmeira dos Índios, Brazil 2-Aug-17 Stabbed on the neck.
Charliane Itabuna, Brazil 2-Aug-17 Shot
Bruna Laclose Pinheiro Machado, Brazil 6-Aug-17 Stabbed
Paulinha Palmares, Brazil 8-Aug-17 Stabbed to death.
T. J. Gomes da Silva João Pessoa, Brazil 12-Aug-17 Multiple gunshot wounds
Dianna Limoeiro, Brazil 18-Aug-17 Shot
Evelin Ferrari Caruaru, Brazil 22-Aug-17 Shot
Lilly Cachoeira, Brazil 27-Aug-17 Shot to death
Daniele Jesus Lafon (47) Poços de Caldas, Brazil 2-Sep-17 Stabbed with a pair of scissors
Flávia Santos, Brazil 3-Sep-17 Shot
Rai Petrolândia, Brazil 3-Sep-17 Stoned to death
Ana Carolina Nascimento Araraquara, Brazil 5-Sep-17 Beaten to deat
Nicole Sorriso, Brazil 5-Sep-17 Stabbed to death
Alessandra São Paulo, Brazil 7-Sep-17 Shot
Bruna Monteiro Taguatinga Sul, Brazil 8-Sep-17 Shot to death
Lorane Camocim de São Felix, Brazil 9-Sep-17 Shot
Larissa Paiva Serra, Brazil 14-Sep-17 Serra, Brazil
Safira Salvador, Brazil 15-Sep-17 Shot to death
Name unknown Camaçari, Brazil 16-Sep-17 Shot
Ana Coutti Cabo Frio, Brazil 18-Sep-17 MUltiple gunshot wounds
Kaleane Belo Horizonte, Brazil 20-Sep-17 Shot in the head
Spencer Campinas, Brazil 23-Sep-17 Beaten and stabbed
D.R.P. Campinas, Brazil 24-Sep-17 Stabbed to death
Pâmela Moreilândia, Brazil 25-Sep-17 Shot and beaten
Danhy Zn Nascimento (19) Leme, Brazil 25-Sep-17 Not specified
Rayssa Uberaba, Brazil 26-Sep-17 Shot twice
Lu Brasil Altamira, Brazil 26-Sep-17 Cut and strangled
Renatha Lemos Nova Mamoré, Brazil 30-Sep-17 Burned
Natália Fortaleza, Brazil 30-Sep-17 Shot
Sisi Thibert
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Stabbed to death
Vanessa Valenzuela
Viña del Mar, Region Valparaiso, Chile
Beaten with hammers and sticks by five people who yelled "kill the fag."
Alejandro Polanco Botero
Risaralda, Colombia
Shot four times in the head
Vikichy Cali, Colombia 20-Jan-17 Stabbed in the chin and stomach
Silvana Fabian Pineda La Dorada, Colombia 28-Jan-17 Multiple gunshot wounds
Angelo Ramos Garzon, Colombia 9-Feb-17 Not reported
Name unknown Chaparral, Colombia 16-Feb-17 Beaten, and was violently sexually assaulted prior to death
C. Camilo Valencia Valle del Cauca, Colombia 19-Feb-17 Shot
Mafe Rojas Camilo Tolima, Colombia 3-May-17 Tortured, beaten, shot
Andrea Chaguendo Suárez Cali, Colombia 31-May-17 Stabbed
Juliana Orrego Monsalve Valle de Cauc, Colombia 2-Jul-17 Shot multiple times
Malvilis Trujillo Tolima, Colombia 27-Aug-17 Not reported
Costa Rica
Pococí, Costa Rica
Dominican Republic
Jessica Rubi Mori
La Romana, Dominican Republic
Carolina Alexis Zapata Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic 22-Jul-17 beat over the head with a stick
W. Fabricio Ponce
Banabi, Ecuador
Tortured and burned
El Salvador
Name unknown
San Salvador, El Salvador
Beaten to death
Name unknown San Salvador, El Salvador 17-Jan-17 Shot and thrown into the road
T. A. Orellana San Luis Talpa, El Salvador 18-Feb-17 Shot at the same time as D. Rodriguez
D. Rodriguez San Luis Talpa, El Salvador 18-Feb-17 Shot at the same time as T.A. Orellana
Elizabeth San Luis Talpa, El Salvador 20-Feb-17 Found with her hands and feet bound, with wounds to her face and neck.
