#judge oliver wright
Sequel time.
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Clownfall: Endgame - Hello December
I am late writing and posting this, because it's nearly the end of term and I am mega busy (I have leave in two days and I am counting the hours...) BUT some stuff happened last week so let's dig in!
Also quick note before we do: I would like to politely request that you stop tagging this with "England" or "English politics". This is about British politics, not just England, and I am not English. Please do not erase me it takes SO LONG to write these thank you all and goodnight anyway ON WITH THE SHOW
Saturday, 25 November
We begin our tale with Oliver Wright of the Times, who reports that … no hang on, wait, I've fucked it, okay. To understand this story, you first need to understand Simon Case.
Simon Case is a civil servant, and current Cabinet Secretary and head of UK Civil Service
He was the highest ranking public official implicated in the Partygate scandal, though he didn’t resign nor was he fined
In the Telegraph’s published WhatsApp messages from Partygate in which Tories all chatted to each other (seriously HOW do those keep getting leaked), Case made fun of holidaymakers stuck in hotel rooms by Covid regulations
In the same messages he also described some opposition to Covid restrictions as “pure Conservative ideology”, which is. An Own Goal
He also described BlowJo as a “nationally distrusted figure” whose isolation rules the public were unlikely to follow, which is true but also the Quiet Part
This information is from Wikipedia, which I’m openly admitting here, so my esteemed colleague hbomberguy can stand down.
Why am I mentioning him! Well. Case was supposed to give evidence to the Covid inquiry in October this year, but didn’t because of medical leave (ironically). In November, he still wasn’t back (should have isolated better, eh, Si), and the inquiry was given private medical information relating to Case (presumably evidence that he’s not just faking it so he doesn't have to be shouted at by angry judges and MPs and that).
So! On Saturday the 25th, eighteen and a half hours before Beep the Meep’s spectacular TV debut, Oliver Wright of the Times reports that Simon Case – uh, before his medical leave - advised Prime Minister Rishi Sunak that he should authorise pre-election talks between the civil service and Labour. Sunak - I suspect obviously - ignored this suggestion, in case it signalled that an election is now imminent.
According to Wright, it’s now questionable whether Case will ever return to his role.
Monday, 27 November
House of Commons time! Let's see what our elected representatives are up to.
Tory MP Jill Mortimer says international treaties written 70 years ago "are not fit for purpose" to tackle illegal immigration, so we need to return to the "Deport the browns to Rwanda" plan. Ugh.
The following was reported by Matt Dathan of the Times, so CALL OFF YOUR DOGS hbomberguy.
James Cleverly – the newest Home Secretary, chappie who described another MPs constituency as a shithole in the House of Commons in his second week on the job – says the Rwanda policy isn’t the “be all and end all”.
Robert Jenrick – the Minister of State for Immigration – says the policy is an "extremely important component" of the government's small boats policy.
So! James Cleverly and Robert Jenrick disagree on this matter! Exciting! Hey, Tumblrs, just for fun...
Let’s remember those two names.
Robert Jenrick says boat crossings have been reduced by more than a third in the last year, but that numbers are still unacceptably high.
FUN SELF-STUDY ACTIVITY: Take a moment to form an opinion of Robert Jenrick! It’ll be worth it.
Here is some information to get you started: Jenrick this year ordered some lovely murals of cartoon characters (Mickey Mouse, Tom and Jerry, etc) to be painted over at a children’s asylum centre in Kent. His explicit reason is because he thought they were "too welcoming" for lone refugee children arriving in the UK, and such children should not feel welcome here.
Have you formed your opinion yet? Then I'll continue.
Rishi Sunak cancels a meeting with the Greek Prime Minister in a row over the Elgin Marbles.
Uh, there's a lot going on here - this is about the stolen marble frescoes that should be in the Parthenon in Athens, that gross British thief Lord Elgin stole decades ago and plonked into the British Museum. Greece has been asking for them back ever since, but a small handful of old white men who are in charge of the British Museum don't want to give them back and keep stating that Greece wouldn't look after them properly, which is a hell of a claim given that Elgin literally broke one when he nicked them, and also, he fucking stole them. Anyway, it turns out to the surprise of no one that Sunak also doesn't think we should give them back, and so when the matter was raised in an Anglo-Greek meeting recently Sunak literally walked out of it, even though the meeting was actually about something else.
So HERE HE IS refusing to do any diplomacy with Greece now i.e. his actual fucking job.
This is a big deal for the immigration-obsessed though! According to a Labour source, Greece is an essential ally for any agreement on illegal migration.
And even the Prime Minister’s supporters think he’s got this one wrong.
Wednesday, 29 November
Prime Minister’s Questions!
This is the (televised) point in the week where the PM has to appear in the Commons and be grilled by anyone who wants to put the boot in about anything at all. Keir Starmer decides today is the day to do some actual opposition, pushes Sunak on several fronts, and pretty much everyone reckons this is Starmer’s best ever performance at PMQs. People especially enjoy Starmer calling Rishi the “man with the reverse Midas touch”.
This is not, strictly speaking, actually funny. But it's political humour, which is like office humour. It doesn't actually have to be.
A former cabinet member tells the press that the Greek government are furious at Sunak’s snub. Uh oh!
Thursday, 30 November
Disgraced former Secretary of State for Health and all round human 1950s meat blancmange Matt Hancock talks to the Covid inquiry today. Specifically, to explain why he, the then-Secretary of State for Health, led the government so badly in the pandemic that we developed the second highest death rate in the world. To hear him tell it, he was an underdog hero doing his best to fight a toxic culture at Whitehall to get the pandemic handled responsibly.
The only problem with this is that it is contradicted by everyone else’s accounts.
He is called a “proven liar” who was “unfit for the job” by proven liar and unfit for his job Dominic Cummings. Former civil servant Helen MacNamara says Hancock displayed “nuclear levels” of overconfidence and said lots of things that later turned out to be untrue. Sadly for HandCock, he said these things to cameras that were recording him onto the telly, and so we do actually know.
Monday, 4 December
Keir Starmer talked about the economy today. He won’t rule out cutting public services, and it looks like he’s trying to tell disenfranchised Tory voters to jump ship to Labour.
Hope it’s a bluff! Very depressing if he’s serious. This is nowhere near as much fun as Tories being humiliated.
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(This is from the Mirror, you can’t destory me on your YouTube.)
Labour MP Diana Johnson proposes an amendment to the Victims and Prisoners Bill to compensate thousands of patients infected with HIV and hepatitis C through contaminated blood products in the 70s and 80s, to the tune of billions of pounds.
And it WON!  Narrowly – 246 votes to 242.  A huge deal, because that includes 23 Tory backbenchers.  That is very bad for Rishi Sunak. He he he.
Tory MP Edward Argar had tried to sort this in adance, by saying the government would provide their own similar amendment to the bill.  Basically, he realised this was a controversial bill for the party, and wanted to present a version that could be a Tory victory rather than a Labour victory and Tory humiliation.
Didn’t work.
