#jrwi Blink
peachypunchh · 17 days
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this plus the snippets of art from floatingmegane on twitch... it's been a good day for wonderlust enjoyers
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red-naiver · 17 days
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I love Owlins so much hello lets go??
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mezzy-abducted · 15 days
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medlarmeadows · 16 days
blink is the most condi-coded character and you cannot change my mind
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vampire-connoisseur · 10 months
charlie slimecicle is wearing makeup! and he looks amazing!
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his eyelashes are HYPNOTIC and to be perfectly honest i think if he asked me to kill someone while batting those thangs then well. what can i say?
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@intertexts I AM going to take you up on this and it WILL be everyone else's problem . this is going to be so long and disjointed and stream of consciousness and not at all organized. my enrichment for work today
GOD where do i even fucking start. im literally thinking about him constantly dude. i hate it here. i love when a character is allowed to be a bad person and also still like. care. he cares so much. he cares so much it fucking HURTS but also he sucks !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and this is a good thing. i never want him to get better however i do want him to give his son a hug just once.
uhhhhhhhhhhh ok ok ok. lizard biology is a good place to start i love fucked up fantasy biology. keep in mind while i do like to talk about science and things i do also love to suspend my disbelief when it conveniences me. yes i know this would not work irl thats why i like it. anyway. hey why the fuck did they make him do that. i know overlords whole deal was fucking with dna but how insane is it that hes like. "oh you want to work for me? awesome. get experimented on idiot." awesome way to keep your employees from quitting: subject them to genetic torture. do you think he fought it. of course he fucking did hes mark winters he would not agree to that shit.
how disorienting do you think it was to wake up and suddenly have a whole extra sense. not just that but also a whole extra LIMB. what the fuck do you do. do u think it was sudden or gradual. i cant decide which is worse tbh. i guess this is a good excuse to talk about what exactly i think his lizard mutations look like.
he obviously has the scales. theyre on mostly the left half of his body, i think his right side is generally pretty untouched by any sort of mutation. the ones on his face are pretty much localized around his eye, (which i think looks like a tokay gecko btw. theyre yellow and have cool shaped pupils) but probably also extend down his cheek and maybe even down onto his neck a little. i think theyre probably scattered on his back and chest, hes got a bunch of distinct big patches rather than like a smooth transition from skin to scales. i think his left hand is completely covered with scales and his nails are more like claws on that side. he probably files them down a little (or like. just scratches them on concrete and metal and shit until theyre filed down. not healthy behavior). i like to imagine he has a tail too but its kind of short and stubby and not very. useful for anything except fucking up his balance and being generally Uncomfortable. OH also once every couple months the scales get SUPER uncomfortable and itchy and they shed. also when this happens he goes blind in the lizard eye and the first time that happened i think he was scared as FUCK that it was gonna be permanent
NOW IM GONNA START TALKING ABOUT. PIT ORGANS AND THIS MIGHT GET LONG AND TECHNICAL SO ILL TRY TO KEEP IT. SOMEWHAT SHORT. so. he can see william when hes invisible. and that has been CONFIRMED a lizard mutation thing and not just a result of one of his powers (which is still insane to me). and the ONLY WAY i can think of justifying that is by thermoreception or. heat sense. like infrared sensing. which is a thing that certain species of snakes can do!! specifically boas and vipers have these things called pit organs which are little holes usually around their nose with a membrane that is extremely sensitive to temperature changes and allows them to basically see in infrared. its not exactly SEEING and more like sensing which i think in a human would be so EXTREMELY disorienting. i havent figured out what exactly that would look like from a mark first person pov but the way i vaguely imagine it is if you overlayed an infrared camera over a normal camera and turned the opacity down to like 30% (<< clear enough that he can still see normally but still bright enough to be WEIRD). i think hes got sorta like what pythons have where they have multiple smaller pits rather than a single large one like a viper, and theyre right underneath the lizard eye so that when he has that eye covered with bandages it sort of dulls down the thermoreception. UGH.
ok enough about lizard powers i want to put you in the winters family torment nexus. actually ill talk about his powers a little bit first. so i am a little unclear as to what his powers actually ARE mechanically but based on the vague descriptions of things he can do i think it has to do with manipulating electricity and other types of energy (hence. wavelength.) i dont think its solely based on LIGHT but rather on likeeee. energy. i dont actually know a whole lot about electricity i havent taken a physics class since high school. ANYWAY. i think he was born with them and naturally theyre sort of weak and he cant do much with them which is why he uses the suits. (inserting my vague bit of worm knowledge i would put him under the Tinker class bc he makes a lot of his own tech hehe). his powers naturally without the suits manifest as like. a constant low buzzing in the background kind of like if youve ever. touched a crt monitor. sort of fuzzy and staticky. and maybe he can use them to like. run extra power through a wire or make a lightbulb glow a little brighter or power a battery. nothing really major useful for fighting but could be used in everyday activities! bizly mentioned once that he powers his suits like a battery and they amplify his powers and i have not let go of that ever since. do u ever think about how he has . holes in his back that his suits stab into. i think about that a lot. do you think he did that to himself. anyway.