Name unknown Ilopango, El Salvador 20-May-17 Shot to death
Misty García Usulután, El Salvador 27-Aug-17 Strangled
Sherlyn Montoya
Tegucigalpa, Honduras
Tortured; her body was discovered in a bag
Tato Eduardo Ayestas El Paraíso, Honduras 23-Apr-17 Stabbed multiple times
Vasu Swamy
Bangalore, India
Cause not reported
Shama Tej Mohan Nagar, India 30-Apr-17 Stabbed
Kajal Patna, India 29-Jul-17 Throat slit
Gauri (35) Aluva, India 17-Aug-17
[name unknown, trans woman]
Rome, Italy
Stabbed to death
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Victim was shot and stabbed
Name unknown Flat Sri Plateau, Bandar Sri Permaisuri, Cheras, Malaysia 5-May-17 Exact cause not reported. Was found in her apartment, bound
Hannia Camacho Rodriguez
Victoria, Mexico
Shot three times
Name unknown Sinaloa, Mexico 1-Jan-17 Cause unclear
Michelle de la Cruz González Coahuila, Mexico 6-Jan-17 Beaten with a hammer
Name unknown Guerrero, Mexico 7-Jan-17 Shot
J.C.N Estado de Mexico, Mexico 11-Jan-17 Shot 16 times
Name unknown Magdalena Contreras, Mexico 14-Jan-17 Stabbed
Anahí Tapia Llamas Guadalajara, Mexico 18-Jan-17 Two gunshot wounds. Victim was then thrown into the street
Name unknown Calimaya, Mexico 1-Feb-17 Mutilated
Name unknown Municipio Centro, Mexico 5-Feb-17 Shot to death
Byanka Yañez Matamoros, Mexico 24-Feb-17 Stabbed
Name unknown Municipio de Chalco, Mexico 1-Mar-17 Stabbed
Name unknown Tlajomulco, Mexico 1-Mar-17 Cause unknown; body was found in an abandoned suitcase
H. Ramirez Calderon Guanajuato, Mexico 20-Mar-17 Shot multiple times
Paola Tamaulipas, Mexico 20-Mar-17 Beaten, her body was thrown in the street after she was killed
Monse Morga Javier Guerrero, Mexico 17-Apr-17 Shot to death
Yadira López Marroquín (17) Monterrey, Nuevo León, Mexico 18-Apr-17 Strangled
Name unknown Michoacan, Mexico 4-May-17 Stabbed to death
Ivanna Landuchy Tamaulipas, Mexico 12-May-17 Shot
Jennifer López Guerrero, Mexico 20-May-17 Stabbed to death
Caricia Guerrero, Mexico 26-May-17 Shot
Name unknown Guerrero, Mexico 28-May-17 stoned to death
Name unknown Puebla, Mexico 1-Jun-17 Exact cause not reported. Discovered bound with a bag over her head.