And neither did a THREE LINE WHIP for Tory MPs to vote against the Labour plan?!?? YES KIDS YOU READ THAT RIGHT Sunak didn't want people infected with HIV and hepatitis C through contaminated blood products in the 70s and 80s to receive compensation in case it made him look bad, so he imposed a three line whip to force Tories to vote against it.
And 23 of them rebelled.
And now he looks even worse.
Tuesday, 5 December
Have you done your homework, Tumblrs? Have you remembered those names? Have you formed an opinion?
Home Office minister and children's cartoon hater Robert Jenrick is interviewed on Sky News.  It’s ugly stuff.  He refers to small boats “[breaking] in” to the UK.  He insists asylum seekers WILL start being deported to Rwanda before the next General Election.  And generally does big talk about cutting immigration.
What a hero.
James Cleverly is in Rwandan capital Kigali, as the UK signs a new treaty designed to help score the Supreme Court’s approval for the Rwanda plan.
Cleverly’s doing pretty much what he said he’d do.  He’s trying to legislate to make the Rwanda plan safer, rather than try to disapply human rights treaties. This, of course, is the Sensible Plan, if your plan is still to get people killed, but you want it to actually succeed.
But former Home Secretary Cruella Braverman is driving a load of Tories to push to disapply human rights obligations – and she’s joined in this by Robert Jenrick!!!!
That’s RIGHT!  Hope you remembered his name, because now he’s a VILLAIN!  Or, well, more of one, and in a more immediate way. After disagreeing with Cleverly in the commons on 27 November, he’s joined Team Suella.  Tonight he’ll be part of a meeting between three different right-wing groupings...
The new treaty guarantees that, if these plans go ahead, asylum seekers won’t be returned to countries where their lives or freedom are threatened, and creates a requirement for an independent monitoring committee.
This treaty would be great if we lived in a world where the Supreme Court trusted the Rwandan government to honour treaty obligations.  But we live in the world where NOT having this trust was part of the reason the Supreme Court ruled the plans unlawful.
Even if this wasn’t the case, we still need new legislation, and that’ll be way more controversial than this new treaty.  The legislation was said to be ready by Thursday, which is a very short turnaround that only a lunatic would believe, but in a SHOCK DISAPPOINTING U-TURN the government now refuses to commit to this.
In any case...
This is causing cracks in the Tory party.
The Parliament's Christmas tree lights are turned on! 
It goes as well as anything else in Parliament:
A visual representation of the Tory Party schism.
Wednesday, 6 December
Boris Johnson arrives at the covid inquiry.  He will be questioned for two days.
He he he
Johnson is asked why around 5,000 WhatsApp messages were lost on his phone from January to June 2020.
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Steffan made this brilliant meme. Please do not grass me up to hbomberman.
It’s clear by now that Johnson wasn’t alert to the danger of covid by February 2020.  Johnson says it wasn’t declared a pandemic by WTO yet, and he wasn’t asked about it in PMQs. Gosh! What a good point, maybe!
Until the KC points out a troubling fact: “You were the Prime Minister.”
Ah. Yes. PMQs are irrelevant, you see – the Prime Minister is allowed information that the opposition aren’t. 
And, indeed, he probably would have had, if he'd actually attended the five Cobra meetings about it that would have briefed him on it just as the virus was being discovered.
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I’m skipping most of this stuff, since it’s normal lies and non-specific apologies from BJ.
But this one’s interesting.  Matt HandCock claimed he told Johnson on 13 March to call a lockdown.  There’s no written evidence of this happening.  Johnson outright contradicts it.
Cruella Braverman rejects Sunak’s Rwanda bill.  It fails the five tests she claimed his bill would need to pass.
These are tests she made up and published in a newspaper, I should stress, like they don't exist and she is not an authority. This is a bit like if I marched into your house, dear reader, and went "You are not allowed to celebrate the holidays this year because I personally said you have to pass my tests first and you haven't", and I'm pretty sure if I tried that you would drop me in a bin and laugh at me.
But, she has many supporters on the Tory right...
The Sun’s political correspondent says that if the Lords try to block emergency legislation, some Tory MPs reckon Sunak should call an election, fighting on Rwanda.
I desperately want this.  I DESPERATELY want this. They’ll lose that election so badly. SO badly. God, likes charge reblogs cast.
The villain Robert Jenrick … RESIGNS!
Oh no!  This is not good news if you’re the Prime Minister.
Fucking fantastic for the rest of us, though
Jenrick publishes his resignation letter on Twitter.  It’s two pages long, claiming the PM’s Rwanda plan basically won’t work.
Jenrick’s not wrong about that, but I speak as someone who doesn’t want any version of the Rwanda plan – not the monstrous Sunak one, and certainly not the hypermonstrous Braverman one. Good. Thanks for confirming, Darth Bell-end.
I enjoyed this tweet.
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Sunak writes back to Jenrick, claiming the new plan WILL work.
Which is not normally what happens?!? Normally they yell about their current madness in a letter, publish it on Twitter because no one else cares or will agree, and get roundly ignored. But, desperate times! Here, Sunak’s challenge is to try to win over the Tories who don’t believe in his ability to deliver the plan.  It’s a big ask.
So what are we left with?
A senior figure on the Tory right is asked whether their side will kill Sunak’s bill. 
And they’re not sure! If it’s the only offer on the table, it seems sensible to vote for it. 
BUT the right wing of the Tories aren’t famously very sensible.  They’ll probably try and add amendments at the very least, but it’s genuinely possible they’ll reject it out of spite, because they are LUNATICS.  Or as a political move to weaken Sunak.
And that's what you missed in the Tory Civil War!
(Up to last week)
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f1-05-writer · 2 months
Part 2 - the meeting
Pairing - max verstappen x Christian Horner daughter!reader
- still not max just yet!! But getting close
After a surprisingly restful plane ride I disembark shooting a quick text to my dad letting him know I’ve landed. Once I’ve cleared the chaos of baggage claim I head down the escalator to  find a man holding a small sign with my name on it. After some stilted introductions, the luggage and myself are squared away in the car. As he zooms around the streets of Bahrain a dystopian city dwarfs the landscape, sheer glass buildings fracture the landscape, the blue of the ocean bounces off the glass creating a faint glimmer adding to the other worldness of Bahrain making it feel that more foreign and impressive. We get to the hotel with no issues and the driver collects my bags – not used to this life of luxury anymore I'm a tad shocked.