NOW its winters family torment nexus time. before ashe's mom died. i think they were happy :( i dont think mark was always as shitty as he is now. i think he used to be just like. a normal dad. a little gruff and emotionally repressed because thats just. who he is. but very obviously loved his family and. idk. would take ashe fishing when he was little or something. weekend trip to the lake. he has a fucking cabin in the woods dude! i like to think heeee had a job as an electrician because it made his powers really convenient. (side note here i just really really like the worldbuilding of people casually having powers and using them to make their lives easier. i just really like that a lot and have a lot of thoughts about it.) I thiiiiiink ashe's mom worked in a library or a museum or something. something with a lot of books. maybe a museum. i think mark would take ashe with him in the mornings and drop him off at school before he went to work. i think ashe would put stickers on his dashboard when he got old enough to sit in the front seat (there are still. old faded stickers on the underside of his glove box and the old leftover residue of long term stickers dried out by the sun on the dash. the kind of shit that gets grey and kind of gross but is impossible to remove).
ashe's mom died when he was ... like 8 or 9. and i think for a really REALLY long time mark was just fucking terrified. i mean how the fuck do you recover from something like that. how do you look your kid in the eyes when you saw him do. that. i specifically wrote out part of this scene in my fic so at risk of sounding like a broken record i wont talk about it TOO much but. i think mark was at work when it happened. he got home from work and the house was way too quiet and then he found ashe still half-possessed in his room with a dead body. and his immediate first thought was that someone had broken in or something so his first instinct is to get ashe out of there but when he goes to pick him up from the floor he sees. trickster. or at least like. partial trickster. and he doesnt know what to do and theres that fucking book on the floor and his 8 yr old son is holding his mothers heart in his hands like its just a piece of meat and . whuh oh. hes just like. a regular guy. what the fuck is he supposed to do here! he considers just. running. leaving. getting back in his car and driving away and never coming back. and then he realizes thats fucking stupid and this is his child and he needs to do *something*
ashe is able to fight off full possession on his own (iiiiiii have a theory about ashes powers and what they are but i cant talk about that in detail until later) and i havent worked out the details of how i think the IMMEDIATE aftermath goes but. mark covers for him. gets rid of any sort of evidence that could POSSIBLY point to ashe being the one that killed her and sticks to the story that it was a freak villain attack instead. closed casket funeral. he tries to get rid of the book so many times and every time it reappears on ashe's bedside table the next morning. i think there was like. an IMMEDIATE rift between them. ashe is. old enough to understand what happened and since the possession was only partial i do think he remembers it. but hes not old enough to really understand why. why everything is so different now, how to process grief, why his dad is treating him so different now etc. probably goes. very nonverbal for a while. mark is a fucking wreck with grief and fear and anger and confusion and he stops going to work. they gave him a bit of a grace period due to the circumstances but eventually he got fired and couldnt get a new job and he thought about just taking ashe and moving out of that house out of that neighborhood maybe out of the city. but everything was too expensive and now he's got a 12 yr old who needs to eat and keeps growing out of his clothes and hasnt been to school in a year and a half and !!!!!!
so he starts. villain work. i dont think he really means to at first he might just. shut down a security camera here and there and make the lights flicker in a gas station and if there are a few extra snacks in his pockets whos to say. maybe he eventually tries to do hired gun work for some bigger villains and then moves to solo jobs and then gets picked up by overlord. (personally i think the overlord job was still somewhat new at the beginning of pd. maybe only like. a couple months to a year max)
ANYWAY he listens to vanessa carlton and thats just canon but i also think he likes shitty scifi movies and goes fishing for fun and finds being out in the woods relaxing (again. cabin) . and he does all the dad things in the car that we've talked about a bunch. and hes so so so paranoid and afraid all the time but he expresses that through anger but it comes from a place of love bc he loves ashe so much and doesnt want anything to hurt him ever and he just wants to keep him safe. head in hands. his methods are not good but also its all he knows how to do and i think he desperately just wants ashe to be happy and he wants to see him smile (even though it fucking hurts because he has his moms smile and her laugh and he looks so much like her when hes happy) and . take him on a weekend trip to the lake again. i think there was a moment halfway through season 1 where he saw how happy ashe was with pd and thought "maybe this is good maybe i can let him be a normal kid for a while" and then william dies and ashe gets shot and overlord has a hit on their heads and he doubles down because thats the kind of shit that happens if he lowers his guard for even a second!!!!!!!!!!! ughhhhhhhhh im insane.