Fernanda/Tavita Montes Colima, Mexico 4-Jun-17 Asphyxiation
Denisse de León Ciudad Victoria, Mexico 10-Jun-17 Shot to death
Kenya Estado de Mexico, Mexico 18-Jun-17 Cause not reported
Adriana Cruz Serrano Veracruz, Mexico 20-Jun-17 Shot to death
Name unknown Sinaloa, Mexico 1-Jul-17 Shot
Name unknown Estado de Mexico, Mexico 4-Jul-17 Shot
Yadira (50) [last name unknown] Puebla, Mexico 6-Jul-17 Stabbed
Claudia Muñoz García Altamirano, Mexico 15-Jul-17 Hit by a car
Name unknown Reynosa, Mexico 17-Jul-17 Beaten with a stone
Name unknown Nuevo Leon, Mexico 27-Jul-17 Shot to death
Name unknown Morelos, Mexico 30-Jul-17 Shot to death
[Edgar] Tlaltizapán, Morelos, Mexico 31-Jul-17
La Chapopota Puebla, Mexico 13-Aug-17 Blunt force trauma to the head
Cristal Morelos, Mexico 13-Aug-17 Shot to death
[Hilario López Ruiz] (26) Ciudad Juárez, Mexico Asphyxiated/drowned 15-Aug-17
Name unknown Morelos, Mexico 20-Aug-17 Multiple gunshot wounds
Name unknown Chihuahua, Mexico 21-Aug-17 Not specified
La Peluchina Colima, Mexico 23-Aug-17 Throat slit
[Roberto Sánchez Durán] Cuautla, Morelos, Mexico 26-Aug-17 Shot to death
Name unknown Acapulco, Mexico 27-Aug-17 Shot to death
Name unknown Durango, Mexico 27-Aug-17 Beaten
Name unknown Chihuahua, Mexico 31-Aug-17 not reported; discovered with a bag over her head
Mendez Cuevas Durango, Mexico 1-Sep-17 not reported
Name unknown Estado de Mexico, Mexico 1-Sep-17 Not specified
Manuela Fresnillo, Mexico 3-Sep-17 Stabbed in the neck with a screwdriver
Brenda Murillo Alba Baja California Norte, Mexico 12-Sep-17 Stabbed
Name unknown Chihuahua, Mexico 19-Sep-17 Shot to death
The Netherlands
Arnhem, The Netherlands
Stabbed over twenty times
Lahore, Pakistan
Wrists slit, allegedly by her boyfriend
Muskan Lahore, Pakistan 27-Jan-17 Throat slit. Victim was also beatene
Sitara Sialkot, Pakistan 9-Apr-17 Shot to death
Adnan/Sufaid (17) Nowshera, Pakistan 14-Aug-17 Shot to death
Chanda Sharmeeli Karachi, Pakistan 30-Aug-17 Shot to death
unknown (25) Peshawer, Pakistan 21-Oct-17
Name unknown
Ciudad del Este, Paraguay
The Philippines
Heart De Chavez
Metro Manila, Philippines
J. R. P. Mangalili Bulacan, Philippines 6-Feb-17 Deliberately ran over by a vehicle
Name unknown Philippines 13-Feb-17 Beaten
Charlotte Oquias Lapasaran Logronio Davao, Philippines 22-Feb-17 Shot
Jheayn Metro Manilla, Philippines 10-Apr-17 Beaten
Name unknown
Voronezh, Russia
Beaten and strangled to death, after which her apartment was set on fire
Saudi Arabia
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Tortured to death by the police after chargers of "cross-dressing" and having "same-sex" relationships.
Meeno Riyadh, Saudi Arabia 1-Feb-17 Tortured to death by the police after chargers of "cross-dressing" and having "same-sex" relationships.
South Africa
Eastern Cape, South Africa
Madeleine Delbom
Borlänge, Sweden
Strangled and stabbed to death
Nakorn Pathom, Thailand
Puriwit Chanasit (Keng) Hatyai Songkla, Thailand 6-Jan-17 Murdered
Nampuang Pranaknrnsri Ayuthaya, Thailand 12-Feb-17 Stabbed
P. J. Doi Saket, Chiang Mai, Thailand 2-Mar-17 Stabbed
Rapee Kantharalak, Srisaket, Thailand 14-Mar-17 Beaten
United States of America
India Monroe, aka India Thedarkvixen
Newport News, Virginia, USA
Multiple gunshot wounds.
Mesha Caldwell Canton, Mississippi, USA 4-Jan-17 Shot to death
Sean Ryan Hake (23) Sharon, PA, USA 6-Jan-17
Jamie Lee Wounded Arrow Sioux Falls, South Dakota, USA 7-Jan-17 Undetermined
Jojo Striker Toledo, Ohio, USA 8-Feb-17 Shot to death
Jaquarrius Holland Monroe, Louisiana, USA 19-Feb-17 Shot
Tiara Richmond aka Keke Collier Chicago, Illinois, USA 21-Feb-17 Shot
Chyna Gibson, aka Chyna Doll Dupree New Orleans, Louisiana, USA 25-Feb-17 Shot to death
Ciara McElveen New Orleans, Louisiana, USA 27-Feb-17 Multiple stab wounds.