Following behind the diver to the check in desk I can’t help but marvel at the hotel foyer it is almost like a mirror to the Bahrain landscape we just passes; blue and white hues and golds accent the lobby towering glass windows that have an uninterrupted view of the circuit. A polite cough interrupts my gawking and I turn to face the receptionist with a sheepish smile “Sorry! I was just so fascinated” I offer. She smiles proudly and has a slight chuckle “ No problems at all Miss. How can I help you today?” I say “Booking for Dr Y/N Horner” whilst checking my phone for the time 3:30 perfect just enough time to freshen up before I meet Dr Trome. After a few moments of typing from the receptionist she finds the reservation “Perfect I have you right here, room 335” she says handing over the key card. Thanking her I turn to grab my luggage and head up the elevator to my room – once locating it which proved to be straightforward. I swipe my key and hear a chirpy beep turning the handle I greeted to the same gobsmacking view that the hotel lobby boasted. Not having a moment to really spare before my meeting with Dr Trome I quickly change into a pair of jeans and a blouse – formal but not over the top giving myself an appraising look in the mirror – the same cannot be said for my hair which has been through the ringer during the flight.  Frustrated I quickly throw up in a bun which can be playoff as intentionally messy and textured – when really, it’s just straight up dirty.
Walking briskly to the conference room I'm suddenly overwhelmed with nerves. Taking a deep breath, I ready myself outside the door then with as much confidence as I can muster, I knock. A deep voice with a twinge of a British accent answers “Come in,” stepping through the door I see 4 people already seated “ah Dr Horner, I'm Dr Trome so good to finally meet you in person” says that same man – Dr Trome. Having seen him through Zoom I already recognised the man and his dark hair with a few grey hairs weaving throughout, his dark brown eyes and small smile, however what I have not seen through zoom was his height standing at only 5’6 I'm really in no position to judge heigh but he is only factionally taller than myself. Smiling warmly and accepting his warm and calloused handshake with as much vigour as I can “ The pleasure is all mine thank you so much for this opportunity” I reply, “Well let’s get started shall we.” Dr Trome says and quickly runs through the introduction of the remaining  three people sat around the conference table. To my right is Mark Porter a tall, thin man whose olive skin contrasts against his green eyes and who is also Sergio's personal trainer, Bradley Scanes a board muscular figure who introduces himself as Max’s trainer and finally Dr Jaks Wright the other internship winner – his dark eyes appraise me as I see something like distain arise in them paired with his tall frame and cropped hair give him a strangely threatening dementor. Shaking off the sense of discomfort, I politely introduce myself to the group and refocus on Dr Trome.
After an hour of basics and protocols I'm starting to feel the flight and am losing the battle to keep my eyelids open. Whilst trying to stifle a yawn I catch Jaks’ eyes rather than returning my friendly smile he quickly looks away and I see his jaw tense. What a weird reaction but I just chalk it up to be a woman in a ‘mans’ space. Prick. However, I'm snapped out if my pondering by Dr Trome “Now the moment you two have been waiting for – the driver you are going to be assigned to! You will obviously be working closely with myself but also their trainers and the driver so it's vital that this partnership works,” he says staring at both Jaks and I, “so, Jaks you will be working with Mark and Sergio over the course of the year and Y/N that leaves you with Max and Bradley.” Overjoyed to be Max’s doctor I smile widely and thank Dr Trome and turn to Bradley who is seated to my left “ I cannot wait to start working with you! I'm sure we will be a fantastic duo!” he smiles at my comments and slings a muscular arm over my shoulder “I'm sure we will be Doc!”
“Alright’” says Dr Trome “we will start the prequalifying medical tests tomorrow and you will monitor your driver whilst they perform their PT sessions assessing their breathing, heart rate …” Dr Trome drones on but I'm bursting with excitement about being able to work with Max Verstappen, a world champion and, an athlete at the peak of their game. I also know dad will be ecstatic I'm assigned to Max – it is no secret that Max is his favourite. As the meeting end Jaks and Mark leave presumably to talk elsewhere, leaving just Bradley and I in the room. I shift in my seat to fully face Bradley and get straight to business “So, what time do you and Max train?” I enquire keen to get started “We will be up in the gym at around 5:30” he replies casually, like that is not the crack of dawn, I don’t even think the sun will be up! Unable to hide my shocked face Bradley chuckles and continues “I’ll see you then Dr –.” Unable to stop myself I cut him off “Sorry but please just call me Y/N – I don’t really want people to know I'm Christian's daughter,” he shoots me a confused look “ people make too many assumptions about how I got here, it's just easier being Y/N.” His confusion turns sympathetic “ Ahh I gotcha but they’d be fools to think that Dr Trome is a stickler for the rules and would never allow interference” I give him a small smile at that but deep down I know that the facts never really matter. Where people think there is drama and scandal, they will believe anything.
After about 30 minutes of talks regarding Max and any previous injuries or complaints I feel a vibration and reach over to check my phone.
Dad- hey Y/N/N got time to come and see your dear ol’Dad I'm downstairs in the bar.
Smiling over I shoot back a quick reply and tell him I’ll be down soon. I start packing up all my notes and files  “Thank you so much Bradley this chat has been so helpful, thanks for taking the time!” He smiles and rises heading for the door “No problem, Y/N, it's good to see how dedicated you are. I'll go and inform Max of the morning schedule and your arrival. See you bright an early tomorrow” he says with a wink and disappears down the hall.
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mogai-sunflowers · 1 year
MOGAI BHM- Belated Day 21!
happy BHM! today i’m going to be talking about some famous ‘black firsts’!
Black Firsts in Science-
In 1965, David Harold Blackwell became the first Black member of the National Academy of Sciences
Robert H. Lawrence was the first Black astronaut; Mae Jemison was the first Black female astronaut, and Guion Bluford was the first Black astronaut to actually travel in space
Thomas Jennings was the first Black patent holder in the U.S, and Judy Reed was the first Black woman patent holder in the U.S
Daniel Hale Williams performed the first successful heart surgery
James Smith was the first officially trained Black American doctor
Robert Freeman was the first Black American dentist
Black Firsts in Politics-
Macon Allen was the first Black American admitted to a law school, and Charlotte Ray was the first Black woman admitted to a law school.