um. also when he was just starting out villain work tide was still doing like active hero work and not a mentor yet and they were like rivals. smile. ("ive fought tide dozens of times and hes never spoken to me like that" << never going to forget this btw). i think tide was the one to tell him what happened at the end of season 1 . because. again. he was UNCONSCIOUS FOR THAT WHOLE THING. i think tide went to visit him in prison before he got depowered and told him everything.
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russetlemon · 1 month
hello, nice to meet you,
i'm getting deeply invested into jrwi ts+bitb but have no money curently
abnormal about a lot of bands (the happy fits, modern baseball, wwatt, los camp, am, mcr, b182, morningsiders)
asks or dms always welcome
#rbtatoes for reblogs
(this is a sideblog i am @themidwestemotion)
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epic gif from here
epic los camp banner by @reformedpeasant
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justa-moth · 1 year
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lunaeclipse06 · 9 months
I am so sorry
Songs I used are
"Smoke with the Devil" By Grizzly
"All The Small Things" By Blink-182
"No Time To Explain" By Good Kid
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chipsonthemenu · 1 year
wauugh. does anyone else listen to mal blum. they have a band called mal blum and the blums and that reminds me of jrwi. yknow. gillion and the tidestriders. its silly to me okay their music is so good
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tincanton · 4 months
so i have to use an elder to take the role of gills "mom" in my fic but as there is no official character in jrwi yet who was namedropped guess ill have to jus. make an original characteer ._. the ending might also be pretty different from the movie
workin out the process of turning songs with short montages into entire paragraphs of me describing shit (when will my life begin is kicking my fucking ass). Its going. also on a side note
so that means i am verily close to posting the first chapter :> quite close yes yes my sister will also be beta reading (and possibly something else 👀)
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lildoomkitty · 2 years
Dakota Cole with animal-like mannerisms lives rent free in my brain.
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internetxanarchy · 1 month
looking for moots !!!
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hi!! i’m anarchy • im 18, please dni w this post if u are <16 or >22 ♡
cosplay, drawing, creative writing (ask me about my book/ocs!), programming, crafting, zine making, jfashion, lost media!
big interests
fandom: JRWI, trolls, dunmeshi, neocities, spiderverse music: mainly alt/indie. the oh hellos, cavetown, men i trust, hozier, paramore!
other interests
fandom: pjsk, MEGPOID GUMI, adventure time, cardcaptor sakura, toh, chuckle sandwich, splatoon, sonic, norse myth music: kpop! (blinks, reveluvs, neverland, once, forever, moomoos PLS TALK TO ME) i don’t rlly like boy groups atm ;; feel free to change my mind!
i think thats enough yapping... if you like any of these things please interact, dm me, or send an ask!!! :3
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jrwi-art-archive · 9 months
(dividers by @cafekitsune )
Tws will be tagged as #tw trigger or #trigger
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The fated: #campaign: fated
Convergence: #campaign: convergence
Riptide and Black Rose Oneshot: #campaign: riptide
Prime Defenders and Age of Heroes Oneshot: #campaign: pd
Apotheosis: #campaign: apotheosis
Blood in the Bayou: #campaign: bitb
The Suckening: #campaign: suckening
Mythborne: #campaign: mythborne
Paradise Chronicles: #oneshot: paradise chronicles
Monster Control Service: #oneshot: monster control service
The final Episode: #oneshot: the final episode
Twitch Chat Oneshot: #oneshot: twitch chat
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Player Characters:
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The Fated:
#Br’aad Vengolor
#Sylnan Vengolor
#Alastyr Cross
#Flynn Gustwind
#Kroe Wyse
#Gillion Tidestrider
#Jay Ferin
#Doppelgillion (all Doppelgillion posts will be tagged as Gillion as well)
Black Rose:
#Drey Ferin
#Finn Tidestrider
#Arlin James
Prime Defenders:
#Dakota Cole