Alphonza Watson Baltimore, Maryland, USA 22-Mar-17 Shot to death
Kenne McFadden San Antonio, Texas, USA 9-Apr-17 Drowned
Chay "Juicy" Reed Miami, Florida, USA 21-Apr-17 Shot to death
Mx. Bostick New York, New York, USA 4-May-17 Attacked with a metal pipe on the 24th of April. Note: There has been a lot of confusion as to the gender identity of this individual. What we do know is that they were born male, and that they did for a period of time live as a female. At the time of their death, they were homeless and presenting as male. As such, we have put a gender neutral designator on this name, and are using they/them pronouns. As with every case presented, any additional information would be desired.
Sherrell Faulkner Charlotte, North Carolina, USA 16-May-17 Passed away from injuries sustained in a November 30th, 2016 attack
Imer Alvarado Fresno, CA 17-May-17 Shot Note: Alvarado did not identify as a transgender woman, but as a gay male. He was, nevertheless, presenting in female attire at the time of his murder, and this may have had a part in this death.
Kendra Adams, aka Josie Berrios and Kimbella Rosé Ithaca, New York, USA 13-Jun-17 Murdered and burnt
Ava Le'Ray Barrin (17)
 Athens, GA, USA
Ebony Morgan Lynchburg, Virginia, USA 2-Jul-17 Multiple gunshot wounds
TeeTee Dangerfield College Park, Georgia, USA 1-Aug-17 Multiple gunshot wounds.
Gwynevere River Song Waxahachie, Texas, USA 12-Aug-17 Shot
Kiwi Herring Saint Louis, Missouri, USA 22-Aug-17 Shot by police in suspicious circumstances Note: While Herring was killed by the St. Louis Police Department, allegedly while brandishing a knife at officers, there were circumstances surrounding this death that were anti-transgender in nature, including threats and actions from a neighbor that led to the confrontation that led to Herring's death.
Pepper K/Phoenix (33) Mansfield Correctional Institution, OH, USA 25-Aug-17
Kashmire Nazier Redd (28) 
Gates, NY, USA
Anthony "Bubbles" Torres San Francisco, California, USA 9-Sep-17 Shot Note: Like Imer Alvarado, above, Bubbles did not identify as a transgender woman. He was, nevertheless, presenting in feminine attire at the time of his murder, and this may have had a hand in this death.
Derricka Banner Charlotte, North Carolina, USA 12-Sep-17 Shot to death
Scout Schultz (21) Atlanta, GA, USA 16-Sep-17
Ally Lee Steinfeld Licking, Missouri, USA 21-Sep-17 Ally was stabbed, including wounds to the genitals. Her eyes were also gouged out. Her body was burned in an attempt to conceal evidence of the crime, and some of Ally's bones were put into a garbage bag placed in a chicken coop near the residence.
Stephanie Montez Robstown, Texas, USA 26-Oct-17 Multiple gunshot wounds
Candace Towns. Macon, Georgia, USA 31-Oct-17 Shot to death
Alexandra Peña Vizcaya
Chiquinquira, Venezuela
Multiple gunshot
Name unknown Barquisimeto, Venezuela 28-Feb-17 Shot multiple times
Alejandra Diaz Baruta, Venezuela 25-May-17 Shot
Name unknown Venezuela, Venezuela 29-Jul-17 Not reported
Name unknown Chiquinquira, Venezuela 20-Aug-17 Beaten and stabbed
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mudaship39 · 4 years
Alpha Centurion War:
Hleor and Loran commanded Litux, Olllas, Falder, Kir’els, Scuir’ul, & Melmih, “Attack his/her/their subordinates so both of us can challenge Alexander/Alexandria in combat!” Alexander Mack Smith/Alexandria Macy Smith asked, “Loran the Godslayer and Hleor the Devilkiller come back for a rematch after I defeated you in the Battles of Earth and the Battle of the Vega and Sol System?” He/she/they unsheathed four hard light swords and wielded them with his/her/their two clawed hands, their mouth, & prehensile tail as Loran and Hleor chose to wield two handed claymore plasma greatswords and clashed their swords against his/her/theirs. After an arduous and long battle where he/she/they defeated them, “Half of you on me, we’re extracting Silver Steel Savior (Dean Lucas Chambers) and Crimson Captain Courageous (Mason Owen Jones) now!” “The rest of you are overwatch cover us with some suppressive fire!” Juro Suzuki and Kaitlin Marshall the alien superhuman gave each other a hard tearful kiss before the battle. He then gave her a kiss to the temple. Juro and his other partner Maddie Kingston gave each other a hard tearful kiss before the battle. He then pressed his forehead and against the forehead of Maddie, “I love you,” he said as he gave her a forehead kiss before grabbing his enchanted