William Henry Hastie was the first Black federal Judge, and Constance Motley was the first Black female federal Judge
Thurgood Marshall was the first Black SCOTUS Justice
Alexander Lucius Twilight was the first Black state-elected official
Pierre Landry was the first Black city mayor, and Carl Stokes was the first Black mayor of a major US city
Jonathan Wright was the first Black state supreme court justice
Hiram Revels was the first appointed Black US Senator, and Edward Brooke was the first elected Black US Senator
P.B.S Pinchback was the first appointed Black state governor
Crystal Fauset was the first Black female legislator in the US
Shirley Chisholm was the first Black female U.S representative
Carol Braun was the first Black female U.S Senator
Joseph Rainey was the first Black person to serve in the US House of Representatives
Joseph Jenkins Roberts was the first African-American president of any nation (Liberia)
Black Firsts in Education-
Theodore Wright was the first Black graduate of an Ivy League School
Lucy Stanton was the first Black woman to graduate college in America
Charles Reason was the first Black college professor
Daniel Payne was the first Black college president
Dr. David Peck was the first Black person to graduate from medical school
Alexander Lucius Twilight was the first Black person to receive a degree from an American college
Mary Patterson was the first Black American woman to earn a B.A
Fanny Coplin was the first Black woman to become principal of a school
Richard Greener was the first Black Harvard graduate
Black Firsts in the Arts-
Lucy Terry was the first Black American poet and Phillis Wheatley was the first published Black American poet
Gwendolyn Brooks was the first Black Pulitzer Prize winner
William Brown was the first Black American novelist, and Harriett Wilson was the first Black female American novelist
Toni Morrison was the first Black winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature
Francis Johnson was the first published Black American musical composer
Marian Anderson was the first Black member of the Metropolitan Opera
Harry Swan was the first Black American to found a record label, Black Swan Records
Count Basie was the first Black person to win a Grammy, and Ella Fitzgerald was the first Black woman to win a Grammy
William Lane was the first nationally famous Black dancer, and Arthur Mitchell was the first Black principal dancer in a major dance company
Oscar Micheaux was the first Black film director
Hattie McDaniel was the first Black person to win an Oscar, and Juanita Hall was the first Black person to win a Tony
William Still was the first Black American to both direct a major orchestra and have their composition performed by a major orchestra
Black Firsts in Sports-
Oliver Lewis was the first Black jockey to Win Kentucky Derby
Moses Walker was the first Black professional baseball player
John Shippen Jr. was the first Black professional Golfer
Marshall “Major” Taylor was the first Black world cycling champion
George Poage was the first Black Olympic medalist at the Summer games, and John Taylor was the first Black Olympic gold medalist at the Summer games
Jackie Robinson was the first 20th century Black MLB player
Rajo Jack de Soto was the first Black professional race car driver
Willie Thrower was the first Black NFL quarterback
Willie O’Ree was the first Black NHL player
Alice Coachman was the first Black woman to win an individual gold medal at the summer olympic games
tagging @metalheadsforblacklivesmatter @bfpnola @intersexfairy 
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reeselovesfoblog · 1 year
Introduction ✨
Hi! My name is Reese and as you can tell I’m a self shipper lol. I love these guys and they love me :3
PRIMARY F/O’S! DO NOT INTERACT IF WE SHARE THEM! (Purple means they’re REALLY special to me ;-;):
Riff Raff (Rocky Horror Show) (Tag: 🔫I’m your new commander, you now are my prisoner)
Magenta (Rocky Horror Show) (Tag: ☠️ When shall we return to Transylvania?!)
(Let me clarify. DO NOT INTERACT IF YOU ARE A RIFFGENTA SHIPPER! I ship my s/i with them both but they are NOT dating each other in my head! THEY’RE BROTHER AND SISTER FFS!)
Penny Pocket (Balamory) (Tag: ➕ Count on me, one two three!)
Rudi (Me Too!) (Tag: 🥔 The market is a wonderful place!)
Louie (Me Too!) (Tag: 🎺 I wouldn’t have a cup of coffee on this buffet car for all the tea in china)
Mickey Altieri (Scream 2) (Tag: 🔪It's a perfect example of life imitating art imitating life)
Honey Lemon (Big Hero 6) (Tag: ⚗️ WOO! Now THAT'S a chemical reaction!)
Cosmo McKinley (Shock Treatment) (Tag: 🧠 With neurosis in perfusion)
Nation McKinley (Shock Treatment) (Tag: 💉 And psychosis in your soul)
Rick (The Young Ones) (Tag: 🛼 What have you done, turned it into a roller disco?)
Rest Home Ricky (Shock Treatment) (Tag: 📷 Young male intern, tall and handsome)
Raymond (Me Too!) (Tag: 🚝 I’ll do a trick and make the journey quick)
Tina (Me Too!) (Tag: 🚕 People wave me down in my pretty pink taxi)
Mickey John (Me Too!) (Tag: 📚 School Day Work Away)
Bobby (Me Too!) (Tag: 🚎 Ready to dazzle the day away!)
Pamela Voorhees (Friday the 13th) (mom)
Miss Honey (Matilda) (mom)
Miss Hoolie (Balamory) (mom)
Edie McCredie (Balamory) (aunt)
Gale Weathers/Riley (Scream) (Aunt)
Jason Voorhees (Friday the 13th) (Brother)
Amanda Young (Saw) (Sister)
Columbia (Rocky Horror Show) (Sister)
Nurse Ansalong (Shock Treatment) (Sister)
Musa (Winx Club) (Sister)
Casey Becker (Scream) (Sister)
Noel Gruber (Ride The Cyclone) (Cousin)
Constance Blackwood (Ride The Cyclone) (Cousin)
Neil (The Young Ones) (Brother)
Matilda (Matilda. All versions) (Sister)
Mo (Horrible Histories 2011) (Daughter)
Stitch (Horrible Histories 2001) (Son)
Whyatt/Super Why (Super Why) (Son)
Pig/Alpha Pig (Super Why) (Son)
Red Riding Hood/Wonder Red (Super Why) (Daughter)
Princess Pea/Princess Presto (Super Why) (Daughter)
Lisa (Me Too!) (Stepdaughter)
Jack (Me Too!) (Stepson)
Rebecca (Me Too!) (Stepdaughter)
Kai (Me Too!) (“Nephew”) (or whatever you call your QPPs kid)
Tecna (Winx Club)
Helia (Winx Club)
Flora (Winx Club)
Hiro Hamarda (Big Hero 6)
Gogo (Big Hero 6)
Wasabi (Big Hero 6)
Fred (Big Hero 6)
Baymax (Big Hero 6)
Tatum Riley (Scream)
Sidney Prescott (Scream)
Randy Meeks (Scream)
Derek Feldman (Scream)
Jill Roberts (Scream)
Kirby (Scream)
Michael Myers (Halloween)
Eddie (Rocky Horror Show)
Rocky (Rocky Horror Show)
Brad Majors (Rocky Horror Show/Shock Treatmenr)
Janet Weiss/Majors (Rocky Horror Show/Shock Treatment)
Frank N Furter (Rocky Horror Show)
Neely Pritt (Shock Treatment)
Betty Hapschatt (Shock Treatment)
Judge Oliver Wright (Shock Treatment)
Ocean O’Connell Rosenberg (Ride The Cyclone)
Mischa Bachinski (Ride The Cyclone)
Ricky Potts (Ride The Cyclone)
Jane Doe/Penny Lamb (Ride The Cyclone/Legoland)
Luigi (Mario)
Daisy (Mario)
Vyvenne (The Young Ones)
Mike Thecoolperson (The Young Ones)
Granny Murray (Me Too!)
Dr Juno (Me Too!)
Chuck (Me Too!)
Nurse Hendry (Me Too!)