#William Wisp
#Vyncent Sol
Age of Heroes:
#Ms. G
#Harlem Shade
#Jason King
#Peter Sqloint
Rumi/any of their other forms: #Rumi
Blood in the Bayou:
#Rolan Deep
#Timothy Rand
#Kian Stone
The Suckening:
#Emizel Tucker
#Shilo Bathory
#Arthur Bennett
#Aster Aeliana
#Ryan Selucreh
#Connor Connors
Paradise Chronicles:
#Captain Justice
#Mike Shore
Monster Control Service:
The Final Episode:
#Aren Auguste
#Jebediah Lightbringer
#Cherry Blossom
Twitch Chat Oneshot:
#Ikarus Gay Phoenix
#Gravel Igbe Flint
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Guest Characters:
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#Duke D. Dukem
#La Alma
#Ashe Winters
The Fated:
Redd Boye
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The Fated:
#Miriam Vengolor
#Alwyn Vengolor
#Lizzie Lafayette
#Ollie Teach
#Niklaus Hendrix
#Pretzel the Frogtopus
#Jayson Ferin
#Ava Ferin
#May Ferin
#Edyn Tidestrider
#Aster (goddess)
#Old man earl
#Marshall John
#Captain Widow
#Reuben Price
#Jasmine Drake
#Lucy the goat
Prime Defenders:
#Le Frog
#Mark Winters
#Summer Dileo
#Tide Lambert
#Mark Winters
#Alastyr Cross
#Anna Sol
#Mr. Wisp
#Janet Wisp
#Alaska Damascus
#Grandma Cole
#Mato Cole
#Alexander Hamilton
#Unnamed Hero
#Diana Shane
#David Bell
#Mallard Conway
#Clarence Albert
#Lizard the lizard
#Yuri Dawnguard
#Becky Jones
#Rachel Rand
#Officer Dudes
#Rat Sanders
#Sarah Thompson
The Suckening:
#Theo Collins //(soda)
#Void the cat
#Pepper the cat
#Pickles the pheasant
#Uncle Lazarus
#Deacan Keller
#Queen Bathory (stand-in tag)
#Edward Twilight
#Viv Weylin
#Vex Weylin
#Mary Davis
#uncle threestrings
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(all ship-art will be tagged with #jrwi shipping!)
(i will tag ships if op also tagged a ship)
Gillion x Chip: #Fish and Chips
Gillion x Jay: #Navyseal
Jay x Chip: #Mockingjay
Caspian x Gillion: #Swordfish
Ava x Lizzie: #Waning Crescent
Jay x Lizzie: #Pistolwhip
Jay x Anastasia: #Bloodshot
Jay x Edyn: #Sheshells
Jay x Chip x Gillion: #Poly Pirates
Chip x Niklaus: #Fools Gold
Chip x Queen: #Chiptune
Niklaus x Caspian: #Wishingpool
Chip x Jazz: #Scarlet Captains
Caspian x Lizzie: #Rosewater
Goobleck x Felipe: #Gummyfrog
Dakota x William: #Ghostkicks
Rumi x Peter: #Angelstone
Rand x Rolan: #Keeperschampion
Rand x Rolan x Kian: #Nbr
Becky x Kian: #heartstrings
The Suckening:
Emizel x Soda: #fizzfangs
Shilo x Grefgore: #armored pheasant
William x Chip: #Flying Dutchman
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Types of media
digital art: #digital
traditional art: #traditional
#video (animations, animatics etc. I don’t really want to judge what counts as animation/animatic so I will tag everything with #video, including gifs)
#stimboard (I know that stimboards aren’t usually considered art, but i like them so I’m gonna include them on this blog. for consistency’s sake i’ll tag stimboard makers artist:*insert name*)
#crossover (includes crossovers between campaigns and between jrwi and other media)
#official art
#jrwi au
#jrwi freak week
#tma (the magnus archives)
#spiderverse (will also be tagged as marvel)
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i refuse to give context. fic snippets
…love wins <3
fancy inventor guy’s boyfriend’s boyfriend:
absolutely not
…Hm. Actually, “responsible” is an overstatement. More like “is trusted around children and could probably keep them from setting anything on fire.”)
You guys (the readers):
Haha wow [Author] you sure do love abrupt mood changes across chapters!
yea sorry dudes idk what’s even happening anymore coherent plot is dead and never existed. fuck you *fluffs your chapter*
This chapter was written while “All my fellas (Saxophone cover)” played on yt can you tell or.
No one:
The singular JRWI reference I gently placed into Skizz’s internal dialogue: I GUESS WE’LL JUST HAVE TO ROLL WITH IT!!!!!!!111!1!1!!!11!1
Skizz blinks. “How did you capitalize that?”
“You didn’t answer my question, Skizz.”
Halloween! In which Impulse cannot, as a matter of fact, create rock candy. He wishes he could, though. That’d be nice.
eating all of your snippets
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twiyke · 3 months
btw if any mutuals have like smaller jrwi servers that i could potentially infiltrate blinking batting my eyes at youu. heyyyy
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