ten shot 357 magnum repeating hard light plasma rifle with scope and enchanted odachi sword and moved to assist Crimson Changeling. “Don’t go where we can’t follow,” said Maddie and Kaitlin. Juro Suzuki shouted as he shot an enemy with his 10 shot hard light plasma 357 magnum lever action repeating rifle with scope and 40 mm grenade launcher, “Enemy sighted!” Queen Carina Akali Ragorio-Smith the daughter of Mars and Bellona yelled, “Contact rear!” as she shot enemies with her plasma 10 gauge combat shotgun with red dot sight with drum magazine as she fired each shot powered with divine magic. Inferno (Hibiki Hayashi-Smith) yelled as she shot at enemies with her hard light 7.62 mm medium machine gun with red dot sight while firing optic blasts of fire out of her eyes, “Engaging the enemy!” Crimson Changeling (Alexander Mack Smith/Alexandria Macy Smith) yelled as he/she/they shot enemies with their 5.56 mm plasma assault rifle with scope with plasma 40mm grenade launcher looking through the scope with their prosthetic, bionic, & cybernetic eye since their original eye was taken out by an enemy superhuman super soldier wielding a plasma hard light sword leaving a scar that goes from above their left eyebrow to the bottom of their left cheek, “Multiple hostiles!” Frost (Veronica Veracruz) yelled, “Changing mag!” Talia Macar-Smith yelled as she shot enemies with a 7.62 mm plasma medium machine gun while she used her elemental powers and power over fire, water, earth, & air, “Covering fire!” “Target sighted,” said Keisuke Tanaka as he shot enemies using his power of absolute speed with his hard light combat shotgun with red dot sight with drum magazine. Abigail Constable (as she fired white phosphorus grenade arrows, EMP grenade arrows, stun grenade arrows, smoke grenade arrows, cryogenic grenade arrows, fragmentation grenade arrows, sleeping gas grenade arrows, & plasma grenade arrows at the enemy with her silenced compound bow with scope using supernatural speed that she was given by her boyfriend Keisuke) yelled, “Grenade!” “All right,” Cobalt Crow (Jonathan Ruslo), Ruby Raven (Jessica Croft), Maddie Kingston, & Arcane Archer (Seo-Jun) nodded, “We’ll direct a reconnaissance troop to that location, broadcast back with guard directions and enemy emplacements.” “Keisuke Tanaka, Zotlith (a male Atlantean), Hathaca (a female Atlantean), & Peter Garcia Rodriguez, get a platoon of forty five Space Army Delta Force and Space Army Green Beret mech pilots and a company of one hundred fifty Space Marine Raiders and Space Marine Force Recon power armored marines together.” “We’ll make contact just southwest of the outpost.” “We are taking those forward operating bases and taking that main operating base after we take out the guard posts, guard towers, & outposts.” “Ulric Hayes, Kahn Najim, Clarissa Patricia Chambers, & Hadrian Upton, I want the naval artillery guns on reserve for a salvo strike on.” “We got eyes on squads of F, E, D, & C rank soldiers in combat armor with shotguns, sniper rifles, sub machine guns, assault rifles, & pistols giving overwatch from the bunkers and guard towers on the hill defending the guard posts.” “We got eyes on several C, B, & A class power armored soldiers with big guns of plasma Gatling mini guns, electromagnetic gauss rifles, rail guns, rocket launcher defending the outposts.” “We got eyes on some S to SSS rank soldiers in power armor, some in mech suits, & some in walking tanks defending the forward operating base,” they whispered into their transportable transceiver notifying the Coalition of Superhero forces and naval artillery crews on the flagship what they were up against, “I got a SSSS rank power armor officer with a miniature nuclear bomb missile launcher on the top of the forward operating base defending the main operating base.” “I got heavy task forces surrounding the outskirts of the guard towers of guard posts, roughly a few hundred thousand over all, how copy?” “We copy strike team commander.” “We are going to extract all enemy B to SSSS class soldiers.” This is some fun father daughter bonding,” said Hank Linwood, “eh Ysabel,” as he and his daughter Ysabel Linwood gave each other a thumbs up each time they made headshots when sniping enemies. “Tango down,” said Hayden Upton when he sniped the enemies (using the bionic, prosthetic, cybernetic eye that can see the entire electromagnetic spectrum that was given to him by Crimson Changeling