Suzie Sweet (Balamory)
Archie (Balamory)
Spencer (Balamory)
Josie Jump (Balamory)
(More to be added if I can remember more :3)
1. No proshippers -_-
2. No bigotry
3. No being fucking weird
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toasty-owoasty · 1 year
hi! i'm coming for your ace attorney/homestuck aus. you cannot hide in the tags. talk about them >:3
(only if you want ofc, no pressure, just a lot of interest)
lmao well if you insist~
(also shout out to my good buddy @jayljester / @jaylillustrates for being the main person I bounced ideas off of for this back in like.. 2020/2021 you should check them out their art is phenomenal)
so as I said before, there's actually three days. in order from least to most developed they are:
-turnabout alternia
-ace legislacerators
attorneystuck is your classic "what if x characters played sburb" story. have not thought much of it past that
turnabout alternia is a theoretical case wherein normal phoenix wright (and probably some other characters idk) get translated to alternia and have to defend one of the trolls (probably karkat) in a trial. I have no other details on this but terezi is probably either the prosecutor or the weird girl. think turnabout storm but instead of horses it's Homestuck.
ace legislacerators is the most developed & my favorite of the three. the idea behind it is sort of a rewrite of the ace attorney story line but on alternia? specifically an au alternia where humans and trolls live together. the impacts of this in society include reforms such as murder being actually illegal and frowned upon due to human influences, adults staying on alternia, trolls having actual family units, jobs such as legislacerator not actually being limited to one caste, etc etc. these changes are not pretty recent, probably being first implemented around/shortly before the tgaa era.
I feel I should also mention that by no means is the caste system gone. lower castes are still widely treated like garbage, and higher castes are still treated very well
for fun, here's a list of castes for the characters as I remember them bc again I have barely thought about this au in years :p (under the read more bc this post is already long)
Phoenix: indigo blood/human hybrid, explains why he's hardy enough to be able to withstand all the stuff he does
Edgeworth: Violet blood, he fishie :)
Larry: token human. just a normal guy.
Gumshoe: olive blood. I mean his jacket is already the perfect color
Von Karma: the von karma's are all teal bloods! they also hold the idea that as teals they are "natural hatched legislacerators" (aka Manfred is hemophobic despite not even being in that high of a caste)
Godot: as Diego Armando, he was a rust blood. but when he was poisoned they ended up filling him with teal blood! so diego=burgundy, godot=teal
Apollo: Apollo is a rust! he has normal horns AND hair horns so some people think he's a gold and get scared of his supposed psionics.
Gavin: If I recall correctly, the Gavins are both purple bloods. clown Gavins teehee. (klavier is probably more into the messiahs than kristoph, but I think both of them are very low-key about it)
Trucy: I don't actually remember trucy's caste but I *think* she was a burgundy? would make sense given. events. as well as her outfit as a kid being red.
Athena: She's an actual gold with psionics :) I never drew her, but my design concept for her involved her having four eyes, one for each color of the mood matrix.
Blackquill: I don't actually remember having one for him. Uhhhhh.. Ummm. Cobalt? yeah sure cobalt. taka is his "lusus" (even though lusii aren't actually parental figures anymore in this universe, they're more like pets but still have parental instincts)
Judge: purple blood. clown judge lol.
so they're a special case. all people capable of spirit channeling or descendants of spirit channelers are a secret 13th caste... lavenders! in terms of hierarchy, lavenders would fall between violet and fuchsia (yes they are sea dwellers), but are generally unknown due to being mutants and also being a very very small caste. only some lavenders can channel spirits, just like how only some cobalts can mind control, only some burgundies have telekinesis, & only some golds have psionics. so yeah. all the feys are fish ladies :) (to explain why dahlia was able to cut ties from the feys, she simply just faked being a violet, shrimple as that)
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spoilertv · 2 months
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itsrattysworld · 5 months
Without Prejudice Mervelee Myers Put On Record Those Involved With Last 10 Years Discrimination Write To LEYF HR Dilys Epton Am Depressed Dying Slowly Of Torture Think HMCTS CPS CJS Get Away Label Me Criminal Need ERT Holly Sweeney Led Nikki Wright CO To Get Rid Of Me Under Cover LEYF Margaret Lecture Housing For Women Committed Hate Crimes Samantha Gibbs Trina Philbert Black Women Coerced To Target Me After They Joined 2022 Invited Me To ASB Visited Home With Candy Smith Southwark Adult Social Care Arrange Mediation Multiple Disabilities Make Me First Class At Managing OCD Chronic Anxieties I Was Not Sectioned Under Mental Health Act Registered Deaf I Adopt Open Book Lifestyle To Help Others My Husband Is Traumatised Check The Records Who Advocated Esther Oliver TESS 18 Alma Grove 22/1
Without Prejudice Mervelee Myers Name HMCTS CPS CJS Corruption Cover Miscarriages Of Justice Target Disabled Women Judge Freer Justice Simler Brian Doyle Paul Kernaghan Adam Jones HHJ Dight Shanks Parfitt District Judge Sterlini Rand Zimmel Bell Party To Strike Claims Telephone Mediation Judgement Ryan Clement Pay Me Husband Money Sent To CLCC Samantha Jones Womble Bond Dickinson Colluded To…
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haedbangers-1 · 1 year
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   #𝐇̲𝐀̲𝐄̲𝐃̲𝐁̲𝐀̲𝐍̲𝐆̲𝐄̲𝐑̲𝐒̲﹔ a private ⅋ highly selective multi muse featuring original fandomless musician based characters. minors and personal blogs do not interact. established in 2019. sideblog to @daevilhorns. worshiped by 𝒶𝓁𝓎𝓈𝓈𝒶. ⁽  ˢʰᵉ  /  ʰᵉʳ ,   ²⁵  ⁾
✟      𝚝𝚑𝚎   𝚎𝚡𝚙𝚕𝚘𝚛𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗   𝚘𝚏  :      satanic  panic ,   toxicity  in  the  metal  scene ,   don’t  judge  a  book  by  its  cover ,   satan  in  the  suburbs ,   ⅋   navigating  fame.
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₍ ₁ ₎   lily   wittchen.   she / her. makeup   artist   for   bands   +   low   budget   films.   american. goth   manic   pixie   dream   girl.
₍ ₂ ₎   jason   diaz.   he / him. drummer   for   blackened   death   metal   band   necromutilation.   american. chaotic   stupid.
₍ ₃ ₎   travis   maddox.   he / him. asshole   vocalist   for   deathcore   band   plague   worship.   american. is   he   really   an   asshole   though ?
₍ ₄ ₎   oliver   wright.   he / him. former   rhythm   guitarist   for   burn   it   black ,   current   lead   guitarist   for   thy   throne.   english.   recovering   addict.
₍ ₅ ₎   farrah   weber.   she / her. vocalist   for   doom   metal   /   occult   rock   band   bewitched.   american. witchy   haunting   70s   enthusiast.
₍ ₆ ₎   cory   rhodes.   he / him. host   of   MTV’s   metal   mania.   american. occasional   guitarist.   80s  /  90s   based.
₍ ₇ ₎   angel   knox.   she / her. part   time   video   vixen ,   part   time   dancer   at   seventh   veil.   that   chick   from   that   motley   crue   video.   american. 80s  /  90s   based.
₍ ₈ ₎   eli   mills.   he / him. vocalist   for   rites.   canadian.   he’s   baby   until   he   has   a   microphone   in   his   hand.   80s  /  90s   based.
₍ ₉ ₎   gunnar   purdy.   he / him. vocalist   for   black   metal   band   heretik.   american. metal   god   and   he   knows   it.   maybe   a   little   too   into   the   occult.   80s  /  90s   based.
0 notes
18 notes · View notes
This day in history
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#15yrsago Difference between feeling secure and being secure https://www.wired.com/2008/04/securitymatters-0403/
#15yrsago Microsoft busted by Indian government for avoiding royalty tax by saying that it sells — not licenses — its software https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/tech/software/microsoft-told-to-pay-tax-on-licence-fee-for-software/articleshow/2921289.cms
#15yrsago How an ISP music-license should work https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2008/03/monetizing-file-sharing-collective-licensing-good-isp-tax-bad
#15yrsago Fuji makes you sign bizarre EULA to buy a camera https://memex.craphound.com/2008/04/02/fuji-makes-you-sign-bizarre-eula-to-buy-a-camera/
#15yrsago Bush administration: Fourth Amendment doesn’t apply to domestic military operations https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2008/04/administration-asserts-no-fourth-amendment-domestic-military-operations
#15yrsago Short story reads like the first page of Snow Crash, recombined and awesome — Leonard Richardson’s “Mallory” https://futurismic.com/2008/04/01/mallory-by-leonard-richardson/
#10yrsago Notorious porno copyright trolls Prenda Law have a very bad day in court https://www.popehat.com/2013/04/02/prenda-laws-attorneys-take-the-fifth-rather-than-answer-judge-wrights-questions/
#10yrsago Free US court records service RECAP gets two major features, in Aaron Swartz’s memory https://web.archive.org/web/20130403140545/https://www.recapthelaw.org/2013/04/02/two-recap-grants-awarded-in-memory-of-aaron-swartz/
#5yrsago A hive of scum and villainy: meet the right-wing “Democrats” the DCCC is planning to win 2018 with https://jacobin.com/2018/04/democratic-party-red-to-blue-list-candidates/
#5yrsago Even insured Americans flock to Mexico for low-cost, high-quality health-care https://www.cracked.com/personal-experiences-2563-millions-americans-go-to-mexico-when-they-need-healthcare.html
#5yrsago John Oliver on America’s immigration courts, where families are torn apart and young children represent themselves https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9fB0GBwJ2QA
#5yrsago Here are the moats and walls Facebook has been building for years to defend against #DeleteFacebook https://www.vice.com/en/article/vbx7zm/facebook-has-been-preparing-for-deletefacebook-for-more-than-a-decade
#5yrsago Governing a decentralized internet without votes https://medium.com/@nayafia/the-problem-with-voting-8cff39f771e8
#5yrsago On the junk science and excellent PR of Cambridge Analytica https://memex.craphound.com/2018/04/02/on-the-junk-science-and-excellent-pr-of-cambridge-analytica/
#5yrsago West Virginia is contagious: mass teacher walkouts in Kentucky and Oklahoma https://www.cnn.com/us/live-news/teachers-walkout-oklahoma-kentucky/index.html
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haedbangers-archive · 2 years
  ⁽      ᵈᵒ   ʸᵒᵘ   ʰᵃᵛᵉ   ᵃ   ᵐᵒᵐᵉⁿᵗ   ᵗᵒ   ᵗᵃˡᵏ   ᵃᵇᵒᵘᵗ   ᵒᵘʳ   ˡᵒʳᵈ   ⅋   ˢᵃᵛⁱᵒʳ   ᵏⁱⁿᵍ   ᵈⁱᵃᵐᵒⁿᵈ ?      ⁾
⛧       #𝐇𝐀𝐄𝐃𝐁𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐑𝐒.          an   independent ,   private   ⅋   highly   selective   MULTI  -  MUSE   featuring   original   fandomless   musician   based   characters.       𝚝𝚑𝚎   𝚎𝚡𝚙𝚕𝚘𝚛𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗   𝚘𝚏  :      satanic   panic ,   toxicity   in   the   metal   scene ,   don’t   judge   a   book   by   its   cover ,   satan   in   the   suburbs ,   ⅋   navigating   fame.        worshiped   by   alyssa    ⁽  ˢʰᵉ  /  ʰᵉʳ ,   ²⁴  ⁾      sideblog   to   @daevilhorns.
₍ ₁ ₎   lily   wittchen.   makeup   artist   for   bands   +   low   budget   films.   small   tiddy   goth   manic   pixie   dream   girl.
₍ ₂ ₎   jason   diaz.   drummer   for   blackened   death   metal   band   necromutilation.   chaotic   stupid.
₍ ₃ ₎   travis   maddox.   asshole   vocalist   for   deathcore   band   plague   worship.   is   he   really   an   asshole   though ?
₍ ₄ ₎   oliver   wright.   former   rhythm   guitarist   for   burn   it   black ,   current   lead   guitarist   for   thy   throne.   english.   recovering   addict.
₍ ₅ ₎   farrah   weber.   vocalist   for   doom   metal   /   occult   rock   band   bewitched.   witchy   haunting   70s   enthusiast.
₍ ₆ ₎   cory   rhodes.   host   of   MTV’s   metal   mania.   occasional   session   guitarist.   80s  /  90s   based.
₍ ₇ ₎   angel   knox.   part   time   video   vixen ,   part   time   dancer   at   seventh   veil.   that   chick   from   that   motley   crue   video.   80s  /  90s   based.
₍ ₈ ₎   eli   mills.   vocalist   for   rites.   canadian.   he’s   baby   until   he   has   a   microphone   in   his   hand.   80s  /  90s   based.
₍ ₉ ₎   gunnar   purdy.   vocalist   for   black   metal   band   heretik.   metal   god   and   he   knows   it.   maybe   a   little   too   into   the   occult.   80s  /  90s   based.