that he usually kept hidden with his black eye patch) with his (anti-tank, anti-material, anti-personnel, & armor piercing) 50 caliber silenced plasma bolt action sniper rifle. “Target down,” said Steven Upton when he sniped the enemies (using the bionic, prosthetic, cybernetic eye that can see the entire electromagnetic spectrum that was given to him by Crimson Changeling that he usually kept hidden with his black eye patch) with his (anti-tank, anti-material, anti-personnel, & armor piercing) 12.7 mm silenced electromagnetic bolt action sniper rifle. “Threat eliminated,” said Ysabel Garcia Linwood when she sniped enemies with her (anti-tank, anti-material, anti-personnel, & armor piercing) 50 caliber silenced ballistic bolt action sniper rifle. “Enemy neutralized,” said Samantha Upton said when she sniped enemies (using the bionic, prosthetic, cybernetic eye that can see the entire electromagnetic spectrum that was given to her by Crimson Changeling that she usually kept hidden with her black eye patch) with her (anti-tank, anti-material, anti-personnel, & armor piercing) 12.7 mm silenced hard light bolt action sniper rifle. “Target neutralized,” said Hank Linwood when he sniped enemies with his (anti-tank, anti-material, anti-personnel, & armor piercing) 50 caliber silenced plasma bolt action sniper rifle. “This is good father and son and father and daughter bonding huh Grant and Rose,” said Steven Upton. Karina Alonzo as she shot at an enemy with her scoped hard light assault rifle with scope and fired optic blasts and energy blasts yelled, “Boom, headshot!” Sabrina Chambers as she fired her plasma combat shotgun with red dot sight and used energy breath and optic blasts yelled “Noice!” Joana “Jo” Jacobson-Smith in her mecha shouted, “Try this on for size!” as she fired two portable hard light plasma heavy 50 caliber machine guns and hard light plasma missiles from the mecha’s on board missile launchers.  
a“This is Laurissa Owen Maximiliana Jones we have the targets Mason Owen Jones and Dean Lucas Chambers ready for extraction over,” said Lori Jones. Alex Smith/Lexi Smith said, “This is Alexander Mack Smith/Alexandria Macy Smith we need EVAC over!” KC and Harrison yelled, “LZ is hot!” “I say again LZ is hot!” “We can’t land, Golden Griffin (Alexander Smith/Alexandria Smith) and Arcane Assassin (Laurissa Jones) you need to clear the LZ over!” Cobalt Crow (Jonathan Ruslo) shouted, “Cover me I’m reloading!” Ruby Raven (Jessica Croft) shouted, “Covering fire!” Blue Bionic (Amelia Himmat Mishra), shouted, “Surprise assault, fan out!” Scarlet Soldier (Maysa Nabila Uzun), shouted, “Enemy contact!” Dragoon Dragon (Chun Hei Kim) shouted, “Engaging enemy!” Valerie Garcia shouted, “Tango down!” “LZ is clear, I repeat, LZ is clear, you are clear to land!” “We evacuated Silver Steel Sentinel and Captain Crimson Courageous but the hard part came in defeating the Forces of Evil, its leaders, its generals, its lieutenants, its allies, & its reinforcements combined.” Hayden Upton said, “We can’t hold this position any longer sir!” “Hold the fucking line!” “We can’t give up this position.” “We need reinforcements on our position sir/ma’am,” said Hathaca. “Calling in few squads of Space Marine Force Recon, Space Navy Seals, Space Army Rangers, Space Marine Raiders, & Space Army Special Forces Green Berets wearing combat armor and piloting power armor, piloting walking tanks, or piloting mech suits for back up over!” “We can’t hold out much longer.” Zotlith shouted, “Shit we’re being overrun!” Ulric Hayes shouted, “Fuck, I’m hit!” Vincent Tennyson shouted, shouted, “Medic!” Seo-Jun Jeong shouted, “We need to regroup!” Keisuke Tanaka shouted, “Fall back to the rally point!” “I repeat, fall back to rally point!” “Go,” Alexander/Alexandria said, “Lori and I will cover your retreat!” Scarlet Shapeshifter and Mystic Mercenary shouted into the radio and comms link, “We need immediate fire support over!” Hank and Daniel yelled, “On station and ready for call for fire mission over!” Hank and Daniel yelled, “Fire mission ready for your go, we repeat, fire mission ready for your go!” “We need you to order anti gravity space ship bombers, interceptors, recon ships, & fighters to do a bombing run and commence several air strikes of barrages of sleeping gas, smoke grenades, & flashbang grenades on the guard towers, guard posts, outposts, & forward operating bases so we can extract the enemy C to SSSS