0 notes
bitcofun · 2 years
Source: Adobe/koldunova _ anna Get your everyday, bite-sized absorb of cryptoasset and blockchain-related news-- examining the stories flying under the radar these days's crypto news. __________ Regulation news Thailand's Securities and Exchange Commission(SEC) has actually prohibited crypto business from providing staking and providing services. According to a news release, the choice to prohibit "depository services", that includes paying go back to depositors, was made to safeguard traders from the dangers connected with crypto loan providers. SBI Digital Markets, a subsidiary of the digital possession arm of Japan's monetary services giant SBI Holdings, has actually been given a Capital Markets Services (CMS) license to provide securities and futures trading services in Singapore, per a statement. It prepares to release an institutional-grade digital possession securities platform that would permit standard monetary service operators to "record development chances" driven by the cryptoasset market. Legal news The Beijing Number One Intermediate People's Court ruled that financiers can trade cryptoassets, regardless of China's restriction on digital property services, however that they must be dealt with as virtual possessions and not function as a currency. The judgment was made in a case including a crypto loan in litecoin (LTC) with a guarantee of paying interest in digital currencies. A United States personal bankruptcy judge authorized an order to designate a neutral 3rd party to take a look at the financial resources of struggling crypto lending institution Celsius( CEL), Bloomberg reported The inspector will, to name a few things, check out how Celsius shops its crypto and whether numerous account types are combined, court documents program. The inspector has actually not yet been picked. The United States Securities and Exchange Commission(SEC) has actually taken legal action against a Chicago-based crypto merchant for an unregistered securities offering. They charged Chicago Crypto Capital LLC, its owner, Brian Amoah, and previous salespersons Darcas Oliver Young and Elbert 'Al' Elliott for apparently defrauding financiers throughout their unregistered offering of crypto property securities, stated the file. The SEC looks for injunctive relief, disgorgement with pre-judgment interest, and civil charges. The United States Treasury's Office of Foreign Assets Control ( OFAC) today released sanctions versus 10 individuals and 2 business associated with a ransomware group connected to Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC)-- and obstructed their Bitcoin ( BTC) wallet addresses. Per an indictment, these people have actually been implicated of conspiracy to dedicate scams and associated activity in connection with computer systems, deliberate damage to a secured computer system, and requesting for financial payment in BTC. Controversial Australian computer system researcher Craig Wright informed a Norwegian court on Wednesday that he "stomped on the hard disk drive" which contained the "essential pieces" needed to give him access to Satoshi Nakamoto's personal secrets, making it "extremely hard" to cryptographically show he is the developer of Bitcoin, CoinDesk reported Exchange news Coinbase has actually partnered with fintech company Broadridge Financial Solutions(BR) to enhance buy-side liquidity for traders, according to a news release. The collaboration will allow interoperability in between Coinbase Prime and Broadridge Trading and Connectivity Solutions' NYFIX order-routing network. Coinbase users will have the ability to see which United States political leaders are "crypto-friendly" with a brand-new in-app tool, CEO Brian Armstrong revealed on Twitter. "Over time, we wish to assist pro-crypto prospects get contributions from the crypto neighborhood (in crypto). We'll likewise broaden to get more geographical protection in international elections, and include information
on different prospects running for workplace (not simply present chosen authorities)," he stated. FTX Europe today revealed that it has actually gotten approval from the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission(CySEC), to run as a Cyprus financial investment company (CIF) permitting the business to totally own the regional financial investment company it formerly got. Payments news" Bitcoin-as-a-payment-network" facilities business OpenNode means to evaluate a bitcoin payment processing and payments option by means of the Central Bank of Bahrain Regulatory Sandbox. Per journalism release, OpenNode is presently active in more than 160 nations all over the world, and it means to offer the facilities to assist Bahrain grow its economy. Gaming news SKYPLAY Inc. revealed the beta release of its blockchain platform, SKYPlay and eP2E (simple Play to Earn) video game, CoinGrid SKYPLAY Inc. noted its cryptocurrency, SKP (SKYPlay Token) on MEXC and ProBit Global, with journalism release including that the business will constantly establish and release a series of eP2E video games based upon the Ethereum (ETH) layer 2 blockchain, the Polygon (MATIC) network, while it likewise has strategies to launch 2 more video games within this year in addition to CoinGrid, which was introduced together with the SKYPlay platform. Mining news China-based crypto mining-pool companies Poolin, which stopped all withdrawals from its PoolinWallet on the back of liquidity issues, will be releasing IOU tokens representing that worth, they stated in a statement. They will launch IOU tokens versus users' preliminary holdings at a 1:1 ratio. With the choice of endless withdrawal, the swimming pool included, the users "might withdraw their IOU-tokens at any time [and the] withdrawal demand will be authorized rapidly and instantly." MicroStrategy executive chairman Michael Saylor fired back at what he called "false information and propaganda" about the ecological effects of proof-of-work ( PoW) Bitcoin mining. To name a few things, Saylor claims it is the "cleanest commercial usage of electrical power and is enhancing its energy effectiveness at the fastest rate throughout any significant market." He included that Bitcoin is "far less energy extensive than Google, Netflix, or Facebook, and 1-2 orders of magnitude less energy extensive than standard 20 th century markets like airline companies, logistics, retail, hospitality, and farming." Cryptocurrency mining business RRMine Global has actually transferred its head office to Singapore from China, where it stopped sales and marketing a year ago in the middle of Beijing's powerful crackdown on cryptocurrency-related activities, the South China Morning Post reported The business, which supplies Filecoin mining and storage services, stated the choice originated from "tightened up limitations on cryptocurrency use in the mainland", in addition to "the reality that China's Web3 method is entering a various instructions". NFT news Likvidi, a regenerative financing (ReFi) business, has actually revealed the launch of its Origins Collection. Holders of Origins non-fungible tokens ( NFTs) can make tokenized carbon credits which they can utilize to offset their carbon footprint. The NFTs will be offered on Carbonstore, Likvidi's brand-new retail ReFi platform, they stated in a news release shown Cryptonews.com Investment news The Solana Foundation, Everstake, and the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine are holding a panel conversation on Ukraine's crypto fundraising at a conference at the Harvard Club of New York City, USA, on September17 Per the statement shown Cryptonews.com, the panel conversation "Crypto Aid for Ukraine: Using Blockchain to Raise USD 60 M to Protect Ukraine" is committed to raising awareness of Aid For Ukraine By now, almost USD 55 M of the raised funds has actually currently been invested in emergency treatment sets, UAVs, anti-war media projects, and other procurements.
Crypto-native innovation start-up Portofino Technologies has actually raised over USD 50 million in equity financing from Valar Ventures, Global Founders Capital, and Coatue Portofino is constructing high-frequency trading (HFT) grade innovation for digital properties, stated the statement. Career news Chiliz, the owner of blockchain-based sports fan rewards platform Socios.com, designated Julian La Picque as Chief Financial Officer (CFO). La Picque signs up with from blockchain platform Covantis, where he likewise acted as CFO. The Web3 innovation business is getting ready for the Q4 launch of Chiliz Chain 2.0 (CC2)-- the brand-new layer 1 blockchain for the sports and show business, stated the statement. Read More
0 notes
stuffwithart · 2 years
Updated new List
Hi I would like to note I do not own any of these characters and note that some of these creators are may or maybe not into Creepypasta anymore but please do not bother the creators
Slenderman- Rightful Owner
Splendorman- Neil Cicierega
Trenderman - Rightful Owner
Offenderman - Arcanineryu
Lord Zalgo - Rightful Owner
Ticci Toby - Kastoway
Tim Wright - Marble Hornets
Brian Thomas - Marble Hornets
HABIT - EveryManHybrid
The Observer - TribeTwelve
The Chaser - Slender The Arrival
Charlie Matheson Jr - Slender The Arrival
Xvirus - Rightful Owner
Wilson The Basher - LazyCatLady
Rouge The Proxy - LazyCatLady
Nemesis - darkangel6021
Hoaxton - Dav-Ink
Weeping Forest - Rightful Owner
Nightmare Ally - InvaderIka
Jeff The Killer - Sesseur
Homicide Liu - Sesseur
Jane The Killer - TheLadyBlackWolf
Nina The Killer 2021 Version - Alegotic-Twevel
Eyeless Jack - Rightful Owner
Vailly Evans - Natsuki100
Clockwork - Leafcrowns
Zero - ZombiePunkRat
Judge Angels - Yaguyi
Bloody Painter - DeluCat
Nurse Ann - Yaguyi
Dr Smiley - Rightful Owner
Dr Pain - Alloween
Hobo Heart - ChrisOzFulton
Chris - 0ktavian
Erin The Killer - To me
Ron - To me
Chaotic Sam - eve of halloween
Reggie - Dethkira
Bleeding-Man - Chibi-Works
Shadow-Walker - Chibi-Works
Stripes - Chibi-Works
Good Doctor Locklear - Madame Macabre
Elska Ruth - Kerry-Sene
Cherry Pau - Natsuki100
Vengeful Spirits
The Puppeteer - BleedingHeartworks
Emra - Highwind-Valor
Suicide Sadie - pnckes
Kagekao - Jinbeizamezama
Wendell Wilson - ijustwannahavefunn
Daisy White - ijustwannahavefunn
Anna - ImaginemonsterVi
The Roadwalker - obsoletegoat
The Bartender - PaxArsenal
Akira Asahi - To me
Carnival Creeps
Laughing Jack - SnuffBomb
Isaac Grossman - SnuffBomb
Frankie - SnuffBomb
Laughing Jill - SabrinaNightmaren
Candy Cane - DanceOfAngels
Candy Pop - DanceOfAngels
April Fools - Promptus
Papa Grande Di Magico - MysticalSorcery
Jason The Toymaker - Krisantyl
The Doll-Maker - Chisai-Yokai
Nathan The Nobody - IvyDarkRose
Whispering D - eve of halloween
Blood Moon Dancer - eve of halloween
Knives Lollipop - To Me
Clown - To Me
The Item Stealer - GhostfaceNikol
Nightcrawler - GhostfaceNikol
The Skroll - GhostfaceNikol
Ericsson Ford - Natsuki100
Young Spirits
Lulu - Chibi-Works
Lazari - Chibi-Works
Sally Williams - La-Mishi-Mish
Lifeless Lucy - NightmareQueenKasei
Lily Kennett - NaughtyKittyDV-1992
Sam Williams - CamyWilliams9
Oliver Henderson - Cupcake889
Wendy Wilson - Ijustwannahavefunn
BEN - Alex Hall
Lost Silver - Rightful Owner
Glitchy Red & BRVR - Rightful Owner
Herobrine - Rightful Owner
Entity 303 - Rightful Owner
Channel 666 - Rightful Owner
Sonic Exe & Tails Doll - Rightful Owner
Mario Exe - Rightful Owner
Eleted - IceyPie
Mario Exe - Rightful Owner
Lord X - Rightful Owner
Mario 85 - Rightful Owner
Hypno - Rightful Owner
Candle Cove - Rightful Owner
Red - Rightful Owner
Suicide Mouse  - Rightful Owner
Suicidal Squidward - Rightful Owner
Happy Appy - Dronian
Shadowlurker - Rightful Owner
The Rake - Rightful Owner
BOB - Rightful Owner
Scarecrow - Madame Macabre
Mr Wide-Mouth - Rightful Owner
Pinkiemena - Rightful Owner
Smile Dog - Rightful Owner
Grinny Cat - Comickit
Seed Eater - Rightful Owner
Magic Users
Miss Pencilneck - ComicKit
Korbyn Jumping-Eagle - Madame Macabre
Who Lives in Our World
Mary Vaughn - TheLadyBlackWolf
Alex Kralie - Marble Hornets
Jay Merrick - Marble Hornets
Jessica Locke - Marble Hornets
Amy Walters - Marble Hornets
Alice - Madness Returns
59 notes · View notes
comedyinsydney · 2 years
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In 2008 we launched Australia’s first live Audience Digital Voting stand-up comedy competition called Comedy Court. For the first time the audience was able to give instant feedback for a comics performance. With Judges wigs , robes an oversized gavel and a cool DJ, it was loads of fun. Shortly after we launched Quick Some Comedy Quick and The $10 Dollar Comedy Club and were able to highlight some of the countries funniest people in their early stages of stand-up comedy. Here is just a few... Aaron Chen, Ray Badran, Rhys Nicholson, Joe Camino, Michelle Betts, Barry Hamilton, Frida Deguise, Andrew Barnett, Doug Suiter, Andrew Norelli (USA), Kyle Legacy, Ben Elwood, Marty Bright, Sam Kissajukian, Katie Burch, Joe Antar, Jacob Perry, David Truong, Billy Freeman, James “it’s only jokes” O’Connell, Joe White, Umit Bali, Sacha Marx, Matthew Wakefield, Oliver Phonmavanh, Harrison Greenbaun(Canada), Christina Van Look, Arnie Pie, Daniel Muggleton, Stephanie Broadridge, Jono Lee, Great Scott, Tshaka, Jenny Campbell, The Infamous Jordan Paris(AGT), David Poltorak, Jeanne Tian, Freddie McManus, Suran Jay, CJ Delling, Kabba,  Tim Govers, Tristan Haze, Harry Jun, Anthony Locascio, Andrew Wolfe, Patrick Golamco, Jack Wright,  Jamal Abdul, Gerard McGeown, Thao, Alex White, Tom Cashman, Brent Thorpe, Aaron Pratt, Michele Lim, Tom Orr,  Andrew Paskin, Alison Flanigan, TV’s Fat Pizza and Housos Crew, WAKA, Billy Darcy, Michael Connell, Sam “Mad Man” Menzies, Rob Andrews, Matty B, Paul Warnes, Daniel Grozdich (USA) and the man in Black Russell Jones, just to name a few (Wish I could list them all). In all, over 360+ comics have graced our stages to make thousands of people smile and laugh. We will forever be grateful to them and others for bringing the laughs. We have also been able to raise over $4000 for the Fred Hollows Foundation and Rural NSW Fire Dept. All Thanks to the best comics & audiences on the planet. Join us on Nov 3rd for our 15th Anniversary show, we will have a killer line up of funny people from the past and present plus lots of giveaways and prizes including Movie tixs,Free Dinner & drink Cards etc. Tixs https://www.stickytickets.com.au/bonkerzaustralia/events (at Agincourt Hotel) https://www.instagram.com/p/CiuKje7vGA9/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
0 notes
strangely-incorrect · 3 years
a list of things in shock treatment (1981) that i love:
janet's hats
the way lullaby is shot
the title song
nell's adorable southern drawl
all of pat's creepy smiles
sal piro's cameo
the way betty casually picks locks and hotwires the convertible and no one questions it
ricky just sort of being there
oliver being dramatic™
the shade of green the mckinley's and ansalong wear (idk i think it's pretty)
the lighting in looking for trade
betty flipping off her ex husband
"does this bird belong to you?"
dr nation mckinley and everything she does
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