rank soldiers we want to persuade over to the Elites, Paragons, & Sentinels over.” “Thanks for that.” “We have extracted all viable C to SSSS rank soldiers we want to persuade.” “It got so bad we had to call in fire support.” Harlequin Hawk (Peter Garcia Rodriguez) shouted, “We need some fucking goddamn fire support right now!” “Overlord this is Lance Actual (Crimson Changeling the commanding officer of the Elites and Paragons) we’re being overrun, Overlord this is priority alpha, we need immediate fire support on these positions over!” “Broken arrow this is Arcane Assassin the commanding officer of the Sentinels we’re being overrun, Overlord this is Lance Actual, this is priority alpha we need immediate fire support over!” Hank and Daniel yelled, “Orbital strike ready for launch, we repeat orbital strike ready for launch!” “Fire mission, we need you to fire all Magnetic Mass Accelerator Cannons, all Electromagnetic Rail Guns, & all Positron Ion Cannons from the Hyperion the flagship of the Superhero, Antihero, & Supervillain United Legionnaire Strikeforce on these exact coordinates.” “We have guard posts, guard towers, outposts, & forward operating bases we want you to hit with hard light plasma missile salvo do you copy.” “Fire mission target number Delta Tango 5489, over!” Breapru Smith shouted, “Pop smoke!” The flagship of the Superhero, Antihero, & Antihero Coalition was built by Amazonians, aliens, Atlanteans, Old Gods, New Gods, Asgardians, Martians, Elves, Jotunns, Asgardians, Dwarves, Homo Magi, & Dark Elves. “Don’t worry about friendly fire all double agents and spies on our side are accounted for.” “We have extracted all viable C class to SSSS class enemy followers and enforcers over we want to persuade over to our side.” Jade Jaguar said, “Fire the bombardment on my mark, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, Mark!” “Fire everything you got!” shouted Wyatt. Vincent Tennyson shouted, “Light em the fuck up!” Seo-Jun Jeong shouted, “Bring the rain!” Hank and Daniel said, “Rounds out impact of barrage in ten minutes!” “Hold out and hold the line until then.” 50/620 caliber guns launched a bombardment of hard light and plasma artillery. Several minutes later the earth beneath of the giant mobile planet quaked with roaring force of ten 1550 cm high explosive hard light plasma shells, all rounds were right on objective, a few utterly demolished several bunkers taking out numerous power armor squads alongside it, a few knocked out several guard towers taking out countless combat armor squads along with it, & few hit right in the perimeter of the outpost destroying several guard posts directly. “Targets neutralized,” Zotlith and Hathaca shouted. “Shift target, grid reference!” “Eyes on your smoke commander, range: 18,000 meters, firing now,” said Hank and Daniel. Alexander Smith/Alexandria Smith eavesdropped to the space naval artillery crew’s fill in over the protected broadcasting frequency. They was a thing of magnificence of these space naval artillery guns, they were elaborate and ludicrously useful. Off in the distance he/she/they heard the distant boom of a space navy artillery piece firing on his/her/their indigo colored smoke indicator. After a few minutes Crimson Changeling, Arcane Assassin, Iron Inquisitor (Joanna Jacobson-Smith a woman of color) heard an idiosyncratic screeching sound, then were treated to the vision of ten hard light 160”/500 caliber high explosive shells and ten plasma 3800mm high explosive shells colliding right on objective, powder and plasma burn were thrust up in every direction with the outpost, bunkers, guard posts, & guard towers basically deteriorating under the colossal armaments of the Coalition of Superheroes. When the smolder finally vacant a lot of the outpost was turned into wreckage from the salvo. Crimson Changeling grabbed the transmitter of the radio transceiver. “Good hits, right on target.” Iron Inquisitor, Arcane Assassin, & Crimson Changeling shouted, “Move on us!” Ruby Raven and Cobalt Crow shouted, “We’re taking the fight to the Forces of Evil!” Clarissa Patricia Chambers shouted, “Move it, double time!” Raquel Marina Alonzo shouted, “Move like you got a purpose people!” “Remember Elites, Paragons, & Sentinels, this is what Lori, Alex/Lexi, & I trained you for,” said Joanna “Jo” Jacobson, “You got this!” “That was when we all fought in the Battle of the Sol System and the Battle of the Vega System.” 
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amitp113-blog · 6 years
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Global Fire Fighting Foam Market Analysis 2017-2022" latest study of 150 pages, published in Jun 2017, to its store. The report is based on the market size, share, status, growth and opportunities, forecast 2025 and more. The report focuses on top market players and regional analysis. The catering industry has described those types of businesses.  The fire-fighting foam was invented by the Russian engineer and chemist Aleksandr Loran in 1902. The wetting agent used must generate foam in the concentration of less than 1%. Other elements of fire-resistant foams are organic solvents foam stabilizers and corrosion inhibitors.
To grab complete research report on Global Fire Fighting Foam Market Outlook 2017-2022, visit
 The study describes the market analysis and its forecast for the firefighting foam market on a global and regional level. The study provides historic data of 2012-2016 along with a forecast from 2017 to 2022 based on both volumes and revenue. The competitive landscape section of the report provides a clear insight into the market share overview of key industry players including company overview, financial overview, product portfolio, new project launched, and recent development analysis are the parameters included in the profile.
 The author of this report has thoroughly inspected and explored facts about the Global Fire Fighting Foam Market outlook.
 The important regions that are covered in this report are:
1.            North America
2.            Europe
3.            Asia Pacific
4.            Middle East and Africa
5.            South America
Also, the report covers major countries such as United States, Mexico, Canada, Mexico, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, China, Japan, India, Australia, Brazil, UAE, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, South Korea and rest of the world.
 The top players focused in the report are:
Tyco , Angus Fire , Kerr Fire , Delta Fire , Dr. Sthamer •, Dafo Fomtec • ,Amerex •, ICL •, Kidron ,• DIC , Naffco •, Fire Service Plus •, Suolong , Liuli •,Shield , Langchao , Jiangya , Yuheng , Hongtai ,• Shiren , Tianhe , Ongoing , Huate •,Sanjiang , Nenglin.
 After purchasing, the report will be delivered to you either in Word or PDF format within 48 business hours. If you have any special requirements, please let us know and we will offer you the report as you want.
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Frank n Raf is one of the eminent companies in Market Research and Consulting Services. We provide more options to our clients when it comes to market research and consulting services. We provide accurate and transparent industry insights, syndicated research reports, customized research reports, and top we expertise in consulting services.
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thesinegardacademy · 3 years
This list is purely for my fic writing benefit...
Which Militia Division goes to which Province, since the numbers don’t correspond to the Chinese zodiac. And, for good measure, I’ve listed named characters who we know went to which division, as of the first book.
First Division = Ox Province*
Second Division = Rat Province (Irjah, Kitay)
Third Division = Horse Province* (Kureel, Han*)
Fourth Division = ?
Fifth Division = Tiger Province (Jun Loran, Officer Yenjen)
Sixth Division = ? (Venka**)
Seventh Division = Dragon Province (Nezha)
Eighth Division = Ram Province (Arda, Raban)
Ninth Division = ?
Tenth Division = ?
Eleventh Division = ? (Niang**)
*Not confirmed in-text, but likely based on context.
**These divisions might have gotten switched in-text. When Kitay tells Rin where their classmates have been deployed, Venka is in the Sixth which is going to Golyn Niis, while Niang is in the Eleventh. By the time we get to the Golyn Niis chapter, the narrative reports that it was defended by the Second, Ninth, and Eleventh Divisions, which would place Niang there instead of Venka if we go by the initial report. So, it should be the Second, Ninth, and Sixth Divisions that were defending Golyn Niis.
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